Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Global Civil War: 15 Minute Cities Prophecies: +35 (Unedited): 11-12 March 2024:

WWIII can be triggered within the next few weeks to many months from now. 
In more than a dozen nations. The threat of civil war in each nation is only one violent act away. 
The nation of Haiti is lost.
Are the farmers around the world going to be the first to fight, die and lose everything in the coming civil wars? Yet, virtually no news.
American farmers and American food processing will lead to starvation in the USA and this seems to be a planned event. Yet, virtually no news and yet in the days of old when the American military killed entire tribes they listed in the news all of the men, women and children killed and that was acceptable. But, reporting on the planned human atrocities is not reported. Their plan to eliminate many billions of human souls is very public. 
The writings below are merely prophecies. These writings is not ended for the reader to think and believe that I am for anything offensive. The idea of 15 minute cities is not something I believe will ever work without absolute mind control. The simple idea of choice or free choice and being able to choose anything must be absent from any 15 minute city dwellers thinking processes. The simple idea of marriage in concept must be eliminated because people some times do not get along. Which means every person must have their own private and secluded space away from any relations of any kind. The idea of forming simple relationships like friendship must become an alien idea. Hence the extreme nature of preventing any idea of revolt or simple dissension. Even the absoluteness of right and wrong must only come from the authority as the individual cannot say either way what is right or wrong, good or bad. The word righteous, holy and evil will not be words recognized or known.
NOTE: I have no idea that I was going to write about 15 minute cities when I began writing.
The undesirable common peoples of the world is an ethnic group which must be eliminated and controlled as one would any sub species which is less than those who rule over the whole world.
Yes, this is offensive.  This is how genocide and wars begin when one group thinks themselves as superior to any other. This is how one group wants everything for themselves while knowing the history of how the common peoples overthrown evil and wicked tyrants of humanities past. To them that currently rule over the world, they do not see evil and wicked rulers who lost wars, committed genocides and lost their lives as evil or wicked. That which comes is more about a solution to the biggest problem to them which is the common peoples of the entire globe.
The common peoples of the world seem oblivious of their collective and common fates as those who rule over them plan for their elimination.
Once the common peoples of the world begin using other antiquated forms of communication to relay the actual truthful news which has been witnessed. Those old lines of communication will be outlawed. 
The farmers are the front lines in the prevention of starvation in the world. The global elimination plan of farmers will mean global starvation in the world.
When any nation can attack it's own people and other nations without leaving any evidence behind is a crime against humanity.
As the nations of the world come together as one and begin using incredible weapons of warfare in which the common peoples have no defense. The whole of the world becomes a very dark place.
The end of fair, equal and balanced justice happens as the secret weapons of God are used against the common peoples of the world. 
Who can save the common people from the incredible weapons of those people who have declared themselves gods and no longer want their planet to be inhabited by so many undesirable common peoples?
The end of human rights, freedom and liberty begins when the new weapons of war are trained on all of the undesirable common peoples of the world. 
The new and incredible weapons of warfare will be first used on the ethnic groups that not even the common peoples of the world care about.
Word use: Ethnic is also for the indigenous.
No one will know how many common peoples will die. No will know that a hundred ways to kill all of the common peoples has been invented and only wait for their use.
The word use of "a hundred ways" is not an exact number. 
A hundred lies believed as truths which has already been planned out will be used to cause the common peoples of the world to freely choose to walk into the furnaces.
The word use "Furnace" is symbolic to the 100 different ways the common peoples will be killed. 
Furnaces is reference to Nazi Germany IN WWII and the Jewish people they wanted to exterminate.
I have written in the past about mobile furnaces or cremation incinerators. How do you get rid of the evidence and masses of dead human beings? 
Incinerating billions of humans is not about getting rid of the evidence as much as it is getting rid of the health effects and stench for the benefits of those who planned the genocide of about 7 billion human souls.
Alien like creatures and odd diseases shall be created and released into the world to help kill off all of the common peoples quicker.
As the civil wars, national wars, religious wars, cultural wars, political wars, morality wars envelope the peoples of the world. Many common peoples will simply be killed with cheap knives, bullets and bombs.
Everyone will be against everyone else simply because there is some kind of individually defined insignificant difference.
The insignificant differences we all see in each other will be more than enough to kill and murder.
Do not allow yourself to fall victim to false teaching and wrongful hatreds. Do not harm any other human being.
The differences we see in each other should not ever be sufficient to harm and kill them.
The successful evolution of 15 minute cities will be as I describe them below. 
The advent of wonderful 15 minute cities will become 15 minute prison camps where absolute control of everything shall be instituted. Which shall conclude when each occupant is chosen to die.
The utopia created within a successful 15 minute city also means absolute governance of every aspect of your approved personal thinking processes.
Limited intellect, approved of culture and mandated social structure must be enforced from planned birth to decided death inside of every 15 minute city.
There will never be over population, crime and dissenting views in any 15 minute city as any disobedience by any occupant will mean that they become fertilizer for the benefit of the whole. 
The contained and control common peoples inside of every 15 minute city shall be productive and produce all of the goods for those non conceptually unknown people who rule over all.
Do not become surprised that with limited internal resources within a 15 minute city that the life expectancy goes from 50 to 40 and then to 30 years of age. 
The only purpose and function of the common person shall be to productively provide a meaningful service to those non conceptualized unknown people who shall rule over them as gods.
The efficiency of killing every human within a deemed failed 15 minute city shall be built into the foundational infrastructure.
The existence and memory of any charismatic disobedient occupant within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled confines.
The existence and memory of any charismatic occupant who differently thinks within a 15 minute city will mean the death of all within those walled coffins.
The confined environment within every 15 minute city shall become your coffins that you hopelessly reside in.
Within every 15 minute city there will not be words for freedom, liberty, human rights, legal rights, rights or any other word where questioning, complaints, dissent, strikes, revolts, protesting, walkouts and disobedience can begin.
Controlled thought is the end result of how you lead and teach the thinking processes of each human within a 15 minute city.
Every productive human being allowed to exist shall be raised from birth by the controllers of the 15 minute cities. The idea of parentage, family, mother, father and all others words for family relation shall no longer exist.
Teaching all children how to think ends in an adult who thinks as everyone else does within a 15 minute city. Normal self-controlled thought rejects any manner of alien concepts and principles.
The desired utopic thinking process must begin to be taught to children more than 24 years prior to the third or forth iteration of the 15 minute cities. While the process of exterminating the old common peoples has commenced.
The beneficial, noble and good ideal of taught utopic thinking processes must be forced into the educational environment at every level prior to the advent of any utopia styled 15 minute city.
Added on 03 August 2024: Allot of my previous deletes of content are often times more horrific and graphic than this one below.
Soon if not already. Weapons of warfare will begin to be shipped into western European nations and once in the hands of the new immigrants. Each independent European nation as well as the USA will lose even their own national identity. Much blood will be shed and all of the monarchs and leaders who think they could mange them all will be severely tortured and killed in a very public manner. 
NOTE: I have already seen video of an Islamic man shooting a gun into the air at night in Great Britain. This was maybe a year ago. I highly suspect their are many guns and ammunition of every kind hiding in every western European nation. Think about it how can Muslims gathered around this very day and all of them have bladed weapons of every kind open and out in public on video without fear of hiding their faces. 
Those who have always been the good citizen will begin to see their own governments as the enemy and see the new faces as enemies as well. Soon citizens will be forced to physically protect themselves against the police officers whom they have always honored and respected. 
I have been writing this for years. The Muslims who have come into your country have been training for warfare all of their lives. They have been training in hand to hand combat as well as weapons. They have been raised with a vile hatred for you. So, you cannot stand toe to toe with them if all you have been doing all your life is being a good citizen with zero martial arts and weapons training. I have written this and now your own police is scared of them and sicking their dogs on you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, May 17, 2019

America's Two Party System: (Unedited) 16-17 May 2019:

The political realty of America's two party system is that one is Coca Cola and the other is Pepsi Cola. It is the same with the Media differences between CNN and Fox news. They both are owned by the same people and they only report what those who love Coke or Pepsi want them to hear, see and know. While excluding the really important news the whole of America needs to hear.
You can even use any other two common comparisons. Like white bread or wheat bread. White sugar or brown sugar. Oranges and Apples, Tomato or Tomahto. Potato or Potahto. Red or Blue. Right and Left. McDonald's or Burger King. Who offers up the best fake meat? Popeye's Chicken or Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Popeye's is amazing while KFC makes me sick. Pizza Hut Pizza or papa John's pizza. Pizza Hut makes me sick while Papa Johns is very good. Then you have your Wendy's, Taco Bell and Dominoes Pizza. Taco bell is assume west of the Mississippi. Dominoes is recovering from a marketing slam dunk by Papa Johns. Then you have the poor folks Pizza of Little Caesars. Think about all of these in the realms of politics. Who is which and which is who?
The idea of racists and cultural beliefs can be seen in the above comparisons. This is also one of the human truths which is never reported by either side as they each perpetuate the lies of the races of humanity or even social class structures. All of this is tied together as all of humanity is all the same as in all of humanity shares more than 99.9% identical DNA of the total genetic sample. Only less than .1% shows all of the differences in humanity and it is all mathematically superficial. So why doesn't humanity know this one simple truth which will go a long way in eliminating wars? The actual people who are in charge do not want the common person to know this truth because if the common people knew this one truth. All of humanity would be much more difficult to control.
A Native American quote??? The left wing and the right wing are of the same bird.
There are many kinds of "Birds" or politics and hence they are all the same. The control of humanity is the goal. The prince of this world require many different kinds of politics, religions and cultures. This is one of the ways in how the prince of this world keeps humanity divided. Another way is lies believed as truths and truths believed as lies. Man of humanity does not need politics to know how to think or act. All humanity needs is to use their free choice to be clean, righteous and holy. In doing so, the curses which inflicts all of humanity which over time disappear. To the point that maybe one day in one future generation we can face God and speak with God without any harm to any part of our being.
When you look at the Republican and Democratic Presidents. Like from President Bush to President Obama. You see what Bush did Obama did faster and profited more from it. Only a few officials made the comparisons and nothing was said afterwards. I remember those comparisons. Then no one spoke of it any more. Almost like a hush because things have been revealed.
The Democratic Party which is promoted and communicated by the CNN News style of reporting.
The Republican Party which is promoted and communicated by the Fox News style of reporting.
In the last twenty or so years. There have been calls made to form a third party in the USA. Most of the focus was on the extreme right wing Christian Conservatives. Everyone in the media always talked of failure including those from each wing. In the election cycles those failures are easily seen. Except there is a new political force and they are identified as the Rainbow Tsunami. While the red and blue wave recede(In popularity) from the shore the rainbow tsunami silently grows in strength and power (low voter turnout). (To divide the two into three while adding those who feel like they are perpetually slighted unfairly in all aspects of life). Even out in the distance the rainbow tsunami doesn't look like something to be feared. Until, It is to late to take any action or even life saving action.
Then in order to gain all of the elections at the county, city, state and federal levels. The percentages to achieve victory is much less and if you can sell the importance to your Rainbow warriors to go out and vote to vote even if you have to pay them and feed them. Then you do it. While the Democrats and Republicans will diminish or not really showing any importance to go out and vote. Then all you have to be concerned with is keeping the media calm bolstering voter confidence and security. Insuring that churches do not say anything political within their churches. In order to guarantee that none of the Christians see an importance of voting in any elections.
Once this is done. the take over of every level of government is owned by the rainbow tsunami and the real destruction to the fabric of government, economy and society begins. With complete disarmament. Then a Venezuela like destruction.The outlawing and criminalization of Christians. Barring Christians from Participating in any meaningful way in society.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become clean, righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, September 22, 2018

No Compass Force: (Unedited): 22 Sept 2018:

You cannot trust the direction of words by any worldly person who has no compass governed by an unseen holy and righteous force. 
The words of a pagan, a infidel, a unbeliever or a gentile cannot be believed or trusted without direct evidence to prove their words with any truthful validity. The person who is religious, righteous, holy, clean or trying to be good in regards to their perspective monotheistic religions. Should not automatically assume or conclude that these unbelieving people speak a truth simply because they have been interviewed by any news media group or all of them.
Added on 25 oct 2018:
I find it very interesting of just how much power and control all of the media have over what people think and believe. For even in their own offices and in their ownership are filled with evil doers who allow unspeakable things by their own famous people who only read teleprompters while pretending to be happy, offended from one second to the next. Yet, the normal person who goes from happy to sad to offended and then back again in a few minutes are told they are mentally ill and need medications. The news media no matter what political slant you believe in cannot be believed anymore. As they all seem to only opinionated the news into one sided political belief systems. Yet, a falsehood told to the masses is instantly believed by the very same masses who voluntarily watch that news media outlet. The masses of civilians have placed total trust into the talking heads who only speak what has been told to them to speak by unknown persons.
Self serving people care for no one other than themselves. So if self serving people believe in a cause or a belief system counter to your own. They will be willing to do anything and everything to make it happen. This not only includes lies and bullying. This also includes physical assaults, poisonings and murder. So remember that when you as a Christian go out in public and expect service from those who disagree with you. Ask a cop why they can no longer just eat anywhere they want. Ask a politician why they just cannot go out for a peaceful dinner without excessive harassment. This is just the beginning for the Christian.
The Christians in the USA must vote in every election. The Christians should only vote for those who have a real history within the church and surrounding churches. The Christians must begin to establish micr economies which can easily transition into larger local, state and Federal economies. One way to begin is to set up exclusive church retail clubs. Which only cater to the membership. They must start small and maybe only be able to meet the needs at about 1% or less but they can grow.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Woe America: +1: (Unedited): 31 July 2018:

Great woes come for America. For the evil has infected the whole. The good within knows not that the evil would rather *suicide the whole than to lose or surrender to the good.
Note: Suicide word use. Those who have the money, power and authority will sacrifice nothing of true/real value. To the good person the answer to the question of what is of a true and real value? They will say family, friends, people and all life. Think about it. The evil doers will destroy, burn, kill, harm and allow their own people die just to promote their cause in which they will profit from in the end. They may even coerce Russia and China into attacking the USA. While the evil doers leaders are safely in their safe locations. Leaving their minions to suffer and die for their cause. Maybe, they will have a toast in honor of those who died for them but, they won't.
Once it is decided to coerce Russia and China into attacking the USA. Those very same evil doers will fan the flames of hatred in all of Europe. The evil doers will succeed and cause so much hatred that when the USA is attacked by both Russia and China. That the Europeans civilians will celebrate openly as the nations in Europe turn a cheek. The price for Trump's embarrassment of their rulers.
If you have read what I've written in regards to China and how it is they who will be a trigger for the extinction process of humanity. Mayne, it is the liberal left and those who control the liberal left who cause China to decide to act first. Then Russia sweeps into Alaska and or through Canada. In regards to Canada. Maybe, a secret negotiation with Canada and Russia happens. Guaranteeing the gift of Alaska back into Russian hands/control/ownership. Because, if Google was not masking or covering up the Russian infrastructure in their North East regions. It would be easy for anyone to see what Russia is and has been planning for a long time.
These up and coming midterm elections. If the liberal left does assume much control. Maybe, they will have enough power to overthrow all that is good. If they cannot not then it will all burn.
Known Christians to the churches and within the churches must run for every political office at every level. Your time is getting short. Repent. Become righteous and holy as which God will only accept and see. This is the how to mitigate or prevent.
The next step of the evil doers is to provide guns and bombs to their minion evil doers. Where will these guns and bombs come from? an indirect link to Russia and China. Russia and China may actually be innocent is supplying guns and bombs to the evil doers in America. This next step will most likely occur after the midterms or after the general Presidential elections. Especially if the evil doers gains no ground. But do expect attacks on churches which will appear to be racists attacks or burnings of churches which is historical. The news media in which is wholly own by the evil doers will proclaim racists to the whole world.
News Flavors: (Unedited): 31 July 2018:
No matter how many flavors are presented to you in the ice cream shop. It is all still ice cream. So to is the news.
Christian censorship is actually occurring corporately in which there are no laws broken. A corporation can do what it wants to do. Those who notice the censorship are those who have a lot of viewers or readers. While the individual person who puts out a simple Christian quote may never even know any kind of censorship has happened. I'm getting censored and I'm not big. So what comes after censorship's. Deleted accounts. So if your a Christian and have much content. You better have saved all of your content to other places. If you have not saved anything because you trusted. Then you better start now. No matter how many thousands of blogs you have. You need to start now. This also includes hard copies and back up data.
Added on 18 July 2019: Canadian politician reveals classified nuclear information to the public. Then the public political whining begins. Those who are hold high levels of political offices have always known about the nuclear weapons in their countries. They always knew and now. Can we allow Trump to be able to push a button from our own country? Read for yourself.
Added on 04 July 2020:
Original Question: What if the US (people - the land remains) just SUDDENLY, DISAPPEARED? There would be war, right?
Peace Keepers Answer: The United States is unfortunately the police for the entire world. The US is the backbone for NATO and the UN. The US should not have been put into that position as the worlds peace keepers. It has been thirty years and all of the NATO nations have fully financed all aspects of their social and communist lifestyles. To the degree that those NATO nations are largely defenseless without any support of the United States of America. It should not have been but what is too come with an absence of the United States of America is going to be far worse and will lead to the extinction of the entire human race. Unless a transition can be put into place. But, those plans that the world leaders will develop will also lead to the extinction of the human race even though the human population will initially go along with the plans. But, the human race will still end. But, there is hope.
The Plans Answer: There will always be evil doers as which has already historically happened. When you study the military powers of the world. It is easy to see how the United States is both the most powerful nation on the planet as well as the most defenseless. The USA is both at the same time. Even though American pride, ego and arrogance leads to an unquestioned attitude of never being able to be invaded or conquered. 
The enemies of freedom know that in order for each of them to achieve their own independent goals. The United States must disappear. So plans must be established and implemented. 
The enemies of freedom must protect their money(simplified). So economic changes which diverts wealth away from the United States must begin and already has many decades ago. Gradual and without any public civilian warning or knowledge. These plans are very long term. The enemies of freedom like their money, power and authority. The longer the enemies plans stay on track and develop. The more arrogant they will become. because evil doers always like to brag about their supreme plans. 
The enemies of freedom need to pay for their military buildups and modernization's. The enemies of freedom need to cause the United States to use up their weapons platforms and weapons systems. While at the same time influencing the American politicians to delay any new weapons systems development. While at the same time causing the engineering and design of new weapons systems and platforms to be severely defective, delayed and problematic (F35, LCS, Ford and others). While at the same time stealing as much classified information as possible and immediately using classified information in all new military equipment(IE/EMAL’s on the new Chinese carrier). Spies are in the American system. These American traitors will sleep well at night when 300 million Americans die. 
Socialism and Communism Answer: The rise of Socialism and Marxism within the United States will be a destructive and deadly force. While the near elimination of actual historical knowledge and understanding from the American civilian mindset will hasten the overthrow of the entire American system. Virtually no one thinks about how many lives that socialism and communism has killed in the last century and which continues on through today. This will even be historically named the rainbow tsunami or similar. 
War Answer: Within the next 10–20 years or so.  The USA will end and during this ending process. The whole world will ignore the needs of the American people. The American people will be alone. In the first year alone about 300 million Americans will die. All of the resources, intellectual, military that the United States has will be taken. The secret American doomsday weapon will most likely be activated. 
China will begin the completion of their civil war with Taiwan. So that their history will be complete without any unfortunate historical marks. Then China will go after all of those who are their enemies, friends with America and even those nations who were once enemies(Russia).
Russia will overtake Alaska and begin to reclaim all of those European nations that the USSR once owned. The successes of what Russia and China has achieved will be copied by every other lesser nation. Wars will break out all over the world. Islam and Christianity will also be at war. In which Catholicism will be terminated. many billions of people will die. Nuclear bombs will fly. Biological weapons of many kinds will be used by every nation. Directed Energy Weapons (DEW’s) in which civilians have never even conceived of will be used and cause terrible magic in the skies. These any other high technology weapons will cause much collateral damages. That no one has solved those problems as associated. All of these things together will cause the beginning of the extinction process. In about one hundred years or so. The last human will die. 
Sometime during the time of this extinction process. The whole of the Earth shall be purified with fire. God shall come and take those whom He considers His own children. In between the times. Great difficulties shall come and only those to be saved will be saved by God. Their saved numbers may be greater than eight. Only God will know and this author may or may not be one. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Christian Blame Begins: (Unedited): 25 March 2018:

So it begins. I think the beginning was actually *Sept 23 2017???. The Christian shall become the blame for everything. What is everything? It is both everything, something and nothing. It will not matter if there is any evidence or not. It will not matter if there are no facts or not. The evil doers of the world especially those who regularly seek better and better positions. They all will begin to publicly state that the number one reason why they left their former job is because it was too difficult to be with Christians in their particular working environment. That Christian(s) caused so much stress upon me/people that they could not focus on the job or to even have any good feelings at all. All of their misery is the fault of "named" Christian. All of it will be on the nightly news. Until, everyone begins to believe that all Christians are evil and hateful. I can even see this woman crying on the nightly news and how she could not take the named Christian any more. She felt threatened and in fear for her life daily, She just knew this person was going to harm her and then kill her with an AR15.
What will happen is two fold.
1). Professing Christians will not be able to gain any employment they are qualified for.
2). Christians will all get laid off or fired for harassment. It will not matter if they did anything or not. Just professing a Christian faith will be evidence enough for harassment in the work place. Just owning a Holy Bible or owning a cross will be enough to convict for hate speech and discrimination against those who disagree.
What can a Christian do? Lie or get out of debt now. Learn how to be homeless? Develop new exclusive Christian communities just as the Mennonites and Amish have done. Reject all persons and organizations who are sinners and disobedient to all of the Laws of God.
These things must begin right now.
The speed at which this Prophecy begins to manifest is uncertain. It may take a decade or a few years. But, local news channels will begin to air local evil doers of those who suffered greatly at their former positions as their employers profess a great loss to the organization. Former workmates will profess harrowing stories and how they miss them. Former work mates will also declare how they will seek other employment if something is not done within the organization they belong to. All of it on TV. It will not matter if the news is fake.
The good news story update will feature the formerly sad and miserable person who suffered at the hands of the named Christian. Now has a very good job with an employer where hateful people "are not tolerated". Think about this "not tolerated". Christians are not to be tolerated. While Christians will be forced to tolerate all sin and to accept all sin. There will be no legal recourse for any Christian. As any Lawyer who represents any Christian will lose a career and a political career.
Most Christians won't even be aware that these things are happening as they do not read Christian specific news sources. Christians typically only view what is considered mainstream news sources. This must stop. Christians must stop supporting evil entities. Christians must only support and financially support Christian news outlets and anything else Christian. By doing so only begins to change the face of this nation.
and many more.
* I'm not good with dates but a Christian researcher can check this for accuracy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Intellectual Apathy: Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013:

Intellectual apathy is worse than illiteracy.  
Source for inspiration was Yahoo. Backed up with other reporting sources.
 I was just talking to my son about how apathy causes a person not to become a benefit to anyone else. Then I discovered this news article tonight from yahoo.  It doesn't matter if the destruction is an old T.V., Computer, furniture or 250,000 books. Those people who have authority over those books do not care about anyone else let alone think about being a benefit to any poor library in this country or even the world. We each must choose to be a benefit, be a curse or be nothing to anyone. Which has been chosen? Which have you or I have chosen on a daily basis?
I have watched a family destroy a large T.V. that they could not sell and instead of giving it to Goodwill or the Salvation Army or any other charitable organization. They enjoyed themselves by aggressively destroying it. Just so that no one else would take it and enjoy it. It is still in their front yard - right now. (10 Sept 2013 @ 2120).
Apathy Begins: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2013: 

Apathy begins the destruction of self, Then family, then Country and then world.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dark Deception: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2013:

Darkness prevails in a world which believes deception is truth.
Enlightenment is impossible when the lies and deceptions within your own brain are believed as truth.  You must seek the truth in all things at their true sources. Not from speaking mouth pieces which stand behind a podium or a television camera. Do not automatically believe any news agency or media outlet. Which mixes news with opinionated commentary. Which it  seems all of the networks do today. Even my beloved (TWC) The Weather Channel is now and has been for a couple of years now sensationalizing the weather.
The media cannot be trusted any longer. No matter who they are. here is a strange twist. It seems that Russia Today is putting out better sourced news than anywhere within the USA.
You must logically analyze all of the news you take in for yourself. If you even sense an opinion within any news story. Lies and deceptions is probably in play. When the entire programming of a singular news story mixes in news and opinion. Your are being convinced into believing what those media outlets want you to believe. Which is called brain washing or mind control. Thinking for yourself frees you from mental enslavement.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Even Know: (Unedited): 17 March 2013:

Do you even know who you are?
Do you even know that God would give up a soul or two.
Do you even know that God would do all that he wills, just to protect you, Even if it's ugly for those who come against you.
Anticipate the news this day. Be saddened and humbled. Witness How God is to those who chooses unwisely and how your Heavenly Father shows his love and grace to thee. C.J.MacKechnie
As the good sons and daughters of your Heavenly father. The Sons and daughters who obey the words of your Heavenly father and live your lives which reflect and honor Him. Expect very real actions for your protection in your everyday life. Even if they are ugly ones against those who are against you. Because, you are with God, you live as God want, You do as God wants. All of those who come against you goes against God. Do you even know who you are? Do you even know how rare you are? Do you even know how important you are?
Know that all that you are willing and can do for your own children. Know that God is infinite and will do the infinite for his most loved and precious children. Don't you know yet? Don't you realize? That you are the sons and daughters of a very real Heavenly Father (God). That you are the brothers and sisters of a very real and alive Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Find Neither: (Unedited): 20 Jan 2013:

The troubled mind and worried heart. Will find neither easement or healing in bad news or sad events.
A troubled mind, a worried heart, a tormented spirit, a disabled body. Calm, Peace, Humor. Good things happening. A good day. The witnessing of somethings beautiful and wonderful. Learning new wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Love experienced and known. Harmony felt. A combination of all of the above.

You who are troubled of mind. Fight to think about those good and wonderful things.
You who are of a worried heart. Fight to feel those good wonderful things which happen daily.
You who are of a tormented spirit. Seek out and cry out for God. Do so always.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

USA Civil War Begins?: (Unedited): 12 Nov 2012:

Apparently 06 Nov 2012 is the possible start date of the second American Civil War.
Military actions have not begun yet. Neither did it before the American first civil war. The prelude of action was the declaration of secession by the States. Before action was taken, There had to have been talk and agreements.
Civil war must be prevented and any talk of secession must also be stopped. We all must work out our problems and use the system to solve our problems. It all begins with you. You must pray and flee from sin. You must repent. Christian leaders must begin to run for all elected offices at all levels of Government. You must pray and pray long and continuously.  This must be prevented and stopped.
It is important to note. That these secession petitions are from common people and not from the State entities themselves. I've heard that Georgia has filed two petitions for secession. I think this whole secession thing is bothersome. But, when the actual state governments actually vote on and actually secede. Then a gun shooting civil war may begin. At which point a piling on from other foreign Governments will occur.
I am in no way in any agreement with any talk or plans of any secession from the Union. It is the people who is the ones who decide the fate of this great nation called The United States of America. It is therefore the peoples problem for not taking part in their civil duties of being involved and casting their votes. It is the peoples fault for, not voting, voting in and allowing evil men to gain offices at all levels of government. You or we get what we get. The President of the United States is President Obama. That is who we have elected. If WE THE PEOPLE do not like him. Then we can Ham string his powers through the Senate and Congress by continuous individual actions. You must vote. 93 million did not vote.
 As of this writing 13 Nov 2012 @ 0005 Hrs. EDT. There are 18 states and only one with more than 25,000 required signatures for secession. Texas has 55,204 signatures on the petition. 
New York
South Carolina
North Carolina
New Jersey
North Dakota
 :Texas:  The population of Texas is now greater than 26 million persons. I think the petitions numbers need to be at least 33% of total population. To address the seriousness of the question posed by the petition. This will also apply to the other states as well.As of 13 Nov 2012 @ 1245 HRS.EDT. 72,849 people.
:Official White House Website:
:Civil War and End of USA prophecies:
You are hear by warned of questionable content and dated information
93 million Americans refused to vote in 2012.
:Other Voting Years:
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
The following is from 07 Oct 2011: Added on 12 May 2013:
Preventative vision inside Christian Churches. I say this knowing it wont happen. Massacres in the churches that spark rage and hatred amongst the Christians. Rage and hatred kills the Christian. Just as jihad has killed Islam. Islam is of peace. Just as Christian is of love. They are brothers to one another. The attack and murder within the Christian churches is a result of outlawing guns and any manor of self defense inside or on any church property/offices. Right now. This very moment. Every Christian and every Christian Church must put into place. Hidden Passive defensive measures. You must create an active defense force both armed with guns, asps and weaponless persons. You must begin training your entire congregation to duck and cover. Plus other passive elude and escape measures. The Christian man and woman today must each arm themselves, seek proficiency and skill in military shooting, strategy and tactics. Every Christian person must obtain martial arts training in accordance to their body style.
The primary reason why. The massacre occurs is because the Christian Church and the actual Christian is absolutely helpless. The teaching of being the sheep has been taken to the extreme and is one sided without dimension to the teaching of duality. The first sign of the massacre in the church. Will probably begin inside the largest churches which are aired live on television or the internet. To prevent this action which will see hundreds if not entire congregations killed. Including children. Is all meant to spark religious wars with those anti GOD and Islam. Right now. Every church must identify their Christian military, martial arts and gun experts. Must begin training programs right now from within every church. Must create multi-level threat assessments and the correct limited defensive measure to be taken. Such as a obvious passive disruption by a group from inside the church. Everyone must act in the removal of those persons. With no or minimal harm to them. Must prevent any escalation.
The primary purpose of these message is to prevent any harm, injury or death from within any church, mosque, temple or synagogue. They each are Holy sites on this Holy Planet. There are no borders from one Holy site to another. There are people, groups and religions who want the prophecies of the world to happen. Even if they have to make it happen. The end result will be 5+ billion deaths and possible extinction. I want no one to be harmed or to die. Those evil doers exploit obvious weaknesses and kill. Eliminating the obvious weaknesses and helplessness will prevent the massacres inside the churches. I know all of the arguments of rapture. Pre, mid, post, multiple and there wont be one. We each must plan for the wont be a rapture. While at the same time not rejecting the rapture when and if there is one or more. All Christians must plan ahead. All Christians must pray and meditate daily and continuously. All Christians must obey the laws of GOD. Not because, they are laws but because you love GOD as Father.
 The destruction of the big or great satan must happen before the little satan can be destroyed and ALL Jews Become extinct. Middle East Israel is the little satan. While the big or great satan is the United States (Western Israel). Yes, I am saying the USA is Israel or New Israel. Just as Joseph read the dream of the pharaoh. Natural events may not be prevented while the man made negative events can be prevented and mitigated. The essence of the understanding of prophecy and prophetic events. I firmly believe the Holy Bible is alive. So, when and if we change or mitigate any future event as foretold of in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible will change and without any awareness from any human being. Love, Peace and harmony is of GOD. When all of humanity becomes a Holy people. The/All negative man made prophecies will become like vapor in the summer sun. Pray and meditate. This doesn't have to happen. 5 billion people all reaching for the heavens is better than becoming dust and Ashe. There is Positive Hope.
Added on 24 Jan 2025: Did you notice the question mark? I over looked it at first glance in 12 or so years. I'm thinking about civil war today and just going through my civil war writings. All of the talk about civil war and secession. It has only been recently that I learned that the god of Islam is not the Christian or Jewish God. I think there is a long march to a civil war and that long march is through time. Christians have not even begun to run for political office. Justice only appears to be rebounding. Who killed JFK has been declassified. Donald Trump is a President and more popular than ever. There is already talk of a third term for president Trump. He will be 82 when his term is complete and then the people wants him to run for another 4 years afterwards. I don't know. The good Christians must run for every political office possible in two years and in 4 years and every year thereafter. If not then its over. 
Christians are required to be the responsible party over this the American government and if the Christians will not participate then the Christians will not have a nation and they will be criminalized.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.