Showing posts with label Before. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Before. Show all posts

Friday, May 22, 2015

Crab Shack Calm: (Unedited): 22 May 2015:

Only at the Crab Shack can you experience the calm before the rocking storm. While the band is on a break.
It is interesting how when you go to many different places. You always get the same background noises. The same dulled mental droning of various states of intoxication.  It is the same for virtually every bar, bar/restaurant, bar/club, and etc.
Except at the Crab shack. When the band goes on break. Just enjoy the calm. While drinking your drink and eating your meal. Just reach over to the one your with and smile. Can you feel it? It is there. The calm nothingness. Just reach out with the nothingness of your own mind and let the calm envelop you. Can you do that? Can you let go of the world systems which have brought you to this state of digital mindedness. Are you even aware of it?
Do not reach for your rectangular digital light bulb. Do not text or even read that text. Stay in this very real moment of Earthly calm and leave the worldly system of your mental state behind.
If you can. You will free yourself and escape from that which is unreal and into that which is genuine. Can you tell the difference? Even here in little Port Richey, Florida. You have this invisible bubble of some kind of mystical calm and you were/are another worldly bubble within a bubble. Can you pop your own prideful and egotistical bubble to feel what is real?
It's OK. If you don't feel it now. If you keep going to The Crab Shack, one day the Earthly calm shall flood into your worldly bubble. Then you will wonder why everything is so beautiful. I hope you get their one day.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Adventure Ruined: (Unedited): 02 Nov 2013:

Knowing how a story ends before you even read the book. Ruins the adventure of the read. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Within Before: Real Steal: (Unedited): 12 Sept2013:

Before you work your work, race your race, and fight your fight. You should have already worked your work, raced your race and fought your fight. All within the confines of your mind.
Positive mental training is very necessary in life. Just as negative mental training should be avoided. But, for some reason, Most of humanity prefer negative mental training through their personal media devices. Even news sources is a source of negative mental training.
Your personal pursuit over things which are truly of absolute minimal importance. Should be a real concern for you. Such as freely giving your attention to entertainment personalities and the knowing of their every day lives.  By you freely and possibly unknowingly focusing your attention to those kinds of peoples. actually steals time away from your own positive development of your own life as you see it to be in the future.
Real Steal: (Unedited): 09 Nov 2013:
Your excessive pursuit of any/all thing's entertaining is you allowing an unreal thing to steal your very real life away.  
Finding your entertainment value in how rich and famous or any other  people ruin their lives is proof of the ongoing negative mental entrainment within you.  One should not smile and cheer at how people have done things to ruin their lives or ruin the lives of their children. Who is truly the father of that baby? How many baby mama's does he have? Who cheated with who? and etc. Why are the cops always finding the possible shirtless bad man under houses?

 These are just not important for the limited amount of time you have with your own life.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Brightest Dawn: (Unedited): 25 Nov 2012:

It is a negative insight to believe that it is always the darkest before the dawn. Instead think and believe, Your brightest hope always comes with the dawn of your new day. C.J.MacKechnie
To think that it will always be the darkest before a new day to come or any new beginning. Is very negative and very depressing. Keep your focus and intention on that which is positive and helpful.