Showing posts with label Soldiers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soldiers. Show all posts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Thousands Of Zorro's Prophecy +17: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2024:

The great return shall commence beyond south of the border.
The war hero of a foreign land shall return to their native lands. 
Tens of thousands Zorro personalities shall rise up and return good life to their own lands. 
Heroic soldiers shall become Zorro like in the land of their ancestors.
Thousands of heroic Zorro's shall return to their homeland but so to shall the wicked evildoers who will become like broken records which continually repeat with different faces. 
Each Zorro shall bring fear to the wicked evildoers to such a degree that they shall not enter within.
Comment 01: The fictional Zorro was rich. The coming very real Zorros shall not be rich. 
Comment 02: I think this is directly related to the great move back home of the Latinos/Hispanics. 
It is crucially important that you Latinos and Hispanics continue to send money and equipment home to your families. This is because all of the worst kinds of people in each of your nations are now in the USA and they cannot or will not return back home. Which is one aspect of the coming blessings for your people and nations. Do not let the wealth and skill sets each of you have accumulated to go to waste. Take care of your families south of the border. Then when and if you must make your way back home all of your good things will already be with family. But, you will know. There will be signs for the actual righteous among you. Just be sure your families down south have expanded food productions and have built new homes for all of those who shall return. You will be a blessing to your own people and families. But, you have to prepare. You also have to make your own transportation. The visions I saw were of cruise ships and people would get off and not return. They were all going home. But, like I said there will be signs and it will not matter who wins this presidential elections of 2024. Once hard fighting warfare begins that will mean you all have to leave. Enemy combatants are inside of the USA and they are from many different places and their intent is to carve out their own new country. The use of NBC will happen. 
Keep reading every so often when and if more updated writings happen. In which they will be dated. But, as of right now it is not looking good for the good ole USA. 
Added on 29 Sept 2024: 
The coming of the Zorro's and Robin Hood's shall bring great fear to every vile leadership of the wicked evildoers. For they shall fall dead where they stand or sit.
The good people of today know not that they will become a Zorro or a Robin Hood type. Yet, they continue to train without and idea of what the end of their journey shall entail. 
The good people of today have been training their whole life and know not the path that they are on. The wicked evildoers of these world systems will be the ones who reveal not only their path but also their destination. Satisfaction and genuine good joy shall theirs. 
Prior to the outlawing and killing of the Zorro and Robin Hood's of the world. They each will be offered positions and benefits in the worldly systems as all aspects of the purity of Martial arts shall be bastardized.
The vast majority of the Zorro's and Robin Hood's shall be killed and erased from memory. Their physical existence and their historical existence even in fiction is to powerful for the wicked evil doers of the worldly systems to allow to continue. 
The world systems will ban all weapons and the knowledge of weapons. This include the coming erasure of all martial artists who refuse to become a part of the world system. To refuse will mean that you will be killed as well as anyone who knew about you.
You martial artists and former soldiers will be hunted down and killed. Along with your family and friends. The new emerging world systems cannot allow any hopeful idea of rebellion to become entertained thoughts among the civilian population of the world. 
The new emerging world system will redefine how a martial artists, soldier or warrior retires by actually killing them and then telling amazing false stories on how they continue to live in glorious deceptive promises.
In the new emerging systems of the world. The idea of retirement among the working class will be a wonderful promise to look forward to. But, the hidden truth behind all of the beautiful and peaceful promises will be your immediate death.
Once inevitable and undeniable evidence is presented to those who have spent their whole lives training and teaching others. It is then when they discover that they have become Robin Hood and Zorro like. 
There will be those martial artists and soldiers who will become hidden in plain sight. The civilians will begin to call you Robin Hood's or Zorro's. They each may never know until they each have become legendary heroes and protectors to the suffering people.
You Robin Hood and Zorro types must understand that when and if you do any good thing for the benefit of the people. The wicked evildoers of the world may erase the entire town who holds any memory of you.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Babylon Violence +27: (Unedited): 24-28 April 2024:

Note: At this time I'm still not willing to list all of the different forms of violence in which I've seen in visions and dreams. But, it does appear that what I've seen exceeds my own imaginative limitations in regards to violent acts and atrocities. If You're one of my new readers. I'm not interested in being first or saying things in order to receive recognition. I'm only interested in saving lives. All glory, praise and your attention goes to God and not me. If you have found use in these writings and back them up with the Bible and prayer. No need to mention me. Then use them as a means to save lives. The purple words below should be taught along with the importance of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ does not come after my words or the purple words below.
Celebrate with great tears of sadness the coming of the Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be vanquished. Have joy as Habakkuk.
Celebrate with great tears of joy the coming of our Lord. His will be done. His word be done. His glory and power will be fully known. All that which is wicked and evil in His sight shall be utterly destroyed. Have joy that all suffering and misery shall end. 
When great suffering and death comes for you as it had for the Christ Jesus, the early Christians and even certain Christians of today. Have joy in knowing that you are worthy for such things. Have faith in knowing when you sleep for the last time in your body you will awaken in great glory with your Heavenly Father.
Death and continuous suffering comes for those who rejected Jesus Christ and became a source of misery, sickness and death to any innocent living being.
Never ending weeping and gnashing of teeth shall come to all who perpetrated evil and wickedness unto the world. Great anguish and despair shall become your never ending reward. 
As which has been prophesied, there shall be violence everywhere. The laws of the animal kingdom shall be in place. All manner of civility shall end in favor of animalistic cruelties. This is just one piece of evidence of the strong delusion sent to this Earth from God. 
The governments of the world are supposed to protect their own people and actually become the source of hardship and suffering. The people will rise up and the governments will be forced to take a strong action against their own people or die. Which shall include their entire family. 
Blurry vision means a variety of yet to be made human decisions which result in definitive planned action.
Massive blood bath of violence in which the government side slaughters the deselected civilian population who are now defined as the enemy. 
Bloody violence against government forces in which the civilians are able to attain proper weapons of warfare.
In the great holy houses of human government which were once revered by the people shall be torn asunder and burned to the ground never to rise again.
Federal agents and soldiers being brutally killed by their own brethren.
I have seen this in many visions in the last many years. The good civilians see their law enforcement, federal agents and soldiers as honored men and women which should always be respected. One commonly recurring vision is of one really tough looking man at parties and he is already assessing who he is going to kill and how. When an order is given if ever. He is standing with his own brothers sharing good times, tough stories and refreshing beer and amazing burgers. This is tough for me to even fathom. His face and physical disposition changes from sharp images to blurry to sharp. Which indicates to me that many government people are having these thought who are in positions of power over the people. 
The truly wicked and evil agents and soldiers have already been entertaining who and how they are going to kill who they already see as enemy within the ranks. Evil surprise awaits for the good souls.
As a civilian this is tough for me to fathom. 
Like minded civilians who do not want or desire violence forbid all aspects of government to rule over them. They shall be slaughtered and in the news no one shall know the truth as all of their lands given to the new preferred obedient civilian.
Absolute civilian disappearance shall be mandated against all of those whom the governments has killed. It shall become like they and their towns never existed. They shall be completely excised and forgotten. 
Raise up your eyes and worship the coming of your God with a great holy and righteous fear. While at the same time the whole of the world wars against Him and His Army. Know that you may sleep for the last time that great and awful day. You shall wake up in glory continuing to worship your beloved Heavenly Father. Forever and ever.
Visions: I see the war against water and food. Those farmers their families and all other relations shall be killed and never found again. I see their homes destroyed, burned and cleanly removed. Even their digital  memory erased. They shall not have enough manpower, guns or bullets as the wicked evil doing soldiers who wear the once honored uniform kill all who are from a distance. Yes, Your government will use warplanes and every other form of weapon of warfare against their now deselected civilian population. Their now naked lands given to the new preferred civilians.  
One unspoken aspect of the strong delusion God sends to this Earth is how you yourself who have been in the Christian faith for all of these years or decades and yet you think of yourself as going to Heaven even though all aspects of your life is still full of secret sins. 
Pressure waves in Time are forming and they do take time to build. The fears, anxieties and paranoia's can change how an individual reacts to certain stimuli. The more people who change how they respond to certain situations this builds up the pressure waves in time to such a degree that all of societies and all of humanity goes into an absolute collapse. 
Like a single last heart beat in time which ends in a flat line.
When a life is dying good people do their best to do the good thing. But, on the human time line when that last heart beat happens. No one will care enough to try to restart it. 
Which is when when it says that if God had not of intervened when he does or had. All of humanity would have become extinct. 
I'm writing this knowing that all of humanity is about to make the uncommon decision to kill anyone who just happens to offend. Even this has been prophesied in the Holy Bible. We are getting that close to when every human will be against any other human for any reason. It will not have to be a valid reason.
The nation of Babylon has been born many times and called by different names. Babylon has also died many times only to rise up yet again from the ashes. The United States of America has become the modern day Babylon and so to shall America die and become like ash only to quickly rise again and encompass the whole of the Earth. Maybe, they will even change the name of this planet. 
America is only the caterpillar which must die in order for Babylon can emerge from the burnt sacrificial corpse of what was America into the emerging beauty that it is intended to be. 
The sacrificial corpses of many nations shall emerge out of those burnt chrysalis's many beautiful Babylonian butterflies which shall merge into one great monster. 
People will continue to invent new words in order to get around censorship algorithms. This is evidence of censorship. 
The new enemies of life and of humanity will be in those who continue to allow their children to be educated in government schools.
NOTE: This also includes institutions of higher learning as which is being seen today. 
Do not become surprised when your own godless adult children report you to a government agency as enemies of the state.
Government educated children will become anti-god, anti-family, anti-good and anti-life. Through them will begin the extinction process of humanity and they shall be apathetic.
Paul's rebuke of Peter in the public eye is Biblical. So to will the common Christian see the public rebuking of Christian leaders. One will be right and the other will be wrong. 
Note: There is a difference between being wrong and naively deceived. We are not perfect and we are not all knowing. This goes all the way back to Jim Bakker and others. Who profited from Bakker an apparent prophet? When you follow the money, was Jim Bakker guilty as he was convicted or was he just the naively deceived even unto no forgiveness by the people of the world to this day. Remember this one when a charismatic leader took his entire church to another country and they all committed suicide. What about the Haley's Comet group who all wore the same shoes and died together? There are more. But, there is a difference between being wrong and simply deceived. Who was wrong and who was right when Mark Driscol said what he said in a men's conference where they were all entertained by a former male strip club dancer who was allowed or encouraged to show his sin to male Christian leaders. I do not know mark Driscol and have heard he has done bad things. But, you also need to know that satan will use his worldly powers in order to publicly convict a true righteous man of God. By any means necessary in order to discredit the man of God. Like I said I do not know Mark Driscol and do not know If I'm even spelling his name correctly. But, when does forgiveness begin at dusk? each and every day? Where is that in the Bible? Look it up. I'm not waiting. Which means I can offend you 7X77 each and every day and you as a genuine Christian must forgive me before each and every sunset!?!? right????... Meant as serious male humor as related to the love of God for us and how many times we all have sinned before him and continue to sin and not even know what sin we will sin in all of the tomorrow's yet to come and yet God has and still forgives us/me. Yea, I'm a very deeply flawed human bean. Think about this. How many of you would vote for King David knowing all of the things he had done or awful things he will do? How many characters or real people and nations in the Holy Bible were perfect in the sight of God? Why did God use all of the unqualified people that He did? You need to get this. 
You know sometimes when a person digs a deep hole for themselves. All that there is - is an empty hole which is lined and floored with dirt. Sometimes a hole is just a hole without any further meaning or purpose.
NOTE: Still do think about it because what appears to be empty and useless may in fact have a very profound purpose and meaning. The signs of God and from God may look that way on the surface or is that below the surface. Danger or safety. You can fall in and get injured or it can safely hide you. It can be a grave. But, which is it really? Did Mark Driscol point to the evil and wicked hole and get blamed for it. All he did was say everyone here is a hole. How strong is the delusion we are all in? I have not even mentioned the deadly traps which could be hidden inside the darkness of the hole. What about all of the planning to dig the hole which was to be celebrated as holy and righteous? Does not satan define what is holy and righteous as well since he thinks himself to be above god. Did not all of the fallen angels come to Earth and become gods themselves. 
Note: I have checked the spelling of Mark Driscoll and it is correct in my labels. I left it misspelled here and is not intended as an insult. But, if you want to be insulted. I'm OK with that. I guess I'm feeling a little spicy this morning.
Wolves in sheep's clothing will continue to bring the world into their church of righteous riches. While the Biblically dead people less than one block away continue to suffer in physical life.
Those souls who attend the churches of righteous riches. They will learn how to become Christian wolves in sheep's clothing while never realizing that they are still worldly wolves. 
Those leaders who are caught with their pants down know not that their pants were even down. For them it was once a very good idea to go forth in public with their pants down. Anger and fury shall be their response to the one who declares their pants were down. 
The delusion that a leader has to go forth with their pants down always seems like a good idea as they always go forth in all of the planning stages prior to the rise of the curtain. Once the curtain goes up all will know their sin who has not been affected by the strong delusion sent by God. 
The delusional and sickly in the leadership of the church shall become fully known in the full light of God. Even though they remain confused and angered by being revealed even as they continue to remain in darkness and outside of the true light of God by their own choice. 
It is only God who reveals a truth and not the man for man must have the truth of God within him before that truth can be revealingly expressed. It matters not the faults and failures of the man who does the revealing.
Remember, There was only one perfect person, only one qualified priest, only one perfect sacrificial lamb and only one savior to all of humanity listed in the Holy Bible. Everyone else were all deeply flawed human beings. 
NOTE: If what I write seems like I'm for Babylon and against God. Your mistaken. More than 7.5 Billion human souls will die because of wicked evil doers who are going to make this happen. Which is against God.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

08 April 2024 Thru 02 Oct 2024 +15: (unedited): 13-14 March 2024:

NOTE: No Quotes. Which means what I write and think is still not as important as the quotes. When I write like is  it is highly advised to pray before you read. But, then again you should pray before you read, listen or do anything. Have you Bibles at the ready and verify all things. I do my best and I'm not perfect and I make errors. My understanding of things can and could be greatly flawed and most likely is. Do remember that those who were looking for the Christ were expecting a great military leader/savior and what did they end up with? So what we lowly and insufficient humans can understand of what God is going to do or not going to do is woefully inadequate. 
These posts are not for new Christians. It is not my intention to bring a spirit of fear or to give you the desire to only save your own skin in any of my writings. It is important to understand that the ten commandments is the law of God as well as the hundreds of other rules that we are all supposed to live by. The ten commandments is not only about being completely obedient to all of the laws in which you should be obedient to. I think God wants all of us to freely choose to be both compliant and obedient simply because they are all the right things to do and we all should have a heart felt and spirit led desire to want to do the right things in our lives. It is really that simple and when you have a truthful desire to love one another your not going to desire to cause and harm or suffer to anyone. There you have it. 
The comments below are designed to be vague. It is you who should have a good understanding of the Holy Bible and of prophecy. You should also have a basic understanding of stars, geology and the placement of cities. This is the greatest confluence of signs I have ever seen and the signs are basically for a perverse generation. I may? or may not? include some links to offer some of you readers the basics of what is seen and not the intention of the Message of what the Holy Bible is putting forth. 
How does early humanity place cities in the past for use by God in some possible prophetic event a hundred or more years in the future? Think about it as you choose to do your own factual research in this matter. Bare in mind I could be very much in error and hope that I am wrong. But, I do not think so. Also a further note. This is only a discovery and not originated by me or through me. It all seems right to me which is bad for America. But, all for the glory of God even in our own destruction should we all glory and praise God as Habakkuk had done. Would Habakkuk had been declared or labeled a traitor for worship and praising God and his countries demise? Think about it.
Well this is very scary and spooky. I have just completed a cursory study of the 08 April solar eclipse. I'm spooked about it. I have been keeping up with all of the end of the world events for the last many decades and this is not my first rodeo. After all, I knew that I knew that all of humanity was going to nuke themselves into radioactive oblivion back in the early to mid 1980's. I just knew it and said to myself any day now were all gonna die. That was then and this is now. After all of those decades of research and studying through 3 or 4 it's the end of the world as we know it events per year. I would call a friend and tell him "yep, we missed another one, yet again". It's a running joke. But this time seems different. 
I know that a large number of people read my writings especially those who refused to be tracked. Kind of like right now hundreds of my writings are being read or downloaded and yet no one can be tracked. Weird??? This happens often. If you do use any of my content then there is no need to mention or acknowledge me. I'm not that important. I'm not the kind of person who is accepted or wanted outside of my home/immediate family in which I do not even have one of those owned shelters.
So on 08 April 2024 we are to have a solar eclipse and it crosses over the USA. In the Holy Bible it does tell us all about the signs in the heavens and signs on the Earth. In which there are up to or more a dozen sign and symbol confluences as well as the inclusion of many Biblical stories. Which are used in some prophetic manner. This is up to you to discover and to act upon in some meaningful way that is between you and God. Do not miss it. Pray before you do, read or see anything. Then ascertain if other peoples understanding is truthful and acceptable prior to you agreeing with anything. Yes, actually use your Bible to prove the validity of everything and anything spoken, read or written.
Like I have written above I've already been through a dozen or so dated and timed events. Even though I know that the date and time shall not be known. Says it in the Holy Bible and yet people continue to bring forth dates. Here is the interesting thing. There isn't really a known date, Just a range of dates like between 08 April 2024 thru 02 Oct 2024: The 02 Oct eclipse will only be seen by Easter Island out in the Pacific Ocean. So the date ranges can be basically in error for the USA or Mystery Babylon or New Jer"U(SA"lem) or which ever was the original intended name of this nation. I bet you were never taught that. What was the original intended name of this land and nation before the involvement of England, France and Spain.
The point here is this. What is your relationship to The Christ? because, if this event of multitudes of signs and symbols is true and real. Will you be one of the ones left behind because you were only a Christian for a hour and a half per Sunday, per week or were you just a social show off Christian up to maybe 4.4 times per month if the weather was good or a sports event was not showing. Because, I think here in the USA if the rapture does come for Americans it will and could be proven as a non event as people just move away from churches and just go somewhere else. The global rapture of HIS Bride becomes a non event inside of the USA. Can it be? What if the people leaving the church prophecy was based on a rapture event in which only a few missing and gone could be proven otherwise? Think about it. 
Are you or are you not a child of your Heavenly Father or will you hear those words in Judgement "... I never knew you ..." I'm not a judge and neither are you. You or I are not even worthy to judge ourselves let alone anyone else. How many life long professing Christians will be left behind? How many pastors and church leaders will be left behind? Will I even be left behind? and I know I'm not even worthy to think my own thoughts or feel my own feelings without divine assistance and judgement.
If there is going to be a rapture. We all are going to start seeing very weird things in the heavens, the sky and on this planet. His children will be removed from danger. Just as any good father will protect and remove his precious bride and children in any dangerous situation. The precious bride and children often times know of the danger and then are hastily and maybe rudely removed from the threat.
More than a dozen nations on this planet is in a threat of a civil war. The world is in threat of a global war. There are 114 nations in some kind of conflict right now. 
If this whole thing is actually real. All of humanity is going to start seeing some very weird things. This will be important to understand. 
What does this all mean right now? You had better be sure of your actual faith because the last time the world was destroyed only 8 chosen adults were save and single pairs of animals. Which means no human children were saved, no pretty puppies, no cute kittens, and no beautiful bunnies. Who are you? and who am I for that matter to know that we each are worthy of being saved? How is it that we are even worthy to judge our own selves and declare ourselves as worthy to be saved prior to any next end of the world event? The act of judgement is only for God alone and we are not gods. We can not and could not save ourselves which is why Jesus had to come. Jesus is the only one who was and is worthy. Even today.
So you have to get right with Jesus, God and the holy Spirit. It doesn't matter if you have many PHD's or been working in important Christian positions for many decades. Your works is and never has been a guarantee of your salvation. God will either be your judge or your Heavenly Father. It will be up to you to choose to be either one. Your acceptance by your own lying and deceiving tongue may convince every other human being but it will not with God. God cannot be deceived by your tongue, your works as He sees and knows all that is within your heart, mind and spirit. Your own truth is your own delusion. 
A true genuine and devout Christian is always ready for what may come. Christians are being tortured and dying right now. They each will not know of a rapture except when they go to sleep in the midst of their incredible pain and suffering. They each shall awaken in the presence of their Heavenly Father in which they will hear those wonderful and welcoming words.
Is the USA mystery Babylon? In the last two decades I have thought it was. But, as of right now I'm now more certain than before. I could be wrong but with the history of these new signs. I think I'm correct that the USA is mystery Babylon in prophecy. Which means we Americans will be destroyed and become no more. When will our destruction happen? In 2024? prior to this coming up election season? Or do we still have to wait to the years closer to 2044ish? 
Today and right now is our time of Jonah and the signs are very evident. Is the USA Nineveh? As related to the signs I believe yes. So we have our time frame to genuinely repent. If we do not then we all will be destroyed, suffer and die. The story about Nineveh and Jonah was only a reprieve. Because, later on Nineveh was destroyed and buried to one day become Mosul Iraq. So the Jonah signs to the USA is only a possible reprieve even if we all repent. Are we the Americans coming into that season of repentance or else?
Nineveh had Jonah as their unlikely prophet of coming doom in which they reasoned and forgot about him within about 100 years or less. Jonah hated Nineveh. So who will be the prophet of God who will hate America very much to come her and be America's Jonah? Will God send a Jonah to America or has America gone to far in their evil ways and simply will become destroyed as Babylon had?
Are we Americans like the Egyptians and the Pharaoh in which this nation of these people will do bad things to the Christians and then who will be our Moses type of person or will our Moses be the Holy Spirit as we are led out of captivity via a rapture like event. Did not God save His people through Moses. Did not fearful things happen and they had to exercise great faith in the presence of the column of fire and smoke. Will God harden the hearts of the American politicians and the American people? Will the American soldier, federal agents, deputies, police officers become hardened to such a degree that they will only follow orders and execute those whom they are ordered to execute? Without any regard to what is actually right or wrong? Morally right or wrong? As each one becomes pure murderous human apathetic machines.
The video links is basically hours and hours of study and yes bring your Holy Bible and fear not pausing while you study what they each say. Yes, do read the whole chapter and not just the Holy Bible verse offered. Because, there are places where it is implied or states to RUN and HIDE. Maybe one place. It is advised that before you do anything. You should pray earnestly. This is not about the spirit of fear.
Added on 14 March 2024: Special Warning: You need to fully understand that if the USA or ?Mystery Babylon? curses Israel or comes against Israel in any sort of negative fashion. Then God will do the same unto the USA except magnified. Read in the Bible those stories where any leader went against the instructions or rules or laws of God and the curse which came back unto that nation the people paid the price. 
The Biden administration has provided material and financial support to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has provided intelligence and military planning to the enemies of Israel. The Biden administration has just been caught undermining the leader of Israel. The USA has brought sanctions against Israel. If the American Government continues to actively go against Israel. Then God will go against His own Blessed nation in all of the ways that the USA has gone against Israel except magnified. Because, of the evil and wickedness of your own leaders it shall be "We The people ..." who shall suffer the most. Which could include the end of your nation if the end of Israel is in the hearts and minds of your own self chosen leaders. Then as We The People suffer and die will you continue to praise and worship God as He disciplines all sinful acts? Can you genuinely be like Habakkuk?
So the magnified curses which may return to America will be related to the military, financial, political interference or weakness, failed materials, failed military planning, End of the Blessed nation. Plus all other curses in which I know nothing about at this time.
Will these great brave men become Benghazi-ed. Because of what the Biden administration is doing and has done against Israel?
If this curse does not return back onto the USA in which I hope it does not. Will it be too soon or is God biding His time. Pun Intended. 
Added on 18 March 2024: 
There is a dead city/town named Rapture, In. What would that mean?
Rapture Harmony Parish, Indiana. All it appears to be is farm land with some churches scattered about. 
Added on 23 March 2024:
Added on 27 March 2024: Nothing written
Added on 03 April 2024: 
The countdown has begun. The coming of your death and rebirth comes forth. Just as the darkness of sleep and death overtakes you. Somehow the new bright day awakens new beginnings and continuations.
Do not allow the darkness of each and every death historically manifest into a shadow which has great gravity and weight upon your daily self.
With every darkness and with every sleep put to death all of the bad and sad parts of you.
With every darkness and with every sleep, murder all of the wicked, evil and perverse parts of yourself.
With every darkness and with every sleep ascertain all of your mistakes and failures. Learn and attain wisdom, knowledge and understanding from each one. 
Continue each new wonderful day with joy and hope. Do not bring any of the bad and sad of the elusive and shadowy past into each coming new bright and hopeful day.
Have not any fear or anxiety because of any signs from God. For you who are one of His beloved children who has obeyed your Heavenly Father out of the love for Him. 
All of the signs of God are for those who still have the ability to truly repent. Those signs are their last opportunity prior to judgement.
In those last days there shall be strange sheep owned by others who pretend to be owned by the One Heavenly Father. In which He will declare to each one ... I never knew you ...
The unrepentant blessed nation which was once a Christian nation has forgotten and strayed from "The Way". Modern day Christians shall be put to death in similar ways as the ancient Christians and apostles.
Be thankful for all of your suffering and death because as you go to sleep for the last time you shall awaken in Glory in the bosom of your Heavenly Father. Know that you are and have been worthy for all that you have had to endure unto the end.
As "We The People" who are all of the once blessed nation begin to become more and more insane in their wicked, evil and perverse ways. The whole of the American nation shall end. Those nations which have aligned with America shall also suffer greatly. 
Signs are for the wicked and perverse generations. Even though those signs have very solid scientific understandings. All heavenly signs are still messages of either blessings or prophetic warnings to all of humanity. 
Any nation which has dealings with a cursed nation must cut all ties with that once blessed nation and all of your people must repent of all of their sins. While at the same time you must disallow all sin to remain in your nation.
It is better for an unknown poor nation to become poorer than it is to accept the darkness and death of sin from the nation which once was the blessed nation and the light unto all of the world. 
There is still time for nations which have gotten deathly drunk from the wine of the nation which once was the light unto all of the world. There is still time to sober up. There is still time to repent and to get back onto the holy and righteous path.
19 May 2024: Well, it is day 41 after the Jonah eclipse and the USA is still here. I'm making an assumption of course with only one piece of evidence which is the internet and the second piece of evidence is if you can read this(Humor). I have been looking for signs at 3, 7, 12 days after and have not really see anything. God is like that, God can show you things, tell you things and we lowly humans are so dumb and unaware that we still have to be directed to see them. Remember a donkey knew more than Balaam. The Jews were looking for their next great war leader. I myself even asked for a sign and still had to be directed to know what and how to see. In which all I came back with was just how not smart I am. Then what does the Holy Bible say about asking for signs? Go forth and seek that one. I even wrote it down in here somewhere. I think it is over there at about 6 or 7 years. 
The USA Has Chosen War. 
Will The USA Press The Red Button This Time?
Are The American Leaders Foolish, Unwise And Self Serving? 
Here is a comment on the news. Before the USA goes to war they pre-position all of their needed supplies, troops and war machines into the expected theater of warfare. The USA always does this ahead of time and this time has not not told the American people. Do you remember one of the eclipse signs was directly over the cities of Salem and other peace meaning cities? Go and look that up. The USA has once again chosen war and not peace. I only found this out a few days ago. The USA military is actively engaged in searching for enemies off of the Atlantic seaboard. So when the USA is at war with Russia it was not done suddenly. When and if China does decide to face the USA along with Russia. The US has 350,000 troops and supplies in and around Asia. Yes, those places are being supplied and built up.
Do Not have a spirit of fear. My words are only directing preparation like Joseph. Sometimes you can only mitigate the effects of a coming emergency event. Hope and pray that a rapture comes sooner than later, if at all. My words are for you to prepare that there will not be a rapture and if there is then do not miss it. I do know people who have already walked away from God. They typically walk away because of human people and not God.
What does this mean for you American civilian. Better be sure your right with God. Even if you have been in the church for decades. I think there are allot of pretenders in church. Especially, if you take business cards to church to hand out just in case someone asks. Especially, if you serve the church, pastor first and not God. Did you know you can serve the church and not God? You had better prepare for war as well in a way as determined by you. Think about water, food, medicine, power, fuel, communication/internet shortages are just flat turned off forever.
Do you have your own super secret hand pumped water well?
Have you removed all of your ornamental trees, plants and bushes and replaced them with food bearing? Trees can be a resource of goods. 
Have you started learning ancient skill set which are now called preindustrial skill sets? Think about the purest Amish, Mennonites and the indigenous tribes. 
Read my answers here:
I think the next window is 02 Oct 2024: But, I could be wrong and probably am, especially when some reporting on how Russia or the USA/NATO wants their own grand Spring Offensive.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Royals Egress Prophecy +4: (Unedited): 17 Feb 2024:

No quotes unless you see them.  
Added on 01 March 2024: Found some quotes. I think unrelated. Dated 12 Feb 2024: At the bottom
The point to any of my writings is to save lives, to prevent destruction, to mitigate or prevent the bad and sad visions and dreams. I do not want or desire any of these bad and sad things to happen. I do not have any negative feelings for any royal family and nor do I desires to see anyone hurt or harmed.
In my day today life. I do not view TV or watch the news. I do not think about any royal family or even the Catholic church very much. I do not really ever think about the royal family in any nation. This is very similar to my writings about the sacking of the Catholic leadership in Rome.
Yes, I do believe that all bad and sad dreams and visions can be mitigated or prevented. This is the fundamental purpose for dreams and visions. Depending on your own perspective of course. This also means that if your enemy reads this. They could come to the conclusion that they will be successful. Your enemy also needs to know that these kinds of communications and revealing of their own plans makes everything change. Yes, I do know how that sounds and it is not in my way to receive any attention or recognition.
Some assumptions are mixed in to the vision. I'm leaving them in. You can ascertain the difference. 
I see darkness all around like it was night time. The soldiers inside of the gates were all doing their predictive duties. I'm only looking in from outside of the gates. Then all at once I see vehicles all crashing through the gates and perimeter. I see thousands of men rushing in all with guns. The royal soldiers all stood their ground killing hundreds and giving their lives. The mass of enemy men made entry into the royal building('s). The royal soldiers running out of bullets. I do not go inside. But, eventually windows are broken and the building('s) all begin to burn. I do not see or know what is happening inside. But, from my outside perspective everything burns.
Out in the streets everyone and anyone who is not like the enemy is brutally killed. All of the civilians are helpless and defenseless. Your own police officers cannot even contend with an enemy force who is well trained in hand to hand combat and who has the will to die for their cause and actually hopes to die. There is many fires and much smoke. There is more darkness than before. Maybe, no electricity. In the end the major royal building('s) are sacked and burning.
It seems like all of the electricity is shut off. Is that apart of your plan? If not then the enemy will attack all of the C's and necessary infrastructure as well. The C's are Command, Control, Coordination, Communication and other necessary C words.
This seems similar to the Catholic Rome attack. Except in this one I saw no royal family members being killed and tortured. Does this vision mean that they survive? No. It just means I did not see them at all.
Added on 01 March 2024: Written on 12 Feb 2024:
All glory and praise to God who stomps out all unrighteousness.
All glory and praise to God who utterly destroys the prideful nations who has become a blight unto the world.
All glory and praise to God who can erase the impossible to defeat vile and wicked nations.
All glory and praise to God who will end all manner of wickedness upon this planet with fire.
All glory and praise to God who shall purify this planet and replant life after humanity had corrupted and contaminated all of it. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Your Last Fourth of July's: (Unedited): 02 July 2020:

Ye, only a few show up to back up the police in their front. Ye, only a few show up to acknowledge that they have the police backs while standing in front. Most who are not or were not ever soldiers, warriors and fighters will never know that when you protect and save those who are in need you are in a forward position. For when the American police is dissolved or is rendered impotent so to will become the constitution of the United States of America. Where were you old warrior, old soldier and old fighter? Where were you when you watched the USA end?  Enemy combatants should not have the freedom to cause any violence in your cities, towns, communities. Anyone and any organization who claims to be Communist or Marxists to any degree and follows it up with violence is an enemy of the state. When the police is overwhelmed where were you? When your freedoms were taken by the enemies of the United States where were you? Where were you when it was time to vote? Where were you when the enemies own political leaders who stated they are going to end you constitutional rights? Where were you? Freedom of speech is only guaranteed by the Government. Societies, cultures, corporations and educational institutions do not have to honor your freedom of speech even if you're associated to the person who spoke offensive words as defined by the evil doers and by the enemies of  the United States of America. You will lose your jobs, be harassed and get beaten. Now those men and women who seek elected office of the democrat party will take your rights to have or own any firearms. If democrats can take a .223 (22 caliber)caliber AR15 type of gun then the democrats can take any firearm. Which will lead to anyone having a knife or baseball bat in public view just as what is being done in many European nations. Shall be arrested.
The government will be successful in the taking of all guns and then portraying the mentally in criminal and Christian as a threat to all of society on all news media networks. Do you know how this will happen? It will happen because Americans have become self isolated. It is easier to take and to kill one Christian family in the night then it is to take and kill an entire neighborhood or city or county or state. Where were you American citizen? No where to be found. No one will remember the Constitution of the United States of America.
This looks like a two part timeline. The first part means to stand and defend and the next part is when your freedoms are gone. You now have to fight or to freely give up all of your rights and freedoms to the new Marxists Communist government of North America. Which will profess to be a Socialist state like Nazi Germany and the USSR was. But, those comparisons will be more like what the European nations are today.
These 2020 events do seem to follow how the Clinton Family ran their political campaigns year round. This is a year long attempt to subvert the American election. To cause the Christians and the Conservative base to stay at home and not vote. Remember the rainbow tsunami?  Of course you don't. But, I do. The Rainbow tsunami has already overtaken the Democrat wave and the republican wave is next. While destroying everything in its path.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

US Bases/Posts Prophecies: (Unedited): 09 Dec 2015:

It is my intention to reveal in order to prevent. This is the why all bad and sad prophecies are supposed to work. While all good and hopeful mentoring prophecies should be worked on continuously until they manifest into the persons, groups, nations or worlds. 
I do not want war, fighting, conflict of any kind. I am not suggesting for anyone to become violent in any way. I am also not so naive to think that this planet is at peace. This is a world war and it has already begun.
This is what I saw. It was very confusing because I was watching many things all at once and in many different places at once.
I saw in silence many teams of Islamic men. Getting access to many kinds of tanks. They were successful.
I saw in silence many teams of Islamic men. Getting access to hand weapons, ammunition of all kinds from many different places. They were successful.
I saw in silence many teams of Islamic men. Attacking military police units. They were successful.
I saw in silence many teams of Islamic men. Gaining access to fighter planes, Helicopters, missiles, fuel and ammunition. They were successful.
I saw in silence many teams of Islamic men. Hunt down sleeping soldiers and airmen who had no means of any self defense. Get gunned down. It was a panic and slaughter.
I saw many teams of Islamic men go into the officer residences and NCO residences and kill everyone. The entire family. I saw explosions.
I saw something involving surface ships. But, that was murky.
I saw the theft and use of nuclear ordinance. This one ended at the dropping of.
I saw all of the Islamic men and equipment they have taken put into motion. END.
It is my hope that this revelation changes everything and save lives.
Then this understanding hit me.
The political Excuse:
Because of the perceived failures in training of an Islamic fighting force for an independent Iraq. All to be blamed on the former administrations. The new plan will be put into place. To bring into the USA all perspective Islamic fighters into the USA for American military training. Safe and isolated from those who mean to do this Islamic fighters for Syria and Iraq. It seemed there was a lot of babble intertwined.
So from the White House. The decision is made to allow Islamic fighters onto every American base and post. To receive training on all of the equipment and weapons systems on those bases and posts. Once the Islamic fighters have sufficient numbers on each base and post. Once their Americanized training has been sufficiently completed. Then they all will attack in one night as a singular fighting unit. This may also correspond with the prophesied American Tet Offensive. In which Islamic civilians will go forth and conduct 100,000+/-  attacks in one night against the American civilian population.
Added on 24 Dec 2015:
Added on 13 Jan 2016: Islamic men on Us Bases within the USA and Canada??? There is not very many major News media source.
Added on 17 Jan 2016: Interesting. Revelation.
Added on 24 Jan 2020:
All planes of warfare of every kind will have a new weapon attached to the rear of every aircraft. It will be a intelligent form of DEW. Russia is and has already been doing this. I also see new kinds of protrusions coming out of airplanes in a forward configuration. They will be intelligent DEW related. They will work against any other intelligent weapon used against it. Only the dumb bombs and bullets will find their targets and be proclaimed as magic bullets.
 To avert all bad and sad prophecies ever written or spoken, these purple words need to be those necessary outward and internalized expressions in everyone's life they live today.

To love one another.

To live in peace.

To exist in harmony.

 To cherish/respect life. 

To obey/honor the Laws of God.

 To become the holy and righteous people as The Heavenly Father intended us all to be.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Harmed Brother: (Unedited): 24 Aug 2013:

The brother who hurts their own brother in ignorance from deception. Will become more harmed when the truth is finally revealed.  
Who is your brother or your sister? I tell you the truth it is every human being in the universe. Here in our world there are many lies and deceptions which are old and perpetuated by all. There are no innocent among us. Only those who have begun to ask the questions which lead to the new truths which are as old as time itself. 

Think about how you would feel when you discover all of the men and women you have killed in war. Were in truth all of your brothers and sisters. You have killed your own brothers and sisters. It matters not If they were Asian or European or African or Middle Eastern or any other ethnic group known or unknown.
Then think about how all of the leaders, rulers, presidents and dictators for the last many thousands of years have continually lied and deceived their entire populations into believing that the enemies they are to kill are less than human, savages, barbaric and no more important than dogs. All just so you would go off into another land to kill and destroy in the name of your beloved rulers. What would you do upon realization of this truth. Would you seek angry vengeance for the all of the harm that the world leaders have caused to humanity through all of the wars won and lost. I beseech you to just go home and and live your life in peace. Follow not the blood path of war no more.  When the warriors and soldiers all make war no more. All of the worlds leaders will no longer possess the power of the common peoples. A new time for humanity will begin and be enjoyed equally by all. 
The automation and robotics technology being created can be and will be used by the power hungry controllers of the world who will no longer be able to trust the commanded human response. This will also enable them to do as they want, however they want. 
If the common person continues to to support their current governments. Then destruction and possible extinction will result. Truth shall be revealed.
This is prophecy.

To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.

To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Adventures Possibility: (Unedited): 29 May 2013:

There is always something gained and the possibility of losing everything when an adventure presents itself on your journey.
The horrible and bloody battle is won and lost by lost who went forward and faced the enemy with great bravery.
The horrible and bloody battle is won and lost by those who fled in fear after witnessing the formidable might of their enemy. You should not think bad things of those who dropped their swords and shields then ran blindly away. Some people are not born warriors and some cannot be made into fighting soldiers. For these gentle souls. The amount of time they actually confronted and faced the violent enemy was the extreme limit of their courage. It's OK. They are not you and you are not them.
There are degrees to the battles fought. Those battles which seem to be of the most important are those from within. 
A spirit which sees itself as the gentle soul may discover it can become a soldier. But, later on discover the divine truth that it was always a warrior. Especially, those spirits who have chosen to be born in weak, defective and broken bodies. I have personally met many diseased, frail and helpless physical persons who were in fact great warriors. Are you brave enough or have the enduring courage to live a life of absolute helplessness while maintaining your intellect and sanity?
There can be a profound personal growth for you when you truly answer that question for yourself.
 The spiritual adventures can also be hard to accept. Especially when those spiritually sleeping persons falsely think and believe they want to know the truth about those cool fuzzy wuzzy T.V. ghosts and loving spirits who just want to be directed into the light. Some are very harmful and very powerful. When confronted with the fundamental truth of that which cannot be physically proven. It will force that person to re-evaluate their entire life in that moment. Even the truth of the existence in God or gods. Because to us lowly humans even the angels are like gods.
For some the truth can be hard to bare. Even to the point of giving up when the realization that there is no secret anything.
For those who are freshly awaken and for those who have courage. The profound growth to come will be very distinctive. Can their physical lives be harmed? Yes. Will their surviving spirits/souls survive and go forth into the Heavens unknown? Yes.
Notice how I started this with "The Horrible and bloody battle..." and ended with the unspoken victory in the unknown heavens. There are degrees for each one of us to find and define of our own individual choosing. It is your journey and not mine. Just as my journey is mine and not yours. Learning and feeling from one another is important.