Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Prophetic Egg Shell Vision: (Unedited): 03 April 2024:

 Yesterday I had a vision about eggs. We all know that in a hard boiled egg there is the outer shell. The membrane and then the egg while and yellow yoke. In then is where the vision begins. Then this morning I see the stick which makes noises when you turn it from one direction to another.
I see digital transactions taking place for very large concrete statues and vases. I see digital transactions taking places in which no money or funds are actually transacted for the sale. I see the delivery of these very large concrete statues and vases becoming damaged upon delivery. I see digital electronic communications taking place with the buyer and manufacturer. In which apologies are made and instructions to destroy the very large concrete statue or vase is made. I also see actual real monies refunded for the purchase. 
I can see the inspection of the wooden crates. In which standard Bill of Laden's(BOL) are easily obtained and easily read. I see official looking X-ray documents in their official looking pockets. I see the painted words fragile as well as top and bottom. (Are there really X-ray documents in shipping?)
I see men opening the wooden crates. Thus revealing the undamaged very large concrete statue or vase. But, there were odd tubes going in multiple directions and when the box moved they made sounds which resembled broken contents.
I saw the very large statue and vase removed from their shipping boxes with great care. I then saw the men begin to peel away or break away the hardened outer shell of the statues and vases. To reveal a very tightly wrapped soft mass(clay like) of something in which they were happy and excited to see. They sang a type of song that I could not hear. The wrapping was a clear plastic. End.
The vision was of only one transaction. The vision is the vision. My understanding is it must be nefarious. That is for the FBI, NSA, CIA and other agencies to ascertain if they ever see this.  
I found these two videos after the vision. The news about the explosive products required payment. I do not have any funds. So there is dated news from real news sites. I just found more news and wiki.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Cusp Of Christianity: (Unedited): 24 March 2023:

The cusp of Christianity is emerging from the fog of times progression. Soon Christians will have to decide to be of the world while living in the world. If the Christians cannot then they will not. But, the Christians who do, may not have ever been. 
Devout Christians will in the reality of the world will be pushed out of all aspects of modern day society. Which will include the denial of utilities and services. Which will include medical care and every kind of EMS. But, this short list is not the entirety. 
The world will have their accepted Christians. The worlds accepted Christians will embrace all manner of sin and decadence. Even to the degree that the expansion of what has already been seen where persons of deep and profound sin will stand in the holy places and become easily seen and applauded by the body. 
Devout Christians must become out of sight and out of mind. This is because the true Christians have refused to take part in the leadership of their nation at every level. This is because they have allowed the offensive social engineering of their own children through the public educational process. Devout Christians will see their own children walk away, absolutely reject Christianity and walk away. 
The disappearance of the actual devout Christians will mean the celebrated death of all that is actually good in the world. Leaving a voided absence to be fully occupied by all that is evil, wrong, bad, abusive and murderous. 
Christians must begin to live their lives free from all debt. Christians must live their lives within like minded communities. Christians cannot allow sin to be in their presence, in their homes, in their church and in their communities. Christian survival will be one of out of sight and out of the mind of the worldly ways. 
There will be no justice for the devout Christian who is abused, tortured and murdered. The worldly police and worldly military's of the world will kill you* all and it will be done in secret. There will not even be any evidence that you ever existed. 
You* Means all that which is good, pure, just, reasonable and innocent.
This is the intent of all that which is evil in the world. 
That which is pure, innocent and beautiful must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned.
That which is holy and righteous must be wholly ravaged, destroyed and burned. Which includes the entirety of their historical existence and memory***.
This is the final goal of the evil doers of the world. Regardless if they are in agreement or are aware. This also includes the absolute destruction of every Christian, Catholic, Islamic and Jewish holy place and document. Anything and everything which teaches anything good must be destroyed and burned. This is the intention of that which are the evil doers. 
Note** This also includes the indigenous tribes. 
Memory*** Any tool of the evil doers who hold onto the memory of their evil deeds against that which is good. They to shall also be killed, their family, their friends and they all shall be erased.
It is not enough to simply reject all that is good. It is not enough to simply choose good over evil. It s not enough to believe good is evil and evil is good. All that which is good in it's entirety must be absolutely murdered, destroyed and burned. This is the intent of all evil doers. Even if the evil doers are not fully committed or unaware in this point in time.
The full corruption of the FBI already seems very apparent. The corruption of the IRS and the ATF is coming into full swing. The corruption of the entire justice department is becoming more and more evident. These and many other agencies will be used against all devout Christians. These federal agencies will be able to manufacture all manner of evidence to be used against you in courts of law. AI will be able to manufacture your exact likeness and your exact words to the point that what is real and what is fake is indiscernible. 
You federal agents who still knows the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. Once your ordered to go after actual good people and that you physically know that they are not criminals or bad. If you continue on doing evil and bad things against them. You are in fact an evil doer after your own good thinking processes. You have made evil and bad choices in the name of career advancement and retirement. Which means you are willing to evil deeds for money. Even you federal agents will begin to see that fewer and fewer good agents exist. You may even try to hide yourself from the awareness of others. But, in the end and in-spite of being a good and honorable person. You will have to decide that you will just need to go find other work and a different life absent of the Federal Government.
.Vision time, I think. I see..deleted. Federal agents. Not bad or violent against agents.
You need to understand this. One of the very last things to happen to Israel every time they were destroyed was the loss of justice. Once justice ends so to the nation of God. The cusps of change is already apparent. What is one of the spiritual meanings of the black bird or Crow? Change? 
Christians have refused to be the leaders of their nation. Christians have refused to only vote for their fellow Christians. Christians have refused to be responsible for their nation. So Christians will become refused by their own nation. Christians will become criminalized by their own nation. Christians will be declared as insane by law and no longer having the legal rights of person hood or self decision. Christians will become rejected from all aspects of a modern day society. Christians will no longer enjoy any manner of freedom or liberty. Christians will lose. Those who are of the world will win. They will glorify in their power, authority and strength over all that is actually good in the world while never understanding that it is they who have become the most evil of all tools.  
These are just some of the things which may lead up to Armageddon.  I tell you the truth Armageddon has already begun with the ongoing rejection, death and destruction of good ideas and good belief systems. With the confusion of good is bad and bad is good. Think about it. War is not just physical, it is mental/emotional, it is intellectual and spiritual. What does the Holy Bible say about principalities and powers? 
Think about it as more and more humans believe their own self created delusions as truths. As humans believe more and more truths as lies and more and more lies as truths. This is also evidence of Armageddon at play prior to the prophetic ending. The end game of evil is the extinction of all humanity. In which all of humanity is the enemy of the evil ones. Which means even though you as a human work for, has committed to the evil ones. You to, human, once your usefulness has concluded shall be killed, murdered by that which you have sworn your allegiance. For you are human and you must end. This is the intention of the evil ones. Your just a useful mindless and stupid tool for them to use against your own human family. 
Even the humans at the highest and most secret levels of governmental existence. You are all just a useful tool for their plans against all of humanity. Which does include all of you. Even though you may even be fully committed and fully trusting of the actual evil ones who are pretending to be the good ones who only have the best interest of humanity at heart. Know this that when you are no longer needed. You will be killed very quickly. Fore your very human existence is offensive, undeserving and vile to them all. 
This might be a very basic assumption. In order for the evil ones to be happy. All of humanity must become extinct. It is also very important for the the evil ones to know that it is they who is orchestrating the extinction of humanity by using humans against each other dimensionally. This is how they wage war. Unlike human warfare which has began and evolved because of them.  
You the reader needs to know. I'm not the first to say the words I do. I'm just saying the time for you to make the most profound decisions of your life is imminent.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, July 1, 2022

The Hardening Of Hearts As The Prophecies Are Revealed +10: (Unedited): 01 July 2022:

New content below. Sometimes I still add content after I update. 
14 July 2022: Added minor content, minor edits and 8 quotes.  
How did this start today? I saw a great energy wave blow away all of the water on Earth, all of the mud, all of the sand, All of the life that touched the soils everywhere. All that would burn burned brightly. The Earth was still alive but devoid of the beauty of the first Heaven. The first Heaven removed from humanity. Just as the Garden of Eden was removed from Adam and Eve. I was completely saddened, distraught as I prefer the oceans or The Gulf Of Mexico. What I witnessed caused me to say aloud I do not want to be here without the oceans. Then I began to become angry with humanity as they did this to this beautiful planet. In order to correct what humanity had done. God had to cleanse the entire planet with a great fire. My anger was short lived as about 8+ billion souls are dead, in the Heaven of God or judged. Only those which remained were the ones selected by God. That number is only known to God, but, it could be 144,000+/-.  
I've learned that I've been denied the oceans. Never having anything more than what meets my/family bare needs. I wanted to be on ships and yet never have been. I watch boat videos and enjoy their enjoyment. Tears in my eyes now. Knowing that my beloved Golf Of Mexico will be gone. How I yearn to be in those Florida waters. But, My eyes have seen thousands of beautifully different sunsets. I have experienced many fearful storms. Yet, I'm always denied and prevented. Sometimes life is not fair and then I see the planet absolutely naked and without her covering of water and air, I am ashamed and profoundly sad. All of humanity was made to be caretakers of this planet and then caretakers in this solar systems. Then out into the vastness of this galaxies to be caretakers of the entire galaxy and then out even further and into forever.
Those true evil doers who read this will harden their hearts and scoff at the ridiculousness of it all.  The intention of all of my writing's is to save lives. Just a note for you: I have made zero money in the decades of my writing. So why, do I continue to write? To save lives. Unless, it is too late and those who thirst for all of the power and authority, know they are going to lose. Then they will destroy everything so that no one can have it, if they can't. Read my previous writings and do as they advise.

The US military does not have enough personnel, equipment, guns, bullets and missiles. 

The US military will have to fight in Alaska, Texas, Florida, California, Oregon, Washington, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, All of Western Europe, As well as in several other Asian nations. As well as New Zealand, and Australia. All at once. There will be war in every city and in every US state all at once.

American civilians do not have enough guns and athletic physical fitness to even keep up with what is gonna come through Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California (every city and every state). American civilians are too fat and old(me). The young American civilians are too physically and mentally weak from not doing anything but playing video games. There are too many Americans who are sickly(me) and addicted. 

All Canadians and all other foreign nationals must leave the USA. All of your assets will be lost. If you do not leave. Your rescue will be attempted but will most likely fail as EMP weapons will be in use. So if you want you and your family to live. Then you must leave the USA. This instruction is only meant to save lives.

There will be the American Tet Offensive. In which many hundreds or thousands of enemy teams will conduct attacks anywhere they choose every day and as often as they can. These will be Russian special forces, Chinese special forces, Military personnel from Central and South America. There may be as many as 100,000+ Islamic men conducting attacks all at once. They all will have every manner of military weapons. This will happen all at once. Tens of thousands of local Police, state police, Federal agents will lose their lives in less than a month. The purpose is to save all lives through prophetic revelation. 

Military Bases and Posts will be quickly over run and then used by enemy forces. The only reason why there will be initial prisoners of war is that it will be more efficient to kill them in groups and they properly dispose of the bodies so that no one will find them. So the enemy will promise to keep and to hold, To feed and care for. But, these will be falsehoods.

US Naval warships will be captured. Everyone killed once intelligence is gained from each one. Then they will be killed.

There will be many nuclear detonations on American soil. There will be many Nuclear EMP specific detonations.

More than 90% of all Americans will perish within the first year. The American part of the North American continent will be depopulated of everyone. The native tribes will be exterminated. The Latinos who wanted to be Americans will all be hunted and killed. The beautiful females will be kept alive that is until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of beautiful females will not be pleasant as they must please everyone or else. There will not be any bodies found or discovered. I see rivers of ash. I see cloudy gray water in many places. Lakes and rivers all of America will become Gray as ash as seen from orbit.

The American treasonous traitorous politicians/families will be rewarded for their actions. They all will believe they will have wonderful lives full of riches and comforts in the new world born from the purified ashes of old.  Because they are all shiny and beautiful rooster's in their own prideful eyes. So full of self that they will not see that when all that they have sold away and were rewarded for. They will only know that the order was for all Americans to die. The memory of what America is will die. The idea of freedom and human rights will die. It will not matter if they are patriots, traitors, Communists activists, American supporters, BLM, American Black Islam,  Indigenous tribes, or even Expatriates. They will all be hunted and killed. All of their bodies turned to Gray as they flow away in the waters.

The glamorous and cocky rooster so full of self beauty and determination to crow at all hours of the night. Will find themselves roasting over a lovely fire. C.J.MacKechnie

When eating the left wing and right wing of the same fire cooked rooster. You will discover that both wings look and taste the same. C.J.MacKechnie

People who pay you to be their bought and paid for friends will also order their own dedicated military to kill you and all of your family members once you are of no use.  Then dispose of your bodies so that no one will ever know. 

Russia will lose so many men and so many military assets. That China will look at their former enemy and then go through Russia and easily killing everyone. There will not be hostages or prisoners of war. The beautiful females will be kept alive until they become pregnant, troublesome or mentally ill. The lives of the kept females will not be easy as they must please everyone or else. Russia will end as it is depopulated. Then repopulated with Chinese.

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:

“Whom shall I send,
And who will go for Us?”

Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”

And He said, “Go, and tell this people:

‘Keep on hearing, but do not understand;
Keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’

10 “Make the heart of this people dull,
And their ears heavy,
And shut their eyes;
Lest they see with their eyes,
And hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart,
And return and be healed.”

11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?”

And He answered:

“Until the cities are laid waste and without inhabitant,
The houses are without a man,
The land is utterly desolate,
12 The Lord has removed men far away,
And the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land.
13 But yet a tenth will be in it,
And will return and be for consuming,
As a terebinth tree or as an oak,
Whose stump remains when it is cut down.
So the holy seed shall be its stump.”

Added on 14 July 2022:
Mocking, ridicule, and even celebration will coincide with any prophetic utterance or event. Even in the Christian denominations and churches will become apathetically silent. 
Denominations and churches will only focus on the brand they put forth. The partying, outgoing and fun time church for the people. Ignorant, Blind and deaf those members will go forth like lambs and cattle to slaughter. Being lead to a place which is contrary to their understanding. 
In those days prior to the taking away of the first heaven. In those coming days prior to the black sky. Prayers, worry and great fear God will not hear from those who profess and yet have never become holy, righteous. God speaks to them all once, ...I never knew you..., as judgement is administered.
Those churches which put forth their brand of self promoting feel good and self worth without any other action on the followers part except for their cash admittance. The churches actually becomes a blight on the poorest in their surrounding community. God sees the evidence, hears the prayers and cries of those who humbly suffer the most right across the street. While at the same time hear not your prayers, your worship songs full of human glorious pride. 
The rewards to the glorious wayward church full of wealth of self with no concern for others who suffer the most. These rewards are from the declared god of this world and not from the God of the Holy Bible. The rewards that these wayward churches experience and of their deceived followers is all the reward they will ever get. For the love of one another is absent within each one of them. For the love of one another is only mental knowledge and yet absent of any intention or substance with their own hearts. 
The wicked sinner, the unrepentant soul and the professing Christian will not even be aware when God hardens their own minds and hearts as they never consider any aspect of genuine repentance. Thus, shall be the evidence of having already been judged. For the man of the right of Christ repented just enough to Christ. While the other only continued to mock as his mind and heart become frozen in time. 
To put it all simply, There will be those who know the time of repentance is at hand and yet they never make it to actually repent. There can always be many reasons for this. Self judging of ones own self above the judgement of God. God has already judged the soul. And more flawed human reasons. But, for the lowly and humbled sons and daughters of God. You will not know either way and still you should always lead every soul to actual repentance with love, mercy, compassion and continued never ending encouragement. That is until the Holy Spirit either leads them or you away. 
Entire church congregations may not or will not even be aware of anything prophetic is occurring as all of their church activities revolves around the sickness and death of church members. For these preserved churches will not even be in the same category as the churches of Philadelphia and Smyrna.  
The spirit of death will maintain it's presence in many small poor churches as those members die off, their souls shall be preserved and taken into glory.  So do not categorize certain churches as dying churches. For what you see as a dying church may in fact be a preserved church and a fully saved church.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
Musings of an American Truck Driver books
========== May 2022: ========================

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Coming Prophetic Events From This New First Transitionary President: (Unedited): 08 Nov 2020:

I guess hold until the swearing in of the new President. 
Hold until after 08 Dec 2020 through Dec 16 2020: Reason for hold is human decision and human action. In which I have not seen any of either. 
Added on 22 Nov 2020: New hold on content. New legal threats have been made by the Trump legal team. The Trump team has lost in Philadelphia and most like will lose in Atlanta or New Smyrna(Biblical Code).
Hold until after 21 Nov 2020: Not in any timing order. I sense a code. These events can take place out to almost 2050 but most likely 2036 or sooner. but, could be 3.5 years from Biden holding office.  The human time line is only known to God alone. 
08 Nov 2020:
I awoke from dreaming about gun shots from within the Whitehouse. 
The new president will centralize all police forces, powers and authority.
The new President will start a war with a nation who thirst to kill Americans. American soldiers will be sent and they will have no support or ammunition(Benghazi time a hundred thousand). They will be slaughtered. Those who will be sent will be diehard Americans and who will only honor their oaths to the Constitution of the United States and to the American flag. 
The American people will be disarmed. Those who refuse will be label terrorists and killed in their own homes called compounds and terrorist training camps. No one will know.
The entire media will only report that which is agreeable to the President only. Truth and facts no longer matter. Only the new political ideology matters. This has already been seen in Fox News. 
Any repeating writing should be considered as prophetically strong. 
The internet that Americans have will be sanitized. There will be no content which disagrees with the new government/Whitehouse. All media sources will be sanitized. 
The internet will be divided. Just as there are many levels of the internet. A new civilian internet level will be created by the new government. There will also be governmental levels of internet access as well as political family levels of the internet. All of the internet levels will have a single GUI access at the highest levels of government. In which search engines and all unwanted content can be easily and efficiently sanitized quickly. Any dissenting content can be quickly investigated and the offending person or persons can then be made to disappear as well as family members. Entire towns can be completely erased. Wow. I'm seeing that right now in a wake vision. An entire town where all of the people were killed and then their bodies placed in mobile big rig truck incinerators. The entire town was completely destroyed and burned. All concrete structures removed including foundations. All roads wiped away. Then trees planted like one would plant a forest. The history of that place completely removed and maybe even the memory. 
Christian denominations, churches and persons which/who uphold the laws of God, The teachings of actual sin, The teachings of holiness and righteousness will be forced to close their doors. The men and women who are in the churches who have become holy and righteous shall become proclaimed terrorists, criminalized and defined as mentally ill. Thus, losing all rights to their own personhood. Which leads the way for the forced mark in the hand or forehead. Where the mark on the hand may mean a willingness while the mark on the forehead may tell everyone you were forced. The mark in the forehead may also indicate access to the computer systems of the world. Could this lead to a Matrix like education and retraining system to come. Like or similar to what Elon Musk is developing. 
As with any Marxist Communist Socialist state. A culling must happen. The new President and the new government must kill any opposing strength and force in their new land. Which means all who dissent will be killed. They will be killed in private and in the public eye. The media will report that they are crazy criminals who hate the new freedoms of the people and have chosen to be killed by government forces/police. Something like "suicide by cop". NO ONE WILL KNOW and no one can or will talk about it. 
All of the military might of a downsized military forces will be used against states and the civilian population. But, first the entire military must be sanitized of all devout constitutionally minded persons. 
States who do not follow the new Government edicts will be punished by the new federal Governments military forces. This happens when guns are removed, the police forces and the states national guard units are disbanded and all devices removed. 
New taxation distribution plan shall defund all or most republican states and those monies shall go into democrat states. 
A mass financial exodos will occur. Time to divest in America is now. Time to leave America is now. Is this to harsh for you who only wants to save themselves? Go and save yourself and your family. If you want your family to survive as well. You have the financial means today and right now to do as you wish. So you must plan for your own defined future right now. 
A new exodus will occur from Americans who become expats. Except their is no real freedom loving nations to go to. Where they can worship God freely. For all nations will follow suit and become anti-Christian as all truly devout Christians will become the terrorists of the entire world. The death, murder and martyrdom of Christians will mostly be in silence, no media reporting and no police investigations. These truly devout Christians will be lambs led to the slaughter in the entire world. Their entire bodies will be cremated and their ashes poured into the oceans and in crop fields. Their evidence of existence will be erased. Even if the killing of all family and friends is necessary. This will also be done to those families who want any of the old freedoms and to have the freedom to do as they want. No one will know. 
Sicknesses and diseases will kill off more and more of the elderly. This will be a governmental plan as the elderly, injured, weak, disabled, mentally ill, retarded, criminally minded will be seen as blights to the new government. So these kinds of people must die. No one will know. 
Even the original criminally minded who supported the rise of the new government for a price shall die for they were the cost and once they are paid they are no longer useful idiots. So enjoy your new yachts and new used cars. While you can. For your things will be re-gifted and your ashes be become more useful in their vegetable and fruit gardens.  
A glorious funeral will occur worldwide for President Biden and Kamala Harris will be the new president. The first Presidential funeral. 
All elections will be rescinded and political appointments shall be made. 
Any civilian who has knowledge of martial arts, military tactics, weapons training, hunting experience and history cannot be trusted to live in the new Government. They will be hunted and killed. All without any media reporting. No one will know. 
The Latino/Hispanic people shall journey back to their own original nations and take back with them all of their wealth. Early on it will be seen as a terrible bad situation for each of those countries in Mexico, central and south America. But, those persons will bring with them much knowledge, understanding, skills and organizational gifts. Those nations which receive their beloved children back home will see the most economic benefits. Those nations which plan for their return ahead of time will be blessed more than they ever knew possible. These plans must begin right now. 
What was seen in Venezuela will also be seen in what was the United States of America. All of the natural resources such as oil wealth monies will be in the hands of the new political leaders and their families. While the new political leaders and their families will be safe in their own exclusive zones which will be free of any unworthy citizenry. All of that wealth will be utilized by them alone. While at the same time professing their Green New Deal. It is a deal for them and a method on how to steal even more while profiting the most. Just like in Venezuela. Thefts from the people while professing the glory of the people is the basic communist and socialist lie. The truth is to follow the money and then look at Russia and China. Who has all of the wealth and who doesn't? Who has actual freedom and who doesn't? The truth is found after you follow the money from the source to the final bank accounts. 
A new name for slavery shall arise in the former USA. The rise of slavery will be one of purpose, meaning and responsibility for the whole of the new unity. The new slavery will be an evolution of what Migrant workers are today. Since Americans do not have a problem with slave like wages of the disabled(Yea, That is law in many states like Florida). Since Americans do not have a problem with slavery in the prison system. Since the American people do not have a problem with purchasing slave made products from China, India, Central America, South America and other nations. The American people will not have a problem with a new defined slave program within the new government entity under a more wonderful and appealing heading. Because it is for the people and by the people.  
Added on 08 Nov 2020: Hurricane ETA meaning. 
Counsel. Luminous.
A member of a class of outcasts in Japan. This is an insult. 
A terrorist member of a Basque militant group in Spain. 
ETA Meaning= Estimated Time of Arrival.
Added on 08 Nov 2020: President Elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Name meanings.
Added on 11 Nov 2020: As the sound of the last Trump fades. The destroyer emerges. We The people have chosen wrong. The blessed people will become like the many times Israel had been destroyed. 
The worship of Kamala Harris begins. 
In order for Kamala Harris to hold onto power for up to 16 years. She must remain Vice President while still having all of the power of and over President Biden. Kamala Harris must also be able to keep Biden alive and healthy for the next 8 years. If President Biden dies in his second term. Then kamala Harris can still run for two terms at which point. President Kamal Harris can declare herself as Chairman or a fitting title for a goddess. The devout Christians will know her as what is already commonly known in Christian Prophecy. I do not see any harm coming to her by any human hands or human planning. 
This is what I saw. 
Kamala Harris will be developing military units in the hundreds of thousands and federal militarized FBI units. Who swear a life and death oath to their goddess Kamala Harris who identifies by her god like name which is kept from me. I see a very high percentage of Indian and other foreign nationals who suddenly become American citizens because of this promissory action. This will take years to develop. The goddess unknown name Kamala Harris will also have intimate religious relations with her top leaders and her most elite as some sort of rite of promise thing, Unknown to me, Very powerful intimacy. Very powerful brain washing techniques will be used along with unknown mind altering chemicals(crazy talk???). 
Then these troops will be used against the Americans who desire to die for their freedoms and their God who has departed from them. The troops of Kamala Harris will go forth to give them their deaths and no one will know the truth. The people who learn of these actions from the media will know those who were killed as home grown traitors and terrorists. 
I see US Navy warships surrounding the USA coastal waters. The might of the US Military/Navy shrinks. All or most bases outside of the USA are given back to those nations. Many warships are sold off to other nations. India may receive the bulk of those ships. Which will include Cruisers , Destroyers and aircraft carriers. This is all still blurry with castings of multiple overlay images. This could end up none, to some or many and maybe all of them. 
The Continental USA becomes a prison. 
The institution of slavery by another more pleasing name. 
Christians and freedom loving people flee what was America. They are severely abused, tortured, killed and cremated.
Added on 11 Nov 2020: 
Added on 17 Nov 2020: Coup d'état
You need to know. I do not really follow any news sources on a regular basis. You need to know a coup d'état does not have to be violent but can get very violent after all power and authority has been accumulated and centralized. The take over does not have to be legal or right. Never the less they still do happen. 
So when President elect Biden acknowledges and admits fraud in a manner that does not appear as wrongdoing. This is a problem. This video and all content which paints the new rulers Kamala Harris and Biden in a poor light will disappear. The president elect has said this and other things which is problematic. Yet, the American people elected him or not and yet do not care. President elect Biden spoke those words as clearly as I have heard him speak anything as clearly before. So , I do not believe news media sources like Reuters listed below. They are covering up his admittance. 
Laws must be passed. Laws made by the stroke of the Presidential pen. In these things hidden secrets of the accumulation of power. By the stroke of a pen will the president begin to turn the NSA, CIA and the FBI against all of the people who is, will and has stood against their new political party. The military will also have new powers and authorities to initiate combat with American citizens on American soil. The media will be used to positively promote the President in all things. Even making Biden and Harris as glorious gods. That greatest that we have ever seen or known. The/All Christian terrorists must be stopped as these terrorist will be blamed for every terrorist attacks. Even the terrorist attacks orchestrated by the government agents. 
But, these things will not happen on day one. It will take time to purge the NSA, CIA, FBI, every state and local investigative agencies, all state and local police forces of all Constitution loving people. Only those who swear an oath to President Biden but especially to Kamal Harris. Will be placed in positions of authority. Those who have been and not any more will find themselves in terrible accidents. Not to be known by any one and as these accidental killings will become in the many thousand's. No one will no and no one will investigate and the news media will not cover the stacking evidence of numerous deaths known to them. Even former military people who have a conscious and have sworn to uphold the constitution and the flag. Will find themselves targeted for attack and yet they will not be aware and only die as their body is taken away and cremated. In the beginning wives and children will be left alive and this practice will be altered to include all family members who will be killed. Think about that secret agent person who investigates me or is investigating me. Why do you want me to know that you are watching me unless you want me to be in fear. To cause another soul to be in fear is harm and causing harm is evil. Are you not a female type right now as you look angry after me.  I'm not a threat to anything which is actually good. I am a threat to that which is evil and this is not by my own perspective. For the will of God will happen no matter what you think or want and no matter what I think or want. Will you be in the way of God? I think you are and when you begin to see this. The evil princes of the world will know even you as the new threat as you cannot keep your new thoughts or intentions away from those evil powers. Yes, they are real. 
This current and maybe last window of opportunity closes in a few days. The powers of the world is against President Trump. All of the media is against President Trump. The majority of the American people have heard and have known the truth and yet they do nothing and will do nothing. Except to die. Yes, the die hard American citizens will die as is what the new modern socialist states will do and that guide post of the new modern socialist state is China. Even with institutionalized slavery under new creative names. Even with reeducation camps and those who cannot be reeducated will be cremated and no one will know except God and His angels. For the place beneath the feet of God must be filled with innocent souls. It will be you the evil doer who does this and when God has had His fill. All evil doers will be destroyed and the entire planet will be purified with fire. Humanity can still mitigate and or prevent all bad and sad prophecies. But, that window of averting coming bad and sad prophetic events is also closing. The delay in this publishing is somewhat related. 
I still see in my visions men who take all manner of civilians and then not returned. Brutal beatings ensue. Just like lions who seek those who go out alone and then attack. Just like a pack of wolves who separate their chosen pray from the heard to be devoured. Those who are not returned are cremated. You will become like the lions and wolves who receive great anticipatory joy in the coming attack on some unsuspecting soul. You won't even know who the person you are about to attack is or was. You won't even care if he/she is a war hero. You won't care except that you will be able to cause another soul much pain and suffering before you may be chosen to go for the kill. Killing another you will see and know as a great respect and honor. But, you will be so delusional that you will not see what the truth is about you. You have become an animalistic murderer who finds joy in causing harm and suffering. This makes you evil. 
Added on 19 Nov 2020: 
The military shall be downsized. News laws shall be passed on the legal use of the military. The American people will begin to see it as a good idea that the US military will become a military force which only protects the US national assets. These force reductions and redeployments will be seen as huge cost savings. All of this will be seen as good by the Americans and the world. Until all of those military assets are removed and those nations suddenly see themselves as defenseless.
The Re-established US Military begins by forming a new defensive posture. Then as the rise of Christian terrorists all of the US Military begins to turn and look inward and then attack and kill all Christians with their weapons and missiles of warfare. Civil war you say. Sick you remain. Out of shape you are. Unable to trust one another enough to actually form military units. Go it alone you say, think and believe, you do. Hide in your own secret self created doomsday bunker and share not. Is like the foot saying to the hand I need you not. The skin saying to the liver your not important. The body of Christ is one unified body and not individual parts going in their own self determined way. Think about it as you insult the Methodists, Baptists and other denominations. For God only sees the ten churches and eight of them were admonished while only two were praised. Which is your church of admonishment or praise. While your thinking about that also know that it is God who sends/has sent/is sending still a powerful/strong delusion to the whole world, as in to everyone and this is a gift for His own children. So if you cannot discern, see, know or feel this strong delusion and the effects. Whose child are you, really?
The truth is not his truth, her truth, your truth or my truth. The source of truth only comes from God, The spirit of Truth and from Jesus Christ. 
NOTE: The name Spirit of Truth is just another name for the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.
A new centralized propaganda machine shall be created. Each nation especially the USA will have their own news sources. The internet becomes a nationalized and a world propaganda machine. Which includes all data streams shall be sanitized with only approved content. No dissention of data. The internet must be free and open to every citizen in the world. 
Think about this. prophecy states the two men of God who are killed and their bodies left in the streets for three days are celebrated in the whole of the world to such a degree a new Christmas like day is started with the exchanging of gifts. How can this happen that the whole world comes against God? 
Added on 22 Nov 2020: This current widow is coming to a close or has already closed. 
No one cares in America. There should have been millions of people in every city and in every state protesting against the media and the current method in the election process. It is obvious that the whole world is against President Trump. It is obvious that the news media believes that they have the legal right to call elections. But, in all of this turmoil the American citizen is doing nothing and does not care if this Country is stolen or becomes a socialist state. One million man march does not force an issue. No one cares if the truth is known. No one cares if lies and deceptions are the way to do anything. No one cares that one side has cheated or not. No one cares about the legal process.
Because of American apathy. You will reap that which you sow. Apathy is a seed of nothingness. The nothingness is a weed which will overtake all that you think is wonderful and beautiful.
Note: Isn't that from some book? 
Added on 23 Nov 2020: President Donald trump arrested vision. I have had this vision multiple times. I think My visions are in a cross road of time. Where I can see either events. Which is why I'm holding onto this. President Trump played another card and I still see that the most recent door of opportunity has already closed. I see an actual civil war in the distance. 
The true freedom loving people who will be on one side of this civil war will lose as the new Marxist socialist will use every manner of weapons of warfare against the red blooded Americans and their blood will freely flow. 
As soon as president Biden who isn't really and who will be under the influence of the actual president who isn't either Kamala Harris. His first order is to arrest the former president Donald trump for high treason and he will be executed. His entire family will lose all of their wealth and be arrested as well. 
Added on 24 Nov 2020: Christian Censorship: 
Self administered Christian censorship is all fear based and against the will of God. So be careful in what you stop talking about. Be careful in what you delete in any Christian media communication. It may be God talking even if the person typing or speaking the soon to be deleted content is unaware. 
I see dead people.
Today's vision @1700 hrs. I was in a march. A walking march to some place. I'm not walking anywhere. So it must be some kind of forced, coerced or mandatory type of march. I do not see or notice any enemy and I was looking downward. I'm not that kind of person to only look downward. I have to look at everything and everyone. I noticed a decomposing partial body/corpse somewhat buried in a ditch and no one seemed to care as the march progressed. I had the thought that - that was not the only body which was passed by. 
Added on 25 Nov 2020: 
I'm not sure if I wrote this down or not. But here is the news of what certain groups want to happen. I have seen it as something which does happen and a lot more against Christians.
You need to know something. I do not write in order to be the first one. I write in order for those who do read. Take it upon themselves to mitigate and/or prevent the coming of any bad and sad prophetic word.... Period..... I do not want to be write. (yes, I know what I rote). For me being rong is not as important as those who read what I write and decide to change their lives and start living the purple words below. Because, The current windows for the American people and this blessed nation of God seems to have been closed. What comes is this. Good loses and the American population is diminished by maybe up to 90% in the first year after the EMP like event or a variety of events. If this election was indeed stolen. Then that is the second event and the first being the biological weapon called Covid 19. Which seems to be classified and owned by the American CDC. One of the first rules of thumb when creating a bio weapon is to make sure the bio weapon does not mutate or evolve on its own. Which means when the second iteration of covid 19 comes around it is a different bio weapon. Just as the any singular virus can have a multitude of designed mutations. So to will this Corona virus seem to mutate many times and placed into the American society. But, in fact it is a bio weapon. 
Added on 27 Nov 2020: 
Over coming the dragon and all of its evil followers is more than just surviving any or every life and death situation. It is all about enduring unto your physical ending. In which when you endure unto your physical end you are awaken to eternal glory. 
Added on 28 Nov 2020: The green deal is not about cleaning up the planet. The green deal is all about the green ink on money. The deceptive practices, half truths along with the absence of information is how socialist deal in the world today. They watched Venezuela and how those socialist who lead Venezuela have robbed that nation of its inherent wealth and freedom of the civilian population. Those socialist leaders then sent their family members to many nations such as the USA and then they destroyed their own nation when they knew their own family was safe behind gated communities. Put it this way Venezuelan oil production was valued at $22 Billion dollars in 2017. The value of US Oil Production is more than $245 billion dollars per year. So the socialist who take over the US Government is gonna let all of that money just stop? NO. They will divert those tax free funds into their own personal accounts. The theft of American oil production can easily be done without any awareness of any unwitting American as all of the oil will flow into pipelines down to ships on the coasts. No one will know the truth. Except for those major oil producing corporations as they are stripped of all of their own wealth and all ownership given to the state or taken by the state. Follow the money in everything you seek when finding the truth. Follow the money in the foreign ownership of the news media sources. Then you will begin to see what is in store for all Americans. What happened to Venezuela will also happen to America once all Americans are disarmed and defenseless. Those Americans who refuse the new rule of law will also die alone without any news reporting or police investigations.
The new police force must be created filled with people whom the new government leaders will trust. Those who have sworn an oath to the constitution of the USA and to the Christian God will not be desired or wanted. A socialist nation can only have people who swear allegiances to the leaders of the new socialist state. All of the news media and the hate for police and the end of police forces shall precede the new nationalized police forces. The new nationalized police forces will all be militarized and will be able to operate violently against any dissenting American civilian without any legal fears or restraints from the old Constitutional Republic American Government style. 
All who are killed or are disappeared shall be cremated. Big rig trucks which haul mobile cremation incinerators shall go along with the new police forces. These have not been made yet as the ones which exist still only cremate one body at a time. From what I have discovered. When it is encountered that how many former Americans are being cremated and it is not efficient. They will look to how Nazi Germany did it. After all, Nazi Germany and the USSR are their ancestors. The biggest threats to socialists is anyone who loves freedom and follow the Christian, Jewish and Islamic God. Which is the same even though this idea is not prevalent in any of their minds nor is their own brotherhood with each other. 
Added on 02 Dec 2020: Answering a question. Be sure to read the American answer. In case of any kind of war. You will be on your own. So you must prepare now. Then hope that nothing happens and worry not if something does happen in 5 - 10 years or more. 
#USA #Russia #China #nuclear #war #survival #survivalist #preppers #doomsday
Added on 05 Dec 2020: After much prayer. I know believe that the meaning of what is happening in Atlanta Georgia can be spiritually defined as "The End Of The Line". 
Questions: For who is the end of the line? This will become evident between and afterwards as well Dec 8-15. 
Commented on 05 Dec 2020 but added here on 07 Dec 2020: The Jim Bakker Show on the YouTube channel. 
The meaning of these event for Atlanta Georgia, in which Smyrna Georgia is also just Northwest of Atlanta, just outside of the circle. "THE END OF THE LINE". End of the line for who or which group of people? This will become evident sometime between 08 Dec 2020 and 15 Dec 2020 and thereafter. In which if this becomes an anti Christian nation. People like Pastor Jim Bakker will be seen as heroic. Along with Cahn and Stone. I think there is one name missing. New awareness. Must be tested as all things must be continually tested. Who will be the modern day Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego? The Hebrew names of the three youths were Hananiah (חֲנַנְיָה‎ Ḥănanyāh), "Yah is gracious", Mishael (מִישָׁאֵל‎ Mîšā’êl), "Who is what El is?" and Azariah (עֲזַרְיָה‎ Ǎzaryāh), "Yah has helped" Daniel is a masculine given name and a surname of Hebrew origin. It means "God is my judge" Who are most like these 4 names?
Added on 07 Dec 2020: Fundamental Change in the Trumps. 
Do they all die? Do they all go to jail? Will they negotiate and leave the USA? This is very blurry and murky hence only questions. I still see President Donald trump arrested, But, now that image is shaky. 
Talking audio vision: Weird. I spoke the ATF no longer licenses firearm manufacturers or sales or ownership of specialized licenses like full auto's. Then I spoke a no renewal of all firearms related licenses. Which includes all aspects of firearms businesses and ownership. Maybe, there is some kind of buy back, but I do not know any more than what was spoke. The other comments are assumption by me.
Added on 08 Dec 2020: Hunting and fishing licenses cancelled. Why together? As the US or maybe the specific federal agency may no longer have that authority to grant licensing permits? Maybe, to make it appear that this is not just about guns but about the green deal as fish populations have diminished so steps are taken to bring back fish populations. This is not just about fish but all aspects of ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico as well as all lakes, streams and rivers. Is this related to the US giving up its sovereign territorial rights on all of the waters to the UN?  
Added on 09 Dec 2020: The great cleansing by the world begins. Those things that the world system(s) dislike or does not want begins to disappear and no one will say anything. This includes all historical content and actual human history. In which many of these things are already an ongoing process. If there is content you want to save. Save it now and if it becomes a crime to own such content. You will be criminalized. You may even be denied access if you profess yourself to being a Christian. In which the question will be asked because everyone has the right to know who you are when your on a public domain governed by the worlds authorities. 
My writings are a group of puzzles. All which are contained in one box. In which who is right with God can assemble without the pictures on the cover. 
(All content must be tested). 
I see former President Trump in prison clothes and no make up. His hair a shambles and his very white appearance of total defeat. With a heading "This is what guilty looks like" along with hundreds of other very offensive quotes. End.
Added on 13 Dec 2020: Church !%&$# day. (Not a curse word)(hidden action word).
Those who are against the Christian denominations and churches will attack churches the day before church services. They will just drive through church parking lots and do certain actions. Which would only be an irritating action. But, this will be a planned attack across the country and maybe the world against Christian churches and denominations. These attacks may continue to happen yearly or on planned celebrated days. There will also be people who have so much hate for the Christians that the attacks will escalate. 
So churches must also have security cameras which aim down the roads in all directions. Churches must have security cameras on their drive ways and parking lots. Churches must have at least two cameras on each door. The churches must be able to obtain license plate numbers as well as good facial recognition  capability. So that way when these events happen all over the USA. Law enforcement can take definitive action.  
Churches will also have many non Christians watching their churches and reporting all manner of alleged crimes as well as code enforcement complaints. In which these people will create the actual code problems and then call in the complaint. 
Churches will also have all manner of disruptions as well as all manner of typical crimes. To such a degree that the church leaderships will question if they should remain open as they will not be able to guarantee anyone's safety. Especially, when Christians are attacked after church services in their own front yards, restaurant's and stores. Christians personal homes become vandalized. Complaints against Christians places of employment. Christians will lose their jobs as employers will not be able to guarantee the safety of other employees. None of these things will make the news cycles. 
Christian doomsday preppers. All Christians must begin to make preparations for themselves, their families and their friends. Individuals and small families who go it alone will all die alone. You will also need to create small self isolated and interconnected micro economies. Then use the laws which benefit Sam's Clubs, COSTCO and other exclusive clubs like the Eagles alcohol drinking private clubs. 
The most important of all of your preparations will be this. To have as a part of your foundation LOVE. Then be able to reject and flee from all sin. To seek forgiveness for every sinful thought. To pursue holiness and righteousness everyday, every hour, every minute and every second. To stay in the Holy Bible as if your dying of thirst. To continually pray without cessation. Then to go forth, love one another and serve one another no matter the cost. If these activities require you to move then pray and act accordingly with immediacy. The next economic downturn will be in the fall of 2022. The best time to sell is when prices are high. The best time to buy is when prices are low. Do your research and due diligence. Fast, Pray and listen before you do anything. This also includes listening to your spouses or even your children. Once you have questioned their dreams or visions without accusations or blame. If you the man then you must account for your own pride and ego. This is why God talks to children and spouses other men like you. Even if your some pastor of some church or the boss of some company. Sometimes God will even send you a smelly homeless person who isn't coherent except for that one time. 
Added on 20 Dec 2020: 
The loneliness of President Trump. A man alone. A man isolated. A man surrounded by traitors even his own Vice president, Generals, Admirals and staff. For even the Judges, FBI, CIA, NSA and all other agencies is against this sitting President. It is revealed that the entire American government is a self serving entity and not for the people nor by the people. Will President Trump be arrested in full view of the world immediately after Biden's swearing in ceremony? or will president Trump be the one who does the arresting when he remains President? The stresses of human decision and human timing. For God knows. 
I add this knowing the end of President Donald trump is at hand and yet I still withhold this writing. The era of President Trump may come to an end as President Kamala Harris comes into being. Ushering in a state of socialism and communism. 
Donald Trump has revealed by his presence that state of the world and how the United States has become the enemy of the coming one world government. In which this organization has been revealed through the revealing of Americas own hidden deep state or that which lurks below the surface of the swamp. Those friendly nations who have laughed at this sitting president in reality is not our friend even though we still see our friends as our friend's. Even a nation like Canada who can make military deals with China. I have even written about the leadership of Canada who allows a Russian Invasion force to get to those American military bases in between mountain passes. I wonder if Canada will even make road improvements. 
So America has become a lone island of freedom in this socialized and communistic world. A world which has already decided before the Clintons and Bushes to end the United States of America. This process had to begin so as to cause a minimal effect upon the world. So as to cause a diminishing of the military capabilities of the American military power. So as to cause a diminishing of manufacturing and economic capability. In which manufacturing and economic diminishing began as far back as the mid 1960's. To me I can see these things and it may be to late to overcome without civil war or a world war. In which the USA has become helpless and defenseless to modern day warfare. But, the one world leaders want the wholeness of the American infrastructure if possible. This is why you see the "B" in NBC warfare. This is why the investment in the weaponization of the Human Genome Project of the early 2000's. The puzzle pieces have been revealed. It may be too late for Americans to fight back especially when their ability to have children becomes greatly diminished. Because of these new rounds of vaccination's. This is about the elimination of the undesired races and the poor. Look for specific races of people who will be deemed as first because they care more for their specific races of people. This is more about the history of the masses of people who stand up and violently overthrow their evil dictators. The common people must be made to become less than, while at the same time saving the infrastructures which have already been made. 
You need to understand that people cannot be trusted by those who are devoutly evil. Which is why the weaponization of everything is at hand. Even those new CERN like technologies which is unconceptualized by the common human being of the world. Which is why all aspects of warfare is becoming AI robotic like. Think about it a robot does not question their programming or orders. Robots do not have to fight their own fears, courage, insecurities or memories. Robots are not concerned about family or friends. Robots are not concerned with right or wrong. Robots made for warfare just obey and it is that simple. So when the iterations of robotic development becomes much more than they are today. They will be used against human flesh in which a human cannot stand in the face of any robot which cannot be negotiated with. A human cannot plead or beg with a robot for mercy or compassion. 
Think about this. Why do dictators have such a strong following? Because they believe deeply in their supreme leader. Their supreme leader who continually provides for them all and their families. This is the essence of socialism and communism. Their followers may believe deeply and without question. But, their lifestyle is much greater and better than that of a common person. There is a degree of a sense of increased or more freedoms. This life style becomes preferred even if that deeply believing follower is forced to give their life for their supreme ruler. But, they also give their life for the continued betterment of their own family. In which it is believed that if their own parent is will to sacrifice their own life for their own supreme leader then the possibility of their children's dedication may be assumed as assured. 
But once that a devout follower realizes that the idea of socialism and communism is only about the leadership and not about the people. Even the statues, banners and all of media are lies to the common people. All used to keep all of the people in line with one singular thought which is dictated by their one supreme leader who seems to be godlike. The formerly devout person becomes the enemy of the state even if the state does not realize this. Which is proof that the supreme leader is not godlike. Because, a god must know your treasonous state of mind. The conflict within your own heart and yet the state and the godlike supreme leader knows it not. Which is the evidence that all you have known, learned, believed and done is all based in a fundamental lie. But, because the idea and status of America and what it once stood for is about to die. Most likely through genetic population controls. These genetic population controls will come in the form of vaccinations. While at the same time the idea that you can live the life you want without the hinderance of children. A life full of freedom and fun without the problems associated with human children while believing that a dog or cat can become your children. Which is sufficient. 
Added on 21 Dec 2020: The great conjunction of Jupitar and Saturn. Wrongly called the Christmas star. Today is the winter solstice. On this day another great understanding taught by Pastor Perry Stone.
Added on 24 Dec 2020: Vice President Pence is beginning to look like an enemy of the state. 
Is Pence a bad or dirty penny or as worthless as a penny? Fate of pence shall be realized by all. In difficult times you begin to realize about yourself that you are either a coward or a hero. No matter what you will know the truth. How much are you willing to risk Pence? twice as much as worthless penny twice. After all, you can lose everything and go to jail with Trump when and if Kamal Harris takes the oath of office. because, who is going to run the Whitehouse? Not Biden and you already know it and yet no one has said anything.
What is the resolve of Pence? Is this his great test of honor or horror? Is this his great test of righteousness and holiness? Is this Pence's revelation to all Americans that he is also a traitor just like everyone else in the so called deep state. 
Added on 27 Dec 2020: Something has changed. A more of a certainty. Sometimes all you can do is walk away. When We The People have made their collective decisions. God will no longer support your righteous and holy efforts. It is just time to go. Do not be sad for your self perceived failed efforts. For it is not you who has failed but rather it is We The People who have failed themselves.
God closed the door on Noah. Just as God has closed the door on you. Your not the bad guy just as Noah was not the bad guy. I have a profound sadness. 
I heard about about the Nashville bombing a few days ago and just heard about the odd music. 
The song "Downtown": by Petula Clark is a message to President Donald Trump. "Your alone". Isn't Donald trump from NYC? I wrote about the loneliness of Donald Trump on the 20th Dec 2020: Of course you have to believe as I have not yet published this writing. So there is no date stamps. I have to wait for the swearing in ceremony. The last lone Trump-eter. 
Added on 01 Jan 2021: Bitcoin and other related monies prophecies. 
With an incoming one world government or a worldwide centralization of a one world currency. All authority and control over a singular currency may preclude any other money uses and or investments. So investment in these currency types without permission of of the singular government. But, the time frame may be some time between now and 2030ish or 2022, 2029, 2036. I'm not a financial expert by any measure. 
05 Jan 2021: Read 05 Dec 2020 up above: Atlanta, Georgia is the end of the line. But, for whom? President Donald Trump represents the Christians and all of the evil of their pasts. While the worldly liberal democrats who are truly not representative of anything good or American represent the evil which has always been within. 
Added on 08 Jan 2021: 
Welcome to the ongoing effects of the Rainbow Tsunami. The events that Americans have been witnessing since Nov 2019: Has all been planned. The end result of this Rainbow Tsunami will be destruction and death. But, not in the manner that you would see in a real tsunami. The destruction and death will be in the form of the US Constitution, The Bill of rights, Freedom, liberty, self governorship, decision making and ownership of things. 
The American people are now either in shock or in celebration. Those who mean to rule like their own Communist and socialist ancestors. Shall be embolden to do so. They will kill and murder without any knowledge of any civilian. There will be no bodies to hide as evidence. 
A never ending string of emergencies must occur in order for this new government to rush in to save the day. The new emerging government must be seen as the savior of all. Because, in the aftermath of any emergency event or tsunami is when the most people die. 
Did you notice I did not mention religion? Not sure why? Absence of information is always important. Think about it. Have you ever done a puzzle and a piece was missing. Every piece is important until the missing piece is discovered. Biblically thing about the lost sheep.
Added on 13 Jan 2021: The Trump legacy as a complete and total failure as defined by those who intend to rule like the Socialists and Communists that they are. 
In order for Socialism and communism to begin on a strong footing. Those who rule will severely criticize all of those who were ever against them. Even to the point of arrest and starvation. Even to the point of erasing all history pertain to liberty, freedom and religion. The soon to be former president Trump will be characterized as the worse ever. While at the same time all of those who have been in the struggle for the advancement of socialism and communism will be deemed as heroic. New statutes which represent the people in all of the peoples glory will be raised up. While the statues of old will be taken down. All of known history absent of socialism and communism will be erased as if it never was. All dissenting opinions will be muted and forbidden. All so called conservatives will be muted and silenced. All Christians will be muted and silenced. 
President Trump will be forced into self imposed exile. The financial loses for Trump and his family will be huge. To the degree that His named will be voluntarily removed. 
Added on 18 Jan 2021
Donald trump and the entire trump organization will be hounded and any one who does business with Trump will be ridiculed and maybe denied access into nations, states and cities. Donald Trump will continued to be pressured for the rest of his life as well as the entire Trump family. Threats and violence against President Trump and his family will be daily. Violence will actually happen from time to time. The perpetrators will be declared as heroic instead of as a criminal.
 To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.
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