Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

USA Civil War Begins?: (Unedited): 12 Nov 2012:

Apparently 06 Nov 2012 is the possible start date of the second American Civil War.
Military actions have not begun yet. Neither did it before the American first civil war. The prelude of action was the declaration of secession by the States. Before action was taken, There had to have been talk and agreements.
Civil war must be prevented and any talk of secession must also be stopped. We all must work out our problems and use the system to solve our problems. It all begins with you. You must pray and flee from sin. You must repent. Christian leaders must begin to run for all elected offices at all levels of Government. You must pray and pray long and continuously.  This must be prevented and stopped.
It is important to note. That these secession petitions are from common people and not from the State entities themselves. I've heard that Georgia has filed two petitions for secession. I think this whole secession thing is bothersome. But, when the actual state governments actually vote on and actually secede. Then a gun shooting civil war may begin. At which point a piling on from other foreign Governments will occur.
I am in no way in any agreement with any talk or plans of any secession from the Union. It is the people who is the ones who decide the fate of this great nation called The United States of America. It is therefore the peoples problem for not taking part in their civil duties of being involved and casting their votes. It is the peoples fault for, not voting, voting in and allowing evil men to gain offices at all levels of government. You or we get what we get. The President of the United States is President Obama. That is who we have elected. If WE THE PEOPLE do not like him. Then we can Ham string his powers through the Senate and Congress by continuous individual actions. You must vote. 93 million did not vote.
 As of this writing 13 Nov 2012 @ 0005 Hrs. EDT. There are 18 states and only one with more than 25,000 required signatures for secession. Texas has 55,204 signatures on the petition. 
New York
South Carolina
North Carolina
New Jersey
North Dakota
 :Texas:  The population of Texas is now greater than 26 million persons. I think the petitions numbers need to be at least 33% of total population. To address the seriousness of the question posed by the petition. This will also apply to the other states as well.As of 13 Nov 2012 @ 1245 HRS.EDT. 72,849 people.
:Official White House Website:
:Civil War and End of USA prophecies:
You are hear by warned of questionable content and dated information
93 million Americans refused to vote in 2012.
:Other Voting Years:
If you cannot separate yourself from the lies and deceptions of the separation and division of the races. Then you, your family and your entire church will/may not be one of the elect, protected, saved or raptured. You must begin to know and believe that we are a single race of beings called humans. We are all brother and sister to one another.  
The DNA fingerprinting was established in 1984. Read it well. Believe the truth and reject the lies you have only known as truth.
The history of humanity told by many different traditions.
From about 8 minutes and 50 seconds to the introduction of the European leader. Listen good. This was in 26 June 2000.
Research for yourself the Human skin. learn how it is the largest organ of the human body. Learn about all of the primary functions of the human skin. Then learn about the minor function of the coloring of the skin. Learn how if you lose a primary function of the skin. You can die. Where as if you lose your skin coloring. You will just be uncomfortable, but still living with possible social ridicule. Now, after you have learned all about your human skin. Ask yourself this. Why do we not compare other organs of the body with other people such as the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and etc. How come there isn't racial stereo types for those who can drink much alcohol and those who cannot drink? Why? Race or the coloring of the skin is illogical and without actual fact.
The following is from 07 Oct 2011: Added on 12 May 2013:
Preventative vision inside Christian Churches. I say this knowing it wont happen. Massacres in the churches that spark rage and hatred amongst the Christians. Rage and hatred kills the Christian. Just as jihad has killed Islam. Islam is of peace. Just as Christian is of love. They are brothers to one another. The attack and murder within the Christian churches is a result of outlawing guns and any manor of self defense inside or on any church property/offices. Right now. This very moment. Every Christian and every Christian Church must put into place. Hidden Passive defensive measures. You must create an active defense force both armed with guns, asps and weaponless persons. You must begin training your entire congregation to duck and cover. Plus other passive elude and escape measures. The Christian man and woman today must each arm themselves, seek proficiency and skill in military shooting, strategy and tactics. Every Christian person must obtain martial arts training in accordance to their body style.
The primary reason why. The massacre occurs is because the Christian Church and the actual Christian is absolutely helpless. The teaching of being the sheep has been taken to the extreme and is one sided without dimension to the teaching of duality. The first sign of the massacre in the church. Will probably begin inside the largest churches which are aired live on television or the internet. To prevent this action which will see hundreds if not entire congregations killed. Including children. Is all meant to spark religious wars with those anti GOD and Islam. Right now. Every church must identify their Christian military, martial arts and gun experts. Must begin training programs right now from within every church. Must create multi-level threat assessments and the correct limited defensive measure to be taken. Such as a obvious passive disruption by a group from inside the church. Everyone must act in the removal of those persons. With no or minimal harm to them. Must prevent any escalation.
The primary purpose of these message is to prevent any harm, injury or death from within any church, mosque, temple or synagogue. They each are Holy sites on this Holy Planet. There are no borders from one Holy site to another. There are people, groups and religions who want the prophecies of the world to happen. Even if they have to make it happen. The end result will be 5+ billion deaths and possible extinction. I want no one to be harmed or to die. Those evil doers exploit obvious weaknesses and kill. Eliminating the obvious weaknesses and helplessness will prevent the massacres inside the churches. I know all of the arguments of rapture. Pre, mid, post, multiple and there wont be one. We each must plan for the wont be a rapture. While at the same time not rejecting the rapture when and if there is one or more. All Christians must plan ahead. All Christians must pray and meditate daily and continuously. All Christians must obey the laws of GOD. Not because, they are laws but because you love GOD as Father.
 The destruction of the big or great satan must happen before the little satan can be destroyed and ALL Jews Become extinct. Middle East Israel is the little satan. While the big or great satan is the United States (Western Israel). Yes, I am saying the USA is Israel or New Israel. Just as Joseph read the dream of the pharaoh. Natural events may not be prevented while the man made negative events can be prevented and mitigated. The essence of the understanding of prophecy and prophetic events. I firmly believe the Holy Bible is alive. So, when and if we change or mitigate any future event as foretold of in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible will change and without any awareness from any human being. Love, Peace and harmony is of GOD. When all of humanity becomes a Holy people. The/All negative man made prophecies will become like vapor in the summer sun. Pray and meditate. This doesn't have to happen. 5 billion people all reaching for the heavens is better than becoming dust and Ashe. There is Positive Hope.
Added on 24 Jan 2025: Did you notice the question mark? I over looked it at first glance in 12 or so years. I'm thinking about civil war today and just going through my civil war writings. All of the talk about civil war and secession. It has only been recently that I learned that the god of Islam is not the Christian or Jewish God. I think there is a long march to a civil war and that long march is through time. Christians have not even begun to run for political office. Justice only appears to be rebounding. Who killed JFK has been declassified. Donald Trump is a President and more popular than ever. There is already talk of a third term for president Trump. He will be 82 when his term is complete and then the people wants him to run for another 4 years afterwards. I don't know. The good Christians must run for every political office possible in two years and in 4 years and every year thereafter. If not then its over. 
Christians are required to be the responsible party over this the American government and if the Christians will not participate then the Christians will not have a nation and they will be criminalized.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Huricane Isaac meaning and prophecy: 28 Aug 2012:

This will be an ongoing write. Updated after prayers and meditations. How will these puzzle pieces fit together? If it is actually a picture or message from GOD.
The sevens are important. 2019 next New Orleans, Louisiana event. Which will be the third. The third is terrible.
Hurricane Issac will be the second warning for the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
Hurricane Issac will be a message and a warning to the USA and maybe the presidential elections coming up.  Prelude to the 2015 next USA terrible third event.
Those who are more Bible savvy than I will see the direction of this. 
Isaac is the father land. Trials and tribulations. Government. Politics.
The fatherland is the government. The USA government has become corrupt and godless.
Isaac wife Rebecca.  The mother land. Taking instead of waiting. Wives.
Issac son 1 Esau. is President Obama or Romney.
Issac son 2 Jacob. is President Obama or Romney.
Ive written before about Romney. Romney may be the only of the two candidates. Which may heed the urgings of GOD to repent and flee from sin. If Romney repents and flees from the politics and evil corporate/business practices. Then maybe he will become the leader who leads Americans back to their former godly ways. It will not be easy or smooth. American ?never? become a world power again. If Romney can see that you cannot separate politics, personal life and  business from your faith. Then maybe, he can be a leader instead of an administrator.
If not Romney will be the administrator which finalizes the sale and end of the USA. After all that is what he does best. Romney the great sell out.  Romney will profit greatly from the sale. Maybe, even a minimized and unimportant USA. The reason why Romney does not profit as well as Obama would. He spreads and shares the wealth with those who work with him. Those who work with him and are friends with him. Will not be the common people of the former USA. It will all be a secret. The delusion of Romney is by sharing the wealth with those whom he believes he is trying to save from the collapse to come. He will believe he is doing a great good. In the eyes of GOD. It will not be. It will only be a weak justification of the evil Romney perpetuates. The media will lie and deceive as directed by the Romney administration.
An administrator is not a leader or a manager. An administrator must be directed by a leader or a group of leaders like the UN.
All of the bad and sad that has been prophetically written and spoken. Still happens to varying degrees of accuracy. The accuracy is solely dependent on human decision which has not been made yet.  Just because Ive written bad and sad in regards to Obama. Does not mean they do not happen with President Romney. They all still do with variances.
President Obama. If Obama wins the second term. He has the pay to play mentality in politics and in all things in life.  He is poised to become one of the wealthiest men in the world. In just 7 years. It will all be a secret. Just as the worlds politicians, leaders and dictators amass great wealth in secret. So to does the American politicians. The media will not reveal any truth which goes against the Obama administration.  The USA comes to an absolute and hard ending. There is no repentance, no change of heart and no altering of his intellectual plan with Obama. ( But, people can surprise you), (Not likely with Obama, but possible).  Absolute enslavement of the American people. All of the prophecies of doom and gloom manifest. In one day President Obama sells off all of the American military assets for his own profit. An order is given to port all naval warships  at selected sites around the world. Some military personnel will defect with their ships, planes and weapons. They will be hunted and killed. By the worlds military's. The former American military will be deadly early on. But with zero ability to re-supply. There will be no mercy and no chance when they are finally destroyed or killed.
For those of you who are foreign nationals. Do not become Americans or even do the paperwork. Buy Real estate within the USA. Research legal protections with the UN laws. Be mindful of the future maps of the USA. Some or all maybe partially or completely accurate. Which will be dependent on future human decision. (Such as China)
Russian Government needs to convince China to diplomatically cause the surrender of secret bases of the USA. Especially, the one with the doomsday weapon. There cannot even be any kind of severe weapons usage within a few hundred miles of the secret base. A *vibration sensor* is defective.  If not then lake south west begins and then we all of humanity becomes extinct ( Over a period of a few generations). Even you guys with your own underground bases. You wont be safe in your underground coffins. The only safe place is off planet and that is not safe by known technological standards. Doomsday weapon blog created 04 Sept 2012.
The Republican party as a whole is supposed to represent the belief systems of the religious conservatives. This I  believe is just a lie and deception perpetuated by the entire republican party to simply garner support. Ive spent 2 days at the Republican national convention (RNC). It appears that the accepted prostitutes have  passes to gain entry to the daily events. As of last night it was reported to me that there have only been a total of 8 arrests. What the arrests were for, I have no idea. Were the women who I believe to be prostitutes actually prostitutes? I did not ask them. It does seem there were two different kind of dressed women walking out of the events. Those who were professionally and nicely dressed. Then those women who were scantily clad or not modestly dressed. These scantily clad women also had male escorts or security (not as nicely or professionally dressed as the accepted males/men of the RNC) who did not have or wore their passes if they had any. When those persons who plan and are invited by the RNC and the republican party invite and protect prostitutes. This is not represented in any way a support for any religion, moral living and family unit. This is an aspect for the demise of the USA.
In September 2012 the Democratic national Convention will take place. The successful practices of the Tampa, Fl.  RNC will used.
It is my opinion that neither the Republican or Democratic parties represent any person or family of faith. This includes all faiths which has an established importance for morality, Traditional defined family status and honorable living. In order for the USA to survive and not be punished any more. The people must change the entire political system of the USA. By voting in actual persons who have a history of being faithful to GOD. The people of the USA must Repent, Repent, Repent.  It is not to late now. It will be to late when it is to late as determined by GOD. The wholeness of repenting must involve fleeing from sin by all aspects of your whole being. Your whole being is physically, mentally (Logic and emotion), your heart and your spirit. All of the aspects of you must repent. Fleeing from sin must be done in private as is easily seen in the public eye. You must flee from sin in your professional life and political life. Each and every single human being in the USA and the world must repent. If not extinction of the whole human race. Save for the elect or the remnant. Ask yourself this, How much is in a remnant? Noah and his family was a remnant of the human race.  That's 8 people out of how many? As was in the time of Noah so it will be in the time of our ending. Genetic manipulation is happening now. Which was a part of Noah's time. All that is left is the angels or space aliens or however you wish to call them. When the angels renew contact with all of humanity. The time is close maybe less than 48 years, maybe just over 2 years or somewhere in between. Maybe tomorrow or when you die from this physical life you have now.
If all of the Americans repent. All of the bad and prophecies ever spoken or written about the demise of the USA will become false. The HOLY TEXTS as inspired by GOD. I believe are living documents. Which means as we change events, as we evolve and alter our own future for the better. Where we all begin to live with love, peace, harmony and life. The LIVING HOLY TEXTS also changes. These texts changes so perfectly that we will never be aware of their changing. All of the contents of the HOLY TEXTS must always remain true. Which includes all prophecies contained within.
NEW: The *vibration sensor* can determine the difference between an earthquake, a vibration from a nuclear detonation as felt through the planet and other natural shaking. It is designed to initiate a self destruct upon a direct hit via a nuclear bomb strike. This aspect is a math or programming error as well as an actual sensor error. Which sends out a direct strike data for any nuclear strike within a few hundred miles (Not intended purpose or design. Within a ?mile?).  May not be actually a few hundred miles. Maybe less.
 It is like an old fuel gauge. Sometimes they always shows full or empty when the truth is half. In other words the accuracy is off at the initial, then becomes accurate after a certain amount of fuel use. This is the best i can explain.
The mechanical error in the vibration sensor is small and then coupled with the math error in the programming. The error is magnified. The errors is in product production and software writing.
This is directly related to other prophetic blogs written. 
Brief History of Isaac on YouTube Videos:
On the Bible Code or the Torah Code. I have zero experience in them. It is up to you to ascertain the accurate messages as deciphered by man. 
Bible Code
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 