Showing posts with label Entertained. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entertained. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Foolish Heart: Suffering Happiness: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2014:

The foolish heart is entertained by other peoples sufferings. 
 The historical depictions of the Roman coliseum. Where the people fill this great ancient structure to watch great horrors as a form of entertainment.
In modern society of today. people watch the sufferings of others as a form of entertainment. The stupid things people do or the accidents which causes injuries or deaths. The beatings of innocents by mobs. School kids who are in the know turn on their cell phone to video an unsuspecting target get a beating. In which no one else even makes an attempt to help the targeted victim.
The foolish heart can even be the one taking action against others. Maybe even as a form of unhealthy empowerment, pride or ego or all of the above. The man or woman who goes through life destroying other peoples hearts and then finding entertainment within it.
I know of a guy who is considered eye candy to the ladies. Some ladies will even wait hours outside of his work just to be with him as soon as they can be with him. He knows exactly who they are and what they are. To him they are all female dogs in heat. To him causing harm is of no importance. But, bragging about his very real conquests is his entertainment, his enjoyment his false thinking that he is more man than others. He is not even aware or is caring of the harm he does. Even to other peoples marriages.
I have heard the same with women and have known of women who are animals. The kind of women who can have any man who even shows the least bit of interest. Even if they are married. This is her real power and she absorbs it all. Laughing about them all and describing to the those the pleasures she has felt.
Both of these kinds of men and women often times ignore the fact that they are lonely and are only using others to stem that loneliness. Just like the drug addict or alcoholic who needs that drug or alcohol in order to feel good, even if for a moment.
The fools heart is truly foolish. No matter how the world defines the perfection of their physical attributes.
How many celebrated and cheered the viewing of  the video of NFL star Ray Rice and was entertained by him knocking out cold his soon fiancee. She was unconscious for minutes. He could have killed her. This is not an exaggeration. I know a little about hand to hand combat. Power and speed to the head can cause brain trauma to both sides of the brain. This brain damage may not even manifest for years down the road. Apparently this happened in February 2104 and she still married Ray Rice. She even put out a letter wanting privacy and it was their lives and etc. Can you have any better example for a battered woman? This story isn't over. Those who laughed at Ray Rice knocking her out are also similar to the Chicago teen who was killed and in the video people were making their noises and laughter.
A NASCAR race with no accidents or injuries gets no news.  

Is your heart foolish? Is your mind actively searching out those disasters that you can laugh at and enjoy?
There are no videos of examples here to be shown. I know what they are and have myself enjoyed them. Yep, this is my admittance and I have been wrong. C.J.MacKechnie

The truly empathic person sees suffering as something which is not desired or entertained by. An truly empathic person sees the truth in pain, suffering and turmoil. This empathic person has a true heart of wisdom.
Suffering Happiness: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2014
There is no pain or suffering in happiness, even if it makes you feel good for a short time.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Entertained Feasts: (Unedited): 27 Oct 2013:

The evildoers and deceivers become entertained when they can cause a good person to freely choose to walk out of the divine light and into their shadows. Their feast thus begins. 

You can hear their mashing of teeth as they can easily see you from their darkness. It is not enough for these evildoers and deceivers to just rush into the light and then devour you. You must freely choose to walk out of the light and into their darkness. Thus, their meal becomes just that more tastier.
Beware of the ploys from those wolves in sheep's clothing. Always,  Be aware of your own thoughts and emotions. If you begin to transition away from good and positive feelings into those thoughts and feelings of combat and wrongfulness. Then you are being drawn out of and away from the divine light and it is by your own free choice that you do so. Even if you are unaware. The spiritually weak and the weak minded are the unknowing prey of the evil predators.
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Exodus from the Church Vision. 30 Jan 2003, 21 March 2004

Worship in the church will no longer be safe.
Worship in privacy will be mandatory.
The isolation of Christians will begin.

Christians will be hunted and killed.
A slow separation from the church will begin.
GOD will bring individuals together and build churches without walls.
They will have personal things in common and worship their personal Heavenly father with love, They will.
21 March 2004
A minor exodus of the church is taking place. Where persons of the church have become hungry that the church is unwilling to provide. They will go away and find those who thirst for more and form small house churches. Who will become more effective in the community than the million dollar churches. They will have more meaningful ministries.  C.J.MacKechnie
17 July 2012 Thoughts
I think the minor exodus Will be in the form of the faithful who will leave or walk away from the American Churches because of the American Churches failure to feed the hungry and quench the thirsty. This is reference to the whole of the American churches. Both protestant and catholic.
This will also coincide with the elimination of financial tithing. Where as the home owner will not need to be paid and the faithful can used their tithed monies in their own missions or works. Which is the origin of going out by twos.
There will also be a secondary exodus from the churches. This will be by those who are not the true and faithful believers. Those who do not live their lives by the Commandments of GOD or by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those who divorce and remarry and then abandon their former children. These are the evil doers who will be in singular places who will pay money for their entertainment and call it tithes.


To love one another. 
To live in peace.
 To exist in harmony.  
To cherish life. 
To obey/honor the Laws of God.
To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 