Showing posts with label Zorro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zorro. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Rise of Robin Hood's +32: (Unedited): 24 Sept 2024:

The rise of Robin Hoods will spread across the planet. They will be seen and become murderous villains. But, in reality they shall be the killers of wicked evildoers who hold positions in Government.
From a distance they shall execute every wicked evildoer in government who holds any position of power and authority. 
You bullies of the badge who have already begun your cruel acts against the innocent, helpless and defenseless. You will be met with suffering and death.
You bullies who have already begun your own criminal acts against the good citizens. It is you the wicked evildoers who have refused to listen to good council and instead foolishly obeyed direct orders to be cruel and hard hearted. You shall suffer and die.
You bullies of the badge who have already become treasonous traitors are truly the fools in clown costumes as you continually torment the good people. They all will see you and know you as dishonorable traitors. 
You traitorous bullies who hold badges of honor, integrity and the power of law. Every act of cruelty against the innocent, defenseless and helpless only causes the good people to know that you are worse than the Nazi's of WWII.
Once the good citizens see and know you as the enemy. Your badge becomes the symbol and sign of a person who must die. 
Because of the acts of the Robin Hoods and of the Zorro's in the world. Countless retired soldiers and warriors along with their families shall be killed by their own beloved government. 
Robin Hoods and Zorro's must know who each one is in order to avoid friendly fire. This will be a huge and a serious risk to the whole in their own locality. 
The Robin Hoods and Zorro's will not establish any governments or criminal organizations. They will only sacrifice their lives for the betterment of the innocent and tormented people. 
There shall be those very special souls who can become both Robin Hood and Zorro. Because of this everyone and anyone who has knowledge and skills in any Martial Arts shall be killed. 
 ========Not Related--Immediate=====
Do not! give any slack! to those who dress in green and black.
The hateful and like minded traitors are plentiful but the soldiers for the treasonous cause is few.
The equipment, arms and ammunition has already been promised. The organized militaristic training of treasonous civilians has already begun. The immediate leaders are former special forces personnel. 
The enemy combatants must gain shelter, food and energy resources as their military organization is established. 
The enemy combatants must establish regions or theaters of control and a budding intelligence network. 
The enemy combatants will have a time of transition from intimidation of civilians to the killing of government personnel and anyone else directly related to infrastructure care. 
The enemy combatants will do everything in their power to intimidate local politicians and law enforcement. This is a stalling tactic so that their migrating people can become better trained and armed.
NOTES: The spy networks of the enemy combatants will begin to seek out apartments, hotels/motels as well as those indoor shopping malls considered dead malls. The enemy combatants will also exert intimidation's against fuel and truck stops. Just as Islamic peoples have already done in the last 20 plus years inside of the USA. Have you read what I have written about the Indian people from India. How they have focused on the purchasing of hotels and motels. This one process alone can enable them to house the criminal element, traffic people and move terrorists as well as enemy combatants. 
The civilian American insanity in how they continue to financially support a variety of organizations who want the American and the western way of life to end with blood shed and destruction. Like all of Islam, China, North Korea, Iran and other nations. You are supporting the extinction through every dollar you spend on any of their products and business models. 
You good people who still hold the badges of honor and your solemn oaths to the Constitution. The good citizens know your importance and respect your positions. Do not ruin it, allow your partners to ruin it or allow your chain of command to ruin it. 
The constitution is more important than any man or any organization. When the organization and people becomes a treasonous criminal entity which has abandoned the Constitution and rule of law. It is your duty to stop them.
You the good ones who have maintain a good mind and heart. You may have to decide to leave and become a Zorro or Robin Hood. You will not get rich or attain power. Your death shall be good and righteous. The people will remember you with honor and respect. 
You the good Robin Hood's and Zorro's you may not be able to save America or your Western European nation. But, you will be able to save good innocent people who are defenseless and helpless.
It shall be a Zorro who can save the Robin Hood just as it can be a Robin Hood who can save a Zorro.
Just as the threats and stresses will be never ending, so too shall the Robin Hood's and Zorro's will be forever sober and vigilant. 
The shelter of the Robin Hoods and Zorro's shall be lighted by the stars of Heaven themselves and the bed shall be of the fragrant grasses and soft sands. Their walls and doors shall be of the trees and mountainous rocks. 
Once the Robin Hood's and Zorro's begin their dutiful path. Their only assuring comfort shall be when they rise into Heaven.
The only way a human soul can become a Robin Hood or a Zorro is that they were already men and women of faith to their Christ Jesus. 
No one can prevent the total destruction of the USA. Most Americans and foreign nationals must genuinely repent of their sins as which is only accepted by God. If there is sufficient repentance then maybe we will see a reprieve as Nineveh saw. 
NOTE: I do not see sufficient evidence of any meaningful level of repentance inside of the USA or for the world for that matter. Which means all of the sad and bad prophecies which have been told to the global human population is going to happen. The only way to prevent the extinction of humanity is for the majority of humanity to genuinely repent as which will only be recognized by God alone. So that means those who are will to endure unto the end. Must do what they can to mitigate that which is coming until that time. 
All that I write is to save all lives. Through revealing is offering fore knowledge to those who can save their own physical lives. Hopefully.  
CONUS will be depopulated and global starvation will begin.
Those wicked evildoers who think they can manage the depopulation of the entire planet will fail as they unwittingly initiate the human extinction event. 
Once the human extinction event begins no human can stop it. There will nothing that can be done. It will be an absolute failure by humanity.
Genetic alterations in many small things can have a very large changing impact over all. To the degree that genetic codes can begin to unravel. Even a single insect bite can initiate the process without anyone being aware. 
Changing one commonality can cascade the whole and spread to other life forms which share the commonality. 
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Thousands Of Zorro's Prophecy +5: (Unedited): 23 Sept 2024:

The great return shall commence beyond south of the border.
The war hero of a foreign land shall return to their native lands. 
Tens of thousands Zorro personalities shall rise up and return good life to their own lands. 
Heroic soldiers shall become Zorro like in the land of their ancestors.
Thousands of heroic Zorro's shall return to their homeland but so to shall the wicked evildoers who will become like broken records which continually repeat with different faces. 
Each Zorro shall bring fear to the wicked evildoers to such a degree that they shall not enter within.
Comment 01: The fictional Zorro was rich. The coming very real Zorros shall not be rich. 
Comment 02: I think this is directly related to the great move back home of the Latinos/Hispanics. 
It is crucially important that you Latinos and Hispanics continue to send money and equipment home to your families. This is because all of the worst kinds of people in each of your nations are now in the USA and they cannot or will not return back home. Which is one aspect of the coming blessings for your people and nations. Do not let the wealth and skill sets each of you have accumulated to go to waste. Take care of your families south of the border. Then when and if you must make your way back home all of your good things will already be with family. But, you will know. There will be signs for the actual righteous among you. Just be sure your families down south have expanded food productions and have built new homes for all of those who shall return. You will be a blessing to your own people and families. But, you have to prepare. You also have to make your own transportation. The visions I saw were of cruise ships and people would get off and not return. They were all going home. But, like I said there will be signs and it will not matter who wins this presidential elections of 2024. Once hard fighting warfare begins that will mean you all have to leave. Enemy combatants are inside of the USA and they are from many different places and their intent is to carve out their own new country. The use of NBC will happen. 
Keep reading every so often when and if more updated writings happen. In which they will be dated. But, as of right now it is not looking good for the good ole USA.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.