Showing posts with label Sensitives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensitives. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Empathic Time Waves Concept: Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 may 2016:

Note Form:
For the most sensitive of empaths. They can smell smells which have not been made. They hear the words of people who have not spoken them yet. They can see things which have not even become into action.
Sometimes I wonder why so many who know not the gifts they have been given seem to always know them all as curses. Medications they consume until their brain is numb and dumb. Maybe even chemically burned up.
An empath can see, feel, hear and smell those things which only ride the top of a profound time wave which like a stone tossed into a calm lake. Sends it's ripples outward in all directions. The empath being on top of the water can only see that which is facing them in the on coming wave. The closer the empath is to the source of the wave. The more clear and stronger their picture will be.
Think about it. In our natural state of being we see, hear, smell and feel everything? or do we? Think about that. Our human state of being is very limited as compared to other animals and in some cases at a distinct disadvantage.
If I'm not being clear. Try this. Go out into a safe place.  This is realized humor.
Here is the test for you. Go and just sit and then begin to focus on everything and everyone all at one single time. Try to see, hear, smell and feel everything and everyone all around you all at once. No excuses. Don't immediately accuse me of being silly because your defective human form has only given two eyes at the front of your face and you cannot see all around you at once.  Get it. smile.
Then travel to the beach. Go and enjoy yourself except for about 15-30 minutes. Be sure you know how to swim and watch out for under toes or is it under tows. Go out into the water to that safe place where you are comfortable and safe. Face the incoming waves and keep only your eyes above the water at all times. Yes, breathe occasionally if you have to. (More humor).
Imagine the waves covered in real time news feeds. With those family and friends the most highlighted. Imagine again but in truth. As each wave approaches what can you see, hear and smell? You can only see the front side of the wave as it approaches. The back side not so much. The information deep/dimensionality in the unseen wave can only be seen when you yourself go deeper into the information within that wave. The wave is more than the seen surface. But, once the wave is gone so to is that information. Coming at you quickly is another wave with additional information. If all you know is what is on the front side of the incoming wave. You begin to notice that all you know is bits upon bits of information in real time.
 But, if you can body surf or dive into the depths/dimensionality of that one wave of interest you can stay in or on that wave and know more actually, spiritually, and mentally. 
The speed of thought is greatly superior to the speed of light. The difference between the speed of thought and the speed of light. Can be equated to comparing a baby walker and a rocket ship or maybe one of them ultra cool UFO ships on the T.V.  Because if you can think of a person or place. Then you can actually be in that timely presence mentally, spiritually and maybe physically. But, that can be very hazardous if you do not have total control of every thought, emotion and desire. This includes knowing which are your thoughts and which ones are not.
Thought Concepts: (Unedited): 03 May 2016:
New thought Concepts become probable when you consider them possible instead of impossible.
To avert all of the coming bad and sad prophecies. We each must decide to do the following everyday, every hour, every minute and every second.
To Love one another.
To live in peace with everyone.  
To exist in harmony with all.  
To Cherish all life.  
To be obedient to the Laws of God.  
To become righteous and holy by the accepting eyes of God only.  
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed.  
Musings of an American Truck Driver books

Friday, December 14, 2012

Psychological Danger: (Unedited): 13 Dec 2012:

An angry and bitter empath is a psychological danger to young ones, who are unable to mentally defend themselves.  C.J.MacKechnie

Life can be hard and rough for some people. Especially, those persons who have been abused, abandoned and forgotten in some point in their lives. An older person who is an unknowing and unaware empath can have the ability to project into other highly sensitive people their own anger, bitterness, frustrations and negativity. Causing any person or any young person to always feel these negative emotions all of the time. So much so, that the young person grows up thinking and believing all of these negative feelings are their own. When they are not, but belong to an elder who is just angry and bitter with the whole world. It is very important to protect and teach the sensitive young person that their gifts of empathy is natural and from GOD. It is important to teach the sensitive the methodologies in how they can identify their own emotions and how to ascertain those emotions which are not their own.
These kids must learn these fundamental lessons of their natural selves and to know it is not from the occult or witchcraft. The sensitive child must be taught that these gifts are not what is wrong with them but rather what is right.  How the sensitive uses these gifts can be wrong and evil. Right and wrong needs to also be taught also the wisdom associated with them.
Being an empath is not just about receiving a feeling or feelings from other people and animals. There must be a complete pathway or a complete circle for an empath to feel. There must be a sender and a receiver. It is not necessary for a person to believe or disbelieve in empathy. An empath is and will be one in association to their natural abilities. I think there is much confusion with the Bi-polar diagnosis and the mind altering medication roller coaster. Which of course will not work in a person who is a natural unknowing and unaware empath. For the Christian to be diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and then medicated. This removes their ability to use the Christs gifts as Jesus had used them during his walk.
One of the ongoing false teachings with the whole of the Christian faith is the absolute rejection of anything which could be identified with the occult. This of course needs and should be guarded against. But, to such as an extent as to prevent the Christs gift from ever manifesting? This is wrong. No matter if it is from any religion, any defined place of holiness or the medical profession. Which after, decades of being on a medical roller coaster. The medical professional may advise on the use of electro convulsive therapy. Which of course will damage those regions of the brain until the Christs gifts are burned away forever.
At the top right of my blogger page is a donate button for PayPal. If you liked this blog, were inspired from it. Please help me out with just a little something.  Anything is greatly appreciated and welcomed. 

Musings of an American Truck Driver 