Showing posts with label develop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label develop. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quitting Thing: Power Reach: Superior Extinction: Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:

Quitting a thing isn't as important as beginning the thing. Although quitting does make you a quitter.  
If you never begin anything you desire to do. You will never have an opportunity to grow, develop or to evolve. Fear, intimidation, a false sense of how things will end up. Which is basically all fear based. Overcoming fear and all of those other negative emotions which is holding you back. You may think it is to hard and impossible. But, those are just illusory excuses which are only real inside of your own mind. Overcoming all of those illusory excuses is a simple logical decision away from you.
By switching to the other side of your brain for dominant action. You switch away from being controlled by your emotions to logically controlling your emotions. This is how it is supposed to be. You have a very real logical thought and then you have an emotional response. This is the correct way of thinking. Having and obeying your emotional side of your brain and then creating a logical response is just backwards. On the spiritual side. Thinking emotionally first and then logically second opens you up to easy demonic attacks. It is easy to control how any human feels.
The fear of failure without any logical fact is illogical as to why you should never begin a thing.
By doing, by learning, by developing skills, by growing wisdom, by gaining understanding all of it proves your fears wrong. Even a failure proves your fears wrong. Because out of your failure(s). If you just sit and analyze (contemplate) your mistakes. You will still gain more knowledge, wisdom and understanding then if you had accidentally succeeded in the first place.
Power Reach: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Reach out beyond the negativity of your own mind and in doing so you will discover the real power of you. 
The fallen angels were not happy with our creation. We were made to be above them. Which means they had to and will have to destroy us before we can evolve higher than they. So the fallen angels know the power of emotions as they themselves had very little control over their own emotions. Falling in lust with human women. Which I think is worse than incest with a child. This is what makes the fallen angels so evil. Beings so superior than any human being in every way. Yet, they fall victim to their own pride and sin.
I think their easy destruction by methods which is still beyond human understanding is how those falling ones are trying to destroy all of humanity. By psychically influencing the emotions of all of humanity is their key to the logical control of any human beings logical mind.
The fallen angels are really close in influencing the world leaders into self destruction and extinction. Those human leaders will know not what they have done until afterwards. Where political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom.
Superior Extinction: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Humanities extinction comes when political thought and manipulated human reasoning becomes superior to divine and holy wisdom. 
Maybe, there are rules involved to anyone's involvement with the development of any new species. Rules that we know not of. Probably because just knowledge of those rules would contaminate humanities development. From non-physical contact is the only way those demonic souls can influence humanity. The most powerful of demonic souls will have their place in close proximity to those world leaders, religious leaders, cultural leaders, the wealthy and the prideful elite. The most powerful of all of the fallen angels are not going to waste what time they have on the simple common person. They do not have any power in the power struggles in any world decision or event. Your total deception is complete.
Puppet Pawns: (Unedited): 21 Oct 2014:
Common people are just pawns and the human kings are just puppets
Think about that. It is true.
You world leaders go back to the divinity of wisdom and understanding. Which is love, peace, harmony and life. Base all of your decisions on these things and you will instantly cut all of the demonic strings which control your life and actions without you even being aware of it.
 Is the puppet ever aware of their strings or the one(s) who controls them?  Nah.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Personal Puzzle Picture: (Unedited): 11 Oct 2014:

You were born with a single puzzle picture, which makes up your whole life, which is not seen without any insight. As you grow, develop, learn, experience and  evolve. You gain more and more insight. Thus, becoming able to view more and more of the remaining portions of your life's personal puzzle picture. 
What a person discovers. Is that very same puzzle picture of your whole life will become exactly as the one you can easily see when the silvers and wrinkles dominate your physical appearance.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Which Are You: (Unedited): 17 Oct 2013:

Work in progress.

Which are you human or spirit being? Do you even believe in a spirit being?
You know you have only one physical body and only one life to exist within that human form. You will live for a finite period of time and then your physical body will cease to work. This can happen at any time. Whether it be by accident, on purpose, disease or just age. 
What if I told you that the living physical body is not the same one you were born with. Would you believe me?
You were once two parts, a living egg and a single living gamete. Which then grew into a living baby. Then that baby grew and evolved into a toddler, child, teen, young adult, older adult and then geriatric adult. Until, finally the human body just stops working. It is very interesting to see how life grows, develops and evolves. Including your individual body parts. Do you think that all of the body parts you have now are the exact same ones you were born with? No, they were not. Read this possible inaccurate list. I will correct as I discover more original sourced materials. If you know of the original source. This is just a partial list and is enough to prove a point.  Please message me. Thank you.
How old are your body parts?

INTESTINES:                  2-3 days.
TASTE BUDS:                10 days.
SKIN:                               2-4 weeks.
LUNGS:                           2-3 weeks.
RED BLOOD CELLS:     4 months.
LIVER:                             5 months.
NAILS:                             6-10 months.
HAIR:                               3-6 years.
BONES:                            10 years.
HEART:                             20 years
EYES:                                your current age.
BRAIN:                              your current age.
 Think about how you grew, developed and evolved into the person you are today. A million times a million things had to happen just to make the person who you are today. All of your education or the lack of. All of the good parenting you received or the lack of parenting. All of the good life style you chose or the bad lifestyles you still choose to live. All of your freedom, enslavement or imprisonment you have received. The healthy eating habits or all of the potato chips, dip and colas. The drugs, cigarettes and alcohol or clean living.
All of it made you who you are right now and if you decide right now, you can change who you are in just a few months or years. Just make those changes positive ones.
There are so many things about you and me which is always continually changing. But isn't there just a something of you which doesn't change? Your brain? No, it changes as well. Your eyes, No they change and become weaker.
How about a spirit, your spirit. Can your spirit be that part of you which is constant? Maybe, even your spirit is evolving. What about your identity? where does that unchanging part of you reside? In your heart? Your mind? Your spirit?
Which are you and where are you really? If your body is changing so much. How is it that you are you and not someone else entirely different? I am me and I reside within me, my spirit and my spirit resides within this human physical form. Until, such a time that this physical body expires. Then I shall still continue to be me and fully aware.
deleted comment. Where spirit resides.
Musings of an American Truck Driver

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thump Frequency: (Unedited): 15 Aug 2013:

The word beat within the culture of music. Keeps the intelligent listeners mind at the frequency of the thump. The actual intelligence of the word thumping beat keeps the listener in a constant state of animalistic emotion. 
Growth, development and evolution of the person is stopped when constantly listening to music which forces you to remain in a mental and emotion state of a basic animal. An animal only knows immediate rewards. Animals do not plan for the future. Animals do not purposely grow, develop  or evolve themselves. 
The music you constantly listen to listen to the words. Are the words good or bad? In the basic sense? Is there honor, respect, in the music? Does your music demean or lessen human value of a human person of equal value?
Have you felt the sudden sense of anger and the need to strike out against something or someone? What was the music  you have been listening to.
The continuous play of hate music, violent music, devaluing music with headphones over and over is brain washing your own mind without your awareness or permission. You just sheepishly listen to the cool music that everyone else is listening to. Just pull your pants down below your bottom and walk in public like the unaware slave you have become. 
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Developed Butterfly: (Unedited): 15 July 2013:

The young Children who seem to develop more slowly may just be an indication of more time required for their more complex natures to manifest into the unique butterflies they are to become. 
Do not automatically assume that if your child is developing slowly. That there is something wrong. Because the truth may be that there is something right and it just needs more time to evolve, develop and grow.
Yes, do see the doctor. Only accept proven facts from tests taken. Not the assumptions from the logic of a doctor. ADHD does not exist and is a lie and a deception. So deny the medications. The medications do more long term harm than any good what so ever. 
Work in progress. Not framed correctly. Not sure. 
May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Logical Trust: (Unedited): 16 July 2013:

Learning to develop and trust your own logic is critical to your overall thinking processes. 
Any teacher or professor who hands you a thinking device such as a calculator or a computer. Does more harm to you than what you may be aware of. Those two devices and others like them are the modern day equivalent to restraining and bondage devices of enslaved/imprisoned human history. The only exception is the lack of pain and suffering.
A young person must to learn to trust their own developing logical process. If the young person is given aids to enhance the speed of obtaining answers. Then all the students learn is how to systematically use a machine to obtain the exact answer. The young student does not learn how to develop their logical thinking process and thus they do not learn to trust it.
Critical thinking skills is necessary in the modern ages. If you do not develop a trust in your ability to logically think for yourself. Then you can become enslaved by any persons or by any *group* who merely appears to be logical and have the correct answers. Those who have the correct answers may not be in the right.

The difference between the correct answer and the right answer may have a wide divide between the two. A professor/teacher may pose questions in which he/she will expect a correct answer which is defined by them or by those who are in authority over them. Those answers they expect are the correct answers. Even though  they are the wrong answers in life. It doesn't matter if you know the answers are very wrong. Over time just living a life where you are continually encompassed by lies and deceptions. You become conditioned to believe in those lies and deceptions are the truth.
Why not use a calculator? What is the harm? The quick and easy answer is no harm or the youthful excitement from a young person who now doesn't have to use their brain to do any math work.
 Play time comes sooner, doesn't it?
Which did you prefer?
Math by pencil and paper or by calculator?
Remember when you were told it was OK to use a calculator? You probably thought I can cheat now or you just celebrated.
What about now when every young child can use a calculator? They never went through the thinking process of  is this right or is this cheating?

The worst and most damaging of those math teachers and professors are those who proclaim to their students that they will never use algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry and the more advanced versions of those. Those teachers and professors who say these things to their students are of the most evil because it is like the slave owner who says that education only makes the slaves unhappy. Which is a true statement. Becoming educated in Mathematics in it's entirety will make you the slave  an unhappy slave or cause you the free person to remain a free person.
The word group includes all cultures, social classes, laws, policy's, politics and religions.
In all of humanity. The teaching of mathematics in it's entirety must be changed. The psychological conditioning of students to hate math needs to be criminalized by the parents. This will bring about social change. The kind of social change which will reveal who is evil or righteous in the world. When that happens it will surprise you and possibly anger you. The revelation of truth on a human world where lies and deceptions have been king of truth for thousands of years. Can be destructive. Teaching children to logically think for themselves. They may become the logical calm force who changes those things in the time when they are made aware of them. When they become the ones who run the world as a new logical collective force. 
 Those who rule the world as the slave masters, Fear an educated population more than anything. Because, once there lies and deceptions are revealed. Their rule will end. Because, it isn't about whether or not a slave is happy. It is about profiting from and using that slave, without the slaves questions, inputs, ideas. Then if the slave does become properly educated. Then they become Nat Turner.
In order for humanity to mentally evolve to the next level of logical thinking. A certain percentage of all humanity must begin to entertain the thoughts of multidimensional Mathematics. In other words Universal Mathematics cannot be accurately done on a two dimensional surface. This is necessary to leave the solar system.
Multidimensional math is where multiple former unrelated formulas of different disciplines have a mutual relationship and can have a direct affect on the other. This is directly related to specific positions in space at a given time. Where as that position in space only lasts for a very short period of time. The formulas appear to fade in and out. The end result seems to be what is moving through all space. This is my flawed observations. But, very exciting to imagine. I did fail general math. My use of the term Multidimensional math may also be inaccurate. It is the best I can explain.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Questions Journey: (Unedited): 09 July 2013:

Sometimes the silence is the best response to your questions. The journey of answer discovery has greater rewards, than a simple answer given. C.J.MacKechnie
 When we pray to our GOD of our own understanding. Sometimes we get silence. This can be very frustrating to any of us. Especially me. I can be impatient at times. Then GOD sends me a spiritual LOL.
It is simple. We cannot grow, develop or evolve if our lives is of absolute ease and comfort. If every single answer to every conceivable problem is instantly given. If it all were, Then why live physically? Even our bodies must have stress, weight, effort in order to grow stronger. If you just remained in bed for a given time. Your muscles will atrophy, then a time later you will die.

 May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Empath Radio: (Unedited): Feb Estimate No year.

  • Empath John MacKechnie

    A Invite only Facebook group.
    this document has been copied and pasted from a few discussions on empathy from John MacKechnie...
    An empath at their most basic level is like a radio receiver that is always on and receiving every frequency..It is important for the empath to both develop the skills and the tools necessary. To achieve mastery of this very cool gift from GOD. Most people teach skill development. While lacking in the tool development. Which without the tools can lead to severe mental illness and the consideration that the gift is more of a curse. Here is your first lesson in tool development. Know that every time you brain learns something new. You know it forever. When you attach a positive or negative emotion to that new thing. It is very difficult to change a negative emotion into a positive. Unless, the new thing learned becomes really really cool and fun. So, lesson 1.1 should be considered fun. Because you are going to create and learn new parts of your brain. Isn't this fun already? Nope it ain't. But what. Gotta learn brain facts. And that's all I'm teaching about brains. The rest is related to your own directional path.
    lesson 1.1. Your a radio receiver which is born on and receiving all frequencies at all times. Know this. You are similar to radio receivers but not exactly. Similar to but not exactly to. Your legs can take you places. But, so can a train, car, boat and plane. What does this mean? The more you learn about the dials, knobs and switches on a radio, shortwave receiver and even a ham radio. The more you can develop those very same knobs, dials and switches within your own brain. Except they will be automatic and not manual. Cool. The first of the switches are the power switch. The empath power switch is important because. You choose when to turn it on and turn it off. The volume knob as people can be loud. Such as a sporting event or even a shopping mall. You get it? There are many, many other kinds of knobs, dials and switches. You do need to learn definitions of electronics as related to communications. So as to create a solid understanding within your own wonderful brain.The tuner dial. Allows you to listen in on rosepetals feelings and thoughts at any time. Really Cool. Just like the excitement when you dial in a certain frequency and eves drop on a conversation between two people, truckers, airplanes, businesses and etc. They will never know your listening. Because, radio receivers are absolutely passive. Just like being an empath. I know some of you enjoy a good conversation. Especially when not invited. LOL.
    self protection aspect. Now that everyone is tuned into Rosepetals thoughts and emotions. Rosepetal has been secretly been learning about radio transmitters "ham radio transceivers". Now she can simply turn both the receiver and transmitters parts of her brain off and completely disappear. This is a self defense mechanism you can develop within your brain But. Maybe that will be a lesson for next time. Even though i've already pointed to the next step. Which is all learn and develop as you go.
    An empath is like a drop of water in an ocean. It is easy to lose your identity of self. It is easy to acquire other traits from other drops of water. Depending on your proximity to them and your own emotional attachment to them. Your neighbor water drops can have an emotional effect upon you. Before, the diagnosis of depression from a professional medical person. Is there a source of trauma? Did bad and sad things happen to you? Need to discover the source or sources of your depression. Need to discover the beginnings of your depression.
    An empath who knows not they are an empath will believe that all they feel is theirs and theirs alone. Then as time goes on. The mind will logically become what it feels. Thus the empath becomes unknowingly cursed. The curse and become the wonderful gift as was originally intended. Would you get into the cockpit of an advanced military fighter jet? Without any training what so ever. Would you jump out of a perfectly good airplane with some sort of bag of fabric strapped to your body? That you have never seen before. Just as your an empath so it is with flying a jet airplane or jumping out of an airplane. It is all going to happen. That is the essence of the gift or curse of being an empath. Which is better a gift or a curse? The primary difference between a gift and a curse. Is knowledge, wisdom and understanding. The development of the needed skills, controls and disciplines. Even if you have only experienced the curse of empathy. You can still turn it all around.
    A natural empath who knows not who they are will pick up the strongest emotional signals. Without any self control and self discipline. This person will go through life never knowing why they suddenly feel emotions for unknown reasons not related to expected circumstances. Any of this sounds familiar? Once you have transmitted your own uncontrolled emotional outburst. No matter if it is positive or negative. It is out there in the universe for everyone to receive. Remember my little caparison about radio transmitters and receivers? Once you transmit any signal. You cant take it back. You must understand that your thoughts and emotions have the power to build or destroy instantly. John
    Did you know I was adopted? Apparently this spooky stuff runs in the wrangler jeans. My bio mom,  I could always feel her and not knowing why. Even today as I'm soon to be leaving from buffalo to Taylor, Mi. I can feel my mothers ups and downs as well as her neutral robotic zombie states. My mother has a certain flavor or taste or frequency or familiar feeling about her. Now that you know your an empath and other peoples feeling effect and affect you. You can now logically analyze all feelings as if your tuning in an old analog radio. Your mother will have her spot on the dial. Just like everyone else. Then just like a police/fire scanner. You can zoom in with lights and sirens a blaring to rescue the damsel or dude in distress. Or just to express love and compassion. That's powerful. Just like any new discovered high tech gadget. You get to learn this as u go. When u master it. U will know this empathy as a gift.
    I will add to this as I think necessary.
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