Showing posts with label Process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Process. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2024

More Than Survival Island Retreat: (Unedited): 11-12 Sept 2023:

 Survival of any kind is not pleasant, nor fun, nor enjoyable, nor relaxing, nor stress free and yet if you get to live another day, you will remember that survival event always. The time when you knew that at any moment you could of or should of died all alone with zero help or awareness from anyone else. Survival is not an adventure nor is it a camping trip, nor is it a vacation, nor is it a get your zen time. Survival means that you and your loved ones can die at any time regardless if you're doing everything right and correct in a timely manner. Even if your healthy, physically fit and are skilled with more than a decade of knowledge and experience. You and your loved ones can still die at any time. This is the essence of survival. The ultimate pass/fail test in life. When you pass you live and when you fail you die. In which your corpse may never be found as all that is wild will consume it all in its own untamed time.
Survival must be planned before hand. I've seen and heard of severe mistakes when those families are preparing for survival. Most do not know that there is a very profound logical process in the survival preparation process. Yes, survival is a very logical and sequential process. You cannot go from step 0 to step 9 and then to step 11 and then back to step 01. Then jump again to step 23 and then to step 8 and then repeat again step 8. No matter what has happened in the past and no matter what will or may occur in the future. The logical step by step process must be honored. If you do not then all of your efforts shall become your death sites to be cleaned up by official humans wearing their officially designated costumes.
You must honor the rule in the most basic of survival training. Then in every new skill learned and in every plan made. Those rules must be represented within all of it and at every level. Well, what does all of that mean? You will know if you study actual survival or have been to actual survival classes which were taught by actual skilled people who are in the know. You find yourself out in the middle of nowhere and it doesn't matter how or why. You are just in it. What do you do first? Second? Third? Forth? Fifth? Sixth? Seventh? Eighth? Ninth? Tenth? and etc. 
If you and I were together out there. Everything will be fine for you. I will make sure that you do everything in the correct order. So, that you survive as I will most likely perish. Do you need to read that again. I will most likely die. So you must survive. You see it doesn't matter what you know or how experienced you are. If you are not physically fit, mentally fit and spiritually fit. Your odds of survival is gonna suck. You see I'm not healthy. So there you go. As soon as my stay alive meds runs out. Time will be short for me. Yea, you get it. So lets say you and your family just want to get out and away from crazy and insane humans who then to refuse truth and embrace the global delusion. Because, if your reasonable, sane then you should not be delusional. Especially, if you are a genuine truth seeker regardless if the discovered truth profoundly hurts your feelings. 
So you decide to move out and obtain that remote property. Your gonna become one of them new off grid types of families. Before, you make that purchase. You must know the rules of survival and follow them sequentially. You must know what the common localized threats are prior to obtaining land. End of writing unsure why.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Out of Control: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

Your out of control thinking processes. Will always precede your out of control bad habits, addictions and sins.
Before you will ever begin any bad habit, start an addiction or entertain any sinful act. You must first think about it. Even if your only aware that you thought about it for a split second. You had already placed yourself into a position where the bad habit, addiction or sin will begin. So your split second thinking is really you deceiving yourself.
Even if your already into your bad habit, addiction and sins for decades now. You may have even established your entire life and livelihood around it. You can still seek change into becoming a better human being. Even if your a slumlord who already has been going to church for decades. Repentance is still available for you. Unless, of course your one of the already prejudged. Then you go forward in life and sin no more. In which you will just ignore all of the spiritual signs and urging's. This is not just about the slumlord. This is about every one who is actively going out into the world to purposely cause another soul harm and to profit from them in any way. Just like the professional movers who see an easy mark with taking advantage of the permanently disabled. The same with auto dealerships which purposely overcharge a disabled person by many thousands of dollars on a car. Because they can get away with it.
Even if your bad habit and sin is to cheat anyone whom you can for the simple reason it is sales and it is assumed to be a part of the process. Well, It is not. It is called Cheating, lying and deceiving. This is dishonorable and evil. If you are employed with anyone who conducts themselves in this manor. Then that makes you dishonorable and evil.
Back to Churches. If you belong to a church in which sin is accepted and/or tolerated. Then you are taking part in those sins and promoting that sinful fallen church. Even if the fallen church is represented of an entire fallen denomination. If your church or denomination has accepted sins and/or is tolerating sins. Then your affiliation to that denomination and church represents an agreement to those sins. This makes you a fallen Christian. Your only course of action is repentance and ceasing of all sins. Then beginning a righteous path back to Jesus Christ. For this is the only way. The other minor keys are in purple below.
Ford of Port Richey, Fl. or any of their other dealerships is one dealer whom you should never visit for any reason. I personally know of one disabled person whom they have taken advantage of twice. This includes overcharging on parts. So the entire dealership purposely cheats anyone and they just do not care. They even tried it on me through parts. The parts department lied to my face and smiled as they told me an over blown price.
Note: I'm a Ford person and prefer Ford's over any other brand. So I go to Karl Flammer Ford. Straight forward integrity.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 13, 2017

President Trump Impotence Prophecy: (Unedited): 12 July 2017:

The rage within evildoers is inflamed. Their vile threats have ensued. Their attacks upon elected leaders and opposing civilians shall become more prevalent. The election process they shall own with lies and deceptions. Through their hatred of all that is genuinely righteous and good. The evildoers shall pursue all levels of elected office becoming pretenders. This shall be the beginning of the outlawing of Christianity. 
This is coming. First the evil which has controlled the USA wants their power back by any means necessary. The evil doers will lie, cheat and steal in order to retake what they believe they own.
So all of the upcoming US elections will have persons who sole purpose is to only attack who they define as their enemy. For the attacking evildoer will not care if they are elected or not. Only that they have prevented the genuine good person from becoming elected. The attacking evildoer will know who to attack and who not to attack. The people will see this and becoming deceived and vote for the calmer one even if they proclaim themself as Republican or Democrat. This is where the deception is. There will be so many in some districts running for elected office. That it will be one good person versus many evildoers and the good citizen will not know which is which.
What will happen. The Bernie Sanders effect will be magnified against all of Christianity. Which includes laws being passed against all Christians specifically in the near future. The evolution of the Bernie Sanders rant against a Christian. Will be this. No Christian should be allowed to participate in any level of elected office. Then it will evolve into No Christian can be employed by any Government entity or a contracted corporation. Then it will evolve into No Christian will be allowed to participate in society. None of this will happen very quickly. But it will as prophesied.
The problem of what could happen to President Donald Trump. Is if the evildoers are successful. Then the house and senate may become inundated with their evil and be able to block all that President Trump wants to do or can do. They will not negotiate for their vile hatred for him and for Christians will be evident. The USA will end as we know it.
The Christians if they do not do very good research of those running for office. Then the Christians will lose. If the person running for office is not known within the Christian community. That will be your clue.
Christians everywhere must run for every possible office at every level. This includes the Senate and Congress. This must be planned for right now. Oklahoma special elections just went to two democrats. One known as a liberal Icon Mrs. Karen Gaddis(Methodist). The immigration attorney Michael brooks(Catholic) is all that I know of him. Will these two be some of the first evildoers? More evil than the two evil republicans they have been elected replaced. That would be tough to beat.
Or will these two be the beginning of taking back the democrat party for the people instead of the special interest oligarchs?
Added on 14 July 2017:
The attempted assassination of elected political people will become more prevalent. This will continue from those supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I still see supreme Court Judges being killed. Just not yet or by whom. It is like it will happen but the people or persons involved are not even aware yet they will plan it and do it. So it is a remote possibility in regards to anything can happen logic. Which is valid. Which also means if the proper safe guards are in place. It should be prevented. I think if judges are targeted or become targeted then it will be because the court is now in favor of the Christian theology.
Violence will follow those who will be against the LGBTQ community and who are against the deeply communistic or against the special interest oligarchical communities.
Added on 21 Feb 2025: Some minor edits. If you save my writings you will see the slight differences.
This is one of the interesting ones written. The quotes are more important than my own deeply flawed ability to understand the quotes. You should consider the quotes as stand alone.
How many times has the wicked evildoers tried to kill President Trump? How many times has their been made open public threats and declarations of violence in the streets, against those who support Trump? Yet to this very day how many are in jail? Trillions of dollars in thefts and how many are in jail or prison? 
Prophetically whatever the door is that is currently open. It may close on or around 22 Sept 2025. You really need to understand that it does not matter if President Trump is in office and Elon Musk is on his never ending Easter Egg hunt to find lost and stolen cash. The American people must repent in sufficient numbers in order to prevent the demise of the USA as which is only recognized by God alone. Then maybe the American people can have a reprieve as Nineveh had. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, their chosen agents and their followers are not the saviors of American. Repent or become like Gods beloved people Israel many times before destroyed and scattered.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Confusing Peace Process: Absent Heart: Peaceful Desire: (Unedited): 17-18 Feb 2016:

The taking away of all peace within the world. Is the same or similar process as causing a Pharaoh to continue his fight against Israel and the confusing of the tongues within all of humanity at the time of Babel.
 There will be many signs amongst humanity which will indicate that all peace will have been taken away from the whole of the world. The words below is just a short list. Humanity has been given the Laws in which they can freely choose to live by. Humanity has been given the complete lessons of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. Yet, humanity has rejected them all. Humanity has also been given those positive words which inspire all who heeds them. Humanity has continued to reject them all. The seals have been broken. The bowls shall be poured out. Then for those corrupted souls which has survived it all. The great fires from above and below shall consume all of those which remain. The whole of the Earth shall be purified in it's entirety. To the point that there shall be no historical evidence that any life had ever existed. You better hope and pray the Christian rapture is real and true. You better make yourself worthy to only God. For many will stand before God in Judgement and HE will proclaim that HE never knew you. Even though you dedicated your entire life to the faith. Purity, Righteousness and holiness is the narrow path. It is the quiet path of fasting, prayer, meditation, contemplation. It is the path of absolute love, absolute peace, absolute harmony and absolute life. Go and sin no more. No matter what the human laws are. They shall never be superior to the laws of God. Do not acknowledge or accept any sin. No matter human legal status. If your church or religion has accepted sin into their holy places flee from them-right now.
When all of the leaders of the world actively prepare for war. Which includes offensive and defensive ways of thinking.
The worlds political leaders shall all prepare for war as the rumors of war shall become a truthful reality. They will not have a choice. They will not question what they are doing. They all will know this is their only course. They will  not even be aware that their own free choice has been taken away.
Even leaders of nations without any effective military force will march into war and become utterly consumed. All for them will be lost and yet they will not even be able to realize that a peaceful option was even possible.
The love of warfare in game form is a sign of peace having left that person.
Lawlessness at every level is also a sign of peace having left that person.
Apathy is that condition of the heart which expresses disrespect, dishonor, hatred and anger. So as to cause and leave behind chaos, destruction, conflict and death.

Peace shall be taken away. I do believe that this process will be similar to how God confused the tongues of humanity in the time of the erecting the tower of babel. Also, similar to how God caused Pharaoh of Egypt to not change his mind or not to give up as his slaves were leaving. I think there are a few other places where God has changed or altered man to His will.
No one will question or even be aware how peace has left them or left the world. The people will not even recognize that they have already been judged as one of the disobedient. Pastors and religious leaders will celebrate their own people who choose a life of warfare. Not even realizing that they to have been judged as those whom God has never known.
Any action taken by any human being which causes pain and suffering. Is evidence that peace has been removed from that person, group, religion and world.
Absent Heart: (Unedited): 18 Feb 2016:
Lovers of war are absent of a loving and peaceful heart.
The wrongful games you continue to play is evidence of your sinful mind, heart and nature of being.
The wrongful games you continue to love and enjoy. Can be considered as evidence of peace having been removed from you personally.
Peaceful Desire: (Unedited): 18 Feb 2016: 
Spiritual peace and peace of mind can only be attained through the peaceful desires of your heart.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Identified Polarization: Within The World: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:

The process of identified polarization between the righteous and the worldly. Shall progress unto the slaughter of the righteous. 
One must define who the worldly are and who the righteous are. One also must define the difference between the religious and the righteous. Because, those who are merely religious are of the world. Most likely the wolves or goats in sheep's clothing.

Those who have become truly righteous may in fact be as defenseless as any sheep. This may be the sign of truth for those who are genuine sheep. Because, the goat can and will kill. The wolf cannot help itself by feeding off it's prey when hunger strikes. So, the genuine sheep cannot defend themselves.
There shall be much ridicule of the sheep for being so helpless and weak.
So, the merely religious of the world are the ones who go off to war. They are the ones who makes mischief within the world and are controlled by the rulers of the world. Out of created chaos comes the bringer of peace. The bringers of peace and the creators of chaos may in fact be the same organization or group of people.
Blame will be assigned to all of the truly righteous and they shall be hunted down and exterminated. For they are the weak and defenseless. Easy targets for and starving predators who thirsts for the blood who they intensely hate with unrestrained passion.
This is prophecy.
Within The World: (Unedited): 08 March 2015:
Those who freely maintain their harmony within the world are not of the world. 
Those who freely remain at peace within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely continue to love one another within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely cherish life within the world are not of the world.
Those who freely honor and freely follow the divine laws within the world are not of the world.
They may be the actual righteous within the world as defined by God.
To freely live in accordance to the laws of God by your own free choice. Without any fears, threats, enslavement, intimidation's are the true righteous ones of God.
It shall be so. That those who are committed to loving all of their brothers and sisters. Shall not raise a hand in self defense or in offense. That those who are committed to peace shall not commit to argument, fighting or war. That those who are committed to harmony shall not create any form of chaos. That those who cherish life shall not harm any life in any way. That those who honor the law. Shall not transgress the law in any way. These shall be absent of anger, hatred and violence. They shall not wink their eyes or stick out their tongues.

This quote was written @
The Crab Shack
5430 Baylea ave.
Port Richey, Fl. 34668
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Shy Introvert: (Unedited): 03 Jan 2015:

The empathic introvert needs that quiet time to process the information received everyday. While the shy person becomes helpless while in the grips of their self created fears. 
Both the shy person and the empathic introvert can become a helpless victim of their own self generated fears. The empathic introvert may not even know or is even aware that they are even empathic in any way. Thus, the self created fears of being around groups of people become created. The empathic gifts becomes a bipolar curse.
The psychological powers to be have professionally defined every related word. So that when you read all of the definitions. There is only problems within your being. With every description of your own base psychology. There is a pill to help you. Thus, when you take those pills. You begin a psychological roller coaster ride. that you will never get off of. Unless, you commit suicide. Then those psycho doctors. proclaim. Told you they were crazy. It is of my opinion. That every doctor, nurse, counselor who prescribes any mind altering medication to any person who does not have any provable brain defect or injury. Is directly responsible for that patients well being and directly responsible for their suicide. All psychological personnel should be graded on how many patients have committed suicide.  If those personnel obtains a certain level. They lose substantial income and assets. Which is to be given to surviving family members. If they reach a higher level jail, for a long time. 
Please read the wiki below. First. 
I suppose you have just read the definition of the wiki briefs below. Those are just short summaries of a lot of information to be discovered.
As you can see there really is no difference between shyness and being introverted. Both seem to be assigned negative aspects of a persons psychology such as low self esteem, low self confidence.
I do believe there is a fundamental distinction between being shy and being introverted. I do also believe that an introvert person can become shy and never even know there is a difference between the two.

It is crucially important for the empathic person to be introverted. I do think if you are a genuine empath in the spiritual sense. Then you would have to be introverted to a degree which does not degrade interactions and participation's within society. It seems all of humanities famous artist, writers and musical talents all have had their own places of seclusion. Research that for yourself. They all seemed to have that basement or attic that they hid themselves in. Some lived in Missouri or in the keys of Florida. There are so many others.

For an spiritually or emotionally empathic person to keep and maintain a healthy well being. They do need their down time or quiet time. The empathic person can take in so much information at one time or in the course of the day. That it does take time for their brains to process all of that information. It does seem that the empathic person needs to know the wisdom, knowledge and have understanding in all that that have internally taken in. Even though in this modern day world. Wisdom and understanding doesn't seem all that important. It should be and is to the empath.

The very first thing I often tell the young ones is. It is OK to be an Introvert. But, it isn't OK to be shy. Shyness seems to be centered in fear. Living your life based in fear is not healthy for anyone and will subdue your essential purpose and mission here on this planet. Study the ancient religious texts on who is the god of fear. This is an enemy to you, the empath. You must internalize within yourself. Which aspects of your own psychology is based in your introvertedness and which is based from your own fears. As a young person. This can be very difficult to quantify. Because, They do not typically have enough life experience, Wisdom, Knowledge or understanding. So they do need a teacher. Like an understanding and teaching parent who will lead their child into a spiritual journey of discovery. My use of the word discovery is important. I did not use the phrase spiritual journey. Because, it is up to each person to decide freely for themselves. What and which spiritual journey to be on. If they want to be on any kind of spiritual journey at all.
The next crucial things that a young empath needs to do daily. Is pray and meditate. The most basic definition of prayer down to one word is Prayer is you talking. Meditation is you listening. Contemplation is your introvertedness having healthy control in that moment. There you have it. Prayer, meditation and contemplation.This is very important for the young one to be self led in this area. You cannot and should not force anyone to pray or meditate. You should not cause any person to feel any kind of negative emotion if they do not pray or meditate.
Contemplation time can manifest itself in one of the arts or in some form of inspirational expression.
One of the first things that continual and daily prayer and meditations does teach to the beginner. Is self control and self discipline. Which are essential skills to any empathic person. Being a realized empathic person. This is only the first step in anyone's spiritual develop, growth and evolution. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Manhattan Death: (Unedited): 18 July 2013:

The significant birth of New Manhattan will  mean the inconsequential death of Manhattan. 
This is prophecy. This particular prophecy is more certain than probable.
Just as New Manhattan grows and populates so to, Manhattan will shrink and depopulate.
 This process is entirely planned and known by those who desire to harm the USA. Their money has already been gifted to the surrogate parent. With an expectancy of return +. The pregnancy is now obviously visible. Only about 6 to go.
The prophecy of the + is only probable in the short and mid term. The long term may not be probable.
Prophecy is only probable, when a simple revelation can alter everything. Which must be followed with good and righteous works of prevention.
This is not like those Theological Doomsday Preachers who preach in order to cause fear amongst their congregation in order to bring in more people and more money. These events which will be coming do not care about churches or money. The only thing which will prevent any and all of the bad and sad prophecies is the change within your own heart and mind. It doesn't matter what religion you practice. It only matters the over all condition of your Being/soul.
 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Logical Trust: (Unedited): 16 July 2013:

Learning to develop and trust your own logic is critical to your overall thinking processes. 
Any teacher or professor who hands you a thinking device such as a calculator or a computer. Does more harm to you than what you may be aware of. Those two devices and others like them are the modern day equivalent to restraining and bondage devices of enslaved/imprisoned human history. The only exception is the lack of pain and suffering.
A young person must to learn to trust their own developing logical process. If the young person is given aids to enhance the speed of obtaining answers. Then all the students learn is how to systematically use a machine to obtain the exact answer. The young student does not learn how to develop their logical thinking process and thus they do not learn to trust it.
Critical thinking skills is necessary in the modern ages. If you do not develop a trust in your ability to logically think for yourself. Then you can become enslaved by any persons or by any *group* who merely appears to be logical and have the correct answers. Those who have the correct answers may not be in the right.

The difference between the correct answer and the right answer may have a wide divide between the two. A professor/teacher may pose questions in which he/she will expect a correct answer which is defined by them or by those who are in authority over them. Those answers they expect are the correct answers. Even though  they are the wrong answers in life. It doesn't matter if you know the answers are very wrong. Over time just living a life where you are continually encompassed by lies and deceptions. You become conditioned to believe in those lies and deceptions are the truth.
Why not use a calculator? What is the harm? The quick and easy answer is no harm or the youthful excitement from a young person who now doesn't have to use their brain to do any math work.
 Play time comes sooner, doesn't it?
Which did you prefer?
Math by pencil and paper or by calculator?
Remember when you were told it was OK to use a calculator? You probably thought I can cheat now or you just celebrated.
What about now when every young child can use a calculator? They never went through the thinking process of  is this right or is this cheating?

The worst and most damaging of those math teachers and professors are those who proclaim to their students that they will never use algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry and the more advanced versions of those. Those teachers and professors who say these things to their students are of the most evil because it is like the slave owner who says that education only makes the slaves unhappy. Which is a true statement. Becoming educated in Mathematics in it's entirety will make you the slave  an unhappy slave or cause you the free person to remain a free person.
The word group includes all cultures, social classes, laws, policy's, politics and religions.
In all of humanity. The teaching of mathematics in it's entirety must be changed. The psychological conditioning of students to hate math needs to be criminalized by the parents. This will bring about social change. The kind of social change which will reveal who is evil or righteous in the world. When that happens it will surprise you and possibly anger you. The revelation of truth on a human world where lies and deceptions have been king of truth for thousands of years. Can be destructive. Teaching children to logically think for themselves. They may become the logical calm force who changes those things in the time when they are made aware of them. When they become the ones who run the world as a new logical collective force. 
 Those who rule the world as the slave masters, Fear an educated population more than anything. Because, once there lies and deceptions are revealed. Their rule will end. Because, it isn't about whether or not a slave is happy. It is about profiting from and using that slave, without the slaves questions, inputs, ideas. Then if the slave does become properly educated. Then they become Nat Turner.
In order for humanity to mentally evolve to the next level of logical thinking. A certain percentage of all humanity must begin to entertain the thoughts of multidimensional Mathematics. In other words Universal Mathematics cannot be accurately done on a two dimensional surface. This is necessary to leave the solar system.
Multidimensional math is where multiple former unrelated formulas of different disciplines have a mutual relationship and can have a direct affect on the other. This is directly related to specific positions in space at a given time. Where as that position in space only lasts for a very short period of time. The formulas appear to fade in and out. The end result seems to be what is moving through all space. This is my flawed observations. But, very exciting to imagine. I did fail general math. My use of the term Multidimensional math may also be inaccurate. It is the best I can explain.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Negative Fruits: (Unedited): 04 May 2013:

The growth of negativity within ones own mind bears the fruits of self doubts and low self esteem. C.J.MacKechnie
Negativity can be a shared thought and emotional process. A person who is negative and happens to be a parent or other person of respect. Can teach their negative thinking and emotional process with anyone who believes in their authority. The negative way of thinking can be passed down to the younger generation. Almost until organization is dissolved. This includes the organization of family, clan or tribe, national unity and world unity.
If you are a gifted person, it matters not if you are aware or believe of/in your gifts or not. You the negative elder can and possible will have a greater impact of transmitting your inherent negativity into anyone whom you have the briefest of contact with. You are unknowingly causing harm to anyone whom you come into contact with. It is of the greatest of importance for you to realize your inherent negative thinking and emotions. Then understand that negative thinking and emotional expression is not healthy, good or right. You can be that sole source which is disrupting your own family and you are unknowingly teaching the younger generation to further disrupt the rest of your family. The younger generation will then teach their siblings and friends. Thus causing further harm to the family and into the rest of the tribe/clan. The spread of negative thinking and emotional outburst must end as it has begun with you.
You must realize that the negative thinking and negative emotions which you have unknowingly taught to your own family. May be something which each individual will have to unlearn. This new positive way of thinking and feeling can be difficult, especially if the younger ones have already attained the age of self decision.
Your individual change from a negative thinking process into a positive thinking process. Can literally change the world. At least the world which surrounds you. Then as those individuals who have been taught to think positively as you now do go out into the world. They will becomes those perpetual lights in the foggy darkness as opposed to the further spread of more shadows deep into the foreboding darkness.

Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Transformed You: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2013:

Just as the caterpillar must die, to be born again as a butterfly. So to is the transformation of you, when you have accomplished that which has been difficult or when you have conquered a fear. C.J.MacKechnie
All of that which you have accomplished.
All of that which you are in the process of accomplishing.
All of that which you are considering on accomplishing. Is all apart of your identity.
All of it together. No matter if they are deemed positive or negative.

All of the fears that you have conquered.
All of the fears that you still have.
All of the fears that you create. Is all apart of your identity.
All of it together. No matter if they are deemed positive or negative.
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