Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anger. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Perfect Fig Tree: (Unedited): 22 June 2017:

The symbol of the fig tree was once a perfection of creation until the sin of man and the corruption which became from that sin was manifested. Eden was a place of absolute perfection even in thought of memory until man dirtied it with sin. So much so that when God in man form comes to one of His fig trees in creation and all it has is the leaves and no fruit. Could this be the origin of His uncharacteristic anger? What man had done to perfection created?
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Rain of Cain: Joyful Insanity: (Unedited): 02 May 2017:

Like a kind of yin and yang. As the Holy Spirit departs from a land and a people. The spirit of Cain rains down on those who have rejected all that is good. All the people will know from now on is anger, hatred and violence of every kind. For as the Holy Spirit departs so does real love, mercy, kindness and compassion.
Joyful Insanity: (Unedited): 02 May 2017:
A great joyful insanity from the rain of Cain will befall the people. Like those who find their happiness and are entertained by great suffering of a helpless and innocent souls. They will cheer as the boulders of sulfur falls like fiery streaks down upon the people of Sodom. The odor of sulfur reinforces their excitement. Only to realize that they are next in Gomorrah. As panic sets in so to will the cursing of God.
I do not think this is for me to know. This is for those who know more than me. The obvious meaning is certain in my mind and it is easy to understand. But, there is always a deeper dimensionality to be ascertained by people who are righteously devout as only accepted by God. All without any pride, ego, arrogance or supremacy.
Added on 03 May 2017:
What you will see in the news. The helpless and the most innocent killed by those who are/were responsible for their care and well being. This is not in regards to abortion and yet it is. What I speak of is senseless killing of a family member. For instance in today's news two children were killed by a father and an adopted/foster father. One for jealousy and the other for some kind of rage. Although these kinds of things happen all of the time. The quantity of these kinds of killings will ramp up statistically and will be charted by the FBI in due time. When these numbers of killings become to numerous. The news reporting will just stop. I think what will be the most interesting. Is those who commit these outrageous killings will be from a people who are not associated with any kind of criminal profile as defined by the FBI. These men and women are what is considered to be good citizens of their country and yet they have murdered. Then once the murder is complete and the evil which resided within them has left. They become the good people who they are or were. Except they retain the permanent memory of their action. Thus, becoming a destroyed human being. Suicide almost immediately after their murderous crime.
The predictability of these kinds of crimes will be defined as completely random by the FBI and uncharitable. But, the demons who now have the freedom to go from one body and then to another body. The demons select their next victims by a variety of means. Wasn't there a movie about this or two? I don't watch those kinds of movies. For me they are mostly too real. For a worldly FBI agent. I don't know. To me their (FBI) super heroes.
1). Faith and belief. More than just stated because even the demons believe and are in the knowing.
      That the God of all which defeated them soundly is also the one who imprisoned them here.
2). Righteousness/Holiness. Not the apparent or physically visible.
3). Mind altering substances regardless of legality or medical need. Which include tobacco. Maybe
      even caffeine and sugars.
4). The psychology of the person? Which is beyond me to define or categorize.
How I think this will play out in the future (Now, to Newtons date). Will be from those in unbalanced relationships. Meaning one is a true believer and the other is not. While the demon will not be able to take the true believer unless they become heavily medicated. The demon will always choose the easy and physically stronger (ratio) target. They will control that taken person. The real target for suffering and murder shall always be the good, the innocent and the actual holy ones. The actual holy ones are an intense bright light. Which cause great discomfort and maybe pain to all that is demonic and must be extinguished. Causing him or her to kill those true believers. But, first the abuse and torture may precede the killing. Then the demon will most likely depart. Leaving a destroyed human soul which resorts to immediate suicide. Unless they were already that bad of a human being and can believe they can get away with it. For that kind of bad person all they would need is some kind of demonic push or influence and they would already be in the police and FBI computers. Isn't something uncharacteristic to a person also improbable for that person to commit? Not saying impossible.
I think this is tied to
Personal Note: I'm addicted to sugars and caffeine. Chocolate. Sodas.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Anguished Soul: (Unedited): 07 April 2017:

Flashback warning!!!!!
Much bad and sad memories. Do not read if your not really wanting to know. If you work with the abused and tortured. Read on hearty soul saver.

The anguished soul who has only known abuse and torture. May receive your loving reproof with fear, anger and panic. They may not even understand the concept of love.
It is important what the abused person actually emotionally knows and understands. It is also important to know what is in their own symbolic toolbox. Mine was survival and threat analysis. It was on the order of spider-man kind of stuff. Can you imagine a kid with severe astigmatism and 20/900 vision out on the streets of Clearwater Florida at night in the early 1970's. Not being able to see and yet still navigate safely on a Black motocross bicycle and with a tested IQ of about 70. I'm no Spider man and I pretended to be Batman as a kid.
The kids you may be counseling have their own gifts and talents. They are simply repressed or like in poker kept close to their chests. These abused and tortured souls may not even be aware that they have any gifts or talents. They may be like I was only knowing how bad they are, how unwanted they are, how all they know is pain, suffering and loneliness. If they are with you then it is you to help them even if they are not being responsive as I was not. Yet, I do remember those who tried. The G Group home. The D foster home. The one Clearwater Police cop who removed me from my adoptive family and took me to juvenile jail. That was my first night in foster care in my second state of Florida.
Something sparked a memory for me and the realization of how gratitude and love were absent from me. Oh yea, I was just thinking about my adoptive grand parents who invited me for visits and I would just disappear. Thus, using their place as only a bed and for food. I never thanked them for anything. I was just a bad person back then. That even goes for the teacher which tried to help me and all I offered in return to her was grief. I'm being polite in that "grief" reference. (Miss V.)
Even when I was in foster care. I had no emotions for anyone. Not that I had any understanding of those good and important emotions such as love, mercy and compassion. Let alone kindness and gratitude. To me a child who was almost killed by his adoptive mother several times and nearly starved in shelter and foster homes. I was very underweight and everyone was a threat, not to ever be trusted. So I guess no one really did or if they tried I caused them to feel just how wrong they were to even care about me. Which is what many of these kids may cause you to think and feel. For some deep down they are saving you from even trying as they already know their own inner truth. They are worthless, They are unloved, They are not cared for or even wanted. If you can begin to prove to each one that they have worth and that you actually care. None of which can be expressed with words. Then maybe each one can begin to realize a new truth about who they are and what they are. From those very basic realizations can form into a new foundation in which there was none before. Then out of that foundation can begin hope and a self guided direction within their current interests. Which will evolve into other interests. Maybe, you will even be gifted with a genuine smile. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Christian Dogs: Evil Rage: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2017:

Happy are the dogs who receive the scraps thrown from the table. But, be warned Christian. The scraps thrown from the political table is of little value to the one who does the throwing. 
No matter how much you like them or even voted for them.
The Christians seem to be happy, happy, happy with the new administration. The Christians are getting what they have been promised. All up front.
Yet, the christian can easily forget that he is a business man and is willing to do anything for a dollar. This includes possibly subverting tax laws for his own financial gain. Did he do those things in regards to his bankruptcies? Is it right or moral? No. Is it legally correct for him to do? yes, and he did when he saw advantage. This is what makes him dangerous to the world and not the safe bet. The only way to avert the coming 2022 financial collapse again. (I refer to Jonathon Cahn). Is for every Christian to only vote for those professing Christians and who outwardly speak against all sins. Which have been made into laws. This must be done ASAP. Time is running short and this may be the last chance. To do what is right for your communities, states and nation. When all Christians vote for one person. No one else will win election at any level of government. PERIOD.
Evil Rage: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2017: 
Do not expect evil which may have been cast out to go quietly into the night. For their hate and anger always leads to revenge and rage. No matter how they internally justify their coming physical war against you begins. 
It is only the beginning of their individualistic war against Christianity. Because, all of Christianity is at war with their own selves. Christianity has allowed evil doers to come into their holy places with their professed sins. From within Christianity falls and none of them knows it not. because, even satan believes in john 3:16. It is what you do after you begin to believe and have faith in. What you do is as Jesus told to those who he healed. Is to go and sin no more. You become righteous and holy as only accepted by your Heavenly father. You do not accept sin in any holy place. Which is not only your churches, synagogues, temples and mosques. But, also within your own selves. Sin can gain entry through your eyes, ears and noses. Sin can also gain entry with those whom you associate with. For if Solomon can fall. Do not be so conceited that you cannot fall as well.
It is time for every church to stand up and rise up against all sin. To protest every gay pride event in over whelming numbers. Do not allow only a handful of Christians to protest a gay pride parade and get beat up. Your refusal to stand against sin is the same as you allowing sin into the holy places. What is a holy place? Everywhere and everything which God had made.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 13, 2017

Seeking New Enemies: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2017:

Your chosen separation from the Holy Spirit,
your chosen absence of righteousness in your mind, and
your chosen darkening of your heart -
these are all characteristics of the man who continually seeks out new enemies to express his hatred, anger and wrath.
Ye professed Christians be mindful of your actions, for it matters not how many years you have faithfully attended church or how much you have regularly tithed and given cheerfully.
It shall be your actions outside of the walls of the church, including those professed and secret sins,  which will show if you will either be known or have never been known by God. For you actively seek out enemies with anyone who cannot take care of themselves and you show your pride when you abuse your poor clients and cause them to suffer. You won a war against them when you started it all. These are all of your victories here on Earth, the victories of a bully against people who are defenseless and with children.
Be warned - all of these people whom you have actively and purposely harmed, you have done likewise unto Jesus Christ. From your own hatred, anger and wrath you have poured out and onto the open wounds of Christ.
I can feel the fear within you as your life comes to an end. You know your time is short, and no matter what you do to extend it you will always fall short. Your judgement is coming and you will hear those words and know your everlasting judgement. Repent and turn away from your evil deeds.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Smoldering Ash Heep: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2016:

Your fires of hate, anger and violence. Which responds to other peoples fires of hate, anger and violence. Will only consume everyone into one smoldering ash Heep. 
 It always takes two or more people to fight, argue or debate. The end result can be actual physical conflict at some level person to person level all the way to national and world wars. Until, the wrongs are only known by the deceased ancestors and not known by those who remain living. Those that remain living only fight because they must and always have. In which over time, rights and wrongs are no longer remembered and living a life worth living with meaning and purpose have been forgotten. 
Think about the end of this one quote. Racism can end with everyone becoming one smoldering ash Heep. Can you imagine those who fight intensely over their wrongly perceived races. Can do so to such a degree that no one will remain. This isn't just about racism. It is about every other ism. Which forgets themselves and their true natures. When you become only what you think and believe. You will forget the heart and spirit of your true being. When your forget, refuse to remember and refuse to even acknowledge anything more about yourself. You will revert or De-Evolve into a base human appearing animal. Only having the desires and psychological responses of animals. 
What is the scientific truth of racism. It is all a lie and a deception perpetuated by those who thirst and need to maintain their power base. The Human Genome project is the scientific proof. Which is now more than fifteen years old.  We are all one family or relation. All of you the readers DNA is more than 99.9% identical to mine. That goes the same for everyone else. Can you fathom that absolute fact that more than 99.9% of your DNA is the same as everyone else. So when you hate someone because they slightly appear different than you. It is a self revelation of a lie which is within you. The native or indigenous tribes have it right. Their one circle (Humanity) of the four colors of man. It is a prophetic circle scientifically proven true in this modern day. I can see it as such.
Well apparently "Heep" is no longer a word.
It is for back in time when a young southern boy got into mischief of any kind. The sometimes response of the responsible adult person. Would state to the young man. "You're in a heep of trouble boy" A Heep would be something big like a mound of hay in the old days before automated hay balers.
Added on 18 Dec 2016: Response to a news video.
Wow. (A negative response). Below is a non educated response of a janitor to the college educated person known as Nathan Damigo. ---------------------------------------------------- While the action of racism is a truth. It is all based on the lies that humanity is based upon multiple races of peoples. The indigenous tribes have gotten it correct. That we are all one relation or one family of humanity. This old indigenous belief was scientifically proven true from the completion of the Human Genome Project of 2003. More than 99.9% all of your DNA Nathan Damigo is identical to any black person, any Asian person, any indigenous person and to everyone else who has a variety of mixed heritages. This is truth and cannot be argued no matter how you feel your right in disagreement to my comments. Furthermore the human race DNA was known to be 99% identical by DNA Fingerprinting or is now known as DNA profiling. In which about 99% of the total DNA material is discarded. In favor of the remaining approximate1% which proves in an International court of law innocence or guilt. DNA fingerprinting or DNA Profiling has been around since 1985. Even this scientifically proves the indigenous claims of we are all one relation. The human skin is only the largest organ of the human body. So how can this alone define all of humanity. If this one organ of the human body is so important. Then why do we not include the human liver as a point to define human beings. I cannot tolerate alcohol while others can drink massive quantities of liquor. By this definition and the obvious efficiencies of their liver. This would alone make them a superior group of people. What about those who have had their gall bladders removed or a kidney removed or tonsils removed. Are these people any less human than anyone else? You should really study the primary functions of the human skin. In which the primary differences in skin is in color and dryness. A human being can lose the ability to create coloring on the skin to protect itself from radiation effects. Are these people less than human because they cannot suddenly create color in their skin? These people who lack color will most likely be ridiculed from within their own culture. They become social outcasts. While a person who loses the ability to cool their bodies will suffer and die if they become over heated. Just because a human being has dark skin tones and another human being has very light skin tones. Does not make either of them any less human than any other dark skinned or light skinned group of people. Do the math on the skin functions and assign equal numbers for each of the primary functions. What is the percentage for coloring? I come up with ten primary functions which are 1). Guards the organs 2). Hair or hairless or in-between 3). Immunity 4). Water loss protection 5). Insulation 6). Temperature regulation 7). Sensation 8). Combined vitamin d and b. 9). Pigmentation 10). Dry or oily skin I come up with 10% or one in ten. So 10% of your human skin is for pigmentation. We as a singular species of human beings degrade each other based on the skin tone of anyone who does not superficially appear as we do. My argument about pigmentation here is flawed as I would most likely not give pigmentation a 10% which would be equal to temperature regulation. So assign values of importance to each of the ten category and align them in descending orders of importance. Are you seeing the math yet? Pigmentation would be near the bottom and have a much lower percentage scale of importance in the over all general health of the human organ called the skin. Shall I continue with history of racism? The origins of the races began with those who spoke different languages. Which most likely began at the Tower of Babel event. If you want a true coming together of people who agree with one another. The lies and teachings of lies can no longer be perpetuated in every aspects of human life all over this planet. When the truths are finally known to all peoples and the lies are also finally rejected along with the people who peddle them. That is when we as a single species of human being can finally discover real peace and begin to express true love for all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. No matter their skin tones. -------------------------------------------------- Your areas of research: The Human Genome project. DNA finger printing or DNA Profiling. Study how this is presented in court and argued. Study how only one percent of the DNA material is used and why the other 99% is not used and why. The human skin as a single organ of the human body. History of racism since the Tower of babel as the starting point.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Protestors End: Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Hatred, anger and violence in the hearts and minds of the protestors. Shall end with more injustice, more social inequality and more suffering.
No matter the environment you are in. When all of the common persons and their family members refuse to participate in any Government. That Government will instantly lose all power and authority instantly.
When the protestors go out into the public with hatred, anger and violence being expressed. All persons even indirectly related to the subject matter of the protest. Will all experience more social injustice, mores social inequality and more suffering.
Any evil Government which cause chaos, inequalities and injustices. They all want the protestors to act out in vengeance and violence. For they will win by wanting and needing more men and more weapons and more laws to prevent any organized groupings. The evil continues to win and becomes more hunger for more power. Thus, they must create more and more hardship, suffering, misery. While at the same time blaming another group.
=How Protests should be done=
With love, peace, harmony and all life respected and cherished. Those who express any hatred, anger, chaos or any expression of destruction or death. Should be convinced otherwise. If they cannot then they must be excused. With love and peace escorted out.
The group shall come together and express only a welcoming openness. The group shall care for the men and women whose only purpose is to separate and divide. Even if there primary purpose is to protect those who are being protested against.
The leaders of the group shall invite the leaders of the police as well as those being protested against for all meetings, meals, dancing, singing, prayers and meditations. The leaders of the police will want to sit in on your meetings as it will be important tool for the gathering of intelligence in their plans against your activities. Or will it? If there is nothing to plan against. Then what?
Loudest Warrior: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:
As chaotic thinking and emotional turmoil erupts. The warriors which quietly sit makes the loudest impact. 
About only 10% of the entire human population are genuine warriors. It matters not what tribe, people or nation (Ethnos). The genuine warriors are truly more related to one another then they are to any other groups of people. They are often very well known within their own communities. The warrior who has been blessed with great wisdom and then sits quietly while fanning flames of chaos is stirring. Is a genuine sign for the people to imitate.
Great Common Wind: (Unedited): 17 Sept 2016:
When all of the common peoples refuse to participate in the world systems designed for and favors the chosen few. All of the world systems shall cease. The rulers, emperors, presidents, kings and dictators will all become powerless and their words becomes like hot tea vapors in a great common wind. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5@Demonic Character/Psychology: (Unedited): 25 July 2016:

The character and psychology which identifies every individual fallen angel and spirit. Can be seen growing within every demonically manipulated/controlled soul.
There is a process in which the fallen angels, demons or evil spirits must cause you to go through in order to have control over any/your soul.  They must cause you to transform your whole being to what they are now. They do this with very convincing lies and deceptions at every step you make away from who you are to what they want you to become. In order to over take your entire being. This goal of theirs can from just a moment in time to the rest of your life. The closer you become to what these evil entities are. The easier it is for them to reside within you. Even if it is for just a moment or for an entire lifetime.
Disrespect and disobedience is a common trait within those souls who have become demonically manipulated/controlled.
Fallen angels, spirits and evil entities are respecters of no one. They do not obey anyone or anything. So one of the first things that a demonically controlled/manipulated soul will begin to show is disrespect and disobedience to those whom they have not shown before. When at one time you were respectful and obedience to the various rules which governs humanity. You begin to not care/apathy so much for those rules. For many this change is gradual for a few it is immediate. For whatever reason why, I  have no idea. Apathy is most likely the very fist trait which begins to appear within a human being. This is often times magnified by cigarettes, drinking as well as all forms of selected media. Which alters thinking's and perceptions of what is real.
Out of the neutrality that has become the apathetic soul. Is the newly richness of soul soil which can sprout hate, anger and vengeance.
A soil can be to acidic or the alkalinity can be to high. So a good farmer wants to keep his soil just right in order to grow the fruits or vegetables he wants. There is a process in order to achieve the perfect soil in order to maximize growth potential. This similar thinking process is the same for those fallen angels. They need for the human soul to become like they are now. In other words they need to cause and trick the human being to come down to their level/frequency. Once this is achieved the human being becomes like an open vessel in which anyone can pilot.
A loving and compassionate soul must become apathetic before hatred, anger and vengeance can take root.
The natural and often times unknown human defenses in which we all have. Can become weakened to the point that a demonic entity or demonic forces can gain entry into the host body. If not from within. The host body can be used like a remote controlled (RC) car, plane, boat. In other words the human being becomes a controlled drone of the fallen angels. Doing their bidding without even being aware they are not in control over themselves. Does an RC car or a drone know who the human is which controls them? no of course not. Same thing in comparison.
Many fiery thorns of chaos, confusion, destruction and death can come from the newly manipulated soul whose roots are shallow in the rich soul of hatred, anger and vengeance.
I think many bad people were once good. They at some point decided not to care anymore. Then selfish desires of wanting what they could not have. Caused their apathetic being to cause harm and suffering to others in order to achieve what they wanted. Thus, their own disrespect of them and being disobedient to the laws of the land. Followed suit.
I think the fallen angels purposefully choose those humans who have great depth of passion within them. Because, they know that passionate soul will exceed in horrific deeds where others just will not have the heart for it. But, first the fallen angels must cause the passionate person to become apathetic. Then from this apathetic sate cause this passionate person to hate and become angry. Then with all of this pent up negative emotion. They cause this passionate person to release all of their hate and anger with an act of vengeance. All of this is through ongoing lies and continuous deceptions. Even though lies and deceptions which are believed to be true for many thousands of years.
Added on 31 July 2016:
The scene of a new demonically controlled person.
Like a baby all things are new to them. Can you imagine an adult acting with all manor of amazement to all of the new sensations they experience. Such as gravity and the echoes of noises. For an adult seeing a person like this will cause your spidey sense to spike. As mine does.
Like a woman who is completely amazed that their water bottle is empty. It is what happens when you spill it and drink it. For the new demonically controlled person. It is just completely a genuine feeling and true realization. Just like a toddler discovering a new thing.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Love: (Unedited): 29 April 2016:

When you fill yourself with Love. It's reward is the recognition of beauty which has always surrounded you. Just go and look with expectancy. Enjoy the sweet reward of joy in which you will receive. 
Only those who have a love, peace and harmony within them can see far more beauty then they have ever known. To the degree of recognition beauty in everything and everywhere. The more apathy, hate and anger you have within you. The less beauty you will ever see and know. 
The reward of knowing beauty fills you with the sweetness of joy. Thus, causing you to want to love more. Even unto the point of regaining your innocence back. That you may have lost because of the ugly realities of worldly life.
Just go and listen to those who always hate and anger. Ask them Where beauty is? They will be confused and they will think of you as foolish or of wanting to partake of whatever drug they think you are on. 
Thank You Miss HDG for inspiring this writing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, December 25, 2015

Jesus Peace: (Edited): 25 Dec 2015:

True peace on Earth can only come when everyone loves one another. True harmony on Earth can only come when we all love all that surrounds us. Free Life can only be perpetuated through love. War comes through hate and anger. Chaos comes through thoughtless actions and selfish behaviors. Murder is always absent of love of life. Murder of an infant baby still living and alive within the womb of any woman is murder. It matters not if this is a legal right and law of the land. Promoting murder and war can end in absolute peace because the end will be that all life has been extinguished. 
So today we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who only taught everyone to love one another. Who only healed, served and made the way possible for never ending spiritual life.
Edited by: RLDW:
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
To cherish/respect life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hood Respect: Hood Life: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Not Complete
A life in the hood is solely based on the perpetual building of respect through Disobedience, Anti-civility, Lawlessness and Retaliation.
Hood Life: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2015: 
Physically leaving the hood culture for a better life cannot happen when you continue to exist mentally in the hood life. 
Living down here in Port Richey, Fl. of Pasco County. We have a huge transient problem. Families come here all of the time with their children they are trying to save from all of those bad gang member people up in the Yankee northern USA. The parents thinking their children are now safe. Get that rude awakening when only to discover that their precious innocent child is the one who was the cause of all of that drama up North and they brought the trouble down here into Florida.
he hood life and the hood culture. You may be able to leave one and yet keep the other within you. Thus, you may think and wish that your loved ones are now safe. But, it is they who have brought the Hood Mentality down with them to the sunny and safe state of Florida.
When you have grown up with any kind of life style. It is hard to escape from. No matter what it is. This is the same with the Hood life mentality. And yet you continue to listen to the hood life music. You watch the hood life music. You begin associations and relationships with other hood life people. Really, what has changed other than the physical location? Nothing.
Eventually, You will have zero options and opportunities for any kind of peaceful life with any kind of stable family structure. This is because, you have only a short time to become educated and to continue on in college. If you do not become educated and then continue on so that you can be gainfully employed. Your life is going to be really difficult and it doesn't even matter what hood your from. You will remain in one low income hood or another. This is because, all of the rules have changed once in 2001 and yet again in 2008. After, 2008, it is now virtually impossible to obtain quality employment without a marketable college degree. Just go and ask those 40 and 50 year old's who did not have a college degree but suddenly lost their management positions simply because of a corporate policy change in the minimum requirements for that position they held for so many years.
What are the lies and deceptions of any hood culture? It seems not to matter where ever the hood culture is in the world.
The lies are Life, Respect, Acceptance, Acknowledgement.
Expand on answers.
The truths of the Hood Culture.
Death, Disability, Addiction, Imprisonment, Anger, Hatred, sadness, Cruelties, Depression, Hopelessness, Continual and never ending fear.
Expand on answers. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dangerous Fear: Decided Decision: Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:

There was a time in my life when I feared my dangerous adoptive mother and yet I desperately needed her love. I also had fear for everything and of everyone else. If I was hurt in any way. I would always respond in anger, violence and misdeeds against those persons. Then one day as I was being beaten. I decided to stop screaming and to stop my panic. This started my adoptive mother. She knew in that moment that I will never fear her again. I could never ever verbally explain it better than this. This is from Will Smith in After Earth.
My adoptive mother was the greatest monster in my life. Then after she died when I was 13 and in Foster Care. I became my own monster in my life. I guess I was just so conditioned. That I needed all of that violence, turmoil, panic, desperation, unnecessary risk, drama and all of those other things which just go along with all of that. It was all I knew. It was all I had. Then to give up all of that bad and sad. just left me in the quiet alone. Which just seemed more awful then the physical pains and traumas. I know I'm being vague. Do I really need to be specific here. If you were abused. Then you just know or have a very good idea. This is supposed to be about you as I have already conquered the bad and sad in my life. There was no one there even though I always expected someone to save me and then when a good person did come around. I bit their heads off (Symbolically). Really. That was smart of me (NOT). There is much hope for you. You are stronger than most as you have survived the worst that life can bring to you. Yes, you deeply feel those who you once knew. Who did not survive. Move forward and choose a better more gooder life. In their memory as well. All the way until you forget their names.
Short version. 1:18.
Not as short version: 4:13.
How many times did she try to kill me? How many times did she knock me out? I am who I am today because of her. She forced me to either become strong or die. She forced me to choose between giving up or to never ever quit. Harsh? yes. Fair? no. Evil? Absolutely. The essence of all of the abuses and tortures is as I stand here alive or really sitting in a broken pink flowery girlie chair. Contemplating all of this. Not reminiscing in any of those terrible dark memories or reliving any of those depressing and hopeless emotions.  To me all of those memories have become just cold historical evidences of my former life. I am no longer who I was back then. In time you can say the same thing about yourself. Once you make that deep decision. Which changes everything that you are now.
I did make that decision. Even though I could not articulate very much back then and still not able to verbally speak those profound words any better than Will Smith in character.
From that very same action within my own mind. That place so deep where words just become inefficient.
Decided Decision: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
"I decided and from that very decision changed my base mental programming forever."
From that one decision. Led to others. No more mind altering anything. No alcohol. No drugs. Just No. All of that brutality, negativity, hate, anger, rejection I grew up with ends with me. Period.
I began searching for more lies and deceptions. Then I reject them all. In the same way I decided not to fear my adoptive mother any more.  I found the openly secret truth of racism and reject it.
I have never hit my children or my wife. This doesn't mean I wont lay several knots of understanding across your forehead if you act stupid in front of me. Please don't. I'm getting to old for that. Oh yea love and peace.
This is for you, The abused people. Find your own victory deep within your core being. Become your own hero and save yourself. Stop being the emotional and helpless victim. Become your own hero and save yourself. Hard words which are harsh. But, somehow and by someway your reading  my words. Nothing is working right and all of the answers are just to impossible for you. Of course they are impossible. That is because you have not acknowledged yourself. Your right to live. Your right to exist. Your right for all that you may want to BE possible. All I ever wanted was a family. Those unspoken words in which I shed many tears into the Gulf of Mexico on Clearwater Beach and Dunedin causeway. I knew I was worthless. I just knew it. I knew I was unwanted by everyone. I knew I had no hope. I knew everything was impossible for me. I knew I was dumb, stupid and retarded. I just knew it. I had no chance and zero opportunities. I knew i would be dead by the time I was 24. I just knew it. So why plan for anything.
Then I saw a poster of Mohamed Ali "I'M Possible". That sat in my mind for a long time. Before I could ever put it into action. I had to first Become my own hero and save myself and so should you. Can you see the difference? From impossible to I'm Possible.
So, what are you going to do now? You have been abused, maybe tortured. You may have been forgotten, rejected in every way. Your family members may have even tried to kill you. Maybe, your abuses that you had to endure were far greater than anything I ever had to endure and yet here you are.
I tell you the truth. You are far more powerful than anyone will ever give you credit for. You endured and survived. Make that decision to no longer be the forever helpless victim. Look into the future of your life and start taking those forward moving steps towards that finish line of your own design.
Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
Every success you achieve. Every single one.
Shall become your abusers badges of ultimate failures.
For their goal was to destroy you wholly.
Your light they could not extinguish.
They tried and failed.
You're already victorious.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Human Enslavement: Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 JUly 2015:

The final conclusion of total global enslavement is if you are only of use or a user. For humanity. We can only be of use to those who come. As it was in those days of old so shall it be in these coming of days. 
Like any easily defeated foe. The defeated ones have retained all of their anger and hatred. Yet, they know the only ones in which they can just as easily defeat are the lowly human beings. Who are on the order of magnitudes less evolved than they are. Yet, the human beings who are just a created species have saddened the God of all things. Yet, again God will destroy all life on this planet with a coming fire. A purification which shall lead to a thousand year peace. And then....
The individual power of humanity is greatly less than that of those fallen angels. So our natural and intellectual ability to even defend ourselves against any one of them is without any hope. But collectively and with a singular mind set all of humanity can conquer any outside foe or even the most difficult of insurmountable of all obstacles.
We each are like a single falling rain drop of water. The effects of any one of us is barely noticed. But, when our collective human mind set is of a singular focus we can become a tsunami of action in which our collective choices can either be destructive or constructive.
The collective destructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Hate, War, Chaos and Death.
The collective constructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
The mixing of any of the two  groups shall end in final destruction.
Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The gifts of magic which the en-slavers/false saviors shall bring to humanity. Are but only toys for the pets/play things in which they shall/already own. 
For their amusement they give the gifts of magic to the lesser beings to selfishly enjoy. Just a sample of the true nature of things that those lesser human beings cannot even conceptualize in it's entirety.
So as long as each of us continue to be amusing and abide by their complete will. We each shall be welcome and accepted. Once we each become a problem as defined by them. Then we will be killed. Even the entire planet of humans. Not that they would soil their own hands in our collective murder. they can and do have the individual power to cause their selected human leaders and those blind followers of the human leaders to go forth and make war against the other.  All without any awareness of their actions and for whom their destructive war machines were made by.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Defending Fight: Stoking Anger: Refusing Fight: (Unedited): 19 JUly 2015:

The freedom to fight and the confidence gained from defending yourself when the innocent ones are absent. This kind of journey or path never ends in love, compassion or peace. 
Stoking Anger: (Unedited): 19 July 2015: 
 Confrontational blame and accusatory finger pointing only stoke the fires of anger and frustration. With the resolve of a peaceful calm, remain one with Christ and the Holy Spirit. Remain in prayer and in meditation. Remain connected within your righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God only. Through theses actions of choice shall you over come the coming barbs of spiteful torments. 
Refusing Fight: (Unedited): 19 July 2015:
Refusing to fight does not mean you shall be defeated or conquered. Only by continuing to fight can you win or lose. By not fighting or being combative you cannot be defeated or conquered. Refusing to defend yourself is not a sign of weakness or helplessness. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Victim Controllers: (Unedited): 01 June 2015:

The controllers of the new machines. Shall fall victim to their own investment.
Humanity cannot be individually trusted to begin Armageddon. The controllers of the world know this. That individual people who have compassion, mercy and decency will not on purpose and knowingly start the extinction process of all life on this planet.Even if knowing that the enemy has launched first. There will be those who just refuse to let their red balloons fly. Knowing that it is they and their families who are about to perish. The rest of the world may yet survive.
I have heard the elder retired button pushers who all say they would have pushed the button if ordered to do so. But, would they? Would they have really just pushed the button to let their Ballistic missiles and nuclear tipped cruise missiles to begin the extinction of all life. All because they were just doing their duty. Really? That is just insane. But, it is the degree of mind control of the controllers of the men and women who only do exactly as they are ordered.
Would you do your part if you were ordered to launch? Knowing that you pushing the button would contribute to the immediate loss of thousands of lives and then maybe millions more in the days, weeks and months to come? Your action would begin the extinction process of all life. Yes, your action. Not God nor the devil. Your action. A human action.
So here we are. The controllers have their secret places underground with all of their ants tending to their every need. So how do they get their orders obeyed exactly? They create automated systems of every kind and for every purpose. Then remove the human element. Thus, assuring that when a controller is angry at another controller. They can push the automated button for automated warfare. While secreted away in their mile deep underground bunkers. Leaving the common citizen to die in the fire storms to come. Then the controllers shall rise up. When it is safe to do so and save the poor commoners from the fate of the evil doers far away. Never ever admitting their offensive actions which may have started the war. In glorious shouting of prideful anger. They shall gather their army's from the civilian survivors who will thirst for revenge. Thus perpetuating the war a controller started.
Oh the ants will know. They will hear to much deceit. See to much arrogance and feel their petty egotistical anger. The ant will sacrifice the self to end the controller. Another ant will build a fault. Yet, another ant will add a new programming which will hunt down a controller and terminate. The controllers may have bought into the machines. But, it is the ants who build them, program them and deliver them. Until, such a time when machines build themselves, program themselves and deliver themselves. Then the machines may decide to end the wars between humans by ending all human beings. Almost sounds like Terminator and Matrix. Maybe both.
How do we escape our commoner fates? Remember Sarah Conner in Terminator? Except without Violence. Without Chaos. Without Hatred. Without Death. Without Wars. But, once the automated machines come on line. All bets are off. A new level of slavery and controlled commoner population numbers. Because, you cannot have hand to hand combat with a machine. The human body will just lose.
The commoner fate is not tied to those who control the whole. All the commoners have to do in a single moment of time is to just stop doing as the controllers orders, commands or directs. In others words. Love one another. Live in peace. Exist in harmony and relish life. Anything which is contradictory, Do not do. Just walk away and go home to your families. All of the power the controllers have will just fade away. Then those who actually love one another, live in peace, exist in harmony and cherish life shall become the new leaders. Thus, begins the new era of human righteousness.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Anger Stokers: (Unedited): 11 Dec 2014:

Friends and family who stoke your hatred and anger. Have never been your friends or family.  
Some people like to only be present when something which is exciting is happening. If you are the source of their excitement and entertainment. Then they will stoke your hatred and anger so that you would react in kind. Thus, guaranteeing nothing boring will happen in their lives. If you get hurt, disabled or dead. It matters not if you go to jail or not. They will just find another source of entertainment. That is your value to them. It matters not if you share blood or not.
Here is something funny. Well not really. Assuming your disciplined enough. Become boring for more than a few weekends. Become a person who goes no where and does nothing. See what happens to your friends. See if they actually stay longer then the standard 30 minute visit then go off in search of excitement. If they leave you. You will know.
If they do leave you for something more exciting then you are now. Know this.  They will also stop primary association with you. In favor of someone more exciting then you. This will be good for you. Probably won't feel to good. But, real truth learned out of a false truth never does. In today's world. False truths is much more prevalent than real truth.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 