Showing posts with label Clothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clothing. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Survival Shelter, Air, Water, Food, Clothing: (Unedited): 16-30 Nov 2022:

NOTE: Copy and Paste links is for your safety and security. 
Survival is not fun and nor is it an adventure. You do not have the luxury or freedom of choosing where and when you are in an emergency survival situation, unless your name is Les Stroud. Guess what, No one is Less Stroud except for Less Stroud. So do not be like Less Stroud looking for places to survive and die in. If you ever noticed anything about Less Stroud the most important tool he ever brought was not a knife or any other man made piece of gear. He brought his well trained noggin. In other words Mr. Stroud has a well developed skill set. This is by far the most important survival tool that you must have and it is a variety of functional skill sets. While it is easy to see all of the successes of what Mr. Less Stroud has accomplished. I think he also suffered from a myriad of parasites and other medical ailments as associated from his filming in all of those different locations all over the world. He was able to go back to the modern world and get medical treatment. In a SHTF survival situation you may not have the luxury of ever getting medical treatment. So what ever parasites you get, you just get and yea... Remember the show "Monsters Inside Of Me"??? I don't and do not want to remember that show.
The best way to survive any emergency situation is to ensure that it does not happen. While at the same time making all necessary preparations for any predictable and non predictable survival situation when they do happen. Because in the Holy Bible it does say that it rains on the just and unjust(Mathew 5:45) 
Survival is like prophecy. When you are in the knowing. You must understand and take action that it is you who is responsible to either mitigate or prevent the coming bad or sad, if possible. We have the stories of Joseph and Jonah in those fundamental teachings. It does not matter if you know when or not. It is like this, for those who live in the snow and ice. When do you prepare for your brutally cold winters? You move to Florida(humor intent, though serious in excessive thinking on your part.). When you know that any emergency survival situation is about to happen. Do not be there. It is like in Florida, when the hurricanes come. You do not be where the hurricane will be. In the summer or during every pleasant day that you experience is when you prepare for the winter season. But why? because it is wise not to freeze or starve to death in the coming months of that winter season. It is just like how people prepare for the floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, lightning strikes, alligators, giant constrictor snakes and any other predictable emergency. You must prepare before hand. When you prepare you are exercising your wisdom through necessary action. When you know and understand that dangers can and often times do happen and yet you do nothing to prepare for them. You are acting on your own level of foolishness. You will become a victim and you may be digested alive. Especially when you feed and pet Florida alligators and give loving hugs to giant Pythons(humor). This is just not about Florida. You need to know and understand that no place and no where in the world is a safe place to live in. Every place on this planet has it's own unique dangers and threats to humans.
If the worse thing happens. You must have shelter in which you will safely reside in during the many days of hiding from radioactive fallout or any other extreme weather event. Your shelter must be engineered to your necessary specifications and built prior to any actual emergency event. You will call this shelter your home. Even if your home is for many generations like Noah's Ark was when it landed on dry land within the mountain ranges. The Earth was destroyed and the people had to remain within the open doors of the Ark for a time as plant life and animal life had to be repopulated. There would be safety within the ark as the 500 plus foot ship survived what it had to survive as the whole world was being flooded. The boat had to be built before hand. Supplies had to be placed in the boat before hand. The boat became their shelter. Just as your own home will become your own shelter when any emergency comes. The emergencies I'm talking about is not just from nuclear fallout or from humans becoming biological AI controlled zombie robots(That might be a movie idea). I'm talking about your typical emergencies as I've mentioned above and in other writings. So your shelter or home should do more than just survive any of your own typical local common emergencies. So yes your home should be your own safe house with every room being a safe room. If possible your basement should become a reinforced structure. If you can expand on your basement with underground root cellars, hidden water wells and actual fallout or bomb shelters and you think that is a wise idea. Then you should move your assets, sell your assets and build it. But, watch out because within the doomsday survival market place there are sharks, snakes and gators who all want to take all that you have. These evil people will even sleep well at night knowing that you and your children might die in their sleep and blow themselves up all at the same time. So when you see Christian themed art as associated with a business logo. You probably need to stay away from that one. When you see that the business with Christian themed logos offers up their own in house built nuclear bomb air cleaner in a black box. Stay away. When you have the option of adding gas heaters, water heaters, ovens, and stoves within a so called genuine bomb shelter or nuclear fallout shelter. You will know it is they who are the snakes, sharks and alligators that are just trying to get your money. Oh yea, even though they offer warranties they do not honor them. Look to the research words below.
Your home shelter should have the appearance inside and outside of a genuine home. The appearance of your home should look good in the environment it was built within. This is important as no one likes to live in some concrete structure with only gray paint on the walls and a forever echo chamber for a continuous and never ending test of your insanity. So all aspects of your home should be home like. 
Your home shelter should survive on its own all of the common natural disasters which do happen from time to time and is predictable. So if you live in a forest do not build your home out of wood. If you live in an Earthquake zone than build your home which is capable of keeping you safe in multiple Earthquakes of high magnitudes. 
Your home shelter should be a safe place for you and your family in case bad and evil two legged animals break in. So each room should be a safe room even with secret exits to a common safe and secure place/space. 
Your home shelter should be designed and engineered for the worse case thing that you think can happen in which your home becomes a home base. Your home shelter needs to have ample space for everything in accordance to your entire families functional skill sets. Your home should be located close by to those who are your friends, your church family and your community. 
Your home shelter should be thought out wisely with the idea on expandability. So a modular concept should be engineered into the home.
Who needs air? We all need clean fresh air. The more natural, the better. Inside of your home, basement, shelter and bunker system you must have a continuous and steady supply of clean fresh air. While exhausting bad, old and used up air. While at the same time maintaining a positive air pressure inside of your living space. A positive air pressure is important as this will not or should not allow contaminant's, biological's, radio-logical's from gaining entry into the living space. There is specific math behind all of this and it is for per person/animal.
A healthy and fit person can survive for up to three minutes without air. Sure, some people can last longer and some cannot last as long. In some situations a person who inhales and fills their lungs with a bad gas which is unseen and odorless can die nearly instantly. It doesn't matter how healthy or fit you are. You just pass out and die. This can happen to people who have walked through ancient caves both natural and man made. 
But, what is worse is breathing in a little bit of bad gas or radio-logical bad gas which will kill you in the months to come as you die in some very painful manner or worse your child suffers as all you can do is watch. All because, you did not plan well enough. So yes, when and if your planning for a man made emergency. You should have very quality air cleaning systems made in Israel and/or by the Swiss. They are the best in the world. 
A healthy person can last for about three days without water. Clean drinking water from a well point should be a very critical decision when selecting a property site for the building of your home. No well water or well water options, then do not buy that property. A clean source of drinking water is essential and the hiding of the clean water source is necessary. Especially, in any extreme survival situation where the fate of humanity is at stake. Your clean water source should be a hidden well point directly under your home and shelter system. In many states and in many nations having your own well point may be illegal. I'm not suggesting that you break any laws. So do your own due diligence and make your own decisions out of your own free will. You should have a secret and well hidden well point for each of your outlying buildings. These well points should be both manual and powered.
Water filtration and conditioning must also be considered for each well site on your property. The hauling of multiple 50 pound bags of water softening salts is also a consideration for other efficiencies in the design phase. 
A healthy person can live for about 30 days. So the need for food preparation is essential. The story of Joseph in Egypt in the Holy Bible is my go to story on why you should continue to do as you do. Those persons and families who have already begun to prepare for a SHTF event must reconsider how much food they should save for each person. All food preparations should be kept secret and hidden is hidden places with hidden entrances. This is because there is a difference between preparing for any typical short term emergency event and a SHTF event. This must be reasonably addressed to prepare for a SHTF situation or not. What ever answer you come up with is OK for you. For the SHTF or even very long duration economic turmoil where the governments come out with PSA's that eating worms as a food source and is fun. You'll be happy. Yea, right! Growing, raising and storing your own foods will also prevent your family from going hungry during any food shortages. Especially if those foods shortages are multi year long like with Joseph in the Holy Bible. Which means you have to plan ahead, as which Joseph had to do. In order for everyone not to die. Including his own brothers who beat him, nearly killed him and then sold him into slavery. There are a lot of lessons in that story. 
There are many food categories and these are. These food sources do have a order to be eaten as well as for a functional purpose. all food products must be dated and ordered in FIFO. All products must be kept as cool as possible. Cool and cold temperatures must be continuous. Product temperature cannot ever reach any unsafe temperature at any time. If it does, then it should be used or consumed. This will lengthen shelf life. You should save for each category of food at least 1 year supply per person. Yes, you should extra food for family, friends, your church and your community. 1). Store bought non-perishable foods. Shelf life can be typically in the months. 2). Your own canned and jarred foods. 3). Typical emergency food sources. 4). American military MRE's. 5). Heirloom, antique, natural and wild seeds of every edible kind for your specific growing region. 6). The plants, bushes, trees which are already bearing fruits. 7). Animals which are raised as food and resources.
FIFO: First In First Out. Be warned Grocery stores do receive products with short dates. So you have to organize according to those dates on the packaging and not when you bought them dates. 
Canning and Jarring: Means your already growing and raising your own foods.
MRE Warning: The MRE's are used when soldiers must have very high caloric intake to match their very extreme physical exertions. A soldier or person eating these must already be hydrated and remain hydrated during the digestion process. Or that which comes out will be like concrete.
The Seeds: You should already be saving seeds and learning how to properly organize and store seeds. This is money here and trading value. Even save seeds which are outside of your growing region. This is because trade will become reestablished with outlying areas. Seeds will become money. I cannot over emphasize the need for the proper storage and organization of all seeds. Can you imagine trading seeds to a group of people and they invest years of effort only to discover that the seeds from fruits which were labeled as organic from a store were irradiated and the DNA was nearly destroyed. How do you think those starving and desperate people are going to deal with you when the idea of law and order is no more? Any plant life or seed which is GMO or hybrid must be destroyed.
Honey Bees: No bees means no food for you. Which means you all starve and it matters not what you have planned and saved. So how do you manage your bees? How do you keep them from dying out in the open? Do you or will you have a specific inside place for them to live and survive? Do you even have this skill set?
Plants, Bushes, Trees: You need to know it can take up to 5-7 years for any food bearing plant, bush or tree to go to first fruits. Then another 1-2 years for them to go to full fruits. The Avocado can take more than a decade before it goes to first fruit. Can you imagine investing ten years into a fruit tree only to discover that the seed was bad? Can you imagine the mentality of planting trees in a seemingly never ending environment of hunger or starvation only to discover all of your efforts was a waste of time and energy as the tree refuses to fruit? So you must plan accordingly. There are some short cuts like cloning. Even in cloning you can have some issues like if you clone a branch which has no history of fruit, low fruit or sour fruit. Then guess what you just cloned and worked hard to grow? So, this is what I'm saying about plants. If you have ornamental plants in your yard. Get rid of them and replant with only natural food bearing plants as soon as you seasonally can. The more people in your family, your friends, your church and your community who has planted food bearing plants, bushes and trees of every the less like declared food shortages will have a severe impact upon the whole of your community.
Animals: You need animals as a continual supply of food resources and you need animals as a food source. How do you raise them? How do you keep them healthy and fed? Especially when all feed stores are long gone. How do you protect them and keep them safe?
So you have been buying your clothes from those big box stores or from delivery services. Your clothes do not last very long with normal office related normal work loads. So what happens to those big box clothes when you have to start really hard manual labor from dawn to dusk? You get to do all of that work naked.
Asian clothing and shoes will mean you will have both a naked body and naked toes if and when the world systems end. So go forth and spend the big money on American made clothing and foot wear. Do not forget to also buy those smaller waist band sizes as well. This is because after the SHTF happens. Every surviving human is going to lose a lot of weight. So you have to plan ahead. 
Hardy. Work related. Farm related.
This is sad. How any injury, dental issue and pregnancy can end in death. How preexisting medical conditions will most likely end in death much sooner than later. Which makes you the survivor responsible for the burial or cremation of all dead bodies. So get all of your medical and dental work done before any long duration emergency event. This is something that you have to plan ahead. So you must save your aged mother and insane sibling. This is the right thing to do. I cannot give you any answers. But, your going to have to deal with people who are sick in the most loving, compassionate and merciful way as possible. What happens when the medications runs out. People will die and you will have to contend with the burial of the bodies. Your sibling will revert back to her specifically normal crazy and insane self. How will you contend with her and her genuine insanity? When her medications runs out?
Have you even thought those words that your retirement is now over? Have you even considered that you should pull out all of or most of your retirement funds so that you can build an actual safe space for your entire family? Have you thought about selling your vacation, holiday and extra real estate investments so that you can build that safe house compound for your family? Have you thought about moving to that place which you consider to be the safest place? I'm not a financial expert you need to know that financially nothing has ever worked out for me. No matter how I've tried. You need to know I have no opportunity for retirement. I have no assets or own anything of value. I even write what I write knowing that I make nothing. I do understand what I'm telling you and it is for you to do your own due diligence. 
Here is the thing. If you think that the world systems will end in WWIII or if you actually believe in any aspect of Christian prophecies in which they reveal themselves allot. Then you should seriously consider doing what you should do for the physical survivability of your own family members. This is the greater good. Especially, how there no longer seems to be any real retirement solution for young people and that your elder generation of those who are already retired may in fact be the last ones who receive pensions and social security. How many times has the stock markets and economies fallen in the last two decades and how much have you lost and others have lost? So yea, You worked hard to earn what you have now. You deserve your retirement. Joseph in the Holy Bible teaches the lessons we all need to survive hardships in life and still be capable of loving one another. Read about how his brothers tried to kill him and then sold him into slavery. As a slave he was wrongly accused and convicted and then became the number two man in all of Egypt. He was even given an Egyptian name. Joseph then went on to make plans and to save everyone in the land. Even his own family who believed him to be gone forever or dead. Yet, Joseph still loved his family and did what was necessary to save them all. Are you a Joseph? Will you be a Joseph to your own family? Will you make a way for your own family to be capable of surviving even though you will most likely die in any extreme emergency event? Will you decide to sell everything to build a home shelter in those self determined safe places?  So that everyone else will have an opportunity to survive except for you and your spouse? This is really hard to grasp. To know than survival is basically for the young and strong. To know that your getting older and sickly is tough in a so called normal world. But, the bottom line is this. How will the younger souls in your own family survive and build the safe homes that they need to have that opportunity to survive without you and your finances? They probably cannot. So it is up to you to make those preparations for them. Yes, I know it isn't fair and you worked hard your entire life. You deserve your retirement. But, life was not fair for Joseph either and he made it into the Holy Bible as you and I were not written into the Holy Bible. So the unfairness of life in which we all learn from Joseph is for each of us to learn and still be able to do the greater good which is to love one another even though people have harmed us greatly or you may actually have a wonderful family and that is even better.So go forth and do the greater good for your family, your friends, your church community and for your own community.
----SKILL SETS----
Why is skill sets, last and not even listed in the Title? This is the most important aspect of any survival situation. Functional skill sets will be like money after any SHTF event('s). Your noggin cover is supposed to be full of functional skill sets and not be like an empty tool box. So go froth and visit all of your local museums. Try and figure out which skill sets were important to know prior to the industrial revolution. What skill sets were needed in the 1800's, 1700's, 1600's and etc. Learn and obtain actual functional skill sets in those areas of interest. Because, even if you do not have the wealth of today to buy lands and to build a hardy home with bomb shelter all fully stocked with everything you need or want. Your skill sets will be that which is of the most valued. Because, the community which has the most functional of those now considered ancient skill sets will be those communities who are most likely will have the greatest possibility of survival and to transition into a thriving society. Those communities who have the least amount of people with the fewest ancient skill set will most like become simple people who only exist as they wait for death to come to them. So, yes ancient skill sets is that important in the aftermath of any severe SHTF event('s). AND! NO! you cannot learn those things afterwards. You must learn them now and before the SHTF. 
Guess what? Even modern day skill sets will also be applicable afterwards. Because someone might be able to properly save a radio, antennas or other electronics. Some other modern day things, skill sets will also be of use. Which will be coupled together for the greater good of the whole. 
Atlas Survival Shelters. You need to know I think this guy is worth a serious look. He is a bit of an oddball and that is OK, but he also seems like he cares and builds a good product line. I do not have any wealth, bank accounts, financial assets, 401K's or any other retirement funding. But, If I had a home or other real estate then I would buy from this guy. But, you need to know if !!YOU!! mess up the placement of a purchased bunker, that is not his fault that your bunker turned into a pool, oven, freezer or all of the above. 
Bring coffee and a comfy chair time.
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy Trinkets: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2014:

Adorning your being with blingful trinkets and clothing. Makes you just busy to look upon. 
Beauty is not something which is elusive to find, maintain or keep. Adding shiny trinkets or wearing high dollar clothing will not make you more beautiful and noticeable.
Even stressing about all of the methods of obtaining beauty via surgeries or deadly chemicals. Won't last long and may even cause you to look freakish.
There is a way to become an everlasting beauty. It is from deep within you. That part of you in which may be impossible for you to believe in.
The true source of beauty is from within your own spirit being. This is the true you. By becoming holy and righteous. Your connections to the divine becomes real and solid. You begin the march towards a younger looking you.
The second level of beauty is from within your own mindset. By changing the way you think, by accepting only those thoughts and beliefs which are pure and based in divine purity. To become mentally sinless.
The third level of beauty is of the physical level. By eating healthy. Exercising on a regular basis. By staying away from unhealthy and physically sinful habits. By avoiding any mind altering substances. By avoiding unhealthy foods and drinks.
The forth and most important level. By understanding the previous three levels and then accepting them all as the right way. Without any fears or expectations you begin the pure righteous path towards beauty. Not because you have to but because it is right and true. You will soon discover that becoming beautiful is not something which is important any longer to your true self.
Yet after the years and decades go by. All who look upon you. Will know you are a special kind of beautiful. They may not even understand why but they will know. Even when you are 77 years old.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Monday, August 12, 2013

Someones Intervention: (Unedited): 12 Aug 2013:

Acts of Kindness, Mercy and compassion is positive intervention on someones behalf.
There can be hard lessons for the good hearted.  Such as devoting your time with an undeserving soul who seems to always demand help and declare that no one ever helps them. Thus, they are always in dire straights. Such as giving of yourself to the wolf in sheep's clothing. The wolf will devour you with great cruelty to you and possibly your entire family. The wolf in sheep's clothing is probably a great fear which prevents good Christian people from following the path of Christ. Most people remember the Smart family and their daughter Elizabeth. That one wolf of a person who deceived Mr. smart. The street preacher Brian David Mitchell did more harm to the Christian faith than the abuses, tortures and other cruelties suffered by that one family. Who wants to risk their families safety by going out into the world helping poor souls in a genuine fundamental way. 
This is one of the reasons why we each must still go out into the world and express love, kindness, compassion, and mercy. To serve your brother and sister just as Jesus had done. Fight your own fears and go forth into the whole world. Become the servant to all of your brothers and sisters. 
Continual Prayerful and meditative wisdom is necessary when  walking the road of Christ. There are perils as is seen with the innocent Jesus nailed to a cross.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Outspoken Beauty: (Unedited): 13 May 2013:

Your intelligence, Talent and skill is far more important than any others outspoken opinion for or against your beauty. C.J.MacKechnie
 When you successfully combine your intelligence, talent and skill into something which is beautiful. Do not diminish this gift to others who witness your outpouring with those who ridicule you with negative words on your appearance, clothing or any other superficial comments. Their frivolous words is evidence of their ignorance, closed mindedness and cruelty.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Essential Beauty: (Unedited): 05 May 2013:

Guarding and protecting your beauty is more essential than modifying your physical beauty with clothing, make-up or surgery. C.J.MacKechnie

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Boots: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2006:

Doing good works and protecting the innocent is a worthy cause for muddy boots. 
You will always remain pure when you keep your boots disciplined and pointed in the righteous direction.
When you choose to allow your boots to take you onto the path of disgust and dishonor. No amount of cleaning and polishing will keep you from feeling dirty and wrong. When a man continues on the path of filth his guilt will eventually subside. C.J.MacKechnie
A person should not be pridefully concerned about the perfectly clean condition of their clothing. Especially, in the  moment when an effort must be made to save a person, to complete a job, to end an emergency or just being in the presence to cause another to not become dirty, sweaty or muddy. Its all good.