Showing posts with label Down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Down. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Truth Armageddon: (Unedited): 06 June 2021:

The days become shorter.
The nights become shorter.
Time has become shorter.
For many wear advancing count up clocks all over their being.
For they never realize that the clock has only been counting down. 
In spite of their calendars going up. 
Yes, the count down and you cannot see or hear the digits disappear.
For I tell you, The time is coming when their/you're secrecies will erupt into a global Armageddon of truth. You're time and their time is all short. The revelators will be everywhere even with all of your sealed compartmentalized lids. All of your sins will be revealed to all. 
Just as the time counts down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. So too has uncertainty, improbability, impossibility, possibility, probability to certainty. Even logic has been corrupted to such a degree that the modern human person is completely unaware of how to think simply with reason.
Added on 06 June 2021: 
For when the days become shortened. God will no longer have a need for His prophets. The certainty of time and of events have no need for a prophet. Especially as the ear of man becomes deaf, the eyes of man become blind, The spirit of man becomes closed off, The mind of man becomes stupid, the heart of man becomes apathetic and cold, and the awareness of man becomes oblivious. While men will remain as self declared profits of your/their/our god. Their collective noise will be likened to a radio which plays all of the channels/frequencies at once. The prophets of God sound like a unified voice spoken by many in a chorus singing one song.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:

Spiritually Looking: (Unedited): 08 Oct 2015:
Looking down while spiritually looking up shall prevent any sand-traps which comes before you.
What is on your mind is in your spirit.
The wise leader should choose the respectful inferior or the arrogant superior.
This is how to avert the total extinction of humanity. By your free choice and free will.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish life. To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
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Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Apathy's Traits: (Unedited): 23 June 2013:

Apathy's growth within a advanced modern being will begin to cause that advanced modern being to take on more and more animalistic traits. Until such a time when this apathetic disease De-evolves the advanced modern being back down into a basic human animal with no soul. 
Road rage is a modern example of animalistic Behavior. The slower driver is in MY way. The other driver did a stupid thing and I must act with aggression to let the lesser person know he offended ME. Hoping and wishing that the other person will pull over so that I can take violent actions against his lesser than ME self.
Selfishness in the apathetic person also means that they are first at everything. It matters not if the other people are disabled, ill, young, old or female. They will always be first and may respond angrily.
Greed in the apathetic person also means that they will take what ever they feel is of value and act accordingly without any compassion or consideration for others. They will even sleep well at night and use their days planning how to get more of what ever they want. No matter the harm they cause. Because, the disease of apathy causes the modern person to no longer care about any human life except their own. Which is an animalistic behavior that modern person has already De-evolved down to and they are not even aware of it.
Murderous in the apathetic person is survival of the strongest/fittest. The belief that old people must die. The belief that the disabled must die. The belief that useless people must die. The belief that anyone who disagrees with me must be silenced even if that silence means death/murder. This belief would be internal especially if in the modern civilized society. 
Such as the young man whom I met last week who ran over a cat on purpose and his girlfriend said in another conversation that I will just go back to the clinic. This is apathy at 18 Years of age. The young man was probably entertained by his murderous actions. While the young woman believed that the life which grew within her was of no importance.
To watch and cheer on a helpless person being attacked by many as a form of personal entertainment. The bully who pounces and brutalizes a smaller and weaker person. While being thrilled and happy by his or her animalistic actions.
The other new apathetic driving trait. Can be seen when the turn signal lane turns green. They go slow on purpose so as to block or prevent those behind to get caught in red light. This is not an issue of being safe or unsafe. I have been behind these people where once they are clear they then mash the gas to rush to the next light or ram rod through an old yellow light.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dim Despair: Bright Victory: (Unedited): 12 Feb 2013:

Dim thoughts of negativity leads you down into the darkness of emotional despair. C.J.MacKechnie
Bright Victory: (Unedited): 12 Feb 2013:
Bright thoughts of positivity leads you up into the light of emotional victory. C.J.MacKechnie 
Just the simple turn of your thoughts from negativity into positivity. Turns you into that energetic rocket ship that thrusts you up and out of that dark hole of dismal despair. Even tough your depressed emotional state lags your new practice of  positive thinking. Eventually your emotional state will automatically match or come into alignment with your positive state of thinking.
What you think and how you think will always  lead your emotional state. This is really simple. If you always think about the bad and sad. Do not expect to be happy or joyful.
  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Sunday, January 13, 2013

New Identity: (Unedited): 12 Jan 2013:

Your new identity begins each and every time you conquer a fear. C.J.MacKechnie
The fear you have is what is holding you back.
The fear you have is what is keeping you down.
The fear you have is what keeps you enslaved.
The fear you have is what keeps you uneducated and unskilled.
The fears you have causes you to believe in your own self created lies. Such as that your dumb, stupid, unworthy, wrong family, wrong social class, wrong race, your ugly, your not good enough, your undeserving and etc. These lies you must counter with positive thoughts and words about yourself continuously.

Having fear for a long period of time develops into the cancer APATHY. to have no care about anything, including for your own family or self. The cancer  APATHY grows into these things. You may still care for yourself and your children and your family and your friends. But, if you do not care about other things like your job or doing a good job. Then you have APATHY. If you don't care about being punctual or responsible for necessary things. Then you have APATHY. You must begin to care about everything that you touch, see, hear and walk on. To care keeps you as an evolving human. To have Apathy regresses you back to that of an insignificant animal.

For all of the fears we each have. All of our fears makes up our individual identity. When people see your face along with your name. They all see and know the history of all of your fears.

To change who you are, what you are and how you are currently identified. You must take the necessary action to confront and conquer all of your fears, one at a time. For every fear you conquer, you create for yourself a new identity. Think about your name, to be followed by conqueror.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ocean Rain: (Unedited): 15 May 2010:

The rain falls down in waves just like the ocean waves crash onto the beach sideways. 
 I think this was from an origin of the companion/duality relationship of particle and wave mechanics in physics. The forces which interact with particles that can both act individually and collectively. I wonder how far the Venturi Effect Process goes into the macro and into the string Theory.
I just added the word duality to my word companion. For some reason I think the word companion is more accurate and the word duality is less accurate. Meaning a better more accurate word is not coming into my mind.