Showing posts with label Received. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Received. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shy Introvert: (Unedited): 03 Jan 2015:

The empathic introvert needs that quiet time to process the information received everyday. While the shy person becomes helpless while in the grips of their self created fears. 
Both the shy person and the empathic introvert can become a helpless victim of their own self generated fears. The empathic introvert may not even know or is even aware that they are even empathic in any way. Thus, the self created fears of being around groups of people become created. The empathic gifts becomes a bipolar curse.
The psychological powers to be have professionally defined every related word. So that when you read all of the definitions. There is only problems within your being. With every description of your own base psychology. There is a pill to help you. Thus, when you take those pills. You begin a psychological roller coaster ride. that you will never get off of. Unless, you commit suicide. Then those psycho doctors. proclaim. Told you they were crazy. It is of my opinion. That every doctor, nurse, counselor who prescribes any mind altering medication to any person who does not have any provable brain defect or injury. Is directly responsible for that patients well being and directly responsible for their suicide. All psychological personnel should be graded on how many patients have committed suicide.  If those personnel obtains a certain level. They lose substantial income and assets. Which is to be given to surviving family members. If they reach a higher level jail, for a long time. 
Please read the wiki below. First. 
I suppose you have just read the definition of the wiki briefs below. Those are just short summaries of a lot of information to be discovered.
As you can see there really is no difference between shyness and being introverted. Both seem to be assigned negative aspects of a persons psychology such as low self esteem, low self confidence.
I do believe there is a fundamental distinction between being shy and being introverted. I do also believe that an introvert person can become shy and never even know there is a difference between the two.

It is crucially important for the empathic person to be introverted. I do think if you are a genuine empath in the spiritual sense. Then you would have to be introverted to a degree which does not degrade interactions and participation's within society. It seems all of humanities famous artist, writers and musical talents all have had their own places of seclusion. Research that for yourself. They all seemed to have that basement or attic that they hid themselves in. Some lived in Missouri or in the keys of Florida. There are so many others.

For an spiritually or emotionally empathic person to keep and maintain a healthy well being. They do need their down time or quiet time. The empathic person can take in so much information at one time or in the course of the day. That it does take time for their brains to process all of that information. It does seem that the empathic person needs to know the wisdom, knowledge and have understanding in all that that have internally taken in. Even though in this modern day world. Wisdom and understanding doesn't seem all that important. It should be and is to the empath.

The very first thing I often tell the young ones is. It is OK to be an Introvert. But, it isn't OK to be shy. Shyness seems to be centered in fear. Living your life based in fear is not healthy for anyone and will subdue your essential purpose and mission here on this planet. Study the ancient religious texts on who is the god of fear. This is an enemy to you, the empath. You must internalize within yourself. Which aspects of your own psychology is based in your introvertedness and which is based from your own fears. As a young person. This can be very difficult to quantify. Because, They do not typically have enough life experience, Wisdom, Knowledge or understanding. So they do need a teacher. Like an understanding and teaching parent who will lead their child into a spiritual journey of discovery. My use of the word discovery is important. I did not use the phrase spiritual journey. Because, it is up to each person to decide freely for themselves. What and which spiritual journey to be on. If they want to be on any kind of spiritual journey at all.
The next crucial things that a young empath needs to do daily. Is pray and meditate. The most basic definition of prayer down to one word is Prayer is you talking. Meditation is you listening. Contemplation is your introvertedness having healthy control in that moment. There you have it. Prayer, meditation and contemplation.This is very important for the young one to be self led in this area. You cannot and should not force anyone to pray or meditate. You should not cause any person to feel any kind of negative emotion if they do not pray or meditate.
Contemplation time can manifest itself in one of the arts or in some form of inspirational expression.
One of the first things that continual and daily prayer and meditations does teach to the beginner. Is self control and self discipline. Which are essential skills to any empathic person. Being a realized empathic person. This is only the first step in anyone's spiritual develop, growth and evolution. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Unfit Blessing:(Unedited): 29 April 2013:

The parent who believes their child is that inconvenient thing, which they have to drag around. Is unfit for the blessing they know not they have received. 
For some, Life seems to have dragged down the young parent into a sense of drudgery and despair. All of this despite of living in a beautiful city like Clearwater Florida. These parents seem not to be even aware of the negativity and hopelessness of life they teach through their action to their own children. They are also not even aware of the perpetual beauty that exists all around them.
Now matter how miserable and sad your life may be. All of the beauty of the entire universe is continually existing in a constant state of awesomeness, even right now. All you have to do is just look outside of yourself and into the world you reside in.
People pay thousands of dollars just to travel to Clearwater Beach, Florida and see the sunsets. All of these seemingly happy people are content with the very unique sunset they will see on a day of their choosing. That sunset will never be exactly the same ever again.
Beauty always exists even when your not feeling beautiful.
Life may not be exactly what you want it to be. It is usually like that for everyone to a certain degree. If you begin to see right now the misery, sadness, drudgery, despair that you are teaching through your words and actions. You are raising your children to be like you. An uncivilized animal trapped in an undesirable life. You can change and alter your children's life today. Simply by just identifying the beautiful world around them and the undesirable. You have the power to encourage your children not to repeat the sad woes of your own life. Encourage and push your children to escape from the gnawing teeth of cultures lies and deceptions. Teach your children anything positive and teach your children that everything positive is possible. By doing these things, you cease being an unfit parent and become that strong hurricane force of nature which moves your children into a better life. Which you may not had the opportunity to have.
Think about it.
Think about the hurricane.
If you keep your children within your eye. They will always be safe from harm. Then when your children become of age. They will see the best and safest way to out of the calm eye of you. Out of the darkness and into the horizon. The young adult child of yours sees only storm clouds. In every direction. Then when they look up and see the beauty in the center of their stillness. The wise adult child will see the best path is up and out. For many who have not been taught that everything is possible. Will not see their freedom in the stars of the heavens. If you begin to teach your children right now the positive things in life are possible. They will see the truth in your words. Even though those positive things may not be a current opportunity for you right now. They will see that your positive opportunity will be in the witnessing of the children you have raised. You are the sole positive force for your children to live a life worth living. They do not have to be trapped in misery like you are now. Push them up and out. Become the wind upon their wings which gives your children flight of true freedom.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Deserving Satisfaction +2: (Unedited): 03 June 2010:

The heart that is deserving will always be a heart that is some what empty. A heart that is worthy will always know all that is, has been earned. The worthy heart will know satisfaction in life. 
The heart that is deserving will always be a heart that is somewhat empty. A heart that is worthy will always know all that it has been earned. The worthy heart will know satisfaction in life.
A deserving heart is a lacking heart.
A Worthy heart is a heart which has earned that which will be received or has already been gotten.
If a person has to question or proclaim that they are deserving is a person who hasn't done anything which justifies the reception of the thing. 
A heart which is worthy knows that the things which are important in this world is not really important and those things which are not important in this world are very important.
The things in this life are of little importance where as the family you have is of great value. Living a life which promotes a quality of continued life. Means willingly living that life in accordance to the 10 Commandments by your own willful choice. A life choice without fear or threats.
Added on 11 Jan 2025: 
It is the world which qualifies each person based on their individual past accomplishments. While the Lord God qualifies each selected person while knowing all of their faults, failures, frailties and forgiven sins.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reverted Blessing: (Unedited): 26 Feb 2013:

A blessing received by a selfish heart may become a curse. C.J.MacKechnie
A selfish heart seems to always count their blessings received, while not becoming a blessing for others.
Verbally spoken thankfulness is not good enough. Genuine gratitude from a caring heart is a blocking mechanism from any gift becoming a curse. There are of course many other pathways in which a gift/blessing can become a curse. The first one is the lack of genuine gratitude.

The love and compassion from a giver will always be rewarded by God because their heart and their intention were correct and true, no matter how the gift/blessing was received or it's end result.

For instance, A giver knows of a single woman with children. The giver is a witness to her struggles and plight. So, the giver gifts her a car as a blessing for her and her children. She expresses her thanks and wonderment of the gift. But, in the eyes of God she is only a member of the church in order to get what she can. Yes, she is desperate and she is in great need. For some reason she cannot get past her desperation and a life which seemingly is full of perpetual curses and set backs. The gift of the car will become that which is intended for her. The complete lesson from God, which is a great mystery novel. Will the desperate mother become a genuine Christian or will she remain like she is? We or you can only watch and witness. Maybe she will surprise you. Maybe the gifted car will become a financial burden or curse. Maybe the gifted car will remain that gift which becomes the catalyst for life changing miracles to come for the mother and her children.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Lie: (Unedited): 02 Dec 2012:

Equivalent gift exchange based on gifts received last year. Isn't giving from your heart and thus a personal lie and a false measure of your goodness. C.J.MacKechnie
Think about this. If you give gifts of a specific dollar value in accordance to what you have been given gifts of a specific dollar value. Then you are not giving and thus you should stop playing the exchange game. Because, The gift exchange game during the holidays is to stressful for you. So, just create a generic holiday card explaining to everyone that this year has been rough and tough. How much has been lost and how your still so much blessed with good health and a simple place to live. How this is the best your family can do and are hopeful for a better new year to come. Of course phrase the words much better than I can and in a more generic sociably acceptable manor.
Then do all of your holiday shopping for yourself. After all, why worry about getting the wrong gift for people or for receiving the wrong gifts from people. That way you won't have to wait in the long return lines after the 25th of December. Well, You may still have to. But, you will be returning any defective product before the 25th of December and not after like everyone else.
 This is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The purpose of the season is for this. The celebration of The savior births is to be celebrated daily through the real expression of love, compassion and mercy. Not in the exchange of gifts. The exchange of gifts takes away from the meaning of the life of Jesus Christ.
If you want to give a gift with genuine meaning. Give the gift of empowerment and mentoring.
Depending on your financial strength. Help someone help themselves. Here is one suggestion. From it you can create your own positive intention. Which will Better the World, far beyond the expiration date of any warranty.

1) Buy or pay rent on a trailer or an apartment. Long term would be cheaper than paying rent.
 Find a struggling person like a former foster kid who is doing their best. Make sure they are in school and getting the grades. Hold their feet to the symbolic fires of expectations. See what happens. Even if the person fails themselves. You have done something of true meaning. Even if it was keeping that person from being homeless for a time. 1 in 10 combined overall is the success rate in life for a former foster kid. I bet if you genuinely care for and support these kids. Your numbers will be better. If you advise and mentor these kids. Your numbers will be better. Merry Christmas will have a meaning for you daily like it never has.
These former foster kids or soon to be former foster kids. Often times become homeless on their 18th birthday in certain states with zero money, zero family, zero hope, zero support, zero education, zero job skills. What do you think they will be forced to do?
Why is there only about a 10 % success rate. Because former foster kids become homeless, mentally ill, jailed, Alcoholics, drug addicts, dead or somewhat dead.

No copies or ink. Ink copy is pre first edit.