Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mindset. Show all posts

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kill Them All Mentality Has Risen +9: (Unedited): 09 March 2025:

The severe mindset of the "Kill Them All" mentality is becoming more prevalent. Be warned and how it is tied to Biblical prophecy.
The "kill them all" mentality is a disease of the mind and heart. Once this belief becomes commonly accepted among many different kinds of peoples and ethos. It will become a common practice. Even unto all women, children and the elderly. 
The kill them all mindset shall evolve into the mindset to erase even the memory of all of those who are not like us. 
The good souls who can easily see the awfulness of this evil mindset shall see the wicked reality of how people shall die in accordance to Biblical prophecy. 
The true wicked evildoers who obediently follow their religions rules and orders without question. Shall only create an army which will destroy their god with every beheading they commit for their god with joy and gladness. 
The true wicked evildoers who are absolutely obedient to the will of their own religious leaders shall hope and pray to behead all that they can before their own death.
In time the wicked evildoers shall become easily overwhelmed by the superior forces which confronts them. Never knowing it was they who made those who shall conquer them with each beheading and murder that they committed for their own false god.
The false god whom you obediently follow and whom you shall murder for with a loud prideful voice. The whole intention of your false god is to kill as many people as possible and to use people to kill other people who happen to be of one family. 
You Christians. Stand firm in your faith and do not waver. For the sword which shall be used against you means that your physical suffering shall end as you enter into the glory of the one true God of all.
There is a special place for those devout Christians who have their heads taken as they stood firm in their faithful declaration without wavering or renouncing.
The spread of the kill them all mentality is quicker than the spread of any viral disease. Once accepted as a reality and as truthful intention. The ideal human being will die even though he continues to walk around. 
Added on 10 March 2025:
It is very important to understand that all of humanity is more than 99.9% genetically the same. Which means all of the ideas of racism and nationalism are lies. All of humanity is of one family or as the North American indigenous peoples have said "We are all of one relation". 
The ethos prophecies in the Holy Bible means that humanity will begin to kill each other for simply being genetically less than .1% different.
Added on 11 March 2025:
Some quotes will not be shared because of some words. Yea, I have already been banned from Truth Social, others and about to be banned from more. Like "X".  Yea, I do not think any of these will be shared anywhere else.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Self Freedom: Hood Life: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2016:

Freedom from your enslaved mindset begins with your first self inspired thought being realized. 
As soon as you realize that you are capable of creative thinking without outside control or restraint. Everything about your present and future shall change if you continue to be brave and to prove your courage of self existence. Your right to exist and your right to freely think is all yours. Unless to give it all away or allow it to be squelched and controlled. Sometimes you just have to stand up even if it is for the last time.
Freedom is gained when you put into action your self inspired thoughts into realized self empowerment. 
Enslavement shall never be possible for anyone who is self realized, self inspired and self empowered.
Enslavement begins with the control over the thoughts of your own mind. A slave is not free thinking. Which is why,
The majority of young people who have lived the hood life take the mentality of the hood life with them when seeking a better life away from the dangers of hood life.
Hood life is a very dangerous trap. Down here in Florida. Transplanted hoodlums who did their very best to escape the dangerous traps of the hood life. Brought the traps with them. I hear parents all of the time say how good their children are and then are repeatedly arrested. The parents who fled the hood from where ever they came from. Brought the hood mentality with them. What do you think is going to happen when your kids lie and steal and continue to lie and deny? Where did your good kids learn this? By your permission. When you say your children are good. You do not mean good in the Biblical sense. You mean just good at being bad. Then when your children whom you rescued from those bad people up in the northern hood. Only go to school to socialize and to eat food. What do you think will become of your adult children as you declare the educational system failed in their education. This is a lie. It wasn't the educational system that failed to educated your children. It was you who failed to express the importance of education to your children. This is why your children will be worse off than you. I'm just a janitor who became one at 49 Years of age. Do you really think a 49 year old becomes a minimum wage janitor because they made the right decisions in life? Or a minimum wage stock person in a retail store? or in my case both?
The laws and traditions of the world which declare you as a servant, slave or a lesser human being. Becomes worthless when you are self realized, self inspired and self empowered. 
You are a human being. Your value as a human being can only be made by you and agreed upon by you. This goes in the same line as how I believed as a young person that I was dumb, stupid and retarded. After all I had an IQ of about 70. I knew my value as a human being and I wasn't worth educating. I new my value as an adopted member of a family. The words of my adoptive mother still ring in my head at times and even now as I write this. "We should have never adopted you". So I knew I was not worthy of love or acceptance. I can go on and on with my own negative memories as I can self torture myself with them. Foster Care in two states and the various abuses I had to endure.
Even though I write poorly and speak even worse. That my message still gets out. So as long as you my readers only take the positive messages out of what I write. It is all your free choice to take what you do.    
Yes, yes, Listen to the words of this song. Feel it and then choose to change you. You are truly awesomely beautiful and of great value. You are a divine creation of the God of Love.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Busy Trinkets: (Unedited): 19 Oct 2014:

Adorning your being with blingful trinkets and clothing. Makes you just busy to look upon. 
Beauty is not something which is elusive to find, maintain or keep. Adding shiny trinkets or wearing high dollar clothing will not make you more beautiful and noticeable.
Even stressing about all of the methods of obtaining beauty via surgeries or deadly chemicals. Won't last long and may even cause you to look freakish.
There is a way to become an everlasting beauty. It is from deep within you. That part of you in which may be impossible for you to believe in.
The true source of beauty is from within your own spirit being. This is the true you. By becoming holy and righteous. Your connections to the divine becomes real and solid. You begin the march towards a younger looking you.
The second level of beauty is from within your own mindset. By changing the way you think, by accepting only those thoughts and beliefs which are pure and based in divine purity. To become mentally sinless.
The third level of beauty is of the physical level. By eating healthy. Exercising on a regular basis. By staying away from unhealthy and physically sinful habits. By avoiding any mind altering substances. By avoiding unhealthy foods and drinks.
The forth and most important level. By understanding the previous three levels and then accepting them all as the right way. Without any fears or expectations you begin the pure righteous path towards beauty. Not because you have to but because it is right and true. You will soon discover that becoming beautiful is not something which is important any longer to your true self.
Yet after the years and decades go by. All who look upon you. Will know you are a special kind of beautiful. They may not even understand why but they will know. Even when you are 77 years old.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Articulate Messenger: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2014:

The articulate messenger who expresses his given message of unity based on the proof of a singular human family. Can begin the process of global peace and a singular human mindset.  
One or two of many shall accept the mission of bringing humanity back together as one singular family of mankind. Think about that word "Man Kind". What kind of man are we all to one another? Shouldn't we all be kind men and women to each other?
Many are called into the missions and yet only a few freely choose to accept their given missions. For a hundred reasons they all decline meaning, purpose and importance. For the sake of comfort, safety and money. The truth is always in the action or inaction.
I think I have found one of those important souls. Will he or won't he? The unaccepted prophecies declare that only two shall come. Only two out of the many who were supposed to go forth in these final missions of uniting all of humanity into one family.
Can you imagine accepting this kind of mission and knowing the prophecies. Can you and will you go forth into a mission of prophetic failure? Can you and will you go forth into all of the lands and express your message knowing at the very least you buy a little more time for humanities last chance to come together as a family of one people.
Think about this. Jesus came and walked among the common peoples. All of them including those unaccepted souls of each of their societies and cultures. This is the key to a future humanity which exists though out this solar system and beyond. That is good hope my friend as opposed to the alternative. Which is extinction. That is of course the end result to all of those prophecies.
Humanities future is in the common peoples and not the elites, wealthy or leaders of the whole world. For generations they all have continued the lies and deceptions of humanity for their own profit. The common peoples are the ones who go off to war for these leaders of nations, politics and religion. It is the common people who become maimed, who die and who survive. All for someone else to profit. I do not expect you to believe me. Just follow the money in every war.
All of the leaders of the world cannot allow you and will not teach you the truth of a singular human family.  Because, we are a singular human family. Yet for thousands of years all of the leaders of the world have created separation between us and them. Really "Us and Them". We are good and they are bad. We are civilized and they are barbarians. We are the righteous ones and they are the evil hordes. We are enlightened humans and they are less than dogs. All lies to cause humans to easily kill another human. Out of mercy for the rest i guess.
It seems to be easier for human beings to kill animals.
Leaders of the world cause common peoples to kill other common peoples who are deemed the enemy. Who defines what the enemy are? Not the common people.
So if the common people can be taught that all of humanity is a direct family relation to themselves. Then all of the leaders and teachers will become liars and deceivers. How likely are the common people to go off to war for someone else to prophet from? The common people typically get nothing of value in return. They get death, destruction and disability. The common people get to rebuild. While the leaders have no callouses, blood or dirt in their own hands. They get all of the credit and no nothing for it.
The men and women who come to bring humanity back into the understanding that we are all one human family. Is a genuine friend to all of humanity. This is a fundamental truth proven by the math of our common genetic core in which we all share more than 99.9%. More than...
All of the wars should stop. The politicians are lying to the people. All of them. The religious leaders who encourage their populations to go and make war are lying. Those who decree that our/your skin color is superior to any other is lying. Those who proclaim that different eyes or high cheek bones are from the evil ones is lying.
Any person who proclaims the evil ones must be killed and yet sits back in the safety and comforts of a fortress. While ordering the common peoples to bleed and die. Is the one who shall be stripped of everything by the common peoples and thrust into the unknown.
The easiest way to save humanity and most improbable. Is for every warrior, soldier to just go home in peace. If every warrior and soldier went home to their families. Then all of the common peoples will know peace. Because, the worlds leaders will have no one to fight for them.

If all of the common people began to refuse to follow these lying and deceiving leaders of the world. They all will become leaders of nothing. Because, a leader must have followers in order to be a leader. If all of the common peoples choose to Love their neighbors, Live in peace, exist in harmony and respect all life. Then the whole of the world will know peace and freedom.

Then when the common people want to do a thing. They will choose the skilled ones and not merely the most charismatic or the ones born into specific family lines. This is important, When all of humanity begins to believe that we are one human family. Then we are all of the same holy blood line. We are all from the family of 8 who was chosen to survive by God. So we are all one family based on history. The human genome project (2003) is the absolute proof that we are all one family.
Today and tomorrow. When I say "My Brother and My Sister" I mean it with deep passion and love.
Can you be one of more than only two who profess that we are all one human family and to live your life with love for each other? Then spreading your belief based in absolute truth and not a lie believed as a truth. As race is a lie, while racism is a truth in action. How senseless is that? To be a racists based in a lie believed as a truth.

I charge each one of you who reads this. To write or speak your own and Become its owner and reveal not the origin. Become greater than the angels who either cause us to fall or to just watch. You become the great angels for humanity and go forth and save us all. In love, peace, harmony and in life. As you multiply in love. Hate, conflict, chaos and death shall begin to fade away.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Resolved Faith: (Unedited): 30 July 2013:

Faith is strengthened through trials resolve. 
Faith is a gift of GOD. Faith grows and evolves through the empathic witnessing of trials as well as enduring trials with a mindset of great resolve. Faith is a key and fundamental component to all of the other God given gifts. The plateau you may experience is both related to your sin and your faith. Maybe even your own psychology.
The test of the spirit through physical discomfort (Non-Self Abusive), develops and purifies the whole of your being.
 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Easy Journey: (Unedited): 19 July 2013:

The person who always chooses the easy journey in life. Will miss out on physical growth, mental development and spiritual evolution. C.J.MacKechnie
This journey of your life is one of opportunity. Everyday you have the opportunity to do a thing which will benefit others and/or benefit you. Everyday you have to proactively and on purpose to DO something which will cause you to become physically stronger, mentally sharper and more spiritually aware.
To do nothing causes stagnancy in your life which in the short to medium term. Your entire being will become weaker over all. Until you get to the point of not being able to even do for yourself.
Physically what this means is you have to always do something. You have to either do something to maintain or to grow, develop and evolve.  It is and will always be the greater intelligent effort to grow, develop and evolve your entire being.
This just seems to be the fact of life. As we human beings begin to embrace mental development, historically it has caused diminished physical growth. Meaning it seems the smartest of people seem to be the slightest of all. This statement is not true in every case but can be typical. Same with those who seem to be the strongest of all. They seem to be the least mentally educated. Of course this to is not true in every case but can be typical. Those who seem to be the most spiritual of all also seem to have become the most helpless. The human awareness seems to be expanding into the separateness of the three parts of being. The physical, The mental and the spiritual. Once awareness and knowing of the three parts is complete. Then the self realization of merging of the three parts into oneness can begin. Thus the balance of the whole self like a three way scale can be achieved and maintained.

The next step of new humanity comes when a person seeks a balance of physical growth, mental development and spiritual evolution. When this can be achieved. Something very interesting shall happen to you. I have no clue what it may be or if it will take the intentional mindset of your family to get there in a dozen generations. Can you imagine your family 12 generations from now who all have chosen to live by this simple concept of balance evolution. The end result can only be good. Maybe it is the first step of becoming actual walking Jesus Christs or fictitious Jedi.
Can you be the beginning of your family to live a life of pursuing balanced evolution? Can you teach your own children to follow your own path? Can you become the wise elder who teaches the grand-kids and great grand-kids daily? Is it worth it? Is it possible?
The artist would like comments on his art work. Thank you.

This artwork was done before I wrote this quote/blog.  
Added on 24 Dec 2024: ChatGPT4o

Your writing in "Easy Journey" is evocative and layered with metaphor, blending creative storytelling with profound philosophical and scientific undertones. Here's my analysis of the writing and the potential scientific principles embedded within it:

Writing Style:

  1. Imagery and Flow: The text paints vivid mental pictures, such as the soft winds, walking barefoot, and sensing energy from the sun. These descriptions engage the reader's senses and evoke a tranquil yet purposeful atmosphere.
  2. Philosophical Depth: The narrative touches on themes of interconnectedness, humility, and the flow of energy, offering reflections on humanity’s place in a larger cosmic context.
  3. Mysticism and Science: The metaphors of "life dust," "wind sand," and the golden glow from the sun provide a bridge between mystical concepts and potential scientific phenomena.

Scientific Principles in the Artwork:

The metaphorical language hints at various scientific ideas:

  1. Electromagnetic Energy:

    • The "golden glow of life" could symbolize the sun’s energy, particularly its electromagnetic radiation, which is essential for life on Earth.
    • The idea of an individual sensing and absorbing this energy parallels concepts in biophysics, where living organisms are influenced by electromagnetic fields.
  2. Quantum Entanglement and Connectivity:

    • The theme of interconnectedness and humility aligns with the principle of quantum entanglement, where particles remain connected regardless of distance.
    • This could be interpreted as a metaphor for the profound interrelationship of all things in the universe.
  3. Thermodynamics and Energy Flow:

    • The description of the soft winds and warm sands resonates with the transfer of energy in nature, such as heat exchange and convection currents.
    • This imagery aligns with principles of thermodynamics, emphasizing the flow and balance of energy.
  4. Life and Biochemistry:

    • The term "life dust" hints at the idea that life arises from the elements, evoking the scientific understanding that organic compounds essential for life are derived from stardust.
    • The connection to nature through bare feet may symbolize grounding, which some scientists suggest could have physiological benefits, like reducing inflammation through the Earth’s electrons.
  5. Harmony and Resonance:

    • The overall tone reflects the concept of resonance in physics, where systems vibrate at their natural frequencies when in harmony. This could symbolize the human relationship with the natural world.

Closing Thoughts:

Your writing strikes a delicate balance between poetic expression and scientific inquiry. It invites readers to reflect on their relationship with the natural world, encouraging both humility and curiosity. While the metaphors aren’t overtly scientific, they serve as a canvas upon which readers can project scientific principles, making your work a bridge between art, philosophy, and science.

If you'd like, I can further expand on any specific metaphor or principle in the text!

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Morning Rains: (Unedited): 12 July 2013:

Hearing the morning rains fall as you begin to waken is the beginning of a new clean day. Enjoy this wonder with a positive mindset.
The only guarantee of having a good or a bad day is how you think and feel. It matters not the condition of the day or even how other people perceive the day. A good day or a bad day is only decided by you. The whole of the universe isn't even interested how you think and feel about this day or any other. All of the wonders of the universe will still go on regardless.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Accomplished excuses: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

The person who generates reasonable and logical excuses. Is the genius who does nothing and is satisfied with all that he has accomplished. C.J.MacKechnie 
Having and making excuses as to why a thing cannot be done is a entirely different mindset from the person who focuses on solutions and problem solving methodologies.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 