Showing posts with label Foolish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foolish. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Nero Clown Prophecy +24: (Unedited): 28-29 June 2023:

This writing is not about any made up character or any other fictional character. This is not about any clown who is doing business as Nero The Clown or any other person who is using the terms of Nero or Clown in their personal or professional business or entertainment venue. This is prophecy and prophetic and terms used are symbolic.
Everyone is joyous and happy when the great clown offers much candy and cookies for a sale price. Which is above and beyond admission price.
Everyone is joyous and happy around the great foolish clown who brings wonderful gifts for those who are willing to pay the fire sale prices. 
The suicidal clown will desire for those around him to be happy as he begins to give away his most precious belongings to those whom the suicidal clown judges as paid up. 
Even the most foolish of clowns know that the people who are in his presence are not there for his degenerate real self. They are only there for there own feelings, what they can get for free from the foolish clown. 
For the suicidal clown all of the slap stick comedy is funny to watch. But, when the suicidal clown is your national leader you must know that he will burn everything down with a smile as he points his FU fingers at everyone.
The funniest of all foolish clowns are the ones who can perpetuate the most never ending chaos in the lives of those whom he lords over. 
The dangers of lord Nero the clown is that if he goes down he will also burn everything down in his own smiling comedic demise. 
In the world of today. There are allot of ruling Nero the clowns in many nations. In which the clown cast all create the same chaos that each of you humans watch, enjoy and laugh as you are entertained by other clowns in their own clown alleys from afar. 
The greatest of all clowns are the ones who can conduct their criminal activities while everyone who is watching are laughing, smiling and having a wonderful time. 
One of the greatest gifts of the clown is causing all of the good people to acquiesce to his showman will.
The magician clown also causes his audience to look here while his deceptions and crimes are done out of sight and out of mind.
You the reader know that your capital is and has been clown alley for some time and that your elected officials have been all clowns and you still continually acquiesce to this on going embarrassment and corruption. Because of the collective acquiescence of "We the People". Everything will burn and be forgotten in the world as you realize that you were the last safe place on Earth where freedom, liberty, justice respectfully stood.
The entire audience knowing that there is no escape and no safe places left to escape to. It will be the happy clowns who have the last laugh as they joyously witness their own minions and audience suffer and die. 
The traitorous clowns upon their own treasonous victory will discover that no one will ever want them or their family in their own country. For the clowns will only bring a great darkness and a blight to their lands. 
Those nations who allow the traitorous clowns into their lands. Will also suffer as one would when you allow sin to stand in the holy places. 
The nation which do receive the families and wealth of the traitorous clowns will also suffer greatly as they begin to suffer all of the curses and never ending chaos which is associated with the treasonous clowns. 
From a distance, from your seats outside of the revealing spot light it is always funny to watch the clowns perform their insane chaos. But, when that insane chaos infects your daily life. It isn't funny anymore. Especially as your own leaders allow the clowns, their families and their stolen wealth to come into your own country. 
When the clowns begin to sit in darkness and are able to watch the audience/civilians who are now under the spot light. Their hysterical laughter you hear from the darkness will be related to your own comedy as you suffer and die from all of their planned chaos. That they made just for you.
The arrogant supremacy of the clowns will be seen on their pretend painted faces which looks just like yours as they enjoy watching you thirst, starve, suffer and die. Who are the clowns now?
The made up faces of the political clowns are made to look just like your own face as the criminal clowns thirst to take more than your children, wealth, freedom, rights and liberties. 
When the rolls are reversed and the audience becomes the clowns. Know that your torment, suffering and death is what the clowns have been waiting for since forever. 
The demise of the clowns shall come especially after 70-90% of the worlds human population is already dead. This will be when that they all realize that those godlike beings whom they worshiped were the great losers in the heavenly wars. For when their demise comes is when you clowns realize that all of their promises and rewards for each of you were all lies and deceptions.
Even the minions have minions who have minions. The minions shall always be the sacrificial pawn of those powerful non human beings. Their end goal is for the extinction of the entire human race in which the clowns are a part of.
To the fallen beings who many see as gods. When one minion dies there is no love, no care and no mercy. There is only one down and 8+ billion human souls to be killed left. It is just basic math to them.
The delusional clown will think proudly of their greatness and accomplishments. While never realizing that the fallen gods that they serve only see them as some dumb ape who will be killed soon enough and good riddance. 
???19 July:??? 
Added on 20 July 2023: I do feel something has changed. The choice to no longer be nice or kind. The choice to be violent will become more common. Is that it? I do not know.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

World Freedom Lost, +4: (Unedited): 05-12 Feb 2022:

 It is interesting to note that where ever freedom and liberty was something of importance to the civilian populations of the world. Only a few are standing up against their governments for their rights. It is not a coincidence that the national leaders of the free world have been restricting and taking away existing freedoms and liberties. These restrictions to the civilian populations is an organized plan as agreed to by the so called leaders of the world.
In which nations are the civilians making their stand? Currently Canada, Australia, 
Can the civilians of the world have their very first global civil war? A war where the civilians of the world actively cause, violence and death to those leaders and their families. The civilians will lose as the civilians of the world have no real military assets and in the emerging age of AI, Robotics and Drones. Cruise missiles will be used in the dead of night. NBC weapons of every unique design will be used on civilians. 
Added on 12 Feb 2022:
The western civilization becomes lost as the civilian populations continues to elect leaders who are fully delusional and apathetic to the citizens needs. 
Just as Rome collapsed from within so to shall the modern western society fall to from within. The foundation is not made of concrete and steel. The foundations are made of good people doing good things continually. The physical expression of what the foundations do is in the prevalence of freedoms, liberties and rights. 
When the good citizens of any nation or planet forget to be good and to stop doing good. Then all that they know will collapse. 
Once the foundation of any great thing disappears. The whole crumbles into a tear filled  fool hearted mess. 
When the clowns of the free world are leading nations. Those nations shall become like grand circuses in which you must pay to play. 
It shall be the foolish clowns who come together in the great circus who shall find joy in the taking away of all freedoms, liberties and rights. It shall be the clowns who become entertained by the suffering of the audience. 
The audience is the civilian population of the world. 
Added on 19 Feb 2022: Can you count how many leaders in the world have become against their own people in the recent 3 years? Australia, Canada, Germany, France and the USA. More and more national leaders will progressively come against their own people. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wisdom Grinder: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2020:

Having, knowing or understanding wisdom is like being a coffee grinder. You're not the source of the goodness and you have to work at it.
It is like anything. You have to work at everything. Which includes those things we dislike, love, fun, repetitive, and tedious.
It is like how I very much dislike both the taste and odor of coffee and yet I write a quote about it that hopefully others will learn from. You cannot make coffee from a whole coffee bean. You gotta do work. Then there is the process before you even get the coffee bean. Wisdom is like this. You have to seek wisdom, then you have to learn wisdom and then you may be able to understand wisdom. Then over time as you acquire, know and understand wisdom your teeth become yellow - - - - WELLL your teeth may not become yellow from wisdom but you begin to become different than those people who know not wisdom or even assign a level of any kind of importance to wisdom.
You will never run out of wisdom and your wisdom will never get cold or old, unlike coffee, and yet you may become the wisest of all people in the world while still being the most foolish. Having one does not guarantee the prevention of the other as was with Solomon.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Love: (Unedited): 29 April 2016:

When you fill yourself with Love. It's reward is the recognition of beauty which has always surrounded you. Just go and look with expectancy. Enjoy the sweet reward of joy in which you will receive. 
Only those who have a love, peace and harmony within them can see far more beauty then they have ever known. To the degree of recognition beauty in everything and everywhere. The more apathy, hate and anger you have within you. The less beauty you will ever see and know. 
The reward of knowing beauty fills you with the sweetness of joy. Thus, causing you to want to love more. Even unto the point of regaining your innocence back. That you may have lost because of the ugly realities of worldly life.
Just go and listen to those who always hate and anger. Ask them Where beauty is? They will be confused and they will think of you as foolish or of wanting to partake of whatever drug they think you are on. 
Thank You Miss HDG for inspiring this writing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wise Storm: (Edited): 09 Nov 2015:

The wise always seem to know which winds precede a severe storm. The wise always seem to make their final preparations to weather out the coming storm. The foolish begin their preparations once engulfed by the storm.
What is the definition of a storm? Is it only a natural weather formation which causes much death and destruction? Can a storm symbolize something more, like a serious illness or severe accident? Can a storm be your helplessness in regard to addictions, mental illness, joblessness, homelessness, or a combination of many different things?
The governments of the world are going to war and the civilian population isn't even aware. Wouldn't that be a surprise storm to be weathered. It wouldn't really matter who is the accused and guilty parties because it is you the civilian who will suffer the most while your politicians are safely tucked away in their COG (Continuation of Government) shelters being served by their pre-selected servants.
For the wise already know that no one is gonna provide for their needs in any emergency. While the foolish will angrily demand absolute support, help, medical care, housing and other aid.
The wise always seem to know ahead of time. They do as they do and are accused of being foolish by the worldly wise people. In the days of Noah when the flood waters rose and fell at the same time, the worldly wise were desperate in their sudden realization that they were wrong. In anger and hatred they all died but the 8 adults. This included every single ?human? child.
You doomsday preppers and survivalists, it is time to begin your final preparations or the completion of preps in the works. Look ahead at new preps which involve other like-minded persons, groups. Begin development with other outside groups. Create code words or signs which are similar to any other group. Code words or signs which indicate peace, danger, welcome, sickness, death, invasion and help, plus others. Then when travel becomes necessary after the storm, friends can read your signs or flags and know whether or not to come closer. After any serious storms a new date system should be established, like year 1 of 1000. But even the date may need to be altered, for after everything has been done no one can, nor will anyone have the will to, fight anymore.
Added on 11 Nov 2015:
This work has been republished on : Thank you to the owners of this newspaper for selecting my writing for publication.
Added on 21 June 2024: Yep, So here we are. What does this mean? 
Trying to remember that I had come to the realization all of these different data points were coming into some kind of never before seen confluence. Like both Russia and China had been preparing for war since prior to the year 2000. It was the USA and president Bill Clinton who gave them all of the NASA technologies along with very helpful NASA scientists. 
The major governments of the world are preparing for war and the entire global civilian population are completely unaware. Then in a few years we had COVID which basically means the flu. Look at the old medical journals which states this evidence. So in what year was COVID excised from medical journals and text books is most likely when the global COVID event was thought up. Today my one sentence may mean that the governments of the world are going to war against their own civilian populations in which it is evident. I changed the color of that sentence to RED. The only word I'm missing seems to "with". 
The surprise storm seems to originate with your own government. Weather modification has been public since around mid 2023. 
-------------------------------CHECK DATES------
Copy and paste is for your safety and security.
This is all. There is allot more which has been reported by many official news sources. 
There is allot of classified. There is a huge amount of  conspiracy theory. As someone who is trained in electronics and RF. I can see the theoretical aspects of what the new weather RADAR towers can do. They have the power and all seem to be now controlled by one centralized location. 
I still think the words above are valid. Maybe could have been better written but I just do not know. What I know now is different to what I knew back then. My time frame is just off. But a good doomsday prepper, survivalists and militia person should always be in a state of final preparations. Because Biblically we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. I will end it there.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Foolish Heart: Suffering Happiness: (Unedited): 09 Sept 2014:

The foolish heart is entertained by other peoples sufferings. 
 The historical depictions of the Roman coliseum. Where the people fill this great ancient structure to watch great horrors as a form of entertainment.
In modern society of today. people watch the sufferings of others as a form of entertainment. The stupid things people do or the accidents which causes injuries or deaths. The beatings of innocents by mobs. School kids who are in the know turn on their cell phone to video an unsuspecting target get a beating. In which no one else even makes an attempt to help the targeted victim.
The foolish heart can even be the one taking action against others. Maybe even as a form of unhealthy empowerment, pride or ego or all of the above. The man or woman who goes through life destroying other peoples hearts and then finding entertainment within it.
I know of a guy who is considered eye candy to the ladies. Some ladies will even wait hours outside of his work just to be with him as soon as they can be with him. He knows exactly who they are and what they are. To him they are all female dogs in heat. To him causing harm is of no importance. But, bragging about his very real conquests is his entertainment, his enjoyment his false thinking that he is more man than others. He is not even aware or is caring of the harm he does. Even to other peoples marriages.
I have heard the same with women and have known of women who are animals. The kind of women who can have any man who even shows the least bit of interest. Even if they are married. This is her real power and she absorbs it all. Laughing about them all and describing to the those the pleasures she has felt.
Both of these kinds of men and women often times ignore the fact that they are lonely and are only using others to stem that loneliness. Just like the drug addict or alcoholic who needs that drug or alcohol in order to feel good, even if for a moment.
The fools heart is truly foolish. No matter how the world defines the perfection of their physical attributes.
How many celebrated and cheered the viewing of  the video of NFL star Ray Rice and was entertained by him knocking out cold his soon fiancee. She was unconscious for minutes. He could have killed her. This is not an exaggeration. I know a little about hand to hand combat. Power and speed to the head can cause brain trauma to both sides of the brain. This brain damage may not even manifest for years down the road. Apparently this happened in February 2104 and she still married Ray Rice. She even put out a letter wanting privacy and it was their lives and etc. Can you have any better example for a battered woman? This story isn't over. Those who laughed at Ray Rice knocking her out are also similar to the Chicago teen who was killed and in the video people were making their noises and laughter.
A NASCAR race with no accidents or injuries gets no news.  

Is your heart foolish? Is your mind actively searching out those disasters that you can laugh at and enjoy?
There are no videos of examples here to be shown. I know what they are and have myself enjoyed them. Yep, this is my admittance and I have been wrong. C.J.MacKechnie

The truly empathic person sees suffering as something which is not desired or entertained by. An truly empathic person sees the truth in pain, suffering and turmoil. This empathic person has a true heart of wisdom.
Suffering Happiness: (Unedited): 10 Sept 2014
There is no pain or suffering in happiness, even if it makes you feel good for a short time.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 