Showing posts with label Accusations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accusations. Show all posts

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mocking God Or A Direct Message +16: (Unedited): 18 Jan 2025:

Mocking God in any aspect of your life will create, grow and evolve your own curses in which the generations which come after you will have to endure.
Individual repentance of each person is still required to be eternally and spiritually saved. Regardless of how many generations of curses are on one person all the way back to Adam. There is always hope.
In the world which already hates God. Mocking God may gain you many worldly blessing for as long as you remain alive. Then is when you shall pay the price.
When the leaders of the world mock God it shall be those whom they lead who will suffer and die as which has been historically indicated in the Holy Bible.
That awful thing which has happened and continues to happen is because of a terrorist plan which is many years old. The signal to the most devout followers to act happened on a TV show which mocked God through a skit. 
Once the planned and implemented atrocity has run its course. Nero's finger of blame will be pointed to the actual enemies of the world systems.
Already it's known and already the promised future owners of the atrocity have sent their agents to make deals. This is only one atrocity of many which is solely based on profit motives, control and authority. 
The wicked evildoers of the world systems has it already burned into their minds that there are too many lesser common peoples who take what rightfully belongs to the superior people. So creating atrocities to kill the lesser peoples is rightful and necessary.
When the human state of a modern era has reached a high level. Massive atrocities must be created in order to further consolidate property ownership among the few. While creating more powerful centralized government controls and authority.
Once a government own everything, has full control and total authority is when the population can be forcibly culled thus making any future rebellion impossible. 
A secret global body rules over all of the nations under their non identified god. There shall be a beginning of the destructive and deadly miracles in every aspect of daily human living that no lesser person could ever explain or event understand. 
Initial accusations that the atrocities were because of poor management, incompetence or corruption will be deemed as woefully wrong.
It would be better to live life in the aftermath of an atrocity believing the ongoing hardships were from mismanagement and incompetence other than corruption and an act of treason.
The civilian cost of the civilian population being asleep and turning a blind apathetic eye will have a very high price for what must come. In which that price tag could exceed 30% of all living souls and the permanent breakup of the nation. 
You sleeping, blind, deaf and dumb people who cannot believe that all that was is already mostly gone. Ye, who refuse to see the evidence shall still suffer and die in your delusional arrogant ignorance.
You delusional people who refuse to believe anything more than your own feel good truth. You shall suffer and die in your self deceived lies.
You who still continually are obedient to your national leaders despite the mounting evidence that you're already sacrificial lambs awaiting slaughter. Remain calm and continue to do nothing. 
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Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Demonic Identity Revealed: (unedited): 05 March 2015:

Rage and spiteful accusations may come from the demonic person. Whose sins and identity is revealed. 
Discovering a demonic person and revealing their sins and identity may not turn out the way you might expect. A typical person whose sin is revealed may just say "so what. and?". Another person may become fearful at the revelation and either depart, lie and deny.
There are many who are actively against the good and righteous of this world. It is they who may very well be demonically infused in spirit. Even the children. Yes, even the children can be demonically possessed because of the unbelief, alcoholism, drug addictions as well as legal medication use of the parents. The spiritual protection mechanisms are not present in those young ones. It is sad to know and much more sad when you witness unaware, unknowing and unbelieving parents who have a child taken over by a demonic being.
In the next decade the world will see a rise in demonic possessions of children.
The current rulers of the world will have demonic acquaintances. From lesser degrees to greater degrees. This is why ruling family members are preferred over anyone else who has not been involved with any demonic entities. The human form does evolve or DE-evolve from one generation to the next. This evolution or DE-evolution is very subtle.
Some or many of these demonic entities are so powerful. Just their mere presence can cause insanity. Especially in person who have never been in any contact with any angelic being.  But, over time and with just minimal contact the effect on the mind can be mitigated. Even for generations. Until, a point comes when the human form has become a dwelling place for demonic entities with/without physical or mental harm to the host body. This process may be ideal for the child rearing adults. The child can be raised up as a purely demonic baby. In controlled situations.
Those human leaders who think they can control these demonic babies in adulthood. Well, They will be wrong and have unwittingly done their part to create viable host for demonic hosts. This is happening right now. I believe this. The process will be created where a percentage of the human population will become demonic naturally.
The demons which lost their physical forms will have new ones. There will be absolutely no human control over them. With their collective hate and thirst for the extinction of the whole human species. Humanity will fail to survive. Their individual intelligence is on a magnitude greater than that of the most intelligent humans. Their collective intelligence is on the order of many, many magnitudes greater than all of humanity combined. I cannot fathom it.
Which is why you who may become one of the raptured. You will need to evolve yourself out of being merely religious and becoming righteous and holy in the eyes of the Heavenly Father above.
Added on 23 June 2015:
Some of the first people to be taken over by the most powerful of demons shall be the human leaders of the world. Anyone from corporate officers, politicians, social leaders, cultural leaders and religious leaders.
Religious leaders shall become taken over by demonic entities. Why is this and how can it be? The why is because the religious leaders were never known to The God of all.
The wealthiest and most famous of all of the religious persons in the world today. Will be the ones at the most risk. So to their families and next generation of young religious leaders. There is a difference between being religious and being righteous as decided and accepted by God.
A religious person MAY not be known to God where as a righteous person may be known to God.
The abomination of desolation has already begun and no one knows not of it. This is because of false prophetic interpretations of Bible prophecies. Just as everyone in the Days of the coming of the Messiah knew he was to come very soon. They knew him not because He was not what was expected or wanted. The Messiah came to serve and teach the lessons of love and forgiveness. The Messiah did not come to militarily free his people from the Roman empire. So "we all" of our ancestors wrongly accused an innocent man. "We all" tortured him and then "we all" murdered him.
But, once the crucified man gave up his ghost and all of the other signs manifested. Jesus Christ was known to be who he was. There was no longer any doubt to the witnesses present. There wasn't the cloud of wrongful misinterpretations. The prophecies were perfectly clear to those who knew them intimately. So to shall be all of the Biblical prophecies of today. The incorrect interpretations shall be known in the moment of their occurrence. To those who know and have a desire to believe in them.
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