Showing posts with label Guns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guns. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Civilians Of Peace Death Day Dream +1: (Unedited): 24 May 2024:

Written after a long day of hard manual labor outside. I still remembered it. Mostly will be written out of order. 
The point to writing these dreams and visions. Is to communicate that change can happen. People do not have to suffer and die. The end of the USA does not need to happen. The point is to save lives and to prevent destruction. This was a very rough day for me. The USA can be saved. 
More times than you think. A plan which has been secretly perceived can be averted by simple revelation. 
How many cops know you support them? 
Before you read. I'm pro American/USA, pro constitution, pro bill of rights, pro cops/police. 
This dream can also be purely emotional content from deep within me. 
No I'm not a prophet but I am a deeply flawed human being. 
NO QUOTES: Unless you find them. Then you know more than me and that is ok.
Local officers doing their typical duties suddenly become attacked, shot and killed. In the dream I'm with many cops and they are pulling over cars. A person smiles and is friendly even apologetic. Then from out of view the driver pulls a gun and shoots the cop multiple times who now has his guard down. I'm with another cop who pulls over a car. the driver is obedient and quick with license and other necessary documents. Then like a Bolt Out Of the Blue a person quietly and quickly approaches from his blind and shoots him many times but this time she(Not Revealed). She knows or has been trained how to kill a fully uniformed cop. The officer dies. A car approaches with a smiling person and asks an off the wall goofy question which makes the cop smile and the driver shoots him in the face. This goes on during the day and at night. Some kind of home dispute and cops show up. It is almost like the neighborhood surrounds the responding cops and they shoot them dead. For some reason I think this was a first day or on one day. Which then becomes many days or a new normal. 
Also, in the dream I see many foreigners doing crimes all knowing that the police will no longer do anything. All manner of wealth and things leaving the USA by every means necessary. I see a strange man with a strange tongue in a tow truck which is not his looking for cars to steal. I seem to know this is not a single person but many. Unable to get jobs the foreigners who now number more than 50 million strong begin to declare their own nation states through theft and murder. If you are not like them then you die. There is no negotiations. The desperate need for guns and ammunition by civilians.
I see men shaded and speaking in strange tongues and others who don't but they speak not. They only do with glee. The American traitors who become joyful when they murder, rape, destroy. No one knows the one who is already present and working in the world. They are hidden from me and I'm told the day the cops die is a planned event. This is because the American cops are those honored and trusting people who have sworn oaths to their beloved Constitution and they must die. Even their wives and children shall be killed.
Those who are in leadership are intent in maximizing chaos, destruction and death. It matters not if you follow and believe in them. You will die as well since your not one of them. They will joyously send you to die while knowing your just stupid for going thorough with it in the name of duty, honor and country.
Vision: The election returns are in. All election counts are excessive or more than the residents in every voting district. The 100% vote is all for Donald Trump. Donald Trump was not involved but that is what will not be what is reported. What do you think will happen when every vote cast is for Donald Trump? What will the result be? The final end of the USA. During this final end of the USA does the plan to kill cops precede?  Will this be when foreign men begin to take every valuable thing and put them on every kind of ship which departs what was the USA.
If you have wealth of any kind and have a hatred for the USA. If you want to save yourself, your family. Then you must leave as soon as you can. Once the USA ends. There will be nothing good, honorable, merciful or kind left. The USA was once the only great hope of liberty and freedom in the world and that has now ended. That which follows the end of the USA can not have a part of its foundation anyone on the planet or former Americans who has a memory of freedom and liberty. 
If there is any real validity to any of my writings. Then if and when the day of killing cops happens. Who will the enemies of the USA go after next? Christians? Red necks? Texans? Floridians? who???
If the USA falls then humanity becomes extinct. This is not pride of American importance. It is the idea of what American is supposed to stand for. If that dies so does all of humanity. 
Added on 27 May 2024: For all law enforcement personnel. Use copy and paste. Share with your own. This is not about the spreading of fear. This is about saving lives and empowerment for each of you. You cannot have a prophetic utterance and not have the cure to go along with it. You are who the civilians look up to. You are who the civilians call upon when they are in need. You always show up in force to lend a hand or a fist in defense of the innocent. You are usually the first ones to arrive and last ones to leave. Well that is how it is supposed to be in a perfect world. You each became cops for a reason. I hope those reason were because your heart was overfilled with mercy and compassion along with righteous anger. Yet, you're able to keep your righteous anger bridled as you arrest bad people to go before a judge.
Becoming Benghazi-ed doesn't mean that your special forces or any other military unit. Your own local government can Benghazi you. If an outside enemy force gains entry into the land of the free and the home of the brave. You are going to be the front lines and very possibly become the first victims. How do you save your own life from such a surprise attack know the decision has already been made but the orders have not been communicated? The dream was very clear and to me that indicates a form of certainty. 
There will be signs which precedes this orchestrated event. The signs will be in the actions of the Federal Government and how they continue to conduct world affairs. It will be the enemies of the USA who will act out against the American people and it will be Americas own Knights who must protect all of us. Yes, I equate cops as knights. 
1). Keep and maintain a good heart which is what you once had or still have. 2). Keep yourself in good physical condition. 3). Practice tactical techniques with your weapons more than you should. 4). Continue hand to hand combat training(UFC-like). 5). With other cops practice military skills. 6). Stop parking in places where bad people can approach unseen from your blind spots. 7). Park police car in a closed home garage (not out front easy to see by all people including enemies of the USA.  Who will use your location to go after your family when your working. 
Added on 23 June 2024: I'm not able to read the whole thing as I feel all of it. I guess that means this is still active. It has only been a month. 
Note: Any where you read "delete" you need to know it is worse than you think especially if your a calm and peaceful person by psychology. The reason for the delete comment is to make sure I don't go back to write it again. This is to prevent self fulfilling prophecies to a degree. I do not want to give bad people ideas. 
NOTE 02: Added a brief it's OK sentence above. 
Added on 09 Feb 2025: Florida dream/visions.
Night dream vision while semi awake. May be entirely fantasy. I saw a Florida cougar hop up on a darkened patrol car with a man inside. The scared cop figured it out in a spooky way and then followed the cougar to a house. A child or children were found or recovered. The people arrested. I saw a racoon hop up on a patrol car. Gave hand gestures. The cop followed and a child or children were found or recovered. The people arrested. Several animals got the attention of a cop and the cop went to a house. The animals indicated for the cop to call for back up. A loud cougar was stalking a house. Police back up arrived. The cops approached the house and a wild man ran off towards a body of water. A gator was waiting and drug the man under. No one seemed to want to search for the man. In the home was found a terribly abused child near death. To gruesome to write.
Righteous cops shall be known by the animal kingdom. Be warned, unafraid and yet wise that the animal is leading you. An abused human child may be saved while others excavated from their unmarked burial spots.
The righteous cops must also understand that in times the justice of the jungle demands atonement for sins even from the humans and a gator may lie in wait to swiftly execute absolute judgement.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Rise Of Tactical Criminals Prophecy +6: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2023:

 Just as any good person desires to improve themselves so to shall the criminally minded. 
The evolution of the criminally minded is still very individualistic. 
Individual criminals are becoming more tactical and strategic in their everyday criminal activities. 
Vision: I see dark shadowed people fully covered and hiding with a clear view of windows. As the home owner approaches his front door he is shot many times through his windows(?vectors?) and his wife lays dead next to him. They shadowed people gain entry and kill the rest of the occupants as they rob at their leisure. Even though this vision is of one family in one home. Somehow I instinctively or by assumption know that hundreds of homes are singled out and attacked. 
It seems like common knowledge that criminals tend to use their guns in a spray and pray methodology. This practice will evolve into more effective fire.
Vision: I see many poorly dressed men and women who also speak poorly learning to tactically shot targets. They are learning patience in shooting as well learning the meaning of target acquisition. 
As the criminally minded becomes more and more tactical and then more strategic. The local law enforcement communities will no longer have an advantage as it will be the officer who begins to fear the criminal. 
Vision: I see entire blocks in cities becoming no cop zones. This shall also be an evolution when the criminals have learned how to be urban warriors and snipers. 
The criminals who no longer want to be incarcerated will not choose to become a good peaceful person. They will choose a physical criminal life enhanced by tactics and strategy. 
In those homes where the armed good and peaceful citizen inhabits. The tactical criminal will lie and deceive in order to get the home owner to open the door and then they rush in with guns a blazing.
Vision: I see where the criminals knock on the door claiming to be the local police and then after a reasoned time frame. The criminals begin to shoot through the closed front door as they rush inside. They do not retreat as which has happens in the past. This is a coming evolution. 
I see many new front doors, front walls and security cameras all at once installed. All of the porches and entrances all look different just as all of the people are different. 
The great evolution happens when delete, delete, delete. 
No comments recorded.
Law enforcement shall be in continual and increasing threat. 
LAPD in California is about to graduate new law enforcement officers who are not even American citizens. Look for changes in California state gun laws especially when the first non American cops are killed. This to shall evolve in the US military. It would be interesting in how the swearing in oaths are administered and the content of those oaths. Will the non American police and military units swear their promises to a political party, to a specific leader or mayor or governor? Where as the constitution and God are omitted? Is this the rise of political military militias who will be armed just as the US military is armed and yet not be American? In most every other nation the police and the military is the same. 
Added on 18 Dec 2023: Apparently gangs in Flint Michigan have organized, called a truce and learned how to operate a water plant. All of the gang members are carrying guns in their waist bands. Not sure how old this information is. The residents of close by neighborhoods walk to the water plant to get their water. Do your own due diligence and ascertain if this is the truth. This is a sign. 
Added on 17 June 2024: I see bad men rushing or storming into homes and killing everyone. Then once they are assured that no one is coming they begin to take their time to rob everything of value. (delete). I also see look out(delete),(delete).
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

The Coming Savagery Of Peaceful Resolute Civilians +5: (Unedited): 30 July 2023:

 Resolute peaceful citizens deeply desire to hold on to the good ways of living. But, when force is applied to their self chosen ways of righteous living. All manner of godly hell will follow. For it is the one and only righteous God who created hell in the first place.
When peaceful and free citizens begins to take up arms against their own newly grown tyrannical government. It will be those who blindly support the risen up evil doing regime who shall realize that their honor and integrity has been given away in favor of quenching their murderous blood lusts. 
Those evildoing governmental supporters who deeply want the tyrannical government to become all powerful. You shall find yourselves in a no win crossroads. For if you go forward or backwards you shall die. If you go left or right you shall die. For your just a foolish pawn which must be sacrificed and you will.
While it is true the American civilians are buying guns and ammunition in record numbers. But, this is for tradition ammunition like .22 and 9mm types. The problem for the evildoing and wicked tyrannical government is when those very same civilians begins to buy very large caliber guns. 
As the civilians begin to realize that it will be their own governmental forces who will come against them. The civilians will begin to buy large caliber guns in order to defeat the body armor of those governmental forces which come forth. They will engage at distance first. I have written about this I think more than once.  
Yea, the .22 short, .22 Long Rifle, .22 Magnum .223, 5.56mm are all .22 caliber bullets. Think about it.
The American civilian at heart is the kindest, most generous people on the planet. But, when the government begins to take away their freedoms and liberties. They will become the most savage of forces ever seen. Any evil doer who comes before them with intent to harm or capture. Will be met with absolute savagery. 
You will see this change when the wicked evil doers discover that they shall be utterly helpless and defenseless when the good people take up arms against them. No manner of pleading shall save you as your brutally killed. 
As the right living peaceful citizen begins to realize that civility, law and order as well as justice is gone from the land. The citizens will transform into the kind of savages which have been foretold in histories past. 
The blind, deaf and stupid evil doing soldiers know not the savagery in which they will face. They will learn what happens when good-natured people transform themselves into individual war machines. The psychological effects in which they will never recover from. Self induced final sleep shall be their only escape.
The delicate nature of the evil doing governmental forces shall be evident as their ineffectiveness becomes the sounds of crying and panic. The citizens who have become war machines incarnate shall kill them all and strip them bare. 
The civilian shall repurpose all equipment taken. This will lead to a practice of the government bombing their own equipment and dead personnel. In my visions the government shall not even make an attempt to recover or support their own lost or losing soldiers. 
The useful idiots who stupidly follow the rise of the new wicked government will not even consider that they are all sacrificial pawns specifically chosen to die and buried in mass graves with no respect or concern. To be forgotten forever.
This is assuming the very same wicked government will even come for their corpses. In which they will not. It shall be the good natured people who exert the resources to respectfully bury their forgotten corpses. They shall even pray over your bodies. Even as the government will kill them who pray for your dead bodies. Luke 23:34.
There will be an evolution of government forces after the war against the civilians have begun. The government will begin to use foreign special forces who wear the uniform. In the soldiers rank will be those who speak no English. 
Those who shall wear the uniform shall speak no English and not desire to speak English. It will be these who thirst to kill everyone and destroy all that comes before them. Their vile hatred shall torture all of those who happen to live. They will kill everyone. Those who are involved in the fight, those who do not fight and even those who are known as treasonous traitors for their benefit. Those who give up on their own people are the most distasteful to them. Those who stand up to them shall be respected with a good death. Those who do not fight which is not the same as physically incapable. Will be seen as cowards as their stench is removed from the Earth. 
The government forces shall use all aspects of technological intelligence gathering methods against their own citizens and shall bomb sleeping families from fifty plus miles away and then declare that it was a bomb/bullet making factory and they blew themselves up. 
I've written about this before. This time I see in this vision hundreds or thousands of darkened homes being bombed with individual missiles.
Tactics will begin to be applied to those who who march for evil. They will be encircled and their faces revealed as they are pounded upon. 
I have seen this in a vision. I saw a group of evil doers protesting and then a group of good ole boys staging a confront patter in order to cause the protestors to remain in place. Then from behind the confronted evil doers another group of good ole boys complete the encircling. Thus, outnumber the evil doers are then able to capture, Take ID, reveal to the world and bust up their faces and bones.
The good people will become fed up and will begin to pound the faces of those who interfere with their livelihoods. 
Good people are still trying to be nice when trying to move protestors are of their way. While the protestors have no concern if their actions cause harm or suffering. When the good people realize this. The good people will become brutally violent.
These visions and dreams from last night and this morning seem very clear. There were some blurry things. But, one clear dream was this. The respectful burial of government soldiers was met by one prayerful woman who openly prayed over or on top of the properly respected dead in an organized and marked mass grave. An incoming rather large missile or bomb destroyed the mass grave and instantly killed the praying woman. I found it suspect that she was the only one and I assume that this has been done before. So the living people left her behind to pray for the soldiers souls. I think they knew and yet she stood alone and stilled prayed for them. The crater was huge and deep. Th seems like an evolution of previous actions. How big does a guided bomb have to be in order to create a hundred foot crater? Something had to guide the bomb? Spies or hidden soldiers? Is this how tactics evolved to use many thousand pound guided bombs against individuals? The US Military does have a history of doing that. 
There are many things which can be assumed. Such as the elections are lost during the next cycles as the right and left which are really one continues to play their public games. In which it was an indigenous who first wrote that the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird. When I first heard that it was a truth which impacted my mind and jarred me out of that wishful delusion. Now it seems more truthful than in the past and the good civilian population is realizing it as they are now being calmed down by the right wing of the Republican party. This is just a delaying tactic to cause those to not prepare or to take any further action.
So does this mean that the coming elections no longer matter? How will the people respond? When the vast majority of the people know who won and yet he loses. What happens in the next 6.5 years when all branches of the Federal government becomes under the control of evil doers? With a super majority all aspects of freedom, liberty and human rights can end. You need to realize that a common belief right now is that the meaning of "We The People ..." is meant only for the ruling class. Which means you the common citizen has no rights, no power and you continue to succumb to population controls as administered by them through the corporations.
The quotes are stand alone. The other words are just me trying to grasp what I'm writing. Any other writing by me is to be deemed as insufficient, unimportant and less than. It is the quotes alone which are important. Sometimes, when I do write and do not highlight as I typically do. There may be hidden quotes in which I'm unaware of. These to are important even though I'm oblivious to them. Apparently, I do have a writing style in which I'm also unaware of.
You the reader need to know the purpose of any prophecy. All bad and sad prophecies are meant so that the people can prevent or mitigate that which is foretold. So in your own locality. It has been prophesied that there will be people who have dreams and visions. In which they should all be discussed openly without negative baggage associated with them. Then each person needs to figure out how to prevent or mitigate the bad and sad dream or vision. This is prophecy of the Holy Bible. Go and look it up. 
Further Note: The Holy Bible does not say that the pastors, preachers, church leaders and theologians will have dreams and visions specifically. Go and look it up. So, you church leaders how are you gonna respect God in this? Because, if you go against God in this in any way, you may find yourself judged just like Lots wife. Fore she was saved and then she wasn't. What would that specifically mean for each of you? If that would mean anything? 
Added on 03 Aug 2023: These words are not threats. This is just revelation of what has happened in humanities past. This is history repeating itself. This is for those who are actively against God and who shall go against the actual children of God. Look up millstone in the Holy Bible. Mathew 18:6. For when you as a Cop arrests any young person who is simply reading the Bible. While prideful sin by permission is actively engaged. You Citizens Of Peace will suffer as you arrest the young people or any of His children. This is the fate of all of those who goes against God in any degree and your fate just doesn't end with your death. There is continuation.
If those who control you as a good cop or any other kind of good law enforcement person at any level. Gives you orders to go against God or godly people or good people. It would be better for you and your family to resign. For no man can your honor away. It is you alone who willingly gives your honor away. It takes a lifetime to build honor and one evil deed to throw all of your honor away. 
As you evil wicked leaders begin to use your own militarized police against your own good citizens. Do not be surprised when you and your family are brutally killed.
 You law enforcement officials at every level who have no reason, no conscious, no honor or a good heart begin to enforce unrighteous and unholy laws. You and you family will suffer greatly and shall be brutally killed. 
Everything must be done to prevent violence and the spread of violence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Ruling Wicked Evildoer Prophecy +13: (Unedited): 27 July 2023:

 I do not like violence and do not condone violence. This is not permission for anyone to be violent in any way. Human history is full of when the wicked evildoing ruler and his family gets murdered by his own civilian population. This is what is coming. It is essential to know that when the civilian population is disarmed and helpless. They cannot defend themselves. When the civilian population is starved they cannot fight or flee very well. Just like in North Korea.
Before any class of wicked evil doers can take absolute control over their civilian populations. They must disarm that population which does not include just guns but also any aspect of martial arts. 
The few wicked evildoers who govern the many will be torn apart by the good people who have had enough. 
Woe, to those who serve and are obedient to the ruling wicked evildoers for their fates shall be equal to that which befalls the wicked evildoer. 
As the ruling wicked evildoers fall dead within their own pools of blood so to shall all of their family members and most faithful servants. 
It is the ruling wicked evildoers who have taken away law, justice and civility and it will be those who support the new evil ways proclaimed as good who shall die when the truly good people have had enough. 
The ruling wicked evildoers find comfort in their layers of safety, security and protection. But, once those who serve and protect you begin to feel guilt over the loss of their humanity, honor, integrity. Your layers of safety will become your prison before your brutally killed by your own beloved servants.
As you pridefully glory in your wicked evildoing supremacy and how you can manipulate the stupid people of the world. This will not end well for you or your loved ones as your tortured and lifeless corpse is publicly dragged in the streets. 
When the divided people of the world becomes as one. There shall be no place that you can run and feel safe. Even your own personal security forces you shall suspect. 
To mindlessly follow orders will result in the loss of your humanity, honor, sanity and any sense of goodness you once were.
The empty shell of a human you have become can once again be refilled with good after repentance, forgiveness and refusal to do any more harm. 
Note: But, this does not take away the memories. 
Becoming a force of good does not mean causing harm to any innocent souls while ending the source which brings forth evil into the world. 
To believe yourself as good simply because your good at it. Is a powerful delusion sent to you/world by God and a deception sent to you by the demons. Turn away from your mindless evil doing and open your heart once again to love, mercy and compassion. 
Do actual good things one to another and do not simply believe yourself to be good because your good at it. For the demonically evil in the world will celebrate and glorify the violence your good at to continue to spur you on to create even more violent actions. 
Any person can use reason, logic and repetition to become good at their job. This does not mean your good to any degree of what good actually is. Over time as your heart becomes more black and empty you will lose reason and logic. You will begin to find false joy in the death and destruction you cause with every mission. You will begin to enjoy the harsh male banter humor. In the end you will lose your humanity and self as the memories of the innocent souls comes back to haunt you in your dreams. 
All of the evil doing you have ever done will come back for you to steal your sleep just as you stole away those lives. This will be your never ending torment. Then when you die your torment will not end then either. 
I have studied prophecy for the last 40 ish years. I've studied prophecy from many religions and many cultures. I've studied from unapproved prophets and psychics. I've learned much. Yet, here are the quotes I've just written. All the while knowing the good people of the world, suffer die and lose. While God alone returns and is victorious for all of those Good people whom He recognizes. In other words while we all lose this coming worldly war we all win in the end through the coming of God. 
This is the essence of prophecy. Anytime someone has any kind of bad and sad dream or vision. This is an indication that the event can either be mitigated or prevented. Many times the prevention is repentance and a change of heart. While other times it does require some kind of continuous preventative action. I believe this is for all prophecy's written and spoken by all humans at any time. 
Note:The continuous action is purposeful and we get some of that lesson in the Holy Bible with the story of Jonah. While the city of Nineveh(Under Mosul Iraq) was saved. It was only save for 50-100 years and then it was destroyed. So a preventative action was given it was also not permanent.
It is like today how the demonically led evil doers in the world seem to have the power to walk, harm, steal and destroy anything they can. All because the good people refuse to show up in mass and stand their ground. All because the good people refuse to show up in their government buildings in mass to demand no permission of this kind of filth and sin to walk upon their streets. All because the good people refuse to show up at school board meetings and police stations to demand the arrest of school board members and teachers for the distribution of porn to school age children. The vile filth that you see out in the open is all your fault you so called good people who do nothing, who take no good action, who won't even defend the good nature and good character of your own small towns and cities. Guess what even you church going people who go to church by the millions every Sunday. It is your fault as well. It is your duty to prevent any kind of sin from standing in the holy places as well as gaining entry into your own small town. 
If there is to be any kind of filth parade legally going down your street. Every church and every church person is to demonstrate against it and to prevent it from physically happening. My words is not about violence it is more about marching forward in prayer and absolute silence.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Survival Locations: (Unedited): 06 Nov 2022:

All links are copy and paste for your own safety and security. 
Many people think you can choose a survival location. This to some degree you can do but often times it is the survival situation which picks the location. You never hear about the person who has been rescued or found dead say they wanted to go into this beautifully dangerous location to become lost, injured, eaten alive or just dead. So you say the dead do not speak? This can be considered humor until you think about it or discuss it with an investigator of some kind. No one says they choose a survival location in order to starve to death, freeze to death or die of thirst. No one says they went into a dangerous situation so that they can eat a poisonous food and die from horrific pains and suffering. So you really need to consider all of the survival variables in every location. Like the wonderful place that Florida is until you decide to swim in that lake which looks safe until a gator takes you for an underwater roll, Until you go through the woods and find a very loving and just wants a hug constrictor snake and etc. When you start thinking about a safe place or any safe location. You will discover that there is actually no true or real safe place on this planet. Every place and every location has it's own very unique dangers and threats. All of those various dangers must be mitigated and/or prevented from happening if that is possible. How do you prevent earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, floods, raging fires, volcanoes and etc? You cannot prevent these things, you can only mitigate the event(s).  So you have to effectively plan and engineer a safe place within any dangerous environment. But, what about WWIII or WWIV? What about a single nuclear bomb or EMP attack from a rogue nation? What about the actual odds of encountering any kind of threat which must be survived? Do you know which threat is the most likely to occur in your own chosen location? Are those threats seasonal or yearly or do they occur many times in a year? Are man made threats seen on the horizon like war and military invasion? What about food shortages? What about run away inflation as that is in Christian prophecy? What about the so called planned financial global reset? How are you going to survive these listed issues and more? Do you have a plan and have you implemented those plans? How much debt do you have? You should have zero debt with zero intention of accumulating any more debt. So how, if you have to use debt how will you use it to favor you? Especially, when world leaders profess that you will own nothing and be happy. These may seem funny but they are actually threatening to any free person. You need to have it in your mind that when you hear anything threatening to your own self chosen way of life. That threat and all threats must have it's own unique survival plan. So what will you do and how will you do it? 
Do you get it now? Every location on this planet is dangerous and requires some degree of survival. How do you think about this? I do not like Earthquakes they wig me out. So I live in a region which is not known to have earthquakes but has the threat of hurricanes. Hurricanes I can mentally handle. Hurricanes mean you go north until you can go west. So, what natural events causes you the most mental distress? The easy answer is not to live in that region where there is a probable occurrence of that threat happening that you would rather not contend with. If you live in a forest or want to live in a forest. Do not build your home out of wood sticks or do not live in the forest. If getting eaten alive by wild animals causes you great concern. Then do not live in the wild. But, wait. Some things you will just have to emotionally and physically manage. Just like what the early Californians did to the bear which is on their state flag. You either kill them or get eaten alive. The early Californians killed those bears. Just as those who survive or live out in the wild may be forced to kill aggressive predators. It is unfortunate but very necessary. Please note that I did not mention specifically to go hunting for predators or to kill all predators. Oh but what about the little piggies? Well, they have become a huge threat and are called wild boars and they will attack you and eat you. So there is a responsibility to mange the numbers of certain animals. The wild boar can be put into your freezer for safe keeping or be given to family and friends. Survival does mean you may have to kill to remain alive. Survival does mean you may have to kill in order to protect your family, friends and neighbors. You need to know that all blood spilled by you should be honored and respected. I think there is even a Bible verse in which you will be called for all blood spilled by you.
-------------Odd Prophecy-----------
In Christian Prophecy, The return of the nephilim or fallen angels or aliens kill 1/3 of all humans. The nephilim do eat people/humans. Guess what? Your little ole .223 and 7.62 guns will feel to them like you being shot by BB's. Humans do not have big enough bullets that they can safely and effectively shoot against them when they prophetically return. Your best bet is to run and hide. Hide? Run? You cannot out run these beings and if you had not already made a hiding spot. Then you die along with your loved ones that you were supposed to be responsible for. Yea, That is a man thing. It is the duty of all Males or Men types to protect and keep safe their wife and children as well as their elders and their neighbors. So Yea, A man is responsible for everyone in their presence and not in their immediate presence. This is where the reality of being a man really sucks. Oh but, wait you say why?, I have never heard such things before? Well, this has to do with honor and being righteous. This is about being a good human being. This is about loving one another. This is about actually caring for others. This is not about being self serving. This is not about going it alone as you will most likely die alone. This is the law of the animal kingdom. Guess what God has no real kind words for cowards either. 
So think about building your own safe place with entrances to small for a standard nephilim to enter. Think about those unique cave dwellings in Cappadocia, Turkey. Was there function behind this? Was their protection and from what? Can you imagine fighting hand to hand at every turn in those caves? How were those people who lived in them protected from weather events and earthquakes? Would they have been protected from those evil man eating giants? But, just so you know there are those smaller beings which do seem to have 3-5+ times more physical strength than an athletically fit human(No further comment). So how will you plan for this future event? And what about any other prophetic future event as listed in the Holy Bible?
So, in order to fight these beings which will prophetically come according to the Holy Bible. Attrition damage must always be planned. Not just one form of attrition level of damage. But many, all at once and then repeat until the threat retreats or is immobilized, then kill it. Attack the Ankles, eyes, ears, knees, elbows, feet, hands and etc. Also, some of them may be mentally powerful. So prior to killing them mentally sing silly fun songs so as not to become the focus of their attention. This is to mentally mask your intentions, thoughts, plans and to confuse their minds as to your location and immediate threat level to them. You can also think about sports, drama and any other non related issue which has nothing to do with what is occurring at the moment. These must be soft and quiet thoughts. These thoughts should not be forced or effort-ed. They will know the difference. They will know what is natural and what is not. These beings are very intelligent should not be underestimated.
You need to understand there are historical oral stories told about these creatures. They have the strength, power and speed to carry a North American Bison/Buffalo. These beings have the power to hold a lion with it's angry claws out and not be harmed or feel threatened by the lion. So these beings will be able to rip your house apart to get at you. These beings will be able to rip your car open to get at you. Scared Yet? Or are you laughing at the silliness of this writing? It matters not. Remember the masking tactic. 
You Operators and Special Forces types. It matters not what country you belong too or what flag you worship. You will be the first ones to fight these beings and die, when and if they return. So Don't die. You must remember the masking during any planned engagement. You must mentally mask prior to any departure for the mission. Also, another form of masking is being able to silence all thoughts and to be mentally quiet. So how do you silence an intention to pull the trigger or hit a switch? That is the real trick. This must be planned out only by you guys before hand and before reality changes. You can sucker them and con them as well. This action will most likely end in a sacrifice of one or many of you. Remember big bullets at distance. How do Americans take out an enemy sniper in the mountain? Blow up the mountain. Feel free to use your choice of expletives. My intention is to save your lives no matter what flag you have sworn allegiance too. Think about this. When you are missioned to contend with these beings. You are no longer that sworn nationalized heroic human warrior to your nation. You are now saving all humans on this planet. 1/3 of humanity will die because you fail. I'm not sorry to put this weight on You but your the only ones who are strong enough to carry this weight. So between now and then. Go forth and make silly games and fun exercises on how to contend with them. Even in silly stories and unrealistic words does plans become formed. No matter how improbable they seem to be in the reality of today and right now. Do not close the gap and do not engage in hand to hand combat. Even if they look small by human size standards. Shoot them repeatedly and often.
Added on 07 Nov 2022: 
Your very first choice for a location should be access to clean drinking water from a ground source. This is so that you can install both a manual well pump and and powered pumping system from your basement or other underground structures. 
You should choose a location based on what typical emergency situations and threats are prevalent in that region. Meaning death by wild animals, tornadoes, forest fires, hurricanes, Earthquakes, droughts, ice, snow, floods, illegal humans and etc. If you cannot tolerate earthquakes then do not go to that region. If the fear of a super volcano makes you nervous all of the time. Then do not choose that massive region to locate to. If you cannot tolerate the cold, then go south. If you cannot tolerate the heat, then go north. You should feel comfortable and safe in the location you choose. While knowing there is no safe place to live on this planet.
You should be far away and upwind from all nuclear bomb target sites as well as nuclear power plants.
You should be far away from all major roads and rail lines. 
You should be located near a town with a population no greater than about 5,000 humans. 
You should choose a place where you can grow foods and have typically year round available clean drinking water to grow foods. 
You will need ample physical space to keep all necessary equipment covered and out of the elements, weather changes, seasonal changes. Even if you do not have the equipment right now. You still have to plan for that equipment. 
You should consider power generation and the required space for that equipment.
You should consider visible sky access for Starlink or other related services from orbit. 
The lifestyle of off grid living is a worthy concept to learn. The learning curve is pretty long. You will need enough land for each large animal in order to provide enough grasses to feed them year round. In Florida the needed land required per large animal is considered low but the costs are substantial. While the land needed in other places are allot of acreage per large animal and even though land costs are lower. The cost can still be similar to owning fewer acres in other areas. Owning lots of acres mean more management time of the land. You have to do the math.You have to know what your capable of and your skill levels. It is better to have more land than what is required per animal especially if your animal skills are low. Then as you learn how to care for few then maybe you can care for many. You will also be responsible for the safety and security of each animal. Animal care is a daily relationship with each animal. There is no vacations or holidays. Predator animals will creep through the night thus preventing a good night sleep as your animals cry out into the darkness. A properly sighted in Night vision scope on a rifle might be good to have. Lets talk about guns now.
Guns laws is an important consideration. Yes, when your out in the wild and there are few humans around. You need guns and yes you need to have a lot of bullets. Shooting at many feral hogs is nerve racking which means hitting targets which are coming at you fast to eat you alive means you will need lots of bullets to take those rushing targets down before your eaten alive. That is just one predator mentioned. You have to consider all of the other typical predators for your chosen region as well. So yea, An AR type of weapon is nice to have when you know your about to be eaten alive. Do you get the point here?
Home schooling laws are also important. When you live far away. You will be responsible for teaching your children your lifestyle skill sets as well as modern day skill sets. You will also be required to meet the educational minimum standards for your children. The laws in each state or country will be different. yes, keep records for every single year and yes, secure a lawyer just in case. 
Can you capture rain water for use or is that against the law. Things you need to know. 
How will you earn money to pay for property taxes, utilities and equipment. How will you pay for parts for equipment which requires service, maintenance and repairs. The business of off grid living can be prohibitively expensive. You may even need to rent construction equipment to make property enhancements and will what you do be illegal? So you will have to earn monies. That regard is about to change when Starlink becomes dependable and available. The idea of remote employment is on the rise and knowing those required modern day skill sets will enable many people to be able to live far out in remote regions and far away from cell service. 
Cash App: $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Hardening Of Hearts As The Prophecies Are Revealed +10: (Unedited): 01 July 2022:

New content below. Sometimes I still add content after I update. 
14 July 2022: Added minor content, minor edits and 8 quotes.  
How did this start today? I saw a great energy wave blow away all of the water on Earth, all of the mud, all of the sand, All of the life that touched the soils everywhere. All that would burn burned brightly. The Earth was still alive but devoid of the beauty of the first Heaven. The first Heaven removed from humanity. Just as the Garden of Eden was removed from Adam and Eve. I was completely saddened, distraught as I prefer the oceans or The Gulf Of Mexico. What I witnessed caused me to say aloud I do not want to be here without the oceans. Then I began to become angry with humanity as they did this to this beautiful planet. In order to correct what humanity had done. God had to cleanse the entire planet with a great fire. My anger was short lived as about 8+ billion souls are dead, in the Heaven of God or judged. Only those which remained were the ones selected by God. That number is only known to God, but, it could be 144,000+/-.  
I've learned that I've been denied the oceans. Never having anything more than what meets my/family bare needs. I wanted to be on ships and yet never have been. I watch boat videos and enjoy their enjoyment. Tears in my eyes now. Knowing that my beloved Golf Of Mexico will be gone. How I yearn to be in those Florida waters. But, My eyes have seen thousands of beautifully different sunsets. I have experienced many fearful storms. Yet, I'm always denied and prevented. Sometimes life is not fair and then I see the planet absolutely naked and without her covering of water and air, I am ashamed and profoundly sad. All of humanity was made to be caretakers of this planet and then caretakers in this solar systems. Then out into the vastness of this galaxies to be caretakers of the entire galaxy and then out even further and into forever.
Those true evil doers who read this will harden their hearts and scoff at the ridiculousness of it all.  The intention of all of my writing's is to save lives. Just a note for you: I have made zero money in the decades of my writing. So why, do I continue to write? To save lives. Unless, it is too late and those who thirst for all of the power and authority, know they are going to lose. Then they will destroy everything so that no one can have it, if they can't. Read my previous writings and do as they advise.

The US military does not have enough personnel, equipment, guns, bullets and missiles. 

The US military will have to fight in Alaska, Texas, Florida, California, Oregon, Washington, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, All of Western Europe, As well as in several other Asian nations. As well as New Zealand, and Australia. All at once. There will be war in every city and in every US state all at once.

American civilians do not have enough guns and athletic physical fitness to even keep up with what is gonna come through Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California (every city and every state). American civilians are too fat and old(me). The young American civilians are too physically and mentally weak from not doing anything but playing video games. There are too many Americans who are sickly(me) and addicted. 

All Canadians and all other foreign nationals must leave the USA. All of your assets will be lost. If you do not leave. Your rescue will be attempted but will most likely fail as EMP weapons will be in use. So if you want you and your family to live. Then you must leave the USA. This instruction is only meant to save lives.

There will be the American Tet Offensive. In which many hundreds or thousands of enemy teams will conduct attacks anywhere they choose every day and as often as they can. These will be Russian special forces, Chinese special forces, Military personnel from Central and South America. There may be as many as 100,000+ Islamic men conducting attacks all at once. They all will have every manner of military weapons. This will happen all at once. Tens of thousands of local Police, state police, Federal agents will lose their lives in less than a month. The purpose is to save all lives through prophetic revelation. 

Military Bases and Posts will be quickly over run and then used by enemy forces. The only reason why there will be initial prisoners of war is that it will be more efficient to kill them in groups and they properly dispose of the bodies so that no one will find them. So the enemy will promise to keep and to hold, To feed and care for. But, these will be falsehoods.

US Naval warships will be captured. Everyone killed once intelligence is gained from each one. Then they will be killed.

There will be many nuclear detonations on American soil. There will be many Nuclear EMP specific detonations.

More than 90% of all Americans will perish within the first year. The American part of the North American continent will be depopulated of everyone. The native tribes will be exterminated. The Latinos who wanted to be Americans will all be hunted and killed. The beautiful females will be kept alive that is until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of beautiful females will not be pleasant as they must please everyone or else. There will not be any bodies found or discovered. I see rivers of ash. I see cloudy gray water in many places. Lakes and rivers all of America will become Gray as ash as seen from orbit.

The American treasonous traitorous politicians/families will be rewarded for their actions. They all will believe they will have wonderful lives full of riches and comforts in the new world born from the purified ashes of old.  Because they are all shiny and beautiful rooster's in their own prideful eyes. So full of self that they will not see that when all that they have sold away and were rewarded for. They will only know that the order was for all Americans to die. The memory of what America is will die. The idea of freedom and human rights will die. It will not matter if they are patriots, traitors, Communists activists, American supporters, BLM, American Black Islam,  Indigenous tribes, or even Expatriates. They will all be hunted and killed. All of their bodies turned to Gray as they flow away in the waters.

The glamorous and cocky rooster so full of self beauty and determination to crow at all hours of the night. Will find themselves roasting over a lovely fire. C.J.MacKechnie

When eating the left wing and right wing of the same fire cooked rooster. You will discover that both wings look and taste the same. C.J.MacKechnie

People who pay you to be their bought and paid for friends will also order their own dedicated military to kill you and all of your family members once you are of no use.  Then dispose of your bodies so that no one will ever know. 

Russia will lose so many men and so many military assets. That China will look at their former enemy and then go through Russia and easily killing everyone. There will not be hostages or prisoners of war. The beautiful females will be kept alive until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of the kept females will not be easy as they must please everyone or else. Russia will end as it is depopulated. Then repopulated with Chinese.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:

“Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?”

Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

And He said, “Go, and tell this people:

‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand;
Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’

10 “Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”

11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?”

And He answered:

“Until the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant,
The houses are without a man,
The land is utterly desolate,
12 The Lord has removed men far away,
And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
13 But yet a tenth will be in it,
And will return and be for consuming,
As a terebinth tree or as an oak,
Whose stump remains when it is cut down.
So the holy seed shall be its stump.”

Added on 14 July 2022:
Mocking, ridicule, and even celebration will coincide with any prophetic utterance or event. Even in the Christian denominations and churches will become apathetically silent. 
Denominations and churches will only focus on the brand they put forth. The partying, outgoing and fun time church for the people. Ignorant, Blind and deaf those members will go forth like lambs and cattle to slaughter. Being lead to a place which is contrary to their understanding. 
In those days prior to the taking away of the first heaven. In those coming days prior to the black sky. Prayers, worry and great fear God will not hear from those who profess and yet have never become holy, righteous. God speaks to them all once, ...I never knew you..., as judgement is administered.
Those churches which put forth their brand of self promoting feel good and self worth without any other action on the followers part except for their cash admittance. The churches actually becomes a blight on the poorest in their surrounding community. God sees the evidence, hears the prayers and cries of those who humbly suffer the most right across the street. While at the same time hear not your prayers, your worship songs full of human glorious pride. 
The rewards to the glorious wayward church full of wealth of self with no concern for others who suffer the most. These rewards are from the declared god of this world and not from the God of the Holy Bible. The rewards that these wayward churches experience and of their deceived followers is all the reward they will ever get. For the love of one another is absent within each one of them. For the love of one another is only mental knowledge and yet absent of any intention or substance with their own hearts. 
The wicked sinner, the unrepentant soul and the professing Christian will not even be aware when God hardens their own minds and hearts as they never consider any aspect of genuine repentance. Thus, shall be the evidence of having already been judged. For the man of the right of Christ repented just enough to Christ. While the other only continued to mock as his mind and heart become frozen in time. 
To put it all simply, There will be those who know the time of repentance is at hand and yet they never make it to actually repent. There can always be many reasons for this. Self judging of ones own self above the judgement of God. God has already judged the soul. And more flawed human reasons. But, for the lowly and humbled sons and daughters of God. You will not know either way and still you should always lead every soul to actual repentance with love, mercy, compassion and continued never ending encouragement. That is until the Holy Spirit either leads them or you away. 
Entire church congregations may not or will not even be aware of anything prophetic is occurring as all of their church activities revolves around the sickness and death of church members. For these preserved churches will not even be in the same category as the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna.  
The spirit of death will maintain it's presence in many small poor churches as those members die off, their souls shall be preserved and taken into glory.  So do not categorize certain churches as dying churches. For what you see as a dying church may in fact be a preserved church and a fully saved church.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Reimagined Walmart Prophecy: (Unedited): 11-12 Dec 2021:

 Walmart has rebranded themselves many times. Walmart is not the corporate entity that Sam Walton created. Walmart has not been a discount store for many years if not decades. Walmart no longer cares for any employee unlike how Sam Walton cared for his employees. One of the best and most fun jobs I ever had was at Walmart during the days of Sam Walton. 

How many millionaires work at Walmart today who are not corporate officers or actual store management? As compared with when Sam Walton was alive? I'll wait for an answer.
This is my vision and I knew it was not just Walmart but most of the retail industry. 
Walmart stores begin personalized delivery services.
Walmart begins to evolve the idea of pick up services for their shoppers. 
Walmart begins to develop a procedure of knowing who each shopper, their financial status, is before they are allowed entry into the store. So the stores will have to be modified as to guarantee privacy and to disallow cameras into the stores. Maybe some sort of cell phone prevention system in place. 
Walmart will engineer into each store some sort of prevention mechanism which prevents mobs of people from rushing into the store while at the same time allowing people to get out of the store(how?).
Added on 12 Dec 2021: 
The new robberies are on going. People use shopping carts to fill them and rush out to their cars and load up. Even if the good customers are just taking video. (I had a vision about this, it is documented).
People are being followed home by bad guys who only want to steel what they bought from the grocery stores. All of these new events of thievery will evolve into home invasions, assaults, abuse and etc. The crimes which has been seen in Mexico, South and Central America will evolve here in the USA. Especially, in those states where law enforcement has become ineffective and gun ownership forbidden. 
States like California, Oregon, Washington may see a new gold rush of bad people coming to California just to rob and take from the wealthy and seemingly well off. 
High end stores will put into place safe rooms. Just like how pawn shops and gun stores have all employees actively carry guns. So to will this happen in high end stores. While Walmart like stores just want to create an easy and fast way for the bad guy to escape. This is in order to keep the employees safe. But, this may just turn into a trend of bad guy invitation. 
===========Copy and Paste====
Added on 12 Dec 2021:
The immigrants from south of the border will most likely be the dominant force in this new evolving crime spree. Many will already be militarized and have access to actual weapons of warfare. They will not have a problem of shooting cops or shooting anyone in order to just shoot the innocent people. The face of American law enforcement will evolve in order to meet this new and evolving threat. Many of these immigrant's have been invited in order to create a new voting block for the democrats and they will all vote democrat. In order to get everything they can from the American government and people. The problems I see are all mangled together. Drugs, warfare, crimes, murders, everything. It is very difficult for me to put it all into words. What has been done to civilians in Mexico and other nations will be done in the USA, or at least attempted. Politicians and news people who speak out will be killed along with their families. Chiefs and actual Sheriffs and their families will be killed. This is what it will evolve into.
Added on 12 Dec 2021: 
Americans will need to obtain carry concealed carry permits and carry their weapons to simply go to the grocery store. If and when these new crimes begin to manifest all over the USA. People will begin to relocate and/or begin to grow their own foods from home where possible. It will not matter what property HOA restrictions are already in place. No one will say or prevent anything when home invasions start happening more often. The American civilian will respond with fear and change their lives according to their fears. 
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books