Showing posts with label Respond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Respond. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Smoldering Ash Heep: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2016:

Your fires of hate, anger and violence. Which responds to other peoples fires of hate, anger and violence. Will only consume everyone into one smoldering ash Heep. 
 It always takes two or more people to fight, argue or debate. The end result can be actual physical conflict at some level person to person level all the way to national and world wars. Until, the wrongs are only known by the deceased ancestors and not known by those who remain living. Those that remain living only fight because they must and always have. In which over time, rights and wrongs are no longer remembered and living a life worth living with meaning and purpose have been forgotten. 
Think about the end of this one quote. Racism can end with everyone becoming one smoldering ash Heep. Can you imagine those who fight intensely over their wrongly perceived races. Can do so to such a degree that no one will remain. This isn't just about racism. It is about every other ism. Which forgets themselves and their true natures. When you become only what you think and believe. You will forget the heart and spirit of your true being. When your forget, refuse to remember and refuse to even acknowledge anything more about yourself. You will revert or De-Evolve into a base human appearing animal. Only having the desires and psychological responses of animals. 
What is the scientific truth of racism. It is all a lie and a deception perpetuated by those who thirst and need to maintain their power base. The Human Genome project is the scientific proof. Which is now more than fifteen years old.  We are all one family or relation. All of you the readers DNA is more than 99.9% identical to mine. That goes the same for everyone else. Can you fathom that absolute fact that more than 99.9% of your DNA is the same as everyone else. So when you hate someone because they slightly appear different than you. It is a self revelation of a lie which is within you. The native or indigenous tribes have it right. Their one circle (Humanity) of the four colors of man. It is a prophetic circle scientifically proven true in this modern day. I can see it as such.
Well apparently "Heep" is no longer a word.
It is for back in time when a young southern boy got into mischief of any kind. The sometimes response of the responsible adult person. Would state to the young man. "You're in a heep of trouble boy" A Heep would be something big like a mound of hay in the old days before automated hay balers.
Added on 18 Dec 2016: Response to a news video.
Wow. (A negative response). Below is a non educated response of a janitor to the college educated person known as Nathan Damigo. ---------------------------------------------------- While the action of racism is a truth. It is all based on the lies that humanity is based upon multiple races of peoples. The indigenous tribes have gotten it correct. That we are all one relation or one family of humanity. This old indigenous belief was scientifically proven true from the completion of the Human Genome Project of 2003. More than 99.9% all of your DNA Nathan Damigo is identical to any black person, any Asian person, any indigenous person and to everyone else who has a variety of mixed heritages. This is truth and cannot be argued no matter how you feel your right in disagreement to my comments. Furthermore the human race DNA was known to be 99% identical by DNA Fingerprinting or is now known as DNA profiling. In which about 99% of the total DNA material is discarded. In favor of the remaining approximate1% which proves in an International court of law innocence or guilt. DNA fingerprinting or DNA Profiling has been around since 1985. Even this scientifically proves the indigenous claims of we are all one relation. The human skin is only the largest organ of the human body. So how can this alone define all of humanity. If this one organ of the human body is so important. Then why do we not include the human liver as a point to define human beings. I cannot tolerate alcohol while others can drink massive quantities of liquor. By this definition and the obvious efficiencies of their liver. This would alone make them a superior group of people. What about those who have had their gall bladders removed or a kidney removed or tonsils removed. Are these people any less human than anyone else? You should really study the primary functions of the human skin. In which the primary differences in skin is in color and dryness. A human being can lose the ability to create coloring on the skin to protect itself from radiation effects. Are these people less than human because they cannot suddenly create color in their skin? These people who lack color will most likely be ridiculed from within their own culture. They become social outcasts. While a person who loses the ability to cool their bodies will suffer and die if they become over heated. Just because a human being has dark skin tones and another human being has very light skin tones. Does not make either of them any less human than any other dark skinned or light skinned group of people. Do the math on the skin functions and assign equal numbers for each of the primary functions. What is the percentage for coloring? I come up with ten primary functions which are 1). Guards the organs 2). Hair or hairless or in-between 3). Immunity 4). Water loss protection 5). Insulation 6). Temperature regulation 7). Sensation 8). Combined vitamin d and b. 9). Pigmentation 10). Dry or oily skin I come up with 10% or one in ten. So 10% of your human skin is for pigmentation. We as a singular species of human beings degrade each other based on the skin tone of anyone who does not superficially appear as we do. My argument about pigmentation here is flawed as I would most likely not give pigmentation a 10% which would be equal to temperature regulation. So assign values of importance to each of the ten category and align them in descending orders of importance. Are you seeing the math yet? Pigmentation would be near the bottom and have a much lower percentage scale of importance in the over all general health of the human organ called the skin. Shall I continue with history of racism? The origins of the races began with those who spoke different languages. Which most likely began at the Tower of Babel event. If you want a true coming together of people who agree with one another. The lies and teachings of lies can no longer be perpetuated in every aspects of human life all over this planet. When the truths are finally known to all peoples and the lies are also finally rejected along with the people who peddle them. That is when we as a single species of human being can finally discover real peace and begin to express true love for all of our brothers and sisters everywhere. No matter their skin tones. -------------------------------------------------- Your areas of research: The Human Genome project. DNA finger printing or DNA Profiling. Study how this is presented in court and argued. Study how only one percent of the DNA material is used and why the other 99% is not used and why. The human skin as a single organ of the human body. History of racism since the Tower of babel as the starting point.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Dangerous Fear: Decided Decision: Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:

There was a time in my life when I feared my dangerous adoptive mother and yet I desperately needed her love. I also had fear for everything and of everyone else. If I was hurt in any way. I would always respond in anger, violence and misdeeds against those persons. Then one day as I was being beaten. I decided to stop screaming and to stop my panic. This started my adoptive mother. She knew in that moment that I will never fear her again. I could never ever verbally explain it better than this. This is from Will Smith in After Earth.
My adoptive mother was the greatest monster in my life. Then after she died when I was 13 and in Foster Care. I became my own monster in my life. I guess I was just so conditioned. That I needed all of that violence, turmoil, panic, desperation, unnecessary risk, drama and all of those other things which just go along with all of that. It was all I knew. It was all I had. Then to give up all of that bad and sad. just left me in the quiet alone. Which just seemed more awful then the physical pains and traumas. I know I'm being vague. Do I really need to be specific here. If you were abused. Then you just know or have a very good idea. This is supposed to be about you as I have already conquered the bad and sad in my life. There was no one there even though I always expected someone to save me and then when a good person did come around. I bit their heads off (Symbolically). Really. That was smart of me (NOT). There is much hope for you. You are stronger than most as you have survived the worst that life can bring to you. Yes, you deeply feel those who you once knew. Who did not survive. Move forward and choose a better more gooder life. In their memory as well. All the way until you forget their names.
Short version. 1:18.
Not as short version: 4:13.
How many times did she try to kill me? How many times did she knock me out? I am who I am today because of her. She forced me to either become strong or die. She forced me to choose between giving up or to never ever quit. Harsh? yes. Fair? no. Evil? Absolutely. The essence of all of the abuses and tortures is as I stand here alive or really sitting in a broken pink flowery girlie chair. Contemplating all of this. Not reminiscing in any of those terrible dark memories or reliving any of those depressing and hopeless emotions.  To me all of those memories have become just cold historical evidences of my former life. I am no longer who I was back then. In time you can say the same thing about yourself. Once you make that deep decision. Which changes everything that you are now.
I did make that decision. Even though I could not articulate very much back then and still not able to verbally speak those profound words any better than Will Smith in character.
From that very same action within my own mind. That place so deep where words just become inefficient.
Decided Decision: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
"I decided and from that very decision changed my base mental programming forever."
From that one decision. Led to others. No more mind altering anything. No alcohol. No drugs. Just No. All of that brutality, negativity, hate, anger, rejection I grew up with ends with me. Period.
I began searching for more lies and deceptions. Then I reject them all. In the same way I decided not to fear my adoptive mother any more.  I found the openly secret truth of racism and reject it.
I have never hit my children or my wife. This doesn't mean I wont lay several knots of understanding across your forehead if you act stupid in front of me. Please don't. I'm getting to old for that. Oh yea love and peace.
This is for you, The abused people. Find your own victory deep within your core being. Become your own hero and save yourself. Stop being the emotional and helpless victim. Become your own hero and save yourself. Hard words which are harsh. But, somehow and by someway your reading  my words. Nothing is working right and all of the answers are just to impossible for you. Of course they are impossible. That is because you have not acknowledged yourself. Your right to live. Your right to exist. Your right for all that you may want to BE possible. All I ever wanted was a family. Those unspoken words in which I shed many tears into the Gulf of Mexico on Clearwater Beach and Dunedin causeway. I knew I was worthless. I just knew it. I knew I was unwanted by everyone. I knew I had no hope. I knew everything was impossible for me. I knew I was dumb, stupid and retarded. I just knew it. I had no chance and zero opportunities. I knew i would be dead by the time I was 24. I just knew it. So why plan for anything.
Then I saw a poster of Mohamed Ali "I'M Possible". That sat in my mind for a long time. Before I could ever put it into action. I had to first Become my own hero and save myself and so should you. Can you see the difference? From impossible to I'm Possible.
So, what are you going to do now? You have been abused, maybe tortured. You may have been forgotten, rejected in every way. Your family members may have even tried to kill you. Maybe, your abuses that you had to endure were far greater than anything I ever had to endure and yet here you are.
I tell you the truth. You are far more powerful than anyone will ever give you credit for. You endured and survived. Make that decision to no longer be the forever helpless victim. Look into the future of your life and start taking those forward moving steps towards that finish line of your own design.
Every Success: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2015:
Every success you achieve. Every single one.
Shall become your abusers badges of ultimate failures.
For their goal was to destroy you wholly.
Your light they could not extinguish.
They tried and failed.
You're already victorious.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Wet Leader: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2015:

The good leader who keeps his/her people safe from the falling rain. Gets the most wet. 
A good leader can easily been seen in what they do and by how their followers respond to them. It is never by their words. Is their love or fear in the response of the followers? Are the followers warm, dry and safe when the storms come? While the leader is cold, in danger and very wet. If you can see this essential truth. Then you will know. It is not the leader who is important but rather the followers. A leader who is humbled enough to automatically know this truth. Is the one which should be desired over the perfect choice or the best selection available. A person may be the best of the best. But, if they do not know this truth or becomes insulted by the conditions of their interview visit. Then that person may not be the actual leader for you.
This is how effective change happens. By searching for a leader/manager as opposed to only a manager. It seems anyone can be taught to manage. But caring and compassionate leaders are born. How to find them isn't very tricky at all. It may have more to do with your own HR department and the head hunters which are within that department. They seem to only know how to select persons available from an established pool. A pool in which the head hunters themselves may refuse to even wade into that pool and get themselves wet.
Any corporation looking for fundamental change. Especially when the morale of your work force is in a disastrous state. Needs new leadership. One leader who will clean house or better yet. You corporate officers clean house and then bring in one leader. Oh but, you say, the risk, the calamity of such a broad spectrum firing. Well if your workforce has become apathetic robots. Then your mangers do not matter. The people will still do as they do. Your managers are ineffective and a waste of payroll. So bank your cash and can them all. Except those whom the majority of your work force may take a liking to. Then those you may want to keep them on-on a temporary basis. If this works out for you. Then cut me a check and read the red below.
Impractical testing of any perspective leader should be planned. You already know your selection via records and other such qualifying documents.
Test their heart. Test their compassion. Test their involvement. Will he/she get dirty? Does the person have a history of getting dirty? Will they pick up trash? When presented with a problem. Will they jump in? Will they get involved?
Create these non-standard tests and admit to none of it.
Because, If you base your decision solely on their presented record and how they promise to change the world. You may end up in a Kmart situation.
Phakers and phonies won't commit. They are essentially selfish cowards who only want for themselves.
For instance:
The damsel in easy fix distress. What does this test in a person. Especially, when helping will cost time.
The late driver and other menial delays. Especially if there is a potential cost to them all. May check for anger management issues.
The flirty person. Especially if the perspective person is married.
A presented safety issue. Details test.
An immediate production problem test.
and etc. Did they get involved? Did they actually lead? was there a solution? Was the correct psychological responses made? Was their celebration and happiness with a completed mission? Is there socialization with the lowly people? Not because you have to but because they want to. Because, people are just people no matter their social status and corporate responsibility. Think about this. You may trust a janitor more in your office then any other co-worker. Really. That is important to consider. In today's environment. You may not even know what that janitor used to do. They may have led men into battle. They may have suffered much and yet they remain when others whom you may know in your own high social class would have given up long ago. There is value in all kinds of people.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Late Hero: (Unedited): 28 July 2013:

The late hero can only manage to save those whom he/she can. Saving them all has long passed. 
 Fire fighters and police officers seem to arrive late in order to prevent fires or crimes. In other words a fire has already begun when the fire fighters has been called to respond. The police are called only after a crime has been committed.
No matter when the fire fighters or police arrive. They are always welcomed.
So the heroes must remain and live at ease with the satisfaction of only being able to save those whom they can save.  It is important for the hero to perpetuate the fuel within them selves to always keep their fires which drive them forever lit. The fuel is from the good you do. If you continually focus a greater importance on the failures which you falsely claim as yours. Your fire within will dim and become extinguished. Then you can save no one else no more. Even those innocent souls who deserve an opportunity to achieve their own light of greatness as you have had once.

Return to the person you once were. Except wiser and more knowledgeable. Regain your passionate flame and go forth and do what you can for whom you can.

The times are coming when those you can save will be much fewer than the bodies you will be forced to recover and count. Even the time after that. You will only count the bodies and leave them behind. Still maintain. Still Be who you once were. You are truly needed in the coming dark times.

Many of your brothers and sisters will leave once their paychecks, benefits and retirement become voided. know that they were never your brother or sister. Mourn for them as you would those whom you could not save.

Maintain your sense of justice. Your sense of right and wrong. Ignore the insane laws, orders, rules and regulations to come. Save and protect your righteousness and honor. You are where you are destined to be in order to do the greater good. Which will also mean not seeing what you were ordered to witness. Save and protect the innocent. Even if the innocent have become the criminal. The criminals will have become the rulers of the world. It will be your duty to remain in secret and make a way for the innocents escape.

This is also for any person in an official government capacity. No matter which government is the ruling body. 
Military, Police, Medical, Prison guards, Security guards, Fire fighters, rescue personnel and who ever I have missed. 

To get caught will mean that you and your family will lose all of the government perks, gifts and rewards. Then you will become Pariah even to the rejected and unaccepted persons of the official world. Assuming you will be allowed to physically live. As a human person who has been gifted as a hero. Giving of yourself is a part of your divine duty in this life and is a part of your righteous spiritual fulfillment.
Your choices will be the ones of selfish guarantees of protection of the new way of doing things. Which has all been created by the new government in which you will be following. Can you be willing to be employed by such evil, even if you were only meant to save only one innocent or only one of Gods chosen ones? sacrificing everything including your own family for one of the select.

Warning: If you harm, allow to be harmed or allow the capture of the innocent or select. You will be held accountable by the Angels of God.

You of the heroic heart. Do not defend yourself against the Angels of God. To do so will mean your end. Reject and turn away from evil orders. Do not march forward when your false earthly brothers goes forth to their doom.
The evil who defines themselves as good will also point the way for you to attack their defined enemies. Whom they will proclaim to you as evil. Their survival is more important than your sacrifice. Your sacrifice will always be remembered and celebrated in order to attract more who will be willing to follow your sacrifice in the name of the ruling evil.
Added on 29 July 2013:
The beginnings of evil start with wrong duties pushed as a departmental right.
The definition of innocent or select is of GOD. Not by you the reader or me. 
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Professional Discipline: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2012:

Professional discipline will never alter or change a persons character. Only GOD can do that or a willingness of the person to respond positively to their own guilt if they have any. C.J.MacKechnie
Professional discipline includes suspension, fines and mandated apologies, They only work and only benefit the organization.  If the individual who has publicly offended people has no guilt or remorse. Then the action will be repeated. You cannot discipline a person into good character. A person must see the difference between right and wrong. Then that person must have an urging to do the right thing because it is good. Any outside influence which involves fear, threats, intimidation only has an affect on the individual in an opposite manor. The person may only do the right thing as defined and mandated by the organization. But, in private they think badly and act wrongly. The fundamental change is only an illusion made for the cameras and viewers.
The disciplined person who has been given a short suspension will consider it a mini vacation. This works for the benefit of both the organization and the person. Especially if the person is an asset which makes the organization a great deal of revenue. Then the governing entity and the organization can publicly claim, that justice has been served. This is all instantly defeated when the person who has been disciplined, publicly claims that he learned nothing of value and enjoyed his needed 2 day rest in Mexico. The lie and deception is revealed by the player. The lie and deception is only a marketing tool used by the governing body and organization to deceive the paying viewer, that something is being done. Which the truth of the matter is nothing has actually been done. Even if the player changes his name to World Peace or love One Another, It doesn't change the essence of the man. Even a name change is a deception for the paying viewer.
It is all about the money. There is no actual discipline or a change of heart.  That's all...
No copies or ink exists.