Showing posts with label Expectancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Expectancy. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Normalicy Of Decadence, Corrruption And Mental Illness +22: (Unedited): 13 Jan 2023, Friday:

Corruption and treason at the highest levels has manifested and is now perpetuated with a sense of normalcy and expectancy. Because of this all aspects of corruption and treason will have already trickled down through the corporate ladders, educational institutions and all the normal citizen belief systems.
The right wing of the same bird has brought to this once land of the free trickle down economics. While the left wing of the same bird has brought to the once free citizens trickle down decadence.
The delusional and unquestioned belief in the validity of every lie will only further enslave the minds of the once free to the degree the delusional believer becomes the lie and cannot exist in aspect of truth. The delusional believer will then only violently act out against anyone and anything who professes any actual truth.
The proof of delusion must be proven in all aspects of education. To the degree of redefining what is good and normal in the established psychological standards and practices. Once established then the lies which become the foundation of mentally ill belief systems can be normalized in all of the citizenry.
Once the freedom to exercise your own self chosen identity is believed as something which is normal and genuine regardless of truth. The validity of your own self defined truth can become legally protected by the state. Then all citizens must become obedient to the newly established laws or become criminalized. 
The absolute freedom to become anything and everything you desire only leads to no awareness of actual loss of freedom as you choose actual mental enslavement for your life. Because, it is the mind which controls and mutilates the body into the believed mental image of the delusional mind.
Now that medical and psychological professionals can now profit from the surgical and chemical mutilation of the natural human form no matter the age of the patient without any fear of criminal intent or civil liabilities. The rise of these procedures and the developments of many more will become commonplace and become just like what ADHD is today. A permanent source of revenue.
What was once thought of as any kind of human atrocity will become naturally normalized in the minds of the common citizen. No longer will any kind of human atrocity be believed as evil or wrong to any degree. The normalizing will begin in the highly esteemed educational institutions. For it is they who shall create the proper training and preparation of those pure young children who are to be chosen to be the objects of control for the pedophiles. This shall become the how to manual on sacrificing of the innocence. 
Those children who are selected to go into the guidance of efficient people movers shall not be legally known as abducted, missing, exploited or stolen children. For those children will be known as owned legal commodities. They will not be looked on as criminals or even be defined as human traffickers. For the term human traffickers will be seen as a disparaging and racist description. Especially, if the children has profited from their personal activities in any way. Regardless if the human traffickers kill off and disappear the children once they become diseased, pregnant or problematic. 
The normalcy of mental illness means that those psychological professionals will aid you in your own delusional belief system. Then when you cannot live as you think and believe that you are. Then another professional will aid you in your own beautiful and painless professionally observed suicide.
The normalcy of corruption means those who are elected to serve shall all become more than billionaires without any public knowledge and awareness even though they only earn a few hundred thousand a year. Yet no one will ask questions or investigate any wrong doing. Yet, no one will admit guilt or to quit their office in dishonor.
When a corrupted individual is caught. That person will be seen as a heroic robin hood despite the fact there is no evidence of giving to the poor as the story was told. For they have done the math and are willing to sacrifice a few years in prison and still are able to recover the millions or billions of dollars hidden away beyond the laws of the land. 
The governmental culling of their populations shall begin with the old, weak, sickly. Which will evolve to the culling of the deformed, disabled and defective. Which will evolve into the genocidal culling of anyone who is against the prevailing belief system of the land, disobedient, religiously appalling, racially impure, racially rejected. No one will be the wiser. No one will question.
It is already known that humans below the ruling or governing class cannot be trusted. So the rise of a robotic military and police forces will rise. In the beginning these individualistic AI robots will be seen as the saviors of human lives as these new robots will go into place to dangerous for humans. Once these military and police robots are made in the many millions. They will execute all of their orders exactly and without fear, morality, mercy or compassion. Without questioning what is right or wrong. Without hesitation. 
This is the prophetic evolution of things to come. The degree to which the world becomes more and more disgusting is as the Christian prophecies state for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in those end of days (paraphrase). Not only will the end of the world systems occur but also the extinction of humanity except for those selected saved souls by God. Which may mean only about 144,000 humans will be saved while all others will either end in judgement or receive glorified bodies. It seems the closer we get to the actual end of humanity events. The less likely a rapture becomes. Because, why would God need to save the good people when He has glorified bodies for His own children? Wouldn't a rapture for His children be a wasted effort? Especially if our physical deaths release our true spiritual nature from the physical confinements? Then when you look at the history of how Jesus died, the apostles died, early Christians died and even modern day Christians are dying right now all around the world. Why would His children expect any different? Is the rapture a false teaching in Christianity as this would stop any Denomination, Church, Christian from properly preparing and organizing into Christian survival groups with their own established exclusive micro economies? and it has. 
The fate of Christians has already been prophesied in the Holy Bible and ignored. The fate of all Christians will be one of physical abuse, torture and death. 
The false half truth teaching of a Christian victory is a falsehood. Without ever mentioning that the Christians physically lose while only achieving victory through the actions of Jesus Christ alone. In other words the Christians are absolutely helpless in the face of a brutal world system to rise and it is already rising today. The physical fate of Christians will be like lambs sent to slaughter. The Christians will flee too and fore. The Christians will be cut down where ever they may go. 
Added on 14 Jan 2023:
The above the law normalcy originates and even extends beyond the government and into the corporate and religious sectors. Laws and rules are only for those who are deemed as less than. While leaders and managers in any capacity are worshiped as lords and gods.
Added on 15 Jan 2023: 
The corruption mindset can easily be seen in the corporate, educational and religious sectors where rules are established for all and yet those who are in authority or management can still do whatever they want despite the rules established. While still severely admonishing everyone else.
Added on 13 April 2024: Written on 12 April 2024: 
The line between delusion and insanity is paper thin. While the line between delusion and sanity is like a great gulf. 
Governmental insane decisions and laws which are founded in sins are a result of the powerful delusion that God sent to the whole world.
NOTE: As the laws of government become more and more insane. It will be easy for the actual children of God to see and witness the torture and mutilation of children and those who suffer from a variety of mental illnesses. 
2 Thessalonians 2:
God has already sent a strong delusion to the world. While those humans who are not actually one of His Children will suffer greatly with a variety of insanity. While His own Children will be able to see this strong delusion as signs. This means that while those who do not belong to God will be unaware of their own delusion and insanity. This will include all of the church people who are fakers. This will include pastors and all other church leaders. When the actual children of God see the effects and affects of this strong delusion of God in the churches. They will quietly and secretly depart those churches. Fulfilling another prophecy. All of this will be explained away as people just get up and move without communication or explanation. Which is an actual normal occurrence. 
Added on 17 Sept 2024: 
The absence of taught math and other forms of critical thinking will result in the stagnation of humanity and then the de-evolution of mental states to that of the animal kingdom. 
The scarcity of an actual education diminishes the civility of a population decades down the road.
An under educated population cannot contribute to any meaningful advancement which benefits society.
Scarcity of any kind in this modern world is only about the control of the population and nothing more. Scarcity also includes freedom’s, liberties and human rights. 
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Unrepairable Human Code Prophecy: (Unedited): 19 Jan 2019:

Beyond the tradition of education and beyond the cultural traditions of the world. The youth of the entire world will not see their future within it. This is because sin has overtaken the world to such a degree that the human genetic code shall become unrepairable. 
As of today more than 99.9% of the entire human genetic code is identical. With what is commonly known about genetics. Adam was the original stable genetic male human being. While Eve was a genetic female clone of Adam. Since then the human species has become a self replicating cloned species which was created by the great author. Our DNA is our book, is our history and is our future. Genetically speaking. In our DNA book is information written within which contains all of the sections that one would see within any research book. This also includes the forward by the author. The biggest differences we see genetically in each other is the historic lineage of sin and environment. Just as the biggest differences you see in one Dell computer to the next Dell computer is what software is inside. This is what I see within humanity. Because, just as you can omit one thing and include lies in another. So to is what has filled humanity with unreasoned insanity and absolute apathy.
Eventually the historical summary of sin will begin to turn off codes for perpetuation, civility, reason and social structure. Extinction will first be seen in the names, then family lines and then all.
Soon the youth of the entire world will not see their own future within it. Soon the youth of the entire world will only do because that is what they are supposed to do. Soon the youth of the entire world will demand absolute freedom to do as which is right and true for them as they define it personally. Which is as they were taught. The youth may come up with self serving answers in which they give to the expectancy of the questioner.  Soon very soon the youth will have no desire or intention to be obedient to any laws, rules or governance.
So what does this mean? It is simple. The youth will not see their future in the world because the world will not exist and the youth will not exist in a non existent world. When all there is is sin to be had and sin to be pleasured in the here and now. Why consider the future? Why plan for the future? Why have families? There is no God or gods and there is no devils and satans. There is only me and for me in the here and now. There is no sin and no righteousness for the youth of the world. For their ancestors have sinned much and to the point that the coming children will never have a connection to anything spiritual or holy.
Soon very soon the youth of the world will do more than abandon their elder family members. Soon very soon the youth will be incapable of a repentant heart. So very soon the youth will only seek that which pleases them and that which becomes burdensome. Will be discarded like any other obsolete piece of equipment.
Soon very soon the entire planet will become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Soon very soon the entire planet will be judged worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
This is prophecy.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Christian Love: +5: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:

The poor, The suffering and the hopeless cannot at times be required or expected to be reasonable or to make the best decisions for themselves. So it is the faithful to act in the best interest of those who are desperately in need. Especially those who have been in their dire state for the longest of times. The expression of Christian love should always be administered first and foremost without any expectancy.
This just happened recently. The true act in faith. I know of a wheelchair bound woman. She does both give tithes and offerings. She isn't rich but she has more than enough. They made the right decisions in their life and her retirement is comfortable.
She met a young man who is struggling, praying, in the Bible, meditating. He had an unfortunate life. She had cried for him many times. He works hard for his wife and kids. Well, she offered him some money and he politely rejected it. Instead he told her to give it to her own church along with her prayers and by faith he will receive it in some other form as which is directed by God. Within a week the young man received money from his church. Two different churches. He didn't say anything to his pastor or anyone else from his church. She does not know which church he attends. Yet, he received necessary money to get him and his family the needed rent money. Yes, they were that tight for the month.
This is one way of how faith works. So if you have that family member who is not responsible or reasonable. Then giving to the church in prayer for your troubled love one is an act of faith.
Separated Wheat: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
Just as the wheat and chaff are to be separated so to will be the professed Christian and the righteous Christian.
Grown Together: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
The wheat and the tare shall be allowed to grow together until the harvest which is to come. The weeds shall appear strong and tall. While the wheat appears diminished. This shall only be a false manifestation. For the wheat of God must be low in order to lift up the hopeless and helpless to God.  
Sinners Lowly Church: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
The lowly church of God feels the pain and anguish of the hopeless and helpless in the world and accepts them as they are. While at the same time compassionately teaching the sinner how to be clean and how to freely chose to sin no more.
There is no acceptance of sin of any kind. God will not allow sin to be present.
Holy Sin: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
The signs of sin and of the worldly weeds shall always be easily seen. For the worldly weeds shall pridefully stand tall and profess their sin to be holy and righteous. The worldly weeds shall profess that God accepts them as they are and they do not need to be anything different than they are now.
Tall Tares: (Unedited): 16 Oct 2018:
The tare shall always stand tall, proud and strong never to notice or be concerned with anything less than its greatness.
A split in Christianity has already begun and most Christians are unaware of this split. The split is along these lines. The church which worships the world and of the self. The church which worships God and cares for the needy. The differences in these two kinds of churches is easily seen. One has been rewarded by the prince of the world and the other has been condemned by the prince of the world.
One kind of church is focused on giving, building and expanding of itself. While the other kind of church suffers along with the poor and hopeless while not giving into negativity and sinful thoughts. For their focus is upon the Lord only. For they are obedient from a foundation of love to remain clean, righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God only.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Rose Part: Infinite Beauty: (Unedited): 23 June 2016:

Infinite Beauty: (Unedited): 23 June 2016:
The rose does not cry when her last flower is plucked. Rather she rejoices for in her beauty is in the infinite. More flowers shall come with their due efforts and in their due time.
Those that do. May be the ones who needs the most compassion, consideration, love and forgiveness. As they may think of themselves as not worthy of any compassion, consideration, love or forgiveness. In doing so and without any expectancy of any return. You show the world just how beautiful of a rose you truly are even though the whole of the world will want to pluck you from the branch. This is OK. Because you being the rose is just a part of who you are. Which will grow a new. The rose is just a part of you and not the whole of you. The roses which come from you is like your love, mercy, compassion and all of the other good qualities of you. They are all limitless and without ending. True beauty is within you and from the spirit, mind and heart of who you truly are. The physical part of you is just the part of you which emanates that which is from within you.
Who are those that do? What have they done or continue to do? 
Some people have spent their entire lives making mistakes and errors in judgements for almost forever as it may seem to them. Their never ending bad living state to them seems impossible to get out of. They are in that downward spiral which seems to be going no where and they are out of control. They may have even given up trying to be in control over their own lives.
Maybe the those that do are your parents? Or just your dad or just your mom. Maybe, the person is a grand parent or both. It doesn't matter. You were born into the family and each persons history is not your fault. Nor can you fix them and their problems. They may never be who you want them to be either. So all you can do is love them and continually give unto them you compassion, mercy and consideration. That is all. Is it fair for you? Of course not. Those thoughts of fairness and unfairness are weeds which will choke the beauty and love out of you. So fight all negative thoughts out of your mind daily.  
You can only do all of this when you are clean, sober and pure. 
Without any pride, ego or arrogance on your part. You are the humble gift to them. You are their renewed hope if they can ever choose to open their blind eyes and closed off minds to see and know something beautiful within them all still exists and is still among them. 
You are their fruit which is good, sweet and wonderful. Even though their vines are now barren of any fruit sweet or sour, healthy or sickly. You are a gift to them from a God who wants them to return to His family. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Beautiful Love: (Unedited): 29 April 2016:

When you fill yourself with Love. It's reward is the recognition of beauty which has always surrounded you. Just go and look with expectancy. Enjoy the sweet reward of joy in which you will receive. 
Only those who have a love, peace and harmony within them can see far more beauty then they have ever known. To the degree of recognition beauty in everything and everywhere. The more apathy, hate and anger you have within you. The less beauty you will ever see and know. 
The reward of knowing beauty fills you with the sweetness of joy. Thus, causing you to want to love more. Even unto the point of regaining your innocence back. That you may have lost because of the ugly realities of worldly life.
Just go and listen to those who always hate and anger. Ask them Where beauty is? They will be confused and they will think of you as foolish or of wanting to partake of whatever drug they think you are on. 
Thank You Miss HDG for inspiring this writing.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Buccaneer Life: (Unedited): 13 May 2015:

The life expectancy of a buccaneer may be short. 
Their life intensity is high. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Love Essence: Love Happiness: Love Movement: Butterfly Love: (Unedited): 02 Sept 2014:

Love essence
Love freely given is the true essence of love expressed.  C.J.MacKechnie

Love Happiness
Love freely Expressed leads to internal happiness realized. C.J.MacKechnie

Where is your love and happiness? is it over there or under here? Can it be in this city or that? Maybe someone has taken your love and happiness. Maybe your love and happiness is lost within the sands of time.
Your love and happiness is no where to be found. You have searched, you have wanted, you have prayed and yet love and happiness has always been so elusive for you. Why, Why I cannot be loved or happy as you have cried many nights alone? Because, the deepest love and happiness you need and deserve is and always has been deep within your own heart.

Love and Happiness has a cost to it. To love without any expectancy of loves returned. Love freely given is the true essence of love expressed.
If you always say and think that Love can't, Love won't, Love hasn't and Love don't. This is and has become your truth and you become your final and most essential reason as to why your love and you happiness has been experienced. It won't matter how many tears you have shed in the loneliness of your lonely places.
For you to taste or to even know happiness, You should express love without any movement of your lips. 
You already know the liars and their movements of their lips. Often times if not many more than that the spoken words of loves promises has always been absent of substance. Love expressed has much substance while love spoken into the air is most times lighter than the air and floats away.
Butterfly Love
Love freely expressed stretches out the butterfly wings of your heart. The joy of loves free flight becomes experienced. Happiness truly begins. 
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Destiny Walkers: (Unedited): 07 April 2013:

A destiny manifests in your life without your permission or certain expectancy. May cause those unbelieving loved ones to walk away from you. C.J.MacKechnie

You have spent your life  or have only just begun your life in search for that specific purpose and meaning to life. Only to find out that the narrow mindedness of your own being cannot even fathom the true and real nature of your destiny to come or even the choices which will be thrust upon you.
You could spend a dozen or more years of life living the mundane, meaningless and purposeless existence. Only to be placed in some position where an extreme phenomenon must happen to evolve attitudes, minds, spirits and lives. This extreme new mission will cause those whom you love to become jealous over the sudden importance of your new found purpose. These unbelievers whom you may love with all of your heart may cause you strife in your life. So much so that you may have to choose your unbelieving loved ones or your mission. This is a truth. These missions which suddenly manifest may be from God. It matters not if you believe in God or not. The importance of this sudden mission may even change the bleak probable outlook for your city, state, nation or even world.
Could you or would you give-up the love of your life or your family, If it meant that you could cause possible effective change for the whole world in the future? Could you do so without self serving pride or ego?
Could you or would you be satisfied if the mission was only temporary? Would you be saddened if you had to do a certain thing. Which would harm a feeling, while at the same time ensuring authority?
Could you become a destiny walker? One who walks into someone else life to boost, assure, aid, assist and maybe even protect if necessary. Then be able to walk away when their footing is strong and certain. When their bravery and courage is just more then budding. Can you just quietly walk away just like a father who teaches a child to ride a bike to let go and follow beside no more? Now it is up to them.
If the father always holds on and runs beside their child. The child never becomes certain or brave. The same is with a butterfly. If you free the butterfly. The butterfly will never fly.

Become a wise destiny walker. Know when to leave. Constant and continuous prayer and meditation often reveals a certain timing. A wise destiny walker is a positive prophet of good change in action. 