Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts

Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Strong Will Survive: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:

As the human extinction process begins. The strong will survive unto the bitter end. While the Good will die young and will be among the first. The strong will eventually see the mercy and compassion in those good souls who died sooner than the strongest soul will die alone at the conclusion of the extinction process.
At any Cost: (Unedited): (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
Those souls who shall continue to live at any cost will eventually know how this wonderful planet has become a hell to live upon. Then once those strong souls breathe their last breath. They too may awaken to experience a hell worse than what this planet has/will become.
Renege on Evil: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
It is better to renege on contracts and deals with evil. Then it is to follow through with the evil conclusion. For once those deals and pacts are complete all of humanity loses. No one wins and no one will profit anything. For all of humanity will be lost. Except for those repentant souls who have become holy and righteous in the accepting eyes of God only. 
Isolated Hell: (Unedited): 11 Aug 2018:
The pride of the strong soul is deceived into thinking that when they go to hell they will overthrow and rule over all of hell. The strong soul falsely thinks that hell is the preferred place of satan's and devil's. Hell is a Holy and Righteous God created prison in which you are forced to maintain all manner of consciousness while you are perpetually tortured with all manner of pain and while you are completely isolated from the other lost souls including the fallen angels. Until it is time for even your spirit and soul to be permanently executed. God brings the hell not any satan's or devil's.
Note: I've written this before. I knew some of the most brilliant men in the USA, back in the day. The kind of intelligence which required no calculators. Of course there weren't any calculators until Texas Instruments red display. Even after they did not require machines to do their thinking or calculating for them. Unlike today, Software programs are preferred by common people for everyday thinking like "Ask Siri"(Had to conduct serious spell checks). There will be many evolutions of these Siri types of programs. Anyway one thing I learned from being around these very brilliant men for years is that they were very capable of doing amazing things. While at the same time still be very capable of messing up their own personal lives and the personal lives of everyone else involved with them.
I know there is great human intelligence in USA, Russia, China, Iran and everywhere else in the world. I also know that no matter how pridefully smart you think you are. Your just a dumb human being who shares more than 99.9% of all of your DNA with every other dumb human being on this rock. Which means those decisions you make affects us all. Including your dealings with those fallen angels who you refer to as other names and designations. You may think that what you are doing as beneficial to your own people. You are not. For all they will tell you is half truths. While you make machines in which they never mentioned the inductance effects upon this whole planet Or for one device. They will forget to mention those other effects which doesn't seem to important in that moment of your excitement. You are getting into the place where the absence of perceived information is more important than what the idea will do for you.
I've written this before. Those fallen angels will tell to you your specific half truths while at the same time tell the Russians and Chinese and whoever else they have direct contact with half truths for them as well. While calling themselves a particular name or kind for the Russians, another name or kind for the Chinese and yet another name or kind for the Americans. While proclaiming no contact with any other nation using that one name or kind they use with you. Which is a half truth. Remember the gods of old and their human interactions? Those things which they taught us and which has even survived unto today in the minds of all humans such as the names of all of the stars. Have made the world we all have today and if we all want our or their(currently) world to survive and our species to survive into the next evolution of humanity. We all must reject all off planet(other) interactions until all of humanity becomes as one as our DNA suggests. If you smart and in the know people do not begin this rejection process of them, then they are going to end us all. Oops, except they won't end humanity. We dumb humans will do it for them. Through the hatreds and untrusting eyes of your own brothers whom you call enemy. You ever know someone who had pride, ego, supremacy and arrogance at their knowing of just how much they can manipulate other people they perceive as less than them? You probably do. Well guess what. This is the fallen angels and their dealings with all of humanity. Because to those fallen angels we are all just that stuff which is in their petri dish worthy of the same rights as whatever else you smart human people put into those petri dishes in your own public, private, governmental or classified labs. How much power do you exercise over the contents of your petri dish? How would you react if those contents demanded anything like right to life? as you properly incinerate those contents without a second thought or any emotional connection. But, what if you can manipulate those contents to make their own device of incineration or extinction? After all what follows is just an evolution of the experiment.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Faithful Young Adult: (Unedited): 16 Dec 2015:

A faithful young adult who is also well reasoned and well balanced. Will be seen as odd and ridiculed by an insane and violent world. 
From that violent world. Insane people rise up to kill those who bring the true messages of love, peace, harmony and life. 
To love one another means to love everyone.
To live in peace means not to be violent in any way. This means internally and externally of the self.
To exist in harmony means not to be chaotic with any aspect of life. Regardless of how you define the importance of any particular thing is.
The law, The Law, The Law. A lot of people wants to bring excuses against the Laws of God. The Laws of God are necessary for every single person to live as nearly drama free life as humanly possible. The Laws of God are to be obeyed by those who choose of their own free will to obey them. All without fear, without intimidation and without threats. If you disobey the Laws of God. God is not going to strike you down with lightning and send you screaming to Hell. Well, you may end up their. But, God does not want us to be slaves. There is great wisdom in freely choosing to obey the Laws of God. To fundamentally know the Laws of God are Right.
A person can know and bring into to their lives all of the wisdom of Love, Peace, Harmony and Life. But, if they cannot abide by the Laws of God. Then Righteousness and Holiness as seen and identified by only God cannot ever be attained. It matters not how wonderful your podium is and how high the people raise you up. It matters not how well you sing a tune glorifying the savior or the fancy airplane you have. It matters not how much wealth you promise to everyone who listens to your words of worldly wisdom. If you bring sin into your being, into your home, into any other holy place. You have brought into you desolation of abomination.
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.


To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Passing Red: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The first pass of the red horse of Christian prophecies will be for those world leaders who have already freely chosen to get onto the crazy train for their thrilling and exciting ride to extinction.
While the young ones who have newly chosen to be of the world without heart or conscience. Shall be amongst the first influenced of the passing red horse. Ready to hop onto the Crazy Train party without any forethought.
The naive young ones. They can range in age from 9-24 years old. Once one of these young ones have the ability to choose who they will be and how they will live their chosen lives. Then they will receive those just rewards or judgement. Think about this for a moment. In the Holy Bible. Which is the most accurate history book ever written. The 8 surviving people on board Noah's Ark. Were all adults. There were No children, No disabled, No helpless, No innocent little babes.
My ages listed is only through my flawed understandings as God will do as God does. HE doesn't need me to box him into a corner. Nor will HE ever abide by my own set parameters of HIM or even yours.
Here is Crazy Train Lyrics by Ozzy Osbourne. This is not for your enjoyment or entertainment value.

In order to get onto the "Crazy Train" You just freely choose to get on. No need to buy a ticket. It is free and the final stop is extinction. I bet the party aboard that crazy train will be awesome. DDDDD= Dance, Drink, Drugs, Disease, Death.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Gratitude Sign: (Unedited): 09 June 2015:

The loss of felt and expressed gratitude among the young generation. Is a definite sign that your civilized society shall end within your generation. 
Gratitude it's one of those polite heart felt things that people express from their heart. In the young generation as their numbers of percentage increase. There shall be that tipping point when the heart yields to the urgings of the apathetic mind. Thus a heart becomes heartless. Then as one apathetic heartless person bares children with another apathetic heartless person. Their offspring shall become more so than they have chosen to become. Thus, the offspring have genetically become dehumanized and DE-evolved into a more base animalistic mammal.
The evidence shall be easy to see. Do a thing which benefits a young person. Smile. Then watch from a distance without actually paying attention. Usually a good young person. will smile and express gratitude in return. But, not so from a young person who has no heart. They will say nothing and may not even accept a deed for their benefit. Much like an animal in their response.
Why is that? Well in a reverse society anything which is genuinely good is actually known to be a weakness. Anything which is genuinely bad is actually known to be powerful and strong. To feed all of your physically based desires is purely animalistic. Anything that you do to be successfully capable of feeding all of your physically based desires is absolutely right for you. No matter what the religious values, social etiquette and laws of society are. what any animal does for itself is absolutely right for itself. That is why they are animals.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Young Alcoholic: (Unedited): 10 Aug 2014:

The young person who is already excited about drinking alcohol is already an alcoholic without ever having had a drink. 
The signs for the parents are already present. The parents were most likely the teachers on how much fun drinking alcohol can be. While their child's excited public display of alcoholic beverages is just a mirrored reflection of your own preferences.
The young persons future is already becoming set in hardening quicksand and the young ones thinks it's cool, fun and exciting.
It doesn't matter the legality, medical usage, cultural acceptance or even social traditions. Any mind altering substances ingested, injected and inhaled is not a healthy practice for anyone for any reason, not even once. This includes smoking cigarettes, medications and of course illegal drugs. They lead to addictions which is the very least of the problems associated with any mind altering substances. Can you fathom this fact, the addiction is the least of the problems associated with and mind altering substances. The mind altering substances can lead to death and murder. The mind altering substances can lead to illnesses and diseases. The mind altering substances can lead to a loss of control and loss of soul via outside demonic influences. Which have taken over the hosts body because of their now weakened energy fields known as auras,
A demonic spirit can take over your body. A demonic spirit can even take over the body of your unborn child all because you used or was prescribed a mind altering substance while pregnant. 
Have you ever seen a child who had a demonic spirit within. Their outbursts of animalistic behaviors and then the parents see their child within. Over time, the child will be lost. Confined in a prison within a prison, within a prison. Depending on how many demons are within the child's host body. The suffering of the parents will be obvious. The accidents to the other children and animals will also become historical evidence.
Yes, I added this and it doesn't really matter if you believe this demonic stuff or not. It still happens and will become more prevalent as humanity gets closer to their own extinction by their own trigger finger. This is prophecy not of me. Hell on Earth is to come.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Directional Empath: (Unedited): 18 Dec 2013:

The young empath only knows your joys and sufferings without knowing why.
The young empath needs to be taught the two way directional flow of emotions and energies.
So that when the young empath realizes that he/she can have a positive impact on another persons well being in a positive way. This will possibly empower the young empath to assist those who are suffering.
The young empath who knows not their empathic gifts can also fall victim to those loved ones who tend to always be negative, worrisome and looking for all of the wrongs in life. For the young empath who has to endure years of these emotional and mental thoughts from others. Can train that young empaths mind into very negative thought patterns. Which would become a normal and regular state of being.
As the young empath becomes older. He/she may begin to transmit their mental and emotional negativity into other unsuspecting people. Even to their children and great grand children. Causing those young ones harm. Without ever knowing it.

Yes, even Grand parents can be emphatically unaware of what they do by their natural gifts. By the simple fact of dis-belief from decades within the Christian church. Which many define any of the spiritual gifts as demonic, occultism and sorcery.
The young empath who may not be entirely believing in their gifts may not even be aware of any outside influences upon their mind and heart. Thus, not protecting themselves from those negative influences. The continuous flood of negativity will be believed by them as their own and not from a loved one or friend. Over time. This belief of theirs that all of the uncontrolled negativity that they have felt and thought. is their own and Will entrain their young mind into only thinking about negative things.
Serious Note: I am not writing this so you can assign blame upon anyone. Especially, for something those persons may not even be aware of or believe in. It is my intention for you the reader to become self empowered. To become self motivating and self inspired. Begin to pray and meditate. Begin to change your own negative thought patterns into positive ones.
By doing these things. You can begin to make a positive impact upon this world. You can protect yourself from all of the negativity which surrounds you. While at the same time transmitting a very real positive influence upon others.

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Developed Butterfly: (Unedited): 15 July 2013:

The young Children who seem to develop more slowly may just be an indication of more time required for their more complex natures to manifest into the unique butterflies they are to become. 
Do not automatically assume that if your child is developing slowly. That there is something wrong. Because the truth may be that there is something right and it just needs more time to evolve, develop and grow.
Yes, do see the doctor. Only accept proven facts from tests taken. Not the assumptions from the logic of a doctor. ADHD does not exist and is a lie and a deception. So deny the medications. The medications do more long term harm than any good what so ever. 
Work in progress. Not framed correctly. Not sure. 
May be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Quiet Sensitive: (Unedited): 25 March 2013:

Sensitives. When your quiet and fully open to the all. Do not be surprised when you feel the little critter of your own little world or even the excited young empath who arrives on mars for the first time. Even the little critter and the young empath may not even be aware that they are transmitting their own signals into the vast greatness of the whole universe, for all to hear. C.J.MacKechnie
:Update on 28 June 2013:
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Potential Mediocrity: (Unedited): 02 Nov 2012:

Mediocrity stifles your unrealized potential.
 For the young this is most damaging to their starting point in life and to their future. For the young who have been gifted in certain areas and they think they know it. For them to choose not to pursue it is defiantly most harmful to the young one. The gift of intelligence is a good one. Then the young person thinking they are so smart only puts forth minimal effort or worse zero effort. The same goes for the young person who is gifted in athletics and only thinks the minimum effort is good enough or comes up with a string of excuses as to why they should not. No matter the reason or explanation. The window of greater opportunity has a time limit. If the child misses it. The rewards are zero. If the child becomes an older adult and then decides to pursue excellence. Then the rewards will only be some cheesy accolade.
The pursuit of your gift will have its reward greater than you can realize. The rejection of your gifts based in some kind of fear. Will gain you nothing. The nothing I'm talking about isn't just money lost or unseen. The evolution of you will be stagnated, limited and/or slowed down.
I once wrote many years ago The following.
"It's easy to be average, Just don't try very hard": C.J.MacKechnie
Then that star wars character "YODA" What did he say about trying? Get the point.

For some people being average is fine and that is OK. But, If your actively laying down a whole bunch of excuses why you shouldn't or couldn't or cant put forth that great effort. Then you will be one of those who will say to themselves. I should have been, I could have been, I would have been, My life would have been better if I had just ...., and so on. Then that can lead to your own personal insults of your younger self. Which leads to perpetual mental torment.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Government Young (unedited). 23 June 2012

Government educated young adults. Will not be aware they are lacking in passion of heart or resolve of spirit.
To be included in future volumes of "Musings of an American Truck Driver".
Musings of an American Truck Driver