Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Global. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Global Civil War: 15 Minute Cities Prophecies: +35 (Unedited): 11-12 March 2024:

WWIII can be triggered within the next few weeks to many months from now. 
In more than a dozen nations. The threat of civil war in each nation is only one violent act away. 
The nation of Haiti is lost.
Are the farmers around the world going to be the first to fight, die and lose everything in the coming civil wars? Yet, virtually no news.
American farmers and American food processing will lead to starvation in the USA and this seems to be a planned event. Yet, virtually no news and yet in the days of old when the American military killed entire tribes they listed in the news all of the men, women and children killed and that was acceptable. But, reporting on the planned human atrocities is not reported. Their plan to eliminate many billions of human souls is very public. 
The writings below are merely prophecies. These writings is not ended for the reader to think and believe that I am for anything offensive. The idea of 15 minute cities is not something I believe will ever work without absolute mind control. The simple idea of choice or free choice and being able to choose anything must be absent from any 15 minute city dwellers thinking processes. The simple idea of marriage in concept must be eliminated because people some times do not get along. Which means every person must have their own private and secluded space away from any relations of any kind. The idea of forming simple relationships like friendship must become an alien idea. Hence the extreme nature of preventing any idea of revolt or simple dissension. Even the absoluteness of right and wrong must only come from the authority as the individual cannot say either way what is right or wrong, good or bad. The word righteous, holy and evil will not be words recognized or known.
NOTE: I have no idea that I was going to write about 15 minute cities when I began writing.
The undesirable common peoples of the world is an ethnic group which must be eliminated and controlled as one would any sub species which is less than those who rule over the whole world.
Yes, this is offensive.  This is how genocide and wars begin when one group thinks themselves as superior to any other. This is how one group wants everything for themselves while knowing the history of how the common peoples overthrown evil and wicked tyrants of humanities past. To them that currently rule over the world, they do not see evil and wicked rulers who lost wars, committed genocides and lost their lives as evil or wicked. That which comes is more about a solution to the biggest problem to them which is the common peoples of the entire globe.
The common peoples of the world seem oblivious of their collective and common fates as those who rule over them plan for their elimination.
Once the common peoples of the world begin using other antiquated forms of communication to relay the actual truthful news which has been witnessed. Those old lines of communication will be outlawed. 
The farmers are the front lines in the prevention of starvation in the world. The global elimination plan of farmers will mean global starvation in the world.
When any nation can attack it's own people and other nations without leaving any evidence behind is a crime against humanity.
As the nations of the world come together as one and begin using incredible weapons of warfare in which the common peoples have no defense. The whole of the world becomes a very dark place.
The end of fair, equal and balanced justice happens as the secret weapons of God are used against the common peoples of the world. 
Who can save the common people from the incredible weapons of those people who have declared themselves gods and no longer want their planet to be inhabited by so many undesirable common peoples?
The end of human rights, freedom and liberty begins when the new weapons of war are trained on all of the undesirable common peoples of the world. 
The new and incredible weapons of warfare will be first used on the ethnic groups that not even the common peoples of the world care about.
Word use: Ethnic is also for the indigenous.
No one will know how many common peoples will die. No will know that a hundred ways to kill all of the common peoples has been invented and only wait for their use.
The word use of "a hundred ways" is not an exact number. 
A hundred lies believed as truths which has already been planned out will be used to cause the common peoples of the world to freely choose to walk into the furnaces.
The word use "Furnace" is symbolic to the 100 different ways the common peoples will be killed. 
Furnaces is reference to Nazi Germany IN WWII and the Jewish people they wanted to exterminate.
I have written in the past about mobile furnaces or cremation incinerators. How do you get rid of the evidence and masses of dead human beings? 
Incinerating billions of humans is not about getting rid of the evidence as much as it is getting rid of the health effects and stench for the benefits of those who planned the genocide of about 7 billion human souls.
Alien like creatures and odd diseases shall be created and released into the world to help kill off all of the common peoples quicker.
As the civil wars, national wars, religious wars, cultural wars, political wars, morality wars envelope the peoples of the world. Many common peoples will simply be killed with cheap knives, bullets and bombs.
Everyone will be against everyone else simply because there is some kind of individually defined insignificant difference.
The insignificant differences we all see in each other will be more than enough to kill and murder.
Do not allow yourself to fall victim to false teaching and wrongful hatreds. Do not harm any other human being.
The differences we see in each other should not ever be sufficient to harm and kill them.
The successful evolution of 15 minute cities will be as I describe them below. 
The advent of wonderful 15 minute cities will become 15 minute prison camps where absolute control of everything shall be instituted. Which shall conclude when each occupant is chosen to die.
The utopia created within a successful 15 minute city also means absolute governance of every aspect of your approved personal thinking processes.
Limited intellect, approved of culture and mandated social structure must be enforced from planned birth to decided death inside of every 15 minute city.
There will never be over population, crime and dissenting views in any 15 minute city as any disobedience by any occupant will mean that they become fertilizer for the benefit of the whole. 
The contained and control common peoples inside of every 15 minute city shall be productive and produce all of the goods for those non conceptually unknown people who rule over all.
Do not become surprised that with limited internal resources within a 15 minute city that the life expectancy goes from 50 to 40 and then to 30 years of age. 
The only purpose and function of the common person shall be to productively provide a meaningful service to those non conceptualized unknown people who shall rule over them as gods.
The efficiency of killing every human within a deemed failed 15 minute city shall be built into the foundational infrastructure.
The existence and memory of any charismatic disobedient occupant within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled confines.
The existence and memory of any charismatic occupant who differently thinks within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled coffins.
The confined environment within every 15 minute city shall become your coffins that you hopelessly reside in.
Within every 15 minute city there will not be words for freedom, liberty, human rights, legal rights, rights or any other word where questioning, complaints, dissent, strikes, revolts, protesting, walkouts and disobedience can begin.
Controlled thought is the end result of how you lead and teach the thinking processes of each human within a 15 minute city.
Every productive human being allowed to exist shall be raised from birth by the controllers of the 15 minute cities. The idea of parentage, family, mother, father and all others words for family relation shall no longer exist.
Teaching all children how to think ends in an adult who thinks as everyone else does within a 15 minute city. Normal self-controlled thought rejects any manner of alien concepts and principles.
The desired utopic thinking process must begin to be taught to children more than 24 years prior to the third or forth iteration of the 15 minute cities. While the process of exterminating the old common peoples has commenced.
The beneficial, noble and good ideal of taught utopic thinking processes must be forced into the educational environment at every level prior to the advent of any utopia styled 15 minute city.
Added on 03 August 2024: Allot of my previous deletes of content are often times more horrific and graphic than this one below.
Soon if not already. Weapons of warfare will begin to be shipped into western European nations and once in the hands of the new immigrants. Each independent European nation as well as the USA will lose even their own national identity. Much blood will be shed and all of the monarchs and leaders who think they could mange them all will be severely tortured and killed in a very public manner. 
NOTE: I have already seen video of an Islamic man shooting a gun into the air at night in Great Britain. This was maybe a year ago. I highly suspect their are many guns and ammunition of every kind hiding in every western European nation. Think about it how can Muslims gathered around this very day and all of them have bladed weapons of every kind open and out in public on video without fear of hiding their faces. 
Those who have always been the good citizen will begin to see their own governments as the enemy and see the new faces as enemies as well. Soon citizens will be forced to physically protect themselves against the police officers whom they have always honored and respected. 
I have been writing this for years. The Muslims who have come into your country have been training for warfare all of their lives. They have been training in hand to hand combat as well as weapons. They have been raised with a vile hatred for you. So, you cannot stand toe to toe with them if all you have been doing all your life is being a good citizen with zero martial arts and weapons training. I have written this and now your own police is scared of them and sicking their dogs on you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Big Global Resession Change: (Unedited): 14-16 July 2022:

 Many common peoples are going to lose their homes, their savings, their retirements and the bulk of any other worldly investments. Many common peoples who already have nothing will end up losing everything else. Which will include vast majority of their personal assets. There will be those who must surrender cars and begin to ride bikes. Many will even begin to purchase large vans if they are able and live in those vans. Living in the woods will become more prevalent than every before. To the degree that any aspect homelessness will become more criminalized than ever before. 
Just as there is no safety, security and justice for the homeless. All manner of crimes within the homeless communities will become much more prevalent, violent and an unquestioned daily occurrence. The burying of bodies by the homeless will not be investigated by the police or reported in any news media outlet. The greatest governance within the homeless will be the laws which govern the animal kingdom. In which there is no mercy, compassion or forgiveness. 
Out of this recession will begin the rise of a new era in personal responsibility coupled with the addition of new technologies. The way homes are built will fundamentally be changed forever. People will become more spread out and more walled in. The necessary average square footage per American house will increase greatly. The idea of generational housing for multiple generations of families will again re-emerge as it was in the old tribal days. When many generations of families and extended family units lived in very close proximity to one another. 
Homes built on acreage will become desired. Water access will become preferred. Non government interference will become sought after. Homes will have added space for 3D printing. Homes will have added space for interior growing of any manner of edible plants bushes and even trees. Homes will have added electrical generating capacities. Homes will have air to water machines built in. Homes will have added secure space for drone deliveries. Homes will have added secure environments for dry good deliveries of all kinds. Homes will have added secure space for delivered refrigerated and frozen perishable foods deliveries. Much of these new services still must be engineered into future homes. 
So this may be the only real bright side. The reemergence of the family unit. The family unit becomes more important than the ways of the world system. 
These new family units will form up into cohesive communities in which they will begin to pool their own resources and purchase additional lands for the addition of infrastructure like SMR (Small Modular nuclear Reactors) nuclear power. I do not see any electrical power lines above ground from these SMR's so I would assume all power lines are run underground to each home.
The common peoples of the world will realize that manipulation in almost every investment category is not in their favor and is actually against them. Especially when they take a 30% hit in all aspects of their finances and retirement accounts every 3-7 years. The common peoples will see any aspect of global investment option as corrupt, scam, deceptive. Regardless of what laws are in place for each specific nation. These will be observed by the elder generations and taught to the younger generations to the degree that the common peoples will not participate in any aspect of any obvious to today stock markets, financial markets. What will be the impact on all of these financial assets. So the only real wealth assets for the common peoples will be in real estate. 
As of today, The common peoples have been playing with decentralized crypto assets. Even with these there seems to be daily manipulation within. The new bankruptcies is only further evidence of dishonest players manipulating this recently new emerging marketplace. As the world continues to stumble into global recession. It shall be the common peoples of the world who will suffer the most as which is already being seen with revolts and starvation in certain countries. These things will expand. 
The surviving governments will find their real estate markets fully collapsed. Many of these governments will assume ownership of every real estate asset. This one action of not allowing ownership of any land or homes will become a level of power and control that is only seen in the worse nations on Earth. The denial of the right to land and home ownership. Some surviving nations will or may allow some kind of limited ownership. But, what those will be, will be dependent on what the citizens demand and how the citizens will demand their children not participate in any governmental authority at any level. When the people refuse to participate in the government how is it that the government will have any power? Which is when the governments will deny its own citizens the right to self defense, the rights to weapons and the right to learn any form of martial arts.
The common peoples will begin to see politics of any kind as a self serving belief system of those who have put themselves into places of leadership and authority. The common peoples will also begin to realize that it was they who became toe actual power for them. Thus, by refusing to follow the politics and forbidding their own children to participate in politics. Those politicians will not have the power to enforce their will upon anyone or even to make wars with their national neighbors. How this plays out is uncertain and unknown to me. Because in places like communist China a few can still lock up many millions of people with the threat of arrest. The people begin to prefer to jump out of windows instead of being disobedient to the will of the governmental authority. Especially, when all it takes is for all of them to rush the streets in one unified voice. Then again China will send in their military forces and kill everyone who is disobedient or apparently disobedient. Yet, the civilians of the world still continue to buy Chinese made goods whenever they want.
Global employment opportunities will also drastically change. Robots will take over all low end and unskilled jobs. Management and corporate personnel will be restructured. Think about it for a second. If you do not have a large human work force to manage then why is it that you need managers and corporate managers? You do not. So while managers and corporate types joyfully usher in robots and AI at every level. They are also at the same time ending their own careers. People who are not prepared for these things will suffer greatly. 
True Barter of things with actual real value will make a reemergence. Like physical skill sets, seeds and horses.
Actual ancient hands on skill sets will be of real value. These are the skill sets prior to the advent of gas, oil and electricity. These will also be very modern hands on skill sets which deal with fabrication and creation.
Working from home employment skill sets should be attained. 
Knowledge of high voltage and low voltage.
Software management and programming. 
Computer and machine Hardware troubleshooting. 
Hydraulic's, pneumatic's and vacuum systems, electrical motor knowledge. 
These will be a few of the necessary skill sets which people must know in order to survive the coming robotics revolution.
As well as all aspects of farming life, homesteading, off grid living.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Global Starvation Coming: (Unedited): 24-25 Aug 2021:

NOTE: I will not be discussing other bad and sad prophetic events in this post. In which the end results is the extinction of humanity except for those saved by God and only by Gods choosing alone. Look into how the various Amish and Mennonite peoples do things. It doesn't matter your religion or culture. If another religion or culture has specific skill sets, knowledge which can be beneficial to you. Then go and get it. 
These words in this little section are not negotiable. You either do or you don't. If you feel like you can't or won't, well, I do not know what to tell you. Maybe, all of your survival and prepping efforts will be found by those whom God deems as worthy.
As prophesied by many different cultures and religions a world wide global starvation event will occur. The how it will manifest is still uncertain. But, the why is known by those who have studied. The why is because of all manner of unrighteousness, sin, evil doings, selfishness, pride and etc. Because of these things is why God is going to allow your destruction. God has sent His prophets in which you have killed, He has sent his son in which you killed. He has done everything for the benefit of humanity and humanity has collectively rejected everything. Read the Purple Words Below. If every human being begins to live by those purple words in actuality and not participate in anything which involves conflict/war, suffering, death, destruction, chaos, abuses and tortures. All by your own free will/choice. Absent of any fear, threat, intimidation, selfishness. You do good things because you want to not because you have to and yes you have you because you want to. The foundation of your decisions must be founded in love and not in the saving of your own skin. Then maybe God will hold back His coming judgements for all of humanity. Maybe? 
When a nation pushes out all that which is good and takes in all that is sinful and evil. That nation will become no more as nations will be raised up all in the open and yet that nation will be blind, deaf and unaware. That nation will be surprised by those nations repeated false promises as they all attack the fallen nation which has become defenseless and helpless. All the while the falling nation proclaiming their own delusional state of supremacy. In one day all will be lost for We The People. 
The coming global starvation can manifest as both manmade or from natural events. The manmade causes of starvation can be from politicians, conflicts, wars, land use incompetence or from other means. The natural events is of course natural and with a global climate changing certain hardships should be expected and planned for. 
In many nations and regions across the planet. The control of water and food is used to control the populations. So when the worlds first supreme ruler takes charge and is celebrated. One of his first orders may be to control the populations of the Earth by controlling all aspects of water and food production. Did you know in the USA right now that some indigenous tribes cannot and are forbidden to touch or take water from certain rivers and streams which run through their own land? So yes this can happen and already is especially in a country like the USA. If you control the water you control food production. In the USA, There are states which forbid rain water collection by anyone and you can go to jail. This and these kinds of laws are only often against those who reside on the outside of civilized participation and are considered undesirable. Look at the history of human genocide. Look at what the American government did with the Buffalo/Bison in order to exert control of the Indigenous tribes. 
So yes, Mankind can cause an artificial global starvation event to occur in order to cull the population of the undesirables. 
So what can you do to delay, prevent you, your family and your community from suffering through the entire duration of a global starvation event? Can you imagine a quarter or half of the population dying out from starvation in a short period of time? Think about that. REALLY! Which has been prophesied by many religions and cultures. In which all of those religions and cultures all agree that all of humanity is in those last days in which those things have been prophesied to occur. Even though that many have severe conflicts with one another, but not in this one very related prophecy. 
Each person no matter where they are and who they are must begin these things right now. 
1) You must learn how to hide and conceal everything. Mass migration of the hungry into areas where food is grown will happen. 
2). You must begin to plant every kind of natural, antique, heirloom edible plant, bush and tree possible. This includes fruits, nuts, resource. Yes, this includes olive trees for olive oil and for oil lamps.  More than enough to feed your own community. This does include yanking out all non beneficial bushes and trees in your yard and replacing them with edibles and medicinal. This also includes all churches. Rip out all non beneficial plants and replant with edibles and medicinal. This includes fully edible cactus which can offer natural security enhancements. 
3). Hybrid aquaponics systems must be established by each person. These hidden and closed systems should also be transportable. Including the plants and fishes. In case of discovery or the previous owners have died. 
4). If you have lakes and streams which promote a natural living environment. They need to be stocked with the natural fishes for your region and you have to manage how much is removed. 
5). The farmers will hate this. Wild animals must be protected and the excessive removal must be managed. This is your emergency food source. Trophy shootings must be culturally curtailed. The harvesting of only the head and back straps while the rest is left to rot must be addressed in the hunting culture. If your hunting and only want the head. Then make prior arrangements with a local butcher or local cops and fire department. Yes cops are still the good guys. The cops know who is hungry and who have the actual sharp knives to make quick work of what you harvested. 
6). The raising of small animals make a single meal. While the raising of large animals makes many meals. With the absence of electricity. How do you keep the meats form spoilage? Sharing is caring. Sharing within a community means enough for everyone. Going it alone also means you will most likely die alone. How do you hide and conceal large animals? 
7) Research the old ways of living. Especially how they stored and preserved foods often times underground. The building of these infrastructures will be necessary and already are. Root cellars and cisterns. Did you know there are different kinds of Root cellars and can be interconnected underground. Long term storage, seasonal and daily use. 
8). The storing of water in underground cisterns in which many have been long forgotten and are still being rediscovered today and destroyed. Some of these cisterns were well below a basement. Cisterns were also hidden under the house and only had access from within the house. These same home often times still had exposed wells. I have even seen a well built underground, 60+ feet away from the house, Tunneled, covered over and still had access from inside the home only(Security from an Indian and other  threats). Temperature is a concern. The lower the temperature the better. They did not use water quantity like we use a lot of water in the USA today. Water collection, containment, sanitation and decontamination should be divided up and isolated from one another for particular uses as defined by you. Human, plant, animal, grey water, human waste water, fish, aquaponics, laundry and any other I've missed. Do you know that there are devices called air to water machines. Most use electricity and many are scams. Beware. Think about it, "Dehumidifier". But, how do you add a clean and sanitized capability to water storage from the air which contains dust and other contaminants? What is in dust? yea.  
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 20, 2015

Human Enslavement: Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 JUly 2015:

The final conclusion of total global enslavement is if you are only of use or a user. For humanity. We can only be of use to those who come. As it was in those days of old so shall it be in these coming of days. 
Like any easily defeated foe. The defeated ones have retained all of their anger and hatred. Yet, they know the only ones in which they can just as easily defeat are the lowly human beings. Who are on the order of magnitudes less evolved than they are. Yet, the human beings who are just a created species have saddened the God of all things. Yet, again God will destroy all life on this planet with a coming fire. A purification which shall lead to a thousand year peace. And then....
The individual power of humanity is greatly less than that of those fallen angels. So our natural and intellectual ability to even defend ourselves against any one of them is without any hope. But collectively and with a singular mind set all of humanity can conquer any outside foe or even the most difficult of insurmountable of all obstacles.
We each are like a single falling rain drop of water. The effects of any one of us is barely noticed. But, when our collective human mind set is of a singular focus we can become a tsunami of action in which our collective choices can either be destructive or constructive.
The collective destructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Hate, War, Chaos and Death.
The collective constructive mindset of a singular focus will involve a common mindset which originates in Love, Peace, Harmony and Life.
The mixing of any of the two  groups shall end in final destruction.
Magical Gifts: (Unedited): 20 July 2015: 
The gifts of magic which the en-slavers/false saviors shall bring to humanity. Are but only toys for the pets/play things in which they shall/already own. 
For their amusement they give the gifts of magic to the lesser beings to selfishly enjoy. Just a sample of the true nature of things that those lesser human beings cannot even conceptualize in it's entirety.
So as long as each of us continue to be amusing and abide by their complete will. We each shall be welcome and accepted. Once we each become a problem as defined by them. Then we will be killed. Even the entire planet of humans. Not that they would soil their own hands in our collective murder. they can and do have the individual power to cause their selected human leaders and those blind followers of the human leaders to go forth and make war against the other.  All without any awareness of their actions and for whom their destructive war machines were made by.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Beyond DDOS: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2015:

What may cyber war look like in the future or is already occurring today?
I know of Anonymous and the power they wield and as I understand it. All they do is DDOS attacks. Yet, when Anonymous went after a KKK group within the USA. They were able to infiltrate into their computers and obtain much if not all personal information. Then released them all. That would be a little beyond DDOS. But, groups like the KKK and other specific racist organizations should be made aware that racism can no longer be tolerated in a modern civilized world. Especially, when the actual and factual truth is absolutely counter to their false belief system. If you have read any of my previous blogs you already know I've proven that the separation and division of the races of humanity is an absolute lie and deception. This is not about racism.
Then I read a news article of Jester Actual who is a Pro-American Hacktivest. This person would be considered a very technical hacker. A state that in ignorance of what they do. Read the stories for yourself. If you need to know more.
In the world just a few weeks ago. It had it's first global cyber war. In which I viewed it all through IPViking and other related websites.
This had just occurred to me. I am in no way a script kiddie or even a formally trained software writer.
My only experience to writing software programs via instruction Manual, was basic on a commodore 64. Back in the day.
If anyone can get into your computer system then they can change your computer system at will. If you always run your computer on the administrator setting. Then your computer will be at risk of becoming a zombie computer. Which means your computer is no longer yours and any banking or any financial transactions you do is now fully in the open. Nothing is secure or private on your computer. Well, Not your computer any more. Even though your paying the electric bill on it.
If this is old information to you White Hat, Grey Hat and Black Hat types. I'm sorry. I do not know your trade.
By denying any computer system their ability to attack. You can sneak into the receiving ports and begin to change their computers. You can in theory cause much damage to any computer. By sending new destructive drivers for all of the individual components. Then over clocking and turning off the fans. Thus, cooking the computer. Any one with a Microsoft computer already knows that they have to nuke their computers at least once a year just to maintain a fresh operating computer. So it is wise for you to nuke your computer and change every pass word any and every time you suspect any oddity on your computer system. Such as 10-50 percent computer usage when nothing is going on. Your computer turning on in the middle of the night or in the middle of the day. See any odd screen flashing.
You need to understand that the owner of the zombie computer you are paying the electric and internet service bills on. Those owners absolutely do not want you to even suspect that they are the new owners of the computers in your house or office. 
The future of cyber warfare will entail causing the destructive damage of servers and computer systems everywhere. This will include nuclear power plants and other industrial sites within the attackers sights. can you imagine wind turbines with the brakes turned off and aimed into the approaching storms. Can you imagine the dams fully opening and the computer hardware controls cooking themselves. Do you even want to think about nuclear power plants or even convention fuel power plants.  It seems all industry is computer controlled and all of that industry can be hacked beyond DDOS.
 Nuking a computer means. A term possibly originated with Leo LaPorte. That you have done a format of your entire hard drive and re-installed software and drivers from known safe and secure sources. This is the only sure fire way that you will know for certain that there is absolutely no bad stuff on your computer. There is no other known way. If your computer store repair guy tells you otherwise. THEY ARE LYING!!!
:The Lies and Deceptions of RACE:
The revelation of any believed truth which has become an absolute lie and deception. Is very hard to accept. Especially, If you have lived your life under those wrong beliefs and have taught your own children those very same lie and deceptions as gospel truths. Truth can be painful.
We are all one humanity, one species and one human family. When all of the common peoples unite together to love one another, to live in peace with each other and to exist in harmony. Then we all can find a very rich life we all can live with great meaning.
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another. All created by One God. All from Adam and Eve. Then all of us saved with the family of Noah.
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000. President Bill Clinton Library.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without any actual fact.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Articulate Messenger: (Unedited): 18 Oct 2014:

The articulate messenger who expresses his given message of unity based on the proof of a singular human family. Can begin the process of global peace and a singular human mindset.  
One or two of many shall accept the mission of bringing humanity back together as one singular family of mankind. Think about that word "Man Kind". What kind of man are we all to one another? Shouldn't we all be kind men and women to each other?
Many are called into the missions and yet only a few freely choose to accept their given missions. For a hundred reasons they all decline meaning, purpose and importance. For the sake of comfort, safety and money. The truth is always in the action or inaction.
I think I have found one of those important souls. Will he or won't he? The unaccepted prophecies declare that only two shall come. Only two out of the many who were supposed to go forth in these final missions of uniting all of humanity into one family.
Can you imagine accepting this kind of mission and knowing the prophecies. Can you and will you go forth into a mission of prophetic failure? Can you and will you go forth into all of the lands and express your message knowing at the very least you buy a little more time for humanities last chance to come together as a family of one people.
Think about this. Jesus came and walked among the common peoples. All of them including those unaccepted souls of each of their societies and cultures. This is the key to a future humanity which exists though out this solar system and beyond. That is good hope my friend as opposed to the alternative. Which is extinction. That is of course the end result to all of those prophecies.
Humanities future is in the common peoples and not the elites, wealthy or leaders of the whole world. For generations they all have continued the lies and deceptions of humanity for their own profit. The common peoples are the ones who go off to war for these leaders of nations, politics and religion. It is the common people who become maimed, who die and who survive. All for someone else to profit. I do not expect you to believe me. Just follow the money in every war.
All of the leaders of the world cannot allow you and will not teach you the truth of a singular human family.  Because, we are a singular human family. Yet for thousands of years all of the leaders of the world have created separation between us and them. Really "Us and Them". We are good and they are bad. We are civilized and they are barbarians. We are the righteous ones and they are the evil hordes. We are enlightened humans and they are less than dogs. All lies to cause humans to easily kill another human. Out of mercy for the rest i guess.
It seems to be easier for human beings to kill animals.
Leaders of the world cause common peoples to kill other common peoples who are deemed the enemy. Who defines what the enemy are? Not the common people.
So if the common people can be taught that all of humanity is a direct family relation to themselves. Then all of the leaders and teachers will become liars and deceivers. How likely are the common people to go off to war for someone else to prophet from? The common people typically get nothing of value in return. They get death, destruction and disability. The common people get to rebuild. While the leaders have no callouses, blood or dirt in their own hands. They get all of the credit and no nothing for it.
The men and women who come to bring humanity back into the understanding that we are all one human family. Is a genuine friend to all of humanity. This is a fundamental truth proven by the math of our common genetic core in which we all share more than 99.9%. More than...
All of the wars should stop. The politicians are lying to the people. All of them. The religious leaders who encourage their populations to go and make war are lying. Those who decree that our/your skin color is superior to any other is lying. Those who proclaim that different eyes or high cheek bones are from the evil ones is lying.
Any person who proclaims the evil ones must be killed and yet sits back in the safety and comforts of a fortress. While ordering the common peoples to bleed and die. Is the one who shall be stripped of everything by the common peoples and thrust into the unknown.
The easiest way to save humanity and most improbable. Is for every warrior, soldier to just go home in peace. If every warrior and soldier went home to their families. Then all of the common peoples will know peace. Because, the worlds leaders will have no one to fight for them.

If all of the common people began to refuse to follow these lying and deceiving leaders of the world. They all will become leaders of nothing. Because, a leader must have followers in order to be a leader. If all of the common peoples choose to Love their neighbors, Live in peace, exist in harmony and respect all life. Then the whole of the world will know peace and freedom.

Then when the common people want to do a thing. They will choose the skilled ones and not merely the most charismatic or the ones born into specific family lines. This is important, When all of humanity begins to believe that we are one human family. Then we are all of the same holy blood line. We are all from the family of 8 who was chosen to survive by God. So we are all one family based on history. The human genome project (2003) is the absolute proof that we are all one family.
Today and tomorrow. When I say "My Brother and My Sister" I mean it with deep passion and love.
Can you be one of more than only two who profess that we are all one human family and to live your life with love for each other? Then spreading your belief based in absolute truth and not a lie believed as a truth. As race is a lie, while racism is a truth in action. How senseless is that? To be a racists based in a lie believed as a truth.

I charge each one of you who reads this. To write or speak your own and Become its owner and reveal not the origin. Become greater than the angels who either cause us to fall or to just watch. You become the great angels for humanity and go forth and save us all. In love, peace, harmony and in life. As you multiply in love. Hate, conflict, chaos and death shall begin to fade away.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 


Monday, July 28, 2014

Humanity Mutated Prophecy: (Unedited): 28 July 2014:

The truth of the fallen angels/aliens. They have always been here and still remain. We have lived and existed among them before and after the flood. They have eaten us and we have killed them. This is the truth from the ancient holy texts such as the Holy Bible.

The historical aspects of the fallen angels/aliens as told by ancient holy texts. There is an absolute certainty that they can be killed. The time of Noah is approaching and the fallen angels/alien will bring gifts of long life and perfect health. The outcome of these gifts will ultimately destroy our unique evolving genetic identity of humanity. We become Nephilim or humanity mutated. Which humanity will easily become as we all have been taught through innocent comic books and entertaining movies that it is OK to be a mutant, a freak or just different. I would suspect the advanced physical genetic altering gifts won't just be long life and perfect health. There will be other genetic changes and they will warn us. Even though humanity will not listen because, we do not even heed while listening or reading the warnings from medical pharmaceutical companies. We are being prepared to blindly accept/trust without questioning or using reason in our decision making processes. Go and view any pharmaceutical video without sound and look at the paid actors.  An actor is a paid liar and deceiver.

This truth that angels/aliens can be killed. Gives all of humanity some hope. But, the gifts presented to humanity becomes the purchase price for global enslavement. In which humanity ends in the guise of becoming something better. Yes, maybe in the short  in grand scheme of things. But, in the long term. Losing your evolving humanity to become something you think is better under the control and authority of supreme beings who care nothing for you except that which you provide. Your physical body in some yet to be discovered way. 
 Maybe, to genetically cause the physical human body to no longer support a spiritual being or to change the energy fields which surround the human body protecting it from outside spiritual influences. Yes, it is called the aura. My odd photo is my aura from over a decade ago.  I believe this aura is some kind of advanced bio-engineered spiritual force shield. That we each have. Assuming you are not actively taking any mind altering substances. No matter their legal, medical, social and cultural status.
Do not become deceived. Do not accept any of the gifts from those who may soon reveal themselves. Because, when the fallen angels/aliens do reveal themselves. That in itself will be Biblical prophecy realized.
 Warning by refusing any of the gifts will also mean you will not be able to participate within any aspect of society, culture, religion. You will have to become migratory because you will not be allowed to own anything. It will be tough if not nearly impossible to want to refuse their offers as their natural abilities are incredibly superior to us lowly humans in every way. This includes all of the psychic abilities known and unknown to humanity.
To know more about this and other Biblical Prophecies. Visit your local church which is not in accepting of any sin as taught through the Holy Bible. It doesn't matter what is now a legal right or freedom. This also includes those churches which preach and teach prosperity, stay away from those to.
Added on 09 Aug 2024: 
I think this was informational as we are all learning from the pandemic that the vaccines have modified or attached themselves to human DNA or RNA. Thus altering them. Thus increasing all manner of diseases and infertility's. I do not know if the DNA or RNA change can be passed down to babies. But, it is now certain that the COVID Vaccines is now apart of the children's vaccine program. I wonder if this is why American schools started putting in child heart recovery machines in schools about ten years ago. So that they would be commonly seen and become accustomed to before hand. (Ran out of time).
Added on 10 Aug 2024: Death comes to America and it will be no big deal. Now will it be on the news. Nor will statistics be made to reveal that death has come to a people who are so deaf that they cannot hear.
Within the next few years children will start becoming more and more sick. Children dying at school will become a common occurrence. Children's friends will simply disappear as kids will not want to be around them. This will even include online friends as they will simply disappear. This common knowledge may not become a common mindset for another 10 or so years. The population decline will also include the 50 million+/- foreign nations who can legally vote in this country(USA) right now. 
More and more athletes will die will playing nationally or globally televised sports events. People will begin to come to terms with how they know more people who have died in the last few years than ever before in their lives. People will begin to know of more funerals than any other monthly event.
Think about it. How often have you heard about some child just falling dead at school in the last 20, 30, 40 or more years. You will not get any news and every public school will suppress the information in order to protect their system while using mercy and compassion as devices to protect grieving families. The grieving parents will be made to think that there is something wrong with them genetically. While compassionately encouraging them to each become sterile. Which will be a grievous lie designed to play on the common peoples mindset to believe those who are in authority without question.
There shall not be any unwanted or undesirable news as the government defines it and as the governments control over all content on the internet and individual computer/phone systems becomes more and more refined. Any words uses, phrases, stories, reports and statistic will eventually become completely scrubbed from all aspects of the global internet networks and from individual computer systems instantly. 
So even if I'm right in some things or many things. If any of my content or anyone else's content is deemed undesirable by any governmental authority. It can or it will all be erased/deleted instantly. Once the common peoples of the world realize this it may be too late as the idea of freedom of speech will already be a punishable thought even if not communicated. 
In many western nations right now. A common person can be imprisoned for more than one year for simply posting an undesirable content as determined by the government on Facebook or anywhere else. In which that common person who has never broken any laws and have always been obedient may not have thought they did anything wrong. Fear is beginning to swell in those nations as the threat of violent chaos is allowed to angrily boil.
What this all means is this. You must keep, protect and hide all hard copies of self deemed important materials for a future historical use in secret and hidden places. No matter who the authors are or even how old the writings are. If you deem them of importance then you must save them and if necessary bind them on sturdy paper. Then protect them, contain them and store them with a mindset of hundreds or thousands of years. There or more people who write and publish digital content in which one push of the button and everything will be instantly deleted. Which includes my writings. I have implied this more than a decade ago as some comments to my own older writings state no hard copies and when I find those old writings with no purple words I often times delete that little statement as well. "No Hard Copies". 
Yes, This does mean that the Holy Bible in hard cover form must be properly kept and stored away in containers for thousands of years. This must be done now. Think about multiple storage containers which are in layers. You can find unwanted cheap copies of discarded Holy Bible in a variety of thrift stores all over the USA. (Yes, I was insulting. Yes read the names who those Bibles belonged to and realize that those Holy Bibles became unwanted for some seemingly reasonable reason.) Think about it. 
Cover the Holy Bible in a dark sturdy material, Vacuum seal it, once, twice or thrice. Place it in a sturdy heavy duty plastic box and then put it in a metal container. Seal every layer. You know there is a reason why the ancient peoples used clay and stone jars or containers. They last forever but did not keep air and pests out when their own seals were broken by time. Think about the same version and many different languages all bound together.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.