Showing posts with label Attacked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attacked. Show all posts

Friday, May 24, 2024

Civilians Of Peace Death Day Dream +1: (Unedited): 24 May 2024:

Written after a long day of hard manual labor outside. I still remembered it. Mostly will be written out of order. 
The point to writing these dreams and visions. Is to communicate that change can happen. People do not have to suffer and die. The end of the USA does not need to happen. The point is to save lives and to prevent destruction. This was a very rough day for me. The USA can be saved. 
More times than you think. A plan which has been secretly perceived can be averted by simple revelation. 
How many cops know you support them? 
Before you read. I'm pro American/USA, pro constitution, pro bill of rights, pro cops/police. 
This dream can also be purely emotional content from deep within me. 
No I'm not a prophet but I am a deeply flawed human being. 
NO QUOTES: Unless you find them. Then you know more than me and that is ok.
Local officers doing their typical duties suddenly become attacked, shot and killed. In the dream I'm with many cops and they are pulling over cars. A person smiles and is friendly even apologetic. Then from out of view the driver pulls a gun and shoots the cop multiple times who now has his guard down. I'm with another cop who pulls over a car. the driver is obedient and quick with license and other necessary documents. Then like a Bolt Out Of the Blue a person quietly and quickly approaches from his blind and shoots him many times but this time she(Not Revealed). She knows or has been trained how to kill a fully uniformed cop. The officer dies. A car approaches with a smiling person and asks an off the wall goofy question which makes the cop smile and the driver shoots him in the face. This goes on during the day and at night. Some kind of home dispute and cops show up. It is almost like the neighborhood surrounds the responding cops and they shoot them dead. For some reason I think this was a first day or on one day. Which then becomes many days or a new normal. 
Also, in the dream I see many foreigners doing crimes all knowing that the police will no longer do anything. All manner of wealth and things leaving the USA by every means necessary. I see a strange man with a strange tongue in a tow truck which is not his looking for cars to steal. I seem to know this is not a single person but many. Unable to get jobs the foreigners who now number more than 50 million strong begin to declare their own nation states through theft and murder. If you are not like them then you die. There is no negotiations. The desperate need for guns and ammunition by civilians.
I see men shaded and speaking in strange tongues and others who don't but they speak not. They only do with glee. The American traitors who become joyful when they murder, rape, destroy. No one knows the one who is already present and working in the world. They are hidden from me and I'm told the day the cops die is a planned event. This is because the American cops are those honored and trusting people who have sworn oaths to their beloved Constitution and they must die. Even their wives and children shall be killed.
Those who are in leadership are intent in maximizing chaos, destruction and death. It matters not if you follow and believe in them. You will die as well since your not one of them. They will joyously send you to die while knowing your just stupid for going thorough with it in the name of duty, honor and country.
Vision: The election returns are in. All election counts are excessive or more than the residents in every voting district. The 100% vote is all for Donald Trump. Donald Trump was not involved but that is what will not be what is reported. What do you think will happen when every vote cast is for Donald Trump? What will the result be? The final end of the USA. During this final end of the USA does the plan to kill cops precede?  Will this be when foreign men begin to take every valuable thing and put them on every kind of ship which departs what was the USA.
If you have wealth of any kind and have a hatred for the USA. If you want to save yourself, your family. Then you must leave as soon as you can. Once the USA ends. There will be nothing good, honorable, merciful or kind left. The USA was once the only great hope of liberty and freedom in the world and that has now ended. That which follows the end of the USA can not have a part of its foundation anyone on the planet or former Americans who has a memory of freedom and liberty. 
If there is any real validity to any of my writings. Then if and when the day of killing cops happens. Who will the enemies of the USA go after next? Christians? Red necks? Texans? Floridians? who???
If the USA falls then humanity becomes extinct. This is not pride of American importance. It is the idea of what American is supposed to stand for. If that dies so does all of humanity. 
Added on 27 May 2024: For all law enforcement personnel. Use copy and paste. Share with your own. This is not about the spreading of fear. This is about saving lives and empowerment for each of you. You cannot have a prophetic utterance and not have the cure to go along with it. You are who the civilians look up to. You are who the civilians call upon when they are in need. You always show up in force to lend a hand or a fist in defense of the innocent. You are usually the first ones to arrive and last ones to leave. Well that is how it is supposed to be in a perfect world. You each became cops for a reason. I hope those reason were because your heart was overfilled with mercy and compassion along with righteous anger. Yet, you're able to keep your righteous anger bridled as you arrest bad people to go before a judge.
Becoming Benghazi-ed doesn't mean that your special forces or any other military unit. Your own local government can Benghazi you. If an outside enemy force gains entry into the land of the free and the home of the brave. You are going to be the front lines and very possibly become the first victims. How do you save your own life from such a surprise attack know the decision has already been made but the orders have not been communicated? The dream was very clear and to me that indicates a form of certainty. 
There will be signs which precedes this orchestrated event. The signs will be in the actions of the Federal Government and how they continue to conduct world affairs. It will be the enemies of the USA who will act out against the American people and it will be Americas own Knights who must protect all of us. Yes, I equate cops as knights. 
1). Keep and maintain a good heart which is what you once had or still have. 2). Keep yourself in good physical condition. 3). Practice tactical techniques with your weapons more than you should. 4). Continue hand to hand combat training(UFC-like). 5). With other cops practice military skills. 6). Stop parking in places where bad people can approach unseen from your blind spots. 7). Park police car in a closed home garage (not out front easy to see by all people including enemies of the USA.  Who will use your location to go after your family when your working. 
Added on 23 June 2024: I'm not able to read the whole thing as I feel all of it. I guess that means this is still active. It has only been a month. 
Note: Any where you read "delete" you need to know it is worse than you think especially if your a calm and peaceful person by psychology. The reason for the delete comment is to make sure I don't go back to write it again. This is to prevent self fulfilling prophecies to a degree. I do not want to give bad people ideas. 
NOTE 02: Added a brief it's OK sentence above. 
Added on 09 Feb 2025: Florida dream/visions.
Night dream vision while semi awake. May be entirely fantasy. I saw a Florida cougar hop up on a darkened patrol car with a man inside. The scared cop figured it out in a spooky way and then followed the cougar to a house. A child or children were found or recovered. The people arrested. I saw a racoon hop up on a patrol car. Gave hand gestures. The cop followed and a child or children were found or recovered. The people arrested. Several animals got the attention of a cop and the cop went to a house. The animals indicated for the cop to call for back up. A loud cougar was stalking a house. Police back up arrived. The cops approached the house and a wild man ran off towards a body of water. A gator was waiting and drug the man under. No one seemed to want to search for the man. In the home was found a terribly abused child near death. To gruesome to write.
Righteous cops shall be known by the animal kingdom. Be warned, unafraid and yet wise that the animal is leading you. An abused human child may be saved while others excavated from their unmarked burial spots.
The righteous cops must also understand that in times the justice of the jungle demands atonement for sins even from the humans and a gator may lie in wait to swiftly execute absolute judgement.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.