Showing posts with label Criminally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criminally. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2024

These Colors Don't Run, They Fade, Bleed, Tear And Burn: (Unedited): 10 May 2024:

American Flag Images - Free Download on Freepik
How do you define the fade and bleeding of your precious and beloved colors? Have you grayed out or blackened your colors? Have you added new colors or simply deleted the old colors? Do you see what you have done as cool, while looking at other peoples colors and are offended? 
Blue isn't blue and red isn't red any longer. 
The bleeding of the colors was always intended to happen in the origin. 
The introduction of new colors will always contaminate the original intention and ruin the purity of the whole garment or flag.
It does not matter if you think and believe the addition of any new color is cool, offensive or constitutionally acceptable. 
Do remember that your chosen grayed or black colors of your own displayed flag can be a symbol of death.
Bleeding out is also similar to the bleeding within. 
The death of one when it bleeds out and is the ending state. While the bleeding in transforms the other into something that is not of it's original state. Either way the original does not continue. 
The belief system of the ole red, white and blue has also been discontinued and soon to be criminally outlawed. The cost will be you and your families death.
The American voting system is completely and criminally corrupted. No effective changes have been made by any side. This is a sign.
Even though it is now public knowledge that many key states have now known obvious issues which seem to have been planned, coordinated and orchestrated. Yet, nothing is being done. This is a definitive sign of the end of the nation has already occurred.
The end of the USA begins when their God is rejected, laws of protected sin are created, outlawing good actions and the end of justice. Once you have people who are above the law and excluded from the law while everyone else is under the ruthless thumb of the law. Your freedom loving nation has already ended and you know nothing of it. 
2024 and 2026:
Can you imagine that up to 20 states can become blue states in the next two election cycles? From the top down. From the federal government down to the state, county and city level. All turns blue. A severe form of justice will swing against those who are and remain Christian's and constitutionalist's.
Law enforcement will continue to be tasked with ignoring some laws while brutally enforcing laws in which the old good citizens are discovered to be breaking. Just as what you are witnessing right now and neither the red or blue are stopping any of it. When the conservative does anything wrong they shall be killed or imprisoned while the wicked evil doing leftest liberal can destroy businesses, monuments and government buildings and nothing is done. This what you are seeing right now and in recent history will get worse as all law enforcement will protect the wicked evil doers and brutally attack the historical good nationalists. This will evolve into the sanctioned use of military warplanes and missiles against the new home grown terrorists and all other former military personnel and their families. 
2028 and 2030: It will become known that the good guys have lost just as the good guys lost in the Chinese civil war and in Lebanon. It seems to be rare that the actual good guys really ever win. Just study how many nations were Christian before the rise of Islam. Look at the spread of Communism and how many died. We fought two world wars against socialism. Saved the Jews from extinction and now the young people of the world sing songs about the goodness of genocide.
So, What are you gonna do? What can you do? Do not get me wrong I'm not questioning your honor, commitment or bravery. Sometimes all that you can do is the purple words below and all of those are impossible without Christ Jesus. 
Update 11 May 2024: I guess the use of an American flag got the banned. Trying another image. Second image banned as well. That second image was from a free site.
Note: I'm not anti-American and this is not an anti-American posting/writing. 
Update 12 May 2024: Looks like I will have to make my own American flag image.
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Rise Of Tactical Criminals Prophecy +6: (Unedited): 17 Dec 2023:

 Just as any good person desires to improve themselves so to shall the criminally minded. 
The evolution of the criminally minded is still very individualistic. 
Individual criminals are becoming more tactical and strategic in their everyday criminal activities. 
Vision: I see dark shadowed people fully covered and hiding with a clear view of windows. As the home owner approaches his front door he is shot many times through his windows(?vectors?) and his wife lays dead next to him. They shadowed people gain entry and kill the rest of the occupants as they rob at their leisure. Even though this vision is of one family in one home. Somehow I instinctively or by assumption know that hundreds of homes are singled out and attacked. 
It seems like common knowledge that criminals tend to use their guns in a spray and pray methodology. This practice will evolve into more effective fire.
Vision: I see many poorly dressed men and women who also speak poorly learning to tactically shot targets. They are learning patience in shooting as well learning the meaning of target acquisition. 
As the criminally minded becomes more and more tactical and then more strategic. The local law enforcement communities will no longer have an advantage as it will be the officer who begins to fear the criminal. 
Vision: I see entire blocks in cities becoming no cop zones. This shall also be an evolution when the criminals have learned how to be urban warriors and snipers. 
The criminals who no longer want to be incarcerated will not choose to become a good peaceful person. They will choose a physical criminal life enhanced by tactics and strategy. 
In those homes where the armed good and peaceful citizen inhabits. The tactical criminal will lie and deceive in order to get the home owner to open the door and then they rush in with guns a blazing.
Vision: I see where the criminals knock on the door claiming to be the local police and then after a reasoned time frame. The criminals begin to shoot through the closed front door as they rush inside. They do not retreat as which has happens in the past. This is a coming evolution. 
I see many new front doors, front walls and security cameras all at once installed. All of the porches and entrances all look different just as all of the people are different. 
The great evolution happens when delete, delete, delete. 
No comments recorded.
Law enforcement shall be in continual and increasing threat. 
LAPD in California is about to graduate new law enforcement officers who are not even American citizens. Look for changes in California state gun laws especially when the first non American cops are killed. This to shall evolve in the US military. It would be interesting in how the swearing in oaths are administered and the content of those oaths. Will the non American police and military units swear their promises to a political party, to a specific leader or mayor or governor? Where as the constitution and God are omitted? Is this the rise of political military militias who will be armed just as the US military is armed and yet not be American? In most every other nation the police and the military is the same. 
Added on 18 Dec 2023: Apparently gangs in Flint Michigan have organized, called a truce and learned how to operate a water plant. All of the gang members are carrying guns in their waist bands. Not sure how old this information is. The residents of close by neighborhoods walk to the water plant to get their water. Do your own due diligence and ascertain if this is the truth. This is a sign. 
Added on 17 June 2024: I see bad men rushing or storming into homes and killing everyone. Then once they are assured that no one is coming they begin to take their time to rob everything of value. (delete). I also see look out(delete),(delete).
Please help if you can. Thank You.
Cash App $vikingscotsman
Go and sin no more.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.

To live in peace with everyone.

To exist in harmony with all.

To Cherish all life.

To be obedient to the Laws of God.

To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.
All without any pride, ego, arrogance, supremacy and entitlements.