Showing posts with label prevention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevention. Show all posts

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Wisdom Grinder: (Unedited): 30 Jan 2020:

Having, knowing or understanding wisdom is like being a coffee grinder. You're not the source of the goodness and you have to work at it.
It is like anything. You have to work at everything. Which includes those things we dislike, love, fun, repetitive, and tedious.
It is like how I very much dislike both the taste and odor of coffee and yet I write a quote about it that hopefully others will learn from. You cannot make coffee from a whole coffee bean. You gotta do work. Then there is the process before you even get the coffee bean. Wisdom is like this. You have to seek wisdom, then you have to learn wisdom and then you may be able to understand wisdom. Then over time as you acquire, know and understand wisdom your teeth become yellow - - - - WELLL your teeth may not become yellow from wisdom but you begin to become different than those people who know not wisdom or even assign a level of any kind of importance to wisdom.
You will never run out of wisdom and your wisdom will never get cold or old, unlike coffee, and yet you may become the wisest of all people in the world while still being the most foolish. Having one does not guarantee the prevention of the other as was with Solomon.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Monday, April 24, 2017

Witness Signs: (Unedited): 24 April 2017:

The world systems and all that they entail will not allow the truth to be known. So there must be signs in the heavens for all of the inhabitants of the Earth to witness.
Remember satan? He is the one who promised this world to Jesus as a temptation. For satan is the prince of this world. As the prince of this world. that means he is the ruler or god of all of the worldly systems in this world. It would be necessary for satan to block and prevent anyone from actually being aware of any true divine activities. Keeping everyone ignorant and mindless would be a good tool of control. Without the common person being aware of the truth. While proclaiming what the truth is even if it is only a have truth or an outright lie. After all people believe without question of the races of humanity. Even after it was scientifically proven to be a lie. In our current history. Humanity is being taught to believe that being transgendered is true and real.
There are signs everywhere. Those which are positive and negative. Those which are big and small. Because, when Noah laid his ax onto the first tree. There was no turning back and all life on Earth except for the chosen remnant would drown to death. For they all became the living judged. even though all of them on the ark were saved. They would still have to endure a great ordeal during the flood and as the waters receded.
Here is a sign. Remember the United airlines flight where the 69 year old Asian American man was bloodied and knocked out while being dragged off of the plane? Yes, that was a sign but here is a different one. The American Airlines flight where the male flight attendant brutalized a woman with an infant. A stranger stood up and confronted them all with physical threats. The flight attendant was laid off. They made the bad news. The stranger had enough honor to protect a damsel and her baby. While no one else stood up. So what is next? The next signs in airline security. Is for SWAT TEAM styled police or security to board planes with full military clothing labeled as security or police. They will be ready for warfare and mentally prepared to shoot anyone who becomes disobedient. Because, You cannot have any manor of tyranny on board a plane. The passengers must be quiet and seated. No matter who is brutalized by those in authority. How far away is this becoming a reality? I bet all airplane and airport police departments are begging for monies right now. because how will they be able to deal with heroes with honor standing up to those who do not have honor or respect for any person. I'm not a prophet. But, I can connect the dots into a possible future. That is all I do. I do not receive regular Emails from God. Anything and everything anyone speaks or writes must be compared to the Bible and not just an interpretation. Just remember all of the Jews were expecting their Messiah to be a military leader and what did they get a lovey dovey lamb. Then they arranged his torture, murder and hanging on a cross of great Jewish embarrassment.  Don't forget the purple words below.
The prevention of prophecies from actually being witnessed by the majority of human beings would seem important enough to make plans against.
Could the conspiracy theorist be correct? Could there be government airplanes making clouds? Could the government be in control of all aspect of media coverage to the point. That only what "THEY" want will only be reported by any news media site.
For instance, The Standing Rock event in North Dakota. This was a live prophecy fulfilling event. Think about this as an American citizen. Would you have wanted to know if police agencies from about 10 states were involved for about 10 months? Would you have wanted to know if the National Guard were deployed with anti-aircraft missile systems? Would you have wanted to know that many different federal agencies were also involved? Would you have wanted to know that the police were breaking laws just because they knew they could get away with it and they did? Would you want to know if the police were brutalizing people for simply praying? Would you have wanted to know that the police were using less than lethal weapons in a manor which could maim and kill, and they were caught? Would you have wanted to know that many of those who were arrested were placed in dog kennels? Would you have wanted to know that many of those who were arrested were denied all manor of legal rights?
So if your from any other country and this happened. Would you have wanted to know? Well, here in the USA. Their was a black out. Their were no constitutional rights. Even a judge was reported as making a declarative judgement before the trial even began. And no one cared.
I think the reason why the entire Standing Rock protest was not properly reported by any of the main stream media sources is they were all under some singular control. All of them. I do not think it was about police brutality or the racism against any native tribes. It was all about the prevention of a prophecy being actually realized in 2016-2017 in the minds of a larger percentage of human beings. "THEY were successful. The Black Snake will pump it's blood very soon. Which means more bad things will happen in the USA. This is just a lead up fulfilled prophecy as their are a *confluence of prophecies from many different religious traditions. To me the dimensionality of the word confluence is obvious. From the *confluence of the river to the *confluence of many different prophecies from a confluence of different peoples. So where were the Christians? No where. Were they present. I'm sure of it. They may actually be a part of the remnant. While the rest of Christianity of North and South Dakota were happy with their prosperity teachings. Or would that be the majority of their people work in the oil fields. While their police were brutalizing everyone they can. So the preachers, pastors and theologians had to ignore and turn a blind eye at the human rights atrocities happening so close to them.

-------Good Samaritan-----
*Confluence was brightened in my mind with the troubles of the river confluence at the Grand canyon. Which also leads to the Hopi Tribe and their prophecies.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prophecy T.V. Guide: (Unedited): 11 July 2016:

In the modern day of apathetic hearts and unreasonable minds. Prophecy will become like a spiritual T.V. Guide.
Think about this. Think about prophecy. What is the purpose of prophecy?
The purpose of any bad and sad prophecy is to cause the people to take responsible action in the prevention of the prophecy. To the best of their collective abilities and is a responsibility of all humanity. If the people cannot prevent the foretold bad and sad event(s). Then all of the people do their best to mitigate the event(s).
Such as with the story of Joseph and the Pharaoh. The living human god Pharaoh had a dream. Joseph who was in prison interpreted the dream. To shorten and paraphrase Joseph's response. Were all gonna die after the seasons of plenty.
So Joseph was made #2 of all and with his gift of organization. Joseph saved them all, even a human god ruler.
In that story alone is all of the lessons you need to basically know about prophecy and how to either prevent or mitigate it or them.
Today, in this modern era. Prophecy has become a source of entertaining knowledge. Much like a T.V. Guide. What is going to happen and when? Who will be the star of the next prophetic event? The excitement of the news and how it matches prophecy. Then we all go about our normal daily routines. No sack cloth and no ash. No repentance and no guilt. No turning away or fleeing from sin. In our daily lives. We do not even do things which are righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God. Even our free vote for those who are to rule over us. Is one for the lesser of two evils.
Why do you think we are all made to vote. Especially, when there is no option to reject them all or an option to reject the vote occurrence if the population is not of a certain percentage.
Consider this. What if the ancient prophecies contained within the Holy Bible were all about today and how the people of this country. Freely choose to bring sin into their holy places. Freely Accept all teachings as truths especially if they free you from all discomfort without your purposeful action to become righteous and holy in the accepting eyes of God. Freely accept that all of the comforts and wealth of the world is what God wants for us all. Without ever mentioning that Jesus was homeless and poor. Without ever mentioning that the god of this world system of everything is satan. And satan wants you dead.
You cannot be a Christian if you do not reject and flee from all sin. No matter it's legal and lawful status. If you have no intention of leaving your legal and sinful lifestyle. Your not a Christian and your prayers are to someone who is not affiliated with Jesus. Your worship is a mocking act to Jesus.
You cannot be a Christian if you do not feel great guilt and remorse for all of the people you have harmed in your life. Being a Christian does not give you permission to divorce and abandon your old family. Just to begin a new family. 
You cannot be a Christian if you do not follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Which means you willingly choose to pursue and walk the path of righteousness and holiness as only accepted by God.
If you attend a church or even a religion which is accepting of any aspect of the LGBTQ community and their legal rights as lawful citizens. You will also be subject to every right punishment which has been spoken f in the Bible. All of those coming punishments will be much worse than it was for in the day Sodom was destroyed.

All of the answers you need are contained within. The good news of the gospel teachings is closed up. Soon the true and real prophets shall also be shut-up. Before Noah sharpened his blade to cut down the first tree. The whole of the world was already righteously Judged. Do not be one of the many standing before God. When He says I NEVER knew you.  Become one of the remnant before the next judgement's comes.
A must watch.
To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish and respect all life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hole Shot Prophecy: (Unedited): 04 April 2013:

The purpose of any negative prophecy is in the prevention, mitigation and management of any event. No matter who authored the undesirable prophecy. So that the destruction of life and property is absolutely prevented or minimized.  C.J.MacKechnie
I think I'm supposed to call this a golf term. I don't know much about golf. 
This is in response to the boldness of North Korea.
How to end the threat of the west? An unsuspecting Sunday night time launches. For the USA first?
The boldness of North Korea receives virtually zero actual response from the USA. As of 04 April 2013. In spite of all of the media. Russia is deploying about 20 Naval ships/boats/tugs into the area of East China and Japan. For pre planned Naval live fire warfare games/exercises. Which begins soon-summer 2013. Good Timing for North Korea and media propaganda control.

From a Global Intelligence website. Assuming for accuracy.
4 of the 5 Atlantic Carrier fleet in ports.
4 of the 5 Pacific Carrier fleet in ports.
7 of the 9 Big Deck Amphibious Warfare ships in ports.

If the current North Korean propaganda threat has any validity. Then the Naval ships need to be at sea. Staggered around the USA and Europe looking for Golf Boats and boarding every large ship for inspection of smoke stacks, capable of housing a missile which can achieve that certain altitude to detonate an EMP warhead. 
From an old vision. I saw an old ship with smoke stacks converted to missile launchers. I didn't put it together until recently. An EMP device.
If North Korea has perfected the EMP device. Then North Korea has a very real and practical weapon, which can destroy the lifestyle of westerners (Americans, Europeans, Canadians and etc). 

The hole shot are those places where it would be impossible for any air defense system or fighter jet to respond to any vertically launched missile or rocket. Especially, before it reached that classified magical altitude. Where when the EMP device detonates. All modern electronics goes dead. Even Repair and replacement electronic devices which are not stored away in Faraday cages. For instance stockpiled transformers are stored outside in open aired lots.

If the rockets/missiles are launched at 10 plus miles off any American coast and goes straight up. It is unlikely that the US DOD would be able to respond in a timely manor.

Beware of the decoys. What ever they may be. Civilian surface ships with obvious rail systems for rocket launchers. When you see obvious decoys. The threat is real elsewhere. They already know that the USA will pay a lot of attention to a singular threat, especially if it is up close.
Old civilian ships with the smoke stacks disabled and converted into hidden launch tubes for Scud type missiles. If they can reach that certain classified altitude with an EMP weapon. Look for No smoke from the smoke stack or stacks. and yet they have full propulsion.

North Korea has at least 10 Golf 1 and 2 class Submarines. Each with 3 vertical launch tubes. 2 missiles launch into American soil as a real or decoy or both. The 3rd launch tube would fire a missile straight up. Yep that's 30.

The hole shots can be better predicted by official DOD persons who may be interested. A priority list should be created which entails which hole shot sites would impact the most and down to the least.

These are the possible ones, which look good and obvious to me. +/- 50 miles.
Perry, Fl.
Lake Charles, La.
Victoria, Tx.
Brunswick, Ga.
Greenville, Nc.
Toms River, Nj.
Coos Bay, Or.
MacKerricher State park, Ca.
Pinnacles National Park, Ca.
Puerto Penasco, Mexico
Any where Alaska.
Any side Hawaii.
The same would go for Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea.

China and Russia needs to be deeply concerned. Because if North Korea conducts an EMP attack on Europe. Parts of Russia is gonna go dark. An EMP attack  against Japan or South Korea. Parts of China will go dark. All of Beijing will be dark.
An EMP attack off of the southern coast of India.
Added 06 April 2013:
There is another old vision. I saw a rocket emerge out of an old grain silo. I remember thinking it was somewhere in the Kansas City area.
Added on 07 May 2014: Clarification. Kansas City area can mean several hundred miles circular. 
Added on:06 April 2013: News: Embassies staying open. Has there been so many empty threats from the father that no one believes the son? What if the son wants to make a name for himself? What if the son wants and demands respect from the whole world? Bringing down the USA and/or the rest of the west. Would do it for him. Launch a proven EMP Missile 50-100 miles out. An approximate ?500? circle on the ground of dead electronics, autos, big rigs, trains, planes and power grids. Please research all information for yourself. I've provided a few easy to find. Don't stop there I have only given a sample.
 Added on :06 April 2013:
What if North Korea is the trigger for an EMP attack on the USA. The North American Continent has what many say the last of the easy to reach oil resources in the world. More than all of the middle eastern nations combined. A defenseless USA. Means the end of the USA. Then an all out attack upon the whole of the continent by many different military's to grab those resources. The victor will achieve global dominance. Through the sale and use of those resources. Those very same resources that the political leaders refuse to go after.

Is the USA Military industrial capability EMP hardened? Important question. If not then a potential North Korean EMP attack by various methods would be a complete surprise. I keep thinking a Sunday morning holiday weekend approximately  0500 East coast time, which would mean 0200 west coast time. Everyone will be asleep. The military on leave. Cold of winter would be the worse time.
Added on: 07 April 2013:
 Edit. added word "Undesirable" to quote. 
Added on: 07 April 2013:
 It matters not the technology, leadership, organization. If the hearts, minds and spirits of the people are not fundamentally changed by their own free choice/will. The undesirable prophecy may very well still occur.If the hearts, minds and spirits of the people are fundamentally changed by their own free choice/will. Technology, leadership and organization won't have to play any role in the prevention, mitigation and management of any disaster to come. Only divine wisdom can ascertain whether or not a looming disaster can be prevented. Either way, still do and take action to stop it and prevent it.
Added on: 07 April 2013:
  I think the North Korean emergency is a manufactured event.
Added on: 07 April 2013:
To minimize the EMP effect to China and Russia. North Korea would have to project the maximum effective radius and then plan a launch scenario along the inside of that maximum arc.
Added on: 07 April 2013:
Added on: 08 April 2013:
Had troubles loading Your warned.
Added on: 08 April 2013@1623 Hours.:
I finally got the hole shot name for this blog. Sorry, sometimes I'm even slow with my own writings.  It is a race for the Americas. There will be a starting gun. Who is the starting gun? North Korea?
The USA Naval force would have to be put to sea and far away or will they just be free gifts to the hole shot victor.
Think about it. How many military personnel would show up for war. If they each knew that their loved ones had zero electricity, zero water, zero food, zero sanitation, zero law enforcement, zero medical options, zero rescue. A military husband who leaves their family behind - leaves them to die (in the extreme).
Added on 16 April 2013: 
I suspect that North Korea may have been involved with the Boston bombing. North Korean Persons designed and planned for the bombing event to appear like typical Islamic Terrorist attack.
A birthday present for their former leader.
A pre-plan for a possible American Tet Offensive. 
Added on 21 Aug 2015:               
Who are the enemies of Russia, China and North Korea? What are the effects of an EMP detonation @50, 100, 200 and 300 miles up into the atmosphere? What are the effects of a near polar detonation? These things are classified and should be.
Yesterday, For some reason. I began to think why anyone who is interested in an EMP attack on the 48 USA. Why Kansas City seems to be always used as the central focal point of any EMP attack?
Maybe, for illustration purposes of effect and outward distances in miles.
It seems I've had a new vision. Pretty vague though as of this writing. It seems to be mostly about the greatest impact to their enemies in a single coordinated attack. In which The USA, Canada, Great Briton, Japan, Australia, new Zealand and Israel are effectively neutralized. Outward distances and positions from targeted sites. Known defensive capabilities and the speed/distance math of a triangle.
Positioning your boats and ships to gain the greatest probability of success. Where one location may see a lower altitude detonation. Another may have a greater altitude of detonation.
I also, saw the only way to defend against these kinds of straight up attacks. Is with the use of a Laser anti-Missile system. Effective range greater than 500 miles is needed. In which today none exists. Maybe, a hyper velocity missile system. But, then response time and permissions would also be critical. In which today, none exists and none of these things would be placed around every American favored asset. Not even the Israeli Iron dome could prevent and defeat this threat. In which Canada is building many of these things. Why, For deployment on Canadian soil or for use abroad in some future event? Iron dome is good for something coming at Iron Dome. If an enemy can hit their hole shot. Then the success rate drops. Unless something else?
Added on 21 Aug 2015 @ 1954Hrs.:
My questions below may be very easy for you to answer. For me they are not so easy. I do not keep up with the news very much. The questions are a way for you to see where my mind is going. Maybe you can take it to that next step and prevent all of it. It's only worth the first Billion lives in the first year after the attack. 
An evolution or a clarity of totality. Totality of what?
Who are the enemies of Russia, China and North Korea?
Who are the allies of Russia, China and North Korea?
A singular and coordinated attack on mutual enemies. Which would leave minimal evidence. Or evidence of missiles rising up out of the waters around the globe.
What are the EMP effects when detonated close to the polar regions. What are the effects of multiple EMP detonations  close to the polar regions?
The altitude of EMP detonation is also related to size of the affected area. There are many variables. So if  a group of Countries. Lets say Russia, China and North Korea decided they were going to end the western rule of the whole world. How would they do it? Without infrastructure damage. The set altitude of the EMP detonation.
What about the distance away from primary target or targets? The EMP pulse should diminish in intensity as the distance expands. Like the light from a star.
There are just a few of the planning thoughts for where your boats need to be positioned.
This information. I got from a guy who knows a guy. So, I don't know. It is up to you to do your own research. (Yahoo Answers). Who are allies and who are enemies?
:Allies of China:
Russia (Nuclear and world Power)
SCO (Strategically in Central Asia)
Burma (strategic Asian ally)
Venezuela (Latin American strategic ally)
Zimbabwe (Strategic African ally)
Pakistan (Major partner and Nuclear power)
Iran (Middle eastern ally and regional power)
Cuba (Latin American strategic ally)
North Korea (Traditional cold war ally with nuclear weapons)
Sudan (Strategic African ally)
Syria (Strategic middle eastern ally)
Serbia (Possible future ally now that America has pissed them off with Kosovo)
India (Nuclear power, large trade power, holds the smartest and most genius race)
China friendly: Angola, Algeria, Bangladesh, Brunei, Bolivia, Chile, Cambodia, Cuba, Egypt, Fiji, Ethiopia, Greece, India, Iran, Jordan, Kazakstan, Laos, Liberia, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Myanmar, Senegal, Serbia, Sierre Leone, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tanzania, Tonga, Uganda, Singapore, Venezuela, Zambia, most Arab, and African countries. 
:Enemies of China, Russia and North korea:
 Not a complete list or even a verified list.
 Italy, Iceland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Paraguay, Ireland, Poland, Sweden, Canada, US, Britain, Australia, South Korea, Japan.
Added on 03 Sept 2015:
 I wrote these down  while staring at a global map prior to 21 August 2015: Just found them.
A mixture of low altitude, medium altitude and high altitude EMP style of attacks upon the enemies of China, North Korea and Russia. A single coordinated launch of vertical ballistic missiles. Which would detonate at pre-selected altitudes.  Some areas may have multiple launches over some time.
A low altitude EMP detonation may be for the reasons of intensity for the selected target as well as not receiving damage because of cities and assets in close proximity to the target area.
A low altitude detonation may be specific for enemy military assets and then followed by a higher altitude launch may be for all enemy civilian targets.
If a coordinated EMP style attack does occur.  How could you prove it and who would be at fault? Who would you attack? In one year about 1 billion enemy civilians would be dead. From starvation, disease and mutual combat.
Could this be a pre-attack to an American style Tet offensive. In which hundreds of thousands of men go in their own direction to make their own individual war against all that is American. By any destructive means they each individually devise.
These are to be in addition to what I've already written. Revelation changes everything. If the threats are real at this time. You really should have your own assets looking for the targets. Because, a simple observation and open publication of seen foreign country boats and ships in your waters may be enough to avert. How do you prove an EMP style attack? Could this be their sole justification for an attack? To take advantage and then send in their own Mercy ships while at the same time Going to the United Nations to demand repayment of all debts which can no longer be honored. Am I stretching here? maybe.
The cities listed and areas of interest are all related to their areas of math triangles. Some positions will have multiple impacts. For efficiency and minimal use of weapons. The one shot many kills mode of thinking.
Between the Norwegian sea and the Greenland sea.
Gulf of Alaska.
Bay of biscay
Tyrhenian sea.
West NW Israel.
Puerto Rico.
New York
North West Gulf of Mexico.
Japan East of Osaka
Bay of Bengal
Arabian Sea
South Africa
South China sea
Los Angeles
Tasman sea
South Philippines
West NWest Australia
Marshall Islands
Hawaii western side. any side.
Is this a build up to war?
You position your assets just before the strike.
Added on 03 Sept 2015:
In the news. Gulf of Alaska. With President Obama in Alaska. Is this a sign for the President?
This is odd. There are only 2 reporting sources on this.
Older news. Where are the 50 North Korean subs from August 2015. Some have supposedly returned due to storms. But were any of them The Golf 1 or 2 diesel submarines?
Opinion: 03 Sept 2015:
Every available asset should be used to reveal locations of all Chinese, Russian and North Korea naval ships. Then freely released to all media sources. The revelation of asset movements should eliminate any kind of secret attacks. It will also eliminate the propaganda of here look at these few ships while the real forces lurk else where.
Those diesel subs need fuel and supplies. So there location, port of calls should be revealed. or if a sub pops up next to a fishing ship.
07 Sept 2015: Drug and terrorist tunnels.
Added on 14 Oct 2017:
If North Korea, Russia, China or any other enemy of the USA already have nuclear capable EMP weapons on satellites. It doesn't matter what missile defense system you have. There is no active protection system. Which will protect your civilian population against a EMP satellite which just detonates itself in Low Earth orbit.
Added on 20 April 2024: News: Very disturbing Intelligence.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books