Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Computer Brain Interface Prophecy: (Unedited):+1: 09 Feb 2019:

The breakthrough in computer brain interface will lead to bidirectional data throughput in the beginning. Which will lead to both serial and parallel data transfers around the third and forth iterations. What you think you want to know and believe will be under the control of those who are in authority. The idea of free will and free thought will just no longer be. 
Preprogrammed Human Clone: (Unedited): 09 feb 2019:
At the quantum level there is an awareness with intelligence(s). When this quantum level intelligence(s) is connected to the computer brain interface. All of that which makes you a unique human being with free will and free choice will just disappear from your awareness as you return to just being a preprogrammed clone. Because, genetically that is what we are, *self replicating human clones.
Note: * Self replicating human clones. As which was proven in 1984 with the DNA fingerPrinting and again in 2004 with the Human Genome Project. More than 99.9% of all of our Human DNA is exactly the same or identical. Which means less than .1% of all of our DNA is where we find all of the physical differences we see in all human beings today. But, don't get all depressed and lose your own self value and worth. We each are far more important and more valuable than the science and math certainly suggests. Yes, this goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. A war in the heavens was based on our creation, existence and future. Even after the war, we remain. We remain only because it is the desire of the victor that we do remain. A victor who nearly destroyed this entire solar system in less than a Earth day. The archeology of the losers still remain, out there. So there is still a purpose and meaning and function for each of us. Which is most likely beyond our current ability to conceive of.
While the movie "Matrix" made human beings into batteries. It neglects the computational power of billions of minds in one hive mind with one function, one purpose and one goal. The Star Trek Borg comes closer to what can happen when the computer brain interface evolves from one mind controlling a single rudimentary device designed to aid the disabled. These will eventually be weaponized. These will eventually be used to enhance training and education as seen in the movie Matrix. In which an old Quantum intelligence which may be self serving may become our god or our anti christ or both. Can the intelligence which is deemed to be in the quantum level actually be satan or one of the fallen angels in their earthy prison or all of them? We/I (you should know) know that we humans are nothing more than maggots and worms in comparison to them. Their power is remarkable and most likely unconceivable to the human mind. One angel can kill hundreds of thousands maybe even billions of humans easily in one single effort. Our human minds are incredibly fragile and helpless in comparison to theirs. When was the last time you loved a maggot or worm? When you can understand. Then you know more than me.
I know first hand how powerful they are and we are truly less than maggots and less than worms. It was only by His/its mercy. That he did not fry my brain and I immediately called upon God. In a time of my life when the purple words below meant nothing to me. Yes, I'm a deeply flawed human being and still am a deeply flawed human being. Our human pride lies to us into thinking that we are on top of the food chain. We are not. We are closer to achieving the level of worms and maggots. It can be said that the Word of God lowered himself to be the worm or maggot in order to bring us out of our death and into the light of forgiveness, hope and grace.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, May 11, 2015

Creative Benefits: (Unedited): 11 May 2015:

Creative writing.
Creative drawing.
Creative inventing.
Creative anything.
Benefits no one if all of it stays within the confines of your own brain.
Including yourself.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Fearless Introvert: Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 10 April 2015:

To be an introvert without any fears. Is an exercise of courage from a brave soul. 
Are you shy or are you just an introvert?
While one may indicate fears and traumas.  The other may be just a a part of your normal psychological being. Which would be OK. So as long as you are healthy and are capable of surviving in this world. In other words being responsible for your state of being.
Being shy may be more related to abuse by those who are outside of your person. Fears and threats from the outside world can cause a person to become shy. While the introvert is just naturally self absorbed in whatever thinking they prefer to think about.  The continuous mean and rude things which may have been done to you or you have simply witnessed. Then if this is the case you should seek assistance in dealing with your own problems. So as long as there are no mind altering medications involved. They do not help, they only delay your healing and make you a drug addict. I state this assuming you have no conclusive brain injuries or brain defects in any test scans of your brain. If you do have absolutely provable tests via advanced medical technologies. Then you must absolutely take which ever medications prescribed by your medical professional. 

To be automatically be prescribed mind altering medications by just simply professing a problem. Is absolutely wrong. Especially if no medical tests have been conducted. If any doctor no matter what field of specialty they are in. Just prescribes mind altering medications without any medical evidence. Then walk out, refuse to pay and report them to their monitoring state agency. They are no different then the illegal drug dealers who stand on street corners. 
Without pride or ego. Without puffing you up. Without you becoming haughty.
To be an introvert is a necessary part of your being. You may very well need to be an introvert. Just so that you can do whatever it is you must do in this life. Self defined greatness comes from those who can dwell within themselves for long periods of time. Then from there they outwardly express themselves within their creations.
There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with the outside world who demands for you to conform to it's will and defined state of healthy.
AHHH But, If you are not eating right/healthy and regular, maintaining employment in order for you to take care of yourself and family, If your not bathing/grooming as you should for skin/hair/nail health, Obtaining the required education and continuing education so that you can be continuously employed throughout your entire life. Then there you go Skippy. You had better start being responsible for yourself and for those who you are supposed to be taking care of. This also, includes spending proper amount of time with the spouse and children. As defined by them and not by you. I do fail in this regard. But do deeply feel that my time is short or that this writing I do is urgent. Do not do as I have done. Become well educated and achieve that proper level of employment so that you can take care of your family. It is just really hard to raise a family and have gifted children and then not be able to feed their inborn gifts. Because, you simply do not have the financial resources to do so. It is very hard and not very fair. But, there is nothing fair in this world.
Personal Starvation: (Unedited): 11 April 2015:
A person can have much healthy food and water and still yet starve in other ways.
You can have physical starvation which is in regard to physical weakness and endurance. You can have mental starvation which is in regard to education, psychology and critical thinking. You can have spiritual starvation. In regards to awareness and wisdom.
*NOTE* A person can be highly educated and still does not have the critical thinking skills necessary to avoid becoming enslaved.  Where once being enslaved was only for the uneducated. Now that premise has evolved. Or the understanding to comprehend all of their learned knowledge. As is with bio-mechanical robots who are politically/worldly thought controlled.
Added on 19 April 2015: This blog Quote was published on :
Many thanks to the team at cacofony.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

China Readers: (Unedited): 11 Jan 2015:

Welcome back Chinese Readers

Any positive and peaceful change within the world begins first within your own hearts and then your mind. Then followed through with peaceful action or even peaceful inaction.
It is very interesting with this thought process and how the heart seems to lead the mind. When everything within the world is about the teaching and training of the logical side of half of the human brain. Thus negating the emotional half and the heart of every human being. Then there is the human spirit which seems to be denied and rejected. All of them together including that which is not mentioned is all a part of your complete humanity. To deny or reject any of your parts only diminishes your humanity. Making you less than human and equal to all other animals. 
Your Chinese leaders are being disciplined for improper attitudes. (To express myself lightly). This is a necessary process which should fail. If the hearts and spirits of those individuals in positions of leadership are not changed from within. Simply from their own internal reasoning that the realization of their actions were wrong. This fundamental change cannot happen through any sort of discipline. The correct change must come from the heart of any human being. If it does not. Then the bad heart will simply hide itself better. The bad heart can also quickly change by simply becoming connected to it's own spirit being within. 
This process of change is essential and will take any person out of their own animalistic natures/desires and into those higher and more evolved thinking processes. 

Any animal wants what they want or can get in the now. Animals are opportunistic and this is necessary for their own survival. The basic human being is just an animal and if we keep and maintain all of those base animalistic tendencies. Then there is no evolution, growth or development. Think about this, a dog is a dog today as a dog was what it was a thousand years ago. The same with a cat or a horse or even a cow. They are all the same as they were a long time ago. A human being on the other hand is an animal which seems to continually evolve from one generation to the next. Granted a very little tiny bit at a time. But, can be easily seen from just one hundred years ago or even a thousand years ago. We can even see where humanity does not seem to have evolved much  in those very secretive and hidden societies.
Those secretive and hidden societies should be protected by those who have the power to do so without any interference. Which is something that the French, Spanish, English and the Americans had not done. Those societies were defenseless in every regard and suffered greatly. Some or many have become extinct. Their ancient languages and histories lost forever.
This is respect. Even if they are not of your living standards, thought processes or belief systems.
The fundamental truth of peace is not something which can be negotiated or agreed upon. A chaotic society cannot correct their planetary damage through financial resources. Any life created from a sterile genetics laboratory assembly line only makes biological machines to be controlled and enslaved.
Peace comes from Love. Harmony comes from Love. Life comes from Love. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dark Deception: (Unedited): 05 Aug 2013:

Darkness prevails in a world which believes deception is truth.
Enlightenment is impossible when the lies and deceptions within your own brain are believed as truth.  You must seek the truth in all things at their true sources. Not from speaking mouth pieces which stand behind a podium or a television camera. Do not automatically believe any news agency or media outlet. Which mixes news with opinionated commentary. Which it  seems all of the networks do today. Even my beloved (TWC) The Weather Channel is now and has been for a couple of years now sensationalizing the weather.
The media cannot be trusted any longer. No matter who they are. here is a strange twist. It seems that Russia Today is putting out better sourced news than anywhere within the USA.
You must logically analyze all of the news you take in for yourself. If you even sense an opinion within any news story. Lies and deceptions is probably in play. When the entire programming of a singular news story mixes in news and opinion. Your are being convinced into believing what those media outlets want you to believe. Which is called brain washing or mind control. Thinking for yourself frees you from mental enslavement.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Logical Empath: (Unedited): 01 March 2013:

The Logical Empath. Can it be possible for an emotional empath to operate on their other side? Yes, If they want to remain sane. Go into your closet a get your detective hat and pipe. This is important especially for the new empaths or for those empaths, psychics who desire to get to that newer level.
Before, You go any further in this message. Please read the empath materials in this group. This is from the Journey group on Facebook. It is invite only or closed or secret or all of the above.
Your an empath. So you say. What does that mean really and is it really a gift, a blessing or a curse? Did you get your detective cap and pipe out yet. Are you ready?
Every single emotion that you feel must have an intellectual thought for each individual emotion. If there is no intellectual thought for an emotion. Then it is not your emotion. So, you have to train yourself like an analytical detective like Joe Friday. "Just the facts Ma'am". Are you feeling angry? well why are you angry? Suzi stepped on your toe three times? That is a very logical reason. So, your emotion to the stepping on your toe is justified.
Very recently you have developed a very real spiritual connection to a kindred spirit named Heidi. On a soon to come Saturday your watching a very funny movie and then become incredibly worried and then begin to smile. You go through your logical detective process and ask yourself some questions. What am I worried about? You logically conclude "nothing". What am I smiling about? "The funny movie"? But, you have a certain unqualified doubt about that. So, you begin by meditating on each family member and friend. Nothing really stands out. But, what about that new person I met named Heidi. So you send her a generic message "Are you OK?" Heidi responds " I accidentally blew up a mean old X-boyfriends hair and he didn't even recognize me. I loved every minute of it-oops, I mean poor guy. He should be out of the hospital in a few weeks.
It's race time. Go get your favorite NASCAR racing shirt. I know some of you have at least one shirt. Your brain is a wicked trickster. The brain just doesn't like to have stray emotions just racing about.
This is a timed event. The time is solely defined by your own brain and it is a very real race. So, you suddenly have a bad and sad emotion. You think to yourself. I'm not logically thinking about any bad and sad thoughts. Then suddenly boom. You are now thinking about a bad and sad event which happened to you. So, is now everything OK in the world of your empathic brain? Nope, it taint. Your logical part of your brain searched your own memory to find a bad and sad event which matches your bad and sad emotion. Pretty cool. Nope, your brain just coped with a stray and unknown emotion. There is someone out in the universe who you have a connection to that is having some bad and sad emotions. But, now your brain just muddled it all up. This is of course bad, but it really isn't because the brain is trying to protect itself. So you must train your brain in being responsible with your gift so that you can be a blessing to others.
The next step in the growth of your gifts is the knowing of intellectual information. The detective work is similar as are the questions. Such as are these my logical thoughts are someone else?
Added on 05 April 2015: 
This is the empathic protection system (EPS). 
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Whose thoughts and emotions are in your head?  1). Are those thoughts and emotions in their from an expressed need by a sender? 2). Are they in their by accident? 3). Are all of those seemingly random thoughts and emotions being created by an undisciplined and untrained mind? 4). or are they in their, to influence your will by some design which greedily benefits someone else? 
 1). When you make connections or connections have been genetically or spiritually made on your behalf. You are tied to those persons until those connections are severed in some way. But, you do not need to be connected to send and receive messages in some fashion. The first message you will typically receive are those from those persons who are in need. Sometimes they will just think you were there with them. Thus, those logical and emotional messages are instantly sent. Faster than the speed of light. Which means Einstein is in error to a degree as his formula is not complete. The signal does not lose strength or intensity over distance and space. Typically the emotional signal can be much stronger than the logical portion of the message. This is because the logical portion is often time internalized where as the emotional portion of the signal is externalized. This is the same thing as when a person is sad and in tears and you do not know why. The person is expressing the emotion and internalizing the logical aspect of the problems. Sometimes this is why a phone call/text/IM or some other instant messaging is necessary. 
There are natural security barriers to this which of course protects you and your sanity. For instance if an untrained and undisciplined empath gets involved with social work. This can cause that empath to lose them self. You know that caring person who loves everyone and who just wants to help all creatures great and small. You have to discipline your mind. The best method to train your brain is through 2 avenues. #1 Effective meditation and #2 the avoidance of any mind altering substance. Both are crucial and yes I also include cigarettes and mind altering medications. For others certain sugars and caffeine's. 
2). Some people send emotional and logical messages by accident. So do you and so do I. We all are at fault in this regard. It's kind of like leaving your house with the lights, T.V., Radio  or computer on. Except with humans we are on all of the time and transmitting are on personal signals. Look for my writings with the comparison with radio theory. Found it. 
So within our own minds we do need to learn how to find our own on/off switch within our own mind and then learn how to use it. This can be done with directed meditation and over time. You can turn off or De-tune yourself from random incoming thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself this question. Is an empath bipolar or is a bi-polar an empathic? Just think about that one. What about the use of mind altering medications? Are those mind altering medications helping the bipolar person while harming the empath? These are very tough questions. Especially when the empath has been medicated for so long and their own brains have chemically altered themselves and become addicted. 
3). The untrained and undisciplined mind. I have already covered it and will restate it. Meditation is the best method for brain discipline. With all of the flavors and practices. With focusing on a singular thought or on no thought or opening yourself up to the Divine source. All three will be good or just one for now and then maybe another for later. How ever you think through your meditation plan. It all boils down to time. The smartest and most wise of humanity do 4+hours of meditation per day. No vacations. No days off. That's just the way it is. Am I that 4+  hour a day person. NO. Have I done it? Yes. Was it profound? Absolutely so. The quote writing that I do and the quality of my writing is based on the quality and time spent in prayer and meditation. So, when you see a dry spell. There you go. Did I sneak in the "Prayer" word. Yep. I did. Because Prayer is you talking to the Creator and meditation is you essentially listening. Which is more important? 
4). The most troubling part of being an empath. As an empath it seems that your spiritual receiver and transmitter is always on. Which means those things in which you may know nothing about can hear you think as well as speak to you. Most of the time this is not a good thing. Because, many of those spiritual beings will imitate exactly how you think to yourself and speak to you exactly how you think to yourself. So being a newly realized empath or even an empath with experience under your belt. How do you stop them? You have to define them. Spirits, Angels, Ghosts and a variety of other beings. Maybe, even some of those human beings who have achieved secret skills.  How do you defend/protect yourself  from outside influences? Again, This is through a form of silent the mind meditation. In which any outside or any uncontrolled thought is silenced absolutely. In the beginning of this practice. It may seem like a fight for your own mind. That's because it is. You may have been some other entities human remote controlled person. Now that your aware of their influence over you. They are getting frustrated. They just lost their human toy. This is an obvious childish explanation. Never the less it does seem to be so. Over time some of these entities will just leave you and find another human R/C toy to have their fun. It can be that simple while others are much more dark and evil in their control over your body. To influence you, to re-train your brain, so that you automatically become a self controlled human robot doing the masters will. All of it psychologically conditioned to do. This isn't so fun anymore.  Well, you can use your own imagination. Essentially, Your mind controls the body. The mind can also disconnect from the spirit world. Which is easily seen in the modern world today. The outside influence will want to alter your psychology to become more apathetic. The less you care the greater the outside control. Are you still following me. Do you often think? I don't care in more and more situations than you did a year ago, a decade ago or even several decades ago? Are you inhaling Chemically added tobacco products which are designed to cause you not to care as much. Which is essential in calming people down who tend to care to much. Wow. look above and re-read. Empaths tend to care to much as defined by worldly and anti-spiritual people. Those empaths who are said to care to much are actually those advanced persons that all of us lower humans are supposed to attain to become as well.
This is a Christ gift. Jesus declared to his disciples. That all of the miracles he has done. They can do as well and more. To feel another persons feelings and then being able to uplift their spirit and to help their mind to become comforted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Loud Silence: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2011:

The mind becomes loud. When the distractions are silenced. C.J.MacKechnie
 The mind gets used to all of the meaningless activities of modern everyday life. Which is why when the electricity goes out, the internet connection is interrupted. The young ones and even the older ones become quickly bored. I've often wondered if there is an addictive nature to technology or an overwhelming emotional preference for personal entertainment devices from radio to Televisions, From record albums to MP3 downloadable. From play station games to computer websites. All of these distractions, which never affords a person to discover their own genius or gifts.
What is it about silence which can be so disturbing? Is it because all of the technological distractions causes the mind to depend on an outside influence to lead the brains thinking activities. Then when there is nothing to lead the brain into thoughts. The brain begins to become uncomfortable or anxious. I wonder if the brain has become convinced that the technological world has become the preferred real world over the hard living actual world in which the rest of our bodies reside.
Turn off all of the technology and re-introduce yourself to you, your spouse and to your children.
Turn off the technology and connect with the divine. Just sit and listen in quiet.
The divine is GOD,  GRANDFATHER or however you call the ONE.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 