Showing posts with label Slow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slow. Show all posts

Monday, March 16, 2015

Masculine Tune: (Unedited): 13 March 2015:

A man who is in tune with his masculinity will not be embarrassed to dance with his lady on the empty dance floor.
There is something very romantic to having the entire dance floor to yourselves. The masculine male is also telling every other male present that they are less than you. Without even saying a word. The masculine male is also claiming his lady as his. It doesn't really matter how good or bad you are at dancing. The point is, you are willing. Just hold her tight. Sway and move to your own beat. The private couples dance can be with any song. Not just the slow ones.
The true essence of dancing with a significant other seems to be more about the merging of two different worlds into one on the dance floor. Where even on a dance floor there is only you and the other. It doesn't matter how many. You both are just alone within your worlds, coalescing into oneness. 
This is all about the delicateness of maleness. Not establishing property rights over females or ownership of any kind. These negative things are not my intended purpose. Because, You as a female who goes out with your man. Do you not want to dance if your inclined to do so? To be out on the dance floor even if it is only the two of you? besides, Once the dominant male takes the floor first. Everyone else will follow. Just watch for yourselves. If you have a floor full of dominant females and no males. Males may not be on the floor. It is the dominant male who leads everyone else and it doesn't matter if anyone knows your maleness personally or not.Besides to your woman you are her dominant male. So go forth and dance. Own the floor with your woman.
Yes, it is OK to laugh at this.
If you could only see what i see.
You would see this as a truth of dance floors.
This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Hopeless Gait: (Unedited): 26 July 2013:

The slow gait of the hopeless is without purpose or importance. C.J.MacKechnie
The hopeless and helpless people all seem to have similar walking gait. Even those who are apathetic in what they do have similar walking gaits. What does this mean. Well, find your crowded area and observe people walking. Almost immediately you will see a variety of people walking. Depending where you are and what time of day. You will witness various kinds of walking people.
LEAVING WORK:         Yea, people who actually want to go home will have that quick gait out to their car.

SPORTING EVENTS:    The walking gait to their seats to watch their team win. The walking gait leaving the sports
                                          When their team loses.

PUBLIC SCHOOL:         The walking gait of those who just do not care about school or even life.

ON THE JOB:                  The slow walk and slow physical movements of people who do not care anything about
                                           the job they are doing. They are only physically present and will do nothing on their
                                           own. They are existing in a slave mentality without even being aware of it. Their
                                           attitude is apathetic. That apathetic attitude will absolutely cause *you to lose
                                           business/income. (*you means business owner or corporate manager).

AT HOME:                   The depressed state of a person who has no hope in life and is helpless in all that they do.
                                       All of this can be witnessed by the observation of their physical walking gait. You can
                                       see this is very low income neighborhoods in the USA.

SHOPPING MALLS:        The gait of women who want to go shopping is different than the mens who they are
                                           literally dragging around. The young men walking behind the young women. Those
                                            who are returning items for exchange or refund. The men who need that specific
                                            tool from Sears. The excited gait of people making that big purchase.

LATE PAYMENT UTILITY BILL:  That purposeful going out of your way gait. To pay the bill and get it over

LAW ENFORCEMENT GAIT:       The walk of authority and purpose.  Almost a military march. Unless of
                                                            course he/she was former military.

When observing people you must consider physical disabilities and the potential oddness in their walking gait. It is also important to note a disabled persons courage and bravery as they go forth out in public and face the cruelty of normal people, just like you and me. Just remember you are just an accident or war zone away from a disability. 
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Self Perpetuating Misery: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2011:

Each layer of a foul smelling onion. Is like each individual negative thought and emotion you have. Which in the beginning has minimal effect upon you, your family and your friends. As you progress through life. The accumulation of each negative layer you build upon and apply to the exterior of the last negative layer of negativity. Will begin to trip you up and slow you down. Until, finally your unable to move forward in your now former evolving human development. Your loving family and friends. Try as they may remove each layer of negativity off of you. With encouraging words of positive inspiration. But, your own awful out gassing leaves a stench on your caring family and friends. They continue to positively encourage you. But, your emanating foul odor of negativity becomes to much for them to handle. So your loving and caring family and friends. Leave you to your own self perpetuating misery. As you declare to anyone who will listen. NO ONE LOVES ME. NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME. EVERYONE HAS ABANDONED ME. WONT ANYONE HELP ME? C.J.MacKechnie 
 If you think about this as a negative post and see how the negative person was abandoned by their own former family and former friends. Then you should re-think your own thinking process. It was not the negative person who was abandoned. It was the negative person who abandoned their family and friends. The family and friends chased for a time after the negative one whom they all loved. The family and friends could not follow the negative person into their place of self perpetuating misery. Can you understand this. Good people will not follow bad people into sin. The bad people who embrace sin, selfishly and wrongly think the good people abandoned them. Which is incorrect? 

When the bad person or the negative person, begins to see the light and the error of their ways. Then repents and flees from it. Can in time regain a healthy relationship with those former family and friends who they have abandoned.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John