Showing posts with label Rage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rage. Show all posts

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Big Wheeled Vehicle Dream: (Unedited): 15 Feb 2018:

I just woke up after a dream.
A giant blocky rolling military styled vehicle. It was engineered for maybe a couple of people who stand 40 or so feet in height. The front of the vehicle had two sets of heavy duty axles and tall wheels by my perspective. One axle on the left and one axle on the right. The center of the frame seemed wishbone-ish or bathtub in shape. One giant man sat in that forward central space. Which rode in the middle those forward front axles.
In the next scene. I stood directly in front of him and only stared at his knee cap for a moment. End of dream. The song dust in the wind plays in my mind.
Yes, I did hear this song last week more than a few times. Of course back in my youth this was a favorite song of mine as I tied to my severe lack of self worth. I'm even listening to it as I write.
Yep, guess who I'm studying now? or have been? In the extra Biblical sense. Yes, and to think about them can garner their attention. Yep, That was a warning to you the reader.
I'm pretty sure this is just a psychological dream or is it an implanted dream from one of them for intimidation purposes? At this time I just do not think they need war machines in dealing with us little humans as they can mentally manipulate us all by their own will. This also includes wiping our minds, adding new anything to our minds or just making us sleep or do worse things to our perceptions of the physical world.
I have also been watching Florida 4X4 mudding trucks on YouTube.
Many, many years ago, I met a former Air Force pilot once. He was absolutely out of his mind. I instinctively knew he had an encounter with one of them and he may have been ordered to shoot or it was his intention to shoot based on his apparent fear. It would not have mattered if he had weapons or not. The mental intention to shoot. May have been enough for them to reach out and harm his mind. Yes, we are that delicate to them. Our human delicateness in comparison to them has no equal in conceptual comparisons between humanity and some other lesser life form here on Earth.
For instance, To compare the best and most pridefully superior human with a retarded and disabled earthworm is still not an accurate comparison between humanity/us and them.
There he was behind thick polycarbonate glass. He saw me and was able to project fear and rage into me. Is that what they did to him? Did they project so much fear and rage into him. That all he knows now or then is/was only fear and rage? He ignored the other regular people who had their own fears dealing with the former pilot. He paid attention to me for his moment in his time. Forever locked into his fear. For him death would be a compassionate mercy. For them it is a level of evil perpetuated against much lesser beings.
For what human being would cause such harm to a small child or to a small animal that reacted out of fear or was lost in their frustrations and stresses in that moment? No good person would. But, they would and I believe they have. What is worse they can correct the harm they have done. But, they refuse as we are just dust in the wind in comparison to them. So that former Air Force pilot has become a message to all. For they are full of pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlement. Those can be used as weapons against them. Although dealing with them will cost deeply and dearly. As it has in the past. Especially, when they all become commonly known to all of humanity once again. So as it was in the days of Noah so to will it be in the later days or these coming days.
If your a super duper secret military styled person. Think playfully cute fluffy bounding bunnies in a calm beautiful spring meadow. Before you shoot one of them. Remember. When dealing with any greater force. Cause small attrition first and work your way up to the most important stuff.
If there are a lot of you. On common thought project would be fear and fire. But, you all have to be mentally disciplined enough to make it work. Because, if one of you is thinking about your beautiful wife, Then she becomes the artifact in the midst of fear and fire. Then they will know your charade and actually destroy all of your minds.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Thursday, July 13, 2017

President Trump Impotence Prophecy: (Unedited): 12 July 2017:

The rage within evildoers is inflamed. Their vile threats have ensued. Their attacks upon elected leaders and opposing civilians shall become more prevalent. The election process they shall own with lies and deceptions. Through their hatred of all that is genuinely righteous and good. The evildoers shall pursue all levels of elected office becoming pretenders. This shall be the beginning of the outlawing of Christianity. 
This is coming. First the evil which has controlled the USA wants their power back by any means necessary. The evil doers will lie, cheat and steal in order to retake what they believe they own.
So all of the upcoming US elections will have persons who sole purpose is to only attack who they define as their enemy. For the attacking evildoer will not care if they are elected or not. Only that they have prevented the genuine good person from becoming elected. The attacking evildoer will know who to attack and who not to attack. The people will see this and becoming deceived and vote for the calmer one even if they proclaim themself as Republican or Democrat. This is where the deception is. There will be so many in some districts running for elected office. That it will be one good person versus many evildoers and the good citizen will not know which is which.
What will happen. The Bernie Sanders effect will be magnified against all of Christianity. Which includes laws being passed against all Christians specifically in the near future. The evolution of the Bernie Sanders rant against a Christian. Will be this. No Christian should be allowed to participate in any level of elected office. Then it will evolve into No Christian can be employed by any Government entity or a contracted corporation. Then it will evolve into No Christian will be allowed to participate in society. None of this will happen very quickly. But it will as prophesied.
The problem of what could happen to President Donald Trump. Is if the evildoers are successful. Then the house and senate may become inundated with their evil and be able to block all that President Trump wants to do or can do. They will not negotiate for their vile hatred for him and for Christians will be evident. The USA will end as we know it.
The Christians if they do not do very good research of those running for office. Then the Christians will lose. If the person running for office is not known within the Christian community. That will be your clue.
Christians everywhere must run for every possible office at every level. This includes the Senate and Congress. This must be planned for right now. Oklahoma special elections just went to two democrats. One known as a liberal Icon Mrs. Karen Gaddis(Methodist). The immigration attorney Michael brooks(Catholic) is all that I know of him. Will these two be some of the first evildoers? More evil than the two evil republicans they have been elected replaced. That would be tough to beat.
Or will these two be the beginning of taking back the democrat party for the people instead of the special interest oligarchs?
Added on 14 July 2017:
The attempted assassination of elected political people will become more prevalent. This will continue from those supporters of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I still see supreme Court Judges being killed. Just not yet or by whom. It is like it will happen but the people or persons involved are not even aware yet they will plan it and do it. So it is a remote possibility in regards to anything can happen logic. Which is valid. Which also means if the proper safe guards are in place. It should be prevented. I think if judges are targeted or become targeted then it will be because the court is now in favor of the Christian theology.
Violence will follow those who will be against the LGBTQ community and who are against the deeply communistic or against the special interest oligarchical communities.
Added on 21 Feb 2025: Some minor edits. If you save my writings you will see the slight differences.
This is one of the interesting ones written. The quotes are more important than my own deeply flawed ability to understand the quotes. You should consider the quotes as stand alone.
How many times has the wicked evildoers tried to kill President Trump? How many times has their been made open public threats and declarations of violence in the streets, against those who support Trump? Yet to this very day how many are in jail? Trillions of dollars in thefts and how many are in jail or prison? 
Prophetically whatever the door is that is currently open. It may close on or around 22 Sept 2025. You really need to understand that it does not matter if President Trump is in office and Elon Musk is on his never ending Easter Egg hunt to find lost and stolen cash. The American people must repent in sufficient numbers in order to prevent the demise of the USA as which is only recognized by God alone. Then maybe the American people can have a reprieve as Nineveh had. Donald Trump, Elon Musk, their chosen agents and their followers are not the saviors of American. Repent or become like Gods beloved people Israel many times before destroyed and scattered.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Christian Dogs: Evil Rage: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2017:

Happy are the dogs who receive the scraps thrown from the table. But, be warned Christian. The scraps thrown from the political table is of little value to the one who does the throwing. 
No matter how much you like them or even voted for them.
The Christians seem to be happy, happy, happy with the new administration. The Christians are getting what they have been promised. All up front.
Yet, the christian can easily forget that he is a business man and is willing to do anything for a dollar. This includes possibly subverting tax laws for his own financial gain. Did he do those things in regards to his bankruptcies? Is it right or moral? No. Is it legally correct for him to do? yes, and he did when he saw advantage. This is what makes him dangerous to the world and not the safe bet. The only way to avert the coming 2022 financial collapse again. (I refer to Jonathon Cahn). Is for every Christian to only vote for those professing Christians and who outwardly speak against all sins. Which have been made into laws. This must be done ASAP. Time is running short and this may be the last chance. To do what is right for your communities, states and nation. When all Christians vote for one person. No one else will win election at any level of government. PERIOD.
Evil Rage: (Unedited): 28 Jan 2017: 
Do not expect evil which may have been cast out to go quietly into the night. For their hate and anger always leads to revenge and rage. No matter how they internally justify their coming physical war against you begins. 
It is only the beginning of their individualistic war against Christianity. Because, all of Christianity is at war with their own selves. Christianity has allowed evil doers to come into their holy places with their professed sins. From within Christianity falls and none of them knows it not. because, even satan believes in john 3:16. It is what you do after you begin to believe and have faith in. What you do is as Jesus told to those who he healed. Is to go and sin no more. You become righteous and holy as only accepted by your Heavenly father. You do not accept sin in any holy place. Which is not only your churches, synagogues, temples and mosques. But, also within your own selves. Sin can gain entry through your eyes, ears and noses. Sin can also gain entry with those whom you associate with. For if Solomon can fall. Do not be so conceited that you cannot fall as well.
It is time for every church to stand up and rise up against all sin. To protest every gay pride event in over whelming numbers. Do not allow only a handful of Christians to protest a gay pride parade and get beat up. Your refusal to stand against sin is the same as you allowing sin into the holy places. What is a holy place? Everywhere and everything which God had made.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Demonic Identity Revealed: (unedited): 05 March 2015:

Rage and spiteful accusations may come from the demonic person. Whose sins and identity is revealed. 
Discovering a demonic person and revealing their sins and identity may not turn out the way you might expect. A typical person whose sin is revealed may just say "so what. and?". Another person may become fearful at the revelation and either depart, lie and deny.
There are many who are actively against the good and righteous of this world. It is they who may very well be demonically infused in spirit. Even the children. Yes, even the children can be demonically possessed because of the unbelief, alcoholism, drug addictions as well as legal medication use of the parents. The spiritual protection mechanisms are not present in those young ones. It is sad to know and much more sad when you witness unaware, unknowing and unbelieving parents who have a child taken over by a demonic being.
In the next decade the world will see a rise in demonic possessions of children.
The current rulers of the world will have demonic acquaintances. From lesser degrees to greater degrees. This is why ruling family members are preferred over anyone else who has not been involved with any demonic entities. The human form does evolve or DE-evolve from one generation to the next. This evolution or DE-evolution is very subtle.
Some or many of these demonic entities are so powerful. Just their mere presence can cause insanity. Especially in person who have never been in any contact with any angelic being.  But, over time and with just minimal contact the effect on the mind can be mitigated. Even for generations. Until, a point comes when the human form has become a dwelling place for demonic entities with/without physical or mental harm to the host body. This process may be ideal for the child rearing adults. The child can be raised up as a purely demonic baby. In controlled situations.
Those human leaders who think they can control these demonic babies in adulthood. Well, They will be wrong and have unwittingly done their part to create viable host for demonic hosts. This is happening right now. I believe this. The process will be created where a percentage of the human population will become demonic naturally.
The demons which lost their physical forms will have new ones. There will be absolutely no human control over them. With their collective hate and thirst for the extinction of the whole human species. Humanity will fail to survive. Their individual intelligence is on a magnitude greater than that of the most intelligent humans. Their collective intelligence is on the order of many, many magnitudes greater than all of humanity combined. I cannot fathom it.
Which is why you who may become one of the raptured. You will need to evolve yourself out of being merely religious and becoming righteous and holy in the eyes of the Heavenly Father above.
Added on 23 June 2015:
Some of the first people to be taken over by the most powerful of demons shall be the human leaders of the world. Anyone from corporate officers, politicians, social leaders, cultural leaders and religious leaders.
Religious leaders shall become taken over by demonic entities. Why is this and how can it be? The why is because the religious leaders were never known to The God of all.
The wealthiest and most famous of all of the religious persons in the world today. Will be the ones at the most risk. So to their families and next generation of young religious leaders. There is a difference between being religious and being righteous as decided and accepted by God.
A religious person MAY not be known to God where as a righteous person may be known to God.
The abomination of desolation has already begun and no one knows not of it. This is because of false prophetic interpretations of Bible prophecies. Just as everyone in the Days of the coming of the Messiah knew he was to come very soon. They knew him not because He was not what was expected or wanted. The Messiah came to serve and teach the lessons of love and forgiveness. The Messiah did not come to militarily free his people from the Roman empire. So "we all" of our ancestors wrongly accused an innocent man. "We all" tortured him and then "we all" murdered him.
But, once the crucified man gave up his ghost and all of the other signs manifested. Jesus Christ was known to be who he was. There was no longer any doubt to the witnesses present. There wasn't the cloud of wrongful misinterpretations. The prophecies were perfectly clear to those who knew them intimately. So to shall be all of the Biblical prophecies of today. The incorrect interpretations shall be known in the moment of their occurrence. To those who know and have a desire to believe in them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Manipulated Hate: (Unedited): 22 Oct 2014:

The days of your anger and hatred have gone by for the destroyer of you. No longer does the destroyer need to influence and manipulate you into a state of anger and hatred. You now do it all on your own.  
Today, this day. I can feel your hatred and anger. Your heart is murderous and revenge boils in your blood. To such a degree that your own genetic code has been altered. So, that now your children will hate and murder more than you. Eventually, a state of perpetual rage will engulf your family and you all shall end. The destroyer has effectively destroyed all that you are, your were meant to become. From a simple angelic manipulative technique generations ago and is today perpetuated by humanities children.
Even today new children who know not real hate or anger are being influenced to be angry and hateful for long periods of time. The angelic destroyers will grow, raise their hatreds until the sweet blossoms of uncontrolled rage blooms and spreads their seeds.
Once the habit of anger and hatred become habitual within the human mind. The angelic destroyer no longer needs to be present. The human will continue on in their own self perpetuating anger and hatred. Even until the point that the human being exercises their own free will to become enraged and takes action upon it.
The leaders of this whole world are the children of hate and anger. Even the leaders with the greatest of all human endeavors to come. Such as Mr. Putin and Mr.  Xi Jinping. Except they as prophecy dictates will pursue extinction instead of a very bright human future. Can human extinction be averted by our own human hands? Probably not but yes there is a possibility. The leaders of the world must do very risky things in order for all of humanity to survive. Those very risky things are directly related to their pride and ego.
Each of you must see that the US is no longer a threat. The USA cannot even protect their own homeland. Their true military leaders and great minds are gone. Righteousness has died. So too does honor. So all of your dealings with or for the USA should be through the UN. The USA has wholly rejected the GOD of their creation and as such will suffer via the loss of their national identity.  This is where your plans should be. Be patient and wait. Each of you should be looking up into the stars and going there. Not flying around and searching for vulnerabilities. Those vulnerabilities are to many to count. Not arguing what insignificant island is yours or not and then threatening war. Just because one bully is about to fall is not your permission or right to be the next bully to rise.
I tell you the truth Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi Jinping just as there is no honor in fighting an arrogant man who is wholly unable to defend themselves. You may find enjoyment in their defeat and subsequent piling on. That joy and satisfaction will be short lived as the extinction of humanity begins. The men who have a genuine belief of the importance in honor. Must in turn protect the arrogant man even from himself and just wait patiently for his fall from grace.  See the difficulties.
Neither of you shall profit if the former USA becomes a nuclear waste land. Neither of you shall profit if the former USA cities are destroyed. 

Be sober and in control of your own minds. Any mindset which focuses on hate, conflict, chaos and death is of the human destroyer. The fallen ones technology have been left behind by those who easily defeated them. Although, their technology is far superior to our own. It was essentially nothing to those who defeated them in a very short period of time. The fallen ones are who enslaved humanity and will attempt to do it again through their chosen human leaders. Already, it may be to late for humanity. The ones who so easily destroyed our en-slavers actually saved us while in the process of destroying 4 planets, moons and other heavenly bodies. Go and look the archeology is everywhere.

Here is a key. That which was done to the fallen angels. Will be copied by them in order for us to be made extinct. What does this mean. All of the worlds leaders will eventually war with one another through master deceptions and clouding of the human mind. Will Russia and China go to war with one another? Yes. Will India go to war with their neighbor? Yes. Will the Koreas go to war with one another? Yes. and etc. It may all be from clouded and deceived minds. When your will, becomes the will of the fallen ones. Then your each the puppet and the puppet master who only hates your creation and existence.
By embracing love, peace, harmony and life. Effectively cuts the strings of the puppet masters control. They will have no power over you. 
Ye leaders of the world are all Pinocchio's.
Warning cartoonist adult content.

At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
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  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Apathy's Traits: (Unedited): 23 June 2013:

Apathy's growth within a advanced modern being will begin to cause that advanced modern being to take on more and more animalistic traits. Until such a time when this apathetic disease De-evolves the advanced modern being back down into a basic human animal with no soul. 
Road rage is a modern example of animalistic Behavior. The slower driver is in MY way. The other driver did a stupid thing and I must act with aggression to let the lesser person know he offended ME. Hoping and wishing that the other person will pull over so that I can take violent actions against his lesser than ME self.
Selfishness in the apathetic person also means that they are first at everything. It matters not if the other people are disabled, ill, young, old or female. They will always be first and may respond angrily.
Greed in the apathetic person also means that they will take what ever they feel is of value and act accordingly without any compassion or consideration for others. They will even sleep well at night and use their days planning how to get more of what ever they want. No matter the harm they cause. Because, the disease of apathy causes the modern person to no longer care about any human life except their own. Which is an animalistic behavior that modern person has already De-evolved down to and they are not even aware of it.
Murderous in the apathetic person is survival of the strongest/fittest. The belief that old people must die. The belief that the disabled must die. The belief that useless people must die. The belief that anyone who disagrees with me must be silenced even if that silence means death/murder. This belief would be internal especially if in the modern civilized society. 
Such as the young man whom I met last week who ran over a cat on purpose and his girlfriend said in another conversation that I will just go back to the clinic. This is apathy at 18 Years of age. The young man was probably entertained by his murderous actions. While the young woman believed that the life which grew within her was of no importance.
To watch and cheer on a helpless person being attacked by many as a form of personal entertainment. The bully who pounces and brutalizes a smaller and weaker person. While being thrilled and happy by his or her animalistic actions.
The other new apathetic driving trait. Can be seen when the turn signal lane turns green. They go slow on purpose so as to block or prevent those behind to get caught in red light. This is not an issue of being safe or unsafe. I have been behind these people where once they are clear they then mash the gas to rush to the next light or ram rod through an old yellow light.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Separate Divinity: (Unedited): 14 June 2013:

Anger, Hatred and rage is what keeps you separated and isolated from the Divine. C.J.MacKechnie
So you have been praying and meditating and you got nothing from it. You have been talking to God, Allah or however you name the divine and HE does not talk to you. So you logically conclude that GOD or however you name the divine does not exist. Your pride and ego has falsely caused you to use your inferior logic to wrongly consider an illogical conclusion.
Maybe, you think that God or however you name the divine only speaks to the religious leaders who dress themselves as fancy birds do and perch themselves on a high point to chirp away.
This is another wrong and incorrect way of thinking. What makes those who stand or sit on a high perch more important than you. Standing taller and up high is the thinking of the animal kingdom and not of the spiritual realms.
You already know how to speak respectfully to another person whom you honor. Speak to your God of your understanding the way you would to a respected parent or elder.
Reach out and beyond the scripted words as ordered by those religious birds. God or however you name the divine. Does not want to hear the words from a broken record which only repeats itself.
God or however you name the divine wants to hear your words directly and not the words of a trained parrot.
Speak to the Divine in secret and in your privacy. Tell no one and reveal nothing of your private conversations with the Divine. Spread the word on how you can speak to God directly.

Rethink, your life long belief in those hatred's and racism's. know that they are all based in lies and deceptions. All created to keep you separated and isolated from your human brothers and sisters on this planet and else where. The lies and deceptions of life long taught hatred's and racism's was created by groups of people who only want to accumulate more power, authority, wealth and lands.
Their actions never had anything to do with the Divine or even you. It only had to do with gold watches, super cars, big luxury boats, fast airplanes and castles.
Those who are in power must convince you to kill the enemy and die by the hands of the enemy in which they define for you. This is the only way for those who are in power to accumulate more stuff.
A slave always believes and does what they are told without question.
A slave who believes they are free or more special than the lower birds are just deceived. They are just the same owned birds confined within the same cage owned by the same ruler.
By freeing yourself, freeing your mind and freeing your spirit. You begin to open yourself up to the Divine. 
By releasing your angers, hatreds, rages. Do you begin to have that openness to the Divine for two way communications. 
By discovering the truths and deceptions around your life. Do you begin to free yourself. Question everything with honor and respect to the Divine.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Motivate Doom: (Unedited): 31 May 2013:

Your doom approaches when the only way to inspire or motivate your people to do good is through fear, threats, anger, hatred and rage. C.J.MacKechnie
You cannot move people to do good works or to live a good life with negative inspirations and motivations. In the short term. You may very well be successful in steering people to move in the direction of your choosing. In the end, they will hate you. Even if your motivations are true and righteous.

So Glenn Beck and others like him wants to save the USA. Very noble cause. He is trying to keep every one awake and active. He and they must realize that all is lost when threats of  any demise cannot move the population to keep and maintain their Country. A disease worse than cancer has already spread all across the land. It is
From apathy all is lost. You cannot force people to care for one another in an "all for me" culture.
You cannot motivate people based on self motivations or the loss of freedoms. The absence of WE in favor of Me, losses the wholeness of agreed upon unity. If a population cannot see or will not see the benefits of freedom in their lives. Then freedom they will not have. Love will be absent from them. Compassion will flee from them. The DE-evulation back in to the rules and laws of the animal kingdom will become prevalent. The laws of GOD has been pushed out of society. So the protections of GOD have not been removed. They also have been pushed away by the people through their continuous vote of evil people into offices for the last 60+ years.
The Non-Prophecies involving the Absence of the USA  is evident today in show like the Glenn Beck program.
Look at the absence of God within the mega churches within the USA. Yes, You get that feel good feeling. But, when the feeling disappears when you open the front door of your life. That feel good feeling is of the occult. Something which is only a covering to which that is true and real.
While the real and true churches of God suffers as Christ had in near destitution. This is where the righteous amongst you be. 
There is a reason why Glenn Beck is in Texas. Glenn Beck only thinks he knows. Those of you who follow and believe as Glenn Beck does. Make your plans to re-locate now to central Texas. Begin to organize your own economies, education programs, news sources and security. You have until mid 2015. You will then have to exclude all of those who are not of your own belief systems from your lives-Completely. Your part of Texas maybe your ARK.

Even within your micro-economy. You must exclude from doing business with anyone not of your agreements. After all, it is already being done in this USA by other groups. (Historically).
You cannot associate with those evil doers. In any way. 
There is no where else to go. We cannot go to another land or even planet. So, When those who left Europe to worship in peace with the discovery of "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem". They risked it all and sailed in ships to the new land.
What can you do? Better have babies.
Pray always.
Meditate constantly.
Contemplate often.
Worship in tune to your gifts.
Take actions in accordance to your inner guidance. Take Action.

Love must be the source for all motivations and inspirations.
