Showing posts with label Saving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saving. Show all posts

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blind Obedience: Martyrdom Joy: Greater Quality: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2016:

Blind obedience gains a person virtually no wisdom or understanding. Except for the saving or profiting for the benefit of the self.
While a person who freely decides to do good has done so based on their wisdom and understanding. Even though they may lose their own life and/or lose their wealth.
A robot blindly obeys all of it's instructions or programming code. A robot does not know good or evil. It just obeys. Their is no wisdom or understanding neither is there a need to want wisdom or understanding.
Human beings and even of animals. Learn and Know wisdom and understanding. I understand if I place my hand on a hot stove. Serious pain will result.
To force a person to obey or to die. Causes that person to learn nothing except how to save their own life. A person who is forced to obey becomes an instant mindless slave or robot. Absolutely dependent on those who tell it what and when to do it.
With the exercise of free will and free choice. That person learns much knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Even if it will cost that person their wealth or life.
All of the quality, meaning and purpose in life a slave will ever have is what comes from those who rule over the slave.
Martyrdom Joy: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
By creating great enduring misery in life for the slave. The slave will learn to yearn for the day that they will be selected to know the joy of martyrdom. 
Martyrdom Joy #2: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
The joy of martyrdom is freedom from a life of misery, sadness and pain.
The great misery you endure in life comes from those who rule over you. Do you not think that if they wanted for you to have any sort of life with any kind of satisfaction or joy. Then could give it to you or allow you to experience. Instead those who rule over you pass the blame to them and those in that far away land. Those who are less than us and who are less than dogs. They are the barbarians who have caused all of your misery. While at the same time those who rule over you only offer one way for any kind of joy, satisfaction and happiness. That is through the joy of holy Martyrdom. Have you not seen in the eyes of those who were selected for the great honor of Martyrdom, joy and satisfaction of being selected? While hoping that they will be self worthy enough to go through with the holy mission of righteous martyrdom. This is the only way for an Islamic person to ever know peace. For all of their joy, satisfaction shall end when their blood flows into the streets. While what meaning and purpose they had in that brief period of time has been transferred to those who rule and profit over all of your deaths.
The misery, sadness and pain you desire to free yourself from. Can come through escape from the enslavement of your spirit, mind and body. You have worth and importance in this life. Purpose and meaning does not have to come through hatred, anger, violence, destruction and death. These are anti God. God wants for all of us to express life with love, peace, harmony. God wants for all of us to cherish life as something of great value.
Greater Quality: (Unedited): 16 Sept 2016:
Greater is the quality of life, meaning of life and purpose of life for the person who can freely and willfully choose to do good things.  
1). What is good? Only God. We can only learn good from God.
We all can emulate good to the best of our own unique abilities.
2). What is good? Love, Peace, Harmony and life. The laws of God assists us into seeing and maintaining good through our own abilities for self control and self discipline.
Yes, the laws of God are absolute. But, they reflect the gift of our free will. This is why when we each fracture any of the laws of God we are not instantly dead. This is why I do not believe that God wants slaves. Slaves do not learn on their own. Slaves do not grow up to become responsible and dependable human beings. Slaves do not become self sufficient to a degree as defined by only God. Only those who have a free spirit, free mind and a free body can become the most it can be as only God can define it.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Guilty Grace: (Unedited): 21 July 2016:

By the Judgement of God. We are all guilty because of our sinful nature/spirit, corrupted thinking and contaminated being. 
But, through the grace of God by the perfect saving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are all forgiven and free. Through the mystery of the three in one. 
There is nothing for us to do or can do. In every aspect of who we each individually was, are and will be. We can do nothing for ourselves to be acceptable in any way to God. So God had to to it all. Everything in the last 6000+/- years. Just to save us from ourselves. That's unconditional and undeserved Love.
After, You realize what Jesus had done for each of us and you accept it through faith. The changes do begin if you let it. You begin to want to become a good son/brother or daughter/sister. You do this by staying in the Word/Bible. You begin to pray often and always. You begin to fast for others as well as situations. You begin to reject and flee from all sin. Thus, is only the beginning and over time as you develop a continuous history of these good habits. You shall with all humility become righteous, holy and without blemish or spot accepted by only your Heavenly Father.
Flee from all sin. Even from the church you have loved for so long. When your church, denomination or religion accepts and brings sin into the holy places. Do not associate with them ever again. Until, they have turned away from those sins.
This includes any LGBTQ person who is allowed to hold any position of authority. If you continue to attend these places. You also will suffer along with them all. For it is assigned for the remnant to be separated from the whole which have become corrupted, contaminated and with a great many soiled spots. If you remain among the sinners who continue to sin without shame or any intention to change from their evil ways. Then it is you who will share as it is not you who has the power to change them. Only your heavenly Father can do that if they had not already been judged. For I tell you the truth before Noah cut down the first tree. The whole world had already been judged. Do not become as Lot's wife had. For even a remnant can be separated from their parents and siblings who they love and care for much. Never to see or to know them again.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spiritual Communication: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2015:

Today, Something weird happened. If you read my blogs on a regular basis. You may know that strong spirits can use a person to communicate with you. Nothing permanent and maybe only long enough to pose a question. It may not even be a spirit, It may be an Angel of even a fallen angel. It could even be The Holy Spirit or God. Or can it be which god?

Sometimes you have to look at those things which are not typical of a particular person.
I work in a cooler and I'm pretty much left alone to do my duties. I like it. I pray and meditate almost all of the time while I'm in there.
So here comes one of the assistant managers and he asks the A-Typical Question.
Are you going to save the world? another question on to some kind of heroics on my part?
 Of course I was flippant in answering of the question. I said naw. I'm just going to wait in here and chill and watch it all happen.
Here is the real answer.
1). The world cannot be saved by any one human being. Except Yahshua.
2). The world has already been given the option for eternal spiritual life. It is each individual persons free choice to accept, deny or to ignore it. 
3). There are to many people who seem to believe and to teach that all prophecies are absolute and that we are all helpless to consider any other avenue. Prophecies are not absolute and they all can be either prevented and or mitigated. 
4). There are to many people and religions who work hard insuring that all of the prophecies of the bad and sad manifest. This is just insane. Because, the end result of all of the bad and sad prophecies is our extinction. It matters not which religious prophecy or the incorrect interpretations of them.
5). The people of the world have already been given all of the wise sages, prophets, messengers we need to make a well informed decision. All of these chosen wise men and women all had some things in common. They followed the formula. Whether they were aware of it or not.
The formula is: Life=Love,Peace,Harmony,Law.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
It seems to me and I can be in error here. The Native American tribes or the tribal peoples of the world. Have been given the wise messages related to Life. The Christian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Love. The Islamic Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Peace. The Asian traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of Harmony. The Jewish Traditions seem to have been given the wise messages of the Law. In which all of humanity have screwed them all up. Hence all of the bad and sad prophecies from all of the prophets, both approved and unapproved . The big question is. How do I save humanity or save the world. It is to only point to the purple words. Without threats, fears or intimidation. It is really this simple. If you want to live and to have a life worth living. Well, then logically adopt those purple words as something you should actively do in your own life, everyday. Not because you have to but because you want to and it is the right thing to do. To do what is right and wise is Righteous.
Before anyone can humanity. We each must first become our own heroes and save ourselves. That means by becoming righteous everyday.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Humanity Worth Saving: (Unedited): 23 May 2013:

Humanity is worth saving, despite those individual people acting poorly. No matter what the percentage of people acting poorly. It should not be a death sentence to those good people acting well. Being continually lied and deceived should also not be a death sentence brought upon the innocent by those rulers who only selfishly want for themselves. C.J.MacKechnie

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Post USA Observations: (Unedited): 21 May 2013:

Please do not get me wrong. I love the USA. I want the Country as a whole to remain as great as it was or is. Here is a new vision which foresees the ending of the importance of the USA. It is related to the Brain Trust collective within the USA. I do believe the USA can be saved and saving the USA as the sole remaining free society, can save the rest of humanity. Saving the USA saves 7 Billion lives and or final human extinction. Can you see what I see? Would you want to? There are worlds within worlds. The dimensionality of the whole is all interconnected. Meaning the intentional effect we make in our own individual small world has a direct impact on the rest of the great bigger world of Earth and maybe even the whole of the Universes. What you do and what you think has an impact on the small worlds which are connected to your own small world. Then those small worlds  having been impacted by you, influence the the other smaller worlds which surround them by simple associations. Thus, never knowing that you were the originator of good or evil. What you do, what you say and what you think is that important. So, how will you change today and right now. Will you continue to pursue warfare or peace? will you continue to hate or to love one another? Will you prefer to live chaotically or in harmony? What you do right now, will eventually have an effect on some farmer in some mountain town on the opposite side of our planet, that we all share with one another. 

The greatness plateau in the USA occurred around 1973. Imagine a bell curve if you will.
From around 1973 through around  2003. Is the Great USA plateau. After, around 2003 the downfall had begun. The downfall may not be a steady free fall. There will be speed bumps as the downward slide progresses in speed. Until, any speed bump will not be felt or recognized.  The great communicators have been voicing the warnings to the citizens of the USA since around 1983.

Can you find the correct puzzle pieces and put together the various picture groups. This is prophecy. We are in 2013. The rest of 2013 can be predicted and prevented. Here is a key. Now matter what any person actively does to make it happen or to prevent anything from happening. Both actions together will only compound upon that which will happen.
It is only the condition of the hearts, spirits and minds of the whole population. Which can alter all of the bad and sad prophecies as spoken by every great prophet in the last 6,000 years. That is all which is required. A simple change of the heart. Choosing to discover within your own self the eternal spirit which resides within. The will within your mind can change you. Choose to think for good, kindness and compassion. That is all that is necessary. The world will change and all of the bad and sad prophecies will become stories for the elder wise to teach the young. 
Billy Graham is the key support structure which is slowing down the USA free fall. When Billy Graham goes to be with the Lord. There will be a great vacuum within the USA. Not even the likes of Glenn Beck can voice his will. Most people who listen to Glenn Beck changes not their heart. They do not take a compassionate action from the love within them. They hold in there love and only take action based on the anger in their heart. This is wrong.
No righteous person shall go into any military branch within any country on this planet.
If you truly are a righteous person. You shall leave the military service of any country on this planet. ASAP.
Yes, I know there will be those who are 1 day from retirement and they will lose all of their retirement benefits. This is not an easy choice for any one. The choice is simple. Human Life or Human extinction? The end of the USA comes and with it the extinction of humanity. Save for the remnant.
This also includes law enforcement personnel at every level of government. City, State, County and Federal.
The righteous person shall only do business with the righteous. 
The trading of clean goods with dirty goods only fouls both persons/groups. No matter their intent or purpose.

 It is time for the righteous to separate themselves from the godless into those places which they deem as survivable. By beginning to live outside of a which has no morale's, ethics or honor. A better life can be achieved. Especially, when the end of days tribulations are no longer an argued prophecy.
The righteous must become elected to every governmental office at all levels of government. The City, The County, The State and The Federal. 
This must happen right now. This is another crucial task for the righteous. If this one thing does not become a follow up to those righteous living a righteous life. The end of the USA is certain and so to humanity. I feel the time limit is the final sleep of Billy Graham. So, It is now a race. Can it be won? will it be won? All i can tell you is prophecy says "NO"!!!. But, all
 Prophecy is only that which is probable.
Not Absolute.
This new vision may be just a new observation. Especially if someone does the research to back up my claim. Maybe, someone else has spoken this before I have.
A great vacuum is puling away all that which is unprovable by the limited human natural senses.
The American intellect, Invention, adventure, creativity and leadership. Shall be pulled away from the godless and re-gifted to those strange faces who yearn for the American freedom. Even liberty and freedom is being pulled away from the godless. Maybe the new faces will choose godliness instead of godlessness.  The wise and sensitive amongst you can only feel the absence of  or something that which is now missing or less than. This will continue until not even your physical lives belong to you. Not even the clothing upon your naked bodies.
The wiki version is very limited in it's over all description. I use the word Brain Trust as those group of individuals who have achieved a status which is deemed superior to those who are merely professional. This designation can only be given from/by those professionals in that field or profession. Every profession and every field has their own Brain Trust.
=====================  (I'm not able to see this puzzle piece.)
===================  (Whomever is in charge of keeping Billy Graham alive.) (Better do gooder). (If GOD takes him. Then He just does). A living Billy Graham buys humanity more time. Even if he is in a coma. Not very compassionate for The Great Billy Graham. Billy Graham is our Exodus 17. Who will hold up his arm? Who will carry on?
:Sign Posts:
The most wealthy and powerful people in the world will no longer visit the USA for any medical
                care. As time progresses all able Americans who are capable. Will seek medical care in
                India and China. For Instance.
The majority of all American wealth will be outside of USA governmental control. 
The wealthiest and most powerful Americans will quietly seek education outside of the USA.
               as time progresses on, upper class and then upper middle class families will send their
               children abroad for an education. 
The foreign nationals will no longer come to the USA for an education, better life and freedom.
The most skilled, talented and brilliant of all Americans will leave the USA for the best jobs and
                 livelihoods. Never to return.
Chaos in California. Leave California very soon. Somewhat in Oregon and a little in Washington.
                  The logistics, transportation, warehousing and rail, will see a loss in jobs beginning
                   after 2015-2016. Desperation will rule in Cali. 
The national political leaders shall be bought and paid for by foreign nationals who own American corporations. Be warned when the politicians become very rich through their own self created non-profit shell organizations. It shall be too late for all Americans. Their common votes shall no longer matter. The American government will only be pay to play. The USA has become a foreign owned entity.
Pray and meditate constantly. Live a life as GOD would want you to, by your own choice free of threats. I believe all of the end time prophecies can be averted. GOD does not have to return angry. GOD can return in celebration. Either way it is all of our choices. Hope we all choose wisely.
===================    (This is one factor which will encourage the United nations to seize control over USA assets.). Not just the Chinese but all wealthy foreign nationals.
The righteous family and church, must become a defensible force. Just the fact that every abled bodied person within a church congregation are all martial artists, trained and skilled in the use in fire arms, and knowledge in logical security approaches. Would be intimidating enough for any group to leave you alone.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Worthy Human: (Unedited): 09 May 2013:

Humanity becomes a species worth saving. When each human becomes worthy. C.J.MacKechnie
For some reason. I'm thinking about how many people think that GOD or however you identify with the creator is going to save us all from our own self destructive tendencies. Or how some advanced space alien group is going to save us from ourselves. Why would anyone think that? Because you cannot stop or save an alcoholic or drug addict from destroying themselves. You cannot prevent or stop a person, who wants to kill themselves (Suicide). So, what makes any one think that GOD or some advanced space aliens is going to save us when we are all collectively destroying ourselves. It isn't logical or psychologically sound and should not be expected.
To sum up all of the prophecies of the world. They pretty much predict that we are all going to die. Which means as a species. We may become extinct. The prophecy of the Christian faith, assuming interpretations are correct. A select will be saved. How many is that? Define remnant for yourself, Very small.
I seem to be the only one on this planet who thinks all of the undesirable prophecies from anyone who spoke them can be prevented, managed or both. My belief stems from the story within The Holy Bible. Joseph and Pharaoh. I may be the only Christian who does not want Jesus to return the way He does as foretold in the Bible Prophecies. There is prophecies of the coming one from the traditions of Christianity and Islam. I believe the interpretations are wrong, even though the visions of the prophets are very accurate. What this means is. I believe the purity of the visions are correct. Islam believes that the enemies of ALLAH will be destroyed, Just as Christianity believes the enemies of GOD will be destroyed. The logical thinking is there can only be one victor in a war. That victor is GOD. The enemies of GOD will be the military forces of this world. So in effect both prophets are correct in what they see. It is each faith which chooses to see only one side of their perspective coin.

The only way to prevent humanities foretold and probable extinction is for each person to willingly choose without threats or fears to live righteously as defined by the Holy Documents. Every human person, by their own free choice. There is a little more to that. But, this little sliver may be all that is needed to save us all.
The Father leaves his children to manage His lands for a time.
The good children manage things well. They make fair and equitable increases in every way. There is no harm or damage to anyone or any thing. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response?
The bad children do as they want to. They selfishly use up what they will. They fight with one another over selfish things. They kill, they destroy whatever they will. Soon they forget about their father. They use up everything. Plants and creatures become changed or destroyed. Power struggles and wars perpetually exist. Abuses and tortures rampant. The children now have the power to destroy everything which the Father has created. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response? 
This seems simple to understand. This seems easily predictable. So, How do you want The Heavenly Father, God, Creator, Universal Source to return? It really is this simple. Do you want to be the good children or the bad children? So far we all have been the bad children. Then begin right now to take the necessary action. I hope everyone chooses to be the good children. As I want to be.
It is important for everyone to no longer fight or go to war for any political or religious authority. This is for all of the common peoples of the world. We all must begin to believe that we are all brother and sister to one another. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boots: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2006:

Doing good works and protecting the innocent is a worthy cause for muddy boots. 
You will always remain pure when you keep your boots disciplined and pointed in the righteous direction.
When you choose to allow your boots to take you onto the path of disgust and dishonor. No amount of cleaning and polishing will keep you from feeling dirty and wrong. When a man continues on the path of filth his guilt will eventually subside. C.J.MacKechnie
A person should not be pridefully concerned about the perfectly clean condition of their clothing. Especially, in the  moment when an effort must be made to save a person, to complete a job, to end an emergency or just being in the presence to cause another to not become dirty, sweaty or muddy. Its all good.