Showing posts with label Accumulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accumulation. Show all posts

Friday, July 10, 2015

Church of Sin: religious gods/idols: (Unedited): 10 July 2015:

The religious leaders who lie, cheat and steal (All Sin) in order to start and grow their churches prove to themselves to be the gods of their own creation. 
This is not just about lying, cheating and stealing. It is about all manner of sin, secret sins and criminality. By thinking yourself to be justified to rob even time from another just so that a good work can be done for your religion or for your church. Is still a sin as someone must sneak away in order to deceive some boss.
This does also includes any form of intimidation's, threat's and the perpetuation of any fear's.
This isn't just about churches. The word church can be substituted for Mosque, Temple, Synagogue or any Holy Lands/places. The greatest of holy places on this Earth is the whole of the Earth with all of it's waters. The greatest of any temple is not made of any stone or rock. It is within you the human being.
religious gods/idols: (Unedited): 10 July 2015: 
You religious gods. Who have set yourself up and apart for the worshiping masses. Shall become the idols of those whom tithe to you their god incarnate. 
All of you who are considered religious leaders, no matter the religion. Are not supposed to set yourselves apart or even set yourselves up to the accumulation of wealth and prosperity. You are supposed to be teachers and those who only point the way for the whole to become more than you are.  Just in the act of setting yourself apart from all of humanity and acquiring all manor of wealth, comforts, prosperity's, and even secret decadence. Yes, can you imagine the common person discovering that those place you visit outside of your own spheres of influence is where you express your own internal decadent expressions. For those of you religious leaders who do such things is reason why and how your evil and deserving of judgement from Him who is much greater than I can even conceptualize. fear not or fear you shall. Because, even in your own misinterpreted prophecies. When HE comes and HE is coming. Just as you preach to the worshipers the truth of the coming Great One. Who shall defeat all of the(HIS) enemies. You shall be one of those enemies and those who have decided to make you their god/idol. You shall be one of the ones who shall be judged as one of the greatest evils upon this planet. It matters not which religion I speak of. For the religion of peace has become the religion of war, death and destruction. The religion of love has become the religion of hate exclusion and apathy. The religion of harmony has lost it's rudder, it's compass and their sails cannot find a wind. Such is chaos for the religion of harmony
This is prophecy.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Truth Journey: Selfish Path: (Unedited): 03 May 2013:

When confronted by a truth. That singular conceptualized truth may be the single motivation which inspires the journey towards meaningful purpose in this life.
A meaningless life without any real purpose, is one who has been on the selfish path to personal accumulation.
Sometimes the choices have been made for you through other peoples expectations. You young college kids pursue worldly wealth at all costs. Do whatever you must to gain more, including lie, cheat and steal. After all, it is only wrong or illegal, when you get caught or convicted. Then you continue to lie and deny. Hire a lawyer for legal protection. Preferably a lawyer who has no interest in justice, right, wrong, truth, honor or integrity. Because, life is only about the accumulation of wealth, power and authority and then you die. This is just one of the many lies and deceptions on this world system. You wonder why many middle aged people of great wealth are empty and alone. Alienated by their own Family/children and left to die alone in some nursing facility.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Self Perpetuating Misery: (Unedited): 25 Dec 2011:

Each layer of a foul smelling onion. Is like each individual negative thought and emotion you have. Which in the beginning has minimal effect upon you, your family and your friends. As you progress through life. The accumulation of each negative layer you build upon and apply to the exterior of the last negative layer of negativity. Will begin to trip you up and slow you down. Until, finally your unable to move forward in your now former evolving human development. Your loving family and friends. Try as they may remove each layer of negativity off of you. With encouraging words of positive inspiration. But, your own awful out gassing leaves a stench on your caring family and friends. They continue to positively encourage you. But, your emanating foul odor of negativity becomes to much for them to handle. So your loving and caring family and friends. Leave you to your own self perpetuating misery. As you declare to anyone who will listen. NO ONE LOVES ME. NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME. EVERYONE HAS ABANDONED ME. WONT ANYONE HELP ME? C.J.MacKechnie 
 If you think about this as a negative post and see how the negative person was abandoned by their own former family and former friends. Then you should re-think your own thinking process. It was not the negative person who was abandoned. It was the negative person who abandoned their family and friends. The family and friends chased for a time after the negative one whom they all loved. The family and friends could not follow the negative person into their place of self perpetuating misery. Can you understand this. Good people will not follow bad people into sin. The bad people who embrace sin, selfishly and wrongly think the good people abandoned them. Which is incorrect? 

When the bad person or the negative person, begins to see the light and the error of their ways. Then repents and flees from it. Can in time regain a healthy relationship with those former family and friends who they have abandoned.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
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To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John