Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blood. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Came Close Yet Again?: (Unedited): 03 March 2023:

Many weeks ago. I came close to dying yet again. I lost a lot of blood and was not aware. Though I knew something was odd. I did not have a transfusion either. Which probably should have happened as the blood cells apparently appeared to be young. I did not know that blood cells can be young or old. This time was different though. Where as before when this body nearly died. I forgot how to read but, started writing and then once I wrote what I wrote. I suddenly forget I wrote anything at all. So if your a reader now you know that everything that I read of what I've written is as new or alien to me as the first time you read anything I write. Actually, I can only remember one quote and it is my first quote in which is interesting to see how that one quote has spread as an unauthorized quote.
"Be your own hero and save yourself" 
Written sometime in 2004. After the near death blood clot event.
This time there apparently is not anything interesting that ended or has begun. Except that my ability to have a lot of static electricity is building back up. My sheets light up at night when I move around with an interesting pale green color. When I had my EKG, their equipment did not work very reliability in which they showed a different kind of concern. Which is what happens when people get spooked. But, the O2 finger pulse device worked fine. Odd. But, that is me and why I do not have any technology on my body and use only corded computer devices. I just got tired of buying expensive stuff just so that this body would eventually burn them out. I do have a history with energies(deleted TMI).
The doctors say there is about a 120 day recovery. I guess it takes that long to make new blood. My blood was a 7.9 two weeks after the losing blood event. If you know the relationships then you know more than me. I probably was not that close to dying but it felt like it. The peace and calm of physically stopping. I remember the blood poisoning moment when everything was just slowing down. The calm which came rushing in was welcomed and then the ER nurse said welcome back. I did have an NDE on that one. I did get the lecture from the doc as she asked why I did not go to the hospital and I said your nurses asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I said no, and that at no time did they say to take my carcass to the hospital. I said key word "ASKED!". Then I said I was a little annoyed when your nurse did not use a stethoscope on me since I have a history of (deleted TMI). 
So now I get exhausted very easily but am improving slowly. 
So what happens now? Maybe I get to go to my daughters wedding in less than two months. I will be very happy at that. I know I will cry and feel the tears building already. I love my daughter so very much and am very excited for her future with her husband.
NDE deleted... memory and them.
So I guess you can say I have a history of not dying. Which goes all the way back to infancy and childhood. Yea, I should have died as an infant. Yea, I should have died as a child many times. And etc. 
So I wonder what else I will write that you will remember?

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Distractions Deceptions Delusions: (Unedited): 05-06 Jan 2019:

We are surrounded by worldly distractions, demonic deceptions and Godly Delusions. Yet only one is a gift for the children of God.
Those professing Christians who are under the strong delusion of God. They will not know nor will they even be aware that those things in which they believe or are teaching is a sin. They will even rebuke and deny their accuser and relate the accuser as the devil. For the real Children of God will hear and be obedient to the directives from the Holy Spirit. This is when they will either disappear or become a conduit of miracles. In which the pastors, preachers and theologians of sin will downplay and direct all miracles as is through them or from them.
Whether it be a sin of omission or insertion. For if they speak of sins from those places of Holiness. They will answer for each and everyone more worse than what Moses answered for. For every person they lead away with their sin tolerance and accepting of sins. They will answer for every lost soul. Just as Sodom and Gomorrah are lost in the stench of fiery sulfur.
Omissions, insertions and additions of sins from the Holy places. for once saved always saved may not be what you think it is. Because how can you explain Adam and Eve they were once saved. How can you explain satan and the rest of the fallen angels for they all were once saved. How can you explain Lot's wife. For she was saved and then she wasn't. How do you explain Israel being saved from Egypt. For they were all saved and then they all died in the desert but a couple of people. Even Moses was not allowed into the promised land for his sin. How many times was Israel disciplined for their many repeated sins? and yet they remained the favorite of God.
Heavens Free Ticket: (Unedited) : 05 Jan 2019:
Yet, most Christians think that once saved, always saved is their personal free ticket into Heaven as they continue to sin daily, take advantage of people and live like they are just like the condemned. When you live like a condemned sinner then your are the condemned sinner. It does not matter what is expressed by your mouth or how you have been a leader in the denomination or the church for your entire adult life.
Real Godly Children: (Unedited): 06 Jan 2019:
For those who are clean, holy and righteous will be the ones who will be able to know the deceptions, distractions and delusions which comes for all people. These true and real children of God may not be who you think they are supposed to be.
So who are they and where are they? How will people know them or become them? To become one? You must be clean from the blood. Clean of mind, body, heart and spirit.You must reject all sins. You must flee from all sins. You must pursue righteousness and holiness. In which only God recognizes and accepts only. All without pride, ego, supremacy, arrogance or entitlements. All of this must be founded in Love. You will have time to pray and meditate much. You will have time to consume the Holy Bible as a person who is in love, who is passionately hungry. You will be obedient to the will and commands of God. Not because you have but because you love to and want to and yes you know you have to.
Bible verses are absent on purpose. It is up to you to do your Due Diligence in the Holy Bible.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Dusk In The Great Land: +4: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:

Dusk in the Great Land: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
The dusk shall come to extinguish the light from your great torch. The excessive innocent blood and purposeful sins of the of the people must be judged. The whole of the land shall be judged and all who are within. The sufferings and martyrdoms of MY saints is not a judgement. For through their sufferings and murders the evil shall be revealed in the light for all to witness.
Possessions Prophecy: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Just as the church has had their exorcisms so to shall come mystical enchantments for spiritual/demonic possessions. Just as the power of the Holy Spirit can cause the masses to repent in an audience. Once the Holy Spirit ceases to protect the people and the land. Then shall mass reverse exorcisms/possessions occur in the audience of worldly concerts, parades, protests and other places of mass gatherings. Turning those events into spontaneous melees, mass suicides, all manner of public sins and worse.
Demonic Doorways: (Unedited): 15 Dec 2018:
Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use are gateways to stronger drugs but they are also open doorways to demonic possessions.

Added on 02 Oct 2023:
Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana are not as much gateway drugs as they are fully open doorways allowing demons and beings of any kind unfettered access to the physical body.  

Yes, this does include all mind altering legal medications prescribed by any professional medical person. Also be warned that those who are in a hospice care managed environment. They too shall become possessed and instantly healed by that which possesses the person. These will be deemed as miracles. In which they are miracles but not by those which is from the Righteous God of all.
For those who are not actual Christians but profess to be especially pastors, preachers, theologians, ministers, clergy and anyone else in church leadership. Once the Holy Spirit departs from its responsibility. Each of you will also endure possessions and from those demonic possessions you will do awful sinful things in which you will always remember. When and if the demon or demons jump into other available human bodies. But, once your in Jail and their demonic fun concludes. The demons will jump and jump and jump into as many host humans as possible. Almost always ending in some form of tragedy.
This is when you will know the true reality of Jesus Christ, God and of the angels. You will believe then. But, in this coming time. The door may very well be locked for any renewed repentance. But, God will do as God will do. God does not need your/my approval, acceptance or permission to do or not to do anything. Pray for mercy upon your soul. A last ditch effort to save your own skin/hide or you can become a willing do gooder unto your end. However that may be.
Night almost sleep vision. I saw a typical American protest. Suddenly the mass of people become possessed by a dark wave as perceived by me in the dream and not noticed by anyone else. The police already had their police line established. Ambulance workers were ready and standing by. The dark wave overtook everyone. Some were not affected or evening knowing. Many became possessed and few were not of the protestors. A few of the police were possessed and many were not. Insanity and immediate violence began. The possessed of the protestors knew who were not and attacked them who were with them. The police who have become possessed began shooting those who were not. Complete chaos ensued. The point of these new possession is to cause as much pain, suffering and death as possible. Then when the demonic possession cannot do its own will. The demon or demons will jump to a new open or damaged human host by their own will.
Added on 16 Dec 2018: The celebration of possession. In the great sports games where demonic shows are done during half time. The mass of people who attend and maybe even those who watch digitally will become possessed. Not all but a great many. There will be a hierarchy in all possessions. From those who are the most important in life to the least important in life.  In these the newly possessed will enjoy the show and the sporting event and then return to their home and begin all manner of spiritual, physical and psychological terrorism.
The worship of Possession. In Mega churches all over the world. Those churches which are absent any pure fundamental teachings of sin, cleanliness, righteousness and holiness. Members of those churches will be worshiping the god of this earth and thus will receive false miracles for their worship. They will receive false powers from their possession(s). They will think themselves to be blessed and favored. They will know that they are powerful. They will make false miraculous actions as they see it and will it. They will bring attention to themselves and profess that god has given them the false power and phony authority. In their words you will hear an absence to the God of the Holy Bible. They will not offer lessons or wisdom. You will see them and their power. You will begin to believe in them and forget about God. The more you are in their presence. The less you will pray and the less you will hunger and thirst for the Holy Bible. They will demand your attention. These are keys.
Added on 17 Dec 2018:
Secret Sins Possesses You: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2018:
Your secret sins shall be all of the evidence the demonic spirits need to possess you. Your cries and prayers will be unheard as the protection of the Holy Spirit is turned away.
Earth Reborn: (Unedited): 24 Dec 2018:
There are many ways a new Earth can be reborn. One way is when all of humanity upon the Earth begin to live as they were becoming holy and righteous.
Prophecy tells us the Heavens will roll away like a scroll and the Earth purified by fire. We know one of the Heavens is the sky or atmosphere. With an absences of atmosphere to any high percentage. The oceans will boil away. Being able to breathe will be very very difficult if not impossible. The earth may in fact be completely reverted back to a liquid molten ball of fire. Thus, erasing all evidence that any form of life had ever existed on Earth. The extreme bad and sad prophecies are to teach us this is what will happen if we or all of humanity does not cease in our collective sins. We will become extinct. Except those save by God through His own decision and not by any understanding by any man. It does not matter what you or I believe. If you have not nor have you ever changed from your evil ways. Then you are not one of His. If you continue to sin and still plan to sin and look forward to some real sinning fun or await for the next opportunity of some privacy to conduct some secret sin. Then you are not one of His. It does not matter how many decades you have been in the church. It does not matter how many big checks you cut for the Church. If your a person of sin. Then you will die the second death. It doesn't matter if you have led an entire denomination or have led many churches. It does not matter if your the Pope. This is especially if your the Pope. For even the Pope will be harshly judged and suffer hell fire for his deeds, his actions, his inactions, his apathy, his failed leadership, his deception and delusion of following the wrong god/gods. For the Pope may/will even become a sacrifice upon his own altar along with the entire catholic Church leadership. Their blood will flow in Vatican City.
All of the Biblical prophecies can be avoided and prevented. All we all have to collectively do is to become a Christian. Flee and reject all sins. Pursue and become holy and righteous as which can only be seen by God only. Then the purple words below.

Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, December 29, 2017

National Anthem: Freedom Fades: (Edited): 29 Dec 2017:

When you're dressed in the blood of your brothers/sisters and enemies, then the National Anthem will become truly important to you.
Freedom Fades: (Edited): 28 Dec 2017:
What is the importance of property and wealth when it fades away with your freedoms?
Remember Family Relationships: (Edited): 28 Dec 2017:
You will begin to remember that your true wealth and prosperity is not in things and dirt. It is in the real relationships and with those who are your family. 
Out of nowhere have I written this. Does that mean the USA is close to war? The civilian population is helpless, fat and apathetic. As of today, I think war is coming. If an EMP device(s) is detonated, we will all see just how close to the government math is when and if up to 90% of the American population dies in the first year.
You're a target as well, Europe. Because when the USA is neutralized, who will protect you? When Russia's complete reach of their layered Air Defense network goes deeply into western Europe, your civilians may not even be aware of Russia as you struggle to survive without anything. Your Pope will glorify in his new found power before he is killed upon his own altar by those snakes whom he negotiated with. Everyone knows they are all snakes.
Flags of death have become popular. Do you not wear blacks and grays to funerals after someone has died? Is this a symbolic indication that the belief of the American way of life has died? If not, what have you done, or how many have you harmed, cheated or stolen from? Especially on Monday, the day after you went to church as you always do. When you harm another American in any way you are the walking death of America.
Image result for Free flag imagesImage result for Free flag images
Here is a flag of sin which leads to a flag of sinful death. The Christians through their own sinful acceptance and tolerance of this falsehood shall only see the end of what has been given to them. When you allow sin to be openly celebrated and absorb power as the LGBTQ have now, you may find yourselves outcasts and rejects in a country given to you by God. What will happen next? Outlawing Christianity, as is occurring in Europe, Australia and all over the world. Then comes the freedom to kill Christians as they are a blight to the world for those who demand the freedom to sin. Look at Prophecy Christian. It is the saints who lose badly in this world and God is the sole victor. Remember that the next time your elected politicians and judges have secret meetings with the LGBTQ groups. Remember that the next time the LGBTQ groups have parades and celebrations in your communities.
Remember that the next time you do business with anyone or organization which supports the LGBTQ. Because we all vote with our money, bringing forth the curses of God upon you all as spoken of in Revelation. It will be known to God that you did not participate in the running of what once was your country. It will also be known to God that all Christians allowed sin to walk openly in your communities with pride.
Image result for Free lgbtq american flag imagesImage result for Free lgbtq american flag images
The face of American disrespect. Is that what he wanted? Probably not. He wanted to make a point and it backfired. I used to be a NFL football fan. If this was 50 or 100 years ago he would have been branded a traitor or worse. But, then again, if it was 50 or 100 years ago he would not have the opportunities he has. Because of his God given gifts as a human being, maybe he should have spoken out against the lies and deceptions which is still believed as truths by every common person in the world - the belief in the races of humanity. The races of humanity is a lie. The absolute truth is that we all are one relation or one family as spoken by the indigenous tribes of North America and then proven correct through DNA profiling of 1985 and then later refined by the completion of The Human Genome Project of 2003. We are all brother and sister to each other. This is truth.
Image result for Free disrespect american flag images
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, April 2, 2017

One, One of Two, Two of Two: (Unedited): 02 April 2017:

If ye seek the one of one or the one of two or even the two of two. Know that you will seek in vane. For only the four winds know of who it is ye desires to discover. I tell you it is not those who declare that they are he or the other one. For the either one, who is, may not even know they are and if they even suspected that they could be. They may deny it for fear of ego, pride, arrogance or supremacy to inflict their spirit, mind and heart. Seek not any person whom you shall follow through the change of the world to come. Become your own witness and be your own witness of the positivity which shall exude from your core. Become the light and not wait or seek for another to come. Point the way for others and do not become their focus or worship. Adopt within your whole self/being Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Become obedient to the Laws which perpetuate and govern those four purple words. In doing so. You will become more important than any one or any two who have been prophesied to come. From the red words above, blood shall flow. 
This is prophecy
What is the point of any prophecy? To become helpless to your coming fate. Or to mitigate and prevent any unfortunate coming event? I tell you the truth. ALL PROPHECIES ever spoken or written can be mitigated or prevented.  It does not matter which religion, culture, tradition or person speaks of any coming bad and sad words. They all can be mitigated in order to save lives or they all can be absolutely prevented from ever occurring. The very first step in the prevention process is for you to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. Not because you have to or in doing so will save your own hide. But, rather to become holy and righteous without ego, arrogance, pride or supremacy is the right thing to do. Isn't the right thing to do better than the wrong thing to do? That's all.
Added on 03 April 2017:
It seems everyone wants a hero. A hero who risks everything in order to save the damsel in distress. I suppose all of the super hero shows and movies do not help any and actually may cause people to become even more helpless than they already are against the very real demonic forces in which surround us.
It is our responsibility as followers of the faith to become holy and righteous as dictated by the ancient holy texts. The Christians are supposed to love one another and they do not. The Muslims are supposed to be in peace and they are not. The Asian religious traditions are supposed to be in harmony and they are not. The indigenous traditions are supposed to be of and for the earth and they are not. It seems that we all are fractured and have forgotten our inherent ways. Because, there is even a prophecy I've heard of where the four wisdom's come together as one. I do not know very much about it. I believe I have stated it correctly.
Within all of the religions there should be an anti war, anti fighting, anti conflict stance and yet. War is more inevitable now than ever before. All nations capable of preparing for war are, right now and have been for the last ten years. The coming great war which causes all of our extinction is at hand. The USA is the most helpless of all nations.
How do you save the world? By refusing to fight for your leaders and nation. By refusing to be a soldier and just go home to your family. I do know how that sounds and the foolish impossibility of my words. The alternative is the extinction process. Extinctions does not have to happen immediately. Extinction can take decades.
How do you prevent it? the purple words above and below. That is it. That is the only way and it is humanities collective choice to follow the purple words. If not then human extinction will be the result of human choices. It will be humanities fault and not the fault of God. For God laid it all out for all of us. God sent us the prophets and His Son. God gave to us the Holy Spirit. God gave to us the Holy Bible so that we all may learn how to live our lives and how not to live our lives. We have everything we need. If we fail as a species then we fail on our own. It is not the fault of God. That is the cold hard truth.
Become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only. All without pride, ego, arrogance and supremacy. Let and allow the purple words to exude from the core of your being. Then you shall be the one or the one of two or the two of two.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, January 20, 2017

Massacred Cry +4: (Unedited): 19-20 Jan 2017:

The blood of the murdered and massacred shall cry up into the heavens. All of their cries are heard even though their bodies have been hidden/buried and burned.
Silent Loud Blood: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017:
Those souls lost in the secret sands of time. Those righteous souls which have stood their ground in the face of hateful evil. Those souls which have brought the weapons of love, prayer and a clean conscious. Louder is the silent flow of blood into the soil then the cries of the soul which had endured horror. 
Heard above all: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The righteous innocent soul. Which stands in the face of evil, hate, anger and rage. Their soft spoken cries are heard above all of the angels which sing.
Massacre Efficiency: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2017: 
The efficiency of massacre's in the modern era shall be one developed in the land of the brave and committed against the home of the free. 
Dissent Massacre:  (Unedited): 20 Jan 2017:
Dissenter's shall be silenced, surrounded, massacred and incinerated.  
 I have been focused on the Standing Rock North Dakota event for the last many months. Why? Because of the confluence of many things like prophecy and the revelation of prophecies. There is depth of signs and of meaning. There is also depth of understanding and awareness. Which is far to much for me to glean. The ongoing event is crucially important but may only be a foreshadow as to what I hope does not occur. If your even reading this the message is clear. I think a massacre is somewhere in between a possibility and a probability.
When and if it the massacre happens. This is what will happen prior to the massacre. There will be no radio or cell phone communications. All entry and exits will be manned by those who are trusted, heartless and without spirit. They shall be the most evil of any human being and will rejoice in the suffering of defenseless and innocent persons. There will be no escape for those within the camps. They shall all die horribly and without any mercy. They will be shot down.
Their bodies shall be cleaned up and transported to a waiting incinerator(s). All evidence of the camps will be cleaned up. Then their shall be silence.
If this event occurs. This will be the first. This will be their how to do it. Once they are comfortable with getting away with a massacre. They will evaluate and update their plans. Thus, making massacres efficient after each event. Even to the point of bringing in incinerators at the next dissenters site.
Who shall be next and where? Any place where dissent occurs out of sight from common people attentions. The homeless problems. The mental illness problem. The prison problem. The gang problem. The drug problem. The dissenters problem. the food stamp problem. The housing problem. The health problem. The religious problem. AND any other problem people as defined by the corporate controlled government. This is how a corporate oligarchy works. A successful corporation must divest itself from dead weight and dead beats. In order to be successful to the corporate shareholders. How do corporations do that?
It seems like the common peoples attentions are in their data streams. So the sanitation and cleansing of the data streams is all that is needed to keep all suspicions of crimes against humanity even being thought about. By those evil souls who perpetuate the idea of modern massacres. They will think themselves of making the world a better place.
The purpose of this message is to save all human life. Yes, I do understand of self fulfilling prophecies. There is also the idea of simple revelation being able to mitigate or prevent probable outcomes. Will the first modern day massacre occur at Standing Rock North Dakota? It is up to each individual on either side of the lines drawn by the corporately controlled police, military and political entities. For they are the ones who have already used life and property saving equipment against people. They are the ones who have denied medical services for those suffering from their onslaught. They are the ones who have brought in two Avenger air defense units to be used for alternative purposes. They are the ones who are escalating.
The purpose of all of my writing is to prevent all death and to save all lives. Period. If you read any writings by anyone for whatever reason. The purple words below is expected of you in every instance. Those purple words is how we survive as a species. Otherwise extinction.
Added on 22 Jan 2017: It looks like the Sioux Tribe has and/or the Cannonball District have asked the water protectors to leave the entire area. Not sure exactly what that means. they have thirty days. So it looks like the massacre will be averted. But, I got nothing on that. This is just news. So I can assume the massacre is averted. Maybe. The movement shall move and the evil will follow as it always does. Will the prophetic massacre also move?
Added on 23 Jan 2017: I woke up this morning. And still nothing. I watched a Myron Dewey update video with Mystic Dave:
Added on 01 Feb 2017: The thirteenth amendment to the constitution was passed on this day many years ago. Go look it up and familiar yourself with it. Yet as of right now. There are a group of people which have no rights and no freedoms. They are the Native Tribes of North America. If you do not believe me. Then research all of the atrocities committed against the Native America Tribes over the past 500 years. It is still going on today in North Dakota at Standing Rock. Even as I type this more than 50 persons have been arrested and NO NEWS reports from any mainstream media outlets. No real witnesses and why do you think this blog is called Massacred Cry? President Donald Trump may very well hold office as a massacre is planned and committed.
What do you think is going to happen when people begin to believe they have no course of action and their backs are against the wall?
What do you think is going to happen to other cops all around the USA? NORTH DAKOTA Government will be held historically responsible for more police officer deaths. Especially when more and more people watch the events at Standing Rock.
I watched today and saw innocent people immediately go into a helpless panic.
Prevention is everything. When and if a massacre does happen. I wonder how those policeman will live with themselves? Once they realize they will be remembered in history as something to be compared to the SS of WW2 Nazi Germany or the cold war KGB of the USSR or any other evil entity which harmed people for pleasure. I've seen their smiles and their excitement to bash in peoples faces when it was them who instigated those attacks. What of the civilian people of North Dakota when they learn that another massacre has occurred and they were all racists who allowed it to happen. Where are the Christians, the churches and the denominations?
I wonder if and when a massacre does occur in North Dakota if the people will finally wake up and take direct action on how their entire state is without any decency, morals and honor. All for oil. After all North Dakota is about to pass a law allowing you to run over people who are in the way. Legalizing purposeful killing against a tribe. After all that is their intent. To legalize the killing of protestors.
Added on 06 Feb 2017: Copy and Paste below. Read 2 Timothy 3.
This is a part of the confluence of various prophecies among different traditions. I believe that they all are tied together in some way that is beyond me to know. This one scene is for the devout Christian. This is just one. There are many more. Where prayer is attack in military fashion. How many other places around the world do you know where prayerful people are attacked, tortured and killed? Prophecy unfolding and Christian's don't seem to know or understand it.  
From 4:27-5:40 Watch. #Christian #Baptist #Episcopal #NorthDakota #Prophecy #Coming for #Prayer Only the beginning.
Added on 07 Feb 2017:
It is interesting watching people and groups ban me. From both sides.  It's OK. Sometimes my words can be strong. All I want is the purple words below. I use the word "massacre" in a possible, probable or prophetic manor. I do not give the word power. I offer revelation of that which is becoming more probable everyday. If you choose to believe the word "massacre" is prophetic. No matter, If you think this word "massacre" is possible, probable or even prophetic. It is your duty to prevent any harm or death. No matter what side of the line your on. For the leadership of North Dakota. I believe they want all native tribes and tribal persons to disappear. No matter how the word "disappear" is defined.
This is what I know. When you have people who do not care if you live, suffer and die. That is a very real problem. This is what I have witnessed from those associated with the government of North Dakota. A total disrespect of life of native American lives.
Many of those tribal persons have begun showing strong images and strong words. This is an escalation. When those war minded persons see and hear those images and words. They will modify their war making efforts and smile. For they will make war come. They will embrace massacre and they will sleep well. You good cops who still have your hearts and honor. When you see more weapons and ammunition of death pre-positioned and a thousand body bags stored away. Just try to see what is in those places in which denial of access is in place for you good cop. Just don't get caught up in the training then when one begins to shoot. You all begin shooting everything which moves. You good cops. Listen to their stories and words on the radio. Refuse to participate and walk away. It would be better for you to work retail security with a clear conscious than it will be for you to hold onto the memories of a coming massacre in which you participated in. Even if you do not even discharge any firearm. You will still hold the memory of that atrocity in your memory forever. That memory alone can prevent you from ever regaining your honor and self respect.
Looks like I lost twitter.
Added on 17 Feb 2017: Twitter.
It looks like anything I post or share from Myron Dewey receives some kind of delay. Even to the point of shutting me down for very short periods.
@2142 Hours. Had a tweet deleted message and have no idea what it was. Maybe, nothing maybe something.
Added on 17 Feb 2017:
The reports are coming in from Standing Rock. Apparently the entire casino hotel has been booked by Federal agents and National Guard units from three different states. No supplies are allowed to enter any or one of the camps.
I saw a video of military staging area. I saw a video a couple of days ago where the militarized police moved their road blocks closer to the camps in a strategically thought invasion point.
The first thing which should happen is a complete EM/RF/Cell/GPS/Drone blockade.
An absolute denial of any physical movement of any persons involving the three E's, Entry, Exit and Escape. All technology confiscated.
How many people will die? Will anyone ever know? Is this where a new American massacre will happen? No one will know.
Added on 21 Feb 2017:
It is becoming apparent to those who remain at Standing rock. That their camp has become a prison. Fully surrounded by Federal agents, Police, Sheriff deputies and National Guard units. The cleaning and depopulation of the camps is ongoing. Will they meet the deadline of 22 Feb 2017? Probably not. Still a massive effort by those who remain to honor the land and water.
Added on 05 July 2019:
To this day. I still do believe that a massacre was prevented. History was changed as was prophecy. There has been a delay. The question becomes when will the delay end? Will it be seen at the confluence in Arizona or some other place? Will the people of the indigenous tribes be involved from all of America and all over the world. The Hopi are in that point of the cross hairs. Where the Hopi are both a real threat to the ways of the world and as guide post to a return to back the way the world and all of humanity is supposed to be.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lost Winds: Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015:

Saudi King and Prince's shall fall like the sands of a dust storm which loses it's driving winds. 
The entire royal family line shall flee from their safe places and hide like the dead Iraqi dictator. They all may become extinct. If any makes it to the USA. They better be able to hide in plain site in rural areas. Canada may be a better hiding place but not likely as every Muslim will want the reward money. You can forget about anywhere western Europe.
All Saudi Military assets shall become owned by Russia, China, Iran. The newest technologies and capabilities from the USA shall be added to the Russian and Chinese existing assets. Assimilation and added advantage in less than five years.
Hyena Invasion: (Unedited): 29 Sept 2015: 
The invasion of western Europe by blood thirsty Hyenas has already begun under a guise. The death of all that is Western European is at hand. 
 This sole distraction will prevent any western European nation from assisting in any way the suffering and helpless United States (USA) when they are being destroyed. It shall be the good American people who suffer the most as the American politicians has sold out their entire country and caused it's own destruction. All American politicians shall be hunted and even killed by their own governmental security teams. Before, The destruction of the USA begins. You Traitorous politicians and your families had better be as far away from any USA asset as possible. If you want your gene pool to survive. The American people will thirst for revenge and no true red blooded American will protect you and your families. They all will be a threat to all of your personal lives.
(I don't think I have written in this manor before). The purple is the way to live your life. Forgiveness and not revenge. This is not a hope that I want. It is merely what I see coming during these times of great revelations. Timing is everything. When the common person begins to discover all of the foreign assets which belong to the American politicians. The end is coming soon for you and for the USA.
Added on 27 Dec 2015:
Added on 11 Jan 2016:
If Iran goes to war with Saudi Arabia with the backing of Russia and China. Iran will overwhelm Saudi Arabia. Iran will control the water ways and maybe the air. Once American Air defense systems are neutralized by Iranian special forces incursions.
17 Jan 2016: In the news recently,  Saudi Arabia seems to be scrambling to buy military equipment from anyone and anywhere. A sign of desperation. Russia and China will back up and involve themselves with any Iran military action. The only option I can see right now is to go around Iran and negotiate with Russia and China on the purchase of new military equipment. From this Saudi Arabia and Iran may become friends. To the point that when the time comes to be enemies with Russia and China. They will be united. I just get nothing involving the USA. I ask God about the USA and it is as if God is not there.
To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Punishment Comes: No Count/No Mourn: (Unedited): 29 June 2015:

This is very troubling. If you are not into bad and sad prophecies to come and how real and awful they can/will be.
 !!!!!!!!!STOP READING NOW !!!!!!!!
Punishment Comes: (Unedited): 29 June 2015:
Punishment comes to all who are apart of the willfully disobedient collective. The Earth shall drink the life blood which flows into her. The suffering cries of the first survivors shall go unheard.
God does not curse or destroy His obedient children. God does discipline each and every one of us independently. This discipline is for us to learn, grow and develop. To soften our hearts and egos. To break our pride and arrogance. But, once we get to the level where we freely choose to depart from the will of God. It is then we begin to curse ourselves and from our own self created cursing are we destroyed by them. The punishment which comes is and shall be by our own hands.
God does punish Nations and Leaders. Especially when those leaders purposefully steers the people away from the will of God. It is not my intention to confuse but it is easy for God to confuse me. Especially, when Punishment and discipline are intermixed.
No Count/No Mourn: (Unedited): 29 June 2015:
Great sorrow and mourning comes for the first hundred million lives/souls lost. Then after that, no one shall count or mourn anymore. 
As the end approaches and the extinction of all life begins. Humanity will mourn and be sorrow for the first hundred million or so lives/souls lost. All of their cries shall go on the deaf ears of God. As before the flood. The remnant was selected and saved. So to before this great purification to come. Just know when this first event occurs. It is only the first as all of humanity which have not been selected shall perish in horrible ways. This is not related to the "Left behind" series in which I do believe is a false witness. These false prophets do not identify the remnant. Just as in the time of Noah. Only 8 adults were chosen. While every innocent child was left to drown. This is how it may also be in the coming rapture. Only a remnant shall be taken away. How many is that? I have no clue. I can only hope it is more than 8 adults. I do believe however that the total number taken in this great harvest of souls. Shall be so low that all of the religious leaders will be forced to come together in a great meeting. Their final declaration will be that this is a non event. That people tend to move from place to place without notice or goodbyes. Just as the Jewish religious elites have rejected and murdered the Christ who came two thousand years ago. So to will the most famous of all in each religion declare their decided lies. In order not to cause a panic and for the remaining to lose all hope. In that time it shall be hopeless for all life which remains.
Except for those who endure unto their final end. May those achieve a righteousness acceptable to God.

To love one another.
To live in peace.
To exist in harmony.
 To cherish life.
 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us to be.
30 or 40 days from now. How will God discipline this country under God called the USA or New JerUSAlem? Since we are a republic/democracy. This means what shall befall the USA shall be to us all. When a law is passed or a judgement is decreed which legalizes sin or more sins. This is my understanding as what it (may) mean to God. Will the entire Christian community be severely disciplined for allowing sin to continue to be legalized? I thin and believe so. Because, all of the Christian community has refused to take very real action against those Judges, Federal Government, state and local governments.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Womens Lament: Who Do Not: (Unedited): 14 March 2015:

Soon the women of the world shall lament the loss of fathers, husbands and sons. A deep loss for those who shall become forever lost in the ways of the world. The sin and unrighteousness of your worldly ways shall soon bare it's fruit. The whole of the Earth shall become a burnt offering to the Lord from the fallen ones who were cast down. Humanity is the meat and blood of the Cain's fruit.
Study. Cain.
This is Prophecy.
It is not too late to turn away from unrighteous living and sin. This includes even those religious persons who only profess their faith by tongue. 
The word "Soon" can mean there is still some time left or not. It is a relative term. Maybe less than 6 months. Sometime in 2015 or until the end of this Jewish year 5775. All time is only of Gods choosing and not of any human, Angel or fallen ones.
 Who do not: (Unedited): 14 March 2015;
Those who do not listen, will be deaf to the warnings.
Those who do not see, will be blind to the signs.
Those who do not keep oil in their hearts, will become darkened and cold beings.  
Those who do not remain awake in spirit, will be asleep when the calling comes.

The oil for your lamps heart comes from the eternal source. 
This is prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Russian Bear: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2014:

Note: The actual date is 09 Oct 2014: I wrote the date 22 Oct 2014 on paper and left it as such.
I think it was important. Not sure why yet. 

The aging Russian Bear thirsts for American blood. He dreams of great battles and conquests over his adversary. But, in time there shall not be any. The great bear shall be denied his great pride.  
The sentence "The great bear shall be denied his great pride", Is not about defeat and more about the inability of Russia's great foe of being able to conduct worthy battles.
I do think that Mr. Putin has honor. From that honor I do not think he believes it is a satisfactory action to beat a defenseless man. Just to beat him. There is no honor in that.  I do think in that moment when his great adversary becomes it's most helpless. Is when the great bear has an opportunity to become the world's hero. Will he? can he? shall he?

There is only one reason why Russia has been re-building their military over the last decade? and it is to defend itself against the USA, European allies, NATO, Canada, Australia and whom ever else I'm forgetting. Very possibly to actually engage in military conflict with the USA.

Mr. Putin, You already know just how defenseless the USA is right now. Is there any honor in attacking a defenseless country? No matter how bad they have become? Or is it just wise to watch them fall? and is it wise for you to protect your economy from any USA sanctions as you have been doing?

The Russian Bear shall become a shared super power once again and that mantle will be with China. For a short time. Then China shall dominate the world. Unless Russia can take the lead in space. But, China has the economy and the wealth to do so. The will to take humanity to the edge of the solar system? Maybe not. Today and right now, both Russia and China are the triggers for human extinction. That is defined by dead famous prophets and ancient Holy Texts.

Focus on the lead into space.

Today Mr. Putin is 62 years old. In 2020 he will be 68 and in 2022 he will be 70.
His military build up plans will be one part of the new Russia he has helped create.
But, Russia is much more than just a military war power which is steadily growing. The reclaiming of a former great military power shall be realized. While the USA shall become a former nation. Alaska shall be yours for the taking and it may very well be to easy.

Has all of the military build-up been for some kind of revenge and can it all end up with Russia become the hero of the world? I'm being very hopeful and my hope is for the survival of humanity by the collective will of humanity. Not by any kind of intervention from any other outside source. That makes me against prophecy in favor of humanities potential. Will Russia use it's military to prevent a piling on of America when she falls hard? That would be heroic even though the USA has become the world's bully. Would it be right or just to sit back and watch the world's bully get destroyed? I do know everyone likes their money and assets. I can assure you of this. It would not be profitable for any nation to allow the American cities or lands to become destroyed or unusable for a long time.

I really hope you can build a true sense of Russian nationalistic pride. While at the same time combat from within corruption and poor quality controls in every aspect of Russian Society. Not just in the military or space related industries. Russian pride can be an honorable one. The Russian future can be one of human responsibility.

Happy Belated Birthday
Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
7 October 1952 (age 62)
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Birthing Extinction: (Unedited): 26 March 2014:

Through popular song and dance. 
The coming prophecies are declared and celebrated.
Expectant and excited is the worldly mother who embraces her babies kick.
The birthing process is both greatly painful and joyful.
Water shall flow and blood shall pour out.
Sad tears and joyful shouts shall be confusing to those who witness the great birth and not know it.
As the great birth begins a new life. So to comes extinction for all of the old lives.
The popular songs and dances are both sexy, memorizing and enticing.
Though the listener may not know what it is the songs are saying exactly.
Those of the world sing and dance within their joyful ignorance. Never realizing that which is about to be born is of great evil and the extinction of the old world shall come by fire which shall encompass all, even the most devout followers of the world. For that is the plan of those evil ones. To destroy all that humanity has created, including the memory of it all. But, it is not enough to destroy their human enemy. To get their human enemy to destroy themselves is far more satisfying for the evil ones. 
 The truly defined holy places on this Earth will actually burn those who are evil or not even of the selected. They may very well be those places which are not commonly known.
The actual birthing event(s) may also be those events which minimizes the USA. By water, by fire and by blood.
Blood can still  flow even after the birthing process is complete, Thus, killing the host mother.

Ever wonder why the gods (fallen angels) who intermingled with human women allowed those women to die in child birth. Giving birth to those giants of Noah's day was a death sentence for human women. Those gods (fallen angels) had/has the power to save the lives of those human mothers and they did not by their choice. This is because there was no love within them for humanity.

In the days of Noah. The gods or fallen angels came to this planet. In the final days of prophecy those very same fallen angels will become known to all of the common human. Even though right now they have made themselves known to the rulers of the world and to the elites.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books