Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Time. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Advanced Flying Perceptions Dream/Vision: (Unedited): 28 Sept 2024:

 I can see myself climbing into an unknown physical ship or plane of some kind. I saw myself putting on some kind of gear which was a direct connection to the ship or plane. Once I put on the head gear which seemed substantial. My awareness suddenly changed. The ship, all of it's physical components as well as my physical body simply disappeared and yet they were still there. All of my external awareness was just that an awareness of everything around me. I can see everything in a full 360 spherical shell all at once. Do the degree I thought allot of data infusion. I can discern all things out to a much greater distance than my human eyes ever could see. I think I remained in place for a time just taking everything in. But, I was not thinking about time just all of the data input. It was amazing. 
Then I wanted to go up and without really thinking any kind of movement thought I was straight up and went very fast. I held that point in space and then realized that I felt absolutely nothing. No G forces, no gravity, no movement of any kind. Once up on high. More data sensory data started coming in as now I was not on the ground. The ground was blocking sensory data. 
Then I began to move and had the sense that it wasn't me which was moving it was the entire planet and universe. I knew this was some kind of locked in perception of things. It was like sitting in one of those cheesy fake roller coaster movie boxes which lift, turn and shake on hydraulics. I knew that once your aware that you can turn off those senses which can fool you into thinking your on a roller coaster when the truth is your not. You just stepped into a cool looking box for $10. Basically inside of this actual ship or plane. I genuinely felt that I was not moving and that everything else was. Even though on the outside and not connected you can see the entire ship or plane doing all of the moving.End. 
Flight time is racing time. Like in a dream you can go where ever you want and as fast as you want with exacting precision. All the while not feeling any of the physical forces or even having any psychological sensations of movement. Passing a commercial building or a speeding plane is all very similar as they each do not seem to be moving. There seems to be a close relationship with mental speed and time. I can catch any plane at any distance very very quickly and not have to wait to catch up, match speed, match altitude and match heading. It all seem near instantaneous and yet is not. End.
No audio, pure focus and processing power of the human brain.
The human brain grows and adapts to input and to the demands placed upon it. When the human brain is no longer learning and adapting to new things. The brain begins to diminish in size, capability and capacity. So when a human mind encounters a machine like this. I would suppose there needs to be time for the human brain to become acclimated and to develop. The brain needs to make and grow new connections within. All of that takes time and is accordance to the health and age of the human brain.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Babylon Violence +27: (Unedited): 24-28 April 2024:

Note: At this time I'm still not willing to list all of the different forms of violence in which I've seen in visions and dreams. But, it does appear that what I've seen exceeds my own imaginative limitations in regards to violent acts and atrocities. If You're one of my new readers. I'm not interested in being first or saying things in order to receive recognition. I'm only interested in saving lives. All glory, praise and your attention goes to God and not me. If you have found use in these writings and back them up with the Bible and prayer. No need to mention me. Then use them as a means to save lives. The purple words below should be taught along with the importance of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not come after my words or the purple words below.
Celebrate with great tears of sadness the coming of the Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be vanquished. Have joy as Habakkuk.
Celebrate with great tears of joy the coming of our Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be utterly destroyed. Have joy that all suffering and misery shall end. 
When great suffering and death comes for you as it had for the Christ Jesus, the early Christians and even certain Christians of today. Have joy in knowing that you are worthy for such things. Have faith in knowing when you sleep for the last time in your body you will awaken in great glory with your Heavenly Father.
Death and continuous suffering comes for those who rejected Jesus Christ and became a source of misery, sickness and death to any innocent living being.
Never ending weeping and gnashing of teeth shall come to all who perpetrated evil and wickedness unto the world. Great anguish and despair shall become your never ending reward. 
As which has been prophesied, there shall be violence everywhere. The laws of the animal kingdom shall be in place. All manner of civility shall end in favor of animalistic cruelties. This is just one piece of evidence of the strong delusion sent to this Earth from God. 
The governments of the world are supposed to protect their own people and actually become the source of hardship and suffering. The people will rise up and the governments will be forced to take a strong action against their own people or die. Which shall include their entire family. 
Blurry vision means a variety of yet to be made human decisions which result in definitive planned action.
Massive blood bath of violence in which the government side slaughters the deselected civilian population who are now defined as the enemy. 
Bloody violence against government forces in which the civilians are able to attain proper weapons of warfare.
In the great holy houses of human government which were once revered by the people shall be torn asunder and burned to the ground never to rise again.
Federal agents and soldiers being brutally killed by their own brethren.
I have seen this in many visions in the last many years. The good civilians see their law enforcement, federal agents and soldiers as honored men and women which should always be respected. One commonly recurring vision is of one really tough looking man at parties and he is already assessing who he is going to kill and how. When an order is given if ever. He is standing with his own brothers sharing good times, tough stories and refreshing beer and amazing burgers. This is tough for me to even fathom. His face and physical disposition changes from sharp images to blurry to sharp. Which indicates to me that many government people are having these thought who are in positions of power over the people. 
The truly wicked and evil agents and soldiers have already been entertaining who and how they are going to kill who they already see as enemy within the ranks. Evil surprise awaits for the good souls.
As a civilian this is tough for me to fathom. 
Like minded civilians who do not want or desire violence forbid all aspects of government to rule over them. They shall be slaughtered and in the news no one shall know the truth as all of their lands given to the new preferred obedient civilian.
Absolute civilian disappearance shall be mandated against all of those whom the governments has killed. It shall become like they and their towns never existed. They shall be completely excised and forgotten. 
Raise up your eyes and worship the coming of your God with a great holy and righteous fear. While at the same time the whole of the world wars against Him and His Army. Know that you may sleep for the last time that great and awful day. You shall wake up in glory continuing to worship your beloved Heavenly Father. Forever and ever.
Visions: I see the war against water and food. Those farmers their families and all other relations shall be killed and never found again. I see their homes destroyed, burned and cleanly removed. Even their digital  memory erased. They shall not have enough manpower, guns or bullets as the wicked evil doing soldiers who wear the once honored uniform kill all who are from a distance. Yes, Your government will use warplanes and every other form of weapon of warfare against their now deselected civilian population. Their now naked lands given to the new preferred civilians.  
One unspoken aspect of the strong delusion God sends to this Earth is how you yourself who have been in the Christian faith for all of these years or decades and yet you think of yourself as going to Heaven even though all aspects of your life is still full of secret sins. 
Pressure waves in Time are forming and they do take time to build. The fears, anxieties and paranoia's can change how an individual reacts to certain stimuli. The more people who change how they respond to certain situations this builds up the pressure waves in time to such a degree that all of societies and all of humanity goes into an absolute collapse. 
Like a single last heart beat in time which ends in a flat line.
When a life is dying good people do their best to do the good thing. But, on the human time line when that last heart beat happens. No one will care enough to try to restart it. 
Which is when when it says that if God had not of intervened when he does or had. All of humanity would have become extinct. 
I'm writing this knowing that all of humanity is about to make the uncommon decision to kill anyone who just happens to offend. Even this has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. We are getting that close to when every human will be against any other human for any reason. It will not have to be a valid reason.
The nation of Babylon has been born many times and called by different names. Babylon has also died many times only to rise up yet again from the ashes. The United States of America has become the modern day Babylon and so to shall America die and become like ash only to quickly rise again and encompass the whole of the Earth. Maybe, they will even change the name of this planet. 
America is only the caterpillar which must die in order for Babylon can emerge from the burnt sacrificial corpse of what was America into the emerging beauty that it is intended to be. 
The sacrificial corpses of many nations shall emerge out of those burnt chrysalis's many beautiful Babylonian butterflies which shall merge into one great monster. 
People will continue to invent new words in order to get around censorship algorithms. This is evidence of censorship. 
The new enemies of life and of humanity will be in those who continue to allow their children to be educated in government schools.
NOTE: This also includes institutions of higher learning as which is being seen today. 
Do not become surprised when your own godless adult children report you to a government agency as enemies of the state.
Government educated children will become anti-god, anti-family, anti-good and anti-life. Through them will begin the extinction process of humanity and they shall be apathetic.
Paul's rebuke of Peter in the public eye is Biblical. So to will the common Christian see the public rebuking of Christian leaders. One will be right and the other will be wrong. 
Note: There is a difference between being wrong and naively deceived. We are not perfect and we are not all knowing. This goes all the way back to Jim Bakker and others. Who profited from Bakker an apparent prophet? When you follow the money, was Jim Bakker guilty as he was convicted or was he just the naively deceived even unto no forgiveness by the people of the world to this day. Remember this one when a charismatic leader took his entire church to another country and they all committed suicide. What about the Haley's Comet group who all wore the same shoes and died together? There are more. But, there is a difference between being wrong and simply deceived. Who was wrong and who was right when Mark Driscol said what he said in a men's conference where they were all entertained by a former male strip club dancer who was allowed or encouraged to show his sin to male Christian leaders. I do not know mark Driscol and have heard he has done bad things. But, you also need to know that satan will use his worldly powers in order to publicly convict a true righteous man of God. By any means necessary in order to discredit the man of God. Like I said I do not know Mark Driscol and do not know If I'm even spelling his name correctly. But, when does forgiveness begin at dusk? each and every day? Where is that in the Bible? Look it up. I'm not waiting. Which means I can offend you 7X77 each and every day and you as a genuine Christian must forgive me before each and every sunset!?!? right????... Meant as serious male humor as related to the love of God for us and how many times we all have sinned before him and continue to sin and not even know what sin we will sin in all of the tomorrow's yet to come and yet God has and still forgives us/me. Yea, I'm a very deeply flawed human bean. Think about this. How many of you would vote for King David knowing all of the things he had done or awful things he will do? How many characters or real people and nations in the Holy Bible were perfect in the sight of God? Why did God use all of the unqualified people that He did? You need to get this. 
You know sometimes when a person digs a deep hole for themselves. All that there is - is an empty hole which is lined and floored with dirt. Sometimes a hole is just a hole without any further meaning or purpose.
NOTE: Still do think about it because what appears to be empty and useless may in fact have a very profound purpose and meaning. The signs of God and from God may look that way on the surface or is that below the surface. Danger or safety. You can fall in and get injured or it can safely hide you. It can be a grave. But, which is it really? Did Mark Driscol point to the evil and wicked hole and get blamed for it. All he did was say everyone here is a hole. How strong is the delusion we are all in? I have not even mentioned the deadly traps which could be hidden inside the darkness of the hole. What about all of the planning to dig the hole which was to be celebrated as holy and righteous? Does not satan define what is holy and righteous as well since he thinks himself to be above god. Did not all of the fallen angels come to Earth and become gods themselves. 
Note: I have checked the spelling of Mark Driscoll and it is correct in my labels. I left it misspelled here and is not intended as an insult. But, if you want to be insulted. I'm OK with that. I guess I'm feeling a little spicy this morning.
Wolves in sheep's clothing will continue to bring the world into their church of righteous riches. While the Biblically dead people less than one block away continue to suffer in physical life.
Those souls who attend the churches of righteous riches. They will learn how to become Christian wolves in sheep's clothing while never realizing that they are still worldly wolves. 
Those leaders who are caught with their pants down know not that their pants were even down. For them it was once a very good idea to go forth in public with their pants down. Anger and fury shall be their response to the one who declares their pants were down. 
The delusion that a leader has to go forth with their pants down always seems like a good idea as they always go forth in all of the planning stages prior to the rise of the curtain. Once the curtain goes up all will know their sin who has not been affected by the strong delusion sent by God. 
The delusional and sickly in the leadership of the church shall become fully known in the full light of God. Even though they remain confused and angered by being revealed even as they continue to remain in darkness and outside of the true light of God by their own choice. 
It is only God who reveals a truth and not the man for man must have the truth of God within him before that truth can be revealingly expressed. It matters not the faults and failures of the man who does the revealing.
Remember, There was only one perfect person, only one qualified priest, only one perfect sacrificial lamb and only one savior to all of humanity listed in the Holy Bible. Everyone else were all deeply flawed human beings. 
NOTE: If what I write seems like I'm for Babylon and against God. Your mistaken. More than 7.5 Billion human souls will die because of wicked evil doers who are going to make this happen. Which is against God.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Christians Must Run For Every Elected Office Prophecy +16: (Unedited): 24 Feb 2023:

Continuous never ending godly action in your daily life must be a definitive result of any genuine revival. 
So yea, how did Jesus suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How did the apostles suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? and how did the early Christians suffer and die? and how is it that you deserve a better or easier life? How are Christians around the world today are suffering and dying? How is it that you are still obliviously unaware of their plight as Chinese Christians sing praises of their worthiness to suffer and die in the name of Christ. Enjoy your sports events, movies, games, social media and websites. As your own church, pastors and leadership staffs remain overwhelmed on a daily basis. All because you demand to be served by them and serve not them or the church. 
Church service is not a show for you and you should not be entertained by the church. Church service is not meant to be a feel good entertaining event especially if your a deeply flawed sinful human being in which we all are.
You are supposed to feel bad and feel guilty about your sins. Your supposed to feel a profound need to change from your evil ways and deeds. Even in your professional life. But, if your in a church where you never feel bad about any of your sins and evil actions. Then your probably in a church which will die as many church buildings are empty and abandoned throughout the USA. Yes, that is a prophetic sign. 
Your actions in your everyday life regardless if it is professional, personal, private, secret, family or any other type of life in which you may have.
The genuineness of a revival in your life must manifest holiness, righteousness and Holy Spirit led actions.
Your actions that you will be compelled to make will also include participating in all levels of government activities. This does mean that you will run for every elected office and only vote for Christians in every elected office. This also means that you shall not vote in favor of any political ideology. Regardless if it is red or blue, right or left, Republican or Democrat. You must do these things right now. You must take definitive action and make those very certain commitments. If you want change within your so called representative government. Then you must become that face of change.
Christians of every denomination must stop voting against the face of the greater evil or voting for the face of the lesser evil. 
From within your churches you must coordinate your plans for every election. Regardless of what any law states. Those laws which prevent you the Christian from talking about politics within the church were all plans to take away and to steal away your God given nation. If you Christians continue to do nothing then everything shall be taken from you. Including your rights, liberty, your freedom, your livelihoods and your lives. By the way your rights and livelihoods are already being taken away. You have already lost the freedom of speech to speak in any public format as your Christians words are now deemed as hate speech.
If you Christians fail in taking the necessary actions to reclaim your nation. You will lose your nation as well as become criminalized. 
If you Christians do not rise up and take a collective stand for the restoration of your God given nation. Then you all will realize the truth of how your nation is not included in Bible Prophecy. 
Right now your debate on whether or not the USA is included in Biblical prophecy. If you do not take action in the saving of the nation that God has given to you. Then you will lose everything in it's entirety. Everything in which you hold dear will be taken and it is already happening. If you continue to do nothing. Then you will have nothing left. Even the idea of a lie worth living will be taken from you.
The American Christian clock in regardless to holiness, righteousness, godliness has been running backwards and soon enough the springs of time will lose their alignments, bend and pop as the time of the Christian will suddenly stop. 
Christians are like a broken watch which cannot tell time no matter how much you wind it or shake it. Jesus is the body of the watch. The Holy Spirit is the spring and mechanisms. The Holy Bible is the face which identifies the purpose and meaning of the Christian watch. 
Christians have not been properly winding or maintaining their watches. While at the same time knowing the prophecy of not winding or maintaining their own watches. The foolishness of shaking and banging on your watches which no longer tells times is the evidence of the life you see right now. The confusion of not knowing is evident in your lives as you each hide in lonely seclusion absent of any church participation. 
The Christian life and the Christian people is the only thing which remains that keeps this once great nation good, honorable and honest. 
The nations and peoples of the world have already begun to hate Americans and America. This is because it is the Americans and the Christians who have abandoned their own belief systems and their God.
It is the Christians who have done nothing to prevent the evil cancerous disease from taking over their once beloved heroic nation.
The time of the American people is coming to an end because of the refusal of Christians to take part in and to lead their nation with righteousness, holiness and goodness. 
The home of the free and brave have become the home of the do nothing entertained and cowardly Christian. Just as the end of Israel has happened many times before so to will the end of the USA. 
The minimalist Christians by word of mouth are only Christian for one hour per week as they go forth and do nothing else in their lives. Yet, in the eyes of God your belief in your Christian state of being is only your own self created delusion. 
Self declared Christians won't even do anything for their own churches or denominations. They can't even spare one hour a week doing anything which benefits the church in any way. So what are they going to do to save their own God given nation? Nothing!!!
Revival, Bible studies and regular church services becomes a waste of your time when you return home to a life which is fundamentally unchanged. 
This does not mean you stop doing those things. This just means that your probably just more pig headed and stubborn than everyone else. You do have a choice of either you causing your heart to be softened or God will soften your heart for you. It would be best for you to take those actions and cause your own heart to become softened. 
The delusional lie within you is when you begin to believe that your time spent in the church or in Bible study is a waste of your time.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Truth Armageddon: (Unedited): 06 June 2021:

The days become shorter.
The nights become shorter.
Time has become shorter.
For many wear advancing count up clocks all over their being.
For they never realize that the clock has only been counting down. 
In spite of their calendars going up. 
Yes, the count down and you cannot see or hear the digits disappear.
For I tell you, The time is coming when their/you're secrecies will erupt into a global Armageddon of truth. You're time and their time is all short. The revelators will be everywhere even with all of your sealed compartmentalized lids. All of your sins will be revealed to all. 
Just as the time counts down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. So too has uncertainty, improbability, impossibility, possibility, probability to certainty. Even logic has been corrupted to such a degree that the modern human person is completely unaware of how to think simply with reason.
Added on 06 June 2021: 
For when the days become shortened. God will no longer have a need for His prophets. The certainty of time and of events have no need for a prophet. Especially as the ear of man becomes deaf, the eyes of man become blind, The spirit of man becomes closed off, The mind of man becomes stupid, the heart of man becomes apathetic and cold, and the awareness of man becomes oblivious. While men will remain as self declared profits of your/their/our god. Their collective noise will be likened to a radio which plays all of the channels/frequencies at once. The prophets of God sound like a unified voice spoken by many in a chorus singing one song.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Plant People Dream: (Unedited): 27 Aug 2020:

I awoke this morning after a dream about plant people. These were humanoid looking plant people and they had actual plant like protrusions coming from their bodies. This appearance looked thin. I saw these plant people taking up positions in high places. Seemingly shaded from the sun. These plant people did not move much and were typically quiet. By our perception.
Humans like us found or discovered them and moved some of them to our Earth for study. Which is basically medical torture. The plant people may not have had a choice in their taking as time for them and time for us was perceived differently and yet we each reside in the same kind of time.
What is interesting is how these plant people were found. They were on what seemed like a deserted planet. Which had buildings, roads and bridges. There did not seem like there was any other life. But, there was a sense of danger and this was the reason for the saving of this one group of plant people. They were helpless in compared to us human beings. So the humans who traveled to their planet brought them back to Earth. The humans caused them to be of use to them in many different ways. So I would guess the plant people had some kind of special gifts that were of use to the human beings.
Then something happened and they needed to be taken back to their planet but the certainty of that endeavor was gone. They were returned to a place that looked similar but may not have been. That place and time was kept secret or classified. This could have been a time thing or a dimensional like difference. The human beings who actually tried to return them would get into trouble for doing so. The kind of trouble that does not include the court system. The plant people were returned and the evidence of where and when they are was erased.
I have no clue what this means except for the idea of how far human atrocities can go even against intelligent human life which is different than who were are today.
These plant people seemed like some kind of genetic amalgam. Maybe natural are were of some kind of genetic creation. This seemed like an actual event. But, then again are not most dreams?
Maybe, this becomes a state of human genetics and the absence of human life is the evidence of what happens to humanity by their own hands.


Friday, July 10, 2020

Thunder War Auditory Prophecy: (Unedited): 07-10 July 2020

I was outside surrounded by storms. Darkness all around. Silent lightning flashing on the horizon and I knew them to be just lightning. But, it all evolved into a PTSD moment. When I knew the enemy is upon us in full force. There were bombs, bullets and missiles at every horizon and I only knew the sounds. The sudden flashes of silent light in the distance. The thunder in the clouds became warfare in my here and now. But, it was not a here and now it is a then to come. Just as the lightning precedes the thunder. I understand this as a time in the future. War is coming, but when. But, what kind of war and with whom? Is this going to be the American civil war. Where the Rainbow tsunami takes full control over the military and goes after the disobedient and defenseless Christian civilian population who still upholds God, family and the Constitution of the USA.
How far is the horizon? How does that translate into time and distance? Is this a marker for an actual when in years? Does seconds mean years or does the distance mean years to wars come?
Thunder in relation to lightning is all about time. Lightning must strike first and then the thunder comes when you begin to count the time. Then with the time you know the approximate distance. Get it.
Here is a problem. I have not been in actual war or in actual battles. So how can I have a PTSD moment? It is simple but not really. In my twenties and thirties I had those two decades of PTSD issues directly related to my very bad childhood. My poor wife and children endured with me and often times not even knowing. No I do not drink, smoke anything legal or not. Nor to I take medications legal or not. So, I endured the full onset of these PTSD visions. This is what this vision was like a PTSD fully involved vision. Which did spark my memories of all of those old PTSD moments. They can be very powerful.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Time Sticky: (Unedited): 16-19 Feb 2018:

Going through time without a gravitational sticky/anchor. Will cause you to lose your place in a very probable dangerous way.
There is most likely several ways that you could ground yourself to a planet or larger celestial body  when you have the ability to travel in time. These are by frequency, gravity and magnetically. Since each varies over time. You may want to connect to each one in order to guarantee that you remain in place. The best place to maintain a connection is most likely at the poles. You will also need to know the historical variances of each.
You may be able to create a an energetic sphere where the principle of time has been removed. Depending on the degree of time removal. This energy field may also kill all life which goes within in. Because if time stops so does life. So a creation of a device which counteracts the timeless energy field may/will be necessary.
The scientists are right about involvement and communications with any person. Don't do it. Although I want to. I guess that is my pride and ego talking. To make effective changes to two sets of families. But, the story in the Holy Bible comes into play. It will be worse for you than it was for Sodom. For those people have been given everything and yet they are still disobedient and sinful. So if the people have been given everything then me going back in time to fix a thing would in fact be a waste of time.
The smallest degree of error in space travel can cause you to miss entire galaxies the further you travel. So to it is in time. Making big changes weeks or months ago will have a minimal effect and impact on today. While making the smallest of changes a hundred or even a thousand years ago. Will have a drastic impact on the world today. Such as meeting a person whether it be on purpose, by accident or by chance. Can cause that person not to meet the love of their life a thousand years ago. Then the lives of millions of people would change in your perception of today. Yet, It will be only your perception. A step into your own personal insanity. Especially when you would not be able to connect with reality.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Music Immersion: (Unedited): 02 Jan 2018:

Original: 25 Oct 2017:
To feel the beauty of the musical waves is like a beautiful in the warm oceans waters.
Music immersion: (Unedited): 02 Jan 2018:
The feel of the music is like being immersed in the beautiful warm oceans waters.
Unlike in the ocean or Gulf of Mexico where the water feels differently from one day to the next. These are different kinds of good feelings or even ominous feelings. The energies vary and so do it's messages to those who are willing to listen. When you feel all that is around you. Your are open up to that days limit of your awareness and this can be like a volume control. One day the beach or music is very loud and over powering. Then another day it is soft as if just waking up from a good night sleep.
Music is more immediate and varying in the messages it is conveying to those who listen.
Just as there can be a spiritual message in the music that we play or listen to. There is always a spiritual content in the water. So much so that when feeling sad water. You can know and be aware that even the water can cry.
So to the music in the instrument. The force of energy is always pouring out just like the waves in the ocean. The water is the body of the music. By opening yourself up to the message of the water. You will know it's song in that water's moment in time.
Time experienced by the water is different than yours as is different than how the trees experience time or even a mouse. Yet, time is all the same.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Dance Judge: (Unedited): 25 May 2017:

In the physical dance of life. You are your only judge as you dance, don't dance or dance the wrong dance. It is your future self which judges you in the past. This is the your past and it is also your present your time in which you have the power to change your future.
The point of this writing is to cause you to logically change your actions or non actions of today into a pro-action which will genuinely benefit you in all of your tomorrows. We each must live in this world but do not have to become of the world. It is not my desire for any of you to become a part of the world.
The judgments of your life up to this point can only be judged by you. But, they can also be judged by God as well and it matters not your belief system. God has judged the living with conviction. Remember Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, the future coming of the Lord. God has even Judged those whom he has chosen such as Adam and Eve, Lots wife and Moses. So do not become one of the judged like the Pharaoh of Egypt whose mind and heart were hardened. Thus, being prevented from any kind of righteous change. 
Sometimes when there are dull and boring times in your life. It is not supposed to be opportunities to enjoy more entertainment and fun times. This may be a time when you are supposed to reflect on things so far in your life. This may be the time to gain new skills or even trades. This may be the time to become re-focused on those things which represent righteousness. Maybe it is all of it. No matter what it shall be. No actions should be taken until much deep prayer's and meditations have taken place.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books


Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Empathic Time Waves Concept: Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 may 2016:

Note Form:
For the most sensitive of empaths. They can smell smells which have not been made. They hear the words of people who have not spoken them yet. They can see things which have not even become into action.
Sometimes I wonder why so many who know not the gifts they have been given seem to always know them all as curses. Medications they consume until their brain is numb and dumb. Maybe even chemically burned up.
An empath can see, feel, hear and smell those things which only ride the top of a profound time wave which like a stone tossed into a calm lake. Sends it's ripples outward in all directions. The empath being on top of the water can only see that which is facing them in the on coming wave. The closer the empath is to the source of the wave. The more clear and stronger their picture will be.
Think about it. In our natural state of being we see, hear, smell and feel everything? or do we? Think about that. Our human state of being is very limited as compared to other animals and in some cases at a distinct disadvantage.
If I'm not being clear. Try this. Go out into a safe place.  This is realized humor.
Here is the test for you. Go and just sit and then begin to focus on everything and everyone all at one single time. Try to see, hear, smell and feel everything and everyone all around you all at once. No excuses. Don't immediately accuse me of being silly because your defective human form has only given two eyes at the front of your face and you cannot see all around you at once.  Get it. smile.
Then travel to the beach. Go and enjoy yourself except for about 15-30 minutes. Be sure you know how to swim and watch out for under toes or is it under tows. Go out into the water to that safe place where you are comfortable and safe. Face the incoming waves and keep only your eyes above the water at all times. Yes, breathe occasionally if you have to. (More humor).
Imagine the waves covered in real time news feeds. With those family and friends the most highlighted. Imagine again but in truth. As each wave approaches what can you see, hear and smell? You can only see the front side of the wave as it approaches. The back side not so much. The information deep/dimensionality in the unseen wave can only be seen when you yourself go deeper into the information within that wave. The wave is more than the seen surface. But, once the wave is gone so to is that information. Coming at you quickly is another wave with additional information. If all you know is what is on the front side of the incoming wave. You begin to notice that all you know is bits upon bits of information in real time.
 But, if you can body surf or dive into the depths/dimensionality of that one wave of interest you can stay in or on that wave and know more actually, spiritually, and mentally. 
The speed of thought is greatly superior to the speed of light. The difference between the speed of thought and the speed of light. Can be equated to comparing a baby walker and a rocket ship or maybe one of them ultra cool UFO ships on the T.V.  Because if you can think of a person or place. Then you can actually be in that timely presence mentally, spiritually and maybe physically. But, that can be very hazardous if you do not have total control of every thought, emotion and desire. This includes knowing which are your thoughts and which ones are not.
Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 May 2016:
New thought Concepts become probable when you consider them possible instead of impossible.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Clouded Truth: (Unedited): 08 Dec 2015:

Clouded to the truth a mind becomes to the truth believed as deceptions. 
Clouded with the lies the mind will become to the lies believed as truths.
I firmly believe we are in the Christian Revelations. Where all truths become revealed in the time and order in which those unknown truths are revealed. For me it is easy to see and hard to digest. While others just outright reject everything which contradicts their current state of mind truth. Even if their truth has a degree of lies and deceptions believed as truths.
For instance the perceived separations and divisions of the human races. This is a lie which is generationally based and may have even affected genetic memories. The difference between on person and the next person is their belief system within their own mind. It is that which makes up the contents of our own minds which has created the races of humanity. It is not the color of our skin, shape of our eyes, size of our noses,  positions of our check bones and efficiency of our livers. What makes us all Scottish, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, American or Russian. Is our belief system and how we have been raised and taught. This even goes deeper into our separation in to specific cultural identities and even to which sports teams we like or do not like. Even deeper still to which Chess club, poetry club, boat club, classic car club we each belong to. And etc.
The races of humanity is just one of those lies only recently revealed by scientific fact and yet most people don't want to believe it or even care to believe it. Read my other writings in regards to race. I list the evidence in many of those older writings.
The other lie. Are we as a human species alone. The historical proof says no humanity is not alone.You may want to visit the Holy Bible on that one and maybe the books of Enoch. Substitute the word aliens for angels. Just as a for instance in order to only modernize the words.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Pivots Divots: Aggressive Pivots: Seeking Pivots: Divot Crap: (Edited): 08 Oct 2015:

The pivots you seek may become the divots which cause you to stumble. 
As in anything prophetic, looking for the signs of the times is the same as looking for any pivot points or divots in the turf or sand. They have all already happened and are in the past. What is important is your present state of being. In this presence where you are present is the only place in time where the most profound changes can be made within you and the rest of the world. Part of that is where those purple words below come into play.
Aggressive Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The aggressive pivots that thoughtless people make create deep divots that others will need to avoid.
Genuinely respecting the grass you play upon - no matter the name of the field, the official use of the field or the quality of the field - shows the quality of the person you are. It matters not if you're an amateur, student, novice or professional.
Seeking Pivots: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
The pivots you seek in others are less real to you then the divots in your own life.
Sometimes we become so concerned with the pivot points in other people's lives that we forget about those deep divots of our own ugliness in our own lives. Judging whether a person has had a genuine pivot point in his own life is something which may be important to know. But looking at those who have had a history of failure while ignoring your own or covering up your own divots in life may be very disingenuous.
Divot Crap: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015: 
Covering up your divots with any kind of crap still stinks badly.
This is just obvious.
You always make your divots as they were before you screwed up. You make it exactly as if you were never there. With grass, over time, this can happen. But with people, the harm, pain and suffering you have caused may never be completely healed from. Of course this is in degrees and those degrees cannot be defined by you, only by those who were harmed by you.
But as with anything, even grass, you can replace it, water it, fertilize it and add good soil. There will be that time that the harmed grass must do it's part and grow on it's own, even while other unknown things trample upon it on a regular basis.
But look out and observe that special kind of grass, the kind of grass that has been trampled, beaten and ripped up so many times but that still lives and even thrives. These kinds of people may be the kinds of people whom you need around you in some capacity. These are the ones who always seek out the light of goodness, who dig deep into the rich soil. They just don't ever give up or give in or quit or stop or run away. They are ever-present. It doesn't matter what ignorant amateur with prideful degrees slings at them from a dozen yards away, they always seem to continue on. These are the ones you need around you so that you can keep your own pride in check. This is not in reference to bad people who always act badly. You will know these types of people whom I refer to. They have survived great sufferings and yet do for others without any expectant reward. Their smiles are deeply genuine.
Added on 08 Oct 2015@1851 Eastern.
This entire work has been republished on :
Under the Politics heading: Go figure: I guess that is where my divots lay.
Go read for your daily Golf news.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
Edited By: R.L.Dell
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 