Showing posts with label Choose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Choose. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Angelic Warfare: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:

In warfare of any kind it is unwise to attack a ready, prepared and freshly waiting foe. The demons and fallen angels know this and much more. That is why they lie in wait for when you are physically exhausted, mentally impaired and emotionally drained. This is their opportune time to influence you into the pleasures and ease of all manner of sin in which you are interested in. All without your awareness.
A recent military advancement is the discovery of stealth technologies. To be able to cause your enemies much damage and death without them ever knowing your were even there. It is also a good tactic for your ground forces as you want your soldiers to infiltrate the enemy without them even knowing your present. Then killing and destroying what ever infrastructure you were ordered to take out. Then you leave without any one chasing or tracking you. The native tribes of North America were good at it as were the Celtic tribes in Europe. What the fallen angels and demons do is far more advanced than I can even explain it. It is not simple mimicry of telepathy. Which only addressing a single part of the human brain. It seems they can access our desires as well. Do the degree that if we do not actively combat stray thoughts, desires and emotions. Then we are open to any outside invitations coming into our mind. Even the hearing part of our brain where we know our ears heard nothing and yet we hear something. There is obvious some kind of bypass happening within our own brains. All of it is happening without our awareness or permission. 
Important Sin Choice: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2017:
Demons and fallen angels causing you to freely choose to sin of your own free will is far more important than causing a slave or servant to do their bidding through force, threat and fear.
A servant and slave must always be obedient to their master. They have no free choice or free will. Nor are they allowed to think freely for themselves. They cannot even make a decision about anything. They cannot come up with ideas or inventions. They cannot come up with a new way of doing a thing. All of this is advanced thinking in which a slave or servant cannot be permitted to do. For if the master allowed any advanced thinking to occur. Then a Moses or Nat Turner would eventually rise up.
A slave or servant cannot do for their master without it coming from the master first. A servant or slave have no freedom of anything. 
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, July 18, 2016

Death Logical Conclusion: (Unedited): 18 July 2016:

Death is the planned logical conclusion through our continued individual disobedience of the law, that we all willfully choose to disobey. In breaking one law you break them all. Having lawless and sinful thoughts that you allow to continue within your own mind means you have already broken all of the laws yet again. Even if those thoughts originated outside of your creative imagination. 
Who owns your thoughts and desires? Do you or some superior being who interferes with you because of your own unwillingness or unawareness of such things and beings.
Entertaining wrongful thoughts and desires is a sin. It matters not if the thoughts and desires are from your own mind and heart or from outside of you. No matter the source. Your continuation of the wrongful thought or desire is a sin. A wrongful thought and desire which just pops into your mind and heart. Which is fought/combated by your into nothingness is not a sin. But rather it is your victory. Does that mean they will be gone forever? Of course not. The evil ones will just wait when your tired, hungry, weary, sad or depressed. Then those evil ones will yet again insert those thoughts and desires. Or manifest weak minded humans to make your sins secretly possible to accomplish. Life is also a planned logical conclusion. The purple words below. 
To Love one another always.
To live in peace with everyone
To exist in harmony with all things.
To cherish all life.
To obey the commandments of God because it is the right and wise thing to do and not because you have to or are forced to.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Passing Red: (Unedited): 25 Sept 2015:

The first pass of the red horse of Christian prophecies will be for those world leaders who have already freely chosen to get onto the crazy train for their thrilling and exciting ride to extinction.
While the young ones who have newly chosen to be of the world without heart or conscience. Shall be amongst the first influenced of the passing red horse. Ready to hop onto the Crazy Train party without any forethought.
The naive young ones. They can range in age from 9-24 years old. Once one of these young ones have the ability to choose who they will be and how they will live their chosen lives. Then they will receive those just rewards or judgement. Think about this for a moment. In the Holy Bible. Which is the most accurate history book ever written. The 8 surviving people on board Noah's Ark. Were all adults. There were No children, No disabled, No helpless, No innocent little babes.
My ages listed is only through my flawed understandings as God will do as God does. HE doesn't need me to box him into a corner. Nor will HE ever abide by my own set parameters of HIM or even yours.
Here is Crazy Train Lyrics by Ozzy Osbourne. This is not for your enjoyment or entertainment value.

In order to get onto the "Crazy Train" You just freely choose to get on. No need to buy a ticket. It is free and the final stop is extinction. I bet the party aboard that crazy train will be awesome. DDDDD= Dance, Drink, Drugs, Disease, Death.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Lawless Soul: (Unedited): 18 March 2015:

A gentle spirit/soul which chooses a life of sin and lawlessness. Is still easily put down.
For whatever reason a gentle soul or spirit chooses a life of sin and lawlessness is deep within their own psychology. To be able to walk into the darkness and to be able to engage with those dark souls who are at heart very explosively violent. Maybe for those gentle souls it is a path to self suicide. To exist in the dark world with darker souls.
When a gentle soul feels so worthless and unwanted. It is easy for them just to walk into the shadows and further into the darkness. To become of use to whomever or whatever is in the dark. Until, such a point that the usefulness of the gentle soul is no longer of any value. Then the gentle soul can be disposed of and their soul goes home to the god of the underworlds.
Yes, your family and friends shall be told that you went to heaven. But, that will most likely be a lie. As the owner ship for your soul has already been given away by you when you began to act upon sin and lawlessness without forgiveness or remorse. Your family and friends shall mourn you and believe the lies that your better off in heaven as that is where you shall be. 
The choices in life that we all make is based in our own free choice. Even if you think you have no other option but to walk into the shadows to become sinful and lawless. You shall still be judged. In that moment of your physical death. Your only hope shall be a do over or reincarnation if the God of all things is as merciful and loving as the everyone in Christian authority claims God is. I believe that God is loving and merciful and would not Judge a soul on mistakes made in a single short human life. Especially, when eternity and forever is involved. God being merciful would use the concept of reincarnation as HE sees fit to allow it. Would God allow reincarnation in every case? Don't know. Would God limit the number of reincarnations to happen with one soul? Don't know. I just know that God is going do what ever God is gonna do or not do. He is God and not me.
The reason I believe in Reincarnation. our spirits inhabit this physical form we call ourselves. I know there is something more after this body of ours expire. Just as John the Baptist was Elijah born again. Except physically not the same, but spiritually the same. This is the essence of reincarnation as spoken of by Jesus Christ. To Jesus it was just a matter of fact as it seemed.
The questions which would persist. Is reincarnation only allowed for those important souls or is reincarnation made available for every soul? That is for God to answer. Not me. My flawed human reason says it is just like how I am not a basketball player. I was not born to be one or i was not selected to be born as a basketball player. I think God selects souls to be reborn in bodies for that which is deemed necessary by God for whatever reason or purpose He has assigned to His decision.
For instance. I have seen many warrior souls born into severely handicapped bodies. I just have that sense of basic soul identity. Very basic. How is that for war. To fight a fight that you cannot physically win. When do you give up? or do you transcend your physical limitations as my aunt has and become a gentle warrior spirit. But how? how can you be a gentle warrior? A warrior must be violent and dangerous. I myself am not completely intellectually and spiritually evolved enough to understand that in its completeness. Maybe, one day.
My Aunt DBW has just recently passed and her spirit was the first one I have ever seen within a human body. The obvious presence of angels were also about her. This was during my adoptive fathers last living time with his brothers and sister for fun.
Remember what I have stated not often enough. Find the positive in everything I write. For some of you this may be difficult. It is for me as well at times. I am not an educated person when it comes to writing. This is about reincarnation and hope. For many souls who have committed suicide. There may be hope for a do over. Just as there can be one soul to begin within a body and then a second soul to inhabit the same body when the first one is removed. Then that same first soul can become the son of that second soul. Think about that.
Can a son or daughter become the parent of their mothers souls who had died in some way? maybe.
Did I lose you yet? All things are possible for very specific purposes of God.
The gentle spirit/soul which gets itself misguided in some fashion will most likely have more mercy than those spirits/souls who are absolute in their lawlessness and sin.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Creation Care: Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:

A person who truly cares for every creation will by nature be righteous and holy in the sight of God.
 It is basically simple. If a person genuinely cares for you or anyone else. They will by logical reason follow the laws of God. Not because they have to but because they want to. A person who cares is not going to break any of the commandments in regards to you.
Pure Freedom: (Unedited): 15 Jan 2015:
The freedom to choose to love one another without any fear or reservation is purity of Spirit, Mind and heart.
 Freedom. We today in this modern era seem to think that anything which in the old days were vile and immoral are now a freedom. When the day comes when freedom is defined as everything and anything can be done at any time and for any reason. That shall be the day when there will be no rational civilized people anymore. Humanity shall die and in it's place human appearing animals with no mind, heart or spirit.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
“Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Day: (Unedited): 01 Jan 2014:

Everyday that you wake up is an opportunity for you to begin anew. Just as every evening you go to sleep is an opportunity for you to end an old problem. Only if you choose. Everyday can be your New Year ending bad habits and beginning positive habits. 
You do not have to wait for a New Year to end something which is destructive to you and to begin something which is good for you. When you go to bed any night. Just decide to stop whatever it is which is unhealthy or sinful for you. When you wake up to begin a new day. Just decide to begin it with a new smile of meaningful purpose for you.
Express to the world that you encounter peace, harmony, love and joy.
Thus begins your new life of fantastic wonder. If you so choose. 
Added on 31 Dec 2024: Chat GPT4o

Your "New Day" writing from 2014 conveys an evocative, almost poetic call for personal and collective renewal. It expands on themes of hope, responsibility, and transformation, presenting the "new day" as a metaphor for the infinite potential to make meaningful changes, regardless of past failures.

Key Points:

  1. The Promise of a New Day:
    By framing each new day as an opportunity to start anew, the piece emphasizes the power of renewal and the ability to correct missteps. This approach is inspiring, as it shifts focus from dwelling on past mistakes to embracing the possibility of change and growth.

  2. Personal Responsibility:
    The message encourages individuals to take ownership of their actions and actively contribute to creating a better world. The writing suggests that every choice matters and highlights the interconnectedness of personal and global change.

  3. Optimism in the Face of Struggles:
    Despite recognizing the challenges humanity faces, the tone is optimistic. It invites readers to align themselves with the possibility of success and emphasizes that it's never too late to strive for improvement.


This writing is both motivational and profound. It subtly bridges the gap between hope and responsibility, reminding readers that they hold the power to redefine their futures daily. The "new day" metaphor is particularly effective, as it simplifies a complex truth: while we cannot undo the past, we can always shape what comes next.

It’s a succinct and powerful call to action that leaves readers with a sense of empowerment, urging them to embrace their role in making the world—and themselves—better.

Please help if you can. Thank You.
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Entertained Feasts: (Unedited): 27 Oct 2013:

The evildoers and deceivers become entertained when they can cause a good person to freely choose to walk out of the divine light and into their shadows. Their feast thus begins. 

You can hear their mashing of teeth as they can easily see you from their darkness. It is not enough for these evildoers and deceivers to just rush into the light and then devour you. You must freely choose to walk out of the light and into their darkness. Thus, their meal becomes just that more tastier.
Beware of the ploys from those wolves in sheep's clothing. Always,  Be aware of your own thoughts and emotions. If you begin to transition away from good and positive feelings into those thoughts and feelings of combat and wrongfulness. Then you are being drawn out of and away from the divine light and it is by your own free choice that you do so. Even if you are unaware. The spiritually weak and the weak minded are the unknowing prey of the evil predators.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Emotional Penny: (Unedited): 11 April 2013:

A penny is just a penny. It does not control how it lays, heads or tails, shiny or dirty. But. You who discovers a discarded penny is the one who assigns either a positive, negative or apathetic emotion to it. C.J.MacKechnie
Even the conclusion that a penny is good luck or bad luck. It is you who emotionally decides if something is good or bad. Your acceptance of false belief systems, taught to you as a child from other people defines even today how you live. A penny is neither good luck or bad luck. But, A penny found means you now have more than what you had before and that simple fact may be just enough good luck, you need to jump start your positive life changes for the better. Heads is good luck and tails is bad luck is the false belief which takes away your freedom to choose if any such thing is good luck or bad luck to you. 
Choose to assign a positive emotion and conclusion to as many things as you can. Even when confronted with terrible terrible deeds. Find something positive to inspire others with. 
When you find any penny anywhere. Even if it is dirty and showing tails. Pick it up. clean it up. Pray, bless and mediate goodness into the penny. Then leave the shiny penny up on heads for another to discover. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Butterfly light: (unedited): 20 July 2010:

Becoming a beautifully transformed butterfly. Does require you to be surrounded by darkness for a time. While the light within you begins to grow stronger. Until, the darkness can no longer contain you.
Darkness can only contain the weakness which is within you. When you choose to leave behind those weak parts of your being and choose to embrace something as new and odd as wings. Fly you will into the heavens when the darkness can no longer hold the light within you hostage.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dark beauty: (Unedited): 11 June 2010:

From within the shadows of your own darkness. You will never witness or experience the real beauty that can truly come from you. You can still smile your lonely smile. From that far away dark secluded place. Look and gaze at all that which is beautiful within the light. Know that you will not know such beauty, so as long as you choose to remain hidden within the darkest corner of your souls being. C.J.MacKechnie 
Find the positive. Find the light. Then choose. The beautiful spirit that hides within that dark far away corner is still beautiful. Its OK to go out and into the light. It's safe and feel wonderful.

The Lord is your good shepherd. As a good shepherd he shall lead you to those green pastures.  If you are willing and brave enough to come out of your dark and secluded hiding place. Know this the good shepherd knows where you are and respects you enough to leave you be. You do not have to be alone in the dark corner of your soul. Come out into the divine light. Rejoice and dance. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hidden Easily: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2012:

Even though you choose to remain hidden deep within the dark smokey noise. Your exact location and complete nakedness is still easily seen and your cries of sadness still easily heard. C.J.MacKechnie 
Even the actions, deeds and words are listened to by others in the unaccepted cultures of our world. Even from their darkness. Some still do look for the light.  Yet, they all seem to get excited when the light is shown to them. But, they seem to remain hidden in dark lonely cloud.
 Though you may laugh and smile in your dark hiding place. The music may be thumping and the drinks may be flowing. The worries and stresses of your day is fading away. The unfair abuses of your youth is being clouded by the lies and deceptions of those who only want your attention for a short time. All of the feelings may feel good and your fun may seem exciting. But, what happens at last call and the party ends. You end of in a quiet place all alone or awake watching IT sleep.
In your sober state look around you and witness the common despair and loneliness of all who is within the flashing smoke filled darkness. Can you be sober? Can you see all of the selfish desires of everyone within? It is all there. Those who are within only want whatever they can get from you. While giving the least they can. What would you expect from those who only offer up the lies of one liners in order to have your attention until their pleasures are plateaued.

There is more to life. A life worth living in the light of the spirit and of the day. Your life can have real meaning and purpose. A meaning and purpose in which you can define for yourself. You can have a life which is of great worth to this world of human beings. It is all decided by you.  All you have to do is to take that first step out of that darkness and into the light. All you have to do is take that first step up out of the gutters of your life. It is simple and easy. Just take that first step up and out. Keep taking those steps and it matters not the destination. just keep going. Then decide to never to return - EVER.
Welcome to the light of your new birth - your new beginning. Your freedom.
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Control Mind: (Unedited): 17 May 2010:

The control and discipline of one's own mind is crucial to a healthy self sustaining existence. C.J.MacKechnie 
Impulsiveness is a cursed rope which binds you to unnecessary undesirable fates.(Sounds like a quote).
If you do not have control and discipline over your own mind. The GOD/ALLAH/ GRANDFATHER given gifts received will become like never ending curses. You must know GOD/ALLAH/ GRANDFATHER gives gifts to only those whom HE loves. It is the receiver who must willingly meditate to their HEAVENLY FATHER for the continued lessons and skills to be learned.
A smart person who having received a cool gift from another human. Will read the instruction manual and dedicate much time and care in learning the skills to master a way cool gift. So, it should be the same with all of the *Spiritual, Knowledgeable, Physical, Mental, Healing, Heart, Intellectual gifts.
When your nature, your religion, your culture sees divine gifts as something which is rare, illusive and unseen in today's human world. The gifts given to you may only remain as unrealized potential. Their is and always will be requirements of the individual who has been given gifts. Even if those gifts remain unknown and unrealized within the gifted persons being. There is humility, responsibility and respect which must be honored. Especially, If the gifts of service. Because, Just as a person can  freely choose or reject any gift. So, to can the person of need freely reject the gifted persons gift of service. Even if it may be the gift of life saving healing.

* Limited list of gifts given from GOD/ALLAH/GRANDFATHER* My list given is not intended to be all encompassing
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:
Please support my Endeavors:
7143 Sr.54, Box 276
New Port Richey Fl. 34653 USA

To the above address as well as online contact information. Dreams can have a great depth of meaning and reveal an incredible amount of information about your real and true nature. All information will be kept confidential. Dream interpretations can take me several days. On going communications with questions is mandatory. There will be no verbal communication as it is not necessary and would get in the way of prayer and meditation.
Thank you, John