Showing posts with label Victimized. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victimized. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

In The Shadows+10: (Unedited): 16 May 2023:

Written on 11 May 2023:
Note: Man means any actual gender. 
A form of self delusion is when your actually more stronger and capable than you think you are and yet you hide in the shadows appearing victimized and weak. 
The shadow of a short man can a greater shadow than that of a taller man.
The shadow of the short man and the tall man is equal underneath the noon day sun.
The tall man must eventually decide and actually step up and step out of the shadow of the shorter man. 
(Father to son, Mother to daughter, friend to friend, sibling to sibling, parent to child)
The silent short man who casts a large and tall shadow. He expresses great wisdom as he quietly moves forcing the tall man to live in the good light of the day and experiencing life to it's fullest.
The tall elder who casts a great shadow. Encourages and celebrates the younger ones who goes forth and stands firm in the light of the sun. Thus casting their own shadow.
16 May 2023: 
A good wife can be the one who remains in the shadow of her husband being the supporting structure he desperately needs. 
This can be either spouse. So fuss away. It's OK.
17 May 2023: 
The man who hides within his own shadow has gone far beyond just quitting, giving up and surrendering.
The contented ones who relax and reside in the shadow of great people may find that their entire life has stagnated.
The man who casts a great shadow is responsible for those who have chosen to remain within the envelope/umbrella of his shadow. 
A great man must inspect and clean the shadow of his own umbrella from time to time. This is to rid himself of spiders, snakes and anything else which only wants to suck the life blood from him. 
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Christianized People: +4: (Unedited): 23-26 Feb 2020:

26 Feb 2020:
Christianized people who believe they are sons and daughters of God. Will become victimized by the great delusion that God will send to the whole world. Christianized people will not even be aware of this as they choose to tolerate accepted sins in their own lives, in congregations, in denominations, in society, in cultures, in government and in the entire world.
Professing Christians will not be aware of their acceptance or tolerance to sinful people. Entire families, entire congregations and entire denominations will falter before God as has been prophesied in the Book of Revelation.
Humanity will choose to have the freedom to sin and demand to be absent of any guilt. These both shall become laws and more. To the point that Christians will be deemed as mentally ill and criminalized. Christians are already becoming criminals for feeding the homeless in cities within the USA. In many cities in the USA it is a crime to be homeless. What do you think will happen when actual Christians are fired from their jobs and are denied employment based on their real Christian beliefs?
23 Feb 2020:
The Christian world and the worldly world are like water and oil. The two do not mix and thus the Christianized person knows this as they play the game with two faces.
Professing Christians typically live two lives. Their church life and the worldly life. These two faced people will find themselves losing everything from the world and from God. All to the joys of satan and the fallen angels.
23 Feb 2020:
A Christianized person is a very good actor/deceiver. They know how to play the part in the Christian world and the worldly world.
The best actors and deceivers in the world are within the church. For these persons are very good at pretending to be actual real Christians and yet between Monday through Saturday you each are willing to lie, steal and commit all other manner of sins. All for money and for promotion. God knows and will not be deceived as He already knows your god is the prince of this world system and in it shall you be judged. It shall not matter how many books you have written. It shall not matter how many thousands of people were members of YOUR church.
23 Feb 2020:
A Christianized person knows the Holy Bible and knows how to say the perfect prayers. But, there is an absence of fruits and an abundance of planned and anticipated sins outside of the church.
The Christianized person will have an absence of fruits in their lives. As they each become like Pharisee's and Sadducee's combating against The Word of life in the Holy Bible. As you sit before these men and women of devout sin. You will feel good about yourself. You will feel that everything is OK. 
NOTE: I'm a deeply flawed human being and am not pointing out the speck in others eyes as my specks are more like a lumber yard. 
23 Feb 2020:
If you look for the fruits in any person. You will know whether or not that they are children of God or have been christianized.
How do you see or find the fruits of any Christian. Because, even an evil doer has their own type of fruit. It is always in the little things. The servants heart from a foundation of love or from a foundation of a mission oriented mindset? The servant of God expects and may even deny any reward. While the evil doer welcomes every worldly gift or treat. The evil doer will take for themselves as the  servant of God gives unconditionally and seemingly without exhaustion. The evil doer may need a break in order to avoid burnout. The fruits that follow the servant of God will often times be joy. While the evil doer departs knowing that they only need to help that person only once and then hold it over their heads forever. The servant of God can be seen in the water. The servant of God prepares the cool drinking water for everyone else. The servant of God makes the coffee before anyone can see them. The servant of God gets the chores done before there is a need to do the chores. And no one knows or sees or is aware. The evil doer will announce all of the deeds he or she has performed in order to be recognized, awarded and rewarded.
Think about this.
How many more fruits can you list or name? This is how you know for even a barren fruit tree or bush must be cast into the fire along with the chaff. But, Even a barren fruit tree or bush which has not given forth fruit can still bare fruit as good Water and the good Son is given to it. Sometimes just moving the barren fruit tree or bush is enough for it to begin to bare good fruits. But, once it is known that the fruit tree or bush refuses the good Water and good Son. Then it should be cast out and into the fire.
Note: It is not us lowly humans who can judge. It is God alone. It is also only God who does the casting into the fire.
Notice Date: 16 Feb 2020: I viewed this as I was assembling the first quote above dated 26 Feb 2020.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sinners Allowed: Hero Sinners: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015:

Churches which allow unrepentant sinners into their holy places. Shall endure a variety of spiritual curses. While the world makes the victimized sinners into heroes. 
Hero Sinners: (Unedited): 13 Aug 2015: 
Unrepentant victimized sinners within the church shall be made into worldly heroes deserving of great sympathy, compassion and wealth.
Prophecy Fulfilled. Abomination of desolation. The little anti-Christs knowingly accept actively engaged sinners who have no desire to repent of any of their sins into every aspect of Church leadership as well as membership. Each of these are the fore runners of the great destroyer to come. Each of these are the demonically controlled John the Baptists who teach twisted truths. 
Added on 09 March 2023: This is offensive. This is about drag queens inside of the church. Sin and evil taking positions in the holy places.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, July 30, 2012

Forgiven Proclamation: (unedited) 29 July 2012

Forgiveness is more important to the the person who has been hurt, abused, tortured or victimized.
Forgiving is a way for the abused person who endures daily from the aftermath of those tragic event(s).
Forgiving the bad person/people eases the spirit, mind and body.
Forgiveness is not conditional of the bad persons agreement or acceptance of the abused persons proclamation of the bad person being forgiven. as a matter of fact the bad person no longer matters.
The hurt, victimized or abused person does not have to search out the bad person to proclaim forgiveness of them.
However, the bad person should seek out those whom they have harmed in a formerly agreed upon manor. Then apologize and then repay. The hurt, victimized or abused person does not have to meet the bad person in person. Forgiveness can be relayed via message from the bad person to the good person.  The bad person who seeks and is denied. Still can seek forgiveness through GOD/ALLAH/Grandfather. The bad person still needs to repay even to the degree that it hurts. I'm not talking about money. Although, that is a part of it, with interest. The bad person who is becoming a good person. Must repay until he/she no longer feels guilt. The key of when this happens is when they continue to do works of goodness and have joy from it. There will be no sense of repayment or debt to be paid.
The formerly bad person will have to endure hells memory of his/her actions until his death. Your memory is your prison. Unless, you escape from your memories via chemicals, drinks and drugs (Any mind altering substance), which includes foods. It matters not the legality. Then there maybe a spiritual cost. Which means your loving and compassionate heavenly Father becomes your JUDGE. Then it Will suck to be you.

NOTES: Doing good works because you feel that you have to. May have no bearing on your spiritual destiny. I do not speak for GOD or speak on how GOD will decide upon your own fate. That is solely GOD. Logically balancing out your debts with good works. Never works for you personally. Even though the good works that you do, are real good works and help people directly in real time. Doing works out of genuine love and compassion may work as judged and defined by GOD. Pretending to love and have compassion in this physical life, May become extra ammunition for God's judgement against you. You must have true genuine love and compassion as Jesus had.
You can spend 50 years dedicating your miserable life in the helping of others and you may be very successful. If there is no love within you or only deceptive love outward from you. It will mean nothing for you. Even though you had saved lives. But, in that final moment of your life. If you just give a simple cup of water to a thirsty person who needed it and in that moment you had genuine love, compassion and cared for that person. That cup of water will mean more for you than all of your previous 50 years as a do gooder. (Yes, Gooder is a word, if it is not in your dictionary then write it in.). Even if that person has no memory of you or the cup of water. My words does not mean you should not have to do 50 years of good works. You may be so hard headed and hard hearted that 50 years of doing good works leads to that moment of genuine love but, then again. You may be so hard hearted that you never love. I hope for you to love. Even if your moment of genuine loves expression ends your physical life horrifically. It still would be better for you. WOW. Long Note. C.J.MacKechnie