Showing posts with label Committed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Committed. Show all posts

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Travel Away: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The further away the population travels away from righteousness and holiness. The greater and more severe lawlessness shall be openly committed. 
(Repeat) De-evolved Humans: (Unedited): Unknown date: By Memory. 
The degeneration of humanity will De-evolve human beings back down to a basic animal species. With Minimal ability to be civilized, educated/trained or socialized. 
There is a very deep problem. When the laws of man are founded in the laws of God. Especially, when every human being knows this. No matter their argument against it or the human laws created to separate the laws of God from the laws of man.
Everyone still knows this to be true. That is until the children of men become generations separated from this truth. Then it will be believed to be however the well educated person explains it in some future time. If humanity makes it that far.
While those who are very well educated see this as something to look forward to. They do not have the understanding nor the wisdom to predict the long term effect upon the population.
Such as who defines truth? When it is known that every politician lies and deceives as an every day occurrence.
Who defines honor. When those very same political leaders do not even honor their families or the office elected to?
When the population begins to have nothing to believe in or even have faith in. Then they will each do as accordingly as they see fit. In a court of law. Those who oppose you have to prove that you have done the deed and they have to prove whether or not you lie. Your friends will even save you with their own lies on your behalf. How will those who oppose you in court prove it? Law and justice begins to fail.
Then there are those who have wealth and fame. It is easily known by the slave waged common person that the wealthy and famous get away with crimes all of the time in a court of law. The common person sees it everyday in the news media.
When the common person begins to see that there is no justice and the law is against them. or that law enforcement only arrives after the crime and then claims since I(Officer) did not witness the crime. I (Officer) can do nothing. Because, they cannot afford a lawyer. Then it can be emotionally concluded that the common person must take the law into their own hands. Just to see any manor of justice.
What will happen.
Violent crimes will rise sharply. 
Law enforcement officials at every level will become harmed or killed.
The common person will automatically resort to violence as a natural response.
911 or what ever emergency response call may happen after the fact.
Gun violence will occur by any person at any age. Their will be so much weapons violence. That over time. More than guns and ammunition will be banned. Swords, Knives, Baseball bats, axes and etc. Even martial arts training and those who are deemed as trained and dangerous must register just as if they were a child rapist. Of course all of this won't happen all at once. Most likely after each new election cycle.
The reemergence of family feuds. Such as the Hatfields and McCoys. When a family is threatened or offended in some way. That family will remain quiet, go forth and murder the entire offending family. Simply because there is no more law even though there are vastly more law enforcement personnel.
Why obey or respect any law or representative of any law when the population is taught there is no god. If there is no god. then there is no right or wrong. Only each individual has the power to define what is right and what is wrong. Hence lawlessness created by governmental entrainment (Brainwashing).
This is prophecy. 
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Late Hero: (Unedited): 28 July 2013:

The late hero can only manage to save those whom he/she can. Saving them all has long passed. 
 Fire fighters and police officers seem to arrive late in order to prevent fires or crimes. In other words a fire has already begun when the fire fighters has been called to respond. The police are called only after a crime has been committed.
No matter when the fire fighters or police arrive. They are always welcomed.
So the heroes must remain and live at ease with the satisfaction of only being able to save those whom they can save.  It is important for the hero to perpetuate the fuel within them selves to always keep their fires which drive them forever lit. The fuel is from the good you do. If you continually focus a greater importance on the failures which you falsely claim as yours. Your fire within will dim and become extinguished. Then you can save no one else no more. Even those innocent souls who deserve an opportunity to achieve their own light of greatness as you have had once.

Return to the person you once were. Except wiser and more knowledgeable. Regain your passionate flame and go forth and do what you can for whom you can.

The times are coming when those you can save will be much fewer than the bodies you will be forced to recover and count. Even the time after that. You will only count the bodies and leave them behind. Still maintain. Still Be who you once were. You are truly needed in the coming dark times.

Many of your brothers and sisters will leave once their paychecks, benefits and retirement become voided. know that they were never your brother or sister. Mourn for them as you would those whom you could not save.

Maintain your sense of justice. Your sense of right and wrong. Ignore the insane laws, orders, rules and regulations to come. Save and protect your righteousness and honor. You are where you are destined to be in order to do the greater good. Which will also mean not seeing what you were ordered to witness. Save and protect the innocent. Even if the innocent have become the criminal. The criminals will have become the rulers of the world. It will be your duty to remain in secret and make a way for the innocents escape.

This is also for any person in an official government capacity. No matter which government is the ruling body. 
Military, Police, Medical, Prison guards, Security guards, Fire fighters, rescue personnel and who ever I have missed. 

To get caught will mean that you and your family will lose all of the government perks, gifts and rewards. Then you will become Pariah even to the rejected and unaccepted persons of the official world. Assuming you will be allowed to physically live. As a human person who has been gifted as a hero. Giving of yourself is a part of your divine duty in this life and is a part of your righteous spiritual fulfillment.
Your choices will be the ones of selfish guarantees of protection of the new way of doing things. Which has all been created by the new government in which you will be following. Can you be willing to be employed by such evil, even if you were only meant to save only one innocent or only one of Gods chosen ones? sacrificing everything including your own family for one of the select.

Warning: If you harm, allow to be harmed or allow the capture of the innocent or select. You will be held accountable by the Angels of God.

You of the heroic heart. Do not defend yourself against the Angels of God. To do so will mean your end. Reject and turn away from evil orders. Do not march forward when your false earthly brothers goes forth to their doom.
The evil who defines themselves as good will also point the way for you to attack their defined enemies. Whom they will proclaim to you as evil. Their survival is more important than your sacrifice. Your sacrifice will always be remembered and celebrated in order to attract more who will be willing to follow your sacrifice in the name of the ruling evil.
Added on 29 July 2013:
The beginnings of evil start with wrong duties pushed as a departmental right.
The definition of innocent or select is of GOD. Not by you the reader or me. 
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.