Showing posts with label Acknowledgement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acknowledgement. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Beautiful Songs: Ugly Hold: (Unedited): 14 April 2016:

 By not having the intention of paying attention in your life and to your life. You will miss the beautiful songs which surrounds and in the missing of that richness you shall know the cold dark silence. 
Ugly Hold: (Unedited): 16 April 2016:
 That which is ugly needs your continued attention, your continued agreement and continued acknowledgement that the ugly thing is beautiful. That is why the ugly seems to always want to grab and hold onto you.
This is a Facebook posting:
14 April 2016 @0528 Hrs. 
Good Morning. This morning I saw two videos on my Facebook page from women. Some guy called disturbed singing songs of silence and Joshua Bell playing his zillion dollar violin for a buck in a subway station. By not having the intention of paying attention in your life and to your life. You will miss the beautiful songs which surrounds and in the missing of that richness you shall know the cold dark silence.

Inspiration in your life and for your life can come from anywhere. If you can just choose to take the time to see, to know and understand. Can you see what I see in all of you. If your on my page. I think of you as amazing persons. Did you get this far? Good morning today will be a beautiful regardless if you see it, know it, aware of it, to sad for it or not. Beauty never needs your attention, awareness or permission to show itself. That which is ugly needs your continued attention, your continued agreement and continued acknowledgement that the ugly thing is beautiful. That is why the ugly seems to always want to grab and hold onto you. Did you get this far.?
The world is a beautiful place. Everyday is a beautiful day. Our solar System is beautiful. The whole of the universe is beautiful. Even though all of these things and places can be very dangerous. What is most interesting is the beauty which surrounds you always. Does not become ugly when your heart and mind are ugly. The whole of everything does not become gray and uninteresting when your inattentive. Every is as it is. No matter what you think and how you feel. Beauty surrounds you always. You just have to clean away the ugliness of your mind and heart. Then you can see with your renewed eyes of awareness and intention. 
When your in that ugly place or just around those ugly people. You know those persons who think only ugly and bad thoughts . Those people whose clod hearts have been blackened by the darkness of other human beings. Good tends to not be within them as they have allowed the beauty of good to be pushed out of them for whatever reason. 
But at the same time. They do want to be continued to be told they are beautiful and they will hold onto that person who fills them with externalized beauty. Without ever trying to change their lives for the better. They will hold onto that good person until they can suck out all of the goodness within them and then throw them away and find a fresh new person. Sounds bad doesn't it. Well, they are. When a person refuse to acknowledge the bad within them and yet wants to be continually uplifted as something beautiful and wonderful. No matter who it hurts. That is bad and that is their need without putting forth any effort.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Hood Respect: Hood Life: (Unedited): 29 Oct 2015:

Not Complete
A life in the hood is solely based on the perpetual building of respect through Disobedience, Anti-civility, Lawlessness and Retaliation.
Hood Life: (Unedited): 01 Nov 2015: 
Physically leaving the hood culture for a better life cannot happen when you continue to exist mentally in the hood life. 
Living down here in Port Richey, Fl. of Pasco County. We have a huge transient problem. Families come here all of the time with their children they are trying to save from all of those bad gang member people up in the Yankee northern USA. The parents thinking their children are now safe. Get that rude awakening when only to discover that their precious innocent child is the one who was the cause of all of that drama up North and they brought the trouble down here into Florida.
he hood life and the hood culture. You may be able to leave one and yet keep the other within you. Thus, you may think and wish that your loved ones are now safe. But, it is they who have brought the Hood Mentality down with them to the sunny and safe state of Florida.
When you have grown up with any kind of life style. It is hard to escape from. No matter what it is. This is the same with the Hood life mentality. And yet you continue to listen to the hood life music. You watch the hood life music. You begin associations and relationships with other hood life people. Really, what has changed other than the physical location? Nothing.
Eventually, You will have zero options and opportunities for any kind of peaceful life with any kind of stable family structure. This is because, you have only a short time to become educated and to continue on in college. If you do not become educated and then continue on so that you can be gainfully employed. Your life is going to be really difficult and it doesn't even matter what hood your from. You will remain in one low income hood or another. This is because, all of the rules have changed once in 2001 and yet again in 2008. After, 2008, it is now virtually impossible to obtain quality employment without a marketable college degree. Just go and ask those 40 and 50 year old's who did not have a college degree but suddenly lost their management positions simply because of a corporate policy change in the minimum requirements for that position they held for so many years.
What are the lies and deceptions of any hood culture? It seems not to matter where ever the hood culture is in the world.
The lies are Life, Respect, Acceptance, Acknowledgement.
Expand on answers.
The truths of the Hood Culture.
Death, Disability, Addiction, Imprisonment, Anger, Hatred, sadness, Cruelties, Depression, Hopelessness, Continual and never ending fear.
Expand on answers. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 