Showing posts with label Within. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Within. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Expanding Shell: (Unedited): 07 April 2015:

The empty shell which expands. Collapses upon itself and protects nothing which is contained within.
Russia, Russia, Russia. The big brother on the other side of the pole. I see you and am concerned for you. Your leaders thirst for that which shall only take away from what substance you already have. The substance of each of you which makes you Russian.
This kind of thirst only makes you more thirsty and as you drink more. The more thirsty you become. The more you desire and the more parched you feel you have become. The death of you shall come from this thirst that cannot ever be quenched.
Russia, Russia, Russia. Look up into the sky and beyond the stars. Then go there as any big brother should lead the way for their siblings to follow. Make a place in the heavens and welcome all of your brethren. Then go forth arm in arm and hand in hand. Into that next step for all of humanity. Rise up and go forth with love and peace for all of your human brothers and sisters. Mr. President Putin change your direction and drink only from the fountains of love and peace. For these fountains shall only be which refreshes your spirit and quench your body. Mr. President Vladimir Putin Become that leader which leads all of humanity into that next positive step.
Prophecies are all just warnings of those things which are probable. Just as any mentor speaks those words of those positive things which are also very probable. I speak those words of mentoring to you, Russia. The great bear of wisdom.
The great Bear can be something which is wonderful for all of humanity. The bear does not have to always be a hungry ferocious hunter. This is just the base animalistic tendency of a bear which was once a sleep and is now awake.  Mr. President Putin Become the Bear of humanities direction. Begin the human Journey of a new human quest and protect all of those who freely choose to follow. By doing so Mr. President Putin. You shall find your own satisfying rest and ease from knowing you actually began something truly great. Not just for all of Russia but for all of humanity. In doing this. Shall you be seen a great visionary greater than other other before you. No matter which country or whose history. No one shall compare to you and you shall always be one of the truly great ones who began humanities ascension into the stars.
We all can alter our false journey and change our wrong path in life. Better sooner than later. But, for those who have given up. They shall suffer their defined ending which they already knows is coming for them. Today and right now. The ending of all humanity is coming and it does not have to be. Those fallen Angels who once enslaved us all may still be influencing us all. For their desired outcome of an extinct human race. An extinction caused by our own free choice. All of this has been foretold by many different religions, cultures and prophets. I tell you right now. All of it can still be averted. Humanity does not have to be the cause of their own extinction. Humanity can rise up and go forward by their own free will. No matter how powerful those who wrongly influence us are. Through humanities embracing of brotherhood, of love, of genuine peace. Shall all of humanity ascend into the realm of where those fallen angels once roamed. No longer imprisoned by our own disobedience and sin. By embracing righteous honor is what you have already learned from those basic lessons of karate. Just as in karate a person can become the bully or become the bear which protects those whom he calls his own.


Added on 08 April 2015: 
This is a parallel prophecy for that I have written for China.  There must be that one leader who just states. We are not going to prepare for war. We are not going to wage war. Then invite your former comrades and cold war enemies to embrace true brotherhood and true trust by being the first one to go forth into those place where your upward turned face gazes upon. Go first Mr. President Putin. Point your finger upward and dedicate your resources towards the edge of this solar system. China shall embrace your arm first and then everyone else.
I'm not an economist. I just know that debt is a great burden. I do not know any of the theory behind any of what I'm about to write. I just know it happens and some how it works.
By converting all of your currency into digital monies. You will no longer have to be concerned with obtaining debt or having to much cash out in the world. By having this digital currency. The government can begin projects with little concern over spending to much. This digital currency will have problems trading with other world markets. But, If you can transition your economy into a more diversified sources. Instead of only energy. Then you will become immune to any outside influences. By becoming the primary manufacturer to the people of Russia. You do not have to tie your economy to any other. Except during exports. Then resort to precious metals and other minerals.
The economy will have a sharp uptick. Then just by causing the Russian people to believe in the space dream. They will embrace you and your dream. Go forth and reach into the heavens.
Either Russia or China or even both must reach into the heavens. Re-direct your resources away from your militarization and into space. If you do this. Then all of humanity shall survive. If you both continue to militarize your countries. Then all of humanity shall become extinct.
This year in 2015. The USA should enter into another discipline phase from God. 2001, 2008 and now 2015. Then if the USA does not repent in mass. 2022 shall be rough. all of this is a ramping up of disciplines. So all of your war preparations is all for naught. The USA will not be a force. The USA in some part will become a part of the United nations in some fashion. Russia will take Alaska. Parts will be given to China. I have written all of this before. To a greater detail.
China, Fear not Japan and make amends to your lost brothers. Forgive them of their past deeds. Japan shall tremble and become lost. Isn't it with honor to pay your respects and to save lives? Isn't it honorable to do right instead of blowing your war horns and beating on the war drums? Especially, since they have all passed on and placed into the soil.
Added on 9 April 2015: 
The US Government has become a purely reactionary form of corporate government. If Russia and China begin to redirect any perceived threats away from any US observations. Then the Corporate bought and payed for politicians. Will do nothing in response.
In other words the statuesque for  American politicians is to build their nest eggs for the next election cycle. Passing laws written by their corporate masters will be the only things they do.
This is why re-directing your energies and redirecting your resources towards space. Will have no response by the government of the USA or from the people. The American people have already decided not to fund any major NASA projects. The Corporate controlled US government has already made a history of continually defunding NASA. So when Russia and China is no longer seen as a threat. The US will not build any more new war machines and continually fund their soon to be out of control socialist state.
Russia and China by pursuing new weapons of warfare. Their will be an American led response. This American led response has already manifested. You must see this.
Russia and China Just by re-directing the bulk of your military assets into new and or revitalized space programs. The American people will not see any threat with goofy astronauts playing with bubbles and doing other boring things up in space. The American people do not see the long term investment. Nor are they aware or even care how NASA has advance their lives.
You must see my words as truths. This is a path to human longevity. For you Russia and China to continue in your war projects will end in our human extinction.
The arrogant American politician has created their COG and they believe they and their families shall survive any kind of war. Even if they start it. But, if you are no longer a perceived threat. They will not start any war. This is key.
In time, The USA will fall and their assets will be negotiated over and dealt out like trading cards for all of the indebted members of the United Nations.
Added on 10 April 2015 early A.M.:And @ 1625HRS.
It looks like I have been banned from Russia. I have been banned from (RT) and (RT) YouTube.  I don't think I have ever commented on any RT news story on YouTube. I can view their content just no comment from me is allowed. I can also view other peoples content. Interesting.
It also looks like I have been banned from China.
My messages has always promoted:
To Love one another
To live in peace with all.
To exist in harmony with all things.
To revere life.
To be obedient to the laws of God.
 This is Prophecy.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Monday, October 6, 2014

unHOLY Reflection: (Unedited): 05 Oct 2014:

The darkest and most charismatic of souls may surround themselves with those deceived righteous persons who are illuminated from within. In order to become the reflection of their internal holy light.  
Can you imagine a dark soul, one who is absent of any divinity. They knowing their darkness and knowing they cannot become enlightened. So they surround themselves with those who are enlightened. Those who are illuminated from within and yet still can be deceived.

Imagine a human person who is like a flawless mirror. They can never absorb any light and are completely full of darkness. All light no matter it's source can only be reflected by them. To those who gaze upon their reflected illumination may be deceived into thinking that this persons light originates from within them. When the truth is they are pure darkness to such a degree that they can only reflect all light. 
Do not become deceived by the fabulous church, temple, synagogue, mosque. Do not become deceived by the men who when they speak everyone applauds and worships the speaker. Do not become deceived at their outward show of status, clothing or personal wealth. These things are all rewards from their worldly teachings.
Run and flee from their speech because they mix in just enough righteous truth to cause their lies and deceptions to become believable.
When the God of love teaches that we should all love our brothers and yet these deceivers also teach it is OK to hate.
When the God of peace teaches that we all should live in peace with all of our brothers and yet these deceivers teach that the enemy they define for you is less than humans or dogs. Go and make war with those dogs. Know that they are deceiving everyone.
When the God of Harmony teaches that we all should exist in harmony with everyone and with all things. The deceiver teaches it is OK to make chaos for freedom and for your rights.
When the God of life teaches that we should all respect and honor all life. The deceiver who stand upon those high places proclaims it is OK to kill them, to kill accidents, to kill those who are less than you.
Yet for some reason they beguile us all. All over the world there are many great human deceivers and they are very knowledgeable of the ancient holy texts. Their words have much convincing power. So much so it bypasses your own human reason and common sense. This is the power of the fallen angels and demonic powers at work. I the writer of these quotes am not immune to their powers. One of the best methods any angel which is greater than any human is to implant false thought and false beliefs by mimicking your own thought patterns. They listen to how you think and just impersonate you.
Yep, Impersonations of famous people in a comedy shows is funny, funny, funny. But, when it is done in the most secretive way in order for you to conform to the fallen angels will. It is no longer funny anymore. Especially, when you know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Then over time you slowly or quickly relent to the steady flow of impersonating thoughts that you wrongly consider to be your own. For some people who become so disturb by wrong or inappropriate thoughts seek psychological help and end up on mind altering medications. Either way it is a win-win for all of the fallen and imprisoned.
Constant and continuous prayers, meditations and contemplations of/by your own free will. To the God of love, peace, harmony and of life is necessary for you to no longer be deceived. By staying with the very basic core principles within your own being. You shall not be deceived. This four core principles is absolute on there logical content. No words written or spoken can go against these four words. If they do. Then the speaker or writer is deceiving you.
The deceiver leader will proclaim to go make war with His/Her defined enemy so that we all can have peace. There is some truth mixed with lies.
The deceiver leader will teach to love one another while their defined enemy can be hated because of their differences and to go destroy them and cause them all to die.
The deceiver leader even confuses who their God is. The God of love is the same as the God of peace or the God of harmony or the God of life. While at the same time the great deceiver will mix in their gods of war, of hate, of chaos, of death, of destruction, of lies, of pride, of ego, of wealth, of power, of intellect and etc. All for a singular end result which is unknown to the darkened human puppet.  That which is the extinction of humanity.
For me personally. The how all of humanity or the absolute majority of humanity will become extinct. The majority of the activities is all below or far above the human forms ability to naturally perceive these beings.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dark Light: (Unedited): 21 May 2014:

When your the only light within your own little world. Do not become alarmed or worried to discover that darkness surrounds you and that there are those who prefer to reside in that darkness. 
Even your own loved ones. 
Darkness either surrounds each one of us or darkness is the place where you have chosen to reside. Either way, The darkness is still there. Those who reside in the darkness may even be strange creatures whom you know will devour you in an instant if they had the opportunity. Despite being made into fun and loving dragons and reptiles in cartoons. The truth still remains even though they are hidden inside of the darkness. That very same darkness which surrounds you all of the time.
The light of your life is what they are attracted to. So much pure energy which can also give those who remain in the darkness more power. All you have to do is to give it up freely and just let them to take their fill. All you have to do is just not care any more about anything or any one. It is that easy to do and to listen to their dark wisdom. That there is no right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free. Let it go. These are all lies and deceptions designed to get you to give up that which is most precious to you. All without a fight. To be free of righteousness, civility and a high moral standard. Just enslaves you into the pit of darkness. Where is absent of love, peace, harmony and life.
The darkness and those within it want to become merged with the light energy. Thus corrupting the whole of goodness.
If those who reside in darkness can acquire enough life light, Then they think they can have enough power to acquire the light of God. Their hatred and anger is that deep for anything good. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Within Before: Real Steal: (Unedited): 12 Sept2013:

Before you work your work, race your race, and fight your fight. You should have already worked your work, raced your race and fought your fight. All within the confines of your mind.
Positive mental training is very necessary in life. Just as negative mental training should be avoided. But, for some reason, Most of humanity prefer negative mental training through their personal media devices. Even news sources is a source of negative mental training.
Your personal pursuit over things which are truly of absolute minimal importance. Should be a real concern for you. Such as freely giving your attention to entertainment personalities and the knowing of their every day lives.  By you freely and possibly unknowingly focusing your attention to those kinds of peoples. actually steals time away from your own positive development of your own life as you see it to be in the future.
Real Steal: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2013:
Your excessive pursuit of any/all thing's entertaining is you allowing an unreal thing to steal your very real life away.  
Finding your entertainment value in how rich and famous or any other  people ruin their lives is proof of the ongoing negative mental entrainment within you.  One should not smile and cheer at how people have done things to ruin their lives or ruin the lives of their children. Who is truly the father of that baby? How many baby mama's does he have? Who cheated with who? and etc. Why are the cops always finding the possible shirtless bad man under houses?

 These are just not important for the limited amount of time you have with your own life.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Butterfly light: (unedited): 20 July 2010:

Becoming a beautifully transformed butterfly. Does require you to be surrounded by darkness for a time. While the light within you begins to grow stronger. Until, the darkness can no longer contain you.
Darkness can only contain the weakness which is within you. When you choose to leave behind those weak parts of your being and choose to embrace something as new and odd as wings. Fly you will into the heavens when the darkness can no longer hold the light within you hostage.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Known Warrior: (Unedited): 19 Feb 2013:

No one will ever know your warrior within if you refuse to fight for yourself, for your sanity, for your rights, for your spirit. There is a war for you and it doesn't really matter if you believe or not. Actually, it will be easy for those who desire to own and devour you if you do not believe or even consider the truth of things.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Warmth Shared: (Unedited): 01 Feb 2013:

The fire within which is given away, is warmth shared.
The love which is within you is inexhaustible and limitless. You have the capacity within you to love everyone anywhere. It does not matter if there existence is known to you or not. It matters not if they are on this planet or on the far side of a dozen galaxies away.
Love is a fire which perpetually burns within you. Even if you have actively done your best to wall it up and dim it's light shine. For you to continually destroy the love within you means you must destroy yourself. Then from your own physical destruction will you only free the love which was within. Now, all of those who can see, will see the love which always was.
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Peace Struggle: (Unedited): 04 Oct 2012:

Peace within and without struggle. C.J.MacKechnie
 There is no struggle to have peace, to keep peace and to maintain peace within you.
This was a comment as inspired from reading a comment from Deepak Chopra. "Grace, if truly received, brings complete peace."