Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heroes. Show all posts

Friday, December 23, 2022

Survival Life Is Hard: (Unedited): 01-23 Dec 2022:

Survival is hard. Survival is not of your choosing. Survival sucks. Survival is not a long term camping trip. Survival will be especially hard if your are not trained in the environment which you are sudden thrust into. It doesn't matter if it is homelessness, prison, the wilderness of any kind, war, societal unrest, economic downturns, extreme weather events or even when the SHTF.
So are the modes of life? I see three modes of life as related to a survival mentality. The survival mentality is the middle of the road. Where as the existence mentality is where you have given up and are just waiting for death. Then there s the preferred mentality and that is a thriving mentality. Most people who live in the western modern world live in the thriving mentality. But, of course there are those who are simply surviving and then are those who simply exist and do not care if they live or die. I've seen this in many other people and in my own self as I once had the simple existence mindset. 
---Existence Mind Set----
The existence mind set is where you just do not care anymore. This does mean they you also do not care to live anymore. But, this is just a step above suicidal. You need to know that a person who is suicidal can also have or had a thriving mindset and a survival mindset. I've seen suicidal people in all of life's categories. This is not about suicide but it can be. Many people think that a simple existence mind set means that a person is huddled in some dark corner just wasting away and that can be very true. But, there are other existence mind sets as well. Like when a person chooses to do things on purpose which can end up killing themselves. Especially, if there is a short term exhilarating thrill behind the action. This can be a sign of an existence mind set. A person who makes no plans, no goals and has no meaningful dreams or any hopes for any kind of accomplishment. A person with a simple existence mind set has no intention of bettering themselves in any way. This is to the absolute confusion of someone who is in the thriving mindset. A person who is also in the existence may be a heroic person who is excessively willing to risk their own life in order to save anyone and everyone at any opportunity. Oh? so, you say, Just wait a minute, They are heroes!?!? and I say, to you, yes, they are. But, even heroes suffer as well. Think about a cop? any cop? Especially, a cop with 5-10 years of experience. The human cops go out into the ugly and awful world every single day, on purpose and all these human cops know throughout there entire work day which can last 12 hours is the worst that humanity has to offer them. It is easy for a human cop to lose faith in humanity and to see that humanity is getting worse and worse. Prophetically and actuality this may be very true. In which that may or may not be the case. But, when all of your professional memories is only of the bad and sad. Think about it how easy it is so simply slide into a simple existing mindset even if your a heroic cop who must hold onto all of those daily accrued awful memories in which you may never forget them. That is until, you start going to the store in uniform and in your cop car to buy beer and then put that beer into the trunk of your cop car. Then when you as a cop have given up on your own family. That is a bad sign. Maybe, you the cop/soldier are protecting them from you and your memories in which you cannot even tell them about. Then when you as a cop wake up in a mental haze of any kind and you go off to work with all manner of apathy but you become a robot who will enforce the law without any mercy or compassion. You know something? This isn't just about the cops or Citizens Of Peace. This is also about soldiers and other heroes. Who have to do bad awful things or witness bad awful things everyday and keep all of those bad and awful memories from all civilians. Heroes do this for you every single day. Then you who are kept safe from the ugliness of evil people do not see it or experience any of it and guess what that is how it is supposed to be. So that you civilian can go on with your life free from the memories of what the genuine heroes hold onto. 
---Survival Mindset---
Having the survival mindset is one where you know that you and those whom you care about can die at any time or during the very next emergency event or even in the very next accident. What ever that may be. You may not be able to prevent the next emergency event but you can do everything possible to mitigate the next emergency events before anyone of them happen. The healthy survival mindset means that you make those necessary preparations during those good times and hope that the bad times do not happen. The healthy survival mindset does mean that you endeavor to achieve a thriving lifestyle and mindset. That you achieve those other functional purposeful and evolving mindsets as which is defined by you and your own natural skill sets. 
There is a draw back to the survival mindset. The survival mindset can become fear driven. The survival mindset can become a weapon of abuse. The survival mindset can be evidence of historical abuse to an individual person. The survival mindset should not be a permanent fixture in your mind and in your relationships. The survival mindset can be a thief to you obtaining real joy, peace, happiness and comfort.
---Thriving Mindset---
 The thriving mindset is where each person should reside in. This is where each person, family, church and community are living their own self defined lives with the lives that hopefully they each have right now. The thriving lifestyle is where you have the choices and freedoms to do whatever you want so as long as you do not on purpose or by accident cause anyone any kind of harm or suffering. You living your thriving lifestyle without and unnecessary fears and anxieties. 
Think about this. What are the odds of you becoming a victim every time you leave from the apparent comforts and safety of your home? If it is very minimal then you are existing in a thriving society. Yes, I do know that there are places in any thriving society in which you must have the survival mindset. Those people who live in those unfortunate places may be forced to live with either the survival mindset or the existence mindset. While the threat of being harmed in some way if they even dare to try to obtain any other positive mindset.
---Functional Mindset---
 The functional mindset is actually made up of many different functional categories. Such as agriculture, medicine, mechanics, animal care, carpentry, electricity, welding, plumbing, organization, logistics planning, strategic planning, civil engineering and etc. This list can go on forever. This list includes ancient skill sets as well as skill sets needed for today and into the evolving future of development. 
This functional mindset is where you have obtained one or more skill sets and you have achieved a level of professional skill. The more of these functional skill sets a person has in relation to survival. The greater their chances of survival. The more of these functional skill sets any church or community has in their accepted members. The greater the chances of that church and community of survival. The greater a person, church or community has in modern day functional skill sets the greater they each are likely to thrive in a thriving society.
---Purposeful Mindset---
The purposeful and meaningful mindset is also one which should be thought about. Because, without purpose and meaning in your life. The life you freely choose to have can become empty, unimportant, meaningless, aimless and many other negative words which can lead to a depressive state of being. 
So begin to freely choose to have the mindset of being able to do for others and purposely put yourself into a position of being in the right places where you can actually do for others. All without stoking your pride, ego, sense of supremacy and air self importance. Do for other people in secret. Do for people who are in genuine need all without gratitude, award, rewards, credit, acknowledgements or any other method that defines you as the original source. When you can achieve this level of actual beneficial giving of time and energies. You will be rewarding with a form of joy which cannot be achieved, gotten or had in any other way. The knowing that you have purpose is very crucial in a healthy created environment. The knowing that what you actually do has profound meaning for other people. Is crucially important for the maintenance of the whole community. Then when you quietly and humbly teach the things that you do in secret. You perpetuate a developing sense of purpose and meaning to other people who can go out and do without bringing any attention to themselves. 
---Evolving Mindset--- 
The evolving mindset is one which is always seeking out the better way. The evolving mindset is always trying to positively better themselves, their church and community in a variety of ways and methods. The evolving mindset does not forget about any other mindset and is just a forward thinking mindset. The positive evolution of all aspects of a life worth living. While at the same time positively evolving all aspects in how to prevent and mitigate all unfortunate surprises and emergency events which may or may not happen.
So what other mindsets should a person, church or community have that leads to all of the good and positive words in life? 
Added on 25 Dec 2022: For you genuine Christians. Who controls the world or the systems of the world?
Because, it is he who wants all of humanity to perish. he does not want any of his enemies to prepare for anything. he wants all of humanity to die and become extinct. So, any content which is directly against you preparing and surviving or leads you to decide that you/we do not need to prepare for anything. Is a deception for you. Because, if you do not prepare for any emergency event no matter how awful it may be. Then you will most likely die in any extreme emergency event. If you take personal responsibility for your own safety and well being then the real powerful evil doers of the world cannot use your victimization to further their design and perpetuation of chaos, hatred, violence, conflict, wars and everything else which is negative. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Snitching Justice: (Unedited): 07 Dec 2017:

Work in progress.
As the prison culture, gang culture and criminal culture further infects every aspect of society with stitches for the snitches, they all will find that along with perpetual misery, suffering and hopelessness within their hood, they all will also know that there will be no real justice either. It is the police who are the good guys and the heroes. It is not the criminal or gang member which is looked up to as someone they each can aspire to become. The hoodlum gangsta. 
This is another reason why school shootings have risen. If a student from the hood life tells a person in authority of their problems with another student in the hood, they could get badly beaten or become permanently disabled. So the bullied student in the hood is in an impossible situation - to die or go to jail or suicide. If they kill, at least they will earn some respect in jail as they handled the problem without snitching.
This is why when a child gets killed in the hood no one will talk to the police. If they did, the end result is that they will be beat bad or killed. The entire family will be labeled as snitches and they will not be able to safely live in peace with anyone in that hood.
All of this has evolved into the hood mentality. So even if a person leaves the hood. They still take the hood indoctrination with them where ever they may end up. So if Mom moves to a better place and their kids bring with them the hood mentality. They are all still in the hood and all of the hood drama will follow them. Even to the new better place.
YouTube research term: "Snitches get stitches"
Good will always be good. Bad will always be bad. You must decide what kind of human being you want to be. If you decide to be good and act accordingly then your own personal prophecies should be good. If you decide to be bad your personal prophecies will always become immediately bad in that moment of reckoning.
The young ones will just believe what you do and they will adapt to the rules of the street. The harder the rules and life on the street and in the hood. The more difficult it will be for them to become good human beings and their souls will be lost forever. Because, that is the point isn't it? The short physical life on this Earth is not as important as eternal spiritual life in heaven. So if the animalistic laws of the hood destroys your spiritual life or the spiritual life of your children. How important is it for you to make these changes right now. Before your children start going to juvenile detention centers then graduating to adult jails and prisons. Assuming they do not die or become permanently disabled first. Below is a key and Jesus Christ is the only way.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.
To exist in harmony with all.
To Cherish all life.
To be obedient to the Laws of God.
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spiritual Communication: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2015:

Today, Something weird happened. If you read my blogs on a regular basis. You may know that strong spirits can use a person to communicate with you. Nothing permanent and maybe only long enough to pose a question. It may not even be a spirit, It may be an Angel of even a fallen angel. It could even be The Holy Spirit or God. Or can it be which god?

Sometimes you have to look at those things which are not typical of a particular person.
I work in a cooler and I'm pretty much left alone to do my duties. I like it. I pray and meditate almost all of the time while I'm in there.
So here comes one of the assistant managers and he asks the A-Typical Question.
Are you going to save the world? another question on to some kind of heroics on my part?
 Of course I was flippant in answering of the question. I said naw. I'm just going to wait in here and chill and watch it all happen.
Here is the real answer.
1). The world cannot be saved by any one human being. Except Yahshua.
2). The world has already been given the option for eternal spiritual life. It is each individual persons free choice to accept, deny or to ignore it. 
3). There are to many people who seem to believe and to teach that all prophecies are absolute and that we are all helpless to consider any other avenue. Prophecies are not absolute and they all can be either prevented and or mitigated. 
4). There are to many people and religions who work hard insuring that all of the prophecies of the bad and sad manifest. This is just insane. Because, the end result of all of the bad and sad prophecies is our extinction. It matters not which religious prophecy or the incorrect interpretations of them.
5). The people of the world have already been given all of the wise sages, prophets, messengers we need to make a well informed decision. All of these chosen wise men and women all had some things in common. They followed the formula. Whether they were aware of it or not.
The formula is: Life=Love,Peace,Harmony,Law.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
It seems to me and I can be in error here. The Native American tribes or the tribal peoples of the world. Have been given the wise messages related to Life. The Christian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Love. The Islamic Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Peace. The Asian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Harmony. The Jewish Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of the Law. In which all of humanity have screwed them all up. Hence all of the bad and sad prophecies from all of the prophets, both approved and unapproved . The big question is. How do I save humanity or save the world. It is to only point to the purple words. Without threats, fears or intimidation. It is really this simple. If you want to live and to have a life worth living. Well, then logically adopt those purple words as something you should actively do in your own life, everyday. Not because you have to but because you want to and it is the right thing to do. To do what is right and wise is Righteous.
Before anyone can humanity. We each must first become our own heroes and save ourselves. That means by becoming righteous everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sinners Allowed: Hero Sinners: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:

Churches which allow unrepentant sinners into their holy places. Shall endure a variety of spiritual curses. While the world makes the victimized sinners into heroes. 
Hero Sinners: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015: 
Unrepentant victimized sinners within the church shall be made into worldly heroes deserving of great sympathy, compassion and wealth.
Prophecy Fulfilled. Abomination of desolation. The little anti-Christs knowingly accept actively engaged sinners who have no desire to repent of any of their sins into every aspect of Church leadership as well as membership. Each of these are the fore runners of the great destroyer to come. Each of these are the demonically controlled John the Baptists who teach twisted truths. 
Added on 09 March 2023: This is offensive. This is about drag queens inside of the church. Sin and evil taking positions in the holy places.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Late Hero: (Unedited): 28 July 2013:

The late hero can only manage to save those whom he/she can. Saving them all has long passed. 
 Fire fighters and police officers seem to arrive late in order to prevent fires or crimes. In other words a fire has already begun when the fire fighters has been called to respond. The police are called only after a crime has been committed.
No matter when the fire fighters or police arrive. They are always welcomed.
So the heroes must remain and live at ease with the satisfaction of only being able to save those whom they can save.  It is important for the hero to perpetuate the fuel within them selves to always keep their fires which drive them forever lit. The fuel is from the good you do. If you continually focus a greater importance on the failures which you falsely claim as yours. Your fire within will dim and become extinguished. Then you can save no one else no more. Even those innocent souls who deserve an opportunity to achieve their own light of greatness as you have had once.

Return to the person you once were. Except wiser and more knowledgeable. Regain your passionate flame and go forth and do what you can for whom you can.

The times are coming when those you can save will be much fewer than the bodies you will be forced to recover and count. Even the time after that. You will only count the bodies and leave them behind. Still maintain. Still Be who you once were. You are truly needed in the coming dark times.

Many of your brothers and sisters will leave once their paychecks, benefits and retirement become voided. know that they were never your brother or sister. Mourn for them as you would those whom you could not save.

Maintain your sense of justice. Your sense of right and wrong. Ignore the insane laws, orders, rules and regulations to come. Save and protect your righteousness and honor. You are where you are destined to be in order to do the greater good. Which will also mean not seeing what you were ordered to witness. Save and protect the innocent. Even if the innocent have become the criminal. The criminals will have become the rulers of the world. It will be your duty to remain in secret and make a way for the innocents escape.

This is also for any person in an official government capacity. No matter which government is the ruling body. 
Military, Police, Medical, Prison guards, Security guards, Fire fighters, rescue personnel and who ever I have missed. 

To get caught will mean that you and your family will lose all of the government perks, gifts and rewards. Then you will become Pariah even to the rejected and unaccepted persons of the official world. Assuming you will be allowed to physically live. As a human person who has been gifted as a hero. Giving of yourself is a part of your divine duty in this life and is a part of your righteous spiritual fulfillment.
Your choices will be the ones of selfish guarantees of protection of the new way of doing things. Which has all been created by the new government in which you will be following. Can you be willing to be employed by such evil, even if you were only meant to save only one innocent or only one of Gods chosen ones? sacrificing everything including your own family for one of the select.

Warning: If you harm, allow to be harmed or allow the capture of the innocent or select. You will be held accountable by the Angels of God.

You of the heroic heart. Do not defend yourself against the Angels of God. To do so will mean your end. Reject and turn away from evil orders. Do not march forward when your false earthly brothers goes forth to their doom.
The evil who defines themselves as good will also point the way for you to attack their defined enemies. Whom they will proclaim to you as evil. Their survival is more important than your sacrifice. Your sacrifice will always be remembered and celebrated in order to attract more who will be willing to follow your sacrifice in the name of the ruling evil.
Added on 29 July 2013:
The beginnings of evil start with wrong duties pushed as a departmental right.
The definition of innocent or select is of GOD. Not by you the reader or me. 
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Order 66: (Unedited): 24 Jan 2013:

The idyllic heroes of the free state must be killed before that state transitions into that which is less than free.  C.J.MacKechnie
Who are the defenders and fighters of your belief system or way of life? The Army rangers, Navy Seals or any other Special Forces Units. What about those who hold positions of various law enforcement agencies? Do they not actively enforce the laws of the land so that we all can live civilized lifestyles?
Who will be the ones to stand and fight for the civilian population, when the corrupt and traitorous leaders attempt to steal everything away?

The corrupt and traitorous leaders must raise up their own military and law enforcement personnel. They will do so just as other dictators have in the past with bribery, better life and generational guarantees for their family. They are the castle walls of the king made up of flesh and bone. The more layers of flesh and bone castle walls created. The more difficult it will be for anyone to get to those leaders who have created this system of self protection. The Castle Keep of old is the new COG (Continuity Of Government) castle keep of today.

They are patient. They will take away one genuine freedom at a time while giving the freedom of immorality, sin and self contamination. This also includes the manufacture of mental disabilities and chemical controls.
Altering a pure educational system into a state controlled social system on how to think. This means the raising of your own children will and has become the responsibility of the government. The next step is to insure that parents have limited access to their own children. While children are in school. Another freedom gone in the name of security.


A point will come when no person of genuine religious belief will be considered for any advanced positions of authority. Then as those of the highest ranks are filled with godless and atheistic mindsets. The lower levels of command and of management will be filled. All the way down to the lowest levels.

A point will come when those who are of the most skilled and intelligence. Will be targeted because of their unwavering beliefs in the "old" Constitution and of the Holy Bible. It will not be enough for the government to simply retire these heroic individuals. They must not escape into the general population. Even their individual gene pool will be targeted to stop the greatness within their own DNA. They will be declared as traitors. All civilians will believe they are criminals and dangerous.

Then the free people can be forced into enslavement. The current former military personnel will be offered positions in accordance to their stance on anti-religious faith. They will be the civilian spies and one of the selected group who will commit what is considered as random murders.
The random murders will have several commonalities. Such as religion, leadership, intelligence, education and military training.

Even though this is fictional. This is similar to what I have seen. Not as dramatic. More quiet and secretive. Accidental deaths and killings. Messed up mission plans. The journey into a dead zone where the enemy lies in aware wait. The heroes all unknowingly walk into the trap constructed by their own leaders.
25 Jan 2013
Title change from "Idyllic Heroes" to "Order 66" .

Even though the Jedi are fictional characters. In real life aren't they just like the Heroic Jedi of today. Doing incredible things that the common man cannot do.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 