Showing posts with label Still. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Still. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2015

Profound Unknown: (Unedited): 14 April 2015:

The unknown thought, The unknown purpose, The unknown doing. Can create the restless soul. 
Just quieten your mind, Still your body and ease your soul. Wait patiently, this profound unknown thing shall make itself known to you, in it's own time.
 You just know it is there, somewhere. That thing in which you know you must do. But, it is as elusive as fishing for that prized trophy fish.  You can feel it's presence but cannot see it through the fog of your own minds foggy thinking processes. So, what is it that you must do? What direction should you go in? How do you prepare? How do you learn? How do you know what is the right thing to do?
It is not that simple. For if it were you would not be so confounded.
First is first. If you know your are supposed to do do a thing but do not know what that thing is. Then you must prepare for that thing? But, you ask how do I prepare for an absolute unknown? For an unknown thing outside of you, may be impossible for you to predict or even plan for. But that unknown thing is within you and that is very predictable and something which can be planned. Still not following me?
Let me put it this way. Faith, Its about your faith in yourself and all of this faith does not necessarily mean it's all going to be about you.
Just because things in your life are unknown does not mean you do nothing. No ship will ever be yours if you wait for it. The ship is an unknown thing. You have to go and get it. Well, what do you do when you get this unknown ship? Can you captain it? Do you even know anything about ships?
For you young ones. Do not stress your self over not knowing what to do in your life. Just seek out this best education you have an opportunity for and continue it. Until such a time when you have realized. This is it. 
Added  on 20 April 2015:
Thank You to the Cacofony team for publishing another one of my blog quotes.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Would You?: (Unedited): 04 Dec 2011:

If you could? would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Passing by leafless trees. I see thousands of rain drops glittering in the bare branches. Shining their own rainbow of light and beauty to any passer by to notice. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Walking by puddles I see thousands of rain drops plop plopping. Creating their own interesting song in the moment. 
If you could? Would you dodge every rain drop that fell? Standing still and gazing upwards. Rain drops coming from nowhere kissing my face and hands. How can you not smile with the rain drops. 
If you could? Would you?
Be mindful of your own negativity.
Be aware of what you decide is bothersome, irritable and aggravating.
rain is just rain. Snow is just snow. wind is still wind. Fire is still fire. Earth is still Earth.
Do not become angry at the world for your poor planning or your decision of inaction.
The world is what you have allowed it to become. By your decision
The world can still be what you want it to be. Through your new decision and new action.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

 May not be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: