Showing posts with label Mahdi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mahdi. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Magnified Cruelties: (Unedited): 26 Oct 2015:

As humanity gets closer to complete revelation. Personal worldwide cruelties shall be magnified. 
This is prophecy.
Judgement shall fall upon the living. Just as it was in the day of Noah. Only the remnant chosen by God shall be saved. That chosen remnant may be saved but not saved from the witnessing the judgement of God in all of it's ugliness (My words). Just as Noah was saved from the wrath of God. They were not saved from witnessing of it.  For the Judgement of God is absolute righteousness and holiness. There is no escape.
The cruelties which shall come forth to all of humanity. Shall be a continuation of steady worsening. At every level of humanity. Shall all peoples be persecuted by anyone for any reason. Extreme violence shall be expressed upon another human being for any expression of any kind of difference. All manor of civility will fade into complete animalistic barbarism.
The jails and prisons shall be partially emptied of those who went to jail for crimes which are now a legal right. Those who are in the corporate business of prisons will need a new customer base and these will be the newly criminalized Christians. These newly criminalized Christians may be brutalized, tortured and murdered while in jail. No one will ever know. Just as a road of Rome was lined with Crosses bearing Christians. Just as Rome slaughtered untold numbers of Christians in their Colosseum for entertainment purposes. So to will the modern Christians deaths be horrific and it will not matter if they are in jail or not.
The refugees who are streaming into Europe shall become peacefully settled and gratefully supported. Then in time. Those many who have lied about their Christian faith. Their young ones will begin to roam the streets in gangs to rape and beat those who are alone, weak, old. These are true Islamic terrorists who is bringing the war to your own countries, cities and homes. Because, they must create as much conflict, chaos, hate and death in order for the return of their Mahdi. They will be victorious. Because, the only way you will be able to destroy them is to kill and murder them all. All of their children. All of their female baby making machines. All of them. In doing so you magnify conflict, chaos, hate and death. In a soon to come time. They all will rise up as one and become lawless. It will not matter what country they are all in. Their first country of attack may be the USA. The attack on the USA may/will happen at any time. The European attacks may/will happen around the time of 2025-2040. The USA must fall before they all can go after Israel. Only God will know. Do you remember the formulas for life and for death? If you mix them in any manor. You still end up with Death as the end result over an extended period of time. Human extinction does not have to be quick.
Life = Love + Peace + Harmony + Law
Death = Hate + Conflict/war + Chaos + Lawlessness.
The death of the USA shall come soon as they remove the Ten Commandments without any argument or struggle.
I no longer believe it is probable to avoid the coming prophecies of those accepted and non accepted prophets. It is to late. I believe judgement of God has already occurred. The execution of Godly justice is soon to come. But in case I'm in error and their is still hope. We all must decide on our own. To follow the purple words. Not out of fear. Not from any sort of intimidation or threat. But, from that deep place within all of us. To live the purple words because it is the right thing to do. Not because we have to or are forced to.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Worthy Human: (Unedited): 09 May 2013:

Humanity becomes a species worth saving. When each human becomes worthy. C.J.MacKechnie
For some reason. I'm thinking about how many people think that GOD or however you identify with the creator is going to save us all from our own self destructive tendencies. Or how some advanced space alien group is going to save us from ourselves. Why would anyone think that? Because you cannot stop or save an alcoholic or drug addict from destroying themselves. You cannot prevent or stop a person, who wants to kill themselves (Suicide). So, what makes any one think that GOD or some advanced space aliens is going to save us when we are all collectively destroying ourselves. It isn't logical or psychologically sound and should not be expected.
To sum up all of the prophecies of the world. They pretty much predict that we are all going to die. Which means as a species. We may become extinct. The prophecy of the Christian faith, assuming interpretations are correct. A select will be saved. How many is that? Define remnant for yourself, Very small.
I seem to be the only one on this planet who thinks all of the undesirable prophecies from anyone who spoke them can be prevented, managed or both. My belief stems from the story within The Holy Bible. Joseph and Pharaoh. I may be the only Christian who does not want Jesus to return the way He does as foretold in the Bible Prophecies. There is prophecies of the coming one from the traditions of Christianity and Islam. I believe the interpretations are wrong, even though the visions of the prophets are very accurate. What this means is. I believe the purity of the visions are correct. Islam believes that the enemies of ALLAH will be destroyed, Just as Christianity believes the enemies of GOD will be destroyed. The logical thinking is there can only be one victor in a war. That victor is GOD. The enemies of GOD will be the military forces of this world. So in effect both prophets are correct in what they see. It is each faith which chooses to see only one side of their perspective coin.

The only way to prevent humanities foretold and probable extinction is for each person to willingly choose without threats or fears to live righteously as defined by the Holy Documents. Every human person, by their own free choice. There is a little more to that. But, this little sliver may be all that is needed to save us all.
The Father leaves his children to manage His lands for a time.
The good children manage things well. They make fair and equitable increases in every way. There is no harm or damage to anyone or any thing. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response?
The bad children do as they want to. They selfishly use up what they will. They fight with one another over selfish things. They kill, they destroy whatever they will. Soon they forget about their father. They use up everything. Plants and creatures become changed or destroyed. Power struggles and wars perpetually exist. Abuses and tortures rampant. The children now have the power to destroy everything which the Father has created. When the father returns what will be His fair and justified response? 
This seems simple to understand. This seems easily predictable. So, How do you want The Heavenly Father, God, Creator, Universal Source to return? It really is this simple. Do you want to be the good children or the bad children? So far we all have been the bad children. Then begin right now to take the necessary action. I hope everyone chooses to be the good children. As I want to be.
It is important for everyone to no longer fight or go to war for any political or religious authority. This is for all of the common peoples of the world. We all must begin to believe that we are all brother and sister to one another. 
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lamb Lion: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2012:

Just as the religious authority knew the lamb of GOD was coming and knew him not while in their presence. So it will be when the Lion returns as expected and planned for. The religious authorities will not know the Lion as HE devours them all. C.J.MacKechnie
Prophecy. The religious authorities must do both repent and reveal. You are the crack between GOD and all of mankind. The crack will become as it never was.
Just as when the Religious Authority Condemned the lamb (Jesus Christ) to be crucified by the Government authority with the approval and backing of the approved of Religious followers. So to will it be the same as when the lion returns. Except, the Lion will come for the governments, religions, and all of the followers who take up arms against the lion whom they will know not. The LION will devour them all.
Personally, I write this knowing that I may be one of those who may not know the Lion. I hope and pray that I do. I hope and pray that my family is one of the protected ones when the Lion does come as prophesied.
I believe that both the Christian and Islamic Prophecies are accurate. Meaning The Christians believe that Jesus will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. The Islamic Mahdi will come to destroy their enemies, This is true. Both are one and the same. He will come to destroy by the perspective of both religions. Think about it. Today, the religion of love-loves not. Today, The religion of peace has not. Both religions know that they will win. When the fact is. No they wont. There is no they or we or us. Only the Holy Lion. Jesus will win. Mahdi will win. Those under his chosen protection. Wont win either. The chosen protected ones. Will be just protected. They will not participate in any of the battles. The short battles.
Greater is Jesus/Mahdi over the Angels. Did you know that the angels of GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER has the power to turn any human being on or off like a light switch. Did you know they can alter your perceptions at their will. Meaning they can cause you to see or not to see them at all. The same with hearing and any other of our senses. Angels can alter your mind and memory. Angels can cause you to do something else or cause you to do what they want you to do. They can do this to any human. So for any government or religious authority, to think that they even have a chance to win in any battle is absurd. The prophecies are thousands of years old. Yet, the governments and religions of the world still go to war with the LION.
Its kind of like betting on the American World Series baseball games. In which the teams and the outcome has been known for many thousands of years. Who are you gonna bet for? Who is gonna take your bet? Where is the logic in betting for or against a sure thing?

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John