Showing posts with label Naturally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naturally. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

To Play, Do Pay: Corporate Oligarchy: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2015:

The new ruling body who do pay to play must put down the old dogs who continue to freely bark their freedoms. 
Corporate Oligarchy: (Unedited): 15 Sept 2015: 
Corporate Oligarchy
Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations, shall not perish from the Earth.
Yes, this is from a quote from President Lincoln. Altered to reflect the growing monster which is Corporate America today. Corporate America which seems to be manipulated by international interests and intentions. You cannot maintain your national identity when you allow foreign ownership of all of your national and corporate assets.
The new ruling body must pay to play with their newly established government. It shall be considered by them that those who do not pay to play. Shall not benefit in any way with any sort of naturally assumed freedoms. Which will evolve into basic human rights. Basic human rights is not free and you must pay in order to receive any rights or freedoms continually and throughout your entire life. The more you can pay regularly. The better quality of freedoms and rights you shall receive.
If you can pay nothing then you shall have nothing. 
Your freedoms and rights shall be like paying for internet service today. There is a variety of speed variances as well as bandwidths. The more you pay the more you get. Then there shall be those business class kinds of freedoms and rights. Which can be similarly compared to business class internet access. Again, the more you continually pay the more you continually receive.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Demonic Identity Revealed: (unedited): 05 March 2015:

Rage and spiteful accusations may come from the demonic person. Whose sins and identity is revealed. 
Discovering a demonic person and revealing their sins and identity may not turn out the way you might expect. A typical person whose sin is revealed may just say "so what. and?". Another person may become fearful at the revelation and either depart, lie and deny.
There are many who are actively against the good and righteous of this world. It is they who may very well be demonically infused in spirit. Even the children. Yes, even the children can be demonically possessed because of the unbelief, alcoholism, drug addictions as well as legal medication use of the parents. The spiritual protection mechanisms are not present in those young ones. It is sad to know and much more sad when you witness unaware, unknowing and unbelieving parents who have a child taken over by a demonic being.
In the next decade the world will see a rise in demonic possessions of children.
The current rulers of the world will have demonic acquaintances. From lesser degrees to greater degrees. This is why ruling family members are preferred over anyone else who has not been involved with any demonic entities. The human form does evolve or DE-evolve from one generation to the next. This evolution or DE-evolution is very subtle.
Some or many of these demonic entities are so powerful. Just their mere presence can cause insanity. Especially in person who have never been in any contact with any angelic being.  But, over time and with just minimal contact the effect on the mind can be mitigated. Even for generations. Until, a point comes when the human form has become a dwelling place for demonic entities with/without physical or mental harm to the host body. This process may be ideal for the child rearing adults. The child can be raised up as a purely demonic baby. In controlled situations.
Those human leaders who think they can control these demonic babies in adulthood. Well, They will be wrong and have unwittingly done their part to create viable host for demonic hosts. This is happening right now. I believe this. The process will be created where a percentage of the human population will become demonic naturally.
The demons which lost their physical forms will have new ones. There will be absolutely no human control over them. With their collective hate and thirst for the extinction of the whole human species. Humanity will fail to survive. Their individual intelligence is on a magnitude greater than that of the most intelligent humans. Their collective intelligence is on the order of many, many magnitudes greater than all of humanity combined. I cannot fathom it.
Which is why you who may become one of the raptured. You will need to evolve yourself out of being merely religious and becoming righteous and holy in the eyes of the Heavenly Father above.
Added on 23 June 2015:
Some of the first people to be taken over by the most powerful of demons shall be the human leaders of the world. Anyone from corporate officers, politicians, social leaders, cultural leaders and religious leaders.
Religious leaders shall become taken over by demonic entities. Why is this and how can it be? The why is because the religious leaders were never known to The God of all.
The wealthiest and most famous of all of the religious persons in the world today. Will be the ones at the most risk. So to their families and next generation of young religious leaders. There is a difference between being religious and being righteous as decided and accepted by God.
A religious person MAY not be known to God where as a righteous person may be known to God.
The abomination of desolation has already begun and no one knows not of it. This is because of false prophetic interpretations of Bible prophecies. Just as everyone in the Days of the coming of the Messiah knew he was to come very soon. They knew him not because He was not what was expected or wanted. The Messiah came to serve and teach the lessons of love and forgiveness. The Messiah did not come to militarily free his people from the Roman empire. So "we all" of our ancestors wrongly accused an innocent man. "We all" tortured him and then "we all" murdered him.
But, once the crucified man gave up his ghost and all of the other signs manifested. Jesus Christ was known to be who he was. There was no longer any doubt to the witnesses present. There wasn't the cloud of wrongful misinterpretations. The prophecies were perfectly clear to those who knew them intimately. So to shall be all of the Biblical prophecies of today. The incorrect interpretations shall be known in the moment of their occurrence. To those who know and have a desire to believe in them.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 
Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Divergent Confluence: Many Confluence: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:

Achieved confluence of unity cannot be disrupted by any outside divergent source. 
An outside force which promises much in the way of worldly profits and comforts. Almost will always take away from the achieved confluence of that which has become naturally beautiful and sacred.
The outside source will always see emptiness and desolation. The outside source does not have to have any victorious conclusion to cause a divergence of the achieved confluence. Just the mere idea, the plans, and the promises of a better life for all. Which shall become a slavers life of minimum wages. While the true owners reap all of the benefits and profits. While sucking the life and sanctity out of all they invade like a virus.  
Those who have achieved the confluence of unity. Must always be on guard and immediately deny all ideas and suggestions for any man made improvements to that which is already deemed spiritual and sacred. To even listen can cause contamination. To even consider can cause corruption. To even go through with those plans will separate you from that which is holy and wise.
Are you searching for something worthwhile to save? Something pure, natural and spiritual? Well, Here you are. These people seem to be already in year 3+ of their battle. 
Grand Canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC.
added on 05 March 2015: Foreign ownership with zero regard for history, traditions or for the identity of holy sites. It is only about money. PERIOD.
Make a donation to Save the Confluence.
Make a donation to the Grand Canyon Trust.
Added on 09 March 2015: Just found this. Probably of no relation to the confluence dispute.
Added on 10 March 2015:Seems to be directly related to
Added on 11 March 2015 : Important timely news about politics of tribal nations.
Information on whom to comment to. This info is sourced from Save the Confluence. I do not know the accuracy of any information. So please be nice, respectful and polite.
Ya'ah'teeh (Hello) Everyone,
We hear that the Navajo Nation Council is waiting for a number to be placed on the proposed Grand Canyon Escalade bill. When the bill gets a number, there will be a five-day comment time.
Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly and his chief of staff Deswood Tome, are fast-tracking the bill because of the upcoming president's election. The bill is an agreement about an idea for a project, which lacks funding and investors.
In addition, many local families, including grazing permit holders, have not been given proper notice and or have not signed off to give authorization to this project. The bill also ignores federal and tribal laws required of the project. This includes whether a mall, a tram is appropriate for the environment.
We ask for your help. Thank you!
Please contact your council delegate and recommend the council postpone the decision about the project until after the elections.
Council Delegate Contact List:
Lorenzo Bate 480-280-1423
Kee Allen Begay Jr. 928-380-6345
Mel R. Begay 928-380-5366
Norman M. Begay 928-286-7335
Nelson BeGaye 602-317-9732
Benjamin Bennett 928-380-2761
Nathaniel Brown 928-380-2273
Tom Chee 928-380-2756
Amber Crotty 928-286-7968
Seth Damon 928-380-0284
Davis Filfred 928-380-0425
Jonathan Hale 928-380-6057
Lee Jack, Sr. 928-380-1674
Jonathan Nez 928-277-6291
Jonathan Perry 928-380-2031
Leonard Pete 505-488-3834
Walter Phelps 505-906-1721
Alton Joe Shepherd 505-906-1613
Tuchoney Slim, Jr. 928-380-2246
Raymond Smith, Jr. 928-286-7325
Otto Tso 928-255-2912
Leonard Tsosie 928-814-7283
Dwight Witherspoon 505-906-1520
Edmund Yazzie 928-679-5398
Office of Legislative Services
P. O. Box 3390
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Main Phone: (928) 871-7254
Fax Number: (928) 871-6623
Added on 16 March 2015: About Life:
“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”
Adolf Hitler
From the wisdom of evil people. It is easy to see their plans and their patience. 
If this project begins to falter and it may. There will be a call for an expansion for a Casino. Surely this will ensure the success and profitability of the project.
If this project becomes very lucrative, successful and populated. There will be a call for expansion  for the benefit of all of the people. Thus a casino will rise up out of the sacred ground. Guaranteeing the loss of the historical and ancestral spiritual connectedness.
Either way a win-win for the Grand canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC.
As of right now. I do see more than one gondola ride. Does this mean the entire project will go through an ever lasting expansion phase? A city will rise from this. An Airport.
As of right now. There is not enough support to stop this project. The Grand Canyon Escalade Confluence Partners LLC. will win and will move forward. Unless, there is much support from all peoples, not just those from the Tribal community.
Many Confluence: (Unedited): 28 Feb 2015:
From the confluence of the two rivers. Which is made up of the confluence of many more waters. The racism which envelopes the tribal peoples must be abated.

Humanity was once a singular source and then became many. With deep understanding of those ancient wisdom's. Humanity can once again become a confluence of many into oneness.  The tribes and clans of mankind becoming as it once was - One humanity.
Added on 24 March 2015: Spiritual Connections.
Have you ever thought about how your ancient tribe or clan becomes forgotten? It is very easy and does require only a few generations. Which in the grand scheme of the totality of time. Is barely a quick blink. The importance of your families history is a crucial key to gaining wisdom and understanding which is beyond just knowing knowledge. Knowledge can lead to wisdom and wisdom to understanding. When ancient historical knowledge is something which is tangible not only to the physical senses but to those senses which are beyond the physical. The aha of wisdom and the amazing emotion of understanding is brightly gleaned. This is why ancient lands are crucial in the protection of any tribes/clans history. All of the lands upon this Earth, above and below the waters are sacred.  This sacredness and respect of it all is necessary for all of our starting points in life. You do have to know where you have begun in order to begin and continue your journey of free choice.
This is what is going to happen. Just as what is happening with those wealthy Native American tribes. Everyone knows they are Indians or the politically correct term of native Americans. In which neither description is a true description. That is all the people know. Maybe, they will know they are Seminoles of Florida. Then that may be the extent of that knowledge.
As each of those Native American tribes begin to chase the wealth of the world. They each will forget themselves in the hopes of bringing opportunities and jobs to their people. Which will of course happen but at the cost of self identity and a fracturing of their spiritual connectedness.
That is the cost. Your self identity, your tribes identity and the continued fracturing of your spiritual connectedness.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Curses Journey: (Unedited): 21 Dec 2014:

Those things in which you continue to endure may be considered curses to you. But, consider that those undesirable things may be sign posts preventing you from journeying in the direction which is unhealthy for you. 
Road blocks and dead ends. These can be signs and if you travel beyond the signs. Damage, harm and of course death can occur. Road signs like "Dead End" means just that, if you do not stop, your gonna die.
Signs are not curses. They are warnings to you in that specific moment of time. Spiritual signs and physical signs are not supposed to be curses. they are those things which naturally occur which prevent you from going in a particular journey.

For instance. I know that this particular post can get very ugly very quick. Because, there are those with some very serious illnesses and diseases. It would be very difficult to offer any real wisdom or even condolences to those who have lost children or is about to. I must be very delicate in this explanation. How can cancer be a sign post? I just know that it is and that the signs meaning is meant for only you while someone else with the exact same cancer experience will have a different meaning for them only.
It's not fair. It's not right. You have been cheated. You may even hate the God of your understanding.

I know this for you. If you hate and keep those cheated feeling deep within you. Even if you were only the witness to the loved one who passed away from that evil cancer. You are the one who had died. While your loved one is now more alive than you. I guess I'm not really the delicate type.
You may even scream at me. Shouting how can she be more alive than me. When I visit her grave everyday. I will show you where she is buried. Yes, you can show me where she is buried. But, can you look up and see her living spirit with a heart full of expectant love and admiration for her? Can you do that? or will you remain angry forever?
Losing a loved one or even a child is something no one should have to go through. But, it is something that happens. I can tell you this. There are those signs meant for just you. To see and to understand the wisdom behind them.
I have met some very sad people who have nothing to show for their lives of 60, 70 or even 80 or more years. I have asked some of them for elder kind of wisdom. Some of them were incredibly hateful and negative.
While meeting with some very young people who have not seen 10 years. They have more wisdom in their short lives than those who have lived long. Those young ones tend to be the sign holders who have that very meaningful message for their very dear parents and siblings.
Yes, you do want your loved one alive right now. But, just take this moment and just look for their signs of profound wisdom just for you. It is there, it really is. It's in that one little thing.

For others the little ailments or little diseases that just bring discomfort are also very personal signs. These are specific directional markers for you to make your direction into. If you turn these perpetual ailments into curses. Then your own negativity will be what makes your ailments into some very real curses. Which in turn will cause you to endure more suffering over longer periods of time.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  

  “Musings of an American Truck Driver”:

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Naturally Connected: Artificially Connected: Become Natural: (Unedited): 22 March 2014:

To become naturally connected. You must first disconnect from the artificial. 
To be artificially connected means you are distracted from everything which is natural. 
To become naturally connected. You must remove everything which is artificial. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Naturally Thinking: (Unedited): 04 May 2013:

Personally forced positive thinking is minutely comparable to naturally negative thinking.    
There is a logical ratio between negative thinking and positive thinking. Which in this case is about 50/50.
There is a ratio between forced positive thinking and natural negative thinking. Meaning if a great amount of time spent forcibly thinking positive and only a minute amount of time naturally thinking negative. Negativity within the person may actually have more power over the positivity.
The key is halting natural negative thinking while focusing on the forced positive thinking. Thus, creating the habit within the individual to create a natural process of positive thinking. All of this must be a willing choice of the person.
All of this must be done without the use of any mind altering substance, pill, powder, drug, liquid, medication, inhalant, injection and etc. In today's level of medical technology. If there is no conclusive medical test or physical evidence for any brain defect, trauma. Then the mind altering medications must be weaned from the person in a controlled and monitored environment. Then can the process of creating a positive thinking process can begin. Possibly in a controlled and monitored environment. The length of this process can take a year or more and would be intensive on a daily basis.
Will be included in future volumes of “Musings of an American Truck Driver”: