Showing posts with label Sodom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sodom. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

Demonic Faith: Presidential Prophecy:+8: (Unedited): 04-07 Aug 2023:

 Demonic faith is similar to Christian faith except it is the polar opposite. 
While the Christian faith is based on no evidence and reasoned questioning. The demonic led people believe fully in the lies they believe as truths without any desire to question anything. 
As humanity comes to terms with the concept of wrong and right, good and bad. Each person will be judged as the angels were judged. For when you know what is good and right and you think it not and do it not. You shall suffer as the angels suffer. Except ...
Notes of thought.
deception and delusion = demonic
truth and reason = Godly
Obedience to laws= godly
Obedience to chaos= demonic
The willingness to cause all manner of harm and suffer to anyone=demonic
The willingness to physically show mercy and compassion and to cause no harm=godly
Deception, delusion and insanity
Truth, Reason and sanity
Justice, civility and order is representative of godly living. 
No justice, vulgarity and chaos is representative of godless living.
Prophetically God sends a powerful delusion to the world.
So is this strong delusion used as a tool by the demonic for control of their own?
The evidence of what a godless society is like can already be seen in places like San Francisco. The worst parts of San Francisco is a mirror image of what the days of Noah were like. This is similar for every other godless city or nation.
Godless nations and godless cities as led by wicked leaders will evolve into a representation of what was Sodom and Gomorrah.
It shall be better for you evil and wicked leaders to have never been born for God knows of your wicked plans. To God children is not just the very young it is also all of those whom He knows as His children.
God knows of your plans to destroy all life on this world any way you can and you do not know or understand that He is the God of beginnings and of endings and of the present.  
Prophetic Warning: President Donald Trump.  
The threatening posture and the threats from President Trump imposes on his enemies is substantial. For those things that President Trump threatens is the reason why it has been decided that he must be killed.
Events and outcomes can be confusing. While multiple planned events can be clear to the degree that they are all well thought out. The outcome can be blurry. 
The enemies of President Trump will engage in the planning and attempted execution of his murder or would that be his assassination. I see multiple of different events. The shooting. Poisoning or some kind of chemical ingestion which causes death in either the short term or long term. Then the planned airplane crash in which it is planned to happen when all of his family is on board. 
Who shall do this murderous thing? Those who are in government or who were in government. Those who still hold great power. For they cannot allow President Trump back into the Presidents Chair. For them it does not matter what the civilians think. They know he will use the office of the President to go after every traitor and there are allot of them.
Could the multiple planned events be from inside of the different agencies and offices from within the government? Even if the secret service were to investigate those sources. They would be shut out. Even if the secret service or some other law enforcement agency were to go after me. I could offer nothing more than what vague words I have already mentioned. If you want the sources, then look to your own supervisors and other departmental heads as well as those elected officials.
I just heard this recently. You cannot prove in a court of law anything when there is no evidence. I think this is a hint even though it was spoken in regards to the 06 Jan event or was that the elections.
Corporate fear is so high that much wealth is leaving the country. Much more wealth will leave the USA and already has. Much more wealth will leave as well. So to shall the wealthy people make their way to new nations as expats. Either way. The democrats are bad for business and an angry Trump will be bad for the assumed return of the status quo. 
Prophetic for Elon Musk. If the democrats win in 2024 and 2026. Elon Musk cannot be allowed to succeed as his successes offers hope outside of governmental influence to the common people. Elon Musk to be denied access into any orbit. (Deleted much content). Deleted words mean something for Mr. Musk. End of vision.
My own understanding.  
I'm sold on the Mars missions and it does mean to save humanity. 
Elon Musk may need to plan alternative launch and recovery sites outside of the USA. That decision may break American laws/contracts and classified status. Elon Musk may need to move his wealth outside of the USA or at least verify as to why much wealth is and has been leaving the USA.
A person who has hope in God will not have hope in any government. A person who has self determined hope cannot be controlled as any person who only has hope in the government. 
Added on 13 Sept 2024: If the Democrats/Marxists Communists win in 2024 and 2026.
The wicked evildoers shall retaliate against all of those who were the most vocal against them. They will mandate that all that they think and say shall be deemed as legal gospel truths and that anyone who has ever spoken out against them shall be prosecuted and permanently become unemployable. 
For people like Elon Musk. You may become the prime example as to why no one will ever come against their established ruling party as they begin to deny you the ability to do anything. The saving of humanity in which you have dedicated your life and all of the puzzle pieces that I have seen you create from nothing does form a singular picture which promotes the continuation of humanity. I see your engines and the rest of your developed technologies being delivered to your competitors as well as enemy Russia and enemy China. I see the disappearance of all that you have made in which the wicked evildoers retain all of the wealth while you have nothing. All because you have become one of the most visible enemies of the vile wicked evildoers. 
How does one mitigate and prevent this from happening? 
Marxists and communists cannot allow anyone who is smarter and more intelligent than they are to participate in the coming society of their creation. They are like the criminally minded leader who must have the most stupid of people who obediently follow them likes well fed dogs. A well fed dog will die for its vile wicked evildoer master.
The criminally minded leader must have the most stupid people who obediently follow them like well fed dogs. A well fed dog will die for it's vile wicked evildoer master. 

Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 21, 2023

In The Vacuum: (Unedited): 21 July 2023:

In the vacuum of what once was good all manner of evil will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was peace all manner of wars, battles, confrontations will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was love all manner of vile hatreds will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was harmony all manner of crazy chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was truth all manner of lies and deceptions will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was reason and logic all manner of delusion will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was sane all manner of insanity will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was morality all manner of defiled immorality will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was family unity all manner of human disunity will fill that space.
In the vacuum of what once was law and order all manner of cruel lawlessness and insane public chaos will fill that space. 
In the vacuum of what once was blind balanced Justice all manner fully seen public unfair injustice will fill that space.
The end result of these dimensions of vacuum means the end of the nation, rights, freedoms, liberties and of life shall be the reasoned and logical result. The days of Noah shall be realized. The cities of your nation shall become like Sodom and Gomorrah. You will burn, die and be destroyed. The final judgement of God will find you out. In which only a few will be aware of as they exhale the breath of God for the last time. 
When good people do not physically take their God given responsibility into action. In order to protect and safe guard all that which is good. This creates a vacuum which will be filled with all manner of defiled disgusting elements. 
Know that all of the chaotic elements that you see in the world today are dimensionally planned occurrences by those who worship in the evil godlike rulers of this worldly system. 
It is the embodiment of the pronouns as which is known of in the Word of God. Which becomes a sign to His true children of where and who are demonically led and embodied. 
His children of truth will see and recognize signs just as you see and recognize signs on the roadways and highways. His children of truth shall respond and be obedient to these signs as you would when you are driving. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Boston Becomes First Of Sodom And Gomorrah In the USA:+12: (Unedited): 18 June 2023:

Boston begins with righteous puritans and end with the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah.
As it was in the days of Lot so to is Boston becoming. So shall follow the rest of the USA.
In Boston and the rest of the USA the places of holiness have become defiled and corrupted and as such shall become like fire and brimstone.
All of the other original puritan colonies which have embraced wickedness and sin. Which have also allowed the pride of public sin to stand in the places of holiness. All who are in agreement or have acquiesce shall know fire and brimstone. 
Those churches and denominations which have allowed sin to stand in the holy places shall suffer greatly. To pray to God and to worship God and to teach lies about God. Your fate shall end in fire and brimstone and the gnashing of teeth.
Willing public sex acts shall precede unwilling public rapes in which none of them will be investigated or prosecuted. But all celebrated as new forms of public entertainment.
You may think that prideful people of sin who stand in the holy places are rare occurrences in divers places. They are not as you begin to realize that only two churches were not admonished by God. 
You may wonder why Boston is mentioned and not other cities within the USA. This is because of this one cities origin from the Puritans. Look to other Puritan originated cities and see for yourself their sins made public. This is about the transformation from righteous and holy origins into that which has become evil and wicked. 
Added on 21 Jun 2023: 
As public sex acts will lead to public rapes. Know that the time is coming when all that you know will burn and end for "We The People". If the Father in Heaven will allow the destruction of His own beloved people many times before. What do you think He is going to allow or do to His blessed people? As justice ends so shall you.
As your freedoms, liberties, human rights and wealth are taken from you and yet you still acquiesce.
It matters not which wing of the same bird to cheer and support. That bird only wants to consume each of you.
As you look up and see the majesty of a great bird flying towards a wonderful destination. Be sure to look down at the claws which have punctured your your soul as it squeezes the life out of you. This is the essence of the right and left side of politics.
The obvious acquiescence you have within your faith is also an indication of your absence of faith.
As an individual faithful believer you cannot allow sin to physically stand in the holy places. If you do then you have acquiesced, you have given consent, you have given permission and that is sin which is revealed inside of you.
One can be a great number But, the more you divide it, the smaller and more insignificant the one becomes. 
Added on 25 June 2023: Just did a google search "public sex acts news reported". Be sure to select the Tools bar and then select one month. Then read all of the news stories. 
Added on 26 June 2023: When you hear chants like "Were here, were queer, were coming for your children", songs about "Were coming for your children". Then when you see how happy and celebratory those protestors are or how committed the singers are. You need to know that you are paying for those companies which support them. You need to come to terms that your only option is to leave society and to remove your children from any aspect of government education and worldly exposure. 
Cleanest video I can find. But, still very disturbing: Search term: "Were here, were queer, were coming for your children".
Select closed caption, read the words they are singing and really pay attention from about 1:59.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Prophetic Signs Are Not Stagnant In Time: +13: (Unedited): 26-28 April 2023:

Many decades ago teachers and politicians began teaching falsehoods about what is true and real. Just as many decades ago the teaching of actual American history was stopped. Just as many decades ago the teaching of how to be reasonable and logical also stopped. In which logic and reason begins with the development of math skills as well as other critical thinking skill sets. In which when all of these things work together it is very difficult to deceive people with lies, deceptions and delusions. 
Think about the evolution of evil in the USA. A Christian was told that they could not be a Christian and hold political office. A Christian was expected to set aside their faith in order to uphold their oaths to office. While at the same time a Christian was expected to never lie as the non Christians who hold office could lie, cheat, steal every way they can and when caught claim some form of memory loss. If the Christian politician gets caught in something they are expected to quit their office in national shame. 
A divide of the conservatives in politics and the public space has occurred. It was once known that all conservatives were Christian and now most conservatives seem to be publicly excluding themselves from the Christian faith. 
To continue on with this evolution of how Christians are being rejected. The liberal left about 10 years ago began teaching to their own people that the Christians and Conservatives do not have the right to participate in society. Even sitting politicians began to order their own followers to push back and to deny Christians and conservatives the right to even enjoy a meal in a public space in peace.  
In the last few years among the Liberal left the discussion has changed. The liberal left began teaching their own people that the Christians no longer have the right to live or exist. Because, of these new talking points which are out of main stream media but are sung and spoken at protests. The most delusional and insane of the liberal lefts followers are beginning to kill Christians or have begun to kill Christians. 
If you read the links below. You may or may not notice a common denominator. This is the governments of the world are permitting violence against Christians while at the same time speaking against the violence. Actions is always stronger than words. This is where the truth is always seen in the actions or non actions of humans. 
Many decades ago leaders, educators and parents stopped teaching the young reason and logic. From a state of being unreasonable and illogical leads to a false belief in all things which are chaotic and delusional. From a delusional state leads a people, a nation and the world into a perpetuated state of insanity. From a state of insanity leads to a perpetuated and never ending acts of abuse, torture, violence, wars and murders. From a state of absolute violence to and from all things leads to a welcomed state of extinction of the whole. 
The extinction of the whole only comes after there has been a loss of family name, national identity and a loss of everything else you consider as important and then the end of all humanity comes. 
Without reason and logic there cannot be any freedom, liberty, human rights. There is only the realization of being in a state of Sodom and Gomorrah. 
A single family divided by many languages and yet still a single family through genetics.
Jesus Christ is the hero to all of humanity. Where as the antichrist is the antihero to all of humanity.
There is no difference between the villain and the antihero. Except by personal perception and on whose side you are on. Are you on the side of evil or righteousness?
The hero to one side is the antihero to the other side. The good guy on ones side is the bad guy to the other side. It is defined by your own perspective. 
The evolution of evil is also an evolving prophetic sign to the Christians. prophetic signs do not have to be stagnant events locked in time. 
Law Enforcement in many communities will begin to consider violence against Christians as mutual combat. Especially if the Christian loses or is ganged up on. It will not matter if the Christian agreed to any violent act or not. Just being peacefully in attendance is enough of an agreement to mutual combat.
Ever evolving prophetic signs are like ancient motion pictures where one frame at a time is made and then sped up and seen not as a single picture or a single sign.
Those who speak out with reason and logic shall be removed and already have been. 
Righteousness and holiness should be your goal in life. While fleeing and rejecting all sin. You should also teach the young these things. 
This is a reference to Tucker Carlson formerly of FOX News. You know you need to realize this one thing. FOX is corporately owned by the same people who own the left news media companies. Fox News and CNN is just the Coke or Pepsi of news. They are just created products for your consumption and mind training/brain washing. 
Truthfully Wake up or delusionally get woke. 
You parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles are already seeing the young propagandized in the public school system. Yes, you can blame the schools and the government. But, it is you who turned a blind eye and a deaf ear. It is you who allowed your children to be mentally tortured and abused.
The only truth available to humans is in the Holy Bible. 
If you want to change all of the bad and sad prophecies. Then look to the purple words below. But, you should start with the Holy Bible first. 
Added on 28 April 2023: If you know Christian Prophecy then you know what is coming. I do not think the rapture will happen in the time that is taught. You also need to understand that I may seem to be a denier but I really am not. I really, really, really want the rapture to happen prior to what is coming. But, I also know the history of Christians and how they were killed or made to suffer or made to witness the power of God as they endured it all. 
So really need to figure out if your really a Christian or are you like Lots wife? or are you like the Jews during the time of Moses are just refused to be obedient? Think about it Lots wife was saved until she looked over her shoulder. How long does it take to sin in your own heart or mind? And just how many of the original people made it into the promise land when Moses led them for forty years in the desert? Not Moses and why was that? What about Noah he was saved but he and his family had to endure the end of the world, live in a boat for about 9 months and then start over on a destroyed planet. Christians today are being brutally tortured and killed. Where is their rapture? How did Jesus die? Tortured and murdered. How did many of the Apostles and early Christians die? They were tortured and brutally killed in some creative fashion. So who are you and who am I? I'm a nobody in this world and I'm deserving of nothing from God or this world. 
So you must do those things which you must do in order to protect your own family, friends and church. Assuming your family, friends and church are willing. If they are not. Then you must do what you need to do. Because, if the angels of the Lord have been telling you things in your heart and your ignoring those things. Then you are just like the Jews who were disobedient when the plagues came. Then you will be like those family members of Lot who decided to remain. Then you will be like those who heard the words of Noah and changed not their lives. Then you will be like those who heard Jesus Christ and did not change. Do you remember the woman with an issue of blood. How is it that she was healed when everyone else was touching Jesus. The Holy Bible did not say and all of those who touched Jesus were healed and the woman with an issue of blood.
Copy and paste is for your safety and security
(21 Oct 2021)
Added on 27 April 2023: In the USA the citizens will begin shooting all government camera systems. The bad people will begin to shot all security cameras. 
This is what I saw. I saw multiple people over laid upon each other. I saw many different places over laid upon each other. I saw many different government like cameras all over laid upon each other. Then I saw the shooting of those government like cameras. Efficient like a American military sniper. This was not blurry. It was only blurry because of the number of different people, the number of different places and the variety of different cameras being destroyed.
Then I saw what looked like bad people shooting cameras from a distance and they shot many many times. Then they broke into various buildings and did their intended bad thing.  
NOTE: This is a repeat of earlier visions as written down a few years ago. But, I think I wrote delete on them and this time I'm writing them down. This time the vision is different. As in a lot of people are shooting government cameras. I do not want to encourage violence or destruction of anything. I do not approve of violent acts or the destruction of anything. But, I also know that when war comes. You really have no choice. Yes, war is coming.
If you are a Christian. You must begin to learn martial arts and the effective safe use of weapons. You need to understand the age of killing Christians within the USA has already begun. Granted it is a rare thing but this to will evolve into more frequent violent acts. This is all prophetic in the Holy Bible. 
An Assassination began a world war. So when you begin to see murder attempts of leaders. Your time is getting short. Reference to the possible assassination attempt of President Putin recently. The people of Taiwan are preparing for invasion. China is teaching their elementary school age children how to speed disassemble and reassemble firearms under time. Russia is also teaching their children in every age group their responsibility in warfare. Which includes weapons use. While the USA is teaching their children how to be transgender and how it is their right to mutilate their own bodies. Many European nations are transitioning to a war time economy. China has already transitioned to a war time economy. American civilians have no clue that the joyfully buy products from China or even know that it will be their American monies which will pay for the bullets, bombs and missiles that will kill their fathers, sons, and husbands. 
Added on 21 March 2024:
One possible sign that proves Christianity is known throughout the entire world. Is when every nation outlaws all aspects of the religion of Christianity.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Coming Signs Of An Emerging Sodom And Gamora: (Unedited): 24 Oct 2021:

 Absolute and unrestrained freedom leads to a state of becoming Sodom and Gomora. But, before then there will be signs of how they all will end up. These signs are the coming self fulfilling prophecies of their collective coming fate. If each individual person in the entire collective state does not change from their evil ways they/we all will perish in a predetermined manner as which has already been planned by God. 
Added on 01 Nov 2021: 
For we all are "We The People...". 
What happens to one should be considered as happening to us all. 
What one group does for the benefit of us all is done for us all. 
What sins and crimes any group does is as if we all had done it to ourselves. 
What love, mercy and compassion is done by a few is us all doing righteous good for all who are in need throughout the entire world. 
What hate, anger, violence and destruction is done by a few is us all doing evil deed for all who are made to suffer and lose much. 
We The People...
What can be considered a sign of things to come. The Philadelphia train rape where all of the passengers were videoing the rape and none of the passengers intervened or called for any kind of police assistance on the 13 Oct 2021 crime. What comes to mind is the story of Lot and those been who wanted intimate activities with the angels. By force and by threat if need be for it is there right-right? The right to seek any kind of pleasure wherever you may find it is an absolute and unrestrained freedom for you. The right and ultimate freedom to live a life however you choose to define it all without any guilt or remorse is now expected. This is why states have passed anti-Christian laws in favor of the LGBTQ rights. The right to commit murder in the womb administered by doctors who swore an oath to do no harm and yet now it is a legal right to commit murder of an unborn baby. The Catholics who have declared that life begins with the first breath are terribly wrong. Life began with God and is only perpetuated through human male and female intimate activities.
Once a state begins to pass laws legalizing sins and once the common person becomes entertained through the witnessing of rape. The viewing of defenseless people being brutally beaten and or killed while the onlookers laugh and enjoy the criminal activity. These are all signs of your times. These are signs of how life is progressing, and how much worse can it get? When the victor of any court case is able to obtain victory by writing a greater check to the judge than his/her opponent. There cannot be justice when the morals of a people are non existent. The last sign for any nation is when justice has been corrupted. The nation will have a brutal ending and those adversaries who will do the deed are already thirsting for their coming victories(China, Islam, Iran and others). When God sees that a people has become like Sodom and Gomora. Those people all will perish. Save for the chosen remnant as selected by God alone. 
This is worldwide news. 
America and Americans your time is shorter than you know. If you as in "WE THE PEOPLE" genuinely repent and change from your evil ways, deeds and thoughts. You're(me) all doomed. As what has been done to Israel so to will it be done to the USA. I guess we all will see what happens in the 2022 election cycle. Only the chosen remnant as selected by God shall be saved. Though during the saving process they may endure and suffer much. 
Added on 20 Jan 2024: Another sign as witnessed by a person with a cell phone. Day time rapes in full view out in the open and on the streets. The right to rape anyone and any time is the right of the evil and wicked. While the soul who defends themselves or others is threatened further, criminalized, incarcerated or killed.
As the nations of the world divest themselves of their worst citizens into the land of the free and brave. You will begin to see all manner of evil and wicked crimes in which your country has not seen before. In broad daylight and in the presence of your own good civilian population and Citizens Of Peace they will see horrendous crimes of every terrible kind in broad daylight right in front of them. They will not be able to reason with them, they will be forced to do as their own psychology dictates or they will be forced to shoot them until dead. Your own good Citizens Of Peace will become accustomed in mag dumps and then offering arrest options.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Edith Righteous Judgement: +2: (Unedited): 05 June 2018:

While Lot's wife was walking away from the sins of the world. That which was still within her heart was deserving of righteous judgement.
Sodomite Edith: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Edith/Ado was chosen to be saved from the righteous judgement coming to Sodom. An unknown sin was found in her heart and as she turned to looked she was instantly convicted as one of sodomites. For she was once saved and then she was not.
Note: It is suspected that the name of Edith or Ado is the name of Lots wife. I use the name to personalize the quote. I almost feel like you can substitute you name in its place. The best way I can phrase it.
Luke 17:32 "Remember Lots wife."
Yes, read the whole chapter and figure out way Jesus would say that. If you teach prophecy. You should include this or in the coming of the Lord many souls may become like Lot's wife. Also remember that what will Jesus be like upon his return? A loveable fluffy wuffy? No an angry lion. It will not be a good idea to negotiate or whine like those in the Holy Bible had done. Ever try to negotiate with an angry lion? How do you think it will go for you?
I suppose you also must consider Moses and Aaron. Both were chosen and both endured righteous judgement for sinning against God.
It is not enough to just leave sins behind you or to even leave the sins of the world and become a self isolated cave person. If the sin is still in your hearts and in your mind, Then you are at risk right now of becoming like Edith or Lots wife. Once saved always saved is a truth. Unless you only spoke the words and those words entered not into your heart and mind. Only God will judge you and no human can. Human beings can assume in error or correctly whether or not you're a Christian. This can and will always be seen in your abundance or absence of love, mercy, compassion for every other person. The landlord who gives much to the church but causes their own tennants to suffer much.The salesmen who causes/manipulates the buyer to buy a thing which they do not need or want. The service technician who fixes things which does not need fixing. Any and all of your current secret sins. Because nothing is secret to the Lord and God of righteous judgements. If that is who you want to face. Then it is your choice and that choice will be seen in your actions rooted from the outpouring of love from within you.
Even if you have been in church for sixty years or one week. Go to your Bible believing church and repent of your sins and then intend to sin no more. Become holy and righteous which is only accepted by your Heaven Father. If your a pastor or theologian or Priest or preacher seek solitude in your time of repentance. Seek out other pastors in confidence. If you cannot break the binds of sin in your life. Then with what honor and self respect you have left. You must step down. At least you won't become public news like the others before you who have been caught in sin and crime. The search term are "Pastor in jail" "Pastor caught in sin" "Pastor stealing" "Pastor child abuse" Be sure to include your state and time frame. The search terms go on forever. It is to hard on me to look up sinful pastors any more.
Initial Sin repentance: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
Repenting of a sin while planning to sin the same sin again is not repentance. Repenting once is only for those who have never sinned after their initial repentance. 
This is like the professed Christian who is a car salesman who always hides the problems with the cars he sells. Then lies about not knowing when a severe problem is discovered by the new owner. Yet, the church loves his tithes and keeps quiet about his business practises. The non Christians see what church he goes to and thus his reputation becomes the church. Swallow on that. how many more dishonorable business owners and managers go to your church. The reputation of the people who go to your church do have an effect on the reputation of your church.
Protection Until Sin: (Unedited): 07 June 2018:
In Prophecy you cannot forget Lot's wife. For even she was under prophetic protection until she sinned and instantly suffered righteous judgement.
Lot's Wife was selected to depart from Sodom and Gomorrah. So she was to be a saved person. Think about this so was Moses and Aaron were also chosen and then denied because of their own sins. Who else in the Holy Bible was chosen and then denied in some way?
Do not get me wrong. I'm not being disrespectful to anyone who has been in the knowing presence of Angels. We must respect that. Just as we must respect those who have been in the knowing presence of God and in direct knowing communication with God.
The bottom line is it doesn't matter what her one sin was or her many sins were. God exercised his righteous judgement upon her in that moment.
So if Lot's wife was under Prophetic protection with direct contact with angels and then Jesus mentioned Lot's wife in relation to future prophecy. What does that say for each believer? The purple words below get more real now don't they. But, there is a catch. You cannot do those purple words with a foundation of fear. Your foundation to accomplish the purple words must be from LOVE.
Be sure to become a member of your Bible believing church in your community and consult with the pastor.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Last American Revival: (Edited): 08-09 Jan 2018:

America's Jonah will come from a people who have been decimated by the American government. Like ancient Jonah he will have a deep profound hatred and may even do as Jonah had done. America's Jonah will either be the last chance for revival, repentance and righteousness or certain doom greater than what was done to Sodom and Gomorrah. It will be an American free choice.  
Who could this prophet be? A Native American or an Islamic man or who? Who or which people would hate the Americans more, and yet be a righteous man in the accepting sight of God? This in spite of his own personal failures and shortcomings. Would this even be possible after Jesus Christ? After all Jesus Christ did say to love one another and to go and sin no more. Could it be that a coming American Jonah would have a complete transformation?
Has sin in the United States of America become the new religion, replacing the God who gave the people this nation and lands?  For even the Christian congregants of many Christian churches celebrate the open sins of their own Christian church leaders. They all and we all witness men and women of unrepentant sin stand in those holy places. We continue to attend churches where sin is not taught and righteousness is unheard of, let alone the act of repentance. How can you repent when you do not really know what sins you should repent of? Even the vast majority of people have decided to go to the fun party Christian churches where their spirits are motivationally uplifted, all without any guilt feelings as they go back into the world to harm whomever they will.
Will this actually be a prophet like Jonah or some other like prophet like Habbakuk? I have written before that another Jonah will not come. Maybe Jonah like will be his profound hatred for the USA and not related to disobedience. Which Prophet hated those whom he was to express the messages to? If you question this and seek out the answers. Then you will know.
Added on 09 Jan 2018:
Knowing how Tim Tebow was denied a professional football (NFL) career because of the actions of God and the 316 event during an NFL game, how would an American Jonah-figure be able to communicate with the whole of the USA in a short period of time, as in about 40 days. It would be very probable that the whole of digital communications media would black out all that he would declare. So how would the message get out? Think about it for a moment. Who was a key player in the message at Nineveh? The ruler. So if the ruler of Nineveh had done nothing, then the Holy Bible would indicate a different turn of events. So President Trump or the next president would have to decide and communicate what the American people would need to do. Would the American people even be receptive?
Added on 25 Jan 2018: Unedited portion:
Would even a President even be allowed to go forth publicly as the ancient ruler of Nineveh had done? Would forty days of the walking messenger come and go and no one would ever know outside of his presence?  Only to become surprised by destruction and death. How could such a deeply sinful people not even suspect that their destruction and death cometh? Surely they all must know. Historically in the Holy Bible what had happened to Israel every time they sinned greatly against their God? Would entire churches relay this American message from a disgusting prophet as Jonah most likely smelled very badly. I wonder if Jonah even tried to wash himself or used his own stench as an effort to cause those who he hated to disbelieve even more.
Added on 10 Feb 2018:
Personal Note: This and other writings in regards to the USA is not to be misunderstood. I do not hate the USA nor am I anti-American. I do not want the USA to be split, harmed or destroyed. I do not want any person to be harmed, killed or made to suffer in any way. Through any revelation it is my belief that any bad and sad prophecies can be mitigated or prevented.
Added on 11 Feb 2018:
God is gonna do what God is gonna do. God does not need our permission, acceptance or understanding. Everything that God is gonna do will be based on absolute righteousness and justice. Humanities ideas and belief of what is righteous and justice will not play into account. All of what God is gonna do will be based on our individual, generational and collective sins. There is a lot. Once the last innocent soul is harmed and/or killed. Expect immediacy. Assuming anyone will actually know who this last innocent soul was.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rain of Cain: Joyful Insanity: (Unedited): 02 May 2017:

Like a kind of yin and yang. As the Holy Spirit departs from a land and a people. The spirit of Cain rains down on those who have rejected all that is good. All the people will know from now on is anger, hatred and violence of every kind. For as the Holy Spirit departs so does real love, mercy, kindness and compassion.
Joyful Insanity: (Unedited): 02 May 2017:
A great joyful insanity from the rain of Cain will befall the people. Like those who find their happiness and are entertained by great suffering of a helpless and innocent souls. They will cheer as the boulders of sulfur falls like fiery streaks down upon the people of Sodom. The odor of sulfur reinforces their excitement. Only to realize that they are next in Gomorrah. As panic sets in so to will the cursing of God.
I do not think this is for me to know. This is for those who know more than me. The obvious meaning is certain in my mind and it is easy to understand. But, there is always a deeper dimensionality to be ascertained by people who are righteously devout as only accepted by God. All without any pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy.
Added on 03 May 2017:
What you will see in the news. The helpless and the most innocent killed by those who are/were responsible for their care and well being. This is not in regards to abortion and yet it is. What I speak of is senseless killing of a family member. For instance in today's news two children were killed by a father and an adopted/foster father. One for jealousy and the other for some kind of rage. Although these kinds of things happen all of the time. The quantity of these kinds of killings will ramp up statistically and will be charted by the FBI in due time. When these numbers of killings become to numerous. The news reporting will just stop. I think what will be the most interesting. Is those who commit these outrageous killings will be from a people who are not associated with any kind of criminal profile as defined by the FBI. These men and women are what is considered to be good citizens of their country and yet they have murdered. Then once the murder is complete and the evil which resided within them has left. They become the good people who they are or were. Except they retain the permanent memory of their action. Thus, becoming a destroyed human being. Suicide almost immediately after their murderous crime.
The predictability of these kinds of crimes will be defined as completely random by the FBI and uncharitable. But, the demons who now have the freedom to go from one body and then to another body. The demons select their next victims by a variety of means. Wasn't there a movie about this or two? I don't watch those kinds of movies. For me they are mostly too real. For a worldly FBI agent. I don't know. To me their (FBI) super heroes.
1). Faith and belief. More than just stated because even the demons believe and are in the knowing.
      That the God of all which defeated them soundly is also the one who imprisoned them here.
2). Righteousness/Holiness. Not the apparent or physically visible.
3). Mind altering substances regardless of legality or medical need. Which include tobacco. Maybe
      even caffeine and sugars.
4). The psychology of the person? Which is beyond me to define or categorize.
How I think this will play out in the future (Now, to Newtons date). Will be from those in unbalanced relationships. Meaning one is a true believer and the other is not. While the demon will not be able to take the true believer unless they become heavily medicated. The demon will always choose the easy and physically stronger (ratio) target. They will control that taken person. The real target for suffering and murder shall always be the good, the innocent and the actual holy ones. The actual holy ones are an intense bright light. Which cause great discomfort and maybe pain to all that is demonic and must be extinguished. Causing him or her to kill those true believers. But, first the abuse and torture may precede the killing. Then the demon will most likely depart. Leaving a destroyed human soul which resorts to immediate suicide. Unless they were already that bad of a human being and can believe they can get away with it. For that kind of bad person all they would need is some kind of demonic push or influence and they would already be in the police and FBI computers. Isn't something uncharacteristic to a person also improbable for that person to commit? Not saying impossible.
I think this is tied to
Personal Note: I'm addicted to sugars and caffeine. Chocolate. Sodas.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books