Showing posts with label Thefts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thefts. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Never Fear Water: (Unedited): 05 May 2015:

The fear of embarrassing ridicule can cause a person to never begin.
Fear we think of as those negative feelings that tend to prevent us from doing most anything. Putting our hands on the stove or sticking our tongues onto frozen poles up north or swimming with alligators in Florida. These seem like very reasonable fears of self protection and of course there are many many more.
BUT, There are those other fears which seem to be pressed onto us from society and from our peers. Your peers may not have the best regards for you and may only see your mistakes or accidents as instant sources for their own amusement. This very rude and selfish behavior can easily be seen in those YouTube videos where people go out and have those embarrassing accidents or do those things which were not thought out very well. In which you can hear their own so called friends in the back ground laughing while taking video of the stupidity. Any friend not even a good friend would stop another friend from doing any physically harming thing on purpose. I guess today in this modern world there are few friends while there are many who only associate with others who bring amusement and entertainment.
This same kind of attitudes can also prevent a person from ever beginning a thing. Even if that thing could be their thing of future perfection within their own lives.
To be laughed at no matter what the reason or cause. Seems to be more than enough to cause those delicate souls from ever taking that first step towards a wonderful dream or goal which can be manifested. I see this as one of the greatest thefts and cruelties in modern society today.
I'm an INFJ. As an INFJ I'm not immune from ridicule from my peers as there are not many peers in my world or this world of 7.2 billion people. I'm not a very good writer and yet I still write. I would suppose if ridicule affected me to that degree of stopping I would have several thousand quotes ago. But, The message seems to be more important than proper writing style and you do have to really think about what you read from my uneducated writing style. Can you just get over how I do not use the word There, their or the other one incorrectly from time to time or is that most of the time. Because if you cant it's like staring at the finger and missing everything else. aha, Bruce Lee mix "Be water my friend".Yes copy and paste, go watch it.
Think about Bruce Lee. I do not know if he was an INFJ . But, he suffered ridicule and death threats from all of the Asian martial arts community. Yet, today his vision can be seen in the mixed martial arts which is very popular today. Except for the obvious absence of wisdom and understanding which has been associated with martial arts in their recent history. I guess that is a great sadness in martial arts. Where any person can achieve great skill and knowledge of any art and yet be so unaware of it's history, wisdom and understanding. This is emptiness or a cup with no water and you have an unquenchable thirst for something which seems to be that unknowing thing at the tip of your tongue.
We should all be like Bruce Lee and not like him at all. In other words be yourselves and be unyielding in your endeavors, even if you have not begun them yet or even have a clue as to what endeavor actually mean. Because , be water my friend.
This isn't about fighting and yet it is. Can you fight with yourself?  Can you fight the Bruce and Chuck which is within each of us at once? We all do and we all must. Those who do find there thing in life. Had to fight many internal battles to get to where they are today and we each must fight many more unknown battles just to see tomorrow.
The statistical and logical conclusion of my childhood dictates. I should be dead more than once, I should be homeless, I should be incarcerated, I should be forgotten. This is my reasonable truth. This is not showing off or up for comparison of bragging rights. I'm pretty sure I may not have been able to survive the life you have lived. This is just a proof that we all must fight our own fights from within and from the outer world. Just the pressure from the outer world can be enough to keep you within your own inner world and that may in fact be a crime. Because, you may be that one person who changes the whole of the world. Can you see how you could be that water flow of change. The avoidance of stagnancy should be within us all and become our outward expression in this life.
Added on 07 May 2015: This was republished by:
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Corporate Slaves: (Unedited): 12 July 2014:

do research expand and prove comments.

Any corporate entity which creates policies to control what employees do on their own free time. Thinks of those employees as corporate slaves and not free persons. 
Any corporation should not at any time create policies which effect any controls on what a person does on their own free time and with the income the employee has rightfully earned from the corporation. Yet, today in the USA corporations are creating policies which impede on a persons freedom to do as they will when off duty from the corporation.
Salvation army
The act of enslavement occurs when an employee with any corporation is unable to take any necessary for fear of not being able to obtain gainful employment once an offending corporate policy is put into place.
Within your corporation if you have employees who do not want to be there because of the hostile work environment created by the corporate officers. Your corporation has some serious problems. It will not matter what management is put into place or team building training programs created to build pride and unity within all departments within the corporation. Fundamental and possibly corporate management change needs to be affected. Especially, when the common employees have the us versus them mentality.
It is the corporate officers and the management teams who create the training and teaching methodologies who raise up a highly professional and qualified  work force. It is this employee who becomes passionate and compassionate about their place within the corporation. Those highly motivated employees will want to be there more than just physically present. When that happens all aspects of the red marker just dries up while the black marker becomes used up. Do you get that? Red is bad and black is good.
What do you get in and on the sales workforce environment when you have common employees who have become entrapped and enslaved by life. Sales and thefts become inversely proportionate plot lines on any graph. Which means sales falls and thefts rise. All of this will be the absolute fault of the corporate officers who effect corporate policies which hinder employee growth and foster distrust.
When these things are apparent within the entire corporation. It is the corporate officers who need to be replaced with a new corporate team who encompass the realities of effective management, apparent leadership and compassionate teachers. This means all of the old corporate officers fired and replaced. I write this not knowing if that is even possible or even probable. Especially, in this environment of corporate greed and corporate officers becoming demigods over the lesser beings.
How is it that the work environment becomes so completely hostile to the common employee. That virtually no corporate officer is even aware of their actions. Unless, it is a part of the new corporate standards of employment duration. Meaning since 2008, No corporate is willing to pay out benefits, pay raises or rising insurance fees. So, how the corporations combat this is by creating a hostile work environment in order to rid themselves of any long term employee. Which may mean any employee who is employed longer than 3-6 years as defined each individual corporate entity.
On the front side of hiring any new employee. The corporation can offer all of the wage promises, outstanding benefits and good insurance it wants to proclaim. All with a sliding scale. Which means no one really obtains anything until after 6 or so plus years of continuous employment. But, by that time the employees will just move on to other employment opportunities and thus there will be no increase in wages, benefits or rising insurance fees.
Take for instance medical, vision and dental insurance. The longer you are in a dental and vision insurance program the more benefits the employee receives. So, to prevent this. Corporations can re-negotiate all of their insurance programs at regular intervals. Thus, causing all employees to start back at zero days. The bottom line is corporate savings while offering less insurance values to every employee.
As a manager at any level or even a corporate officer. How is it that you want to have any employee who is only with your company or corporation only because of the insurance or they are waiting to retire? Or worse they are dead enders and don't really care to go else where because then they will actually have to work.

If you have any employees who are only their only as a physical body. Then you the corporate officers are doing something wrong. Especially, if you are a NON-PROFIT doing great works within the community. That alone should raise the excitement with all of your employees. People doing good works tend to feel good about what they are doing. But, That is unless of course you have re-created the nonprofit into a profit machine only for us (Corporate officers) and everyone knows it. But, no one can really prove it because of corporate secrets.   

A dead ender is someone who does not care about anything except for their breaks and socializing while doing as little as possible with questionable quality. A dead ender is someone who is not actually in promoting the company or corporation in any way. A dead ender is someone who already is satisfied with not ever receiving any promotions and is actually not doing anything to receive a promotion. The dead ender will actually ridicule the employer for bypassing their promotions to other employees. Thus, demoralizing your entire work force. The dead ender only speaks with a negative forked tongue. Ridiculing everything including your positive team building exercises.
Have you ever noticed how Some corporate officers or mangers who have become so self centered in what they are doing that when an employee leaves for better employment. They are clearly upset and insulted. Even if that employee is currently making substantially below a living wage.

The good corporate officers and managers should celebrate their low waged employees leaving for better opportunities. Especially, if those corporate officers work for a non-profit corporation like Goodwill or The Salvation Army. As a matter of fact these non-profits should even go a step further by offering interview skills, business suits for men and professional attire for women when those sizes come in from donations. They should also offer additional skills training in a variety of areas. Free of charge because when your employees are making a little more than the minimum wage and have families. those employees are unable to financially afford to pay for formal educational training.
Some of your employees may even be learning disabled or must endure other forms of disability. It is essentially important that these non-profits do not have a certain percentage low wage employees working for them more than a few years. While other employees will not be able to ever work in the real business world and should be maintained. Though continuously trained and managed in a nurturing environment. Free of corporate accusations and corporate policy creation based from a fearful heart. Such as forbidding any employee from purchasing any products within any store at any time, or on any donated product greater than three days on the shelf.

The reason why it is important for these non-profits to move employees through established in house training programs is to clear a path for new persons to come into the non-profits, thus continuing the cycle of helping people.
For the corporate officers. You must maintain that the sense that your fundamental duties is to lift people up and to empower them to greater horizons. Your areas of focus should not be how to obtain more corporate bonuses for yourselves. Yes, you should grow the non-profit corporation in your area in order to help more people.

This is a type of policy based on fear and accusation. These types of policies below is more slave and discriminatory in nature than anything else. Because a slave cannot be seen or heard from. Remember those signs for coloreds coming off of those WW2 ships pointing them away from the dock side celebrations? How about those separate  water fountains for coloreds and whites? Coloreds must get their food from the back door.

Forbidding any store employee from purchasing any product from your non-profit thrift store(s). Even while off duty and with the rightfully earned monies from your non-profit corporation.

Forbidding any store employee from purchasing any product from your non-profit store(s) that is less than 3 days out on the sale floor. Even while off duty and with their rightfully earned monies from your non-profit corporation. 

It doesn't matter your rationale for creating and ordering these kinds of policies. IT IS WRONG. To just outright accuse all of your employees of theft without any real evidence is wrong.  If your employees are stealing. You fire them and then hire new ones. If your Corporate human resource persons are always hiring thieves then fire that person first before you fire anyone else.
You don't hear about this from those Walmart slave associates. They get a store discount on many products. The same with any other discount store.
McDonald's slave staff can eat food from their restaurants. The same with any other fast food chain.


Here on page 11. the purchasing policy is mentioned but not listed. If the employee wants to know more about the purchasing policy. They must go through the Human Resources department to gain the information.  The purchasing policy is classified and Goodwill doesn't want anyone to know what it is who are outside of the corporation. If this is so innocent why is it keep from the public domain? Goodwill corporate officers know they are in the wrong in this matter and are protecting their primary customer at the expense of their low waged employees.
Added on 19 July 2014:
Are Nonprofits really going to fire their low waged employees for Attempting to purchase work clothes from their own stores. Such as shoes, shirts and pants. When those items have been donated for use by those individuals who are in genuine need of those donated items. Isn't that the primary reason why any person donates item into any nonprofit. So, that their items can and will be used by those needy persons who need them. How much more needy can you get than an employee who is making the Minimum wage plus a few percentage points. An employee who may or may not have eaten anything while at work. An employee with holes in their work pants or tape on their shoes.
Where has the mercy and compassion gone from these nonprofits? Especially, those nonprofits who were originated from Christian moral beliefs. Apparently those Christian beliefs are disappearing.

Guess who those very same nonprofits are favoring in the name of business? It is not their employees or even those who donate goods. There is an active deception being committed by some non profits.

Would you be surprised if I revealed this information. You probably already know who the non profits favorite customer is? Do you know just how offensive and profitable these people are to these non-profits?
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

I do want more sourced information from nonprofits policy hand books. Please leave in the comment box. Thank You.  

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Grocery Stores Vision: (Unedited): 04 Nov 2013

While those who are standing in their perspective lines buying their groceries as is typical with any other day or night. Suddenly a mean/angry looking person rushes in and grabs a cart. He is obvious to everyone. He goes in his chosen direction towards the produce area and disappears. Then a minute later another man comes rushing into the store and does as the one before him. The others who come after are not so determined but with a hastened purpose. Quickly they begin to come into the store. The first man rushes out with a cart full of food. Without paying or even concealing his actions. End of vision. C.J.MacKechnie
Vision Observations
 It was evident in the vision that those who were rushing into the store, knew something that the other people did not. There may have been some kind of immediate event. In which those persons who are in the knowing. Knows that there is only 3 days of food on the grocery store shelves during normal operation. So, they took advantage of the situation for what ever reason was in their minds. Whether it be survival, greed or both.

These knowing people also, know that the bad people will begin to exert their local control over those who they deem weak. The government says this time begins at about 100 hours. The government predicts that is when the bad people realize there is no law enforcement available.  This will probably not be true. As the local, county, state and federal government law enforcement have been rushed to any place where gun violence has been. This is by simple observation. There will be minimal law enforcement protection amongst a near helpless community of innocent people.

This vision took place last night at the Winn Dixie store in New Port Richey, Fl. on Hwy 54./ Madison ave. 
I was with my son buying distilled water when the vision began. The vision ends as we are headed towards the left entrance/exit automated door. Which is the door I saw the people enter.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Latino Exodus Prophecy +16: (Unedited): 19 Sept 2012:

Before and During the demise of the USA. The Latino population within the United States of American will migrate back to their Country of origin. This will be a great blessing and a great boon for those countries when their families return home. But, The short sighted leaders of those Countries will not see it as such. They will see the exodus of their own peoples as a people flood which brings a disaster. In the short term this may be true. But, The disaster of the people flood is and may become a disaster if the leaders do not mitigate and manage their returning people with welcoming acceptance. If the leaders of the Latino Countries do not do as suggested and have plans already made. Then this is what will happen. The Rio Grande will flow greatly with blood and suffering. There will be mass chaos. There will be murder, rape and thefts. GOD Almighty will watch you leaders of Mexico and all of those nations southward. Woes will befall you all. The returning of your families is a gift and a blessing from GOD who is and has protected HIS faithful. While they resided in the USA.
The material belongings in which the Latino American brings with them during their exodus is not the gift of wealth. The gift of wealth they bring back home is in their education, Skill and professionalism. While the American money which crosses your border will dry up. Preventing your people from returning will not continue the flow of money. It is going to stop. As is the secret corrupted monies you make from the drug trade. It will all stop. Your greatest assets will return home. So celebrate their return and plan for your new future. A renewed Country.
Latino Countries which have large sums of American Cash. Should use it now to buy metals and other resources. Build infrastructure.
Ba Ha California Peninsula shall not be a safe place to reside, migrate or invest in.
Those Latinos who still live in the USA must send their material assets to their home Country. Before the USA Final demise begins. It may also be a good idea to pre purchase open ended airplane tickets for you and your families. With no expiration dates. Whether this works or not who knows. Make arrangements with your Countries Consulates of your future plans. So as to guarantee and ease the transition.
As I write this. I still see a great disaster unfolding all along the Mexican American Borders. As with any man created prophecy it all can be prevented, mitigated and managed. Just as was with the Pharaoh and Joseph.
I have written about this before on ink and paper. Just not able to find it. So, I will assume there is no ink and no copies.
19 Nov 2012: Found it. Original Date of vision: 17 Jan 2006:
From the North a mass exodus. millions upon millions return to their original home.
Mexico, Central America will experience a boom. Not from the short term wealth but from the knowledge and experienced that they learned from the United States.
 When they try to migrate back home they will have to defend themselves. Those who have not prepared will die, will lose their things, will be raped. Most will survive despite their plight back home.
The Government of Mexico will pay for it's part in allowing invading forces across it's northern border. Mexico City. End of original content.
19 Nov 2012: Found other Latino content. Dated 17 Jan 2006:
Hispanic forces invade the United States:
Into California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
Most of Florida falls to Hispanic Cuban Forces and is held.
Texas defeats them completely. There is little mercy. Deep into Mexico the Texas Forces go.
Hundreds of Islamic Terrorists attacks daily.
China forces invade the west.
Russia Invades Alaska.
France, unknown, They play a real part.
European allies forget.
United Nations Hands Tied.
No Hope for the United States. The United States has no  GOD.
The entire Christian/Catholic Church falls or sinks.
End of content.
19 Nov 2012: Found Canada Content: 17 Jan 2006:
The United States falls to terrorism, economic failure and a military onslaught from numerous enemies.
Russia Takes Alaska and threatens the Yukon and British Columbia. The oil and minerals.
China takes part/most of California, Oregon, Washington.
China Threatens British Columbia.
Canada will attempt to protect and possess strategic assets with in the United states. Intense battles. Dakotas, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado.
A United States exodus into Canada. from the Northern states. Canada will feel a security need to protect numerous states. The border states.
Canada will be overwhelmed and may just give up and surrender. Canada as a whole has become cowards and selfish. their unknown Canadian Heroes may save them all.
France deceives Canada. Canada lets themselves to be deceived. End of Content.
Today, I see changes in what I've written in 2006.
Canada closes their borders to the USA population.
Canada accepts only military assets and probably not the personnel. To much bad media. especially, if they are Christian.
The Canadian Military actions is for the safe removal of their own citizens.
Canada will experience their own Tet offensive by their own Islamic citizens. It will be greatly successful. Thousands of unarmed Canadian civilians will be murdered. Men, Women and children.
The Yukon and British Columbia may not be defended. Those citizens will be left to their own survival skills.
Prophecy is and can be an evolutionary movement. when a real and true revelation is known or assumed. Change in the original prophecy can and does occur. Especially if it is undesirable. Especially, if a personal prophecy is wonderful and full of positive potential. Then the young person can develop a logical plan and pursue it.
From 2006 til now. I see some changes in the words I've written.
Hundreds of Islamic terrorist attacks daily is probably in the high thousands.
China forces may only secure their newly gained assets of California, Oregon and Washington State. A standing military force of 1 million men in each of the states. I see China assuming control of Mexico controlled Ba-ha California.
France is a nothing in my mind right now.
Only a remnant of the Christian/Catholic church will survive and this will be by the protective hand of GOD.
United Nations is secretly involved while appearing they are helpless. They hope to control all of the former USA military might. All of it. The soon to be former American politicians will put into place those officers who will follow their plan to surrender their asset to the United nations.
Texas. Not sure how this will work. From incredible chaos of everyone being shot at into a unified military force under a Texas flag. They will go through to Mexico City and burn it. Texas will have their Sherman. No prisoners. The whole of the Mexican military and Government will be purified of all corruption. All Latino civilians need to appear with zero weapons or warfare upon their faces. The rise from the ashes is a new Mexico government friend to Texas.

FROM: Triplicate Exodus: 27 Nov 2011: Note from Facebook and deleted:
Over the last 5yrs or so. Ive had visions of a panicked Latino exodus back south into Mexico. Horrific outcome. All sorts of evil along the border crosser. I still do not know the reason. There will also be an economic exodus from California, Oregon, and Washington states down into the western coast of Mexico. This will entail Latinos with management history in logistics. Time frame 5-15 yrs. Then there will also b another exodus of Christians. This 1 will only be known by each individual christian. They will be the remnant who is 2b saved. So, if you r a Christian who obeys the 10 commandments out of love. Then you may b1 of the chosen. Just b prepared 2 leave with nothing. Then u must go when it is time. Any delay any looking back and u will perish. That is from my walk today. Define remnant? The word remnant has always been strong when associated with Christianity in my visions. The word Christian can be substituted with a holy person. Which is not the same as a religious person. C.J.MacKechnie.
Added content on 14 May 2016:
It has been many years since I have written this. But, conversations with my devout Christian Puerto Rican friend has brought new insights. Puerto Rico is in itself gonna suffer and is now. This may be the place or one of the places of the great return of the giants. The Nephilim and Rephaim shall return and populate the Earth as they had once done. They do have a taste for all meat including human flesh.
This is not why I write today. The power base of Mexico and all other countries south. Shall see a change in the dynamics of power. To a such a degree that when the US dollar becomes worthless than toilet paper. Those with all of the drug wealth shall instantly lose all of their power. To the degree that there will not be a market for their drugs. In that time their very well paid armies and men. Shall not have money to be paid. As is with any mercenary types of people. They go where the money is. In that very short period of time. When the realization of no more money is coming. The war within shall begin. The hate of them and the love of their money shall end in bloodshed.
There shall also be blood shed against those evil corporate American food sellers who come with their own armed men. For they to shall die when they return.
The evil which has divided and has caused Mexico to become a non nation. Mexico is a place divided up among the drug lords. A very short time period will come when you Mexican leaders from the local towns all the way up to the highest of levels. Will need to act decisively and with great swiftness in order to make your country whole again. Can you imagine a wholly maintained Mexico? I can. But, all of the leaders of Mexico must repent of their sins and guarantee the safety of their brothers and sisters who shall return home one day. You must enable and guarantee safe transit of those people who will go further south. For in these people are the future of a great Mexico which has never been seen before. They will have skill sets which will be desperately needed for a renewed Mexico, A whole Mexico. But, all of you will pay in blood. This is the cost for your life of bribery with drug money. Can you leaders of Mexico see for the genuine needs of your people. To have a life without threats or fears from drug organizations which suck the life out of every one. Allow the honor of Being Mexican be your last order to save your country from drug lord enslavement. Even in your own death you may be remembered because of your last good thing. Even though your entire life has been one of complete corruption.
The power of the American dollar shall end in some manor and on a single day. If it is on a Friday. Know that by Monday only brave Mexicans will stand. Every Mexican who sees any person with a weapon against them. Must cause that evil anti-Mexican persons blood to be cleansed by the ground they walk upon. All Mexicans must prepare the way for the safe return of their northern families. You should honor the return of your families. You should honor and respect those things in which they send to you. You should be responsible. For these things that they send home. It is a gift from God and his mercy for you in the tough times to come. For the things are only the beginning of blessings. The real important blessings is when your family becomes whole again. Pray always. Repent Now.
In the mean time. All Latino and Hispanic persons in the USA need to also prepare their own way to return home. By sending tools, equipment, vehicles and supplies to their family members in Mexico and southward. For the return back home shall be very difficult and many sufferings shall be felt. You will leave the USA as it will not be a safe place. More than a hundred million Americans shall perish. I tell you the truth it shall be more bearable for you to walk through Sodom and Gomorrah as it is being destroyed than it will be for you to return home as America is being destroyed. Pray always. Repent now.
Added on 30 Nov 2024: 
The USA now has a President Elect Donald Trump. We all know what has been said about the illegal immigrants in this country. I do not know how much mercy and compassion will be expressed. Those souls who were invited and then paid allot of money every month. More than many of these illegals remain close to county and state lines with multiple identities. Thus, receiving double and in one case that I have known of have 4 different names and have received monies and benefits for all of those names. So what will happen when even though you and your family have been here for more than 20 years and become proven that you have stolen much. You own homes and businesses. You even own the home in which the government is paying for your section 8 housing. So what will happen to all of you?
For the criminally minded who have done nothing but taken advantage of it all. You may need to plan to go back to your home country.
I'm writing this conflicted. Because, I do want you criminally minded people to go to prison.
But, also at the same time. I do not want anyone to be harmed. 
I also, know that those who were imprisoned in their own homeland and then released into the USA. You will have no choices or options. I have already seen that more than many of you will act out violently and you will die in the streets of a foreign land.
For those who have only wanted freedom, liberty and opportunities. Sell your homes and properties. Buy into Crypto as a means to transfer your monies safely and quickly. Hire and pay people whom you can trust to transport your goods back to your native homeland. Then find a cruise ship which makes port closest to your country and town. Then enjoy your trip home. 
I have written here and in other places. That you should have been paying family members to expand their properties and homes. Modernizing their homes and properties. While at the same time expanding any farming activities. Just do not become part of the masses who will be brutalized and killed on the trip back to your homelands.
You must put your homes and businesses up for sale right now. Then make final sales prior to the swearing in of president Trump. Then simply disappear. Do not become one of the angry. If you become one of the angry and violent you will financially lose everything that you have worked for. You may even destroy your entire family in the process. It is not worth it. Become a blessing to your homeland with your return. All of the skill sets you have learned will become a blessing to everyone in your nation. 
This is why. Pay attention. Very important. President Trump may in fact be only a reprieve for the Americans before God intercedes against the whole of the USA. Any reprieve from God without any genuine repentance will mean that the USA will end up just like Sodom, Gomorrah and Nineveh. Yea, even though Nineveh was saved, God still destroyed them. So to shall become the USA if no repentance is seen and accepted by God alone. So far there is no wide spread evidence of any kind of repentance inside of the USA. Do not be here, you good people. Listen to the urging of the Holy Spirit. Have enough wisdom if you are blind and deaf to the Spirit but see your own children expressing a desire to move or even your wife. Be wise and listen and then do.
Great suffering will come to all Americans and all people who remain within the USA. It shall rain suffering, misery and death both on the just and unjust.
Both the just and unjust shall each receive their reward. The just shall live and the unjust shall be tormented forever in hell. 
More than many of those who delusionally believed they are of the just. Shall hear those words from God That He never knew you. 
What shall come to the USA shall be a series of Biblical disasters, violence and invasions. Just how Israel lost their homeland for so long so to shall happen to what will be the end of the USA.
Terrible thing's shall come for all of the people who are in America. Fore only individual repentance by each person shall lead to a revival for the entire nation. Thus saving it all for a time until the later generations forget once again.
Added on 30 Nov 2024: The weaponization of every Federal agency against everyone who is against the ruling class in the Democrat party are those people who used all of the Latino peoples as well as every other culture as economic weapons against the American people. Do not blame the American people for they all were deceived. Blame the politicians who brought you here and then used you as a weapon. These will also be the same politicians who will care nothing for you when you are forced out of this country. Think about it. It was the Democrats who caused the continued suffering and death to the people in Hawaii and in North Carolina to this day. 
Just as you find out that all of the monies that you have received was misappropriated from other Federal agencies. Will you continue to take those monies knowing that people are suffering and dying because you took the money? Your lives will change when President Trump takes office assuming he is not murdered before then. Now it is no longer about Donald Trump it is about his entire team who now must be killed in order for the traitorous wicked evildoers to continue to hold offices and not become incarcerated criminals.
Added on 24 Dec 2024: Mercy and compassion. Not only about the Latinos.
Even though the wicked evil doers invited them all into the nation. You need to realize they were invited guests used as a tool or a weapon against the American people. They knew none of this. While some other people groups who also were invited in are full of vile hatred against all of you. For many of them they patiently wait and thirst for the day when they can kill you all with great joy.
Hopefully, there will be a time frame of when the forced returns occur. Hopefully, each of you who are not supposed to be here and yet were invite fin a positive manner to reconcile this with a good heart. 
The bottom line is this. The government invited you in without telling or asking the American people if this is a good thing. The current American government is weaponizing you against the American people. There are non violent and non harsh solutions. 
For those who have bought lands and homes inside of the USA. It is best to sell those assets and to migrate back to your ancestral homes before being forced to leave. It is better to leave as a single family unit than it is to be separated and divided when either of you are caught. It is best that you take with you all of the American wealth gained instead of forfeiting it all. It is best to send home what you can ahead of your travel plans than to take it all with you in your journey back home. You must begin these plans right now. Those of you who read my content. Must begin to communicate with those fully. You must spread the word in order to save lives and minimize disruptions to good family units. 
If the new President elect Trump has his way the revolving door of those who are deported and return to the USA will be stopped. I do fear that President elect Trump may also weaponize your forced returns without much mercy or compassion. 
What is worse is the wicked evildoers are still inviting and importing as many foreign nationals as they can and forcing all of them to become weaponized fodder even if not knowing that is what they are. So do not become weaponized. Remain the good hard working people that you are. Each of you have learned much and it is in that knowledge and skill sets which will become a gift to your homeland. Keep your good heart and keep your family together. Make your plans to return now. Sell everything and transfer those monies/crypto to your homeland. Figure out how to send your equipment, vehicles and tools home as soon as you can. My intentions in these dated writings is to ease any and all sufferings. 
Added on 20 Jan 2025: President Trump is now in office. 
Mr. President, Please exercise mercy and compassion wherever you can in regards to the illegals. Please know and understand that they were invited in, they were escorted, given transportation and much monies. But, what matters most is that the wicked evildoers who now surround you have used them as tools for publicly undetermined purposes. Please have mercy and compassion on each one especially when you know their numbers exceed 50 million. 
While on the other hand those who are determined to be general criminals, enemies of the state, enemy combatants, enemy forces, terrorists or whoever promotes that all of their people are soldiers and warriors. Even if they have been here for 50 years. Even if they are American nationals. In them show no mercy or compassion. Those ex-pats who have left and are leaving because of their irrational immature hatreds, revoke their citizenship. Take DNA samples, bio-metric data and then permanently ban them all.
Then those who have been entrusted with power and authority by the American civilian population have have turned that honored service into a selfish criminal network to enrich themselves. I hope the full power of the law will be used against them, the taking of all of their wealth which is stashed in other countries seized. You should also include the permanent revocation of their citizenship even if that includes their entire family. 
For you foreign nations who have been invited to come, who have remained innocent, good citizens and who have not cheated the system with multiple identities. The winds have changed and everything has stopped or will stop for your benefit. So I urge you with as much mercy and compassion as I can ask you to calmly and peacefully leave as soon as you can in order to save your entire family from any unnecessary hardships or permanent records. Sell everything you have right now. Get on a cruise ship or a plane and return home as safely as you can.
It is really important that you leave very soon as the fires which began in California may spread throughout the USA. Millions of homes, lands and properties may burn down. Military warfare may begin inside of the USA. So sell what you can and safely leave. Hopefully, many and much of what the wicked evildoers desire will only be averted. 
You good citizens who do return back home unannounced. You shall be a economic blessing to your home country. So be the blessing that your country needs no.
I have seen you. I have seen how you have continued to send your American monies back home. I have seen how you have not dishonored your family with bad and criminal actions. You must see that the time is now for you and your family to return back. So go. Then when and if the American house cleaning is complete then is when you can decide to return or not. Again I say become a blessing to your own people as you have kept your faith in the Lord.
Added on 31 Jan 2025: Math and patience. Be nice:
Doing the math as only the worst of the illegals are being sought out. There are about or more than 50 million illegals inside of the USA. It is clear that the newly elected government considers all of you as criminals. So my words have not changed in how you should return back home. Besides if you are being a good citizen and not taking any advantage of the system. Then you may not be discovered for a very long time except when you get pulled over for some issue with your cars or an accident. Most of you are using false identifications and false Social Security Numbers and it is only a matter of time before the federal government begins to investigate people like me whose Social Security numbers are beings used all over the USA. This will be one method on how the federal government will find each of you. Regardless, if you have been inside of the USA for many decades. So, now is your time to sell all of your assets and return home before you are discovered. Once discovered, you will be arrested and then returned home. You will be identified by a variety of methods in which your ability to return back to the USA legally may be greatly diminished if not impossible. So make your reasonable plans to return home now.  To insure you and your families safety do as best as you can to follow my words. Even my suggestions will only have a window of opportunity.
Here is the math. The federal government has no idea how many illegals were invited in and escorted all over the USA. It is obvious that the Federal Government is going after the criminal and bad person element first. It seems they are only gathering intelligence in regards of the actual enemy combatants inside of the USA. The enemy combatant numbers are in the millions. So the federal government must tread lightly. It also appears that there is at least one nuclear weapon in play maybe three. Since all aspects of NBC is classified do not trust these words as I'm just a civilian janitor. So, with all of the federal governments attention being elsewhere and not on you the good citizen. You have time to plan, sell and move. Do not wait but be patient. Do not wait and do not associate with the criminal and bad element within your circles. Do not burn or destroy anything. Do not be mean, angry or hurtful in public. because, I sure would be. The USA will have a problem in the near future especially when the essential workforce returns home. The major corporations will in earnest begin to replace workers with AI Robots as their illegal alien workforce disappears. 
Your eventual possible legal return. The USA will eventually begin to import new workers into the USA. Especially, those who are skilled and know the English language. There will be fewer returning people as the mass of people who do return back home they will begin to be a blessing to their native countries. The governments will be forced to change and they already are changing for the better.
In the mean time within the USA. Living in the USA may get far more dangerous than living in your own homeland. As the threat of war by outside persons is very real. The use of nuclear weapons from within also appears to be plausible as the US Government is still continually searching for them or the threat of them as I write this. So returning your family back home appears to be the safest and best option as of right now. Use the cruise ships as a method of returning home. 
But, do not get caught by any American governmental agency. Once they have your bio-metrics and DNA. That can be used against you to prevent you actually returning or becoming a genuine American citizen.
Added on 02 Feb 2025:
Protests have begun. People from other nations waving their own national flags as they burn the American flag. These activities will not bode well for any people groups. You should not burn the American flag while at the same time enjoying life as an American when you are not an American. Most of you have been paid wonderfully to be here in America and some of you have used multiple names to gain even more government monies. You have bought new homes and new cars. While the average American will suffer under the monies in which you currently enjoy. I have written that you should leave as safely as possible. But, those who are protesting will make it very difficult for your eventual return in you can even come back. 
It is still very important to return home and become a blessing to your own people. It is still very important for you to return home and pursue changes in your own government which will benefit all of your own people. Then if your families decide they want to go to the USA then they can do it the right way. 
But, Prophetically speaking war is still in the cards for the USA. The kind of war where fighting is inside of the USA. The American people have not repented and the God whom they once worshiped will bring destruction upon them all as He has done to His beloved Israel many times before. So in order to keep your family safe. You need to leave. There is still some time but do not waste any time. Sell all that you have which cannot be taken to your own motherland. Send your wife and children ahead of you. Take care of your financial business and then go. Because, once the door to grace closes for the last time. It shall all be over. This is not just for the Latinos, Hispanics but also every other kind of people who can return back to their homeland. 
Added on 14 Feb 2025:
If you have been in a foreign land for decades receiving and enjoying all of their benefits and yet never wanted to become an official citizen of that nation. Then you are a contributor of the problems associated with outsiders. 
Long term citizen pretenders are always bad for any nation as they only take and never give anything back in return.
Permanent foreigners who never accept the customs of their host nation should have a time limit in their residency.
Any group of foreign nationals who protests your nation especially after receiving much generosity and acceptance should all be expelled as enemy non-combatants unless violence of any kind is involved then they should be considered enemy combatants.
If any group of foreign nationals reject your laws, morals and customs. Then that entire group must be deported and entirely rejected by law.
Once any group is expelled. The only way the expelled group can reenter even for a visit the entire group must show evidence in their daily lives of being similar to your own culture, customs and laws. 
This is the same for entry into Heaven you must entirely be as heaven and God wants you to be in order to attain entry. You also must believe in the Holy Son and live as He expected of you. 
You cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven being the sinful person you are, fore you shall not pass through judgement as you are cast down into the abyss of tormenting heat and restriction.
If satan was cast out of Heaven for having the sin of pride then there is no possible way for any fallen and corrupted human to get into Heaven except by the cleansing blood of Jesus.
Added on 22 Feb 2025: 
The heart of the immigrant is always in their homeland. While their children will have a heart for their culture and ancestors.
The immigrants who have instilled hatred for the new land shall become a worrisome blight to those who invited them in with a good compassionate heart.
Immigrants who dream and aspire to become something they are not now. Shall become those bright lights in the new world they journey to. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.