Showing posts with label Sensory Data. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensory Data. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Advanced Flying Perceptions Dream/Vision: (Unedited): 28 Sept 2024:

 I can see myself climbing into an unknown physical ship or plane of some kind. I saw myself putting on some kind of gear which was a direct connection to the ship or plane. Once I put on the head gear which seemed substantial. My awareness suddenly changed. The ship, all of it's physical components as well as my physical body simply disappeared and yet they were still there. All of my external awareness was just that an awareness of everything around me. I can see everything in a full 360 spherical shell all at once. Do the degree I thought allot of data infusion. I can discern all things out to a much greater distance than my human eyes ever could see. I think I remained in place for a time just taking everything in. But, I was not thinking about time just all of the data input. It was amazing. 
Then I wanted to go up and without really thinking any kind of movement thought I was straight up and went very fast. I held that point in space and then realized that I felt absolutely nothing. No G forces, no gravity, no movement of any kind. Once up on high. More data sensory data started coming in as now I was not on the ground. The ground was blocking sensory data. 
Then I began to move and had the sense that it wasn't me which was moving it was the entire planet and universe. I knew this was some kind of locked in perception of things. It was like sitting in one of those cheesy fake roller coaster movie boxes which lift, turn and shake on hydraulics. I knew that once your aware that you can turn off those senses which can fool you into thinking your on a roller coaster when the truth is your not. You just stepped into a cool looking box for $10. Basically inside of this actual ship or plane. I genuinely felt that I was not moving and that everything else was. Even though on the outside and not connected you can see the entire ship or plane doing all of the moving.End. 
Flight time is racing time. Like in a dream you can go where ever you want and as fast as you want with exacting precision. All the while not feeling any of the physical forces or even having any psychological sensations of movement. Passing a commercial building or a speeding plane is all very similar as they each do not seem to be moving. There seems to be a close relationship with mental speed and time. I can catch any plane at any distance very very quickly and not have to wait to catch up, match speed, match altitude and match heading. It all seem near instantaneous and yet is not. End.
No audio, pure focus and processing power of the human brain.
The human brain grows and adapts to input and to the demands placed upon it. When the human brain is no longer learning and adapting to new things. The brain begins to diminish in size, capability and capacity. So when a human mind encounters a machine like this. I would suppose there needs to be time for the human brain to become acclimated and to develop. The brain needs to make and grow new connections within. All of that takes time and is accordance to the health and age of the human brain.