Showing posts with label Blessing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blessing. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mocking God Or A Direct Message +16: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2025:

Mocking God in any aspect of your life will create, grow and evolve your own curses in which the generations which come after you will have to endure.
Individual repentance of each person is still required to be eternally and spiritually saved. Regardless of how many generations of curses are on one person all the way back to Adam. There is always hope.
In the world which already hates God. Mocking God may gain you many worldly blessing for as long as you remain alive. Then is when you shall pay the price.
When the leaders of the world mock God it shall be those whom they lead who will suffer and die as which has been historically indicated in the Holy Bible.
That awful thing which has happened and continues to happen is because of a terrorist plan which is many years old. The signal to the most devout followers to act happened on a TV show which mocked God through a skit. 
Once the planned and implemented atrocity has run its course. Nero's finger of blame will be pointed to the actual enemies of the world systems.
Already it's known and already the promised future owners of the atrocity have sent their agents to make deals. This is only one atrocity of many which is solely based on profit motives, control and authority. 
The wicked evildoers of the world systems has it already burned into their minds that there are too many lesser common peoples who take what rightfully belongs to the superior people. So creating atrocities to kill the lesser peoples is rightful and necessary.
When the human state of a modern era has reached a high level. Massive atrocities must be created in order to further consolidate property ownership among the few. While creating more powerful centralized government controls and authority.
Once a government own everything, has full control and total authority is when the population can be forcibly culled thus making any future rebellion impossible. 
A secret global body rules over all of the nations under their non identified god. There shall be a beginning of the destructive and deadly miracles in every aspect of daily human living that no lesser person could ever explain or event understand. 
Initial accusations that the atrocities were because of poor management, incompetence or corruption will be deemed as woefully wrong.
It would be better to live life in the aftermath of an atrocity believing the ongoing hardships were from mismanagement and incompetence other than corruption and an act of treason.
The civilian cost of the civilian population being asleep and turning a blind apathetic eye will have a very high price for what must come. In which that price tag could exceed 30% of all living souls and the permanent breakup of the nation. 
You sleeping, blind, deaf and dumb people who cannot believe that all that was is already mostly gone. Ye, who refuse to see the evidence shall still suffer and die in your delusional arrogant ignorance.
You delusional people who refuse to believe anything more than your own feel good truth. You shall suffer and die in your self deceived lies.
You who still continually are obedient to your national leaders despite the mounting evidence that you're already sacrificial lambs awaiting slaughter. Remain calm and continue to do nothing. 
Chat GPT4o froze up on me while questioning the date 20 Jan.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, September 2, 2024

War Cometh For Some, While War Is Already Present For Others +14: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2024:

The general prophecy within the book of Deuteronomy.
Go seek them out. 
How you live your life under the faithful authority of God becomes a blessing to you, your house and to the generations which exceed you.
While the secularists who simply accept the existence of God and believe in Him but at the same time freely choose to live their own free chosen life as full of sin as possible. To them they each become self cursed. 
Your churches shall be set ablaze, your women abused and tortured, your children murdered before your eyes by the wicked evil doers whom you have allowed entry. Your leaders shall be helpless and defenseless in the dealings of those who profoundly hate you. You shall end. 
You shall be wholly conquered not by your own leaders but by your own unrighteousness, unholiness and by your rejection of God. 
You shall stand in anger breathing your last and shaking your fists at God for the things you have done to your own self.
Those joyful and pleasurable sins which you have freely allowed to come into your own lives tastes wonderful and enjoyable. But shall become like spoiled and poisoned meats you have already eaten. 
Sins works like this. Just Like any spoiled and poisoned foods you have already eaten. You shall be consumed by terrible pains and suffering until death finally comes for you. This is how sin works. 
Jesus actually made the concept of sin worse. After Jesus, you did not actually have to physically sin. All you had to do now is just sin within your own mind and heart as well. Your own hatred's is equated to that of a mass murderer. 
Note: Plural sins is a mass murderer. Look up the Bible verse where Jesus says if you have hatred in your heart. He speaks of or implies of just one kind of sin.
The wicked evildoers of Islam shall do terrible things unto you. They have been raised to believe that you are not human as they are. Even if you covert you will never be equal to them as you will only be a foreigner who converted by force. Which makes you a weak coward. They have been taught to hate you. They have been taught that you are not worthy of life. For 900 years they have been teaching these things. Islam even teaches that Adolf Hitler was a hero. Islam teaches their children to hate and to become mass murderers. Islam teaches their children how to make war and how to kill you. All of this that they shall do as each one ritualistically purifies themselves for their own death. 
None of this is secret and the Islamic people freely acknowledges all of it. Since the military conflicts in Iraq. All of these things have been reported. Besides, the less you know the easier it shall be for them to kill all of you and to destroy the memory of your own nation states. This is the end result.
China has a professional military problem and they have a solution. They have begun many years ago to raise up their children to hate America and to instill within each child basic soldierly skill sets. Thus, by beginning at an early age to hate and to become professional civilian soldiers. They will best the Americans. Which in less than two decades the DEI, woke and LGBTQ mindsets will have destroyed the American will to fight and to be able to put up any kind of effective military force. The instillation of sin and the removal of God shall end the USA in its entirety. Then when the Americans can no longer defend themselves America as a whole shall be carved up especially since the fearsome Gen X'ers begin to age out, become sickly and die. The FAFO Gen X have already begun aging out. Gen X have already been grandparents and are becoming great grand parents.
Check the dates: Videos not in any order. In one check the in classroom clothing.
So do your own research. Validate each video yourself. Do your own due diligence in all things. 
Then think about this. While Islam, China and Russia are actually teaching their own children soldierly skill sets. While actually receiving actual real education. While China is teaching their own children to think with their minds. You/Me teach our children to think with calculators and computers. You/We are teaching our own children to hate their sex and to not trust the other sex. You/Me are teaching our own children to see themselves as a mistake but it can be fixed with sex changing chemicals and mutilation surgeries. You/We are teaching our children DEI and LGBTQ while our enemies are teaching their children martial arts. You/Me are only teaching social skills and no longer teaching how to read, write, history or to do arithmetic. Even the Boy Scouts hated their name so much that they just removed the term boy. What was the only real civilian type of military training within the USA is just gone. So in about less than 10 years. The idea of America will be dead and the new adults will no longer have any desire to fight for the evil America in which they have been taught. It is really far worse than I write, Because you the reader can easily say what about this and what about that. You will be correct. The end of America is at hand and those being raised up can care less. The children of today are being taught that socialism, communism and Marxism is their preferred preferred ideology. They do not know that humanity fought two world wars and one cold war because of socialism. Before you go off. Nazi Germany was a socialist state. What did the USSR stand for? In today's modern world where socialist continued on with the war we think we won. They effectively changed the hearts and minds of the younger generations into becoming traitors to their own nations and ideologies. 
Deuteronomy 28 and read it all. For this is the sole reason why and not any other evidence. Other than God seeing you as an enemy to His will and then He sends your own enemies to over take you, to destroy you and to kill you. You had your chance, You had your blessings and now those of you who will survive shall become the tail, the slave, the servant, the less than, troubles and woes shall follow you and those that come after you. Even you Americans have exported more evil out and into the world than you have good godly things.
You have failed in life. You have failed in your humanly duties. Now God will send your destroyers into your own holy places, sanctuaries and safe places. Fire shall engulf everything. 
The repentance of each of your nations is still possible before the blood bath begins. Once the blood begins to flow into the streets, rivers and soil. Your repentance window may have closed. 
The repentance window of the United States Of America may close sooner than those nations of western Europe. The USA will become the smoking example to the whole world as to why you should not turn your back on God as the Americans have done in the last many decades.
The Americans have rejected the recent signs of Jonah and as such the United States of America shall end in death and destruction. America shall be no more and carved up like a juicy Turkey. 
The signs of Jonah are real. Because, you did not believe or simply discounted them as nothing more than simple celestial and Earth phenomenon. 
Death and destruction shall come to those who have rejected the good things from God and also those wicked evildoers who are not of God shall be used as a tool. Even they who stand in celebration shall also suffer and die. 
Those of you who think God is for you as you do horrible things to innocent souls. Your believed rewards shall be forever torment and suffering. You shall not know a single pure virgin in the afterlife. You have been lied to. 
NOTE: I'm not an anti-American or even anti-European. I must write what I must write. In order to save lives. To save America??? Once America is gone. There are no safe places to live in. Except maybe in Alaska. But, I have also had visions of Russian retaking Alaska with their regular soldiers and with the Chinese military. They simply kill everyone in their path. Surrender will no matter. This also includes the indigenous peoples as well. They will kill everyone. This is the old way of human warfare.  America is no longer the good guy. I'm not saying that Russia and China are the good guys either. Only God is good. 
Select certain people will begin to see symbols in the clouds. These will have specific meanings and are direct messages to the human leaders of the world. These cloud messages will be ignored but will also convey intentions or prophecies if repentance is not seen. Vision ends.
Note: Not really sure what these means. This is intended for those who have direct contact with governmental authorities and not for janitors like me. So if I look up at the clouds and see weird shapes then that is all that they would be to me is weird shapes. But, trained and educated people who know a variety of symbols will be able to see and decipher intelligence in the clouds. 
This came right after the sonar like sounds in the Boeing craft attached to the ISS. Even in the sounds of sonar signals there can be intelligent digital signals which require a computer to ascertain the message if any. A signal which also causes magnetic energies across a specific speaker. Which causes the speaker to make those oscillation sounds. I wonder what the message was? If any? Probably "way classified".
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

La Palma Island Spain Blessings come: (Unedited): 10 Nov 2021:

 Be aware that when I begin writing. Many times more content comes many days or weeks afterwards. Right now I have gotten myself either in catch up mode or have been too lazy to write. Regardless of what happens in life. So new content will be below. If you happen to decide to check up on any of my writings. 
I've been watching the La Palma Island volcano activity for more than a month now and find it very fearful and very powerful. Even from my vantage point in central Florida, USA.  The continuous roar is astounding. The continuous suffering of the people as they continue on with their lives. Buchcraft Bear videos are refreshing and informative. Especially, his Bible readings near the end of his videos from time to time. You know, I'm not sure why I have a continuous stream of an actively erupting Volcano on my daily viewing. Especially, when there are many other volcanos erupting all over the planet. Maybe, it is my knowledge of scientific forecasts of a large tsunami coming across the Atlantic ocean and killing many millions of Americans as well as the people in many other nations. If something like that were to happen. It would most definitely be a God sent chastisement against the Americans as God seems to be raising up La Palma Island Volcano for something. What is about to happen or what is going to happen I do not know. Maybe, it is not for me to know all of the details and that is OK with me. Other people will include their own prophetic puzzle pieces so that maybe another God fearing soul can come up with the whole picture of understanding. This is all OK with me. Especially if it causes lives to change for the better and to save lives as a whole. 
Yet, on another level I do know that Nineveh was saved from a God induced destruction only to disappear some 60-100 years later and become Mosul Iraq today. So yea, just because a place is saved in one moment in time does not guarantee that it will exist forever. People do forget and do return to their self chosen evil ways. Even if is a couple of generations later. We can also see this at the family level and generational curses. Every teacher teaches about generational curses and then the blood of Christ. But, no one teaches why this is. This is how God removes families and bloodlines from the future of humanity. It usually starts with the loss of name recognition and those losses continue until that entire family is stopped and disappears. All because of all manner of sins. Public sins, private sins, professional sins, secret sins, sins by planning and contract, sins of the mind, sins of the heart, sins of omission, It doesn't matter what kind of sin. Sin is sin. Sin brings death and destruction. Not to the big national or worldly scale but also to the scale of the family and individual. 
This brings to a question. What has the people of La Palma done to have this volcano? Maybe something, maybe nothing or maybe this shall be a blessing. Are you the reader screaming "A BLESSING", because I did. How can this be a blessing. Those people are suffering and if that island breaks in pieces or explodes. Then millions of people are going to die as I rant and fume within the confines of my own mind. I have seen the destruction of the many military places of the US Government and of Washington DC where the American people have become lost and left their contractual agreement with God. I have seen how the American people have allowed sinful evildoers to stand and sit in those holy places. The coming chastisement shall be for the whole and not in partiality to the American people for they are all "We The People...". Once you allow evil doers and/or sin to stand in the holy places. Yea, Your done!!! Once your judges also become corrupt and evildoers. The end of all that you are shall come unto all of you. God alone will choose whom shall be the remnant. Remember a remnant is just a small fraction of the whole. Go ask a seamstress on how small a remnant can be from the whole. Can a single thread be a remnant? I do not know by percentage.
Back to La Palma Island, Spain. 
For the last couple of weeks. I have been seeing a blessing for La Palma Island. I have been seeing large 50 pound bags of La Palma ash being sold in many places. Is this even possible. I just learned that volcanic ash can be used for concrete making. I know that volcanic ash can be compressed into a hard stone like material. I do not know how many uses can be used with volcanic ash. I have learned from Bushcraft Bear that if you do not move that ash from your roofs. Then the weight can cause many structural problems because of the weight. This is all I know. 
In Summary, for this mornings writings. The ash can be a blessing and a gift if the people of La Palma Spain accept it as such. The ash can be a temporary economic replacement for the loss of their banana crops and other economic impacts and losses. 
So Prophetically, what does this blessing mean? The eruption calms down and becomes quiet. Maybe? Could this have been a warning to the Americans to get your act together and to return back to God or worse chastisements shall come. I just do not know at this time and maybe it is not for me to know at this time or that it is for someone else to know. 
My writings for you is not to cause you to stop listening to the Holy Spirit. If you have been having the move of the Holy Spirit and you are getting that you have to move out to another location. Then you probably should move sooner than later and it doesn't matter if nothing happens on La Palma or not. It doesn't matter if you live where you are and now you must move. Just take your actions with planned reason and with much prayer and fasting. This is one thing that I do see. Is people moving for a variety of reasons. This also includes the evil doers as well. Their moving reasons is far different than those who have been selected by God. Do not look too deep into this. Just because, You are not supposed to move may mean other things between you and God and that is between you and God. Maybe, Your supposed to plant all manner of edible trees and bushes every where you can in your region. Maybe, you are supposed to be some kind of "do gooder" as which only you can be as which is selected/chosen by God. Just because you remain in place does not mean God has no love, mercy or compassion for you. So do not have negative thoughts or emotions. Only have hope and know HIS Love and Promises for you. This should be sufficient. 
Added on 25 Nov 2021:
Since I wrote this I have had a feeling of something on or near day 80.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A Homeless Blessing Prophecy +3:

 The perpetually homeless shall become a blessing for many. As the homeless travel from place to place along customary pathways. They shall discover wild fruits, nuts and vegetables. They will thank God for their meal and plant the seeds necessary to spread the good cheer long after they have gone. The homeless who are at home with God always, shall plant edible and medicinal plants of all kinds everywhere they travel. In the years to follow of those young and growing trees, plants and bushes. They shall bring forth their own good foods in their own times. To the degree that the homeless will hold onto certain seeds in order to plant them where they will fit within the dates of other planted seeds. So that if they pass through in a particular month they shall have something to eat. Then when they pass through on a different. They shall have something different to eat. 

The pathways of these homeless people of God shall become likened as a grocery store. Where you walk down an isle and see many kinds of food products. So to shall their pathways to come and may already have come. As each homeless person talks with another. They will reveal what they have done and tell the others to do the same as they go the way they go. For those of God know that everything is about to change and being able to go into a city to receive food, showers, clothing and a place to rest will come to an end. While at the same time those who become homeless shall rise into the many millions all traveling in the directions that travel. They will not know how to eat a fruit and then plant the seeds. They will not know that you are supposed to save some in order to grow many. Like with Garlic and many others. They will not know the idea to spread them out in many different places in order to achieve year round harvests of edibles and medicinal's. The new homeless must be taught. Which means the more experienced homeless people will become teachers to many and in turn they too will become teachers to even more.
This is the blessing of the Homeless. Once the homeless begin to spread the words of their inherent duties for themselves and for every other homeless persons, now and in the future. They shall go forth in their own invisible silence and begin to develop these missions as their God Given purpose in life. For no one else can do what the homeless can do. For they are Gods beloved invisible army. While other humans ignore them and do not see them. God loves, knows and sees each one of His homeless children. 

For those who are with God always. Do not see themselves as either homeless or alone. For how could you be alone when God is always with you?
Added on 13 Oct 2021: Qualifying The Homeless and the Hungry. The responsibility of the Christian Church body. Your church may qualify and limit how often a person or family can obtain food. I have seen churches limit a person and a family to once every six months. This was shocking to me. But, when your a mega church and your resources are limited and your unable to obtain the staff to keep the store open. It's a problem. No matter how you justify it. But, the hungry and homeless will come through as they do and will need what they need. You will provide that which you can provide. 
Below is for those churches who are doing their best to become most like the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. You can feed the person or the family as often as you can. But, you can do even more and may already be doing as my writings suggest. If you already are. Then my writings are your confirmations. 
Without acknowledging what I've written in regards to the blessings of the homeless. But, do question each one in order to ascertain if they actually plant edibles on their journeys all without revealing or leading them to answer as you are looking for. How does a homeless person eat when they are in the wilderness? How do they know that foods will be present? How do they know that? Along their journeys. If the homeless person is eating wild fruits and nuts. All the while planting them in the places of the homeless persons own reasoning. Then encourage them and provide for them heirloom, antique and all natural seeds. So that they can plant them where ever they can in 3's, 7's and 12's. This is an important sign which should be spoken. The seeds should be from wild varieties of vegetables, fruits and nuts. Even medicinal's. 
Landlords of low income properties should be encouraged to plant edible plants, bushes and trees on their properties. Where ever possible and allow the renters to eat what ever they desire. Low income renters are also those who will visit the churches and food banks. Your home owners should also be encouraged to remove ornamental plants and replace them edible trees, bushes and plants. Then during harvest they can use those foods for their own healthy use or donate to the church and food banks. 
Properties should be purchased by the church and green houses erected and managed. This could be tied into the creation of exclusive micro-economies. Which should also be created. They can be tied to education on how to grow heirloom and wild edible plants and bushes for your specific region of growing. There should be a focus on seed recovery, safe storage and replanting. 
Added on 14 Oct 2021: 
The homeless or invisible army of God who plant the edible plants everywhere they can. Will arrange them in their specific way as to identify it as a planted pictorial signature. These will become very interesting and may even include the important Biblical numbers and/or verses. 
Added on 06 Feb 2025: 
The least of the children of God. They have always remained faithful, they have continually suffered many things. They have continually given all. They have been rejected by the world. They are loved, known, wanted and accepted. 
The Lord will call upon each of the lowest and least to stand upon the most dangerous cities and streets and make the final last call for all to repent. Their reward shall be then when they fall asleep by evil hands and become awakened in the bosom of their Lord and Savior.
The least of His beloved children are even rejected and disallowed to even enter into many denominations and churches. They shall not be rejected by their Lord and Savior. In which they shall hear those words from Mathew 25:23 
The least in this world shall become Heavenly witnesses to those who were in authority who rejected them, mocked them and cursed them. They will hear the Lord tell those religious leaders Mathew 7: 21-23.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blessing Israel: Moody Church Prophecy: +: (Unedited): 15 May 2018:

I do not see any quotes here. Which means this is for those who are way smarter than I. Which means before you read. Pray and meditate. Fast if you feel the need. Grab your Bible. Minimize all distractions. This is for you to use as you see fit. No need to mention me or acknowledge me in any way. No quote as of 23 may 2018:
We all had another wrong date given for the rapture or the end of the world or we're all gonna die day. The 14th of may 2018 came and gone without any event. But did it? What happened? It is Israel's 70th anniversary. There was celebrations and news. My poor Bible believing friend must endure my claims that we are all gonna die on this date or my proclamation that he and I just missed it again. This is I think the sixth date for this year alone and I understand that there are many hundreds of dates for this year alone. Prepare for 2022, if?. All churches and Christians should continue to bless, support and pray for Israel.
---------------Possible Prophecy Updates-----
Look in the Holy Bible about Blessing or cursing Israel and how you will likewise be blessed or cursed in similar manner. Once you have your Bible verses. Go and read or watch all of the news reports again. You will see how the leader of the USA honored and respected Israel. You will see how Israel blessed the USA.
So did the USA just avert coming curses from former Presidents, laws and We The People? Probably not all of the coming curses and judgements. But a few may have been either delayed, mitigated, prevented or nothing evident. Which is most likely to you expert? and which ones? For abortions are still lawful. LGBT marriage is lawful. Professed sinners are in the holy places in the USA. Israel themselves is not without their own sins and acceptances of sins.
Read how when God judged Israel. God Judged them all including those whom were actually holy and righteous. In the USA it is We the people. So, when God Judges the USA it is We the people who will endure the wrath of God. All of us, Including those who are actually holy and righteous as only deemed by God.
The USA in order to possibly block any upcoming judgements or curses in the short term. Should begin to bless Israel economically. Since Russia and China are building their warmachines and invasion forces. The USA should bless Israel militarily and more than they have in the past. To do these two things in order to receive economic and military blessings from God. God wrote it and thus still honors it. Yes? But, the USA still must come away from its legal and lawful sins. Israel must also come away from their own sins. Because if the sins of the USA and of Israel is greater than who blesses who. Then judgement is coming no matter what or how or who blesses who.
====Church Prophecy======
This was focused on Moody church. Why Moody? I have no idea. But, I think it is for all churches where there is holiness and righteousness within. Is or has Moody Church begun to teach sin, righteousness and holiness? Will Moody Church continue this or will Moody Church allow people of sin to stand in their holy places with authority?
Churches must begin to eliminate all debts. Christians must eliminate all debts. Christian denominations must eliminate all debts. Your countdowns have begun. It is a countdown in which you know not when it started or when it will end. Because, many years from right now. The wealth coming into the Christian denominations and independent churches will cease. Tithes will be drastically minimised. Pastors will be paid in farm animals and meals. Pastoral wealth building and early retirements and regular retirements all will stop. Just like in the old days forty plus years ago. I know this because my Grandfather in law was a Methodist Preacher and he was often paid in chickens. He disliked chickens. He always expressed gratitude. LOL. but, not really funny. He served God and his denomination his entire life. He would be greatly saddened at the fall of the Methodist denomination.
How to avert the coming famine. The use of famine may not be in a traditional sense.
The actual churches which will survive will have these things in common.
The regular teaching of repentance, faith, trust, sin, righteousness and holiness, Christian character in all aspects of life. The message which was given to Billy Graham must be perpetuated.
Everyone and every church must become as close to absolute efficient as possible in every aspect of living. In other words learn how to live like it was in the 1400's but with modern day technologies.
The people had close relationships to their churches. Churches must restart those relationships. The evolution of the Mega churches is coming. This evolution will be all accepting and all tolerating.
Added on 16 June 2018: I think the evolution of Mega Churches will be as follows. Within the Mega Churches there must be a drastic growth in those persons who shall become the new pastors of the missions. Just recently, Something was highlighted in my mind. A small poor Latino church just graduated 10 new pastors in early June. If this is to be a formula where 1 in 7 become pastors from the Mega churches. Then these 1 in 7 shall depart and follow the Holy Spirit wherever The Holy Spirit shall lead. Then many of the remainder shall follow these new pastors. This is when the mega churches shall become the place where the sole star of the show can be seen. is the star of the show the Pastor or Jesus Christ? You may know how to respond correctly but is it the truth for what you truly believe?
---------Church Vision------
I saw a church with a field of containers. The people were working and living in them or very close to them on church property. I looked around and saw solar panels on the roofs. I saw wind turbines. Then a door opened into a container. With a not very happy person coming out. He was lax and allowed bugs inside of his vertical hydroponic farm. The community losses food. He was responsible and he knew it. His error will become a problem for the community.
I saw a T-Container set up. One had a livable space. While another T-Container had a fish farm directly hooked up to the vertical farm. I wonder if it was an H or I-Container set up or both?
Here is a problem.Those hydroponic containers can cost upto or more than $85,000 each. I think each manufacturer are very proprietary and there are not that many manufacturers. So this hydroponic vertical farming idea must become open sourced as well as all individual products to be universalized. Off the shelf materials must be used in every situation. This can be a church or a denomination led action. I think profit can be made by this. Especially if the system can be run by a older computer or sub $500. computer. USB1,2,3 driven. The insulated oversized container can run $5K. So if total cost of a unit can be lower than $20K or less. A savings of $60+K.
Added on 23 may 2018:
This idea can be expanded greatly. More than what you can find out today. (Memory hint small medium and big). I'll keep this to myself in case some big to do church contacts me with genuine interest. And no I will not profit from it or ask anything for it.
Personal Note: I'm really good at giving away invention ideas. This is one of them. This one is about saving lives. Preventing starvation and the church returning back to their roots of actually Loving one another. Through actions of compassion and mercy. Think about this. Churches today and right now have security systems which are on a very high percentage of the week. In the coming future. Churches will still have security systems. But, they will be mostly turned off. As the masses of people will be always present in every church. Especially, where God has sealed his own. How can the children of God be identified? Research that one in the Holy Bible.
If California passes the A.B. 2943 in 2018. This is a companion to the 2012 Senate Bill 1172. This is just something I thought about 2012, 2018 and then in 2024. The third law to make up a 6-6-6 in years. You probably should move out of California and divest of any business in California.
Devout righteous and holy Christians will be forced to move and the wicked evil doers will move in. Then when California is full of evil doers. Will God judge California then? When all that is good has departed.
You have been warned. That Christians are supposed to run for every political office at every level. You Christians have not done this. The evil doers are and when they have their majorities and judges. Then all of Christianity will become fearful of being successfully sued by anyone who is offended. Christians will lose their livelihoods, jobs, homes, properties and wealth. Then forced medicated and into jails. Even this aspect of elections is a countdown clock one which has already begun and one which has and end in which you will not be aware of. Until you have been criminalised.
Added on 23 may 2018:
Moving out of the entire west coast may be something to seriously consider. If California continues to pass anti-Christian laws and raise up immorality. Then God may very well bring Judgement suddenly upon them. The truly righteous and holy as accepted by God will leave quietly. If you consider yourself holy and righteous and your still in Sodom as it is being destroyed. Then your belief system is in error.
If your a church which is teaching sin, righteousness and holiness. Then leaving California may be in your present or future. If your already having thoughts, visions and dreams of leaving without reading my words. Then you know what you should do. Because remember Lot. How many family members scoffed and remained? They were invited and they refused. It is your free choice. Do or don't. If you are truly righteous, holy and have been invited to leave and yet remained to save many more. Then either way you will know glory. That is unless the angels who will come for you are in no mood to negotiate. I think that when the angels make themselves known again. Negotiations will no longer be an option. Yes, the angels can make you forget you were ever with them. This can even be a sign. That if you know you have forgotten a thing and the people who are close to you think you have become perpetually weird. Then maybe.
I still think that vaccinations could be "The mark of the beast". Especially if one could chemically alter the DNA of a person like the image of GMO corn. By creating a spot on the hand or forehead. To easily identify every person. California is going to make laws or already have to force all adults to obtain vaccinations. Research the law for yourself. Be sure you go to the source and not an opinion.
2016 SB792 is only a beginning. I think this is it.
Added on 23 May 2018:
Demonic and spiritual attacks upon pastors, preachers and theologians will become a near daily occurrence as time gets shorter for them all. The demons and fallen angels all know of your ancestors sins. Even if you do not know any of their secret sins or secret crimes. They will use this knowledge against you. For your ancestors sins have become your weaknesses and no sin is secret in the spirit. Even if that sin is still within your own mind and heart. You pastors, preachers and theologians who are genuinely Christian. Who are always repentant and who strive to be holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. You will find your safety in the consumption and drinking of the Word, in purposeful fasting, in earnest prayer. Flee from all sins and do not allow yourself to become a victim of any demonic attack.
Because the time will come and it many cases it is already here. Just go and type in Pastor crime or pastor caught in the act and any other search term you can think of. For I tell you this a time will come when a pastors sin will no longer be just local news. The whole world will report all pastoral crimes and sins. Just as what was done to Swaggart and Bakker. So to will be for you. Even if you drink just one beer or throw a cigarette butt out your window.
The demons and fallen angels will seemingly be forever present in or around your mind. As they gather information in how and what you think. They will mimic your own thoughts into your mind causing you to believe their words into you are your own thoughts. In other words telepathy. Telepathy does not have to be a two way phone call in your brain. Telepathy can be a one way transmission into your brain. The demons and fallen angels are so good that you may not even be aware what thoughts are genuinely yours or theirs. There is a key. If you cause yourself to only be interested in the Word of God and the Word of God becomes all you care to know. You will not have time for worldly distractions. The demons and fallen angels do not want to be close to any mind which only transmits the Word of God or is always in Prayer with God or is always meditating or listening to God or is always worshipping God or is always actively rejecting all sins. Even the sins from the digital games you have played where you have caused harm or murdered your digital enemies in joyful celebration. Repent always. Become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Here is your ammunition.
If you deny these words your at risk for becoming known throughout the world as a criminal sinner. It is what it is and this is spiritual warfare deeper than most people will ever conceptualize. This level of spiritual warfare is just for people just like you devout Christian pastor, preacher, theologian. You will not have to sin as deeply as Swaggart or become as well known as the criminal Bakker. Just to be caught in a poor decision is enough to prove to the whole world that you are not who you claim to be or portray yourself to be.
Note: I think and believe Jim Bakker is a changed man. I do not know Swaggart or have kept up with him. It is not my purpose to continually accuse or criticize either man. My use of these two men are only for historical purposes. Pray first and get your Holy Bible for this 3:29. Here is an interesting video from the Jim Bakker show.
Remember I use copy and paste for your safety and security.
Added on 25 may 2018: Active blessing or cursing Israel. I just found this from Jonathan Cahn From 14 May 2018:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unfit Blessing:(Unedited): 29 April 2013:

The parent who believes their child is that inconvenient thing, which they have to drag around. Is unfit for the blessing they know not they have received. 
For some, Life seems to have dragged down the young parent into a sense of drudgery and despair. All of this despite of living in a beautiful city like Clearwater Florida. These parents seem not to be even aware of the negativity and hopelessness of life they teach through their action to their own children. They are also not even aware of the perpetual beauty that exists all around them.
Now matter how miserable and sad your life may be. All of the beauty of the entire universe is continually existing in a constant state of awesomeness, even right now. All you have to do is just look outside of yourself and into the world you reside in.
People pay thousands of dollars just to travel to Clearwater Beach, Florida and see the sunsets. All of these seemingly happy people are content with the very unique sunset they will see on a day of their choosing. That sunset will never be exactly the same ever again.
Beauty always exists even when your not feeling beautiful.
Life may not be exactly what you want it to be. It is usually like that for everyone to a certain degree. If you begin to see right now the misery, sadness, drudgery, despair that you are teaching through your words and actions. You are raising your children to be like you. An uncivilized animal trapped in an undesirable life. You can change and alter your children's life today. Simply by just identifying the beautiful world around them and the undesirable. You have the power to encourage your children not to repeat the sad woes of your own life. Encourage and push your children to escape from the gnawing teeth of cultures lies and deceptions. Teach your children anything positive and teach your children that everything positive is possible. By doing these things, you cease being an unfit parent and become that strong hurricane force of nature which moves your children into a better life. Which you may not had the opportunity to have.
Think about it.
Think about the hurricane.
If you keep your children within your eye. They will always be safe from harm. Then when your children become of age. They will see the best and safest way to out of the calm eye of you. Out of the darkness and into the horizon. The young adult child of yours sees only storm clouds. In every direction. Then when they look up and see the beauty in the center of their stillness. The wise adult child will see the best path is up and out. For many who have not been taught that everything is possible. Will not see their freedom in the stars of the heavens. If you begin to teach your children right now the positive things in life are possible. They will see the truth in your words. Even though those positive things may not be a current opportunity for you right now. They will see that your positive opportunity will be in the witnessing of the children you have raised. You are the sole positive force for your children to live a life worth living. They do not have to be trapped in misery like you are now. Push them up and out. Become the wind upon their wings which gives your children flight of true freedom.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Logical Empath: (Unedited): 01 March 2013:

The Logical Empath. Can it be possible for an emotional empath to operate on their other side? Yes, If they want to remain sane. Go into your closet a get your detective hat and pipe. This is important especially for the new empaths or for those empaths, psychics who desire to get to that newer level.
Before, You go any further in this message. Please read the empath materials in this group. This is from the Journey group on Facebook. It is invite only or closed or secret or all of the above.
Your an empath. So you say. What does that mean really and is it really a gift, a blessing or a curse? Did you get your detective cap and pipe out yet. Are you ready?
Every single emotion that you feel must have an intellectual thought for each individual emotion. If there is no intellectual thought for an emotion. Then it is not your emotion. So, you have to train yourself like an analytical detective like Joe Friday. "Just the facts Ma'am". Are you feeling angry? well why are you angry? Suzi stepped on your toe three times? That is a very logical reason. So, your emotion to the stepping on your toe is justified.
Very recently you have developed a very real spiritual connection to a kindred spirit named Heidi. On a soon to come Saturday your watching a very funny movie and then become incredibly worried and then begin to smile. You go through your logical detective process and ask yourself some questions. What am I worried about? You logically conclude "nothing". What am I smiling about? "The funny movie"? But, you have a certain unqualified doubt about that. So, you begin by meditating on each family member and friend. Nothing really stands out. But, what about that new person I met named Heidi. So you send her a generic message "Are you OK?" Heidi responds " I accidentally blew up a mean old X-boyfriends hair and he didn't even recognize me. I loved every minute of it-oops, I mean poor guy. He should be out of the hospital in a few weeks.
It's race time. Go get your favorite NASCAR racing shirt. I know some of you have at least one shirt. Your brain is a wicked trickster. The brain just doesn't like to have stray emotions just racing about.
This is a timed event. The time is solely defined by your own brain and it is a very real race. So, you suddenly have a bad and sad emotion. You think to yourself. I'm not logically thinking about any bad and sad thoughts. Then suddenly boom. You are now thinking about a bad and sad event which happened to you. So, is now everything OK in the world of your empathic brain? Nope, it taint. Your logical part of your brain searched your own memory to find a bad and sad event which matches your bad and sad emotion. Pretty cool. Nope, your brain just coped with a stray and unknown emotion. There is someone out in the universe who you have a connection to that is having some bad and sad emotions. But, now your brain just muddled it all up. This is of course bad, but it really isn't because the brain is trying to protect itself. So you must train your brain in being responsible with your gift so that you can be a blessing to others.
The next step in the growth of your gifts is the knowing of intellectual information. The detective work is similar as are the questions. Such as are these my logical thoughts are someone else?
Added on 05 April 2015: 
This is the empathic protection system (EPS). 
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Whose thoughts and emotions are in your head?  1). Are those thoughts and emotions in their from an expressed need by a sender? 2). Are they in their by accident? 3). Are all of those seemingly random thoughts and emotions being created by an undisciplined and untrained mind? 4). or are they in their, to influence your will by some design which greedily benefits someone else? 
 1). When you make connections or connections have been genetically or spiritually made on your behalf. You are tied to those persons until those connections are severed in some way. But, you do not need to be connected to send and receive messages in some fashion. The first message you will typically receive are those from those persons who are in need. Sometimes they will just think you were there with them. Thus, those logical and emotional messages are instantly sent. Faster than the speed of light. Which means Einstein is in error to a degree as his formula is not complete. The signal does not lose strength or intensity over distance and space. Typically the emotional signal can be much stronger than the logical portion of the message. This is because the logical portion is often time internalized where as the emotional portion of the signal is externalized. This is the same thing as when a person is sad and in tears and you do not know why. The person is expressing the emotion and internalizing the logical aspect of the problems. Sometimes this is why a phone call/text/IM or some other instant messaging is necessary. 
There are natural security barriers to this which of course protects you and your sanity. For instance if an untrained and undisciplined empath gets involved with social work. This can cause that empath to lose them self. You know that caring person who loves everyone and who just wants to help all creatures great and small. You have to discipline your mind. The best method to train your brain is through 2 avenues. #1 Effective meditation and #2 the avoidance of any mind altering substance. Both are crucial and yes I also include cigarettes and mind altering medications. For others certain sugars and caffeine's. 
2). Some people send emotional and logical messages by accident. So do you and so do I. We all are at fault in this regard. It's kind of like leaving your house with the lights, T.V., Radio  or computer on. Except with humans we are on all of the time and transmitting are on personal signals. Look for my writings with the comparison with radio theory. Found it. 
So within our own minds we do need to learn how to find our own on/off switch within our own mind and then learn how to use it. This can be done with directed meditation and over time. You can turn off or De-tune yourself from random incoming thoughts and emotions. Ask yourself this question. Is an empath bipolar or is a bi-polar an empathic? Just think about that one. What about the use of mind altering medications? Are those mind altering medications helping the bipolar person while harming the empath? These are very tough questions. Especially when the empath has been medicated for so long and their own brains have chemically altered themselves and become addicted. 
3). The untrained and undisciplined mind. I have already covered it and will restate it. Meditation is the best method for brain discipline. With all of the flavors and practices. With focusing on a singular thought or on no thought or opening yourself up to the Divine source. All three will be good or just one for now and then maybe another for later. How ever you think through your meditation plan. It all boils down to time. The smartest and most wise of humanity do 4+hours of meditation per day. No vacations. No days off. That's just the way it is. Am I that 4+  hour a day person. NO. Have I done it? Yes. Was it profound? Absolutely so. The quote writing that I do and the quality of my writing is based on the quality and time spent in prayer and meditation. So, when you see a dry spell. There you go. Did I sneak in the "Prayer" word. Yep. I did. Because Prayer is you talking to the Creator and meditation is you essentially listening. Which is more important? 
4). The most troubling part of being an empath. As an empath it seems that your spiritual receiver and transmitter is always on. Which means those things in which you may know nothing about can hear you think as well as speak to you. Most of the time this is not a good thing. Because, many of those spiritual beings will imitate exactly how you think to yourself and speak to you exactly how you think to yourself. So being a newly realized empath or even an empath with experience under your belt. How do you stop them? You have to define them. Spirits, Angels, Ghosts and a variety of other beings. Maybe, even some of those human beings who have achieved secret skills.  How do you defend/protect yourself  from outside influences? Again, This is through a form of silent the mind meditation. In which any outside or any uncontrolled thought is silenced absolutely. In the beginning of this practice. It may seem like a fight for your own mind. That's because it is. You may have been some other entities human remote controlled person. Now that your aware of their influence over you. They are getting frustrated. They just lost their human toy. This is an obvious childish explanation. Never the less it does seem to be so. Over time some of these entities will just leave you and find another human R/C toy to have their fun. It can be that simple while others are much more dark and evil in their control over your body. To influence you, to re-train your brain, so that you automatically become a self controlled human robot doing the masters will. All of it psychologically conditioned to do. This isn't so fun anymore.  Well, you can use your own imagination. Essentially, Your mind controls the body. The mind can also disconnect from the spirit world. Which is easily seen in the modern world today. The outside influence will want to alter your psychology to become more apathetic. The less you care the greater the outside control. Are you still following me. Do you often think? I don't care in more and more situations than you did a year ago, a decade ago or even several decades ago? Are you inhaling Chemically added tobacco products which are designed to cause you not to care as much. Which is essential in calming people down who tend to care to much. Wow. look above and re-read. Empaths tend to care to much as defined by worldly and anti-spiritual people. Those empaths who are said to care to much are actually those advanced persons that all of us lower humans are supposed to attain to become as well.
This is a Christ gift. Jesus declared to his disciples. That all of the miracles he has done. They can do as well and more. To feel another persons feelings and then being able to uplift their spirit and to help their mind to become comforted.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reverted Blessing: (Unedited): 26 Feb 2013:

A blessing received by a selfish heart may become a curse. C.J.MacKechnie
A selfish heart seems to always count their blessings received, while not becoming a blessing for others.
Verbally spoken thankfulness is not good enough. Genuine gratitude from a caring heart is a blocking mechanism from any gift becoming a curse. There are of course many other pathways in which a gift/blessing can become a curse. The first one is the lack of genuine gratitude.

The love and compassion from a giver will always be rewarded by God because their heart and their intention were correct and true, no matter how the gift/blessing was received or it's end result.

For instance, A giver knows of a single woman with children. The giver is a witness to her struggles and plight. So, the giver gifts her a car as a blessing for her and her children. She expresses her thanks and wonderment of the gift. But, in the eyes of God she is only a member of the church in order to get what she can. Yes, she is desperate and she is in great need. For some reason she cannot get past her desperation and a life which seemingly is full of perpetual curses and set backs. The gift of the car will become that which is intended for her. The complete lesson from God, which is a great mystery novel. Will the desperate mother become a genuine Christian or will she remain like she is? We or you can only watch and witness. Maybe she will surprise you. Maybe the gifted car will become a financial burden or curse. Maybe the gifted car will remain that gift which becomes the catalyst for life changing miracles to come for the mother and her children.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Latino Exodus Prophecy +16: (Unedited): 19 Sept 2012:

Before and During the demise of the USA. The Latino population within the United States of American will migrate back to their Country of origin. This will be a great blessing and a great boon for those countries when their families return home. But, The short sighted leaders of those Countries will not see it as such. They will see the exodus of their own peoples as a people flood which brings a disaster. In the short term this may be true. But, The disaster of the people flood is and may become a disaster if the leaders do not mitigate and manage their returning people with welcoming acceptance. If the leaders of the Latino Countries do not do as suggested and have plans already made. Then this is what will happen. The Rio Grande will flow greatly with blood and suffering. There will be mass chaos. There will be murder, rape and thefts. GOD Almighty will watch you leaders of Mexico and all of those nations southward. Woes will befall you all. The returning of your families is a gift and a blessing from GOD who is and has protected HIS faithful. While they resided in the USA.
The material belongings in which the Latino American brings with them during their exodus is not the gift of wealth. The gift of wealth they bring back home is in their education, Skill and professionalism. While the American money which crosses your border will dry up. Preventing your people from returning will not continue the flow of money. It is going to stop. As is the secret corrupted monies you make from the drug trade. It will all stop. Your greatest assets will return home. So celebrate their return and plan for your new future. A renewed Country.
Latino Countries which have large sums of American Cash. Should use it now to buy metals and other resources. Build infrastructure.
Ba Ha California Peninsula shall not be a safe place to reside, migrate or invest in.
Those Latinos who still live in the USA must send their material assets to their home Country. Before the USA Final demise begins. It may also be a good idea to pre purchase open ended airplane tickets for you and your families. With no expiration dates. Whether this works or not who knows. Make arrangements with your Countries Consulates of your future plans. So as to guarantee and ease the transition.
As I write this. I still see a great disaster unfolding all along the Mexican American Borders. As with any man created prophecy it all can be prevented, mitigated and managed. Just as was with the Pharaoh and Joseph.
I have written about this before on ink and paper. Just not able to find it. So, I will assume there is no ink and no copies.
19 Nov 2012: Found it. Original Date of vision: 17 Jan 2006:
From the North a mass exodus. millions upon millions return to their original home.
Mexico, Central America will experience a boom. Not from the short term wealth but from the knowledge and experienced that they learned from the United States.
 When they try to migrate back home they will have to defend themselves. Those who have not prepared will die, will lose their things, will be raped. Most will survive despite their plight back home.
The Government of Mexico will pay for it's part in allowing invading forces across it's northern border. Mexico City. End of original content.
19 Nov 2012: Found other Latino content. Dated 17 Jan 2006:
Hispanic forces invade the United States:
Into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
Most of Florida falls to Hispanic Cuban Forces and is held.
Texas defeats them completely. There is little mercy. Deep into Mexico the Texas Forces go.
Hundreds of Islamic Terrorists attacks daily.
China forces invade the west.
Russia Invades Alaska.
France, unknown, They play a real part.
European allies forget.
United Nations Hands Tied.
No Hope for the United States. The United States has no  GOD.
The entire Christian/Catholic Church falls or sinks.
End of content.
19 Nov 2012: Found Canada Content: 17 Jan 2006:
The United States falls to terrorism, economic failure and a military onslaught from numerous enemies.
Russia Takes Alaska and threatens the Yukon and British Columbia. The oil and minerals.
China takes part/most of California, Oregon, Washington.
China Threatens British Columbia.
Canada will attempt to protect and possess strategic assets with in the United states. Intense battles. Dakotas, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado.
A United States exodus into Canada. from the Northern states. Canada will feel a security need to protect numerous states. The border states.
Canada will be overwhelmed and may just give up and surrender. Canada as a whole has become cowards and selfish. their unknown Canadian Heroes may save them all.
France deceives Canada. Canada lets themselves to be deceived. End of Content.
Today, I see changes in what I've written in 2006.
Canada closes their borders to the USA population.
Canada accepts only military assets and probably not the personnel. To much bad media. especially, if they are Christian.
The Canadian Military actions is for the safe removal of their own citizens.
Canada will experience their own Tet offensive by their own Islamic citizens. It will be greatly successful. Thousands of unarmed Canadian civilians will be murdered. Men, Women and children.
The Yukon and British Columbia may not be defended. Those citizens will be left to their own survival skills.
Prophecy is and can be an evolutionary movement. when a real and true revelation is known or assumed. Change in the original prophecy can and does occur. Especially if it is undesirable. Especially, if a personal prophecy is wonderful and full of positive potential. Then the young person can develop a logical plan and pursue it.
From 2006 til now. I see some changes in the words I've written.
Hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks daily is probably in the high thousands.
China forces may only secure their newly gained assets of California, Oregon and Washington State. A standing military force of 1 million men in each of the states. I see China assuming control of Mexico controlled Ba-ha California.
France is a nothing in my mind right now.
Only a remnant of the Christian/Catholic church will survive and this will be by the protective hand of GOD.
United Nations is secretly involved while appearing they are helpless. They hope to control all of the former USA military might. All of it. The soon to be former American politicians will put into place those officers who will follow their plan to surrender their asset to the United nations.
Texas. Not sure how this will work. From incredible chaos of everyone being shot at into a unified military force under a Texas flag. They will go through to Mexico City and burn it. Texas will have their Sherman. No prisoners. The whole of the Mexican military and Government will be purified of all corruption. All Latino civilians need to appear with zero weapons or warfare upon their faces. The rise from the ashes is a new Mexico government friend to Texas.

FROM: Triplicate Exodus: 27 Nov 2011: Note from Facebook and deleted:
Over the last 5yrs or so. Ive had visions of a panicked Latino exodus back south into Mexico. Horrific outcome. All sorts of evil along the border crosser. I still do not know the reason. There will also be an economic exodus from California, Oregon, and Washington states down into the western coast of Mexico. This will entail Latinos with management history in logistics. Time frame 5-15 yrs. Then there will also b another exodus of Christians. This 1 will only be known by each individual christian. They will be the remnant who is 2b saved. So, if you r a Christian who obeys the 10 commandments out of love. Then you may b1 of the chosen. Just b prepared 2 leave with nothing. Then u must go when it is time. Any delay any looking back and u will perish. That is from my walk today. Define remnant? The word remnant has always been strong when associated with Christianity in my visions. The word Christian can be substituted with a holy person. Which is not the same as a religious person. C.J.MacKechnie.
Added content on 14 May 2016:
It has been many years since I have written this. But, conversations with my devout Christian Puerto Rican friend has brought new insights. Puerto Rico is in itself gonna suffer and is now. This may be the place or one of the places of the great return of the giants. The Nephilim and Rephaim shall return and populate the Earth as they had once done. They do have a taste for all meat including human flesh.
This is not why I write today. The power base of Mexico and all other countries south. Shall see a change in the dynamics of power. To a such a degree that when the US dollar becomes worthless than toilet paper. Those with all of the drug wealth shall instantly lose all of their power. To the degree that there will not be a market for their drugs. In that time their very well paid armies and men. Shall not have money to be paid. As is with any mercenary types of people. They go where the money is. In that very short period of time. When the realization of no more money is coming. The war within shall begin. The hate of them and the love of their money shall end in bloodshed.
There shall also be blood shed against those evil corporate American food sellers who come with their own armed men. For they to shall die when they return.
The evil which has divided and has caused Mexico to become a non nation. Mexico is a place divided up among the drug lords. A very short time period will come when you Mexican leaders from the local towns all the way up to the highest of levels. Will need to act decisively and with great swiftness in order to make your country whole again. Can you imagine a wholly maintained Mexico? I can. But, all of the leaders of Mexico must repent of their sins and guarantee the safety of their brothers and sisters who shall return home one day. You must enable and guarantee safe transit of those people who will go further south. For in these people are the future of a great Mexico which has never been seen before. They will have skill sets which will be desperately needed for a renewed Mexico, A whole Mexico. But, all of you will pay in blood. This is the cost for your life of bribery with drug money. Can you leaders of Mexico see for the genuine needs of your people. To have a life without threats or fears from drug organizations which suck the life out of every one. Allow the honor of Being Mexican be your last order to save your country from drug lord enslavement. Even in your own death you may be remembered because of your last good thing. Even though your entire life has been one of complete corruption.
The power of the American dollar shall end in some manor and on a single day. If it is on a Friday. Know that by Monday only brave Mexicans will stand. Every Mexican who sees any person with a weapon against them. Must cause that evil anti-Mexican persons blood to be cleansed by the ground they walk upon. All Mexicans must prepare the way for the safe return of their northern families. You should honor the return of your families. You should honor and respect those things in which they send to you. You should be responsible. For these things that they send home. It is a gift from God and his mercy for you in the tough times to come. For the things are only the beginning of blessings. The real important blessings is when your family becomes whole again. Pray always. Repent Now.
In the mean time. All Latino and Hispanic persons in the USA need to also prepare their own way to return home. By sending tools, equipment, vehicles and supplies to their family members in Mexico and southward. For the return back home shall be very difficult and many sufferings shall be felt. You will leave the USA as it will not be a safe place. More than a hundred million Americans shall perish. I tell you the truth it shall be more bearable for you to walk through Sodom and Gomorrah as it is being destroyed than it will be for you to return home as America is being destroyed. Pray always. Repent now.
Added on 30 Nov 2024: 
The USA now has a President Elect Donald Trump. We all know what has been said about the illegal immigrants in this country. I do not know how much mercy and compassion will be expressed. Those souls who were invited and then paid allot of money every month. More than many of these illegals remain close to county and state lines with multiple identities. Thus, receiving double and in one case that I have known of have 4 different names and have received monies and benefits for all of those names. So what will happen when even though you and your family have been here for more than 20 years and become proven that you have stolen much. You own homes and businesses. You even own the home in which the government is paying for your section 8 housing. So what will happen to all of you?
For the criminally minded who have done nothing but taken advantage of it all. You may need to plan to go back to your home country.
I'm writing this conflicted. Because, I do want you criminally minded people to go to prison.
But, also at the same time. I do not want anyone to be harmed. 
I also, know that those who were imprisoned in their own homeland and then released into the USA. You will have no choices or options. I have already seen that more than many of you will act out violently and you will die in the streets of a foreign land.
For those who have only wanted freedom, liberty and opportunities. Sell your homes and properties. Buy into Crypto as a means to transfer your monies safely and quickly. Hire and pay people whom you can trust to transport your goods back to your native homeland. Then find a cruise ship which makes port closest to your country and town. Then enjoy your trip home. 
I have written here and in other places. That you should have been paying family members to expand their properties and homes. Modernizing their homes and properties. While at the same time expanding any farming activities. Just do not become part of the masses who will be brutalized and killed on the trip back to your homelands.
You must put your homes and businesses up for sale right now. Then make final sales prior to the swearing in of president Trump. Then simply disappear. Do not become one of the angry. If you become one of the angry and violent you will financially lose everything that you have worked for. You may even destroy your entire family in the process. It is not worth it. Become a blessing to your homeland with your return. All of the skill sets you have learned will become a blessing to everyone in your nation. 
This is why. Pay attention. Very important. President Trump may in fact be only a reprieve for the Americans before God intercedes against the whole of the USA. Any reprieve from God without any genuine repentance will mean that the USA will end up just like Sodom, Gomorrah and Nineveh. Yea, even though Nineveh was saved, God still destroyed them. So to shall become the USA if no repentance is seen and accepted by God alone. So far there is no wide spread evidence of any kind of repentance inside of the USA. Do not be here, you good people. Listen to the urging of the Holy Spirit. Have enough wisdom if you are blind and deaf to the Spirit but see your own children expressing a desire to move or even your wife. Be wise and listen and then do.
Great suffering will come to all Americans and all people who remain within the USA. It shall rain suffering, misery and death both on the just and unjust.
Both the just and unjust shall each receive their reward. The just shall live and the unjust shall be tormented forever in hell. 
More than many of those who delusionally believed they are of the just. Shall hear those words from God That He never knew you. 
What shall come to the USA shall be a series of Biblical disasters, violence and invasions. Just how Israel lost their homeland for so long so to shall happen to what will be the end of the USA.
Terrible thing's shall come for all of the people who are in America. Fore only individual repentance by each person shall lead to a revival for the entire nation. Thus saving it all for a time until the later generations forget once again.
Added on 30 Nov 2024: The weaponization of every Federal agency against everyone who is against the ruling class in the Democrat party are those people who used all of the Latino peoples as well as every other culture as economic weapons against the American people. Do not blame the American people for they all were deceived. Blame the politicians who brought you here and then used you as a weapon. These will also be the same politicians who will care nothing for you when you are forced out of this country. Think about it. It was the Democrats who caused the continued suffering and death to the people in Hawaii and in North Carolina to this day. 
Just as you find out that all of the monies that you have received was misappropriated from other Federal agencies. Will you continue to take those monies knowing that people are suffering and dying because you took the money? Your lives will change when President Trump takes office assuming he is not murdered before then. Now it is no longer about Donald Trump it is about his entire team who now must be killed in order for the traitorous wicked evildoers to continue to hold offices and not become incarcerated criminals.
Added on 24 Dec 2024: Mercy and compassion. Not only about the Latinos.
Even though the wicked evil doers invited them all into the nation. You need to realize they were invited guests used as a tool or a weapon against the American people. They knew none of this. While some other people groups who also were invited in are full of vile hatred against all of you. For many of them they patiently wait and thirst for the day when they can kill you all with great joy.
Hopefully, there will be a time frame of when the forced returns occur. Hopefully, each of you who are not supposed to be here and yet were invite fin a positive manner to reconcile this with a good heart. 
The bottom line is this. The government invited you in without telling or asking the American people if this is a good thing. The current American government is weaponizing you against the American people. There are non violent and non harsh solutions. 
For those who have bought lands and homes inside of the USA. It is best to sell those assets and to migrate back to your ancestral homes before being forced to leave. It is better to leave as a single family unit than it is to be separated and divided when either of you are caught. It is best that you take with you all of the American wealth gained instead of forfeiting it all. It is best to send home what you can ahead of your travel plans than to take it all with you in your journey back home. You must begin these plans right now. Those of you who read my content. Must begin to communicate with those fully. You must spread the word in order to save lives and minimize disruptions to good family units. 
If the new President elect Trump has his way the revolving door of those who are deported and return to the USA will be stopped. I do fear that President elect Trump may also weaponize your forced returns without much mercy or compassion. 
What is worse is the wicked evildoers are still inviting and importing as many foreign nationals as they can and forcing all of them to become weaponized fodder even if not knowing that is what they are. So do not become weaponized. Remain the good hard working people that you are. Each of you have learned much and it is in that knowledge and skill sets which will become a gift to your homeland. Keep your good heart and keep your family together. Make your plans to return now. Sell everything and transfer those monies/crypto to your homeland. Figure out how to send your equipment, vehicles and tools home as soon as you can. My intentions in these dated writings is to ease any and all sufferings. 
Added on 20 Jan 2025: President Trump is now in office. 
Mr. President, Please exercise mercy and compassion wherever you can in regards to the illegals. Please know and understand that they were invited in, they were escorted, given transportation and much monies. But, what matters most is that the wicked evildoers who now surround you have used them as tools for publicly undetermined purposes. Please have mercy and compassion on each one especially when you know their numbers exceed 50 million. 
While on the other hand those who are determined to be general criminals, enemies of the state, enemy combatants, enemy forces, terrorists or whoever promotes that all of their people are soldiers and warriors. Even if they have been here for 50 years. Even if they are American nationals. In them show no mercy or compassion. Those ex-pats who have left and are leaving because of their irrational immature hatreds, revoke their citizenship. Take DNA samples, bio-metric data and then permanently ban them all.
Then those who have been entrusted with power and authority by the American civilian population have have turned that honored service into a selfish criminal network to enrich themselves. I hope the full power of the law will be used against them, the taking of all of their wealth which is stashed in other countries seized. You should also include the permanent revocation of their citizenship even if that includes their entire family. 
For you foreign nations who have been invited to come, who have remained innocent, good citizens and who have not cheated the system with multiple identities. The winds have changed and everything has stopped or will stop for your benefit. So I urge you with as much mercy and compassion as I can ask you to calmly and peacefully leave as soon as you can in order to save your entire family from any unnecessary hardships or permanent records. Sell everything you have right now. Get on a cruise ship or a plane and return home as safely as you can.
It is really important that you leave very soon as the fires which began in California may spread throughout the USA. Millions of homes, lands and properties may burn down. Military warfare may begin inside of the USA. So sell what you can and safely leave. Hopefully, many and much of what the wicked evildoers desire will only be averted. 
You good citizens who do return back home unannounced. You shall be a economic blessing to your home country. So be the blessing that your country needs no.
I have seen you. I have seen how you have continued to send your American monies back home. I have seen how you have not dishonored your family with bad and criminal actions. You must see that the time is now for you and your family to return back. So go. Then when and if the American house cleaning is complete then is when you can decide to return or not. Again I say become a blessing to your own people as you have kept your faith in the Lord.
Added on 31 Jan 2025: Math and patience. Be nice:
Doing the math as only the worst of the illegals are being sought out. There are about or more than 50 million illegals inside of the USA. It is clear that the newly elected government considers all of you as criminals. So my words have not changed in how you should return back home. Besides if you are being a good citizen and not taking any advantage of the system. Then you may not be discovered for a very long time except when you get pulled over for some issue with your cars or an accident. Most of you are using false identifications and false Social Security Numbers and it is only a matter of time before the federal government begins to investigate people like me whose Social Security numbers are beings used all over the USA. This will be one method on how the federal government will find each of you. Regardless, if you have been inside of the USA for many decades. So, now is your time to sell all of your assets and return home before you are discovered. Once discovered, you will be arrested and then returned home. You will be identified by a variety of methods in which your ability to return back to the USA legally may be greatly diminished if not impossible. So make your reasonable plans to return home now.  To insure you and your families safety do as best as you can to follow my words. Even my suggestions will only have a window of opportunity.
Here is the math. The federal government has no idea how many illegals were invited in and escorted all over the USA. It is obvious that the Federal Government is going after the criminal and bad person element first. It seems they are only gathering intelligence in regards of the actual enemy combatants inside of the USA. The enemy combatant numbers are in the millions. So the federal government must tread lightly. It also appears that there is at least one nuclear weapon in play maybe three. Since all aspects of NBC is classified do not trust these words as I'm just a civilian janitor. So, with all of the federal governments attention being elsewhere and not on you the good citizen. You have time to plan, sell and move. Do not wait but be patient. Do not wait and do not associate with the criminal and bad element within your circles. Do not burn or destroy anything. Do not be mean, angry or hurtful in public. because, I sure would be. The USA will have a problem in the near future especially when the essential workforce returns home. The major corporations will in earnest begin to replace workers with AI Robots as their illegal alien workforce disappears. 
Your eventual possible legal return. The USA will eventually begin to import new workers into the USA. Especially, those who are skilled and know the English language. There will be fewer returning people as the mass of people who do return back home they will begin to be a blessing to their native countries. The governments will be forced to change and they already are changing for the better.
In the mean time within the USA. Living in the USA may get far more dangerous than living in your own homeland. As the threat of war by outside persons is very real. The use of nuclear weapons from within also appears to be plausible as the US Government is still continually searching for them or the threat of them as I write this. So returning your family back home appears to be the safest and best option as of right now. Use the cruise ships as a method of returning home. 
But, do not get caught by any American governmental agency. Once they have your bio-metrics and DNA. That can be used against you to prevent you actually returning or becoming a genuine American citizen.
Added on 02 Feb 2025:
Protests have begun. People from other nations waving their own national flags as they burn the American flag. These activities will not bode well for any people groups. You should not burn the American flag while at the same time enjoying life as an American when you are not an American. Most of you have been paid wonderfully to be here in America and some of you have used multiple names to gain even more government monies. You have bought new homes and new cars. While the average American will suffer under the monies in which you currently enjoy. I have written that you should leave as safely as possible. But, those who are protesting will make it very difficult for your eventual return in you can even come back. 
It is still very important to return home and become a blessing to your own people. It is still very important for you to return home and pursue changes in your own government which will benefit all of your own people. Then if your families decide they want to go to the USA then they can do it the right way. 
But, Prophetically speaking war is still in the cards for the USA. The kind of war where fighting is inside of the USA. The American people have not repented and the God whom they once worshiped will bring destruction upon them all as He has done to His beloved Israel many times before. So in order to keep your family safe. You need to leave. There is still some time but do not waste any time. Sell all that you have which cannot be taken to your own motherland. Send your wife and children ahead of you. Take care of your financial business and then go. Because, once the door to grace closes for the last time. It shall all be over. This is not just for the Latinos, Hispanics but also every other kind of people who can return back to their homeland. 
Added on 14 Feb 2025:
If you have been in a foreign land for decades receiving and enjoying all of their benefits and yet never wanted to become an official citizen of that nation. Then you are a contributor of the problems associated with outsiders. 
Long term citizen pretenders are always bad for any nation as they only take and never give anything back in return.
Permanent foreigners who never accept the customs of their host nation should have a time limit in their residency.
Any group of foreign nationals who protests your nation especially after receiving much generosity and acceptance should all be expelled as enemy non-combatants unless violence of any kind is involved then they should be considered enemy combatants.
If any group of foreign nationals reject your laws, morals and customs. Then that entire group must be deported and entirely rejected by law.
Once any group is expelled. The only way the expelled group can reenter even for a visit the entire group must show evidence in their daily lives of being similar to your own culture, customs and laws. 
This is the same for entry into Heaven you must entirely be as heaven and God wants you to be in order to attain entry. You also must believe in the Holy Son and live as He expected of you. 
You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven being the sinful person you are, fore you shall not pass through judgement as you are cast down into the abyss of tormenting heat and restriction.
If satan was cast out of Heaven for having the sin of pride then there is no possible way for any fallen and corrupted human to get into Heaven except by the cleansing blood of Jesus.
Added on 22 Feb 2025: 
The heart of the immigrant is always in their homeland. While their children will have a heart for their culture and ancestors.
The immigrants who have instilled hatred for the new land shall become a worrisome blight to those who invited them in with a good compassionate heart.
Immigrants who dream and aspire to become something they are not now. Shall become those bright lights in the new world they journey to. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.