Showing posts with label Song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Song. Show all posts

Sunday, August 13, 2023

The Voice For The Refusal to Play Anymore? +34: (Unedited): 12-15 Aug 2023:

15 Aug 2023: Minor edits and additions. 
Copy and past links is for your safety and security.
All attention goes to the musical artist for his music. 
Oliver Anthony.
I'm not one to jump on any bandwagons. But, I just heard a song and apparently many people are responding to it. Sometimes in history, there is the song of the times. Could this be that song and can the artist be that voice? Could this be the song which leads people to decide that they are just not gonna play the game anymore. Especially, when the average hard working person/family have seen losses in their retirements and wealth in 2008, 2015, and 2020-2023-?2025+?. That is much losses for each investor in the last 15 years. Not to mention the changes in the rules on how to play the game. I have seen people who have worked hard to work themselves up the ladder of success and then from 2008-2015 in order to achieve any kind of management status you must have a college degree. Which means all of those guys who have dedicated themselves to the company were just abandoned and kicked to the curb. Sure they were given a couple of years to achieve the required degree. But, how does a forty year old go from minimal education to a college degree? You get it? right? So most of my low to mid level management friends were fired or laid off. Guess what their kids saw what happened and how their lives changed and now they are in their thirties and no longer have any intention to dedicate their lives to the company/corporation.
There is an over all picture to the musicians who bring their own musical puzzle piece and not know one another or even that they have only one piece of the puzzle.
Just as each artist shall bring their own puzzle piece. The question becomes how many artists does it take for the photo to be resolved?
This musical puzzle which only has a few revealed pieces will become a massive problem for the rich men north of Richmond. To the tune that they may cause an action which ends in our continued woes. 
Will the listening civilians begin to only do business within their own local markets as they completely abandon all major corporations and investments in their own personal effort to enrich their own lives. 
Note: Enrich does not mean money or wealth in this instance. 
Each person can kill off the new world wealth as they each create their own local micro economy with the people that they each know. While kicking to the curb the big out of town corporations which kicked their own parents to the curb not to long ago. 
For people like you and me do have the power to alter our individual local world for the better and we all together can even alter the puzzle picture even before it is fully revealed. That does require continuous never ending positive action on your part.
Is this song on the same level or a greater level than Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr., Jason Aldean, Taylor Goyette and Tom MacDonald.  What is the core message of these songs? Why are these songs important right now and will the American citizen act upon them? How do songs change perceptions and lives of those who listen? These are just two songs which popped into my mind. Are there more songs which empower a soul or to open eyes to what is going on around them? Probably so. So what of a song from a formerly unknown agnostic artist Oliver Anthony, who has his own personal problems as we all have our own personal problems and belief systems. How does or will his song Rich Men North Of Richmond bring together all peoples to see the wrongs in society and will his song lead the way for a more positive change. In which Charlie Daniels, Hank Williams Jr. and any other artist songs have not made any kind of positive change. In which it can be easily seen that the changes in the American way of life has only gotten very worse. To the degree that no one really cares enough to force cruelties to children to be stopped. The American citizens can only shed a tear for missing and exploited children and then go on with their lives forgetting all about the tears shed. 
Note: Taylor Goyette song has not even dropped yet(18 Aug 2023).
I think I wrote somewhere at sometime how people will begin to just refuse to participate in society. You can see that evidence in the growth off grid people. 
No matter what I've written or where. I do not give permission for any violent actions. I do not suggest that any violent action is OK. If it seems that I have. You missing the point of the purple words below.
The reason why the young ones are no longer dedicated to the corporation is because they witnessed first hand what happened to their own parents. 
The reason why the young ones are no longer dedicated to the corporation is because they watched how all of the benefits of dedicating your entire life to one corporation ended with their grandparents. 
 There are reasons why many families have already begun to refuse to participate in an insane society. Many more families will also decide to refuse to participate in an insane society. Even if it is the USA and what America has become. 
Revealed to the power brokers in this time. The civilian population on both sides all know and soon fire, death and destruction may just come your way. Even your beloved military personnel, secret service, FBI and other protective services will use their own sidearms to extinguish the wicked darkness that each of you have brought into the land of the free. 
The people have all realized that the left and right wing are both of the same evil wicked bird. The next step for "We The People ..." is to decide how the bird will die. 
Note: It is a specific indigenous tribe who prophetically spoke of the left wing and the right wing are of the same bird. If you need to know you can research it for yourself. 
No matter what a person believes about themselves. They may think and believe themselves to be a person of honor. Even a wicked evil doer believes in their own titles and awards. 
A wicked evildoer thinks, believes and does what they do because they delusionally believe they are truthful, right and correct. 
A wicked evildoer will cause as much harm, suffering, destruction and death as possible and then justify it all and assign all blame to the actual good god fearing people.
The most harm you or society can cause a delusional and insane person to believe is that all of their false delusions are true, correct and real. 
The most harm any government can do to their own people is to teach their own children that the false delusions of the insane person are true, correct and real. Then encourage the children to decide for themselves who they are. 
Be warned of hearing songs which causes you an emotional response. For those songs can cause you to create even more violence and chaos in the world. 
In very few cases violence is the only answer. When reason and escape no longer is an option. Then a violent action is the only forced option and that is not the choice or decision of any honored or reasoned person. 
As the last country where freedom, human rights and liberty remain. Those who takes those things away will force violence upon a free loving people who do not want violence. Who only want to live their lives in peace and love. Yet, violence is what will happen once it is realized that there is no other place on Earth where there is freedom, human rights and liberty. 
The great poker players hold their cards tightly to their chest. Such it is with truly righteous honored men who must be led by evil wicked people. Those who stand pridefully above the laws of men and of God will be shocked by the heat of a fast draw as their lives quickly ends. 
A true righteous man of profound honor is disgusted by prideful fun bragging stories where rapes, tortures and murders happen as those men who continually do those wicked and evil deeds remain above the law. Soon an oiled bullet will quickly bring justice to those wicked evil doers who will then stand before God to be judged. 
Many of those who wear the same suits and carry the same customized guns have already lost their honor and sanity. Only the emptiness of wicked evil deeds remain in their memories. For all that is left for them is the emptiness of the mission and the excitement of the violent actions taken. For their souls and minds have been lost and yet can still all be found again. Hope remains and yet judgement can also await. 
Violent rebellion in the ranks will occur when reasoned men of honor become at odds with insane lost men who follow blindly orders simply because they must and to them personal honor no longer matters and haven't in some time. 
The insane lost men who mindlessly follow every order will get the jump on their once beloved brothers of honor as they kill them quickly and without thought or remorse. 
As the insane men who know not they have lost their souls and honor, kill their own righteous brothers. The bad men who lost their own minds will angrily blame their dying good brothers for making them kill the only good thing in their lives. 
The good righteous men who still hold on to their honor and sanity will leave their agencies, units, departments and go home to be surrounded by love, peace and harmony. Even if it means the losing of benefits and retirement. Some things in life is of more value.
You righteous agents and military people know who those skilled evil and wicked ones are whom you must work with. You need to know that they have already decided to kill you first and quickly when ordered to do so. Even though you have shared much off time together. Those wicked evil doers have it already decided. 
The wicked evil doers have lost so much that they only now see everyone and everything as some kind of threat which must be neutralized at some time. 
There is no justice for those above the law or those who are brutally subjugated by the law.  
There seems to be two forms of no justice. Those who are subjugated by the law, in which the law is not for them and those who are above the law, in which the law is not necessary for them. It is sort of like the new belief that We The People ... is not for all of mankind but only for those who rule. 
The law is not for those who are above the law. The law is for those who are one of the commoners. If your one of the commoners there is no justice for you either this is because those who are above the law must use every offending citizen as a public example of why you should be obedient. 
Once the idea that justice is no longer blind, fair or balanced. Then the citizens will begin to enforce the old Testament Laws of God. The right to sin will also mean you have the right to die in our small town.
Added on 14 Aug 2023:
Can a song from an obvious simple man like Oliver Anthony lead Americans to become a sober and sane nation?
The delusion that the alcohol and the drugs have been saving your mind or your soul has only been purely a deception. The only thing which can save your soul is Jesus Christ.
You listened, you watched, you felt. What good things are you going to continuously do now without cessation? Do not be the one with the one talent who hides and buries it.
Added on 16 Aug 2023: Warrior Poet Society YouTube channel. 
An Oliver Anthony explanation. I think spot on. 
Time 11:26:
Added on 28 Aug 2023:
The good for nothing good people who continually do nothing for the benefit of what is good seems to have already done all that they are willing to do such as like and share songs of their own perceived plight.
The good people know not how to be good. For being good requires a good heart and a good mind. But, also requires good action in which the good people seem to be absent of. 
As with times past. Do nothing good people will be abused, tortured and killed. Those who are not killed shall slavery be forced upon them. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Righteous Worship: Unrighteous Worship: (Unedited): 07 April 2017:

Sweetest is the song of worship to the ears of God from devout righteous souls.
The song of worship from an unrepentant soul pretending to be righteous is like warm spoiled milk to the nostrils of God.
While devout righteous people are believers. The pretenders only want for people to believe they are good people. So they pretend to be good for 1.5 hours per week. These pretenders are the ones who become exhausted after Christian church service.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, March 16, 2015

Masculine Tune: (Unedited): 13 March 2015:

A man who is in tune with his masculinity will not be embarrassed to dance with his lady on the empty dance floor.
There is something very romantic to having the entire dance floor to yourselves. The masculine male is also telling every other male present that they are less than you. Without even saying a word. The masculine male is also claiming his lady as his. It doesn't really matter how good or bad you are at dancing. The point is, you are willing. Just hold her tight. Sway and move to your own beat. The private couples dance can be with any song. Not just the slow ones.
The true essence of dancing with a significant other seems to be more about the merging of two different worlds into one on the dance floor. Where even on a dance floor there is only you and the other. It doesn't matter how many. You both are just alone within your worlds, coalescing into oneness. 
This is all about the delicateness of maleness. Not establishing property rights over females or ownership of any kind. These negative things are not my intended purpose. Because, You as a female who goes out with your man. Do you not want to dance if your inclined to do so? To be out on the dance floor even if it is only the two of you? besides, Once the dominant male takes the floor first. Everyone else will follow. Just watch for yourselves. If you have a floor full of dominant females and no males. Males may not be on the floor. It is the dominant male who leads everyone else and it doesn't matter if anyone knows your maleness personally or not.Besides to your woman you are her dominant male. So go forth and dance. Own the floor with your woman.
Yes, it is OK to laugh at this.
If you could only see what i see.
You would see this as a truth of dance floors.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Spirit Lifting Souls: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

The disharmony of many tortured souls coming together. Can create their own spirit lifting joyful song of celebration. 
There will always be a time when the abuses and tortures end forever. When that time comes celebrate your freedom. Celebrate this new beginning of your life. Celebrate with others who have had similar experiences as you had.
Do not relive those awful things but understand that you were the stronger one. That you endured it all. That is was never about you. You were just the body present and if it weren't you it would have been someone else.
So celebrate your victory. Make new life goals and achieve them. Then make more goals and achieve those. Then repeat.
Then write that book and publish it. Even if your only readers is to be your own family and friends. Tell that story of yours. It is that important. Just as you have always been that important. Even in those very dark, ugly and lonely times of your life. Document everything.
Celebrate life. Forgive them. Move on into joy.
steemit 14 Aug 2018:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Militarized Body: Militarized Populations: (Unedited): 11 Nov 2014:

One Body.
One Mind.
One Soul.
Acting singularly.
People Synchronized.
A militarized Civilian Population.
All with one common goal.
All who practice the same.
All with one song and tone. 
All with only one common objective. 
Can a clone look and be different and yet still be the same?
Can an individual person be trained from birth to only know the collective?
Can a collective mind ever be freed if it knows not of it's own imprisonment?
To act outside of the established societal parameters means revolt. Revolt is bad.
Militarized Populations: (Unedited): 11 Nov 2014: 
A whole militarized civilian population wearing the same civilian style clothing is still a singular military unit of one mindset. All under the command of one singular commander.
How far away can freedom be from the government-ally entrained mind? All the way to the self disillusionment of believing they are free when they are not. Believing that all that they know is right and normal and it's all OK.

A free and righteous mind will reject evil on any level as well as those types of wrongful commands. While an imprisoned mind of their self defined collective grouping. Will obey all orders without any thought of dissension.

A enslaved mind under the command of the collective will kill on command. No matter the person who is to be killed is innocent or of no threat.
While the free mind of the righteous. Will not kill simply because it was ordered. There must be a why. There must be righteous honor.
I wonder if this is why the righteous of the world shall be hunted and killed in those end times to come. Because they will not comply. Choosing spiritual freedom. Which means physical death.

Except this end of time event will not only be the Jew. Also the Christian, Islam, Buddhists and any other non complying person.

I'm using the word "righteous" in an all inclusive manor. The Christian who loves one another shall be killed. The Islamic person shall be killed for being in peace. Those who live in accordance to those Ancient Asian religions of harmony shall also be killed. Every other person who does value an importance of Truth, Honesty, Life, Love, Peace, Harmony, Civility, Honor and Respect. Shall also be killed. Anyone who is not of or within the coming governmental collective. Shall die. There will be no remorse or after thought.
You the righteous must be destroyed and also of the memory of you must become as nothingness. This must be done in order for the coming evil to rebuild/remake the world it desires and demands. They will sit and stand in celebration while drinking/savoring the blood of the innocent like a vintage fine wine.
This is already happening and is ongoing for many decades. Each government of the coming One World Government is focusing on one aspect of population control and total societal entrainment.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Birthing Extinction: (Unedited): 26 March 2014:

Through popular song and dance. 
The coming prophecies are declared and celebrated.
Expectant and excited is the worldly mother who embraces her babies kick.
The birthing process is both greatly painful and joyful.
Water shall flow and blood shall pour out.
Sad tears and joyful shouts shall be confusing to those who witness the great birth and not know it.
As the great birth begins a new life. So to comes extinction for all of the old lives.
The popular songs and dances are both sexy, memorizing and enticing.
Though the listener may not know what it is the songs are saying exactly.
Those of the world sing and dance within their joyful ignorance. Never realizing that which is about to be born is of great evil and the extinction of the old world shall come by fire which shall encompass all, even the most devout followers of the world. For that is the plan of those evil ones. To destroy all that humanity has created, including the memory of it all. But, it is not enough to destroy their human enemy. To get their human enemy to destroy themselves is far more satisfying for the evil ones. 
 The truly defined holy places on this Earth will actually burn those who are evil or not even of the selected. They may very well be those places which are not commonly known.
The actual birthing event(s) may also be those events which minimizes the USA. By water, by fire and by blood.
Blood can still  flow even after the birthing process is complete, Thus, killing the host mother.

Ever wonder why the gods (fallen angels) who intermingled with human women allowed those women to die in child birth. Giving birth to those giants of Noah's day was a death sentence for human women. Those gods (fallen angels) had/has the power to save the lives of those human mothers and they did not by their choice. This is because there was no love within them for humanity.

In the days of Noah. The gods or fallen angels came to this planet. In the final days of prophecy those very same fallen angels will become known to all of the common human. Even though right now they have made themselves known to the rulers of the world and to the elites.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Fire Illuminated: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2014:

The song of the flute flows through the air currents into forever. The beatings of the drums reverberates through the whole earth. The stomping of your feet stirs the whole circle. The cries and tears which emanates is heard and felt from all dimensions. Your illuminated presence in this now will be seen easier than the sparking fire. C.J.MacKechnie
 Work in progress.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Negative Music: (Unedited): 13 July 2013:

Those cute musical lyrics which implies an inverse of negative word phrases. Still reinforces the overall negativity. 
Just the introduction of any negative word or thought process. Actually reinforces the negativity within you. It doesn't matter if the phrasing of the song is the opposite from the intended negative word.
I have heard this done in Christian themed music. This kind of music may be fun to hear. But, they are actually counter productive to your faith. And may be unintentional brainwashing you out of the faith.

This kind of music in any faith is actually worse than singing a song with generic terms such as You or Him in the words describing God/Allah. Because, anyone of any faith or non faith can individually identify the song as they desire. Which is not the intent. The intention of any song of faith must be clear and concise with no ambiguity. 

This is a warning to Christian Music producers and writers. 
This is a warning for all Christian radio Stations.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mocking Noises: (Unedited): 22 June 2013:

The empathic mocking bird who sings a new song without knowing or understanding the meaning and essence. Makes only empty noises. 
The newly awakened empath embraces their inner mocking bird. This is one of those lessons. It is not enough to just learn to mimic a new song or learn to mimic a new thing. The empathic Journey to find their own self defined meaning and purpose is found on their path they follow. The empath must freely decide for themselves to dig deeper into the new song or thing they have learned. By doing so, the empath finds substance and depth. Thus resulting in a profound song which becomes individually interpreted. Wisdom and Understanding is more important than just simple knowledge. Do not be satisfied with just simple mimicking knowledge. Any mocking bird can learn a new tune. The mocking bird who has their own particular journey. Will soar higher and faster than any other. Which is beyond the simple knowledge that to do so is possible. To actually to it and know how and why. Is understanding at work. To makes those oops are those hard lessons which quickly grows wisdom. To observe others go oops. Are also learning wisdom from other peoples errors in their own life.  

27 June 2013: added content.
Added content: 24 April 2015:
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Would You?: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2011:

If you could? would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Passing by leafless trees. I see thousands of rain drops glittering in the bare branches. Shining their own rainbow of light and beauty to any passer by to notice. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Walking by puddles I see thousands of rain drops plop plopping. Creating their own interesting song in the moment. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Standing still and gazing upwards. Rain drops coming from nowhere kissing my face and hands. How can you not smile with the rain drops. 
If you could? Would you?
Be mindful of your own negativity.
Be aware of what you decide is bothersome, irritable and aggravating.
rain is just rain. Snow is just snow. wind is still wind. Fire is still fire. Earth is still Earth.
Do not become angry at the world for your poor planning or your decision of inaction.
The world is what you have allowed it to become. By your decision
The world can still be what you want it to be. Through your new decision and new action.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: