Showing posts with label Planned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mocking God Or A Direct Message +16: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2025:

Mocking God in any aspect of your life will create, grow and evolve your own curses in which the generations which come after you will have to endure.
Individual repentance of each person is still required to be eternally and spiritually saved. Regardless of how many generations of curses are on one person all the way back to Adam. There is always hope.
In the world which already hates God. Mocking God may gain you many worldly blessing for as long as you remain alive. Then is when you shall pay the price.
When the leaders of the world mock God it shall be those whom they lead who will suffer and die as which has been historically indicated in the Holy Bible.
That awful thing which has happened and continues to happen is because of a terrorist plan which is many years old. The signal to the most devout followers to act happened on a TV show which mocked God through a skit. 
Once the planned and implemented atrocity has run its course. Nero's finger of blame will be pointed to the actual enemies of the world systems.
Already it's known and already the promised future owners of the atrocity have sent their agents to make deals. This is only one atrocity of many which is solely based on profit motives, control and authority. 
The wicked evildoers of the world systems has it already burned into their minds that there are too many lesser common peoples who take what rightfully belongs to the superior people. So creating atrocities to kill the lesser peoples is rightful and necessary.
When the human state of a modern era has reached a high level. Massive atrocities must be created in order to further consolidate property ownership among the few. While creating more powerful centralized government controls and authority.
Once a government own everything, has full control and total authority is when the population can be forcibly culled thus making any future rebellion impossible. 
A secret global body rules over all of the nations under their non identified god. There shall be a beginning of the destructive and deadly miracles in every aspect of daily human living that no lesser person could ever explain or event understand. 
Initial accusations that the atrocities were because of poor management, incompetence or corruption will be deemed as woefully wrong.
It would be better to live life in the aftermath of an atrocity believing the ongoing hardships were from mismanagement and incompetence other than corruption and an act of treason.
The civilian cost of the civilian population being asleep and turning a blind apathetic eye will have a very high price for what must come. In which that price tag could exceed 30% of all living souls and the permanent breakup of the nation. 
You sleeping, blind, deaf and dumb people who cannot believe that all that was is already mostly gone. Ye, who refuse to see the evidence shall still suffer and die in your delusional arrogant ignorance.
You delusional people who refuse to believe anything more than your own feel good truth. You shall suffer and die in your self deceived lies.
You who still continually are obedient to your national leaders despite the mounting evidence that you're already sacrificial lambs awaiting slaughter. Remain calm and continue to do nothing. 
Chat GPT4o froze up on me while questioning the date 20 Jan.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Prophetic Versus Planned +16: (Unedited): 02 Aug 2024:

There is a difference between that which is prophetic and that which is planned. If you do not know the plan. Then information from the past can be believed to be prophetic.
Just as any person can dream a dream of something hoped for and then dedicate all of their time, energy and effort to bring that dream into reality. Was the dream prophetic or just planned for? I tell you it was planned for. 
Everyone has dreams and hopes. It is only the few who makes those dreams with never ending continuous efforts. While driving through every challenge, barrier and naysayers. 
Such in The Holy Bible there is both prophetic and planned events coming in the near future. Because, humanity is not entitled to know exactly what is going to happen with clarity. It all seems to be understood as prophetic.
Just as any person or advanced being can plan for the eventuality of their own creation. Any plans communicated in the past will seem like prophecy. It is similar to this person said he was going to build a house and then it was built. Was his words prophetic? 
Most people can individually and collective become their own self fulfilling prophet. When you think, feel and do bad things and then state the obvious bad outcomes. Your end shall be as your beginning began. 
Everyone knows what is good and what is bad and yet they all do bad while only doing good when it may lead to some kind of reward. 
The bad man who does one good thing is thought of as a good man. While the good man who does one bad thing is thought of as a bad man. Neither is true. Where one may have been looking for an opportunity. The other just did a stupid thing. 
The long con can often times begin with many good deeds, good feelings and good pleasures. But, in the end the one who is conned is left with the loss of misplaced love, family, wealth and having the memory of being deceived for so long. 
The bad people and con artists who knows you having nothing they consider as valuable will pay you no mind and treat you as if you're in their way of their next evil exploit. 
Those doubting and fearful souls who have had many wonderful dreams about life may not know the power of their own self made doubts and fears as they remain safely hidden and doing nothing. 
Prophetic wonderful dreams of your own future become fantasy when you do nothing to bring them forth into your living reality. 
Just as any good person plans and implements a wonderful future for themselves. So do the wicked evil doers plan and execute their next crimes. 
Those beings who far exceed humanity have been planning for the benefit or the demise of us all since humans began. So there are ongoing plans to end the human species as well as try and save it. By our limited understanding we still confuse ones plans as prophecy when it is not. 
When you see fictional content which was made decades ago and it correctly identifies this or that in this modern world. Know that it isn't prophecy it is just a revealing plan made a long time ago. 
A plan created many millennia ago and continually worked from generation to generation in all of humanity will have it's end result. Which is the extinction of all life on this planet by our own hand. 
Those beings who favor humanity are still protecting us. But a prophetic time will come when they must save the whole planet through a fiery rebirth. All of the evil which has ever happened shall not be known.
There can be a time reprieve in which when all life repents of their evil doings and begins to walk the righteous and holy path. A great reprieve can happen. That is until the people forget and their absolute destruction just happens as was done with Nineveh. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Global Civil War: 15 Minute Cities Prophecies: +35 (Unedited): 11-12 March 2024:

WWIII can be triggered within the next few weeks to many months from now. 
In more than a dozen nations. The threat of civil war in each nation is only one violent act away. 
The nation of Haiti is lost.
Are the farmers around the world going to be the first to fight, die and lose everything in the coming civil wars? Yet, virtually no news.
American farmers and American food processing will lead to starvation in the USA and this seems to be a planned event. Yet, virtually no news and yet in the days of old when the American military killed entire tribes they listed in the news all of the men, women and children killed and that was acceptable. But, reporting on the planned human atrocities is not reported. Their plan to eliminate many billions of human souls is very public. 
The writings below are merely prophecies. These writings is not ended for the reader to think and believe that I am for anything offensive. The idea of 15 minute cities is not something I believe will ever work without absolute mind control. The simple idea of choice or free choice and being able to choose anything must be absent from any 15 minute city dwellers thinking processes. The simple idea of marriage in concept must be eliminated because people some times do not get along. Which means every person must have their own private and secluded space away from any relations of any kind. The idea of forming simple relationships like friendship must become an alien idea. Hence the extreme nature of preventing any idea of revolt or simple dissension. Even the absoluteness of right and wrong must only come from the authority as the individual cannot say either way what is right or wrong, good or bad. The word righteous, holy and evil will not be words recognized or known.
NOTE: I have no idea that I was going to write about 15 minute cities when I began writing.
The undesirable common peoples of the world is an ethnic group which must be eliminated and controlled as one would any sub species which is less than those who rule over the whole world.
Yes, this is offensive.  This is how genocide and wars begin when one group thinks themselves as superior to any other. This is how one group wants everything for themselves while knowing the history of how the common peoples overthrown evil and wicked tyrants of humanities past. To them that currently rule over the world, they do not see evil and wicked rulers who lost wars, committed genocides and lost their lives as evil or wicked. That which comes is more about a solution to the biggest problem to them which is the common peoples of the entire globe.
The common peoples of the world seem oblivious of their collective and common fates as those who rule over them plan for their elimination.
Once the common peoples of the world begin using other antiquated forms of communication to relay the actual truthful news which has been witnessed. Those old lines of communication will be outlawed. 
The farmers are the front lines in the prevention of starvation in the world. The global elimination plan of farmers will mean global starvation in the world.
When any nation can attack it's own people and other nations without leaving any evidence behind is a crime against humanity.
As the nations of the world come together as one and begin using incredible weapons of warfare in which the common peoples have no defense. The whole of the world becomes a very dark place.
The end of fair, equal and balanced justice happens as the secret weapons of God are used against the common peoples of the world. 
Who can save the common people from the incredible weapons of those people who have declared themselves gods and no longer want their planet to be inhabited by so many undesirable common peoples?
The end of human rights, freedom and liberty begins when the new weapons of war are trained on all of the undesirable common peoples of the world. 
The new and incredible weapons of warfare will be first used on the ethnic groups that not even the common peoples of the world care about.
Word use: Ethnic is also for the indigenous.
No one will know how many common peoples will die. No will know that a hundred ways to kill all of the common peoples has been invented and only wait for their use.
The word use of "a hundred ways" is not an exact number. 
A hundred lies believed as truths which has already been planned out will be used to cause the common peoples of the world to freely choose to walk into the furnaces.
The word use "Furnace" is symbolic to the 100 different ways the common peoples will be killed. 
Furnaces is reference to Nazi Germany IN WWII and the Jewish people they wanted to exterminate.
I have written in the past about mobile furnaces or cremation incinerators. How do you get rid of the evidence and masses of dead human beings? 
Incinerating billions of humans is not about getting rid of the evidence as much as it is getting rid of the health effects and stench for the benefits of those who planned the genocide of about 7 billion human souls.
Alien like creatures and odd diseases shall be created and released into the world to help kill off all of the common peoples quicker.
As the civil wars, national wars, religious wars, cultural wars, political wars, morality wars envelope the peoples of the world. Many common peoples will simply be killed with cheap knives, bullets and bombs.
Everyone will be against everyone else simply because there is some kind of individually defined insignificant difference.
The insignificant differences we all see in each other will be more than enough to kill and murder.
Do not allow yourself to fall victim to false teaching and wrongful hatreds. Do not harm any other human being.
The differences we see in each other should not ever be sufficient to harm and kill them.
The successful evolution of 15 minute cities will be as I describe them below. 
The advent of wonderful 15 minute cities will become 15 minute prison camps where absolute control of everything shall be instituted. Which shall conclude when each occupant is chosen to die.
The utopia created within a successful 15 minute city also means absolute governance of every aspect of your approved personal thinking processes.
Limited intellect, approved of culture and mandated social structure must be enforced from planned birth to decided death inside of every 15 minute city.
There will never be over population, crime and dissenting views in any 15 minute city as any disobedience by any occupant will mean that they become fertilizer for the benefit of the whole. 
The contained and control common peoples inside of every 15 minute city shall be productive and produce all of the goods for those non conceptually unknown people who rule over all.
Do not become surprised that with limited internal resources within a 15 minute city that the life expectancy goes from 50 to 40 and then to 30 years of age. 
The only purpose and function of the common person shall be to productively provide a meaningful service to those non conceptualized unknown people who shall rule over them as gods.
The efficiency of killing every human within a deemed failed 15 minute city shall be built into the foundational infrastructure.
The existence and memory of any charismatic disobedient occupant within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled confines.
The existence and memory of any charismatic occupant who differently thinks within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled coffins.
The confined environment within every 15 minute city shall become your coffins that you hopelessly reside in.
Within every 15 minute city there will not be words for freedom, liberty, human rights, legal rights, rights or any other word where questioning, complaints, dissent, strikes, revolts, protesting, walkouts and disobedience can begin.
Controlled thought is the end result of how you lead and teach the thinking processes of each human within a 15 minute city.
Every productive human being allowed to exist shall be raised from birth by the controllers of the 15 minute cities. The idea of parentage, family, mother, father and all others words for family relation shall no longer exist.
Teaching all children how to think ends in an adult who thinks as everyone else does within a 15 minute city. Normal self-controlled thought rejects any manner of alien concepts and principles.
The desired utopic thinking process must begin to be taught to children more than 24 years prior to the third or forth iteration of the 15 minute cities. While the process of exterminating the old common peoples has commenced.
The beneficial, noble and good ideal of taught utopic thinking processes must be forced into the educational environment at every level prior to the advent of any utopia styled 15 minute city.
Added on 03 August 2024: Allot of my previous deletes of content are often times more horrific and graphic than this one below.
Soon if not already. Weapons of warfare will begin to be shipped into western European nations and once in the hands of the new immigrants. Each independent European nation as well as the USA will lose even their own national identity. Much blood will be shed and all of the monarchs and leaders who think they could mange them all will be severely tortured and killed in a very public manner. 
NOTE: I have already seen video of an Islamic man shooting a gun into the air at night in Great Britain. This was maybe a year ago. I highly suspect their are many guns and ammunition of every kind hiding in every western European nation. Think about it how can Muslims gathered around this very day and all of them have bladed weapons of every kind open and out in public on video without fear of hiding their faces. 
Those who have always been the good citizen will begin to see their own governments as the enemy and see the new faces as enemies as well. Soon citizens will be forced to physically protect themselves against the police officers whom they have always honored and respected. 
I have been writing this for years. The Muslims who have come into your country have been training for warfare all of their lives. They have been training in hand to hand combat as well as weapons. They have been raised with a vile hatred for you. So, you cannot stand toe to toe with them if all you have been doing all your life is being a good citizen with zero martial arts and weapons training. I have written this and now your own police is scared of them and sicking their dogs on you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Imminent Shortages Is Not Prophecy or Prophetic: (Unedited): 14 April 2022:

15 April 2022: Nukes are in play. Not a funny or humorous comment. This is an indication of why you should take those necessary actions which are important to you, your family, your friends and your community.
The coming suffering against the American, Canadian, European and all other modern day peoples is not God against you, it is the world and your own Government's against you. This is not prophetic nor is it prophecy. What has been planned is out in the open (Reset), this is one group telling you what they are going to do to you and all of you. Then saying with a straight face. That you will all be happy. But, at the same time many of them will be sad about the suffering and death they will cause to all of you. They all know this. Yet, they will all go forward with their so called reset plan. Kiss your retirement plans, wealth and property bye bye. Kiss your way of life bye bye as you begin to live your life like North Koreans, Africans and many indigenous tribes who still follow the ancient ways. 
The coming shortages of goods, energy and foods is not the prophetic event foretold in Biblical prophecy or in prophetic messages in other cultures. This is a planned human event and not a discipline from God. If this were a prophetic event from God than nothing any human government can prevent or stop it from coming except for what all life within Nineveh did when Jonah walked their streets. So, This is a orchestrated human event to illicit their changes that the human leaderships have already planned for. For all of the suffering to come to humanity on this planet has already been deemed acceptable by those who already rule over all peoples. 
What is the time frame? ???Months???. 
You must begin right now and have already the planted of all of the necessary heirloom, antique and wild food crops that are needed to stave off all aspects of starvation. You must already have purchased rabbits, chickens and all other consumable animals to raise up. 
How will you stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer from within your modern day home without any energy/electricity/gas/oil? 
You also will have already planted heirloom, antique and wild food plants in every place possible in your own region. Especially in those places which are not frequently traveled by vehicle or foot. Every church and park should have already planted food plants everywhere. All ornamental plants should be pulled up and replanted with food related plants, bushes and trees. 
All of your ornamental plants, bushes and trees have already been replaced with all manner of edible heirloom, antique and wild foods bearing plants, bushes and trees. 
Do not forget olive trees as these will bring you oil for ancient oil lamps. 
The time may even be too late to wait the many years for first fruits and then another year or two for full fruits. So the consideration of cloned plants, bushes and trees which are already fruiting may be a necessity. 
At least use my question marks as a test run. A test run which will not cause psychological harm to your own children, grand children and other very sensitive family members. For when your children see what you are doing they will need no words. Then when something uncontrollable happens they will see and know and become just like dad or grand dad. Let your children be kids for as long as possible. Think about it this way. There is a reason why a soldier returns home and does not speak of what they have seen and done. This is because they return home and are protecting your good memories from their own bad and sad memories. Yes, it is their continuing duties for the benefit of their own family. Just as you must not induce continuing fears and fright in your own children, wife and others. Unless your spouse is like minded as you. Do not force your wife/spouse. Do not force your children. Teach the skill sets absent of the paranoia and fear. This is how the ancient peoples do it. This is how the good boy scouts did it and ?still? do it. They do not prepare, educate and train in a spirit of fear or other negative emotions. I think the Boy scouts are going bankrupt????? No longer will American be able to train boys to be actual men. 
Chinese related goods is about to slow up. You should not buy any Chinese goods, clothing or electronics. Because, China has been using their profits to build up all aspects of their military to kill people. Just as what Russia has been doing with their own profits from energy sales. Look at what Russia has been doing in Ukraine. Any nation and peoples which is and has bought Russia energy sources is at fault and is responsible. 
What this means is this. You must begin buying products made in your own city, county, state, region and nation. Trucking and logistics is going to slow down. So how will your truck driving family members get home or get to their self defined safe place?
So when the American forces fully commit to the European theater of war. Look for China to begin their own operations against Taiwan in order to finally end their civil war. Just as the numbers of dead will not be fully known from Ukraine. No one will see the 10 million deaths in Taiwan or even find the bodies. 
If you have bought Chinese clothing. You already know they wear out fast and do not last long. So you must replace your Chinese made clothing, shoes, undies with American made clothing or end up naked and shoe-less. You must begin this ASAP.  
The USA already knows that their military will not conduct military actions against their own people. Just as Russia is learning about soldier rejection right now. So how would the US Government conduct military actions against their own civilian populations? How about bringing in hundreds of thousands of military aged fighting men from other nations who care nothing for the American people to follow their orders. So when the American civilians plead and beg in English with the new imported American soldier it will not be understood as they only know Spanish or some other language. They will be far more numerous than the total men and women in all American police agencies. How many is that? Not even the police forces will be able to defend themselves against these invading forces who wear the American uniform. 
Vacation, holiday and retirement time is over. Get fit, get healthy and make those very necessary preparations for your family, friends and community. Make the best emergency transportation plans for your own family members to that safe place of your own choosing. Even if you already know that  you will not be one of the survivors. Save your family. Save your friends, save your church and save your own communities. You who are in the wise and silver generation must do these things right now. It may already be too late. 
Get out of all debts. Debts of any kind will mean slavery to you and your family. 
This is not investment advice. Do your own Due Diligence. I'm only a janitor with zero wealth, zero assets, zero real estate, zero retirement, zero savings, zero education in any aspects of economics anything. Who is using a 12+ year old computer. Because, it is the best I can do. 
If you invest. Then invest in American manufacturing in your city, county, state, region and your nation. Only invest in those manufacturing entities which are only nationally owned with zero foreign ownership. 
New Sign. Bird poop on the President and bird poop on the American flag. I'm being nice here. Figure it out with your own hoodlum slang terms. Yes, I do believe this to be a sign. God does and has used birds to deliver signs and food in the past. They have been deemed as such and this is one as I believe it. But, it can also be just dumb luck at a bad time for the President. I have not received an Email from God on this matter yet.  
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 18, 2016

Death Logical Conclusion: (Unedited): 18 July 2016:

Death is the planned logical conclusion through our continued individual disobedience of the law, that we all willfully choose to disobey. In breaking one law you break them all. Having lawless and sinful thoughts that you allow to continue within your own mind means you have already broken all of the laws yet again. Even if those thoughts originated outside of your creative imagination. 
Who owns your thoughts and desires? Do you or some superior being who interferes with you because of your own unwillingness or unawareness of such things and beings.
Entertaining wrongful thoughts and desires is a sin. It matters not if the thoughts and desires are from your own mind and heart or from outside of you. No matter the source. Your continuation of the wrongful thought or desire is a sin. A wrongful thought and desire which just pops into your mind and heart. Which is fought/combated by your into nothingness is not a sin. But rather it is your victory. Does that mean they will be gone forever? Of course not. The evil ones will just wait when your tired, hungry, weary, sad or depressed. Then those evil ones will yet again insert those thoughts and desires. Or manifest weak minded humans to make your sins secretly possible to accomplish. Life is also a planned logical conclusion. The purple words below. 
To Love one another always.
To live in peace with everyone
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish all life.
To obey the commandments of God because it is the right and wise thing to do and not because you have to or are forced to.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Manhattan Death: (Unedited): 18 July 2013:

The significant birth of New Manhattan will  mean the inconsequential death of Manhattan. 
This is prophecy. This particular prophecy is more certain than probable.
Just as New Manhattan grows and populates so to, Manhattan will shrink and depopulate.
 This process is entirely planned and known by those who desire to harm the USA. Their money has already been gifted to the surrogate parent. With an expectancy of return +. The pregnancy is now obviously visible. Only about 6 to go.
The prophecy of the + is only probable in the short and mid term. The long term may not be probable.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Criminalized Righteous: (Unedited): 29 June 2013:

The righteous people who do not actively participate in their free society. Will become criminalized and enslaved by it. 
 Your free and civilized Country/Nation/Society is not free and has never been. It has been bought and paid for in blood sacrifices. It has been hoped for, planned, organized and maintained by those righteous souls who gave up their own personal time to become genuine servants to the people. A genuine servant is one who is not enriched in any way. Now does a genuine servant receive any wealth or real estate from foreign governments. No stocks, bonds, corporate ownerships or even jewels from any foreign lands. A public servant who goes into any office with a certain wealth has at the very least his wealth become stagnant in any growth.
You the free righteous people of a free Country. If you have any complaint about your whole country. You must actively participate within it. If you righteous people do not participate with in your own free society. You will not understand how you have become criminalized and enslaved by it. The blessing of which the One True GOD has bestowed upon you will be moved away by the collective evil entities which have organized to become a superior voting block. They will steal away all you have and deny you any ownership rights or privileges and you won't even know until it is to late to act. (Prophecy in progress).
All of the righteous people in the free land. Must actively run for every political office at all levels and for every position, all of the time. All government employees who are not righteous must be let go and replaced with qualified righteous persons. This must be done right now to save yourselves and to guarantee a free life for your own children.
These stories are prophecies for today.,_Meshach,_and_Abednego
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lamb Lion: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2012:

Just as the religious authority knew the lamb of GOD was coming and knew him not while in their presence. So it will be when the Lion returns as expected and planned for. The religious authorities will not know the Lion as HE devours them all. C.J.MacKechnie
Prophecy. The religious authorities must do both repent and reveal. You are the crack between GOD and all of mankind. The crack will become as it never was.
Just as when the Religious Authority Condemned the lamb (Jesus Christ) to be crucified by the Government authority with the approval and backing of the approved of Religious followers. So to will it be the same as when the lion returns. Except, the Lion will come for the governments, religions, and all of the followers who take up arms against the lion whom they will know not. The LION will devour them all.
Personally, I write this knowing that I may be one of those who may not know the Lion. I hope and pray that I do. I hope and pray that my family is one of the protected ones when the Lion does come as prophesied.
I believe that both the Christian and Islamic Prophecies are accurate. Meaning The Christians believe that Jesus will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. The Islamic Mahdi will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. Both are one and the same. He will come to destroy by the perspective of both religions. Think about it. Today, the religion of love-loves not. Today, The religion of peace has not. Both religions know that they will win. When the fact is. No they wont. There is no they or we or us. Only the Holy Lion. Jesus will win. Mahdi will win. Those under his chosen protection. Wont win either. The chosen protected ones. Will be just protected. They will not participate in any of the battles. The short battles.
Greater is Jesus/Mahdi over the Angels. Did you know that the angels of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER has the power to turn any human being on or off like a light switch. Did you know they can alter your perceptions at their will. Meaning they can cause you to see or not to see them at all. The same with hearing and any other of our senses. Angels can alter your mind and memory. Angels can cause you to do something else or cause you to do what they want you to do. They can do this to any human. So for any government or religious authority, to think that they even have a chance to win in any battle is absurd. The prophecies are thousands of years old. Yet, the governments and religions of the world still go to war with the LION.
Its kind of like betting on the American World Series baseball games. In which the teams and the outcome has been known for many thousands of years. Who are you gonna bet for? Who is gonna take your bet? Where is the logic in betting for or against a sure thing?

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John