To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
These are the things that are contained within my own mind. That I'm unable to verbally express. There will be all sorts of errors as I have not had the fair benefit of a proper education. If you leave a comment. Please be nice and clean. You are welcomed.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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The window of opportunity has come and gone for the American people and they knew it not. The blessed people who have been given every blessing has freely chosen to leave their God. To ignore their God and to believe that God does not exist. The blessed people have ignored and were not even aware of all of the warning signs. The blessed people have even passed human formed laws which are sinful and thus legalized sins as a fundamental rights and freedoms. It is and has been the "We The People ..." who have moved away from the blessings, graces, safety and protections from God. Righteous and Holy judgement shall come as it has to,as it must. God must act on His disobedient wayward children. So it shall be.
The United States is the breadbasket for the entire world. When the US stops producing food. The rest of the world starves. When the people of the USA starve. The rest of the world cannot feed the US because it is the US that they get a percentage of their food from. So when the US stops working. Do not expect the world to come rushing in to save you. It isn't that they won't. It is that they can't without their own people starving.
When the event happen or events. In one year more than 90% of all Americans shall be dead.
America and Americans will disappear. The idea of what America was and should have been will even disappear. Even the world will redefine what freedom actually means. The idea of freedom of what freedom is supposed to be shall be lessened. Human rights will disappear. The global economy of slavery shall rise. The lie which is the idea of the races of humanity shall persist despite scientific evidence. Which shall become even more suppressed than it is today.
Those Americans who desire to become Expatriates. The time for your actions to leave the States and territories shall be sooner than later. You must make your moves very soon. You must move your finances very soon. Then leave and do not look back. Learn the language of that nation in which you should become a citizen of. Becoming a citizen of your new country is necessary for you to maintain the legal human rights status.
The Jewish people within the USA must move their own finances to Israel. The Jewish people in the USA must leave the USA for Israel very soon. The Jewish people must do this very soon. If not the Jewish people who remain within the USA will suffer and die as will the rest of the Americans. If the Jewish people do not move out of the USA then they will lose everything. For while you remain within the USA God may not hear any prayer. This will be just as it was when Israel was destroyed and scattered so many times before. This will happen inside of the USA.
The rich and affluent will see themselves as being safe. They will buy and prepare. They have the opportunity to buy properties in many nations and build safe and secure homes on all of those properties. They will have many guns, much bullets and few people. People who are in desperation will continually rush their compounds until such a time they run out of people or bullets. Either way they lose and die. because, they are the wealthy foreigners who have no connections or relationships to that particular locale. What happens when your wealth becomes worth less than toilet paper? What happens when your affluence becomes the same as a common person? You will be judged by all whom you have mistreated or offended. In desperate times judgements seem to always be excessive and extreme. The common people will let God judge you and you most likely do not even believe in a God. Despite the fact that you gave generously to the churches and were required to attended the correct sized church because it would make you look good to everyone.
For those who have family in Mexico, Central America and South America. Your time to prepare for the way back home is now necessary. If you wait until the event to happen. You and your family will suffer and die. So now is the time to do those necessary things back to your homeland. Now is the time to seek forgiveness to those family member's whom you have hurt or abandoned. Now is the time to straighten out your finances and to send your things back to your former home. For when the end of America begins. You will not be able to safely get back to your old home. Every wicked evil doer will be waiting for you at the border's and they will cause you to suffer greatly and die. Be smart and wise. Go home sooner than later.
Your journey back home will become a blessing to those who have always remained. Although, the mass migrations back to your old home will not be seen as a good thing or a blessing, in the short term. The return of family should always be considered as a blessing. For you have new skill sets and those skills sets will become new opportunities. As the American drug money dries up and the American paper money becomes fire starter. What you know, what you can do is what shall have worth. The American organizational skills and management techniques is what will be of worth. Keep your heart in the Lord so that you and your family shall pass safely.
Your family should know of your pending return. Thus, growing and raising more foods in preparation. Your family will also need the necessary tools and supplies. So send them all things necessary. So that when you make it back to your old home the hardships are mitigated or minimized. make these investments right now.
Just before the US is attacked. Their will be a ramping up of unfortunate events. Do not wait to long. Pay for the plane tickets and hope your not in the air when it all happens. Send your family first as you remain back for a very short time.
This is not a political thing. My intention of writing these things is to save lives. Even your life. Your family whom I will never meet or even know. For it is tough for me to go to work knowing what I know and still desire to do a good job for the Lord.
This should be first. Repent! Repent! Repent! All Christian denominations. All Churches. All pastors, preachers, clergy, everyone. All of Christianity. Hope and pray that it is not too late. Turn away from all sins. Begin right now to become righteous and holy as which is only accepted and recognized by God alone. Then maybe revival from the Holy Spirit will flow again. Then maybe a reprieve will occur when His children return back to him just as the prodigal son returned to his own father.
Ye survivalists, Doomsday preppers. You have prepared with a wrong heart. All that you shall do will be for nothing. Because those lone lonely loners who survive and fight alone dies alone and forgotten. You have forgotten what it means to love one another. You have allowed the teaching of keeping secrets based on fears as a justification to go it alone. Your only focus and your only obedience should be of the Lord and on the Lord Yeshua.
Ye Christian freedom fighters, Christian soldiers and Christian warriors, You who shall continue to fight and defend America unto the bitter end. You shall find that bitter end. You shall have your honored death and you shall know that all is already lost. Fight your fights. Battle your battles. Retreat Not. For the horde which comes is full of wicked evil doers. For when each one is killed they shall not have any life continuation. For them physical death is an awakening into MY judgement. So fight the good fight and become awaken in MY House of forgiveness, grace, plenty, comfort and ease.
Ye Christian, Do not become concerned or worried about the fight ahead. It is as it shall be. For it rains on the just as the unjust. Know that all of the Lords prophets are with Him in Glory. Even though they may have physically died in horrible ways. Know that the apostles and disciples and many whom you will never know about died in horrible ways and yet they are with ME in My Glory. Even Christians of today are dying in horrible ways in their own regions and yet they awaken to MY welcoming arms.
Ye fighters who are and are not Christian remain on the outside of MY protected communities. You will know them from their excessive love for one another. You will feel their peace. You will know their calm. You will know their welcoming grace. Even if you wrongly disagree. They will invite you to remain and you must surrender everything before permanent entry.
For those of you who shall stay the Christian course and endure unto the most difficult of ends. The time to prepare in a more earnest manner is now necessary. Prepare for your family, Friends and neighbors. Do so from your own foundation of love. Do not consider who owes you for what. Just as I your Heavenly Father do not consider your own debts to ME. Just do out of your love for each of them who comes your way and for those scared souls who I shall send to you. Do not make demands on them. Do not assume their worth, their guilt, their troubles or even that which shall follow them. Just love every soul who comes your way. Teach all that you do and why you do it. Let them do as they shall and they shall do for you as well. Even if their hands are soft and their feet clean. For those who must go, bless and pray for everyone. Do not be concerned if your prayers seem unanswered. For I hear and see all that you do and have done. Nothing is secret or kept from ME. For when each of MY children go to sleep for that last time. Know that they are already with ME.
Latino and Hispanic peoples of Central and South America. Your nations shall become more prosperous than you have ever known. Your sons and daughters shall return from what was known as the USA. Begin to prepare for their way back home with open arms and celebrations. A new era shall begin. They will bring back home new skill sets which shall be more beneficial than things or stuff. So begin to plant more food bearing trees. Raise more animals. More importantly repent from all sins and causing harm to any soul is a sin. So reject the drug lords as they will have their own problems when their wealth dries up and they can no longer pay for their security or bribe the politicians. They are all wicked evil doers and their lives will end. For when they die. They will awaken in Judgement. This is the cost of causing harm to innocent souls. Those souls are under the Judgement seat of God wanting justice and they will get it.
Keep your belief and faith. Maintain your righteousness/holiness and always know that if God will allow His Blessed people in His blessed nation(USA) to become no more. If God has allowed His own beloved people in His own beloved nation(Israel) to be destroyed time and time again. What do you think shall happen to you and your own people and your own nation if you carry on allowing, accepting and tolerating any sin? Be like Christ Jesus, Serve one another from a foundation of love. Which is what Jesus had for us all.
Christians in what shall be formerly known as America. Gather yourselves together and prepare. Your time is short. Gather one to another and prepare. Keep and maintain your belief and faith. Tough times are coming and you will most likely perish. Remain faithful and endure unto your ending. So that as your physical body falls asleep for the last time. You will awaken in the Arms of your Heavenly Father. So fear not no matter what the physical outcome may be.
When the angels speak to you about moving. They may only do so only once as there will be no negotiations or begging from them. The angels may even bring to you another soul who reveals their moving plans. These other people are a sign for you. Because, it is God who will shut your tongue or open it to whom He wants to know of future moving plans. You will either go or not. Your free choice. So remaining in California will be for those good brave souls who are saving lost souls. For it will be they who remain by choice within the valley of the shadow of death. For it will be they who shall lead the willing to renewed life. But, there shall also be those wolves in sheep's clothing who will gather to themselves all of those souls who will be judged. For these deceived souls may be willing but they shall deny you and the truth you bring. For the divine truth shall be like sour candy that becomes sweet. But, they will never know the sweetness. The demonic candy they have tasted is very sweet and soon that that sweetness shall turn into a poisonous sour candy in which they shall all be judged.
Added on 02 Oct 2020: Look for an unfortunate event to happen on 09 Nov 2020: Look for unfortunate event happening on 11 Nov 2020. Look for unfortunate event happening on 18 Dec 2020. Look for unfortunate events to occur in the months of November and December 2020: These are analytical and assumptive prophecies. These are not spiritual related prophecies. These are related to the arrival and landing of the Mayflower of 1620. These are related to the Mayflower Compact. These are from the teachings of Jonathan Cahn.
A red message like this is very troublesome. Because how do you now repent without appearing like your trying to save your own skin? One should repent because they suddenly realize their wrongs, their evildoings, their sins. From this realization a desire to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Then the beginning to love one another as in all of the worlds population. For all of humanity is your brother or sister.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.