Showing posts with label Lot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lot. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Signs Of Coming Starvation Or Lack Of Food Stuff Prophecy: +10: (Unedited): May 2022:

Added on 18 Feb 2023: 20 Feb 2023: I have done some minor editing and added some minor comments. New Signs near the bottom of this writing.
The modern people have become blind to the signs of the world and even the signs on their internet to such a degree that when signs from God manifest into their own lives. They are even blind to those signs from God as well. 
Signs of the Children: 
As you have become blind and deaf to the signs from the world and from God. God will use your own children to show you the way.
Yes, even you professors who teach the word of God. You too may have become blinded and deaf by your own human reasoned intellect. Find joy and happiness that God is using your own children to show you the way. Do not be insulted, but be giddy and laugh and smile. For once you see the signs your own children are showing you. This is when you speak and teach as you have always done. 
Who is your own children? Well, your own children. But, it is also all of those young ones who have come before you to learn all they can in that short time they each are with you. 
Sometimes even the learned human needs signs in their face. 
Note: Be not insulted human professor person.
The children of families who may have an opportunity to be saved may in fact be little Lots of our time. The little children are one of the signs of our time. Especially in those families where faith, holiness and righteousness play a very important role in living godly lives as instructed by the Holy Bible. In actuality as in everyday.
These are the ones who are showing signs at their own age of understanding for the want or need to do or to go. These should be responsibly heeded by the parents and other reasoned family members. It is these children which are showing genuine interest to their ancestral homelands. It is these which are showing long term interests in the raising of animals and the growing of edible plants, trees and bushes. These from the young ones are your signs. It is from these young ones in which starvation may be averted for you, your family, your community, your church. So invest and ensure responsibility of the care for the plants because they are still children. 
Devout Christians as which is only recognized by God have been having either their Lot's rescue or their Jonah Journey's. What this means is this. No matter how long you have lived in a place. You and your family members have made that hard modern world decision not to become of the world while still living in the modern world. But, now it has been pressed upon your own mind and heart to move. Many have listened and many have not, just like Lot's own family. But, I tell you the truth it is still not to late to heed those urging's. God and the Angels have had time to spare in order for each of you to sell, sell, sell and then move into the place they have already told you about.
For the Lot's this means moving across your country and for many other Lot's this does mean to make safe and secure preparations for you and your entire family to move back to your own native lands. For the land of the free has left the will of God. For the land of the free shall end when Justice ends. A way has been made for your journey, but, that safe window is and will come to a close. Just as it was when the sulfur fell from the sky and burned everything up in those evil Biblical cities. 
For those who shall return to your native lands. In the beginning you will be seen as a curse but as time goes on. You will be loved as the blessings that you each of you will become. So, have those family members who have remained to build new homes, plant new edible trees and plants, raise even more animals. The blessing that you each will become will be in your connected heart and mind to God and in your worldly skill sets. 
For those individual Christians you each will become Jonah like and many of you will be abused, tortured and lose your lives for "His" Name. Many will not understand why you are moving to such an evil place and that is OK. For you will most likely become the last chance for the salvation of those lost souls. Even if you lose your own physical life.
Yes, it will be a difficult choice to move. Especially when your business and family is doing far more than just thriving. Your time is short and you have to act or physically become just like Lot's wife or worse. The promise of God is something you already have and cannot lose. But, in this physical modern world nothing is guaranteed. Look at what the world did to Jesus. Look at what the world did to the apostles, prophets and an innumerable number of Christians who are still horribly being tortured and killed today. So you have choices to make and you must make them very soon. I do not know the timing other than time is getting very short. To the point that after you do smartly plan, move and reopen your business. You can have one open in the evil place and the new one open in the safe place. Thus, transferring funds from one to another in support. Keep in mind when it is time to go it will be time to go. Which means you cannot return home or return to any other asset as you and your family walk away.
The curse of the evil doers shall come to those lands and is already occurring. Those certain evil expatriates or expats shall bring with them their own individualized forms of evil and sins. You who have always remained true must not allow evil to be in the place of holiness. The place of holiness is not just the place where the pastor, preacher or teacher stands. The place of holiness is within your own family, home, business, property, city, county, region, nation, planet. The place of holiness is everywhere you are. Not all expats or expatriates are evil sinners. Just as a sinner is known by their sin so to is the godly, righteous and holy person. You must reject all evil and all sin. You cannot even tolerate any of it or them.
South America can become a sanctuary for the good peoples who return to their ancestral lands. But, be warned those in South America do have their own evil people and evil customs which must be addressed.
Personal Note: My writings have become fewer and fewer as time goes on. Is this a sign that my writings will end soon? Is this a sign that what I write on this internet thing will all soon disappear. There are no copies made. There is no other secret place in which all of these things are kept. So I guess this is the time line. That when my writing disappear. The ugliness of all that has been written about in the Holy Bible will come to fruition. When the prophecies of the Holy Bible begin to go into full fruits it will be too late to save those who have not already been chosen or have chosen. Even their hearts may become hardened by God just as what God did to the Pharaoh in those days of Moses. Forcing them all to witness what they all have done to themselves by their own free choice. 
Christian evil doers are those who know the word of God and yet the word of God does not know them.
Christian evil doers are those who teach the word of God in those scheduled times and yet go forth into the world causing as much harm for their own personal and professional profit as possible. These are they who will hear those final words from Their GOD, I never knew you. 
From the darkness of your soul, ye phony and fake Christian preachers, pastors, teachers, clergy, theologians. You have led many astray with your false teachings and with the absence of genuine good teachings. You will see the great and fearful coming of His glory and know not that He is not for you.
Confusion comes to you when you see Him come in His great fearful glory and realize that He did not come for you, as He did not forget about you at all. For you have already been judged by God and know it, not yet.
The great religions and churches of the world are happy and joyful at the counting of the monies and peoples. The great religions and churches glorify in the select wealthy people who have become members of their religious organization. The real evidence of these worldly religions and churches is in the wealth set up for themselves as the sickly, disabled, poor and hopeless continually remain across the street and encouraged to go to a government source or to another church. Without so much as a ride or bus fare. It shall be them who are ignored and rejected by you and it will be you that God Himself will ignore, reject, judge and cast into the fire. 
For the absence of love, mercy, compassion and kindness shall also return to you as God will cast you into the lake of fire, you evil doer. For your not one of His children even though you have always thought you were. You shall not be welcomed home.
Added on 22 May 2022:
All manner of edible wild, heirloom and antique plants, bushes and trees must be planted by everyone as soon as possible. Even if this means that you must pull out and throw away all other ornamental trees, plants and bushes. You must plant enough to not only feed yourself and your family, but also the church and your community. This also includes the raising of animals. Begin to seek out and make deals with farmers about the costs associated with the raising of animals and the butchering of those animals. To avert localized starvation. These things must be done right now. You must also have the realization that fruit and nut bearing trees for your growing region may take up to 5-7 years before they will see their own first harvest. Then another 1-2 years after, each tree goes into fullness.
The churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia were the only two churches which were not admonished by God. So your denomination, religion and your church must change from their evil ways to become more like the ancient churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. You must also realize that this is not about your church, religion and denomination. This is also about you. Because you are the church. 
If your church, denomination is to set in the way that they do things and you see that they are not one of the churches of Smyrna or Philadelphia. Then you must seek out those godly, holy, righteous churches as is most like the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia and leave your old church. Even if your family has been at that same old church for many generations. 
Added on 22 May 2022: European Observations: 
The Russian military is destroying farming assets in Ukraine. To what degree is unknown as this is or seemingly is under reported. But, what does make the news is farmers using their large farm tractors to haul away the husks of destroyed Russian tanks. Here is a fact the farms in Ukraine feed about 600,000 plus people all across Europe. What happens when those harvests are not made? How many will go hungry? It is always the poor who goes hungry first and continually. But, it will be everyone when the food shelves are empty.
Foreign owned farms in The USA: Why does foreign owned farms need to sell their farming products to Americans only? They do not need to do this. So what happens to the Americans when those foreign owned farms begin to send their grown or raised foods back to their own countries? Who goes hungry first and continually? The poor. But, it will also be everyone when the food shelves are empty.
Added on 18 Feb 2023: Conspiracy:
It is easy to believe or discount any conspiracy. Because, with any conspiracy or theory there is always an absence of information while passionate emotions flare up like a powerful fire. A conspiracy can even cloud the signs from God.
There have been continuing reports of Chickens being killed, Meat processing plants burning down, Cattle being killed. The rich buying up farm land and then allowing that land to go unused. The curse of wild boar hogs and etc. You should begin to start your own research into this matter. 
Conspiracy or not. Each of these food related events are signs for you to reasonably pray about and to seek understanding and wisdom. Ask God what it is your supposed to learn and to take action on. God wants you to take action and not just sit on the couch waiting for God to do everything.
Because, what is the wisdom behind the destruction of land caused by wild boar hogs. Are wild boar hogs really a curse or are they a blessing? Can they be a blessing? How? Well, if you come upon dozen or more wild boar you could be attacked and eaten. Wild boar is a food source and can be a food resource when they have many babies and often. 
Added on: 20 Feb 2023:
Blessings can become curses if you the recipient refuses to take the required actions. 
Just as when the governments speak and teach the young children how much fun it is to eat worms and other insects. All without ever mentioning the associated parasites and sicknesses. 
When you begin to open your eyes and ears. It will begin to become easy to see what wasn't seen before. These signs are encouragements for you to begin to grow and raise all of your own foods. These signs are meant for you to begin to store up foods as you see fit and to encourage other like minded people to do the same as you do. Then when you begin to have excesses. You can love one another and share with those who do not have as you do. When you give away your fruits. You can tell the people that the seeds are alive and viable. Which means your gift of a few fruit can turn into a gift of many fruits. This is how love, mercy, compassion works. This is how a church and community can become a localized store house. When did Jesus take a few and multiply them?
A dead end sign is meant to keep you from turning down that unknown road. A dead end sign up ahead means you have already made the wrong turn and for you to turn around. The dead end sign is not for you, if you did not make a wrong turn in life. 
No matter how it is packaged. A lie is still a lie. How do you lead a lion astray?  When the community believes a lie as a truth and a truth as a lie. It will always be easier to believe as the community does in order to be accepted and to get along. As the young lions forget their holy royal spiritual line and believes the lie that they are something else and less than.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Edith Righteous Judgement: +2: (Unedited): 05 June 2018:

While Lot's wife was walking away from the sins of the world. That which was still within her heart was deserving of righteous judgement.
Sodomite Edith: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Edith/Ado was chosen to be saved from the righteous judgement coming to Sodom. An unknown sin was found in her heart and as she turned to looked she was instantly convicted as one of sodomites. For she was once saved and then she was not.
Note: It is suspected that the name of Edith or Ado is the name of Lots wife. I use the name to personalize the quote. I almost feel like you can substitute you name in its place. The best way I can phrase it.
Luke 17:32 "Remember Lots wife."
Yes, read the whole chapter and figure out way Jesus would say that. If you teach prophecy. You should include this or in the coming of the Lord many souls may become like Lot's wife. Also remember that what will Jesus be like upon his return? A loveable fluffy wuffy? No an angry lion. It will not be a good idea to negotiate or whine like those in the Holy Bible had done. Ever try to negotiate with an angry lion? How do you think it will go for you?
I suppose you also must consider Moses and Aaron. Both were chosen and both endured righteous judgement for sinning against God.
It is not enough to just leave sins behind you or to even leave the sins of the world and become a self isolated cave person. If the sin is still in your hearts and in your mind, Then you are at risk right now of becoming like Edith or Lots wife. Once saved always saved is a truth. Unless you only spoke the words and those words entered not into your heart and mind. Only God will judge you and no human can. Human beings can assume in error or correctly whether or not you're a Christian. This can and will always be seen in your abundance or absence of love, mercy, compassion for every other person. The landlord who gives much to the church but causes their own tennants to suffer much.The salesmen who causes/manipulates the buyer to buy a thing which they do not need or want. The service technician who fixes things which does not need fixing. Any and all of your current secret sins. Because nothing is secret to the Lord and God of righteous judgements. If that is who you want to face. Then it is your choice and that choice will be seen in your actions rooted from the outpouring of love from within you.
Even if you have been in church for sixty years or one week. Go to your Bible believing church and repent of your sins and then intend to sin no more. Become holy and righteous which is only accepted by your Heaven Father. If your a pastor or theologian or Priest or preacher seek solitude in your time of repentance. Seek out other pastors in confidence. If you cannot break the binds of sin in your life. Then with what honor and self respect you have left. You must step down. At least you won't become public news like the others before you who have been caught in sin and crime. The search term are "Pastor in jail" "Pastor caught in sin" "Pastor stealing" "Pastor child abuse" Be sure to include your state and time frame. The search terms go on forever. It is to hard on me to look up sinful pastors any more.
Initial Sin repentance: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Repenting of a sin while planning to sin the same sin again is not repentance. Repenting once is only for those who have never sinned after their initial repentance. 
This is like the professed Christian who is a car salesman who always hides the problems with the cars he sells. Then lies about not knowing when a severe problem is discovered by the new owner. Yet, the church loves his tithes and keeps quiet about his business practises. The non Christians see what church he goes to and thus his reputation becomes the church. Swallow on that. how many more dishonorable business owners and managers go to your church. The reputation of the people who go to your church do have an effect on the reputation of your church.
Protection Until Sin: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
In Prophecy you cannot forget Lot's wife. For even she was under prophetic protection until she sinned and instantly suffered righteous judgement.
Lot's Wife was selected to depart from Sodom and Gomorrah. So she was to be a saved person. Think about this so was Moses and Aaron were also chosen and then denied because of their own sins. Who else in the Holy Bible was chosen and then denied in some way?
Do not get me wrong. I'm not being disrespectful to anyone who has been in the knowing presence of Angels. We must respect that. Just as we must respect those who have been in the knowing presence of God and in direct knowing communication with God.
The bottom line is it doesn't matter what her one sin was or her many sins were. God exercised his righteous judgement upon her in that moment.
So if Lot's wife was under Prophetic protection with direct contact with angels and then Jesus mentioned Lot's wife in relation to future prophecy. What does that say for each believer? The purple words below get more real now don't they. But, there is a catch. You cannot do those purple words with a foundation of fear. Your foundation to accomplish the purple words must be from LOVE.
Be sure to become a member of your Bible believing church in your community and consult with the pastor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Fruit Prepper: (Unedited): 22 Jan 2016:

Possible repeat quote: I've added the word prepper to the title only to note the focus.
It is better to have a few good fruit, than it is to have many fruit with a few bad mixed in, ruining the whole lot.
The vision starts with the event and the journey many preppers will make to various stores to gain or steal last chance items for survival. Many individuals, families and groups do plan these things. Then I see a group of dark men who lie in wait for the obvious doomsday prepper who will rush out of a grocery, hardware, hunting, fishing store with a basket of nonperishable foods, tolls and other stuff. Then the dark men will follow him to his home or bug out location and do great harm to him and all of those inside. For the value is in the fortress and supplies that the dark men desire. For their troops they do want and desire.
Then I see almost everywhere. Dark men lie in wait to simply follow survivalist and doomsday preppers from club/group type of meetings to their homes. This is surveillance on those unsuspecting survivalists and doomsday preppers. This is done knowing full well that when the day comes and the dark men know it will. They will attack with ancient war like brutality and honor no rules. They will kill everyone except those whom they will abuse/torture at their leisure and pleasure. There will be no escape from the dark men's brutality. Do not think there will be any escape. For their tortures upon you will forever physically prevent you from escape. (To awful to explain further).
The scene changes to the above quote and to those Holy Bible stories of choosing the few good men. Your doomsday prepper family, club or group must also contain righteousness and holiness as a survival quality within your groups guidelines and bylaws.Think about Noah and his family. Do you think Noah had other family members? Aunts, Uncles, cousins nephews and nieces? They were not saved. Nor were they chosen.
Lot and his wife were chosen to be saved and even in their own arrogance they tried to negotiate with those Angels trying to save them. Then Lots wife turned to look back and in her decision after being chosen. She convicted herself by a simple desire of the heart. I think this is also prophetic. Because, there will be those who have been chosen and your every thought and desire in any given moment will convict you. It will also exclude you from being saved.
There are other stories in the Bible which limit the military forces of an attacking group by a simple test of drinking water.
No matter how your end comes. No matter if there will be a rapture or not. Your last thoughts and desires will be important. Will you worship and praise God as you witness the torture and slaughter of your family? Will you hate God because the rapture was a manufactured lie of religious men of prosperity whom God may claim to have never known. Will you beg, accuse, negotiate and plead with God to save you after you have chosen to take the mark of the beast?
If or when the Angels come for you. Will you refuse to leave? argue? debate? negotiate? Will your stuff, your family memorabilia, your properties and your wealth be too much for you too leave behind? You may not even have an opportunity for hesitation. As your hesitation may be all that is needed to prevent you from being saved. You cannot negotiate with a lion.
The devout and chosen remnant may very well be very small within the USA or in the lands formerly known as America. There are keys to becoming a remnant. Those persons who have freely chosen to live their lives righteously and holy as only recognized by only God. Those who are chosen to be a remnant are decided by only God and not by the understanding or explanation by any man. No matter how many expensive planes they have or want.
Here is the point. It is better for you to exclude those persons who are not righteous or holy. Than it is to accept them because they have that critical skill or talent. One bad apple can ruin a whole bushel. This is very serious. This is where faith and trust comes in. Your faith and trust must be in God first and not in Smith and Wesson. In order to remain within the protection of the Holy Spirit. You must constantly remain in like mind and correct heart. To remain in the protection of the Holy Spirit may also be your martyrdom as in the ongoing accounts of the Middle eastern Christians who are being tortured and slaughtered right now. All aspects of Christian memory and history is being destroyed right now. Yet, they have no rapture for them.
Be careful whom you may choose to walk along with.
Yes, this writing will shake up your doomsday or survivalist prepper group. It should. If you believe that righteousness and holiness is important in life given to all of us by GOD. Then you already know.  You already know that associating with those who only have faith in their Colts and Rugers. Leads to only emptiness, destruction, death and conviction.
Jesus was tortured and murdered. The apostles ended their lives HOW? Many untold number's of Christians died in the Roman coliseum or along the sides of roads hung on crosses. What makes you think your any more important than they? With Love Jesus prayed for their forgiveness. With Love Steven prayed for their forgiveness as he was stoned. Jesus had all of the power and authority. Jesus had command of multitude of angels and yet he gave his life in a very horrific manor. What makes you think the easy road will be for you?
1). Dark Men is not a racial term. It is one which denotes evil intent. I will admit. It maybe Islamic men. They seem to be dark skinned. But, Islamic men are not just dark skin toned. Think about the American, Russian, Mexican and Chinese.
2). Every single comment I make no matter where it is or how old it is. Everything must be checked by the Bible and judged against the logical formula for life. Which is Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Laws of God. If anything i write/communicate disagrees. Then I am wrong and so is any other person. No matter how rich or famous they are. No matter how important the world thinks of them.
3). It is your responsibility to open your own Bible and check those Bible stories i reference.
Added on 30 April 2016:
Yes, These are important: John Guandolo. You Tube search term with less than 1 year. To find more info. It is important to match his Quran versus with what he is saying. Get the facts and actually verify them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 