Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Plant. Show all posts

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Plant People Dream: (Unedited): 27 Aug 2020:

I awoke this morning after a dream about plant people. These were humanoid looking plant people and they had actual plant like protrusions coming from their bodies. This appearance looked thin. I saw these plant people taking up positions in high places. Seemingly shaded from the sun. These plant people did not move much and were typically quiet. By our perception.
Humans like us found or discovered them and moved some of them to our Earth for study. Which is basically medical torture. The plant people may not have had a choice in their taking as time for them and time for us was perceived differently and yet we each reside in the same kind of time.
What is interesting is how these plant people were found. They were on what seemed like a deserted planet. Which had buildings, roads and bridges. There did not seem like there was any other life. But, there was a sense of danger and this was the reason for the saving of this one group of plant people. They were helpless in compared to us human beings. So the humans who traveled to their planet brought them back to Earth. The humans caused them to be of use to them in many different ways. So I would guess the plant people had some kind of special gifts that were of use to the human beings.
Then something happened and they needed to be taken back to their planet but the certainty of that endeavor was gone. They were returned to a place that looked similar but may not have been. That place and time was kept secret or classified. This could have been a time thing or a dimensional like difference. The human beings who actually tried to return them would get into trouble for doing so. The kind of trouble that does not include the court system. The plant people were returned and the evidence of where and when they are was erased. End.
I have no clue what this means except for the idea of how far human atrocities can go even against intelligent human life which is different than who were are today.
These plant people seemed like some kind of genetic amalgam. Maybe natural are were of some kind of genetic creation. This seemed like an actual event. But, then again are not most dreams?
Maybe, this becomes a state of human genetics and the absence of human life is the evidence of what happens to humanity by their own hands.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Life Breath: (Unedited): 25 Feb 2016:

The breath of life flows through all of the living. It matters not if they are aware, knowing or in agreement. 
 Every plant tall and short, every animal great and small. No matter if life is either here or their. Life flows through all that we know and do not know. Some are oblivious while others are greatly enlightened to see all of the wondrous workings of this to and fro flowing or etheric energies. we as simple human beings are somewhere just above oblivious. For some human beings my comment may seem just to plain weird.
From this flow of life. We are all interconnected to one another. Even to the trees and those weird tree lover huggers. We all breathe the same air and we all take in and exude the same energies. Even if we human beings are now only growing, evolving and/or becoming aware.
What is the breath? Is it spirit? Is it or is there a Holy Spirit? Is there different levels or evolved natures of the spirit? If there is then what of God and His/Her expectations of you? Because, it seems that most of the ancient Holy texts. Seem to express a desire for you to become holy and righteous in the eyes of God. All without ego, greed, pride and arrogance.
This was written while visiting the Crab Shack and laying back on my tree at the bar. 
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

1 of 1000: (Unedited): 16 Aug 2015:

:This is a word vision Prophecy:
It is year one of one thousand. A new method to count the years. As prophecy dictates. There shall only be one thousand years of peace. In that time and possibly on this new planet. All has been renewed or newly prepared. The chosen and snatched away remnant shall begin anew. They shall embrace the wisdom of love, peace, harmony, law and life. To such a degree. That the law shall nearly be forgotten but not replaced with lawlessness. You cannot say that lawlessness rules where law is forgotten. The purity of love, peace and harmony brings forth life and automatic observance of the law.
The planet is still very difficult and hard. The animal life and all aspects of fauna is in abundance. The stars may even be different. The remnant shall become the true caretakers of this new or reformed planet. They each shall have a direct communication with all of the life upon this new world. Some, most or all aspects of the spiritual gifts shall be readily used by those who easily embrace them. The animal life shall openly come to them for assistance or assurance. Even the great and fearsome predators shall come to them in love and acceptance. The fear that the former humans once have had is as extinct as they are now. These animals shall not be treated as pets or as service animals. Direct two way communication shall be easy and not divined in any way. The understanding of the needs, wants and desires of any animal or plant shall not be confusing or vague.
In the year one thousand of one thousand. The destroyer shall come. His thirst for blood shall go  unquenched. The one thousand years of peace shall end. This is only a prophecy and revelation of any prophecy can alter it completely. So if the new remnant of humanity plans and prepares for the eventual arrival or freedom of this great destroyer. Then destroyed they shall not become. By holding firmly onto love, peace, harmony and life. By not allowing themselves to forget the laws. By keeping in actual communion with God. By becoming and remaining a holy and righteous people in the sight of God. The destroyer shall have no effect. In one thousand years much can be lost and forgotten. Just as this digital content shall be lost forever when the power goes out. So to many things can be forgotten or just simply unknown. Through prayer, meditation, Contemplation and fasting. Shall answers and new questions come to the forefront of the searching spirit and mind. 
In year one of one thousand. Begins a life of survival. Shall the new humans forget everything and regress back into their most basic of animalistic natures? or will they embrace all that they can evolve to be? That will be their every second and every day choice. With those very important questions. How can we do more than just survive? When survival in any sense. Is not fun and is not living a life with any kind of purpose or meaning. Survival is merely not becoming extinct. With all of the bruises, blood and broken bones. That go along with survival.
In year one of one thousand. A thousand years may seem like it is so far away. But, it is not. You must begin at day one of these next one thousand years. To plan for the future of humanity and for the coming of the great destroyer. Every single day must be for the future of humanity. Every day must have purposeful and planned works for the last day of one thousand years. So that when that very last day is upon humanity. When the destroyer does come every aspect of his arrival shall be mitigated and or prevented. The destroyer shall become ineffective. But beware, in all of these things. Do not allow hate to seep in. Do not allow a war footing to take a hold. Do not allow chaos to cause you to fear greatly in those last hundreds of years. Do not give up, give in or to quit any where in between. Do not acknowledge that your death/extinction is an option to be considered at any time. To burst through that coming one thousand year barrier. Shall become the birth of something new and wonderful. Something which shall not know any limitation of time and space.
This may very well be the last time that God shall save humanity. It is in this prophecy in which nothing follows. This prophecy does not declare any saving. There shall not be a Noah, A Moses, A new Adam/Eve or even a Jonah with a warning. There shall not be a remnant to be saved yet again. So in this last one thousand years. It shall be all of your responsibility. To maintain your holiness and righteousness as seen by God. It shall be all of your responsibility to choose by your own free will to love one another, to live in peace, to exist in harmony, to revere all life and to honor the laws.
It shall be your time:
To save yourselves and become your own heroes.
Your right to life will only be seen in your daily actions. Throughout the entire one thousand years.
 At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something. Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 